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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1941, p. 1

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r **Wth~t4tnar *~ ~ Wt Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanvfle NcWsiý TheNewcastie Independent, And The Orono News e*.- VOLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOe ITHURSDAY,,JUNE 5th, 1941NMBR2 Çoncîl Opens Lake Reai ïrWith Customary Mtisgivings Orders New Lock On Gate Mayor Thinks Cottage. Who Broke Gate To Get To Lake Should Be Prosecuted. A sure aigu that summer is bere is whcn Uic subject ai the west road ta Uic lake la discussed in council meeting. Monday niglit President H. L. Goddard af Uic Beach Association was present i semi-aificiel capacity ta f ind aut whcther the tawn would keep Uic C.N.R. crassiug open by provlding part ai cast f i.aguard, as lu previaus yearsý The Beach Association wlll assume heli the cast ai providing watchmen and it was movcd by Reeve Edmond- stane that Uic -town aie payheuf thecocst, rcnetv its publié. liability iurance on the âosing 'and PLuliese e new lack for thc gate and- any unauthot4ed per4ajis us- ig a key or openlng thUi gtewM be prosetuted, Incidentai ta this discussion it wes revecl.,thUat acertoinlak1e resident bac! gaid eccesà ta> Uic beach by brekig Uic post which bolda Uic gete. The metter hed been reporte&~ to police by wlt-> nessansd license number abtained but for certain reasons no charge bad been laid eaein .thUcealcèged, offender. Mayor Jonies then ask- cd that Chici Ventai be caled inta Uic meeting ta find èut . if it would be possible ta prosecute Uic aifender lu view oai.Uicefect that Uic town suc4 leke «residênits have hed sa much dhifficuity keep- hIg Uic dengeraus crasslxsg open. Mr. Ventai declered he wauld, look iuta Uic incident, iurther ta sec what could be donc.. Ani application from Claude Oliver for Uic position'ai watch-ý men at the cossing was read, and arrangements will be made ta have it open ta Uic public. Stanley Andrews, fareman et Uic Sinipkin Cabinet Company eddreased a communication ta council afferig ta purchase a lot on Liberty St., just narth ai King, ta build a residence. He will have ta comply with régulations gov- erning crection ai buildingshI thei fire zone Ènd thc. natter was turned aver ta thée Ptibhc Praper- ty Commlittee wlit power ta act. From Uic Department oailgh- ways a letter rcgarding installa- tion af the traffic signal et Uic Post Office corner ennoijnecd that Uiey werc looklng junta Uic matter and if nccd for the ligbt wes apparent wauld be pleased ta grant permission for its i- stallation. Report on Ffre Protection A complete repart on Bowman- ville's fire protection was rcceiv- cd irom thé Canadien tlndcr- writer's Association and, *hile as- serting facilitieshere weme quite good as compared with other r Nbotoeiatu._Rejoice! Tlie long-awaitedase ta the question "Whyv haven't the bad hales i the town streets been fixed"1 was given at the couheail meeting Mon. t day night. Road builders do flot recommend that any re- surfacing or capping hales be done before June l5th. That-date is fast approaching 1 and arrangements have been j made ta surf ace-treat par- tions in the connecting links of Manvers Road and Scugog St. end at' Uic saine time re- pair thc bad places on KCing 1 St. One question council didn't answer, however, . ! 1 .&Wh Wsgoing to pay forthe damage I didto my car go- Ing through, Bowmville?", Tilosebad bumps have rcally >Put Bowmanville on the mnap 1or touista, as place ta towns yet room for im- Provemnent. SuUstions included inte Il 'f,>ntber ..servisc pup ettei' ter supply, pur- he ef «ladder truck and pro- v'sion.ut,.. "Follaw-up" truck èarrying, -more 'hase. The report was rcferred ta the Fire Commit- teefo stdyand they will make reomindtons based on it. 'After carefuily weighing thc w sdam aio spending $12 on a qUarter page advertisement in a Souvenir Canadien Legion Con- ventioz . booklet Utce*"Pros" van- quilhed the "1cons" sand J. H. Ab- ernethy's motion far Uic expen- diture was supported. lIn the rcahn 0of finance, May expenditures as read by Deputy Reeve Morris, totelled $240 1.70 of which only $55.33 went for re- 11f. , . i Deputy, Fire Chief Richard Sudds requested byw letter, leave of absence until Uic end ai the yrear and wished ta turn back ta, the tex collectar the salary due him, but council generously de- crced atherwlse and granted him lIeave witb psy for thc balance of 1941. At lest Uic signs «BOWJMAN- VILLE" et Uic approaches ta Uic town are going ta be brlghtencd up and Uic chairnian af the Police Cammnittee, W. J. Mujy, was autharized.'ta repair an=replace Uic ST~OP signs et certain corners. Councillor John Gunn was ab- sent,' StIl recuperating from an operation." The others wcre anl present. The Orono Band was trans-~ ported ta the Tarch .Day Service isundây by "several Bowmanville men including Howard Challis BllJames, Frank Williams anâ Bob Corbett. Sunday Sermon Gandi Support For Teachiugn eigo l Shol fit. Pul'u Pastor Baya Ql4e ESDN ait 01 Bil-A~Bprt~U Iiterate. Religion shaul&. be lntroduced tsan UimpUblc ch ,l.curriculum as n ipa~tait ubect to take, its rightful 'Place alang - wlth, Music, Hlstary, Hiealth end a hast ai other subjects tbegoerinnt row decrees aur chlldren -shall, be teught. Presenting- e forn4ii able arrauY af lagical argumentg in support af bis thegis in:la Sun&. day mnorning sermon on 'Educa- tian and Religion' Rcvr. A. R. Cragg urgcd bis congregatian et St. PauI's Unted Church ta get behind any maovemnent to tcach Biblical history and Christian principles ta youth. The spiritual illiterecy of the pre'ent generatlaw Isle ppalling. and aur public. schoal sytem lu«i which practlcally na religian 15 taught is, in large measure, ta rn Uitr blame, he told Uic congregation. fak1~ht'. There hem neyer been a tirne i Publisher af thc Dundalk Hcerald, thc world's hlstary whcn gavcrn- wha was clectcd pregldent ai Uic inents have laid so much stress ou Ontarlo-Quebec ]Dvision of Uic thc importance af physical health Canadien Weekly -Ncwspepers As- and had sa littie coucern for spir- sociation at their convenjtion held itual eclucatian ai their peopl.e. et Hamiton. In Uic sermon èspeclly, ad- dressed ta tcachers, paetsaend But he pald tribute tW localteach- those interested I education, Mr. ers wha are well knawn for thoir Cragg painted'aut Uic disastrous support af Uic church and whase result ai an efficient German cooperation would be freely given educationel systeni in whlch Uic ta teachlng religion. Many towns spiritual element hem been active- in Ontario allow local ministers ly discouraged. ta visit Uic pchoola ta teech anddin É%'enf aur men are belng sent coaperetion agree ta gvoid teach- tflgt for maintenance ot ing secterlan doctrine whlch is ristien civilllztloii surely It la praperly an individual imatter, not toc, much ta expect they wlll prescntig only the broader as. have been equpied wlth kuow- pects of Biblical history. In Oshe- ledge ai whet thèSt are fgtn wa such a Plan ham been auccess- for, he said. fully pracise for some trne. Fat irom beig -a matter for Prcparcd ta practise what he thearetical discussion Uic tcachig preaches Mr. Crag JOPlanning e ai religion la ai utmast practical sununer school for chilrn et importance. Bringlng Uic subject whlch crafts will be teught, Bible close ta home he cxpressed the stories and gemes wilU educate beief that Bowmanville citlzens and divcrt Uic young mlinds for were nat teking fuil advautAge ai two weeku in Uic summner. apportniltles for tcachlng re~~ 7In lu chools, ner dld they tacn GoodyOOr Plcnilà l being held thei chldrn uthom or,»nd thils year st Cobourg Prk on thenL SudySc~r4l, aturmdà, .Yw ig bt. T.rch Banner Ou Surety Was Dedicated On Sunday. At Mlass Vîctory Service l Ail Ministers Taire Pari -Ross Strilçe Sounde Cail To Duty ln Elo' quent Address. Tram, a bigh pinnacle an the Balmioral Hotel, local headquar- ters for the Victary Loan Cern- paign, flics a fleg, brilliant in its colars, bearing a tarcb, symbol ai thc tomchmnessae rani Canadiens bcing taken ta Prime Minister Churchill. The first ect at the Tomch Dgy service'et Uic Higli Schoal grounds Sunday evening waa thc dedicatian oi this banner by Canon C. R. Spencer. Then it was mun up Uic muat by Wm. Flaherty . as a constant rmrnndci ta Canadlens ai, thetir special duties et this trne. And a pIedg was rcad by . . . "Ta, hold Uic Torch on bigh and to marci shaulder 1W shaulder with the Mothcmland anlicheEmpire lu aux righteous cause Uirougb vîctory sud enduming peece." Severel bundred people gather- cd on thc campus and jaincd in thc service prepared and led by Bawuisuvilic Ministeriel Associa- tion sud patmanizcd by the pres- ence ai His Warship Mayor R. O. Joncs and Warden G. Alex Ed- mandstone. dfono Baud lied the singing under Uic belon ai M. J. Tamblyn. 'Prom a dccomated piatfarm Uic service was conducted and amp- lifie co5 ail could teke part. The speaker, Ex-Mayor W. R.. Strike, wam weli chosen nat anly because ai bis cepabilitica in dealing wlth the subject ai Christian patriot- ism but because he hem been ex- tremcly active in ail the mave- ments so fer ta furtherCanad'm war effort. "Dedication ai ourselves and aur resources ta Uic cause ai irce- dam and ta inaugurale Uic Vic- tory Loan lu a spiritual *aImas- phiî~ arc Uic chief reasaus for holding'this service," began Mr. Strike. "Let no anc tell yau wc do not need more soldiers for the arniy,' he continued. "The only reason there bas nat, been a greater de- msud for men is that wc lack machines sud il la thet deficiency tic Wer Loan will do much ta remedy." The tcxt ai Mr. Strlke's ad- dress iailawm: You have witncssed a few min- utes ega Uic dedication af Uic torch flag for this district-this is a symbol oaitUic me torcb sud all that il typifies that hem been lit in Vancouver, carried ecroas Canada by plane from, anc large centre ta another, and wlll be sent by Uic Primie Minister af this country ta Uic Prime Minister of Great Britein. Fram ancient days Uic torch has been carrled fram band ta hand wben days af great danger and peril Uircatcucd. Greek my- thology tells us thet lu Uic battles bhat threateîcd Greece, means ai comimunication weme kcpt open by mcn ai great endurance wba ran framn place ta place wlth im- portant messages and theme men always started wiUi a lightcd torch a'lth ail sufi cient ta go Uic whole iaurncy-this tarch was handed framd csPetch runner to despetch rusiner bath ta liglit bis peth through Uic dark, narmaw moun- tain passes and ta ldentify llim as anc with a suprcmcly Imnport. ant mission. If anc ai thos torch bearers failed, their import- ant message wus neyer delivcred and disaster was Uic result, Ini Uice ncient days af Britain tho sanie pinciple was used. Pires were lit on Uic high chufs af Uic chennel coasta whcn cncmy ships were sighted aid thon wetchers on each succedlng bull lighted fires i tua-n until thc whole country was warncd and mede 'eedy. If anc aif these watchers <Oontinued on page 0) tNavy Loaglue Taig Day 5 The details of the Navy Leagut - Tag. Day on June l4th are undez the general direction of Rev. Hl W. Foley, assisted by Mrs. Rayâ] Quinn, Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, eMrs. Hugh. Cameron and Misi Irene Casbourn, with a troup al girls from their local girls' orgn izations, also Scoutmaster' ClUf fard McNair*,nd some of his baoym frm the ccu troop. These young peoe are expectcd ta cal] rat the homes and aima to be 3around the streets for the sale a: 1the tags. We bespeak for these 9patriatic young valunteers a kind- rly and general respanse to this tvery warthy patriatic endeavor. *Saddle 4 mare idemand. Buycrs ha urd some good hunerty ethis district, the preference goinj.-ta grcys araunc 15-16 hands. Wei .Cawker sold a 6-year-old grey to Mr. Davies, L Toronto; a bey to the Red Top Farma af F. Leclaire, Montreal; bath at prices sa f ar in advance of current prices that the amounts were not. released. Wes. alsc baught a grey fram D. J. Johns- ton, Cavan, and is training it for resale. There is e sharp demand for saddle stock right now. Bicycle Club Meets To Elect Leaders Talk On War Lions Bicycle Safety Club met Saturday. morning in council raom. Rail cal md 'minutes were read by Nellie Parker. Pearl Breslin read the ten command- ments for cyclists. Doris Chart- ran rcad thQ letter. A hike ta Hampton was planned for June 7th. These patral leaders were el- ected: Bud'Hooper, Allen Strike, Charles Cattran, George Roberts, Earl Gilniore, Eleanar Johnstan, Betty Osborne, Louise Cole, frene Cunningham, Arline Northcutt. Lieut. A. L. Baker gave a talk on War Effort in Canada and later aniswered questions about farmi labor. Allen Strike movcd a thenka ta Mr. Baker for his interesting talk. Irene Cunningham moved and George Roberts seconded the ma- ticin that the Bicycle Club help in cvery possible way the Victory Loan Caxnpaign for next thrcc weeks. It was decided that Mr. Chas. Carter make arrangements for a Youth War Loan Parade. The samne policemen will con- tinue for this week. lPONNYBROOK FAIR OQlNQ OVER BIG *^YS STAPLES The Donnybrook Fair idea is swreeping acroas the county like a fe t fere. Sa stated M. X. Sta- pies ta a Stetesman reporter on Tuesday. The peaple af Clarke are showlng unusual Interest and enthuslasm in planning, gather- kng and contributlng useful arti- cles of every description for this hugepatrlotlc endeavor. Ail po ces go ta British War Vlctims' Fund. Sa corne ta Orono Wed- nesday, June lBth, and share in tlils event af Uhc year. A iniller event ta this was put an laat wcek in Uic Columbus- Raglan-Kedron area and it wcnt over like a house a fire. Mr, StePles says we're golng ta go ahm necbetter. Mr. Harry ce1v, wha bas been ln ToronoGeneral Hospital for some wecks, Io naw convalescing at bis home on Concession St. ýTANCTENT TRIBES 1WARY 0F CENS VERY OLDCUST 4amesake 0f One 0f The1 i Census Takers BringsIt To Date For Rotarians. lrmte recesses ai bis ý rderred mmndfram Uic histo reccord af the Haly Scripturcs ~'torm a publicity relcese ai aminion Bureau af Stati ;,,Past President D. R. Mori g ave the Rotary Club an infi ,qiktive and tiniely talk Fride: Mhe Coming Census--How 4J'aken and Why it is Taken." *'dccenniaî stacktaking is bE ,ing une Oth 'throughout Dominion in spite of Uic apj tion ta have it defcrred on WCunt af Uic war. "If it had1 -.Put aiff," runs Uic pun. "Uic ernmenta apponenta could1 -stili climed it waa 'out af Éus."', S"Census taking dates iram iwn ai civilisation," said ROrrîson." Moses numbered *hiidrcn ai Isreel in the fiitet ntury, B.C. and a census tediy taken by my names ing David, in 1017 B.C. achie n iotoriety in history whcn it followed by a plague which ci c.dl people ta bdlieve the di, wrath had Uius been incurre *In modern ties credit fori ing the first census belongs French Canada. Iu 1666 il Were 3,215 souks in Uic Colon: New Frahce. The present coi of aiheeds 18 Uie cighth sý V .N.A. Act was passcd. ba, Uic idea ai the census wa lit heads for taxation or mll requirements, but these purp, are "out" now end other uses have been found. The politicel end legel rez l8 ta determine representatia] aur federel parliament. The N.A. Act fixed the nuniber seats in Quebec et 65 and .number -essigncd ta other pi inces is in ratio ta Quel population. Fundainentaily qensus hinges upon its analysi c human element or man po the country, as Uic pe( thimsevesarc Uic basic esse aystate. Iu fect, Uic five-3 Iterval for census 18 urged, * hief drawback being Uic hi *t -aince it; takes 17,000 pe, t&"'do the job. In mare isalà partions ai thc Dominion,i sioaries and the R.C.M.P. operete. 1 The schcdules uscd l intec >sus are eight dealing with veri 1basic phases ai national life s Las population ,agriculture, hi mng, merchandising, etc. No qi tion has been inserted mcrely cause Uic information would interesting. Every employee the census dcpartmcnt is un oath nat; ta meke public any the information meccivcd and Bureau ai Statistics itself 1 bidden ta issue eny staten thet would lay bare any persc metter. Though the name each persan 18 taken down thi nat for the purpose ai associai the individual wîth anything carded about hum. Census A Petriotie Duty Considering Uiat Uic cengui taken for Uic benefit oaitUic c munity as a whoie it merita support af each citizen as a pi otic duty and evcry effort shc be inade by Uic individuel ta alat by giving information fi and eccurately. Mr'. Marrison was introduced R. L. Mitchell and Norman Sc maved a vote ai epprecietion. Business ai Uic meeting c, sisted ai e report by the Secreti an etteudance showing this yi ta be a littie ehead ai the1 two wli an average af 91.51 Boys Overseas Cet Cigarettes The Statesman is in rcceipt ai a supplementary iist ai soidiers who are aemving overseas, whicb brings aur records pretty well up ta date, but there wiii occur frmm time lb time additioual nemes ta be added. Again thé requcat is: 'Pese send al information ta Violet McAllistcr, cia Bert Park- cr's plumbing office, Bawman- ville." The Lions Club arc sending 3000 cigarettes oversees every weck asud fram 1lOto 12 letters are recelved wcekly expmessing ep- pre cation, but anc fact emerges which giv es reason for keeping listand names correct. Several ai aur soldiers ta wbom amakea were sent, aimply did not get thcm. The fact is thaltabacca is sa scarce, athers inlercept the parcels. The Legion, taa, bas bad similar complainîs aiter ail the fine work Uicy have donc. There is anc way that The Stalesman cen hclp and that la a message direct ta the saldiers. liere Il la: As you ead The States- mai and pams it elang, and while the malter Iq iresh I your mlnds, ait down and write e letter ta the Leglon or the Lions or The States- man and tell us who did nal get their urnokes. Then steps wlll b. taken ta duplicale, but unfartun- ately anly those aversees cen check an these Ibets. Dig In-- And Visit the Dugout us Headquarters ai Balmoral DM Will Accept Your Loan Now b p Changes in SchooIs Bowmanville's Object- ive Is $ 1809000. - well Four mare eignatians Cavalcade 0f Floats ricel fram the teaching staff ai 3 ad Bowmenvîlle Public and High WiII Be Here Monday Uich Schools have been accepted At 2 p.m. stics, by the Board ai Education. Iun____ Tison the secandary school Miss E. arm- Saper is leaving; in the Pub- On Iyonday ai this weck Uic y on lic School, Donald Purdy, drive commenced throughaut the it is *Miss M. Archer and Miss length and bmcadth ai Canada, This Greta Wickett are resigning, egin- ail having semved on the staff ta raise by way ai boan, the sum the for a number ai yeama. ai six hundred millions ai dollars. ýposi- Bcginnmng ncxt tcrm an- For weeks a mast intensive or- * ec- ather innovation is planned in been the teaching system. Canon ganîzation bas taken place. Com- gov- Spencer, Ôu behali af the mittees and sub-canwaxtecs have have Ministerial Association, pre- been fommed ta serve and cen- cen- sented e plan ta the Bardaf vass every last noak sand cranny Educatian Tuesdey n i g h t ai Canada ta Uic end that the i the %Xhereby religion will be drive wiil meet with success. Mr taught by the ministers on a Durham Caunty. bas been or- the non-compuisary basis as part ganized under the direction af enth ai the school curriculum. E. W. Simnpson, with main head- Sre- ________ quartersaet Port Hope, and e mub- ake, office, sandbaggcd sud secure, et eved Students Relax Bowmanviile, in Uic Balmoral ,ws When Th.y Learn Hotel. Officers chascu for West eus- Durham. are as follows in Uic ivine 0f Passing Examscenvessing district ai Bowman- ýd.p1 ville.! tek- Aiter weeks ai breatblcss im- Publicity Committec: W. H. 8ta patience students are once again Flaherty, Major P. H. Jobb, May- Lere able ta relax as almost daily cx- or R. O. Joues, Gea. W. James,1 ly ai aminatian rcsults irom anc sehool Tim Garton, M. Comstack, A. M.1 )unt.. and another are announced. In Thampsan, Bert Parker. E.1 . fsame but may have ovcrlookcd Chame. as ta certain students. If that is so a Canvessers: T. H. Knight, C. H. iaycaîl would be much epprecieted. MaaNlonCbr . J. ,osese Miss Evblyn Harnden bas pass- Mitchell, Hubert Smae, A. H. vital ed hr tests et Toronto Normal Moore. ason È in eB. the rov- bec 's the )wer aple t af ,ear eavy .ople. ca- ren- iaus uch ous- Les- ,be- lbe rider y af the for- rint onal aio is ýting 1re- Lsis ozn- Uic !Ltri- ould îas- lully 1 by ýott aon- tary cear [ast per Stateornan iound the lighler--aud the finder wes rewarded wli $2.00. Pays toaedvertise sure enoughl Miss Audrey Elliott bas passcd hem final yeair et Victoria Cailege in the Generel Course, abtaining Grade C standing. Misa Ruby Hobbs bas becu suc- cesaful in ber course in Occupa- tional Thcmapy et University ai Toronto. Stanley Rickard, sou ai Mm. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Sbaw's, won Grade A and the silver medal I the B.A. course et University 0f Toronto. Stanley is ta be con- gratulatcd for he studied extra- 'nutOaly wbilc teaching et the ý-lY»I' Training Schoal. Darlington Township Chairman: George P. Annus. Publicîty Cammittee: R. R. Stevens, W. R. Pickel, J. D. Ha- garth. Sales chairman: R. R. Stevens. Canvassers: A. L. Pamcoe, John Ashton, Arthur Brent, E. E. Stap- les, John Balson, W. L. Virgin. Clarke Township Chairman: J. J. Mellar. Publicity Comniittce: C. T. Mil- ler, R. A. Forrester, Harry Pearce, H. C. Bonathsu, R. S. Grahani. F'OLLOW PATH (Contlnued on page 6) VICTORY TORCH ATB3ALMORAL floral Decoratior Durham County Victary Torch was set in place Tucsdey evcnmng,Fo Trinit .S et boan hcadquarters in Uic Bel- moral Hotel. It is fixcd ta the balcany over Uic send-bagged Farewell Party dugaut and just bcneath the white F or -S.rgt. Pilot and crimsan Victory ilag which cIe Ro h was dediceted Sunday. Mce oc The tarch is in the form ai e thermometer, gradueted i r a m Sergt. Pilot Johin (Mickey) $5,000 right up ta the objective ai Raach was the centre ai attraction $1,000,000, and as the pledges rail et a pîcasant social effair held iu the "mercury"' riscs, and et Sunday in bis hanor et the suni* night electrically cantralled lights mer home ai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ilame and flare, whîch cen be Depcw, Part Bawmanviile. His seen iram the hiiltap a mile ta frîends had gathcred ta bid hrn the wcst. adieu and Godspced as he was It is thc symbol which bas been leaving that night an military chasen ta kcep. befare Uic people arders for points' east. Mickey wes ai Canada, fram caast ta caast, the recipient of a beautiful gold the doleful fact af war and the R.C.A.F. crest ring which he gra- dire necd for funds and yet more ciausly acknowlcdgcd lu hlm char- funds. -ecteristic madest manner. RECORD PISE AND FISHERMAN Here la Hugb (Scatty> Camer- an, carpenter and expert augler ai Bowmsuvillc, with the great bmown traul be ceught lu Cavai Pool, Durham Caunty. an May 24Ui. These brown, or Loch Lev- ctruwcre introduced there e =e cr ago sud a fcw ai Uic big aies have defied ail local ang- lers. -Scotty» had tried for thus monster before but wlthaut get- ting a risc. On Uic holiday be ûn- pravised a raft and changed from flics ta ardiary "ish-womms."1 The traut struck instantly and the battlc lasted balf an hour, wli envions fiends giving ad- vice On how ta land it. But Scot- tr Slm IY"drooned hlm oot" aid liftd W bythegjUi. The flh ANNUAL RECITAL BRINGS YOUTHFUL TALENT TO LIGHT Mis PhUi~R. Chahs and X1PpLsHeard ini Organ anid Piano Recital. That musical =blt depends neeupon Uichegt of train- Ing genor on mastery af poly- phonic cadence ain Uiceopin- ion af Uis w iter , in d isp u tal y shown Friday cvening by Uic pu- puls ai Miss Phyllis R. Challis, A.T.C.M., et Trinity Church. Ev-' er mince the time we heard e youngster of three and a haif ait down et Uic piano and with anc finger play bis interpretation of "St. Louis Blues" as he had heard it on thc radia we have rcalized that teaching cen do but little ta dcvclop the spiritual and inher- cnt appreciation of music thet cvcry boy or girl bas inmorne de- grec. Sa musically paking thc be- ginners whomMssCa bu e carefully caachcd in their little pleces played wiUi anc or two fingers, gave essentiaily as fine e performance as older pupils with Uic experiences of many perform- ances bchind thcm. Scorning Uic addity of public opinion which irauld clama lui- mortel German music along wiUi any distasteful production af Nezidom, Miss Chellis chose ta play Uic March froim Tannhaumer by Wagner. This was, on Uic or- gan et which instrument Mis Challis is quite et home. The argan et, Trinity la per- haps Uic finest possessed by any town betwcen Toronto and Kingston but music loyers in Bowmenvillc absolutély feU to appreciate that. Outaide Uic regu- 1er work donc on it by Uic argan- ist ai Trinîty Church, Miss Chal- lis 18 Uic only musicien who secins ta take enough interest ta. really familiarize hcrself wiUi UiehI- strument and pcriadically use 1* ta good advantae. Agai in contrast ta Uic ponder- ausly thrilling Wagner selection. Miss Chalai again went ta Uic console ta delight Uic audience with swinging, singing Waltzes by Strauss. In Uiese toa, she made the organ speak in as fine an in- terpretetian as wc have ever heard there. If Uic number as a whole gave, in.places, Uic feeling (Continued on page 8) Io Change Church Canerios Bing As Trinity Bun- day BOhool Carry On With j Prograni. Trinity United Cburcb was re- naplendent with the spirit ai spring cfor the Sundey Schaol Anniver- L-aary service Sunday mrnoning swben beautiful ibawerm werc Ibanked around the platam sud nnumemaus hanging baskets ai ýflowems in various parts ai Uic ychurch added ta the attractive ,decomative acheme. Then there werc sevemal canaries in cages tmiumphantly warbling their swect notes ai prease intcrrniltently dur- ing the service. The Sundey achool children and teachers fommed a pracessianal and merched itaUic churchi, eech camrymng e iiower wbich was glv- ci ta six young ladies, Evelyn Pickard, Gertrude Deweil, Ger- trude Hooper, Marion Aluin, Ail- een Gibbs aid Ada Clark, who armanged tbem an irames formlng a cross, a cmawn and su anchar. Rcv. S. Devisai later briefly dcacribed these floral designs as the Uiree symbols ai Uic Christian faith . Dr. J. C. Devitl, Superlutendent on beheui ai the aificers ;sud .teachers, welcorned Uic congre- galion ta the service. The pupils who occupled seats in the chair sud et Uic front af bath galleries rendered soverai nunibers under the direction .of Mr. W. E. C. Workrnan et Uic argen sud with Uic co-operetion ai Uic S. S. Orchestre wiUi Miss Helen Marris et Uic piano.* The prmary clama, nat ta be ouldone by Uic older pupils, sang a plcaming chorus directd by Miss Mariai Dudley and Mrs. J. A. Cale et Uic piano. They ehso re- cited lu unisan Uic 23rd Pselrn under the leadership ai Mmm. El- mrnc Cax. The pragram Was interspersed wilh readings delightfully given by Patay SmIihsad Gail Price. A vocal sextette camposed ai Mary, Doris sud Russell Alldmcad, Ray Dudley, Helen Montgomery sud KeiUi Woods, sang a number lu pleasing harmany. Miss Thora Davisan. lu hem <Continued on page c) LaTENEWSVWE! Durhams vlctory Loan Head- Quarters reporta $162,000In bonds soidhIn the f iret three daYa. This la close te quota and augura weil for final suceesa. Cltizens are urtcd ta dec- orate and win some of the cash prises offeresi. Lot'. get ile thegame and bout 1 1 weigbed 51/ pounds sud measur- ed 22 inches. This catch places br. Camerai as an outataîdig contender for first p lace lu Uic Pctemboraugh Examiner Lucky Strike Flahing Canlest in Uic Kewartha Lakes district. The 1940 brown trout thel tok first p lace was ceught et Bancroft sud wclghed anly 3 paunds 14 ounces. This picture was pomcd an Uic beiks af Uic Otaîabce et Peterborough. Hugli makes bis own rads, baud tumîcd sud balanced ta per- fection; an artist with an Isaac Wallon lauch who mlght be in- duccd ta make e rodi for aiy getleman billon with Uic aigler's

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