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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1941, p. 5

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TEUaSDAY, lUNE 5, 1941 WMANVILLE, ONTARIO THE CANADIAN STATESI PAGE FIVE ______________________________________________________________ n Talk on the Yukon and Review Covering Year's Work -at Institut. Bownianvillc Wamcn's Institute and 4 helinets had been kmitted met in Uic Parish Hall on May during Uic month for the Red 29 with an attendance of 50. A Cross. ver fine educational prograni The annual report for 1940-41 under thc convenershlp of Mns. cndlng April 30, given by Sec-. Chas. Muttan was enjoyed. retary Mrt. L. 'S. Dunas, showed Mrs. L. J. C. Langi in her eus- an cncouraging year's wark. Re- tomary pleaslng manner, thrilced ceipte includcd Tea Collections ail with a hall hour talk on her $17.01, Donations $35.81, Bazaar life and experiences In Uic Yukon.$07, Draws $8 1.05 and Card Mrs. Lange mcntioned tU iwdc Prties $34.05. Total recclpts variation iheUclimate which $360.65. Expenditucs were var- ~ranges from 68 degrees below icd and includcd Telegrain Brit- zero In Uic wintcr to 92 degrees ish War Victimns Fund $28.00, above in Uic summer, the struc. Fcderated Womcn's Institute ta- tUrc of Uie houses, Uic food and wards flnishlng hospital ward clothlng. There are goad riks $15.00, Red Cross $10.00, Jam wi boating, fishig and tobog- Maklng $32.42, Canadian Institute ganlng bcing Uic usual sporting for Blind $2.00, Towards main- activities. A splendid iibnary is tenance of West Durham District available and the educational sys- W. 1. Hospital Ward $4.00,' Par- tem follows Uic Ontario course in mer'sFederation, $2.00, fruit thec Hlgh Schools and Uic Alberta flowers and carda for iM and shut- courecin Uic Public Schools and i members $11.28 and $110.00 for mnusic is taught as it is hene. The maitenance of Uic W.!. Rcst trip Up the Pacifie caast is anc of Room. Total expenditures $272.87, Uic Most beautiful in Uic world leaving* a balance of $87.78 on and stcamships travel 400 miles hand April 30, 1941. On Uic Yukon Rivcr. Airpiane Besides Uic itemsalrcady men- service has been a boon ta Uic tioned, war work icluded Uic Yukon in bringing in frcsh fruit knitting of 62 sweaters, 218 pairs and supplies. The speaker ex- sox, 2 pairs wristlcts, 6 helmets, plalncd Uic indirect idustry of 75 pairs mitts 24 scarves for Uic gold nulning which made Uic Yuk- Red Cross and Uic making of 800 on famous and Uic extensive and lbs. cf jani. President Mns. J. profitable farming which is car- Thickson conumented on Uic ricd on. She stressed Uic grand- splendid cooperation i knltting cUr of Uic wjld-flowers which and Uic war work.. grow there so abundantly and Tea served by Mrs. Chas .Mut- concludcd by quoting a pocm by tan and group concludcd the Robert Service. meig Mrs. T.W. Cawker accompanied g by Mrs. W. C. Workman sanga lovely solo, and Miss Joan Grcen- TRIOUSSEAU TEA field and Miss Lola Marjerrison U IDA O played a piano duet. I ID A O Mrs. W. B. Pollard moveci a MISS B. MURDOFF vote of appreciation to Mrs. Langs and Uic musicians. Two hundned guesta attcndcd Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. W. I. the trousseau tea, hcld at the Webb, Mrs. W. B. Pollard and home of Miss Borca Murdoif, Mrs. L. S. Dumas wcre appoint- Lindsay, on Saturday, prior ta cd delcgates ta the District An- her approaching marriage. nual at Kendall on June 4. The guests wcrc rcccivcd from Mrs. Fred Baker, wool conven- 3 p.m. ta 6 p.m. i the afternoon er, reportcd 15 pairs sox, 3 Pairs and from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Uic wrlstlcts, 6 pairs mitts, 3 sweaters cvening. Mrs. DeHart Walker of Flint, ------- Midi., wclcomcd Uic guests at Uic door, and Uic rcceiving lime, con- sisting of the bride-to-be, her mother Mrs. C. M. Murdoif, and lier aunt, Mrs. S. R. Davey of Flint, 'Mich., reccived Uiceniany R 0 T A ýL visitors in Uic living room, agaist THETRE ccl high. In the cvcning Miss BOWMANVI LLE Murdoff and Mrs. Murdofi er FL Uic groom's mother, Mrs. Elliott of Toronto. Thurs.- Fr1.- Sat. îa . iiward Oke showcd Uic was cffcctivcly dccoratcd Urougb- JUNE 5- 6 - 7 out i an all-whitc, bridal calor schcmc. The all-whitc table cen- TheSo o tre, with white adeanwht ii So i flowers, and other wiestig -throughout tUipc iosr were eyarsig Monte CristoThose who poured teaiee Mrs. Melville Earlc, Mrs. Stanley arriugRobbis, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, starringMrs. G. C. Collison, Mrs. Edgar Louis Hayward - Joan Dennctt Vanstone, Mrs. Jack Mitchinson. Tirce young ladies, Misses aud Helen Williamis, Hilda Brown and Excellent Short Features Yvonne Tighc, particular friands and formner schoolmatcs of Uic bride-to-be, froni Bowmanvillc assisted in Uic dining room, as dld Mrs. J. Stecen, Mrs. E. Christian, Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Mrs. W. Brown and Mns. Frnk Williams. These ladies looked af- june 9 - 10 - 11 ter the table. Other young friends 0f Uic bride were in charge of Uic lovcly £1 displays upstairs, namcly, Miss Earthbound' Dorothy St. John, 'in charge of the weddlng gifts; Miss Doris Asi- starriug ton, siowcr gifts; Miss Phyllis Warnr Bxte, Alne LediChahls, in charge of the linen, anle y Gxe, ra e s& and Mrs. John Murray, looking Charly Graewinaftcr the very beautiful trousseau display. News and Shorts Miss Murdoff, who becomes Uic bride of Mr. Cecil Elott hi Uic near future, has been hononcd at l' COOL at the Royal a number of showers durig Uic past few wceks.. The trousseau tea, at whleh se Cool for. Summer SMARTIf NEW DRESSESI many were entertained on Satur- day, was onc ae the loveliest bri- dai events lnIi Ludsay this year, and mnany took advantage of their invitations ta view tic extensive and beautlfully appointed display of thc bride's trousseau and gifts. Others attending the tea frani Bowmanville included, Mrs. Wm. Quick and Mrs. Jesse Aines. Mrs. J. E. Griffith Honor.d By Cle (Leazningtan Past) About forty members of Uic Ever-Ready Bible 'Class of thc United Church Sunday School gathered at Uie home of Mrs. J. -Latam, Friday cvening ta spend a social hour with Mrs. (Bey.> J. E. Griffith befare her depart- ure for Bowmanville whcre Mr. Griffith will take aver the United Church pastorate. After Uic devotional periad a duet, "God Will Take Care of You"I was sung by Mrs. J. Milne and Mrs. J. Walton. A readlng on "Friendship" was given by Miss Clara Humphrey. Mrs. T. J. Willan, president- of the dlass, read an address in which was cx- pressed Uic appreciatian and Uianks ta Mns. Griffith for her teaching, and alsa expressing re- gret at her departure fram Leain- ington. Mrs. Latain, on behaif af her memnbers, presented Mrs. Griffith with a satin dressing gown. Mrs. Griffith, wha har, taught, Uic class for several years madle a very fit- tig reply. A social hour was cen- joyed and a delicious lunch was scrved by Mrs. Latam and her as- sistants. Weddings Hsskilu-Gravso The marriage of Miss Elsie Gravson, only daughtcr of MM*. John Gravson and Uic late Mr. Gravson, Toronto, ta Pte. Ivan Hoskin, son af Mr. and Mrs. ich- ard Hoakin, Nestlctan, took place on May 2nd in Bethel Baptlst Church, Toronto, by Rcv. Harold Lewis. The bride was drcssçd 1fl black and gold with black ha t antl accessarles. Thcy spent t hel I honcyrnoon with friends at Part Perr and Nestleton. On their ne- turri Uiey will live i Toronto. Hosklu-Johuueu The marriage cf Misa Ruth Elizabeth Johnson, second daughf- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd John- son, Miesing, ta Mr. Hamnley' George Hoskin, Elinvale, son 0$ Mn. and Mrs. Richard Haskinb Nestîcton, took place May 24thi Trinity Anglican Church, Barrie, by Archdeacon Moulton. The bride1 looked charming dressed in dusty rose witi sky blue accessorles. Thcy spent their honcymoon at Nestîcton and Niagara Falls. On their rcturn Uiey will reside at Baneock-Plugle Thc marriage was solemnizcd quietly Saturday, May 31qt, afi Miss Mabel Elizabeth Pingle, dau- gliter of Mr. and Mns. Norman Russell Pingle of Bowmanville, te Lloyd George Hancock of New-r castle, son of Herbent Edward1 Hancock. Thc cercmony was per-à fonmcd at tic homeof a friand18 cf the groom's family, Uic Bey. RECETAL W. B. Tucker, Glendonwynnc Rd., ___ Toronto. The couple were unat- <Continued from page 1) tended. cf bemng a littie hurried, it prob- AUXILIARY SENDS ably ncsulted froin Uicervus MORE PARCELS ness of anc net pcrfcctiy at home TO SOLDIERS on thc concert stage. The progran listed aven sixty Mns. Wylie invited Uic mcm- numbers, quite a few even in this bers of Uic Womn's Auxiliary cf age of double features, but it cen- D"Coy. lst Midlandsansd ll tainly gave every boy and girl a chance te show wiat he or sic Bownianville Boys i A. F., ta could do bath alone andi duets, her home on May 27Ui, ta help trios and other arrangements. pack 20 boxes for Uic men i ac- tive service. Home madcday A casual glance aven Uic audi- cookies and a pair aofkitted ence revealed that it was macle -Bocks wcre included with other up, to a large extent, of tic music Comforts in cach box. teachers of Uic district and their pupils. While a tribute ta Uic The following 19 "D"l Coy. boys work of Miss Challs sud her pup- in an Eastern Canadian training ils that thc recital attracted so centre will think of Bownianville many of 'Uic trade', it was hardly *whcn he rcccivcs hus box: P tes. compllmcntary ta Uic people of Lau Lyle, J. H. Living, A. H. De- Bowmanvillc who at Uies boast Uine, V. L. Cornions, A. Binricîl, of beîng devoted music loyers. G. A. Burns, R. B. Bird, J. Ken- xiidy, J. J. Ireland, W. Ircland, It would be a pîcasure to men- C. F. King, W. A. Toinlinson, T' taon Uic individual selections as Wilson, G. A. Wurin, D. R. Woocl- practically cveryonc containcd cock, C. A. Mason, L. V. Yco semething of note but space will L.ICpl. Kilganiion, CpI. E. V: not permit. The following took Sheehan and Sgt. 'A. C. Colville, part: Georgc Roberts, B obb y R.C.A.F. in Ncwfoundland. 'Locckart, Edna Dcnault, Douglas The boxes bcing neady ta cx- Hcyland, Barbara Stafford, Ken- pres, helades atere fo aneth Greantree, Mary Lau Wid- rsiathe laduiesgathrdfo decombe, Ruth Allen, Albert and saia hu dnig hch ti edyOtt, Earl Brown, Ivan Were favancd with a vocal and Woollcy, Glenys Nicholas, Doreen . ano duet by Mns. V. Ott andsdRnyPoelGcadBwn ÊsW. Bennett and served onPwelGradB w, dainty refreshments by the hos- PgySeesn ileWde tess. combe, Wilma Richards, John Davie, Biflie Fraser ,Marlee Gibbs, Doreen and Newton Sclby, Faye Thos whohavefinihed Joncs, Joyce and Alec Martin, Thoe wo hve inihedby Jim Savery, Kathleen Tink, Phyl- making ail othens think with them lEs Niddcry, Helen Osborne, Pat- have usually been those who be- nicia Warc, Mary Aildread, Haz- gan by daning ta think for thein- el Brown, Betty Stevenson, Aud- selvs.-C. C. Coltan. rey Northcutt, Marilyn Davies, Shirley Pingle, Jacqueline Hcy- land, Joan Woolley, Elgin Savery, Jean Anthistle, Dorothy Quinney, Lillian Osborne. Mary Pagan, Ruth Abcrncthy, Mary Denault. George Morris, Doris Alldrcad, Paye Bac, Louise Hobbs, Bud Joncs and Bernice Sleep. British reporta state that sal- vage of sunken on damaged ves- sels has rcscued $40,000,000 worth of food, munitions, and other car- goce and $48,000,000 worth of shipping. Our doubta arc traitons and make us loic the good we oft might win, by fearing ta attcmpt. -Shakespeare. i r I Foot Ease!f Have your shocu propcnly re- pafrcd by a competent shoe- maker and at 10w prices to. Have your summer shoca dyed so they look flkc new. Dring ail sorts of lesther rc- pairs to our shop for prompt attention. JOHN LENZ Shoeand Harneas Repairm K Couch, iohnston & Crydorman, Ltd. ïhoue 836 We Dellver FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTISI OSHAWA, ONTARJO Cordlaliy Invltes Tou and Tour Friends tb Attend a FREE LECTURE. "Christian Science: Its Divin e Origin and Operation"; by ELIZABETH McARTIIIR THOMPSON, C.S.B. of St. Louis Missouri Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The Flrst Chureh of Christ, Scentlst ln Boston, Massachuaset. ln REBGM~T THFDATRNE 48 King Street Est, Oshawa Sunday Afternoon, June 8th, 1941 at 3.15 o'cloek D.S.T. THE CANADMN STATIESh ONTARIO TELMSI)AY, im 5,1941 PAGE PM

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