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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1941, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAX THURSjDAZ I»Mm ô, 14 [AN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Seveuteen Thousand Touths Volunteer To Help On Farmi According ta latest infornmatian, there are 10,300 bays and 6,500 girls in Uic High Schools of On- tario, who have vluntcered this scason ta go out and help on ferma, aiter their school year ends. Sanie, whose grades per- * mit, wll be evaileble bofore school officlally closes. This wes made known ta The Statesmen an Monday through M.r. E. R. Hall who is Placement Qificer for Uic 8 Counties immnidiately ta Uic est ai Yonge St., and that in- cludes Durham. Mn. Hall was busy conferning with Ed Sum- mers and arrangements will be cerricd on through Mn. Surnmer's office. There hes been considerable conjecture, locally, as ta juat how Ibis achemo, launched by Han. N. 0. ipel i cooperation with Uic Dept's. ot Labar and Agriculture, would work out. Principal Dip- pell reveals that his experienoe and opinion la that Uic present rates ai industriel weges will ta a. veny groat extent, deteat Uic project, since $15.00 per month la Uic farmn rate for a trial month, though fermersaran free ta pay blighor if Uicy wish. Any fermer 'wishing ta secure help unden Ibis * plan, mey get ful perticulans simp]y by getting in touch with Bd Sunimens' office. To date, Uic Departmcnt, under thic Directon, Alex Maclaren has placed appraxiniately. 6,500 ef these valunteens for Uic sumnier manths; but there wiil be dci cc- tions because it la impassible ta enter into dontracts with juven- Iles and in meny cases Uic glani- aur will wcar off under the gen- cmal drudgery ai terni work. This alrcady la anticipatod by Uic Department. Experience sa far la thUat those youths whose parents are in Uic wealthy or near- wealthy clas arc thaso that stick it best. Thrcc lads from Trinity College School, whose homes are In Montreal, have gene ta ferma in Uic Nestleton-Blackstock anea and, tram reports ta Uic place- ment officer, Uic difficulty will be ta get theni ta neturn ta achool in Uic fl. Mr. Hall explained Uic genenal procedure: When a request comes ta Uic local office, hie duty la ta make. a personal visit ta Uic farm, niake a thorough inspection, state the conditions, and if satisiectary. arrange for help ta be sent and then ta settle amy dissentions. The Department are teking evcry means ta prevent exploitation and i some cases atten inspection, have retused on Uic spot ta per- mit any youth ta take the job' at any tinie. The succesai Uic whale thing depends upon that element i hunian nature which inlierently tends taward cam- plete understanding and t h c square doal. One drawback lai that Uic Department la under-1 staltod. It la impossible ta expect1 Mr. Hall ta mid lime ta Visit al thc epplicents i 8 counties and ts additional tio-up wiil tex Uic capacity ai already ovcrworked Ed Sumnicrs. It is likely that loc- al service clubs will be asked ta cooperate as Uic season edvances inta rush periods. The finat cal la for girls ta procoed ta Uic Ni- agara district for the strawbenry and amail fruit season. If there are in any i Bwmanville who wish ta enlist, thoy wiUl be paid good wages and live in tenta un- der auspices of Uic Y.W.C.A. Uni- forma may be pravided and cer- teinly a grand outing la in pros- pect. Mosquitoos'at Picnlc Ca. De Seotch.d Meny a summer outing or e pleasant week-end aftornoon in flic ganden la spoilcd by masqui- tocs. Whilc mat cnsurig cam- pleto central, mensures may be taken te give et leest sanie pro- tection for short perioda in linitcd aeas. A spray may be preparcd by Uioroughly omulsifying anc gallon oi kerosene containing Uic cxtnect ai anc pound ai pyrethruni powder (a standard pyrethrum fly spray would do) with one-hali gallon ai watcr il,. which four ounces ai liquid soep,(40 per cent) have becn dissalved. 'This concen- trated emulsion, aftor being wcl sheken until thoroughly mixcd, should be dilutcd wlth 10 parts of water and sprayed as a fine mist on lawns, shrubs, and other vege- tation, by nicans ai a pressure aprayer with a suitable nazzle, uig about 155 gallons ai spray per acre. The application should be made abqut half an hour be- fore the pidnic or &the meeting takes place. This spray may also be substituted for petroleurniail in treeting ponds and other waer bodies to kill masquito larvae and Dupae, using about 50 gallons ta the acre of water surface. The lest English king personal- ly ta lead his tnodps into battle wes George II. The bettlo wes et Dettingen, in 1743. An automobile Ihat la streani- licd perfcctly for e specd ai 30 miles an hour is net strcamlined perfcctly for a spoed ot 60 miles an hour. r g,'a* 15' .11 Proper F..dlng t1v.. Top QuaHlty Witshire Bides Top quality Wiltshires are made from properly fed hogs and what ta le d de h o afed are b th IM prtat.I l tpqualiy Wlt- shires whch are ri= % y n tain in wartimc perticularly. Of thc order for more than 425,000,000 lb. of bacon, harosaend other cuts placed lest November lst by the British Ministry af Food for de- livery by Octaber 31, 1941, sixty- five per cent is needcd ini the form of Wiltshire aides. In connectian with the proper feedig cf hoga,J goad feeds nced ta be praperly1 comnbined in flic hog ration. A mixture of farm grains hs the best foundation. Protein supplements praniote growth and seve grain.1 minerais anxd vitamins are essen-i tiel for health and vigaur, andi good feeding is a cantinuoua job. The good feeder, keeps his plgs thrifty and gaining steedily until properiy finished t the correct wcight ai 200 lb. 'ADS' BOOST SALE 0F .APPLE JUICE Figures which have just been released as to 'the conaumption af eppie juice in Canada shows whet a well conducted campaign of publicity cen eccomplish. Produc- tion hastftoubled ithe past year. Whereas the Dominion produced 150,000 gallons thrce years ega, it is canservatively estimeted thet 3,000,000 gallons will be used by Canadiens this year. There is only one reason for this tremendous increase. The Gavernment, in conjunction with horticultural authoritics, carried on an energetic and well planned campaign to popularize apple juice. Mainly through- newspapcr advertising, Uic people were told of the fine quelitios of this health- fui drink, of its pleasent flevor, ai its beneficial effect an the hcalth. The campaign hed ta meet and combat e lonig-standing habit on the part of the peoaple ai drin.king other juices, meinly tram import- cd citrus fruits. Yet, thc intelli- gent\use af publicity has, in a re- markebly short time, brought about this radical change in thec dictary habits ai a people, end ai course it hes meent much ta the apple growers ai tis couiitry. Apple growers might well adapt e similer advertising cempaign ta make Canadiens epple consciaus. Bride: "Oh, darling, look what's happened ta my first penceke." Groom: "«Nover mind, dear, it may flot be a complete failure. Let's try it on thc victrola." "What do you do when Uic world la gray and gloomy?'" 'I deliver the milk." "-E. *i ~ 1>' Adapied frose Pilltzr Prix# cartoon b7 jacob Drk. iepten the night of Total War. Hasten the day when w" nvs&hall be safe and normal again, and young iianSUnbrpkcn by the midnight crash of bombe. av t Saeairi5e for Vetorvj DUV TOIRY BONDS-- oF tÊe enforceme nthUicac t,. It is ta bd hopcd thet altl la expectcd wlll be'rellzed by - hse in whose interest it hes beenV plac- cd upon the stetute books. 'There were farecdings when Uic 9WOF'k. men's Comensation Act, was measure o0erat in th~e aei interest afbath workcr a e4m- ployer. Bo il wlll be wiel té Unempo ~t Insurencel'- when fully understood. NAVY LEAU5M TAS DAY US.JUNE £4TH The Ontario Division of the Navy Leegue ai Canada'la hold- ing its Tag Day in Bawmaiiville Saturday, June 14th, and it sure- ly behooves us, as patriotlc citi- zens cf a cominunity allowed to live in peace by grace ai Uic brave arma af aur fethers- and brothers now serving et sea, on land and in the air, ta do aUi n a'r0 wer ta support this increaaiglr ac- tive war service orgenization. For, if wc do not heip the Navy Lea- gue, how cen it, in turn, help those whom we ail hald dear- aur defcnders? Since the vcry first day ai War Uic Navy League, whlch inci- dentally was able to supply sev- crai thausand thrcc quarter train- cd men for the Navy, Army and iAir Farce immediatcly through Jits Sea Cadet movement,. main- tained i peace as wdfl as, wer, has been serving thc men ai the Royal Canadien Navy, Uic Cana- dien Merchant Services .end the Royal Navy through its "«comiorts stations" or hostels et ail Cana- dien ports. Homes tram home where nmen, straight from Uic han- rors ai wer, Uic loncliness and boredoni of daily and nlghtly wetchcs, Uic strain ai being con- tinually on the alcrt, on -thc de- fensive or offensive, do 'Enrne- creational fedilities, places to re- furbiali their wardrobe and ne- fresh their minds. Places whene woollen garments ta ofet'cxpos- tire, cigarettes, playing carda, mu- sic, a friendly etmaspherc, a meet- ing place ta meet one's frienda, are availeble twenty-four -hours a Lday. The mca leave Navy League hostels as gients rcfreshod when leaec expires. The personnel af aur naval services, accardlnig ta the recent ennauncement of the Minister ai Naval Affaira hes grown ta ton tumes its original aize since the beginning ai wer. Lest year Uic Ontario Division ai the Navy League sent out $100,000 worth o! knlttcd gooda and ditty begs ta aur naval men. This yeer Uic demend lasa heavy that goada and conforts are beig sent ta thém in thrlce thc volù*pe ai lest year's supplices. Naval thestels cverywhere are asking .*tqtre of everything. Our taggers are ane1s-'éiercy askig for mnoney ta'.ÏhahbIc the t*Navy Leegue ta carry ozý itff glani- oua work, end linking .-tw up detlr4tely with Uiê Vinie's war effort. 5 We Must not ignare Uic tagger's outstrctchcd handa, for tiey ionm Uich first link in the chain that stretches from'this town ta aur, brave mon ai the seas, cernymng our small but cancrete 'Uienk you' Dfor Uic tremendous service thoy are daln.g in pratecting and serv- ing us!' TRev. H. W. Foley has klndly conscnted ta sponsor Tag Day for Bowmenville. If you arc net teg- ged send your donation 4i r#ct ta Mn. Foley. SECRIGY AG UNEMPL0YmI«NT IN EFFECT'JULY 1 Minister of Labao, McLarty an- nounced that on July lst, the long awalted Unemploymcnt Insurance Act will be brought into force. For 20 ycars Uic worth and Uic diaadvanteges af such a measure have been discussed. The Party in Opposition usually favored somcthing elong Uic limes de- mendcd by labor organizatlofts, while those responsible for carry- ing Uic pro posais inta efect found meana b y which ta defer the day ai action. Naw Uth.jmi-' chineny la ta be set in min on. The coat -will be borne jointlW by the emplayers, the employeca a nd Uic govcrnnt. At Uic outset 2,200,000 wotkera will pay weekly dues renglng from nine ta Uiirty-six cents. Employers wiil contributo a like amount. This wlll bring into Uic tneasury $4,000,000 e month. Dues must be peid for seven months beforc any retui.inl collectable by Uic workcrs. During the war no, bcncfits will be drawn as itlel expectcd there wlll be no uneni- ployment. The coat ai opereting the sys- tcm wil be considered heavy -and burdensome. Alrcady there are 250 employeea in thc office 6f Uic Chic! Cmiioner. On Ju 1 thia number will be increase 'ta 500, and it la expected, ta 2,000 when the full provisions ai Uic set ane beingr'perated. The. do- Ten-yeur 3% BONDS, DUE lith JUNE 1951. PAYABLE AT MATURITY AT 101% Callable at 101 % in or after 1950 lntercst payable 1 Sth June and December Denominations, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25.000 ISSUE PRICEs 100%, yielding 3.09% ta maturity Five and anc-hall year 17 BONDS, DUE luth DECEMIER 1%6 PAYABLE AT MATURITY AT 100% Nan-callable ta maturity Interest payable I Sth June and Dccember Denominations,. $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 ISSUE PRICEs 99%, yiclding 2.19% ta maiturity Principal and Interest will b. payable in lawiuI money of Cainada, the principal et cany ag.ncy of the Banke of Canada and the interest s.mi-annuaillY, wlthout charge, at any branch in Canada of any Charterd Bankc. Bonds may b. r.gister.d as to principal or at te principal and Intereot. CASH SUISCRIPTIONS Cash subscriptions for either or bath maturities af the loan May be paid in Full at the time ai application et the issue price, in eaich case wilhout accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons will b. available for prompt delivery. -Cash subscriptions mayalso be made payable by instalments,plus accrued interest, as follows- 10% on application; 15% on l5tk July 1941; 15% on l5th August 1941, 20% on I Sth September 1941; 20% on I 5th Octobef 1941; 20.71 % on the 3% bonds oit 19.52% on the 2% bonds, on 1 5th November 1941. ThloIst payment on I Sth November 1941, covers the final1 payment ai principal, plus .71 ai 1% in the case af the 3% bonds and .52 of 1 % in the case of the 2% bonds representing accrued interest from 1 5th June 1941, ta the due dates af the respective instalments. CONVERSION SUBSCRIPTIONS Holders af Dominion ai Canada 5% National Service Loan Bonds due I 5th November 1941, May, for tlhc period during which the subscriptian lists are apen, tender-their bonds with final coupon atfached, in lieu of cash, an' subscriptions for a like or greater par value af bonds af one or bath maturities ai this boan. The surrender value ai the National Service Loan 5% Bonds will be 102.15% ai their par value, inclusive of accrued interest; the resulting adjustment ta be paid in cash. THE MINISTER 0F FINANCE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR TO ALLOT THE WHOLE OR ANY PART 0F THE AMOUNT 0F- THIS LOAN SUBSCRIBED FOR CASH FOR EITHER OR B0TH MATUJRITIES IF TOTAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE IN EXCESS 0F $600,000,000. THE PROCEEDS 0F THI .LV pEýE BY THE GOVERNMENT TO FINANCE EXPENDITURES FOR WAR' PURPOSES. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BE MADE THROUGH ANY OFFICIALI REPRESENTATIVE, ANY VICTORY LOAN COMMITTEE OR MEMBER THEREOF, ANY BRANCH IN CANADA 0F ANY CHARTERED BANK, OR ANY AUTHORIZED SAVINGS BANK, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY, FROM WHOM MAY BE OBTAINED APPLICATION FORMS AND COPIES 0F THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS CONTAINING COMPLETE DETAILS 0F THE LOAN.' THE LISTS WILL OPEN ON 2ND JUNE 1941, AND WILL CLOSE NOT LATER THAN 21ST JUNE 1941, WJTH OR WITHOUT NOTICE, AT THE DISCRETION 0F THE MINISTER 0f FINANCE. .4' Depariment of Finance, Ottawa, 31ist May 1941a * I HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF Dy Grenvti l ilser Since Uic power af suggestion la so great, even when uncon- sciously wiclded, surcly the sen- sible thmng ta do la ta exercise it consciously, by mcntally asserting your beief in your own possibili- tics and powcr 6f perseverance. Some business men do this by constantly referrlng ta a set of aphorisms or resolutions, which they wrife down and carry about, or fix up where they arc acen constantly --such maxima as, 44J can and 1 wil, '" "It's up ta me and I'm up ta it," "Cen I? 0f course I cen!" "It's i me and I'm gaing to bring it out." This deliberete enlorcing of the ideal af bellot in yoursclf presentý- ly passes into An automatic habit of thouglt-e habit which may slacken at times, but whlch cen then be easily renewcd and strengthend by a return ta Uic consciaus statement of faith i your own powers. Feith in yourself is the firat nccessity for succeas; without it, SLEEP AI AWAKE REFRESNER mpdui't essswi -"tae' kldoys poisons and wastem =-km"I!sols ku csndsily te Dedd' Kde ils-luver haln àeuvthe a k,Ia WuInedEaS tte"& 1154 Dodds Kdnoy PIfs no amaunt ai caretul planning will make your pawers attain their full atrcngth. In itacif it la the tiret stcp in your planning. Withaut euch iaith tasca secm "too difficult,"l "qulte bcyond me." Once that faith la won, they seeni comparativclyesy. Faced with e job of some dcli- cacy or difiiculty, Uic diii ident man says dublaualy, "I'vc neyer touchcd such a lhing bciore. I dan't beileve I could z menag£i. He otten ropeats thia beliet tao his employer, icarful ai failure. Thc man, wha has won confi- dence ihimaclfsays, I"Well, it's a bit out oftIhe- ordiry, but ather people do jobs like this, so why shauldn't I?" He laerpot rash -he does mot goa blidtold et it; but he et once begina la plan the beat way ai tackling it, and, nine limes out of ten, his plan works bccauae It la based on the belict that hecan do Il. As you gain i self-confidence, people about yau begin ta icel Uic change. Tlicy realize that you are, samchow, different; their re- spect for you grows. They think ai you as a man who la filtat be cntrusted wlth rcsponsibility; thcy attach Importance ta yaur opinion. ý;uccesinu 11e deponda igreat measure on the confidence ot others; and the tiret step ta win- ning confidence la ta feelAtitnl oneself. Truc self-confidence is iaunded on self -knowlcdge. It would be the heightof tolly for a man ta trust blldly ta his own powcrs wlthout heving e very dlean con- ception of how groat those powers were. Befanc you cen begin ta plan your future lite, yau muet fmd out bath what you are dolng naw -xactly, nat vaguely--and what posslbilllles yau have for elterig your course. You muet enalyze youraelf, ex- amine your characteristles, goad and bad; loak ile your hab ite, lest thc contral of your emolians, fmd out how you iasc your spare lime, determine how efficienit you relly are'in business - iiact, learn cverything possible about yourself. WHY WE FUONT' THE NAZIS OUT 0F CANADA Ail trade unions in Canada would be dissolved under Nazi domination. Collective bargainig, which WOrkerS have sccured afler ycare of tuglc, would be wlped out over- .ght. Canadien parents would be de- privcd ofthUic ight ta décide -whal their childrcn should be laught., Chriatianity would be censored and Iechers instructcd by Nazi authanilies as la what thoy should and shauld mot lcach. AUl Canadien business would came under the Uiumb a! Gcr- many. Wonkcrq, wauld no longer be able ta, choose their own trade, non would Uiey be allowcd ta sel- ect a living place of their own fancy. There wauld be butterless days for all citizens if butter were needed for expart ta Gcrmany. Old ege Pensions wauld be a Uhig ofthUicpest. Wldows' and Mothers' ellow- ences would be stapped. Developcd sections oaitUicocun- try would be clearcd ai Canadiens ta make room for German imi- grants. There wauld be no more mini- mum wage acI. Canadiens would alcp fram Uic sldewalk ta the roadway 10, ai- low German aficers ta peasa. Can- adien citizcns would bc forced ta give the Nazi salut. or court Imprisomnnt. Canadian ncwupapers wauld no langer expressUiche apinaio Canadiens and would subritA ail news items and editorials ta the Nazi censar. Radio programa wauld be pro- duced ta suit the purpose of the .aggressor. Public meetings, wlien alowed, would be watchcd by the Gestapo. . Taxation toýpravide indemnities ta Gcrmany would be heavier thani Canada's present taxation. Maaohlc lodges an~d ail fraterfl- ai ordera and arganizatians would be diauolved. Theatres woulcl be jmnc with Nazi proraganda '.naterial and maving pictures wauld b. subi ect ta rigid.Nazi ccnaarship. Books which would fail to meet thc Pleasure af thc Nazi author- ities would be burned or baniied Private telephonca, If permit ted, would be subject to "tapping' by Nazi agents. Trevel from anc sectlbn of th country ta another, if only for visit, would be subject ta permis sion from thc Nazis. are Cenada-Enliat no*l REÀLLYIL! On. pad kils file$ a an d evo d a y fo r 2 o r 3 W 6 012 il p a d s ' 'v1 Packet. No p $nag o atlckscs: no bailador. PaZskjgï. DungI Oroccry or ouerai. taz ru 10 CENTS PER PACKETr WHY ph.y MORE? %-g WILSON D CAo., Mi" 4 1 Ti.Minister ai Finance ai the Dominion ai Canada offers for public subscriptian $600,rÔOO,OOO VICTQRY LOAN 1 94 1 Dated and b.arlng interest Irom I 5th June 1941, and oW.ered ln two maturities, the choiceof whlch is optianal with the subscriber, as follows.

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