PAGE SIX ~~THE CANADIAN STAérg$SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOTHSDY UE5,94 Hamipton Visitais: Mi. and Mis. T. Sal- ter, Torono, at Mi. Theodore Sal- te.'.... Mis. W. J. Smith, Beanis- ville, visited lier daughtcr, Mis. X~ Anthistle. .. Misses Nora and Vera Kerslake, Toronto, at Mr. and Mis. C. Je-Keslake's. .. Mr. and Mis. J. I1lfls and son Clii- lord at Mr. Chas. Milis', Oshawa. MIý. and Mrs. Will White and sons, ýOro&io,- with Mis. C. Johns. .MIi. and Mis. E: Anthistle and Jean at Humber Bay. . . . Miss Wilma Leach in Toronto with re- latives. . . Mi. and Mis. Chas. Willis and daughter Thelma, To- ronto, Morley Hastings, Bowmn- ville, and Frank Mason, Friend- ahip, N. Y., at Mis. C. Johns'. Mr. and Mis. C. Cathmoir and baby, Bowmanville, at Mi. Jno. Mîl.... Mr. and Mis. S. Nash and son John, Mis. Ruby, Detroit, at'Mi. Wm. Chapman's. 1ev. W. Rackham is attendimg Conference at Belleville. Preparations aie being made for oui annual S. S. Anniversary. Private M. J. Milis is confined to the hospital at Camp Borden suffring from an injured lbow. C.G.I.T. girls held a Mother and Daughter banquet May 27tli when an enjoyable tizne was spent. Miss Susie VanCamp, Bowman- ville, was guest speaker. The girls with their leader deservc credit for Uic success of Uic afi air. W. M. S. met at Mis. A. E. Bilett's on Tuesday aiternoon with President Mis. Salter in charge of opcning. It was dccided to hold Uic W.M.S. meetings at 2 o'clock S.T., imstead of 2.30. Mis. Cole had charge of the following program: Bible readings were rcad by Mis. Burns; Uic 111e work of 1ev. Ilorace Wrinch of Hazel- ton, B.C., was taken in Urée parts by Mis. Cole, Mrs. Billett and Mis. Niddery. Roll call was îespandcd to by a short sentence prayer. Next meeting at Mis. Saltei's. The Statesman is now on sale each week at Barron's Store, 5c a copy. Faîmers should get a copy of thc new handbook on milk pro- duction sent out by the Dept. of Agriculture. It is far superior to anythimg formerly gotten up and may be had free of charge from thc local representative, Ed. Sum- mers. JUNE. FOOD SAVINGS 0Aylmer Cholce .tn 9 Quaker XXXX PEAS - tns19 FLOUR, 98 lb. bag $2.79 Aylmer __ 5 TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUP ---_ 3 for25 Aylmer27 PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. tin____ __ 3 for27 DRESMIG Kraft - Ml. 30c 32 os.49e -16oz& 33o Old Canadian lb. M8 8 ons. 20e Watch Our Windows for Large Variety of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables CASHMRERE GRANT BROS. TISSUE SEED CORN cm bwn Famous for many years as Seo pîw White one of Uic best seeds for 700 SEETS hius part of the eountry- bto the roll its reputation bas been es- ,31or251 " me l,1IShO HarryAllin TH'E CORNER GROCERY Plhons 367-368 Free Deiivery COME TO Donnybrool ~~ai Sponsored by TovnLaip of Clarke for British War Victinas' Fund At ORONO MAR GROUNDS Wed., June l8th .Conimencing at 12 pin. Standard Tlna Thb t. wlbs Uic greatest Communlty Sais of the century. AU *,di doatl to be auetionsd to higbest blddsr and proes go te Uttla War VieUim' Fund. Gl00DO, ARTICLES AND PRODUOZ 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION WILL Bx ON OALE AT YOUR OWN PuCEM O*n«fl Bond ln Attendance 4WOTER IZTETAIEXEUT poots -Home Cooklng Sale PAGE SIX Visitais: Mis. J. Sanders with Idiss Trimr- ble, Bowmmmviile. Little Helen Pcrrott, Clialk Lake, with lier grandpaients, Mr. and Mis. A. Weaim. Mr. andi*s. H. Stevens mmd Mis. Ella Smith at Mr. W. E. Smi's, Oshawa. Dr. and Mis. H. Fergusoom Bow- manville, with Miss E. Souci. tvfr. mmd Mis. R. Gordon, Mr. and Mis. C. Branton mmd Miss Gladys Page, R.N., Oshiawa, witli Mis. E. Page. Mr. mmd Mis. K. G. Burns, Mis- ses Joyce mmd Dapîne'Burns,, Winnipeg, Mis. G. Roberts, Toi- onto, ct Mr. E. A. Werry's. Mis. A.. Wearn mmd Allan et Mis. Ecîle Pcrratt, Chalk Lake. 11ev. H.'Staintom, Ronald, KeiUi and Beverley, Guelph, at Mis. E. C. Aslitan's. Mr. mmd Mis. L. Griffin mmd Jean, Purple Hill, et Mis. Mary Griffin'm. Mr. mmd Mis. E. C. Ashton at Mr. W. Trewin's, Hcydori. Mis. F. Beckett jaurmeyed ta Brantford ta meet Ici liusband, Pte. Floyd Beckett, before hii. departure for Uic west. Mr. mmd Mis. G. Beecdli t Mr, S. Rodmmm's, Part Perry. Mr. mmd Mis.- P. Bradley mmd Larry, Pontypool, et Mr. L. Brad- ley's. Congratulations ta Mis. Jas. Dcii on celebrating lier Slst lurth- day May 3lst whcn about twcnty- five of hler family gaUiered et the home aiflier daugliter, MUs. L. Bradley arid presented lier wlth an aver-miglit case, Congratulations ta Mr. mmd Mis. Wm. Trewlm, Haydom, an Maple Grove Sumday School next Sunday at 11 a.m. D.S.T. There will be no churcli service. Howard Ormiston lias enlistcd i Uic air force and is at Quebec. The mamy friends of Mr. J. D. Stevens iil be pleased to know Uiat lie is impioving slowly. Visitors: Mis. Bob Collacutt and littie daugliter, Mis. Farewel Blackburn and dauglitei Grace, Salem, et Mis. W. Cliattcrson's and Mis. M. Flintoff's. . . . Mis. John Cator and son Ralph, To- ronto, with Mis. W. J. Smowden. ..Miss Mildîed Snowdcn witli friends in Toronto. . . Gunner Chale Smith, Petawawa, at J. D. Stevens'. . . . Mis. A. Trenouth, Hampton, with Mr. and Mis. H. G. Freeman. . . Mi. Robt. Colla- cutt, Toronto, witl I is son, Mr. Leslie Collacutt. Salem 11ev. W. C. Smith, Courtice, conducted S. S. anniversaiy ser- vices here Sunday. A goodly num- ber were in attendance. The Choir and S. S. remdered fine music under the leadership of Mis. G. Burrus. Contributions for Uic day about $30.. Mi. Ewart Pollard, Toronto, visited hi. parents over thc week- end. Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, Mi. Harold and Mi. Harry Hoc- ken, Shirley, were Sumday. cailers at thc Pollard home. Miss Sandeli, Magog, Que., is visiting Mis. L. Squaii. Mis. C. R. Spencer, ToQn, and daughter Mis. Melville of Saska- toon, called on Mr. and Mis. Hertzburg. Y. P. U. meeting May 28th was ini charge of Miss B. Thompson. Topic on Books was given by E. Doidge, and splendid readings on books and thei authors were given by 1ev. GartIner, Mis. H. Barrie, -Mis. L. Squair and Mis, R. Wintei; piano solo, Mis. G. Burrus; mouUiorgan selection, Mr B. Darcli. Lunch was served and a gaine conducted for Uic iccrea- tional and social peiiod., Salemi friends send congratula- tions to Mr. and Mis. G. Cornish who celebratcd their golden wed- ding at their daugliter's, Mis. W. Fitze, Janetvifle. Mr. and Mis. N. Moysc, Mi. and Mis. G. Moyse, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mis. Cecil Colacutt on Monday. Anniveisary Visitors: Mi. and Mis. W. Moffat and family, Or- ono, Mi. and Mis. K. Squair, Shaw's,' Miss N. Cole, Toronto, Miss I. Stephens, Miss F. WcrrY, Mis. J. Lord, Towm, Mr. and Mis. C. Smith and 'Mrs. Smith Si., Orono, 1ev. SmIi, Courtice, at the Squair home. . .. Mis. L. An- nîs and Marlyn, Miss A. Anmis, Toronto, Mis. A. Annis, Mi. and Mis. Goodmian, Tyrone, at Mr. W. Cann's.. .. The Misses A. and F. Rundie and Mi. Abert Rundle at Mi. P. Cann's. . .. Mr. and Mis. J. Cator and Ralph. Toronto,. with Mr. and Mis. F. Cator. . . . Mr. and Mis. J. Cowlimg, Hampton, and Mi. J. Cowling, Toronto, at Mi. E.- Doidge's... . Mr. and Mis. J. W. Lancaster, Mi. and Mis. S. J Lancaster, Newtonville, Mr. and Mis. I. Munday and fami13i, Ma- pie Grove, Mi. and Mis. C. Welsh and Donald, Town, at Mr. S. But- tery's. . . . Mr. and Mis. A. B. Weriy and Mr. and Mis. E. Wci- ry, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mis. R. Bragg, Town, Mr. and Mis. N. Rickard, Newcastle, at Mr. W. G. Werry's.... Mi. and Mis. E. Win- ter, Mr. R. Wntei, Oshiawa, Miss R. Cole, Town, at Mr. R. Win- ter's. . .. Mi. and Mis. J. R. Bur- rus and family, Sunderland, Mr. and Mis. F. Cornish and falnily, Little Britain, at Mr. G. Buirus. ..Mi. and Mis. R. L. Worden, Mis. J. Munday, Maple Grove, Mi. and Mis. Len. Richards, Town, Mi. and Mis. Gco. Lame, Miss R. and Mi. R. Lane, and Miss P. Crago, Providence, at Mr. L. Richards'. . . . Mi. . K. Tennant, of R.C.A.S.C., Toronto, at Mr. J. Cowling's. . . . Mi. and Mis. E. Foley, Maple Grove, Mi .and Mis. B. Colwell, Town, at Mr. F. Black- burn's... . Mi. and Mis. Saveiy and f amîly, Newtonville, Mi. and Mis. A. Hill and fanily, Mis. H. HIll, Tyroge, Miss B. Rogers, Ma- ple Grove, at Mi. L. Welsh's. Enniskillen USEIC For Ecouomical Refrigeraton ... Willin' ice in 100 % pure, made of clear, sparkllng, tested water-our driver travels his route every day-A large sup- ply on hani for your conveni- ence. RATES ICKETS $13 25 LDS .1 FOR. 50 LES. FO -------- -.28 WILLIAMIS' ICE COM PANY PHONE 439. Fer pu pt. peliveery Il BuY Victory Bonds OUR COUNTRY DEPENDS ON us BLUE RIBON ]PAIT A reliable second grade paint for general use at a very low price Quart 59C - Pint 3»C Our Spring Sale of GUddIe' Higli Clans Paint. and Var- nishes tllcontiuu. Now l is te te buy waU- pàper--Pries are 10w. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Dowmanvfle clebrating their 35th weddlng an- niversary. Young People closed their meetings for the summer Tues- day evening ini thc form of a soci- al. Devotional was taken by Mis- ses Jessie Knox, Blanche Degee, Meta Degeer and Eileeri CowlZn. Gaines were played under super- vision of Ross Ashton. Bountiful lunch was served. The Statesman is now on sale cach week at Slemon's Store, Uc a copy. Haydon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chiiers, 1FO.RY Chaters, Miss Lorna Thpmpso; Toronto, Mrs. James Ashton* Cor-, umrbus, at Mr. W. Thompso's. . Miss Ursul MeNeil has returu- ed to Toronto aiter hrents'. .Mr. and fM.. LliycArshnon -aàf amily at Mr. and Mrs. John Grahain, Oshawa,' at Mrs. D. Graham's. .. Mr. and Mis. Stan Wooflings Jr. and fain- lly, Toronto,' at Mr. H. Ashton's. . Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Misses Anne, Grate and May Trewin, Torointo, Rev. Harold Stainton and family, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.* Ashton, Enniskil- len, Mr. Allen Stainton, Mr. and Mis. C. Avery t Mr. W. Trewixi's. Congratulations *co Mr. and Mrs. Mmi. Trewin on celebratlng their 35th wedding, anniversary,.-P.' This list was sent to Uic Red Cross for May: 4 men's sleeveless sweaters, 2 pr. women's ankie socks, pr. khaki socks, 1, scaif, pr. of men's socks which were donated. Solina Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Mr. Russel Clarke, Toronto at4 Mis. S. E. Werry's.. . Messrs.' Chas. and Frank Shortridge at Mr. Ernest Debarr's, Columbus... John Baker at Mr. Irwin Braggs, Providence.. . Mr. and Mis. Wesley Yellowlees at Lind- say. .. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pres- cott and family with friends at Richmond Hill.. Mr. and Mrs. j William Dunbar and son and Missi Fanny Smaie at Mr. Jas. Smales'. ..Misses Ella and Doris Miflson, Jerry and Stanley Milison at Mr. Russel Stainton's, Zion. . . Rev. and Mrs. Merriain, Meynooth, visited Miss May Merriam. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown at Mr. Norman Brown's, Lindsay. . . Mr. and Mis. Raiph Davis at Mr. Ernest Nesbitt's, Columbus... Messrs. Bob Smalc and Harvey Eyesight Education By, C.lI.Tuck Optometrlst Eygsight Disney Bidg. (opp, P.O.) Oshawa Nuniber 176 Yau May the more reaàily un- derstand, the marc you read af the many dangeraus conditions exlsting, why it is wise to seck cdvlce even thougli yau pay Uic small iqe for examinction ard id, youi cyca normal or fiee fipin danger. It is lietter ta have many eye examimatiars mmd lie fiee hatahave marie at al and run tlio rlsk ai danger. 1Amy reasan for thc suspicion ai e. dangerous eye dci ect sliould qpUourage you ta lhave an investi- ge on made mmd the patient is séen ta gain moare tlan le will lame liy taking tIc examiner cri- tirely into his confidence ct Uic tlme ai examination. The mmm who knows and knows bat le knows will dcharge yau rit mmd you will seek lis cd- v'ice; but he wlio aifers lis cdvice fiecon omly place çL limited value pon lis .experieiice. Kma fewý articles ta follaw will b. g ven some conditions ai a, *wvoUs dlicracter. These wll f*lw. mmeditlT. (ta lie contimucd) Yellowlecs at Lake Slmcoe on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. George Werry on passing lis exams. at Dental College. He is woiking in Oshawa this sumnier at Dr. Lang- maids. Congratulations to Mr. mmd Mis. Bruce Tink on Uic rival of a fine baby boy, Loin. Douglas, also to Mr. and Mis. George Mill- soný Halifax, who have a son, Douglas. Mi. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orano, Mr. Gordon Law and friend, Oshawa, Mr. mmd Mis. Jas. White, Mi. and Mis. King and Patsy, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Clarence Tink and family, Hmp- ton, at Mi Geo. White's. Vict@ry Lon (Continu.d trom page 1) strong, C. F. Awde, R. S. Graham, T. A. Reid. Canvassers: Neill Porter, C. R. Carveth, W. E. Davey, Edwaid Woodyard, Arnold Wade. Cartwright Township Chairman: Wilfrid- Bowles. Publicity Comittee: Rupert 13yers, Reeve Creighton Devitt. Sales Chairman: Wilfrid G. Bowles. Canvassers: Rupert Byers, Chas. G. Vennimg. West Durhain's Objective Total for County is $1,000.000. Total for West Durham is $507,-' 000. whidli is made up as failows: Bowmanville $180,000 Darlington -140,000 Clarke 110,000 Cartwrighit . - 52,000 Newcastle 25,000 .$507,000, The town of Port' Hope is to, contribute $215,000 and thc bal- ance is to b. contiibuted by thc remaining Townships, according to Mi. Simipson, Who furnished> these appioximate figures. He al- so cmlled attention to a caialcee of floats over a mile long whlch will leave Toronto for Belleville, Morday, June 9, amd whidh will pass through Bowxmanviile about 2 pi.. "boostimg" foi Uic Loan. In another column is a powerful appeal by A.N. Mitchell, Presid- cnt of Uic Canada Life Insurance Co. anld fornierly of Enni killen, whidh wlll latçr lbe shown i towm on a "'Camvfissers Film" specially prepared for Loan pubi licity. Torch Service. (Oontinued tram page »ý failed in lis duty and lis uic was not lit Uien disater thrcatened ail those wlio depended upon, Mm. And mow acroas Canada today we have dedicated this symbol of thc lighted tordh. The very same meaning, Uic very same inten- tion Uic very sanie rcsponsibility isla tir. The actuai liglitcd torçh car- iied across Canada wil l e dcliv- crcd as I have told you ta Mr. Chiurchiill. The message Uiat this lighted toîch wili bing to Mr. Churchill mmd Uic people of Uic British Isles is Uiat we have seen mmd recogmized Uic great danger mmd peril Uiat thicatens oui Em- pire mmd Uiat wc aie behimd thein ta Uic last man mmd Uic last dal- lai. But Uic spirit, Uic liglit mmd Uic flame of Uiat torch must be kcpt burnimg if we keep faith withsuch a message mmd you mmd I must sec that without fcil it passes from liand ta hmmd, strong, vigorous, dependable hcnds that carry it thiough ail Uic trials and Uic dangers to.its destination. That destination and its .destiny i. ,vlctory Uiat must be won at al costs and by eveiy sacrifice. Take Up flic Torcli We have watched ts torcli being caiiied by others far too long. Surely we are mot stupid enougli ta close oui cycsanmd just refuse to look at Uic grim real- ities Uiat staie us full in Uic face. We must win this war or face utter destruction and we cannot possibly win Uiis war unless we- strain every sinew and make cv- cry effort. We face powerful, resourceful and ruthless enemies., Our soldiers s0 far have been hopelessly outnumbcred mmd piti- fully overpoweied with machines. Let no man stand Up mmd tel us wc do -mot need soldiers in this wci Uiat we need only machines. What Uiey should say i. Uie truth and that wc do nat require Uic soldiers for Uic only reason that there 15 no cquipment for Uiem ta use or even adequatcly train with. But make no mistake, be- fore victory is won wc arc going to rieed cvery soldier we can pas- sibly muster. We-must stop figlit- ing Uic lest war mmd start iight- img ts anc. We are ail ta haine for Uiis state of amucus. We have nat been prcpaied ta carry torches oi an y kxnd except those Uiat woulâ give us more pleasure, more leis- urc mmd less iesponsibility. We cannat escape Uic penalties now 'For Uic moment Uic great majority of us are living in a pureiy artificial world crected by large increases in Uic circulation of currency. If we follow oui prescrit trend of figliting a very comiortable mmd enjoyable war, wc face certain mmd camplete dis- aster just as sure as we breathe. No Rand Can Fail Every anc of us must carry ts lighted tardh witliout Uiought ta oui persanal affairs or inter- ests-wlicn Uic tordh is lighted no hmmd can fail ta grasp it ini turri-when you buy a bond, mmd perliaps make some real personal sacrifices in doing it, you will weai a tordh button-when yau demamd that mo mmm fail no mat- ter wlat his position or lis quali- fications, i tkimg every possible step ta get prompt mmd thorougli action fromi cvery section ai aur national ie so Uiat this war at last becomes a liard, tougli ob- jective Uiat brings us back ta stark and mckcd fundanientals and realities that we, must face or lie destroyed;, when you aie prepaxed ta give yaurself mmd 3rour resources for victary, tIen mmd only theri have yau become a tardh beaier wlo wil mot fail. . 3ev. S. Davisoi, 11ev. W. G. Blake, 1ev. A. R. CragX and Adit. A. D. Hart misa took parts in Uic service. Trîity Anlv.rsary (Contlnued tram page 1) chaimimg mmd dramatic manner, tald an iterestimg stary ai "'The Sehfish Giant," wherein Uic Giant who 'was once grecdy witli lis luge. estate brouglit only cald winter mmd bleakness with his greed. But wheri Uic chldren werc cllowcd ta play in his gar- dem. and lie played with Uiem everything was eternal spring with Uic trees in bloomi, the birds singing mmd Uic slii shining. The children thiaugli this story learri- cd a vcry valuable lessori Uiat ta have happiness thiaughli 11e you, *must lic generous mmd kimd ta everyone. Mi. Rass Strike, Assistant Sup- erintenderit, spake ai tbe.meeds af thc Sunday School mmnd, askcd for a liberal collection. He misa thank- ed ail who had taken part ta make Uic mniverscry 80 enjay- able mmd, successful, giving par- ticulai credit ta Mifs. S. Davison, and misa ta Mis. Ray Diflimg, con- venor ai the flower comniittee, and others. TIc birthday ai His Majestyj King George VI wM I ie observed next Manday, June 9Ui, and as usual it is a holiday for scliools, banks, goverriment. institutions,i etc., but business houses wil libe open as usual. Mis. Fred Bailey at their cottage at Caesaica. . . Mis. Beverley Cowmm, Saskatoon, is visiting fr1- ends. . . Miss Steven, Columbus, is staying wiUi Mirs. John Wright. Mis. *'Wright la wdII citugli ta keep house again... Mr. BU Pal- mer, Toronto, wiUi Mis. Wm. Steele. The Statesman is riow on sale eadh week at Gilbert's Store, 5c a capy. A MOTRER'S PRAYER The firat was when he'd rcached age three; He grinmed at JDad-Uieri scid ta me "I lave you mother, cli I can, Because to-day I ami a man!" The years sped by-he was six- teen - He'd brushed lis hair into a sheen; I'Ta-rught I dance with Mary Ann, Gee Whiz! I guesa I am a man!" And then ta-day -nineteen - n mare; He came, a soldier, thiaugli my door- "I've jaincd," le called, "Uihey've said I car- Gce, Mum, I rcally ami a man!" And yet my heait, bereit of joy, Cries out, "Dear Gad, pratect my Boy!" -Faye Gould MeLean. e do 4 COWLING'S DRUG STORE FRISE DEVELOPINO 24 BOUR SERVICE ON YOUR FILMS 6 GILLETTE 8eSZ Blue Blades j ind's C ,iaifl for 25ec H 4« frultatives - 22e- 390 ACCOUSTICON Glant Krusehen -690e BATTEE Lactogen - 59o L51 and complete information re- gardiig accousticon hsarlng in- Dodd's Pilla -33e strumnts may bc obtalusi 100 A.S.A. Tablets- 19o e e. Larvex Proteets Woofleflm - . 83 - 1.29 CASHMERE Dlehlorlelde - - lb. 53o T I S SUE Wood's Blocks 10e -25e mpè ,yulpe Soft PureWhite 650 aise Jergen 9 00SUETN u Cream and ta thc ral 4 ; Bubl Bth Lotion 13 fo25i ,:tL:e SOc 147o _______ Vacuum Botties - 390 Odoroxo Creani -19o - 39c Thermos Bottles - 1.25 OdorofolOce ---39o Outing Jugs (j gal>) 1.69 Odorono Liqui 39à - 00c First Aid Kits 29e - 79e M uni - - - 390 - 59o FLASHLIGHTS Fixed and Focuslng - 2 - 3 - 5 oeIls 75c -98c - SI 25 -$1.75 -$2.75 W. Test Eyes and Fit Trusses Phone P. R. COWLING, Phm. B.Prompt 4 EARLY SUMMR SHOPPINO PARTY -FOR 3 DAYS ONLY- Thumm ns.-FmLSat. m June 5 m6 7 With price& rising and'supplies of soxue types of merchandise - running short of requirements, Walker Storesi Limited raise tlip curtain on this great 3. Day Selling Event with a real sense of pride ini their achievement. Every item advertised in our circular, which is now in your hands, represents really outstanding value, and, with the. "NOT AD VER- TISE!) SPECIALS" -on display throughout the store, present a shopping opportunity you cannet afford to miss. REMEMBER! THREE BIG DAYS Thursday - Friday - Saturday King Street BOWNAN VILLE Phonei 451 -et Night ýr e TRURSDAY, JM 5, l"i Blackstock Victorian Women's Institute met Monday and took Uic formi of a quilting. Five nicc quiîts were finished. Ladies' Lodge had one, ladies from Puiple Hill, 2 chain quilts, and one donated by Mis. Jas. G. Marlow. Bible stiidy by Mis. T. Smith was îead. Lunch was servcd. United Church W. A. met May 27th at Mis. W. L. Scott's with 18 present, with meeting in charge of Mis. M. Graham's group. 11ev. D. M. Stinson gave the devotional. Mis. W. Archer gave a readîng and Mi. Stinson gave a tallc on Dr. Greif cil. *The Plunkett dinner held in the conununity hall Friday night un- der auspices of St. John's Angli- can Church was a huge success when the hall was fileéd. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright had a cable from Walter stating he is wcll. Walter is a wireless operator on a ship. Congratulations to Miss Mabel VanCamp on passing her fourth year at University of Toronto. Miss Gertrude Henry is clcrk- ing at Gllbert's Store. Lieut. C. G. Vennimg has had a new garage built. Visitors: Mis. Mabel Rochford, Miss Evelyn Rochford, Mr. Bob Dawson, Mi. Roy Rochford, To- ronto, and Mr. Jim Cortledge, Niagara Falls, with Lieut. and Mrs. C. G. Venning. . . Mi. and àmmmmmmmmmýý Mmbý 1 %11-7 0 - ý-- - Il 0 a a a 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 a a 0 0 a 0 0 Ob 0 e 0 0 0 0 a 6 a 0 a 9 151 ý7-