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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1941, p. 7

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'1'IJSDYJUNE 5, 1941 Hlghway traffic accidents seem to be definitely on t4e decrease in this district in spite-of there being more cars than ever travel- ling the roads. This may be simp- ly a coincidence but more likely It la due ta the moral effect of the ever-present black and white police patrol car on the road. D ECORAT E WITH FLAGS We have &Uai ies Se and up PAIN For best results try FLO- (GLAZE or OLD COLONY Speelal Values ln «"Changed shades'" 1,IOGLAZE ENAMEL only $1.20 quart ]FATERR'S DAY, JUNE 15 Sce oui Father's Day Carda Sc -25c je W, JEWELL "BIG 209F Phome 556 Bowmanvllle 'I TIE CANADIAN STATESMAJ i I SOCIAL AD ISOA Miss Jean Smale, Lindsay, wos guest ai Miss Florence Werry. Mis. W. J. Cully is visiting her dougister, Mis. W. Watson, Ham- ilton. Rev. A. J. H. Carscadden, To- ronta, visited bis sister, Mis. F. H. Morris, Elgin St. Tom Duston, B. A., is spending two weeks ot home prior ta leav- ing for New York City. Mrs. W. Stanley, Pickering, vlaited ber sistei-in-law, Mis. John Sanders, Westmaunt. Miss Jean Moirs is acting lib- romian wiile Mis.. Vivian Argue la on thice months' vacation. Mi. ond Mis. Guernscy Mc- Clellan, Toronto, were weekerid guesta ai Mis. J. A. McClellon. Miss Agnes Scott isos lefI for a vaèation ta Uic Pacifie Cosl visiting Victoria and Vancouver. Mi. and Mi. Ted Petisick, David and Dona, Detroit, Mich., were guesîs ai Mi. and Mis. F. C. Pethick. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Dole, David and Alan, Niagara Falls, N.Y., ENGAGEMÉNT Mr. and Mrs. W .Virtue an- nounce the engagement ai their daughter, Doris Yvonne, ta Pte. Maxwell E. Yourth, son ai Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Yaurth, Oshawa. The marriage ta take place quiet- ly in 3une. 23,1* Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Fallis ai Cadmus announce the engage- ment ai their yaungest daughteî, Annie Elizabeth, ta Mr. Joseph Wellington Bradburn, son ai Mr. and Mis. Wesley Bradburn ai Blackstock; the marriage ta take place in Juane. 23-1* visited Mi. and Mis. Melville Dole. Mis. Gus Bounsal bas been vislting ber idter, Mis. Wilfred Addinall, in Landau. Mi. and Mis. J. A. Bell and Joyce, Detroit, Micis., were week- end guests ai her cousin, Mis. J. W. Miller.e Mis. M. H. Minore leit Monday ta visil ber sister, Mis. B. L. Cook, Taber, Alto., and frienda iVon- couver, B.C. Receut visitais with Mis. W. F. Dale were Mia. A. D. Careallen, Mis. J. E. Runions, Winnipeg, Mon., Miss Olive Jase, Hamilton. Mi. and Mrs. Paul Arlitt, Jack Ailitt, Newmorket, Miss Beatrice Hommond Taou ta, speut Sundoy with Mi. and Mis. W. P. Corbett. Misses Dorathy and Editis May, Windsor, have becu visiting their ounts, Mrs. F. A. Werry, Bethesda, and Mrs. E. J. Silver, Manvers Road. The Town 'Hall hedge neede a isaircut. Its present raggedy ap- pearance corresponds with the lcttering on the town hall win- cluws. The Bownian Hotel is the latest place of business on main street ta have its "face lifted" by a coat af green paint making it look very rattractive. Bishop A. L. Fleming is soon to make his annual trip ta his mis- sion field in the Arctic and will flot return to Toronto till early in September.> Mrs. William frwin, Mr. and 3Mrs. Frank Kelly, Mis. J. N. -Thurston and daughter Eleanor, Bobcaygeon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy. Mre. <Dr.) W. J. Langmaid and h ler youngest son Ross, Oshawa, >are visitng lher sisters, Mrs. W. F. Souch, Winnipeg, and Mrs. R. N. Rea, Portage la Prairie, Man. A float prepared by Bbwman- ville Rotary Club and anc from. the Brookdale-Kingsway Nurser- ies were in Oshawa Rotary Fair parade at the first of this week. Did you get your free copy ai the 16-page boakiet illustrating 160 cap badges ai the Canadian Forces? Well, Jack MeKeever and Wm. Virtue have a copy for yau. Mis. J. H. Swindells is in Win- nipeg cambining a visit ta hier sis- ter and hier son, Aircraftman Eric Swindells, who is ini training at the R.C.A.F. Flying Schaal, Win- nipeg. Harry Lee has taken aver the laundry operated for so many years by the late Charlie Lee. Harry is an experienced laundry- man and assures good work and prompt service. , Mr. Leslie Jackson, who has been laid up for several weeks due to. a braken ankle, ia out again with the aid of crutches. He made his first visit to "The Wood Sen- ate" an Friclay. Provincial Police Officer David Silvester was at Midland Satur- day attending the funeral ai his brother John Silvester who was an internationally known' evan- gelist for many years. Mr. and Mis. T. A. Reid, Clarke, Mr. Harper Carscadden, Kendal, Mr. John Elllott, Bowmianville, mnotored to Victoria Harbor an Saturday ta attend the funeral ai their cousin, Mr. James Parker. Mr. Fred R. Folcy, St. Cathar- ines, addressed the Toronto Unit- ed Church conference on Wed- nesday, then came down ta Maple Grave ta visit his brother-in-law, Mr. J. D. Stevens who is i poor health. Mvr. and Mrs. H. E. Bartlett and iamily and Mr. Ed. Haggith spent the weekend in Hybla and Lake St. Peter in the north country. The roads are in excellent condi- tion for rnotoring, making it a most delightful trip. Rev. Stanley L. Osborne, Dur- hamn County Boy, wha wiJ.l as- sume duties as minîister at First United Church, Port Credit, is ta take his new post on July 1. He la at present assistant curate at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto. Mayor and Mrs. R. 0. Jones attended the graduation ai their daughter Dorothy at Macdonaldý Hall, Guelph, on May 29th. Others who attended were Miss -Marjorie Janes, Toranto, Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Mrs. F. O. MeIlveen and Mr. Charles MeIlveen. ,A junk dealer from Toronto was in town Tuesday with a truck load ai scrap iran and gave qua- tatians an the several tans back of the West End Garage. 'When intevieedit was found that the - gavernment is exercising littie control aver collecting and prices. Their press releases are merely wasteiuli ballyhoo. ,M(r. Harry Taylor A & P mana- ger in Napance, visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norm~an Tay- lor. Incidentally, the Taylor resi- dence at Chgrch and Ontario Sts. is a hive ai activity with work- men completely overhauling it ta canvert the south portion into two madern apartmnents. The familiar personali ty of Wm. Jennings has been missed at Frank Jamiesan's shap the past week. We regret ta report that Bllly is under the dactor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery as the editar has dcPendcd on Billy a gaod deal in recent years as local historian about the dimi and distant pust ai this town. Mrs. R. C. Cruikshank, St. John, N.B., is visiting her sisters, The, Misses Allen, Beech Ave. Mrs. Cruikshank lnforms us the people ai St. John are hlgh i their praise ai the Midland Regiment which is stationed at present In that eastern clty. All the folks at home will be glad ta knaw that the boys have earned such an en- viable reputatian. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington M.ý Laga, Deroit 1Mic3, a .àhi NEW LAMPS AND SHADES Nà THEI JUNE' SALE AT F. F. MORRIS CO. Lampa for every purpose -tise Mdal tut *l nail F l4r W Lampe for every purpose - t he Ideal Aylmsr -Tomate, Vegetable, Celery. i. 4on Pe Five Ro@es 24 lh Bau, Fleur 9 iea 1/2 1b..43e lchmello Cof.. lb. 41c Quakcer P Puff.d Whent c Fruits and Vegettables Valeriela Orainges dox. 23o Leaf Lttuce 3 for 13o Head Lettuce head 9c New Carrots 2 for 15b New2 tfor Cabbage 130 Freali Tromaàtoos lb. 170 New Potatoes 6 Ibo. Me Rits Bala~ Dresilng 32 z. Jar 390 Chrlatie's P r. mlu m 1 thPkg. il I 210 I ! and visiling thse scenes ai their childhoad i the Bethesda-Salem district. Mr.' Logan has been in Y.M.C.A. work for many years and at present is Associate Gen- eral Secretary in the Motor City. Saturday's praceeda ai the ium- mage sale conducted by Mis. Muriel Dunn, originator and sale manager ai the idea. in beholf of Bowmanville Wamen's Auxiliary, omounted ta $76.50, ail ai whlch goes directly for comart and en- tertainiment ai Bowmanville sol- diers on active service. This com- mendable initiative shawn by Mis. Dunn has praduced over $200.0 so for. The edilar af The Statesman- felt iighly honared ta reccive an invitation from tise Facully and Senior Class ai The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, ta thée 64th Annual Commencement on June 8tis. We exlend congratula- tions ta Miss Laura Evelyn Hughes, daughter ai Mr. Fred E. Hughes, 735 - 7th Ave. W., Eu- gene, Oregon, native ai Tyrane, Ontario, who le a member aiflthe graduating class. Mr. and Mis. C. Nelson, Mt. Dennis, attended Eldad anniver- sary and were guests ai Mr. and Mis. Silos Williams, Hampton. Mi. Nelson lived with Mi. Jebsan at Solina over 25 years ago and he has retained his interest in Durham County ever smnce thro' being a regular eubscriber ta Tise Stalesman. He iniormed us an- otiser employec af the Canada Kodak Ca., wha lived i Bowmnan- ville at anc time, Miss Eltie WaJ.k- er, eni oye thc. occasional perusal ai The Statesman. The editor ai Thse Statesman wae pleased ta reeeive a fraternal caîl Tuesday fram Mi. W. A. Mac- Loren, Mantreal, editor ai "The Blue Bell", published by the Bell Telephane Ca. ai Canada. In aur humble opinion "The Blue Bell" is thc best isouse argon publisised in Canada. Il la a credit ta thc art ai printing; its editorials are constructive and forceful, and its newe columns and pictures are as homey and interesting as a local xýewspaper. All ai which reilects, the genius and higis Ideals ai its câpable and genial editor. Despite activities af tise past two weeks indicating otherwise 4ieut. A. L. Baker and L. A. (Bert) Parker have nat became members ai the Girls' Wor Ser- vice Club. The girls arc veiy grateful ta them nevertheless for so generausly supplying thse mon and motor power ta move and store thse furniture from the Sol- dicîs' Recreation Room for tise summer. Divided ita I h r e e groups ta facilitate their wark in variaus projecta, the girls are now busy quiiting, sewing, remodel- ling, and packing the overseas bale, as well as the usual knitting for tise army and navy, and will soon be "Anl Out" ta aid tise Lé- gion Carnival ta a successiul re- suit. Langûage is constantly under- gaing changes, most af themn im- perceptible, and Uic variations are only brought ta ligisI by îead- ing aid papers and magazines. In The Stateemoan files af 50 years aga anc adjective "capital" la used constantly but it has disappeared entirely framn the vocabulary of 1941. Another stortling usage ai the gay nineties wos brougist ta lighit hie accaunt af a wedding which reieired ta thse groomn <quite properly) as 'la respectable young former." Tise meaning af tisaI adjective tao, has subtley cisanged in Uieitervening hall century and il brings o emile ta the readei's face. In tiese ame article it wae apparcntly thougist proper usage ta siy 'la very pretty wedding came tiff last evening . h 'NVILLE, ONTARIO COMING EVENTS Reserve July 4th for Red Cross Garden Party on Mrs. J. H. H. Jury's lawn. 23-1 The date for the Legion Carni- val, June 27th, is drawing near. The local branch is planning a huge military parade irom the Public School graunds ta the Ro- tary Park, prior ta the apening ai thse Carnival. 23-1 Thse Companions ai the Forest wll hold a home coaking sale and atternoon tea on Saturday, June 7th, 9" 3.30 p.m., -in the Cowan Block Proceeds in aid ai the' British War Victims' Fund. 23-1. St. George's Church Strawberry Tea and Garden Porty wlll be held on the Rectory Lawn, New- castle, on Thursday, July 3rd. Keep the date in mind and plan ta attend this always enjoyable aifair. 23-1 Home cooking sale and aiter- noon tea on Fridoy, June 6th, at 3 p.m., at the home ai Mrs. M. Moore, Silver St., under auspices of Beehive Lodge. Aiternoon tea 15C. Proceeds for war work. 23-1 Reserve Sundoy, June l5th, for Maple Grave Anniversory when Bey. Gardon Dnnim, M.A.,B.D., ai Bathurst St. United Church, To- ronta, will be guest speaker. Wed. June l8th, a good program, ai sports, supper and concert will take place. Full Particulars next week. 23-1 Concession St. East Group ai Trinity United Chureh W. A. are holding a tea and sale ai home cooking at the home ai Mrs. Wes-ý ley Cawker, Manvers Road, on Friday, June 2Oth, from 3 ta 6 p.m. Admission 25c. Everyane wel- corne. Please note change ai date. 23-2 Mis. C. T. Ross has very gener- ou,9ly donated the Royal Theatre and an outstanding picture ta the Red Cross for a motince on Thurs- day, June l2th, at 3'p.m. "Gallant Sons" is the picture ieaturing Jackie Cooper, Bonita Granville, and Gene Reynolds; aiea shorts. Tickets are 25c and are bcing sold by Red Cross Committee. 23-1 Reserve Friday, June l3th, 1941, for a Piano and Violin Recital by thse pupils ai Vera McGill Fergu- soni, A.T.C.M., and Edouard Bart- icît ta be held in the Opera House, Bowmanville, at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.). Proceeds for thse British War Vic- tis' Fuild. Admission: Adults 5cchildren 15c. 22-3 Holstein Breeders' Pienie - AUl Durham County Holstein Breed- crs, their familles and iriends, are invited to Uxbridge Saturday, June 7th, ta join with Ontario County for the annual Holstein Breeders Field Day and Picnic. Judging commences at 9.45 S.T. ]Picnic lunch. This is your field day. Came and bring your fom- ly. Jas. Brown, President; H. C. MIýir, Secietary. 23-1 banada needs your help -En- list nôw. PAGE SEVEN HOW MUCH 1$ FREEDO.M WORTH? That is a question every Canadian should ask today. You are asked to buy Victory Bonds to speed the day of victory for our fighting forces. Under our way of life, your investment in Victory Bonds is voluntaxy. Under totalitar- ian methods, there would be no such freedoni. Have you done enough? Think of what our men and women are doing, in the army, the navy, the air force, and the nursing service. They have offered ail, even life itself, to fight for ouii freedom from brutal aggression. LEND your money on the safest security-the Dominion of Canada itself. Buyail the bonds you can for cash, then sign up for more on the instalment plan. ACT NOW - BUY VICTORY BONDS. Help Finish the Job BUY VICTORY BONDS! ALEX McGREGOR PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Laura Secord Candies DRUOS We Deliver Phone 792 1- ~iI1 SEED ACREAGES BEINO INCREASED Recuits ai tise seed survey juet compleled by tise Plant Produets Division, Dominion Department ai Agriculture, aItishe request ai tise Seed Supply Committce, in- dicate a plentiful supply ai most vegetabie aud field moats seeds for seeding in Canada lu 1941. Thse survey coveîed tise principal kinds ai vegetable and field roots seeds used for tise production ai food crape. Seed acreages ai bcdt, cabbage, cauliflawer, parsnip, radiis, spin- acis, swede and mangel have been mncreased under G ov er nm en t spansarship in 1941 ta provide o supply ai seed equal ta tise quon- tity normolly imported irom Eu- rope, but which, on account ai thse wor, is ual now available. Scorcity ai seed tisis year has becu offset ta came extent because mauy farmers have neither lime nor help ta care for. a bac crop. Conditions are suci tisaI advice concerniug seed supply for tise balance ai this year and for 1942 should be sougbt from successiul local seed dealers. It might be wise ta aider. for next year and have the dealer carry over in stock, for il is obviaus a sisortage is in prospect. a Do your duty!-Enlist now. 1 Gel inta Uic figist-Enlist naw. Help your country ta Victry- -Enlist now. Interest Rates on Victory Lotus Interest rates on thse $600,000,00 Vlctory Loan, 1941, to be 'offered ibis month, are announced in this issue. There wlll be iwo maturîties: ten years yieidlg 8.09 per -eent.rqp~d fîve and, a half years yieldin.g 2.19 per cent. Thse bonds will bear interest front June 15. Ten-year bonds maturlng eune 15, 1951, and carry- ing a 3 per cent, coupon, wIi be issued ai 100. As they wilU be payable at 101 ai maturlty and wilU be callable durlng 1950 and aiter, ihe yleld wlIl be about 3.09 per cent. The 5y2-year bonds, maturlng Dec. 15, 1946, and bearlng a 2 per cent, coupon, wiIl be soid ai 99, to yleld 2.19 per cent. They will be redeemed ai maturity at 100 and will flot be caliable before maiuriy. Elect Bu y Your General Elcriç ReFrigerators Now I OTTAWA SAYS: EXTRA TAXES MAY BE ADDED Supplies. Due To War Are Scarce You May Not Get Any Later! Oui Special Puichase of Lait Teai * _ Models Saves Toi o. General Electrie REERIGERATOR .NOW! FOR LUSS TRIAM $200w00 50 Genexal Electulo Mautel -Radios 1941 models. L at esat style. No aerlal requlred. Assorted colours. World recepition. Factory sa,-ý pies. Regular $ 19.95. S1 4.@95 TMIS WEEK ONLY DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIEc 1 38-40 Shncoe St. N., Oshawa RADIO AND ILECTRUCAL SIERVICIE Phones 84-86 ce 40 .......... p- r-_-

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