~EN THE CAjIADIAN S r, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUIWDAY, JU?<E 11, v.u9.4% woodland; and in 1934 had BMLAND REGIENT m mmm m ý mud oiReoastfi4.5 % woodland. ByE WWW By Townships e t present, M TVLMNE P WITHMTEFIGITIS M MC ? We're in the Midland Régirnent, ft.. A ..Dd Ifl J l ~ IgCartwright 4.5 % woodland . the finest in the land, Cu5 va Be - i *ed B y imucation Manvers -3.3% It comprises live companies, led AnI p ra Darlington - a.2%* ". Our Clonel is called Gamey 1kof mîatClarke - -- 2. % " Cliff, if you know hlm well, Owing ta lacko spaceinls Hope - - - 9. % " But what he's been nîcknamed, To EeYH ueod weeks issue of The Statesman we I'm bsbencrr r sure I cannot tell. by Dr. L. B. Wiliams, Toronto, drop in population: In 1861 New- iNext cornes Major Dudley, he isn't We slncerely advise yau ta me et Newcastle an My'3th As castie population-1029; in 1931- very tail, gtyu etwnesfe u Reforestation is a very imortn 660. 1 do flot think his nickname la gepylextnt o fel asu] and tirnely subject and dealt in I have often heard this remark ~' very niçe et ail. There lapetyo oa vi aconstructive end thought-pro- inthsus t from tefarmner- Fir*t, we have "A" Company, the adpie r eiieYa h vokling nienner by Dr. Williamns «There'Ul be nothlng in it for me ao'nieisHl;dcwhtheiutonwlt weurge u edr otietminpatn rsad takigti When he wes sornewhet younger certain prices cannat be lqwer ta read it. The address follows: land out of pasture, etc. Let the he used ta play some bail; the passibility la theY nmlght bei governâment pey me for my labar He has a lovely company, they Te te csevation ofgathen besides free trees." 1 have heard " makre e reel good show, Yau have nothing ta lose ani teeyt of rfrestation eadn members of parleament suggest- When they are marching through ordering et thisUie., You'Il th e oeo eoetto ning this, thus subsidlzing the fer- LuiI AU Toyn Cu I T re guo"IuI m ii the town or on a route march your coal in your bin and you'1 agriculture, coupled withour now mer. I won't argue thet point forgo rear-guerd' activity bath fromn certeinly we willaal piofit by the PUYT go.PA It lsaelso a decided adivantege govcrniment and individuel, re- fre rfot.Btaya trnNx onsCmpn Btemr as hstadmre nha mincis me so much of internetion- ncsiy sso oin amaire Net cornesjompaun "B,th'rceethsrdenrdatre ai attitude ta the present world nesoboy iplan foetAn yMao ures what you asked for-the world war. beautiful forest weelth verdure. It can't be donc. As al as the they r teay oit stwhndeys, wlth sa many fuel proble: prasentont o-nighto inthe word Ifey man doubtliathitntracs with 20 % wooded is carn. l4th century northern Europe mey of neccssity be mare prevî preenatontoniht n hewodsIha emast drecta prunesiered a goad balance in farin-adopted Borne of the principles of Then camnes Company "C", the mearà inferiar heat and mort of opinion or the leck of themnhv otdrctadpoon i national forestry. whlch thi best gang in the bunch, but present as tumepermuta the influence on civilizatiqan, let hirn îng- 125 townships iniOntario tylite2thcnuyaeThysr nwho asode blue coal," the blue colour tha cly facigto th asiveenin itsnruc look e hia. entasrieso teahave3%lesCthrke,%2-.Darlingtan butbegingtainitiete. when iA cornes ta eating lunch. guarantees the quality-and g caor rgh o tatsvr cren Cin asradcd sa nc of the has 3%n -he lark sseof"2nf. heEducate tD Conserve They're led by Major Bigelow - coal you ordered. Conservation isae word not cootavne n niheed litels su "e f teNepolcan for short, this generetion - its g r e a t e S t Dr. È. B. Wililams countries on earth. To-day her Trees" pamphlet it la stated that We rnay yet turn ta nuts frcmn But when you get ta know hirn, Why not get in touch with us1 hope is nature itself - its arch trugglcs toward réeal republican- in 1865 - 3 years before Confed- treos as e food steple and not ai he's really quite e sport. aesr o iltin sn nemy te spirit of war and Il 20 miles. The Height of Land ismn or democracy are handicap- ertion -tere were in Michigan wheat.arsuey wlthnuse ceise - its saving grece la stern escarpment crossmng these a bout ped by tue deed weight cf a duil 12 million acres cf white pine- This q.uestion cf trees.and water. Then camnes Major Lycett, he's we are malklng ta yau now,1 necessity. 50mlsnrho ohae stagçiant population of meny mil- enough, it was said, ta lest tue The« rainfallai disposed cf li boss cf Company 'ID", lievo tuat what we say la trut 50mlsnrho ohaegives lions. The year she used up her world forever. It took two cen- three wkys: And he la quite a gentleman as many ways by getting, "blue c GeorgealProclnm1792, Upper Cana d rop10 in liandeproduces5 ther s aerfedécadence began. Chine turies ta graw. To-day two, par- (1) It goca back inta the air by everyonecacen sce. now. devigedIIint179 rCounad a if ue0gmelestandpoe t c eer cf prf exemple of tue evils cela, about 80 acres each, rernein direct evaporetion, and if you He secs his men arc alweys fed, was devddit 9cute ftegraetptnilo ae fdforestation. In the eestern and after successive firea whxch have trees, by tueir lcafage in and uses common sense No. 13Duan sournty by het noweing tertedtartsweîî tue provinces,- the benumbing proccshave burned up all tue nourlah- process cf starch digestion. But tue safest place for aII lis Sheppard i ll Luc No 3 n oapaetyb h a be gdiElec ticaievltep was cornpleted sa long ago that ment cf the top-soil, t is naw anly (2)ý It runs dowxi te tue sca' in gang la behind a barbed wirePhn 5 b.nme u u~ as bee t. Lawrence lcra Dvop most cf the people do net know fit for reforestation and this must streamPhofence5 hoadocd ever pince. ment and deepen the course of ta such thinga as forests exist. now be donc by hand-overy seed (3) It percolates inta the earth TeClnlhsabohr u Intue early years arcund 1850 every boat on the Great Lakes. Trees stiil grow in tue maunitain troc is gene. where it la held as in a reservour TeCna e lasamey, tc , this County was designeted tue It's water and more water that f astnesses cf- the western regions, Tedr osvlwc r-te be fed graduafly ixito tue brooks Anha bss cf eedquater m otcf Industry because there doos ail tuis. btThyaeéosatl engr-s denowrn oohsfelw-cantPry-and se furnlah a constant supply And uey aros f e uiteacre. were S many actrisalong its la it credible tuat Northern On- duted undremnsanda ortber. moidn th a ueoedstr iuto f fresh filtered ruxinxg 1.ater. Tc amtey frem ove r w f large streany a. e ealimct]1prfi bete oly c le ne ingembard sufr itbe fr waseanc cfthefret iteatin If land la toaebsorb, its surface T flic, efro sinnryup alsitk_________of______ eai'y dys uat ue armra mde autern ntaiause in a coffin retails tuere for problems confronting the country. mrust get Protection by trocs, And when they go eutaontet,e - bittr cmplintabot txesbe- Just as anything becqmos scar- four cr five dollars, it pays a Hia words are stiil truc and apply gai as t. watersheds must the town tuey sure do peint. ~i cause thero were se mnany creekas cer wc begin te rcalize tas sgnifi- coolie ta carry a fcw sticks ho ta Canada. I den't know about have orne nians of holding back requiringbridges.canco. Ncw we know what Black cen got hoid cf e long waY for some cf you who have trevelldwtrfo.Rfrsaix e-Adtooaealcrlaes e n tuat tue panga of tue Walnut wouhd mean in th~e furni- sale. in U. S., but I have been impresa- puly In schcols and universities '5 te r alscdas n rc lotaddying max i l thirt-not turc trade whexi it lsanai gone - In Eastern China, anc mnay tra- cd with the groat number cf scngh cteeuainlAdwc shail march bohind themn lan -ed ie ftis. Otetb vre eincion.mTe pc ieotrustelsswse.Teother structure and as comparod there than in the maxi cf 60 yeara Se here's from the Midlands, were beck ta Wicklcw, his bcyhood's lnd!uhexiOnari w'rinw ua haextentbn.fuhe carm- mwa r u on eei s se acte. The ihau rc.I ili pcue f ago. Werc I giving this address wlth you anc andalnd hm eae eore a v tat on the pople cfthe iutraoasho aalaeoron the prairies, I would alsc stress As long as therc's the Midloafrndtrsnt forwatr.We'e eenbath et night and a cald showc villages acatter over the hiflsides treca when cut clown. Depletiaxn d-rasc rc.Ianhr the fleg shall nover f ahi ' Tomcoyclhi.atr cryigotfrwtr er vnwrsrsing cutevtin a odo missianary wrnl be honered li a edritting aur transgressions for li tue mrnxing wees wte collect cvery bit cf grass, twigs cf ar doreat .ceS. lisacnt ryetrwaig oevai on, te.or anbyPe o Lws C' pca émra evieh n from ncneGovernrnent Reforesta- ycars ago we wcrc lucky te get and other herbage which dares te ie aaa rU.S s em re at e haetadevi de fa -Writt1cn.by to.midLadRgmertewi,"" pc auspoic ericte hPedeu- ticxi Station, t Orone), tucre were neer tue ernily wash tub even oni show itscif abavo the ground. This neccssary than e famine li food- suncarca eren tsbe an ot Co., B., i t o idewndrRegikent, or ue Auspsoco f tuePter- setout last year nearly 7 rai-.Saturday night. materiel la used for fuel, fcdder, jstffs. ttecon tikohe ouhv teb Slvatuer ate sujent A?,San ohN nwck. boruh snTsocatie ne 1pt lion trocs. V/hon Tennyson made tue brook during tue wintcr and the country juscnlintat settarllkçoreed down te o the tout- ylcuuro r scoxtiqcues-_______ t 2.15 p.m. D.S.T., et tue Haldi- lI the North tuey don't know Say, "men may came and menxislarcduced te complote désolation. lscoclsi on thame tat waen ton.reRhandJghfntuetrocvuis-mand Baptlat Church, Wicklow whet ta do with tue water; tue may go, but I go on forever," ho I arn baing my remarks on i ioracfonamn-ht hnten ..JhnE ai (midwey betwccxi Grafton and lakes, big and Uitile, are innumoer- was wroxig wtuout reforestation formation available et tue end cf it is gane, it's gene. Let me tel __________No.________y abl, uerier ad tributarios and Èo te save agriculture, wild the lest greet war and witu Japan ycu that whet maxi has destrayed Memorlal ServieCon)SN.2Hgwy arle ighyvoers -ud-'hIfe, marine life, - to save tuis hemmcring et Chine's very vtl man may build again. The foresta HsILT The service, wMl be li charge Beydringesyte latu cunryth w olecsmos ,O r wa utbeto cue an made to be perpotual liv- The naine cf Rev. John E. Of Rv rdWr Mdrtrc sonx aydringeayecarsslvs tslminoing resaurces and if some cf you PUSH AH lAD Davis la reverod by Baptt u nwi e Asoiatin, axi ev adi. Mac greetest water basin i u oh. asiaiint this basic fct- and awful fecta right xicw? ae_______ wttorefoes Li bo givo n. e. J.fB Mac Sectuaet righy sreegsRuprtatcrtanimnimm (upertpr, ae ceutrnttrinnf minslamremetornied et o rferst ili anaaCadnada dandhee hnLarin D.., exi Se. o tu Abitibi, Moaso, Metagarni ,Mis- centago of land must ho li tros- inevitable. At ail crdinery times cjust beau yeurofmisnin ersB Gevll iesrsorvcd for many years as e Mis- Canadien Beptist Foreigni Mission wiabn, elsan etc. -paa- Rfoeshon.urd e al a tereioguClins.acar esryrck-thon the reat cf us have got ta Droams perhaps supply an aim; sionery undor tue Baptiat Mission Board. ,It la oxpectod thât rnany wa lbln anyNeloneatc. evePry grahntodbyue oderar S flle wsyiteld nugh watDepr t a e tuesec tc it that gcvernmcnt makes déermination makes them comc Board. Twenty-five years egahoe from the ccmmnity and from lelngoneaxoter bot -veYFranced yet ubcc noer7hcopo plewye alve. Wghoxcor tu e wind you do it. A troc roqie olittie te life. A detormined maxi is anc died et Trecedie, New Brunswick, marc rcmctc parts wiU ho présent.,.1 F tranceht ubcisin tof 7 expor-bpewslet ail . hd te ar bct sche to ssae nd net- who has weighed ife, and knows veu 'h a'.p~intua i mm ionueof eGovr- bsetd w th ge arbclodaofurel conditions. I will show PIC-. what ho wants of it; if hoe is arn- E.btio~UU nr, inthlree - e oarch in ail uvrid dutithg etera ail ofturea wherc fermers li this vory bitiaus, it la because lho has con- Eye igh Ed caionnor thefreaad -tla toch naleif ut t nesalccunty have roforestod and thon vinced himsolf that his ambition And tefrssadlks"osei houses threugh cracks and cr0- trnd the fieldbaueonoi rtwrkgfr.H kos there uxight net be sffmetuing vices just ike this cioud sand tri n t , t bfrecauege no ieort okin f o kxicw Effcloncy good li tho." ' The theught cf storma on aur prairie prcvinces ge niiio repsueg.thet horehas imnortnc ie te live Efî* my eddressan pictures la tuat and evexi makes vision difficult------- is trornendous. By there is no hsting gaad without and I recahi after such a storm I ay T h eto h olh s«EeydtwUadhmtydn.i otiuk C.H.Tuck tuose, ferestsansd lakes. The poat, exporienced et Gaiveston tha th i.maua'v exiîy anc of a crawd; but ta Mim- tina rY» MPÈDsaisNSTEh aF CANADA. relcting. upoxi the perishability wholo next day the etmosphcr0 u ne ifl tr solfflho is overything, tue centor of hmanacheverent sad tht w brathe wa sauratd wthcf a universe. Ho may know« that Eyesight hia naine was writ i water fer duat and in our moutha, nostrils, his capabilitics are medicçrc; even sews htwudendure. Would tue clothes and car, even though we Legal then ho can détermine ta make EP ATER TUB ES I N ACTION Dlsney Bldg poot cf to-day in aur lend write were not ini the Storm but erily its _______________mare of thorn then ather .mon hnyu eaavoccmigtyuclr <o,, p.oï' uch aline? lI our pioncer days subsidence. ~G OL .A LB mgtd lc hnyuha oc aigt e la Oshawa upafxi ftuebaoladtui bren enudd flUides Berrister, Soliciter Noary Or, lho may feel thet tuere l an itic vo udrd fiieno ee fsaa uod the bsolvesf orern.do China whon rain cornes it Phono 351 hlm somthing abeve the ordin- phono lio, thon repeeter tubes are in action. day wo are saciy reahizing.how nearly ealways bringa disastraus Bank cf Commerce Bldg . amtin ha et lmIy Jeep thue voice up ta strengt, no mat- Number 177 profligate we have been with aur -flooda. The water rushes down Bowunanville - part frem tue renk and file, and ter how fer it is travelling. hértae.I*ea o eer ade tute baro hlsides into tue river tuat hoe has will-powor anid per- "Chorea, 5t. Vitus Dace hruae.Iodnevr idet gunlies and becomos a* raging tor- W. R. STEKEsoverexice ta use those abillties ta omel these repeater tubesreueda the Byes, hdy- Ibter be e ld"Bcktate rnt. The flood apreeda eut int<> Barrister, Solicitor Natary tueir utrnost. Whichcver t bh uheetiiya 5wt apadlse *thncrre tethypropiacroats forat."'te edcunng country and strews Solicitor fo'r Bank ai Mentreai moans ta achueve hua full >ossi- nly a few weeks. Bell Telephone research such 'a train- upon. tue eyes that tue fields wlffi crop-ruinixig atones Maney ta Loan - Phone 791 biis.c a s bv llvl n anfcuehv eeoe uet tue leakage cf nerve farce froni Serieus Need and beulders. There la acoxtinuai Bowrnanvlile, Ontario uh a n laHe bove aui, e vel- sut owdomanuacbtrjohave deve0oped e tubeotg, tlM means cannat. but be xioticcd. How seriaus la aur need cf 'Con- washig cf sou sand the best sou oddiokcaqiewhlutnwdesabte olss2 iisa og This may lead toa elang train cf servetiexi? frorn tue highlands. xIn arid Ani- L. C. MASON, B. A. succcss wiii net be an easy mat- consumes 1/5 of the power and Casta about a evils greater' than t first ho A rccent survoy cf King Tawn- zone as I 'travcloed, tue naed Barrister - Solicitor ter; no success warth having quarter- of the aider tube. th;gtPossible. ship- nortu of Toronto, of some river beds were oxly eddying Notary Public - Etc. carnes easily. Ho knows tuet he 90% af hyparpia xit about 80,060 acres relative te tue inst 100 littlo whirlwinds cf dust-instead Law ini ail ita branches must meke sacrifices, cut eut cf Thate juat an exemple of what research la do. tue ase hav a ammei yars howd - f clvet ey have Iongsop Office imrnediately eat af Rayal ius Iffe, for the prescrit et least, ing for téléphone service - iniproving it, ex- muscle errer whose strain upon vee upytrgclyîwr- ed dips li tuefpavemenit highwey Theatre same af the things ho enjeys but tending its scope and kee ing Caste within tuer uppeyraepalylo becae ce Od rein when t Phone Office 688 Home 553 which dissipete his strength; hoe bounds. Research heu mede tue telephone .,~. teee ssimnIliar.tu e eyestrai cd. setha h wil hvetofi of« iyperopia .andi as tuis muscle7 doos came, ithe culvcrta as werolzstthowiavtawr conitrai suad tue effort p4tfth / c f ariginally permanent know thern'wauld hoe chokced with heta ard and long. equal to war-time ta correct tue visuel errar are al streamif had dried Up. slt in e few minutes. EngineersHelosts fcinheaedm d. imposmpg upon thç tuird nerve, Wild life periously depleted. there have ta 'estimate haw much DR. J. C. DEVITT and then décidés whethcr the cf- it ta easy to understand tuat the Steady fafling cff cf local in- weter fremtue. drainage Milsides Assistant: Dr. E. W. Blason foter year c suh edear la toc test conidered necessary ta kxiaw dustriqË such as saw, 'woollen, wudhocniodliceti al-t fRylDetlCl ih rc op tue true condition of thioi pair af griat milis. lywdtslia ie i yaGernt . cffoalcentar Jlele ihaprc epy eyes la ,nat merely 'a test of vision. ula1tien loua by ever 60 %. rairicutburst, in 'order to hvelg, Toron. Of ffieury uile the eno ienstohui tolrply Theconiton f t~ usces Th~e remnedy la 'reforestetiaxo f dc.Tinialeas f 9 e.m. te 6 p.m. dally, sa long as hie elano pays; but, if prcofe.Ti salbcueo th comôaiÀ owrms slcearoas, management o ako trees, moar reservoirs-rio except Sunday ho la realiy a maxi cf purpese, hie te keccammôdastie pwer sece.c Phono 790 - Hause phono 883 la nat content witu usdelin exîsting. woed-iota, water anoétann ifune isether ti éiin aretu tue otucrmiu~l ou n ~erouf.cnri étenn guno-isfl -a q are unetonln hernonous1n an - urnig sad ordevstatng c . ent iOffice Ho begins, like the gaod crefts- ho in evidexice. Each cf tue' bu: At Schamborg - Lake Scugcg At tue moutu cf every river maeanretrs idet whatho has mte wr an; man o rgane receives ite proper level - using sterage tanks from fiowing ito Hudsoni sud James F________________ou________a towor on X amnunt.af nerve farce neteaeary Beil's Lake - peil ration fram Bey whero as yet tuore is ail FUNERAL DIRECTORS that la, hoe estimates, as clearly forit wrkwhn tren - ewlls. Our Forestry Department kinda of nature'a primeval cotl as ho can, his owxi character and titis power goeme other argan muat recagnizos tuat we shauld main- in 'forcat, muskeg, prairie Sevlandaraydy asbliis suiertuouh ueimpraper dis tain et ieati 17 % of aur aad n sd lack cf cultivatian, yom.4 sec .F orsC. hsl b istso utay anc ahouidhtakehwhhela.tF.nkorgis Co' tributioxi. 'waodlaxud ta preserve balance. an archipolaga with . substantiel Mdm ae EupeoA n o lg axe whostarth ie Ae . ' <' 9~.$%Z:i 1China, Indla, Paestine (which is F&4UhhI&hI mprvhi) and parts cf Spain, la in store for us I we dex't mexid S00 EN T EPRTANEMeof3,00 aur ways. .Ini ny rmak theroe30, no sensetioaliam but a predic- ou. AP OROt epp VM~B, B ba ITa #,rYutien as sure as tuat water wlll run wenderfufly versatile e n t e r- nna t, vtU~ dawx i hll. toueor, fer your aoxt entartain- 'T g r a1T Cnoa ManMa Buldment. iluatrated circular free. tou~ tlmlua S AN Stes Your, grsudparents or eerlier -Addrese - apeasi ntr e,,. spyO m 8ADTORSploneers coming ta tula Ontario, f8b Crawford Steet, Toronta'U.odmt j eaG~ Uound a continent clothed wlthitda. 1oddtiia=u. it Mess"a ike arrangements no,% ipp1y. lable at the present1 ieir 10w. No one can be next feU, but we !than they are now considerably higher. id everything to gain m ave money: you'il 1 I be safe in an emerge ta order "«blue coal,' iite assures you of gel d's finest anthracite. TI Dms, substitution or mi iaent than befare and re cost ta you. But1 at yau can see at a gla guarantces delivery of by phone to-day--an ext feUl for the suggeE because we sincerely ae: youl be better of cal"' and ordering itx nber Co. Limite Dowman ge w't time pro- are ,by T have tncy. -ttng xlng wtus ince' d we stion rbe- rlght i Pla*ce ou , ChioR rd.r through u.rNo rItIl ng.No money orders. No bother. ronal at- tention - prompt delivery. F. C.VANSTONE BoWmanVille F. L. DYAM Tyrone FRED J. THOMAS Newcastle JACK 114UDSON Orono TRUIMAY, im i2j ;, BOWILANVILLE, ONTARIO THE CAIrelAN SI