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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1941, p. 12

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ON SALE TgSA.«J-- - 4 PAGE TWELVE6 The Newcautlt j Phone Ch The Statesman is 5c a copy ai Andcrson's Ding Store. Mrs. Frank Bail, Taronto, is spending UIh suminer ai The Newcastle Ans. ReV. IR. E. Morion sud H. R. Pearce are attcnding Uic Bay of SQuinte Cariference ai Belleville, Misses Ruth Hsucock sud Helen M. Smith spcnt Uic weekend with Mr. sud Mus. Adair Hsucock, To- ronta. 1fr. sud Mus. Chas. S. Hogg, Touanto, wcne wcekend guests of Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., sud Mrs. Rîckard. Misses June sud Marie Ahlin sud Master Glenn Aflin spent Sunday ai Chief Sidney Venton's, Bowmanviile. Mfr. Stanley Rickard is tcaching ai Courtice, taking the place of Principal Cccil Robinson who has gone ia l ndustry. Mr. John Carlin, faimeily of Oshawa, is now ergaged wiUi Mu. R. B. LeGresicy, and is iadging ai Mr. Arthur Bail's. Congratulations are cxterided ta Mu. Lloyd Hsucock sud bride, farmerly Miss Betty Pingle, an theire mariage on Saturday. Mu. Jack Hare has taken a posi- tion for thc summer with Uic sur- veyors on Uic big construction program of Uic D.I.L., Pickering.t Mus. J. G. H. Wallace sud1 daughter, Mus. Rusi D'Eyc, spcnt the wcckcnd ai Dam'Olc which Uicy have rentcd for Uic summer. Mu. sud Mus. Milton T. Biette, Winnipeg, Mrs. Geo. -E. Nicholson sud Mra. Roy H. Short werc re.- cent guests of their sisteir, Mus. Frank Afin.t A number of Newcastle public i sud high school pupils sud icach- crsl arc taiking of gaing aven ta Uic Niagaira district ta pIck fruit, bcginning with strawberries. Annual meeting of Newcastle Upper Canada Bible Society wil be held lu Uic United Church S. S. 1 on June 25Ui. An ulustrated lec-a ture wiil be given anid ail are i coudiaily invited.a Congratulations ta Mu. Sharpe t ee I A N R haet]hse i oa launry .opeatedloir..m a 7e!sbyuiclt hueL I N E Noli hiEWo or ui lies sudassre yu ofti i clan ud pomptservce a MeANAGEMENTces n Temuaiic-oerSt B-ormnvill B Iideiedemt arke 1114 tof His Majesty's Rayai Mail Ser- vice and Mira. Sharpe on the birth of a baby daughter, and alsa ta 1fr. and Mrs. Ed. Barchard on thc birth of a daughter. 1fr. Walter Douglas, New Youk, visited his mather, Mum. John Douglas, supervising sanie altera- tions ta hier home. Mfr. and Mira. H. J. Ragen and Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, Toronto, were also here. Mira. Sloarie, rice Miss Alberta Colwill, Midland, Texas, has been visiting relatives here this past wcck. For Uic paat year she and heu husband have been living in Indiana but intend. ta returri ta their home in Midland, Texas. Next Sunday ia Confererice Sunday sud Rev. R. E. Morton is going ta his aid home church of Keswick, exchanging with Rev. Gardon Lapp, well known leader lu boys' work and a former pre-1 mier of the Older Boys' Parlia-1 ment.1 Mu. J. H. Jase attended the sale( of donated Holstein heifer calvesz at Brampton on May 27th. Thec sale was sponsored by thc Hal-1 stein-Friesian, Asociation of Can- c ada and ail puoceeds went ta Uic British War Fund. Mu, Jase aisoc remamned at Brampton for Uic Na-s tional HoLtein sale on Uic days following, uiider the managements of Mu. R. M. Holtby, Part Pcrry.a DR. L. B. W]ILLIAMS PRESENTSr PICTURES 0F DURHAM 1: Dr. L. B. Wiliams, Toronto, r prophet of wooded valleys andt tre.clad hills in Durham, of flow-c ing waters sud fertile fields;0 prophet of a rcjuvenated Durham f with fiourishing farmsteads andr prosperous homes on Uic side Uines and all Uic back concessions,1 gave an illustrated address in Uic community hall, Newcastle, last Friday evening, and prescnted the assemblage with more facts sud j information of -the truc state of t agriculture in his native countyn than governmefl4s have doneinc the past five debades. And mnci- dcntally he gave the tree planters t prescrit moue good advicc and cri- 0 couragement than msuy, of them k iiad rcceivcd in a Ie time. He tj pointed out that the wooded area t in Clarke Tp. was oniy 2 % of thse whole. The pcrccntage is only a lîttie highcr in Darlington and some of the other townships. This La a tragic condition. He showed several pictures of once prosper- ous f arma where splendid men h and womcri werc rcarcd; but E mrany such farns are now aban- J1 doricd, houses and other buildings 1Y going to ruin because of the was- IK tage of wood in the past, hila left 1V ta the mcrcy of burning auna and vy swccpmng winds; Uic once ever Pý flawing streams now torrents in C the spring time then dry guiches R the reat of Uic ycar, fertile top G souls scorchcd and blowzi awgy by xi winds or washcd off by March tc flooda. The doctor's thesis was: s] Durham has becri ravagcd of uts 1e basic wealth, its foreats and waod- IV aits; if the fanms arc again ta IK irosper a large percentage of Uic L land must be rcforcsied. That al [ovcrming bodies sud individuassD are wakirig up ta this nced is scen El by the fact ihat about 7,000,000 Si treca werc distributed for plant- M ing from the Orono nurseries laIt se year si Among the many pictures in W naturai colour Uic dactor showcd IM relative ta his subjci were -somne te of the lake shore at Mann's Point, D, wcst of Bowmnillrie; aihers of CI the high hills of Clarke sud the K eforesisiiori prajecV beini car- in îced an there; ofthp sprinigs an. MIr. Levi Skinncr's,.xfaumi where at THE CANADIAN StTESMAN, BOWMANVILE, ONTARIO Bowmarivilce gets ia water sup- ply, with Mu. Skinner and his grandchildren in Uic aceen - and apropos of this thc doctar thought if Bawmsuville was givin' due thought ta its future water asup- ply why dacsn't Uic tawri buy sev- cirai acres marc land around Uic apringsand plant Uic arca ta treca in order ta conseryc the maisture; pictures of many a once Uiriving farm in Uiecocunty, naw almoat a barreni waste, bills as bare as the tops of baldhcaded men. Such a fanm as the Smith's in Darlingion, which Gea. W. and R. S. McLaugh- lin couid tillabout, la but anc af many whose glory ia gane. There were pictures of the King's High- way No. 2, anc with Mu. Wm. Ar- gall's house showiug ai Uic bat- tom of Uic hili which is the site of Newtonville cemetcry; pictures taken ai Mu. Thas. Bakcr's, one of a gisut edm that the waodmas axe has spared and by a tape Uine drawn arourid il shows ta be over 19 ft. in circuniference, sud an- oiher picture of Mira. Baker's scrap books filled with clippinga of family, cammunuty, provincial and national intereat; pictures of sanie of naturc's awn reservairs such as the pools of Pontypaal, and sanie of the Lake Shore uaad east of Newcastle, sud in cnc- tion with some of thesc whcre Uic road was uecently bult anew a littie fauther from Uiec diffs he made the comment that Clarke Council wauld have donc a better :hing wiUi Uic brush af Uic trees eut down if it had had il Uirown ovcr the dliffa ta hclp protect them from Uic waters of Uic lake rather Uian having it burncd as it did. Dr. Williams' address ap- pears in part in suother column. Mu. J. H. Jase, Pies. of UicelIai- ticultural Society, acted as chair- nan, sud midway in the program, Mru. Willis was given an appar- tunity ta spcak in behaif of Uic ncw Victary Losu sud of Cana- Ia's warn riedw. After the pro- gram officers and direclous enter- taincd Dr. sud Mua. Williams sud othei gucats ta lunch in the hall kitchen. Proceeda ta be sent to he Teiegram's War Vicimîs' Fund toialled about $36.00. Zion Visitors: Mu. Victar Parkin, Miss VeIma Balson, Mus. Annie Hsubrari, Kinsale, Mu. sud Mus. J. W. Balsori, Hampton, Mu. and vira. Foster Snowderi sud Anu, Kedron, at Mu. Ansan Balson's... Mrn. ard Mus. Geo. Scott, Max- well's, Mu. sud Mua. Gcrry Glas- peh, Whitby, Mu. and, Mus. Ralph Qlaspell, Tyrone, Mu. -and Mus. Ray Scott, Ohawa, Mu. sud Mus. Gea. Armour,.-Misses Bertha Ar- mour sud Edith Rackham, HarAP- ton, at Mu. F. B. Glaspell's. .. Mu. and Mus. Arthur Moore, Enniskll- ln, Miss 'Irene Pascac, Toronto, Mr. and Mus. Evereti Mountjoy, Kedron, Mu. and Mira. Arthur ,arigmaid anid Evelyn, Columbus, at Mu. Frank Pascoe's. . .. Misses DOis sud Ella Millson, Messrs.j Eber, Jerry and Stanley Miilsan, aUlna, Mus. Gardon Short sud1 Iurray, Maxwcll's, at 1fr. Rus- 1 ~iel Stainton's. . .. Mu. sud Mus. tanley Coverly and Lloyd, Mu. Xalicr Brown, Ebenezer, Mu. and Ira. Ivan Cochrane sud daugh- ýrs, Bowmarivihle, Mu. sud Mus. leilbeut Flintoff anid sans, Mu. lifford Johns, Miss Betty Brown, i :edron, Mu. Lloyd Flinioff, Baw- isuvihle, at Mu. Wes. Cameron's. ..Miss Jean Balsari, Hampton,1 it Mu. Gsrfield Trevall's. ..Miss 1 BIRTH - TINK-Iri Bawmanville Hospital an Thuraday, May 29th, 1941, ta Mu. sud Mira. Bruce TinIc <nec Jeasie Orniislon), So1Unia the gifi of à sari, Lamne Douglas. 1 . 23-1 DEATH, OSBORNE-Ini Pickering Town- ship, May 2lst, 1941, Darothy Arn Colwiil, widaw of the late Thomas C. Osborne, in her 88th year.1 Card of Thênkas Mu. Parnaby Martin sud family wish ta thank ahl their friends and neighbors for the msuy kinduess- es shown theni during thic llness sud afier the 'death of a deairly beloved wif e and mother,and for the beautiful floral tuibutes and other expressions of symnpatIýy. Real Estate For, sale REAL ESTATE FOR, SALE - 9 rooni solid brick hause, central- iy lacated, village of Newcastle, hardwood floora throughout, modern conveniences, hot watcu hcating, ruring water, good repair. Apply ta Mu. Murray Eilbcck an the premises, King Si., Newcastle.- 23-2 FARM FOR SALE - 50 ACIRES Ai soul, modern buildings, hy- dro, 11/ miles north of. No. 2- Highway, 3 miles fuam Whitby. Good locality. Will' sacrifice. W. J. Richards, Lot 2, Con. 3, Pickering Twp. 22-2* FOR SIL - SOL!]) BRICK hanse on Centre St., Bowman- vile, modemn canvenence; il' be sold ceap taoseupan estate. Apply A. co E. :an King St West. il if Parents Attsntl@ui'" Parents of chlldren beginning school in September are request- cd ta register them with the Town Nurse, Mliss Taylar, at Central Schapi, on any morning af the first;twa weeks af June. If pire- ferrcd, pupils of the South Ward rnay be registered on Tucsday afternoans at South Ward Schaol. Besides the registration requir- ed, Miss Taylar wouid like ta discuss heaith prabienis with the mathers of beginners. 22-2 Irene Crossman, Kedron, at M M. Morgan's.... Mirs. F. Gralngei Misses Marguerite Martin, an Irene Maulette, Mfr. Fred Par * Toronto, Mr. and Mirs. Ed. Pa and Roy, Miss Myrtie Short, Kid ron, Miss Marion Martin, HOz mony, Mfr. Fred Wright, Solinî Miss Greta Thornton, Oshawa, a M'r. Thos. Martin's .. . . Mr. ani Mèrs. Ted Chant, Gary and Carol Hlampton, Mir. and Mrs. Isaa, Hlardy, Stanley and Dorothy, Sa lina, at Mr. Reford Cameron's... Mfr. and Mrs. John Sutter, Max well's, Mr. and Mirs. Christiai Stor, Taronto, at Mir. Hans Geiss berger'sg. . . . Mfr. and Mirs. Jas Gibson, Mr. and Mirs. Fordyci an~d daughter, Toronto, Mr. anc Robt,,Hay, Mfr. Robt. Hoy Jr. Mfr. and"-Mrs. Harry Fisher, Osh awa, at Mr. Ray Cameron's .. M'iss Jeanr Leach, Mrs. Gea. Gra. ham and Barbara, Bowmanville M,'iss Pearl Leach, SaUnha, at Mfr Norman ..a.._, . Mr. Jas. Me. M'aster, Misses Jean McMastel and Elsie Ingr;am, Toronto, Misi !va Gardon, Oshawa, Mir. Aiel vlcKittrick, Collingwoad, at Mr J. W. Me)Màstdr's. . . . 1fr. and Mm~, John Shackeltan and sang, Bownîanvmle, 1fr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Vivian and daughters, North 0zhawa, at Mu. Fred Cameron's, ..Mr. and Mrs. Shire and son, Mr. and Mirs. Paige, Uxbridge,M1r. Vernon Osborne, Miss Joyce Ed- gar, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf,' Mapile Grave, at Mr. AUf. Ayre's.... Rev. Jna. McLachlan, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Staitnan, Mr. and Mirs. Car- lle Stainton, Messrs. Stanley and Lloyd Staintan, Whitniey Lang, Taronta, Miss Elinor Stainton, Ur. and Mrs. Carl Bradlcy, Mr. Rnd Mrs. Hugh Gamman, Oshawa, Ur. and Mrs., Chas. Warren, Mfr. John Jacks, Hamapton, Mr. and Krs. Hoskin Smith and daughte NIrs. Ormiston, Enficld, Mtr. su Wrs. Nanman Doa, Ebenezer, Ir. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert Sa- !na, Mr. and, Mus. Harvey Cross- nan,- Kdon, Miss Eiieen Stairi- .n Bawmanvlillc, at 1fr. A. T. 3timtn' and Mrs. Har- )Id, Hayes, Caiumbus,'at 1fr. Fred ýobbmns'. . . . Mr. and Mirs. Ed. awney, Miss Darathy Downey, [ra. Gea. Downey, Bawmanville, ?te. George Dgwriey, Pte. Rich- d Downey, Camp Borden, at 1fr. ian. FI>her's. . .. Mu. 'and Mua. 1L. Pascoe, Salina, 1fr. and Mira. ýrthur Moore, Enniakillen, Mira. re Langmaid, Mua. Ane Lang- naid, Misses Vida and Flarence sngmald, Oahawa, Mfr. and Mira. Fordori Leask, Ewart and Eunlce, îunton, Misses Evelyn Awde id Irene Pascae, Toronto, 1Mr. Lrchie Kelth, Oshawa, Misses ean and Marlon Johns, Bowman- lie, Messrs. Wallace Munday, laple Grave, Liayd Broome, lamptan, at Mfr. Lu~ther Pascoe's. The anniversary services an înday werc well attended. Rev. .McLachian, Newtanvlle, was le speaker at bath services. The hildiren furnlshed the muuicin le afternaon sud the choir at the vening service. Proceeds $112.5o.. in Moday evenlng the Piay cri. led "Cioaed Lips" was put an yTyrane Y. P.* Between acta, lssirs. Scott and Moutsan fuir-. shed music which was enjaycd yail. The play was very well Yen and )4Ad> a good moral in It Sthe yaung mecn of today. Pro- ,ds $33,75. . I I te bE 1' I JO i ti Rc Dc mi Pt art AI A. Ar ni Go a Ar, Jei Ha Su] J. the jchi the tit1 by Ma Dy gii for -ceei Seeds For Sale' FOR SALE - HUSTLER SEED Potatoca, gaod size, good caak- crs, ie peu lb. for quick sale. Apply W. G. Wattcn, R. R. 2, Burkcian, phaone 2377. 23-i Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - ONE 5-YEAR-OLD Jersey caw, due ta freshen right away, accredlted, and iist- ed ini the Federai Biaod Test. Alsa a young tearn of horses, 4 and 5 ycars aid. Appiy ta M. C. Smith, Burketon, Ont. 23-1* FOR SALE - FOUR COLLIE Pups, $2 each. M. W. Blackburn, R:*R. 6, Bowmanvillc, ph on e 2Ï77. 23-i* FOR SALE-TWO BROOD SOWS and 6 smail pigs. Apply W. J. Miler, Hamptan. 23-1* FOR SALE - EIGHT YOUNG pigs, 5 weeks aid. John Nichais, R. R. 3, Lot 25, Can. 3,- Darling- ton. Phane 2168. 23-1 FOR SALE - JERSEY COW, 3 years aid, due to freshen June iSth, also Holstein cow, 2 years aid, miiking. Appiy Chas. Run- die, R. R. 3, Bawmanvillc, Phone 2246. 23-i Auction Sales Auction Sale at the home of Uic laie Thos. MeMuhlen, Scugog St., 4th hanse north of C.P.R. station, on Saturday, June 7th. The under- signed will sell by public auciiori the household furniture including Airway vacuum cleaner, chester- ficld suite, dining rooni and bcd- roani furniture, ruga, Beattyelec- trie washcr, 3 electric radios, sud many ather articles. Sale ai 2 p.m. D.S.T. Hause and lot,' inciuding thuce garages, wiJI also be offered subject ta reserve bld. Elmer Wil- bur, Auctioneci. 22-2 The undersigned has received instructions ta seil by public auc- tian a quantity af hausehold fur- niture and furnishings ta dlean up an estate <name withheld by request). This furniture cantains some gaod walnut pieces and many good antiques. As there is very littie smali àtuff in this sale, it is a gaod apportunity for athers ta put in a limited quantity of goads ta be sald at the same tume. Thase wishing ta do sa, please contact auctioneer or clerk. Sale at 1.30 p.m. D.S.T., an Saturday, June l4th, in the open sheds on Cities Service Garage praperty, King St., Bowmanville. Terms cash. Chas. Mason, Clerk; Wm. J. Chals, Auctioneer. 23-2 lWilson's Furniture Co ýc Summirer Specials -Refrigeratars, coal ail stoves, decc chairs, pillows, conifonters, lampa, dressera, chest drawers, couches, n electric rangeties, wa r grass ruga, etc. e huner Sprint Mattresse S$888 Good looking h eavy spring-fiiled mattresses, davered i durable fancy iicking. wrnl give yau years of confort. AUl sizes, at an amazingly law puice. Floor Covcrlng Speclal $1%49 Borderless rugs 6x9, slinoleums, i ail wdths. The laug- est display of floor caveringsansu uga i checity. Wilson's prices *are lower! . New Chesterfield Suites $3950 Modemn spring-fillcc Chesterfield suites, excellent cov- erings, carvevi shaw-waod. A real buy. Chesteufield suites in heavy figurcd rich velours, luxuriant .deep-seated comfort, custani-buili styles, fully guaraniced construc- tion. We carry a large selection ta choase froni and aur pices are always lowcr. Bedroom Suites $S9-93 Thuillingly new, amart waterfahl designi. This is an oui- standing buiv. At Wiison's you cari find yaur hcart's desire in a bcd- roornisuite. Modemn sud eriad designis. Wllsoris lawcr oveîhead means lower pinces ta yau. Walnut Steel Beds $498 New stieamilined wal- nul steel beda, ail sizes. Wonder- fui value. Studio Couches $15-95 àping-filled studio couches Ii attractive caveuinga. 50 beautiful studio couches ta choose fram ai bargain pruces Uiat wlll save yau mariy dollars. TRADE IN DARGAIINS Sacrifice pices for immediate clearance. Il Pays ta visit aur trade-in deparimeni. The laugeat stock In oui histary. 30 Used Chesteufield Suites ----$5.00 up 0 Dining Rooni Suites, $14.00 up Quebec Cook Slaves - $5.00 up Large Axminsteu Rug $6.00 Buffet--- - $6.00 Extension Tbe~$3.00 Cupboaud -- $4.0 Dresser --------..---- $4.00 Beds.----------------- . -.o100up Severai Breakfast Suites, Kitchen Ç abinets, Couches, Wardrobes, Reitzman Piano, China Cabinets, Criba, Prama, Desks, Refrigera- tara. Came early for choice selectiori' as these baugains wili be plcked up quickly. FREE DELIVERY1 Wilson'. Furniture Co. 40 Ring W. 26 Chureh St. OSHAWA 23- CladsfiedAd Rates one cent a word cash,"*ecd insertion (minimum charte 25c). Charge of 25o extra la. made when advertlsement la ,lot pald same weck as iser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are dlreeted to a Statesman box number. Biths, deatha and marriages 50oc cah. In Memoriam,50oc for notice plus 10e per lune for -verse. Classlfied adver- tisements acceptcd Up until 6 p.m. Wcdnesday. Articles'For Sale FOR SALE-EARLY AN~D LATE Cabbage, eariy and late Cauli- fiower, Red Cabbage. S. J. Jackman & Son, Bawmanviile. 23-2* FOR SALE -HlARD AND) SOFT basebail bats. S. J. Jacknian & Son, Bowmanville. 23-2* FOR. SALE-THRESHING OUT- fit, 28.50 horse power hart parr Tractar, 36.50 Goodison Separa- tar, International Ensilage Cut- ter. These must be sold ta close an estate. Wili seil cheap. Ap- piy Mrs. David Grahami, R. R. 6, Bawmanvlle, phone 2452. 23-2 FOR SALE - ABOUT 100 LEG-. horri hens, 1 yr. aid. Also want- cd ta buy a yaung ealf. Appiy George Burrus, R. R. 5, Baw- manville, phone 2649. 23-1 FOR SALE-MAROON ENGLISH Pram in gaad condition. Will seli cheap for cash. Phone Bow- manvîlle 2584. 23-2-1* FOR SALE-MODERN BEATTY Washer, reiabie party ta take over balance of payment. Phone Masan & Dale. 23-i FOR SALE-VACTUUM CLEAN- er, compiete with attachments. Will sell cheap for cash. Appiy Mason & Dale. 23-i FOR SALE - ENGINE DRIVE Washer, in goad candition, wili seii reasonable, terms if desired, Appiy Masan & Dale. 23-i FOR SALE -CEDAR POSTS, 8 ft. long, 20e post. Phone Bow- manville 2122. 21-3 FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congoicuni rugs. Select yaurs from over 300 patternis actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Fuir- niture Store, 156 Slmncoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up ta 50 % on tires and tubes, inciuding new Goadyears, Do- zninian Tires. Full stock, in all sizes fram $1.00 up. G. F. Jamnie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Siiver St. 14-tf ýk BABY CHICKS-LOOD TEST- S, cd Leghornet and Rocks, mixed, S sexed and started pullets. R.O.P. S: slred chicks. AUl eggs praduced on aur farmn. Low pices on Rocks and Leghorn cackerels. Alvin Ciemens, phone 2433, y Bowmanville. 13-tf ,OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE eStore - Everything in modern, " Chesterfield, bedroam, dining suites, and studios. Bedding sud floor coverings a speciaity. Quality merchandise at corn- y Petitive puices. Before buying visit Bradiey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- s awa. 19-tf FOR SALE - BINDER TWINE We have been succesaful nà pur- chasing a limited quantity of tesame extra high quaiity Twinc we carried sat year and our Prices are aiways right. Ta *avoid disappointment we sug- S gest yau place your order naw t as it costs you no mare and we canuot gua"antee deiivery on late aorders. Capo Cattie Spray An excellent spray at a very reasanable pince. Turnips, Mil- lets, Sudan Grass, Coarse Sait, Bug Killers, etc. Stewart's Secd Store, phone 577. 23-1 tF U R N I T U R E BARGAINS AT Morris Ca. for the June Bride- 3 roam @Pt. campieteiy furnish- ed-$227. Outfit includes il pc. living raam group, 56 items for the dînette and il pcs. for the madern bedrooni. June Sale of Bedraom Suites, new designs, from $37.50; Breakfast Sets, na- tural au enamel, $29.50; Dining Room Suites, for larger- room $98-50; Sttudio Sets, lounge and matchin'g chairs, $47.50; Ches- terfield Suites, 2-3-4 PC. sets fram $39.50;' Bcd Oufts, bed, spring, mattresa, $14.95; Spring-, filled Mattres "Hatel Style," $12.95. Came in and sec these anid many other Speciai June Values. Whalesaie prices are rising-make yaur selectiori uow and inveat yauu savinga in Vie- tory Bonds. F. F. Marris C.- far aveu 50 years the fineat fuir- niture at lwest pces. 23-1 Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Richard Hobbs, late of Uic Town of Bow- manvilie, i the County of Dur- ham, Retired Rubber. Worker, Deceased. Cueditars and others 4aving clima againat the above estate are required ta serid full particu- lars of such dlaims ta Uic under- signed on or before Uic 23rd day of Jurie, 1941, afteu whlch date the Estate'sa asets will be diatri- buted, havlng regard only ta dlaimis that have been reeived. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bowmaznville, Ontario, EUectoi-, 21 8 For RçntI TO RENT - FOUR ROOMEP Apartment. Appiy Statesman Office. 23-f FOR RENT -7 ROOMED FUR- nished cattage at Bowrnanvflie Beach (East), 2 verandahs, 1 screened, fireplace, and garage. Rent reasonable. Appiy MIrs. A. Tait, P. O. Box 477, Bowman- ville, phone 388. 18-tf-l* Summer Cottages FOR RENT-FURNISHED COT- tage with screened parch and eiectric. Windy Cave, Baw- nianville West Beach. Appiy Mrs. W. E. Gerry, Bawmanville, phone 2287. 23-1 HeIp Wanted HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general housewark. Appiy Mrs. Fred Graham, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3321. 23-1 BOY WANTED -TC) DR I VE taxi. Must have chauffeur's 11- cerise and goad ref erences. Phone e22. 23-1* WANTED--GIRL FOR GENER- ai housewark. Appiy Mrs. Clif- ford Brawn, R. R. 2, Newcastle, Ont. 23-1i HELP WANTED-BERRY PICK- ers wanted. Appiy J. H-. Ail- dread, High Street, Bawrnan- ville, phone 496. 22-2* WOMEN WANTED - OPPOR- TUNITY OPEN! Steady incarne full or part time. Guaranteed Famuiex Products are attrac- tiveiy packaged, create instant eye-appeal, buiid and hoid cus- tamers' confidence. If you are wiiiing ta adapt aur methads and invest a f ew. dollars, we will help you to pragress surely and qulckly. For free catalogue and compiete details: Miss. G. St. George, 570 St. Ciernent, Montreal. 23-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED-H-OUSE TO RENT INf Newcastle, immediaicly. Apart- ment or rooms. Mus. Morley Sailows, Newcastle. 22-2e BEAUTY CULTURE-ANNIVER- sary Specials an ail Permanent Waves. Machineiess waves, reg- ular $7.50 for $5.00. Work guaranteed. J. Stevens, Opera- tar, phone 2245. 22-2 W A NT E about year aid; alsè for àa4 Jersey heifer due ta r:4 . shartiy. Appiy JamesB phone 617. MASON WORKWANTED- Brick wark, stane wark and plastering. Phane 2501 Baw- manvilie, A. G. Skayies, Burke- ton. 20-6 Weekly Feed Speclal WE E KLY FEED SPECIAL- Shur Gain 17 % Pig Starter $2.25 per cwt. Offer good untd June l2th. F. C. Vanstane, phone 777. 23-Ï Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - flowmanvlile Electricai Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 23-4 MMÉ Science Las> ~~ given usa l wondezful new aid ta better eyesight in TUllYER Lense. ¶hey cost no more than other first grade leuses. Corneini and let. us exrplain. JURY & LOVELL The Rexail Drug Store When We Test Eyes It le Donc Properly. Phone 778 Deliver7 LOW EVERYDAY BUY VUCTORY BONDS GLCHESE 'b. o Coffee nuRs bPlark3 "u23C S31 ~C* THIPLB ML ' 5 __________SPAGHETI HEINZ 2 le-23 MMN PAGE TF£ Red Rose, Red Label %411 39r RASI SEfsTEw Clark'. 2 TM . 3t LAF ciiicu lic 1E2cFFMTS QMR2 tor291 CONSISTENT WITH A & P's POL- BREAD. IY TO SHORTEN WOXKING 5110. or ~ This Store WIH Closeý White 10 p.m. .1ýaturdays ?A-. ommeccng .. 2LnI 5 c Satu*rday, dune i 4th 4Pleaae Shop, Early! IORUME RIBROS - - - - lb. 27c BLADE ROAST - .- . -.-.-Ibà, 1c SHORT RIB, ROAST - --lb. 21c« Tenderli Vfllole orShaalk ait SMOKED HAMS -- M I. 29e S1.Face Huff -h M -I. 31 Smoked Dopeleas - PORK SHOIJLDERS M.- -l. 29o PEAMEAL COTiAGE ROLLS - lb. 29e FRUITS AMD VEGETABLES Ontario grown Veget*bles, Spinacli, Head Lettuce, Radishes, Cab- bage, Green Onlons, MM.. Tomatoes, H.H. Cucumbers, arrlvlng fresh daily at your A & P Store. BANANAS, Empire grown, golden ripe 3 Ibo. 23c CARROTS Tender fresh original bunohes 2 for. 13C CAULIFLOWER Ontario, Ige., snow white «mch 17c POTATOIES New Alabama Pib. 1c ORANGES ralfornIa Valencia, attractive eiue doz. 29e CUCUM BERS Ont. grown H.H., W80 *w 2 fer 2Mc HEAD LETrUCE New orop, Ont. grown 2 for 13e LIMONS doz. 25. ýiLM Kgk a . ~K~~ Âw 1 gowa -~ ..*--*- p Final ClIaance Lad'iesot BUT NOW AT, HALF PRICE U LADIES' COATS OF ALL WOOL TWEEDS in green, sand, navy and Blue. Sizes 149.169 1 8é Regular $1 0.95. LADIES' ALL WOOL POLO CLOTH COATS ON SALE Reversible tweed coats and dressy$09 styles In sizes 14, 16, 18, 20. Reg- 6 ular $ 12.95. -R QUALITY LADIES' COATS ON SALE aie tore OWMANILLE UEAT URSA..lisnii i . 1 - 1 - . 1 - : 1 " 1 m Beauty Culture 1

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