Dawn, Bowmanviile, at Mr. Geo. BRIGADIER GENERAL fTlT~1f '>D' .Jhso;2i ie ~r.R J1. Stapleton's. rV1 L ~ j(fj Davies e.Sceay r.F Misses June Ware and Marilyn C.IOrNEERorSeIRISe.,1M1- M Ricard ad M. arfeldHuch-IS STILL ACTIVE Clarke Nw ryToronto, at Mr. K. Ware's. - STeurk;fo al Ms ila YUK Brock;onoMrs. S.rGrant; 3, MrS (DO sns N KUGGEI!YUKONGrou aes 1 .R The Statesman la on sale at Fitzgerald, Mrs. C.Edwards and M U .H S A L S eAt oe uet Mdgar 2lst A dCmplightfu , rs. TgeiMs IocW andoa l mi,,. yress Du tr,5 op.snJc eeSudyvstr HOSTESS TO W.M.S. Donald Parka and Alan Morris, program was inicharge of Mms. Purdy J.Il MisMary Baldwin vsited at 0. W. Scotts.Bacrft 5 ayon Bucs Selby Grant. School choir under _____________ Phono 40r16 fiMis.Hooper's, Bowmanville Mr. R. Widdis' picture appear- TEA ON LAWN diancrootoatMRaymond Brucen GodnLeaman and Ronald eite Toronto StrTursay . several numbers wluch were Patterson were home on leave. He used ta be an the staff of WM. S. met at Mrs. M. H. ralenod.D adWlf A.C.Hall was home on lbave...........................................................................l - geal noe. oadWl ~m.q..Mi JGîso ssîte ws ueiO.C.S. and is now in the army Sala Tesa fenon li ramn favored with a violin solo in HaodAlnvstdhr. Ms .Gbo' itrwsget Scouts met Thursday with 28 cnutin ith a .Friendshl.P. excellent manner. "lWoodlanl HarldAlia vsîedhee o M ad rsJ îbonpresent. A competition was held Tea. The meeting was held li A good sermon was preached ta o Breezea," was pleasingly sung by Miss Almia Cuttell visted rela- Misses Myrtie Tamblyn and in First Aid. Three cornera are the house while the tea was serv- a fair corigregation at Shiloh an '~a ldrxeaelo Msen Doitgan -ives i oot n etn Myrtie Smith enjoyed a mtar completed and the fourth is flOw ed on the lovely lawn to about Sunday morning. Mary Aded ee oton Rey S. Littlewaod is attendlng trip eastward. bemng done. 60 ladies. IRoss Hallôwell bast his fine dog ery and Masters Ray Dudley, conerece.Mr. White was taken to Bow- Congratulations ta Miss Mar- Thinga .for the bale were on 0*1 Sunday by some unknown Keith WoodanRuelAded TeMse TureTrnomnleHsptlMy2tsu!. garet Roy, daughter o! Mis.W. S display. Mrs. R. E. Logan gave way. ,- Miss Ruth Abernethy f avoiredOS WAOT vlsited Mns McPherson. fering from a heart ailment. Roy, Orona, on passing her final the treasurer's report, and iss iisitors: . . .# . wit.aMpianoLsl. C a aea l year at Macdonald Hall, Guelph, Stella Best was appointed dele- Little Miss Helen Halloweill - . uMrs L. J. C. Langs gae anilfATtTheAY Mr. T.McNeil visîted at Gordon Mr. and Mis. Frank Pearson li the Homemakers course. gate to the Leadership Traiig t her grandparents, Mç. and Fr!an MarinS vaîed îsmoherMioF.Pe.- It is likely that next September School at Whitby. Miss M. Davy M .RskPr oeB. W. Browne, D... M.C. "umiatn wrd pagsiturexc teF aura Mrs. Gordon Martin visited her 5f the junior room of O.P.S. wll be gave a report o! the Preb il Mr and r.M Timl and Adjutant General, Department O! lentee r, nd her ge ye re IIE AUEC brother, Mr. Alec McNeil,'Ottewa. Sorry ta hear o! the ilinesa Of divided, with twa teachers iniat Brookli. eniîy, OsTrimble pMr.t.Su-Ntoa eec.oee elhfdheriaudience om En-LWE .Lloyd Myles has been tas Mrs. Fred Holdaway, also of her charge 'as there'il beabu 60 Mrs. Logan gave the scripture ka's. Osaa tM.M htNtoa eec.onhedeigf ul decriptionpat of- Jerred ta Niagara Fals. tas brother Glen. children attending. abu reading, and Mrs. Littlewood gave Mr. and Mis. Sid Hallowell . oth e o suChanroantic parqteod T A H MLO Milt Green bas joined the Air Orono Red Cross heîd a de- At Sun day School Mrs. Drum- a brie! outline of the Comniunity were in Toronto.__orelvdCna.heqte Force as a mechanic. light!ul afternoon tea and display mond toîd the story o! Peter's Friendshipwork as done by the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson Lockharts bchool words !rom Robt. Services poem~s W fIN L. Walker visited Mrs A. A. o! work Thursday. vision. The banner clas was Mis. secretaries, Mis. J. J. Mellor be- and family, Quay's Crossing, at which have been in no smail way with lnMwry-Gay Rolph. Mr. and Mrs. C. Powers and Armstrong's. This class also won ing the one from the local branch. Mi. Bert Trim's.I Hoea responsible for the grawth o!fooe The arros wee ~ Jim enjoyed a motor trip through it for the month of May, the third Mrs. Rowland Smith !avored witli Mr. and Mrs. Lew. Hallowdi Hmead Scbool Club met knowlcdge o! the Yukon, because MM hrfe t l Thes. I. wlnt er guestsof Ontario. month in succession. Miss Bertha a vocal solo with Mis. R., H. and famnily at Mr. Austin Turner's, May 28tb, withthe Club playi.ng the elocutioniat found his poems Mr. .J.Mllrspn îy Mrs. McElroy, Keith and Mar- Cain was pianist in the absence Brown at thepiano. The study Newcastle. host ta Antioch Home and Schoo mths uitbe forexprlesso and ureathe Fr.J .Mllrse Pida garet, ebr, visited Mrs. D. o! Miss Myrtle Smith. book "Links Betwcen East and' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yuîe and Club and Ne Park Cun thu euatdthracvs ntu he dramatie love stopar ofth li Toronto. Noble. B ey. P. L. Juil, Brooklin, speak- West," was introduced by Misa làmily, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm.ClbAou35erpestfrmcury____ Misa Stella Best enjoyed a mo- WMS and an afternoon tea er at Park St. Church Sunday M. Davy. Mrs. N. F. Porter and Sàvery's. Clu. Aout35te love hlm.m ounry tor trip to Montreal. was held at Mrs. M. H. Staples' morning, preached an ex~celent Mrs. Charles Wood gave an out- Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hallowell Antioch and 14 froni New Park, The Yukon lives iq t*he present, )rs. .Afred Jakeman sýent the on Tuesday. and timely sermon on the present Uine o! the life of Miss Archibald, at Mr. Wm. Stutt's, Orono. as weil as about 60 of oui own not li the past. They dreemed ofR VIA weekend i Brampton. Over $3500 was taken in at crisis. Bey. S. Littlewood at night a missionary in Trnîdad, and_________ club, so that the achool wasles a highway between Yukon anid BW oudToonoviitd W uda drig heNay eue preacbed an appropriate sermion Mrs.H. Wlsh n otlneo! the t aact.Vancouver.-Now that dream bhas T- t EB. Davey. . tag day. on "Christ and Pentecost." The. 1.1e of Dr. Lasih of India. Regular procedure of the meet- become a.reenity. Cnad andffothe ScuaRne- a lIn Mrs.Cran isvisiingin T- Orno ale uarOrtenoopmaie ThquartetternedtcotemprlseingwTheollladies eecadjournede afatotrteleig hghwa "& Mis Crne a isiingk' o- Mr. and Mis. Howard Linton o! Messrs. N. F. Porter, Colin Tay- lawn where they were served____ meeting had beem heîd previouvUS ..aeutd inefoio rot. K hacndyha ef o Florence, Marmora, vstdlar, Manley Littlewoad and B. E. a!ternoon tea by a bevy o! charnu-/ Visitos 'nyr. oaad svrl oomnain to move armaments and war suip-.A P N Dr. Logan, conrelatives here. selectian.waer ar adiringthe Patterson and Bill, Toronto, et were brought before the club. KihMEryhslf.frrltvshr.tr:M.adMs osad svrl rcmedtospist lsa a vacaton. to he Pacfie Coat. Mrs Paul Sodgras, Rocheterm.slPatterson's.ed .r.udMrs. Mc- tsealvage.Pcempaîgn,..sponsor-edalbye ThepiYukonpnlaradbv The uruggeda ATsNIGHTge Lloyd Myles and Mit Green la visiting ber parents, Mr. and~ Orona Horticultural Society met flowers and abrubs which adorai lay, West Hill, la with her daugh- the Club, was explained and the country o! imumensities, there be- were home on leave. Mis. Bobt. Rainey. May 27th. I the absence o! Sec- the large well-kept lawn, and en- ter, 'Mrs. R. Mercer. . . Mr. and co-operetion o! ail families re- ing 5,000 people to 2,000 square M ~~ n usa Orono male quartette rendered The Hldaway children arereayMsC.HrioMsF.jygsoilca. GntndMsVi-qse.Exuivrcmedd miles. It bas higbest mountains, music et Pontypool Sunday. viiting their grandpareiits, Mi. Hall performed the secretary's let Mercer with Wm. Mercers... that the Club should remember loneatriera, moateauiful Testre " Tant ____________________and Mrs. E. Hancock. duties. It was decided ta have the D UR Harold Bosch witb his grand- any o! aur boys in unifarni with a scenery and cletwnesfo ulh Park St. W. A. have a quilt on flower bcd et the Towni Hall at- UNION D Ulprnsii n r.ao Mr lt hswspse ytecu 50 ta 60 degrees below zero. RXHRIO the go with eilegedly over 5000 tended ta by members rather thon FOR SUMMER tinell. . . Mr. Fred Wlflte, Lind- Annuel picnîc wiil be held et the Ms ag ol !hrsi pieces in it. N.B.-We didn't hire help. W. E.. Davey and Bey.____ say, with hia niece, mis. Wm. Cream, o! Barley Park on Satur- down the Yukon and compared it retis aiv enure n M wvuu mt t Mi . W.. aa k' Gulpe oncil rea oin te grat. .a meeting o! Park St. 'Union Mercer... Mr. and M s. Plunkett, day, June 28th, with the execu- ta a dreax. Dawson city still attcndWg.th. R auain Go!ph beAcaneatndreaigthe! alebyuntil September was held Moaday Tronto, with her brother, Mr. tive handling arrangements. June stays and as o! old gld miniag dagherMagaet wo il e-th pesdetMr. . . amevenmng, with the winaiing whitë Evan unrl h a n meeting is ta be held June lltb being ita chie! k'dustry. She 44S U Vfl daYU gbe agrt b ile-tepeiet i.E am group as guesta o! honor. Pro- confined ta bed for six weeks. when election o! officera wiil be pointed out the immensity of H A T Y ter Wellesley Hospital k' the feUl. concluded the meeting. ceedings opened witIu crokinole, -Mrs. D. McMullen la agamn hl. hiiii hrdi carmn p eaucs - arged Uic ian-drnVen . .Fac H OURS 0F the Teacupa" ' nTursday's Star Red Cross dance and card party went ta Eileen Jons, wo woni Mrs. George Clarke underwent Before beginning the prograestko e n y.The l gest theso rgrigGeorge Laing's fisbing Friday evening. Dancing ta the tbe ladies' prize danated by Elsie a seriaus aperatian in St. Micthe rsdntcYukn i.H dprfonie the lshadybidea!_of______________ luck. strains a! Galloway's Orchestra Rawe, Bob Keene wbo won the ael's Hospital. Coathani, president o! Antîoch the bibis. From May ta October EU EUE I ~~~Mi. Charles Barrett la visiin was beld k' the tawn hall, with a gents' prise doneted by Marjorie Thursday aternoan the ladies Club, and Mrs. Murphy o! New lapreuldyiban e e.adT us Beuiui*vI~ bis father, Mr. William Barrett.luksptdceriee'gWaMDoe, and Chrissie Jordan o! the W. A. were entertained et Park ta bring greetinga froni their reed ail nigbt without the ald a! *M W W EU M The two o! theni are impraving by Lenara Wood and Don Ten- who won thc consolation prize the home a! Bey. and Mia. mc- clubs. lights. The people arc axnong tic Allah Jus-SsnaFue m mwvyWJmw .u henant. An expression o! apprecie- doneted by Elsie Rowe (a pencil Lachian for their manthly meet- The pragrani, which Was much best educated, thcy arc also cd-SefaSogau lsc telattcr's home with a coat o! tion fîor co-aperatian and presen- sa she's be better able ta cout in g. enjayed, was composed o! nmn- uceted k' music, dancing and l peint. tatian a! the prise wes k' charge aicxt tinue.) Games werc theai Girls' bell team journeyed ta bers !ram bath Antioch and New drame and teke active partin à1 Mia. McElroy, Peterboro, et- o! Mi. Herry Clarke. Mcanwbilecocnductcd by Miss McDawell. lie- Crooked Creek and were succesa- Park as follows: Musical selec- sno.rts. She told o! anc af her "H R ' A I tended the graduation exercises t carda were in pragreas et the freshmenta followed, convenedby ful. Returai game et the Park tians by e junior group froni New trilling eprecswietee W rzoNO Of G eeP Macdonald HallGp, as a L.O.L. roam, in charge o! Mi. W. Miss Margaret Millson. Brie! June loth. Park with Miss Shea et the piano; o! seeing thee 'nculeskofltheNMU C' h Flako Lye WU IL tak h guet of Miss Helen Foster wha E. Davey wbo expressed eppre- speeches wcre made by Elviai________ vocal duets by Mrs. Cantreil and Caribou, a! trips ta mounitain tops sdatri swl receivcd ber diplom. . ciatian on behal! o! the comnmit- Blewett who Uianked Uic Bcd Mis. Phaey, Antiocb; reading by and the generel beauties o! the NnyKlyl àddgrY Out 0f dOMMOn f tk. Misa Olive Brown bas eccepted tee and prcscnted prises for high and Blue groupa far their treat onl "arvcto os' cmt Jean Adamis, New Park; acpardian country."S O A DY RD It cleffa ciogged IJM. .. lftsae position with the Bell Telephane score ta Mrs. J. Morris and Mis. behel! o! Uic Whitcs, and by Elsie «,,rvcainden' emt selections by Ernie Lafigsdale, Thanks wcre cxtended ta Mrs. grema. and had-baked food of Cm k'yi Toronto as an ec- F. B. Whytc. Bowe wha on behalf o! the losing bother you. tbs ewhn Antiocb; vocal duet by Jean and Langa and ail others taking part. Frdyad at dy cutn.groupa taaigratulated Uic Whltcs "No, my boss tlsm hn Helen Adams, New Park. MonUily tcacher's prise wcnt ta F pous and pme ... It mes S ili- Mr. Lefloy Brown la k' London G IE ~ne and prcsented Uic crokinole and my wif e where." We wcrc fortunate k' heving Miss Bregg's roam, by reversion. TE LW GSAA0 bng md moubbing beum t as a Second Lieut. k' Uic GuelphGUD SC O E prises.___ for speaker Mi. Carlton, new Miss D. Millson's class won Uiche TATa] ttbrough dift ina a jcntneto!ts «lef. PA R LL AD R bthrSchaol Inspectar o! East Durham. annpisefrhvngtema a i any ag _____ne agh ie utme:"henwbuce The audience was much -inpreas- mothers -out for thc yeer. Mis. E1 ADG RBNO a di aretn'scbmny augitf re The firat meeting of the Girl Brown .s across Uic street is gîvang you cd by bis splendid talk about Uic Walter Woolley's group won Uiche .ndy Sunday, but burncd Itacif Out Guides o! Orono was held Thurs.- ___ aptta e uriculum and Uic results prize for most new membera. idd w w aI.g wltbout any nced o! callng 'Uic day et Uic achool, when plana tough cmptt i hion! st crstaciveHetrsdMi.FCrwrpredoUco.ru B0OKLUT b 5m.L. fîremen. wr eefruifruecad Hezel Farrow and Betty Steph- Butcher: eht's alrîght Teitsrvst civ.H tesdMs .Coerpr nte0 e USbn o0uIaCt Mi. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Mis. elso for study. egySontehesnpianosduoet stuertsgvime teorr as we th importda ce o! inestudy n U aic .A ndome s c bool F d ihzin These atrol eaderswere a tantvsua inds t erelots nd eraio ofers ene eetdfr I, C0be < t h CIUt 1OW pointed: Gwen Tennant, Ruth Phyllis Chala' musical recital tion.L" mimd properly. He made Uic work 1941-42: Past President, Mis. M. ~Cmetbi olu h K e.0w.t bd rà m Goode, Margaret Flinto!!, CarolinBwavle.M.nd is sound so interesting that, as Mi. J. Hutchinson; President, Mra. -m v. n Mbt.0 Staples, Lenora Woad and Jean Walter Farrow, Miss WylmaPar- Harold Gîbson said in moving a Chris Robinson; lst Vice, mri J lomua a.On Forrester. The graup coninittee row, Mis, Geo Stephensen and vote a! thanks, Uic adults listen -_____________________________ prcviously appointed la composcd Bbyin aiTreratne . ng !elt tbey bad been born to to SLW of: President, Mis. M. H. Stapica; thc recital. soon. vmw As ~~~~Secrctary, Mis. N. F. Porter; Trea- Bil Clark o! the R.CA.S.C. Ascahorndersmnt MIN .0 surer, Mis. S. Littlewood; Badge stationed ât Cornwall. ' r ocial our and refresnoents Convenor, Mis. J. J. MelUor; Coin- The Bcd Cross Conittce met.~~ evenmng. 1 920ga. mlttcc Members, Mis. A. A. Drunu- et Miss Ferne Webbcr's. Mrs. H-. mond, Mis. C. S. McLaren; Cep- Beichrath and Misa Wylnua Fer- ~ . . ..________ tain, Miss M. McDowell; Acting row will have charge o! a dence. Lieuts. Mis. F. Lycett and Mis. W. Next meeting et Mis. Wellington NE CA TL_____rdi Armstrong. Farrow's June llth. It wiil be ea 't 1>01s0?is a estep in Uic right direc- quilting and business meeting. VÇOYLA LGRIE suo? tonad l posaible support Viitora: . AT IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY saui b ivn'GrGide. Mi. and Mis. Brock Pehilck, A mcw flag, the gif t o! Ottawa, ne amam -/fOff@ Newtoavil. t M. C. Turner'. now flis daily from, the top o! I .rmI,JL4 d lMer Cet» Joit Mi. and, Mis. C. Turner and .. Newcaatle's municipal fleg staff. M ~- SamnMr.sud Mis. Walter Farrow It was reised et an impresaive ~ WIUU W sug f ad Hezel wcre k'Lidsy ceremony lest Sunday afternoon VIct.ry C&MpàIgn Mi. and Mis. Geo. Stephenson 115dM Colsmu as Momujgth g jta acquaint the populace that the *N.... phm-hp-nbo .~t . TJW P QUI a mna .cetwith fricadidnk'Barrie. NMr. and Wuiilpsof l tsh NO"y drive for Uic New Victory Loan .onof te s igne su l b.ste ,ot. Orono gave Hitler aniother slap Mia. J. Hilier returned home 0.15.. sOSOS *.* RSPIT had begun in carnest. Mi. Saxon _______________k ic h face Sundey afternaon with thern. MM~Ua.S - ARK ROYAL- * AIN Graham, cheirmen o! the local ________________________________________wben a service wes bcld et 2 p.zp. Mi. and Mis. B. Graheam et Mi. MOOTORPEDO BOA? T . n IS mcamnittcc, was cbeiriuan and cx- ____________________ink front o! Uic Town Hall tao!- Bert Crossley's, Cowaaivillc. 81»ma mial ,pitime of plained that wben Newcastle had theVlcoryBon Mr. eit Oristn sd Mss ITAN'S FIONTINO PLANES. rcached its quota of Uic boan Uic flcially open th itr od Ms et ritnadM ss» NOW 1 -Take the label from a tîn a< flag would be lawcred, e pennent campaigm. Led b y Manliy Little- Joan Beed, Oshawa, with msS. C. denu 'Crown Syru'-write your aend ttcd and the flag hoisted ~~~~~~wood and flemkcd by Bon Patter- Turner. addru o th back with the fln l= PCIagtaîn.He ekdctsest c rWO L D T O R A G E son, wbo was home on legve, J. J. MisseJeanePerone sud Ms-. BihHelot, label for oach pic- Meilos- and bis Scouts sud Cuba MsseanPern n M. il itelbe frehpi-the !lag. If the boan igoc oves- a Have our fr coa stord lucertiied Cld StrageMorle4in Lndsaycertain sumdre carsinconda pcondantna wiill avl& e rf-col trerlu ertfed eCold Srygemarchcd froni the Scout -Hall ta Tejui Lindsay. her ws uie Valt.Scetllalyrergeaed1 gv el dythe town hall with H. Myles, B. Lt1Dp.AC, b tabd hr a ut GURNEY HAmE N Jw< ab rthse protection of your garments agaluat, sur Cooper, C. Cornisb and M. Rich- CnLtelregte-go eiet n demate wsrie aUc o i îbtesnigo aaa e by nioth aund otiser injecta, as weîî sa sum ardson beerlng the fleg. The flag N w o v eTomtot . visitors and the meeting opencd RANGES FOR 7.Y A hewas asung yth oseogthercd sanage Thursday. MissY C.MSt:w- CaetPercy Hoalcln's. Gog munity hall and grounds present- am OOiY s Mi. and Mis. Gog Walton, e d an attractive eppearance with M ________________________________________Combluallon Petes-boro, et Mr. Bs-ock Petbick's. the mamy flegu an the building Topo ? Mi. and Mis. Wm. Cowan, Osh- and others rcgulerly spaced on 11 Dor wMi. sud Mis. Jack Cowan, the lawms froni Mn St. ta Mis. ., oouSixtb Lime, et Mi. Bruce Whit Toplift's housé.Ba SHEPPARD &GI LUMBER CO@ I eu itsues gas. Rnd YU j May m.Vct 0111 LIM lIED nd Margaret Roand Mary -MNv e ec I efor Active Ses-- h' phoneowma18 a nd Boy Berry et Niagara Falls.cmlR ç Mi. and Mis. W. W. Hendes-son C og ANMS The wepons are reedy for sud Mi. sud Ms-s. Arthur Bell and YOU-EnUlst now. PAGE ELEVICN TIJE CANADIAN STATESMAN, iOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ý:1 TxlwD-ýY, JUNE 5, 1941