'T!IURSDAY, JTJNE 12, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~WMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Ikcal ndPersonal Jack Stobart was home on leave. SMr. F. Duncan is on the sick list. '~Misses Stark, St. Catharines, .were guests Of J. E. Richards. .The Hancock family picnic was scheduled for -Wednesday. Mns. Jones' mother spent Sun- day with her. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson visited i Peterboro. Miss Phyllis Carleton is on holi- days. The Stateshnan is on sale at TYrrell's Dnug store, 5c a copy. LeROY Myles was home on leave. Miss Mary Sommervileé is visit- Ing iToronto.« Mrs. F. Cowan is visiting i Toronto. Misses Bassinett and Grey visit- edi Toronto. Misses Ruth Lowden and Aud- rey Cowan, Toronto, visited at Mr, Chas. Lowdcn's. Up to Manday night District No. 3 had subscibed $90,000 ta the Vlctory Bond campaign. W.C.T.U. convention is bemng held to-day <Thursday) i Hamip- ton. Reê,. and Mrs. Wolfraimi and fainily, Lindsay, visited at Mr. A. H. Keane s. 1fr. and Mrs. G. Suggitt, and Nancy, Toronto, visited relatives here. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cobbledick on the birth of a idaughter. 0 Congratulations ta Miss Viola Noden on passing her University exanis. Congratulations ta 1fr. and Mns. Charles ]Knox on the birth af a daughter. Mrs. W. E. Armstrong entertain- ed flie Sunday School teachers and officers Tuesday. District meeting of the Agri- cultural Socleties was held i Orono yesterday. Next Wednesday is the big. event-Donnybrook Fair. We'll be sceing you! The King's blrthday passed off quietiy here. Stores'and poast of- fce were open as usual, whlle ftic bank and school were closed. A large nuniber af Ononotes wcnt ta Newcastle Monday ater- '-zOon and saw the cavalcade of floats. ACcordlng ta 'flhc Tely fthe case trled in Cobourg between Clarke Towmihip and Wefllngton FarSow was adjourned. Mr. Wrn. Cooper has rcnted part of Orme Garnsby's house and will move I wlth his bride aiter the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlddleton and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson and the Misses Farrel were i Peterboro Sunday attend- lng the Drumhead service. 0 . W. Rolph has a woniderful wmndow, and has taken the pic- turc of the Onono Boy Scouts (taken at camnp) as the centre of attraction. Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson have returned from Peterboro. Mrs. R. Howden, Cavan, was guest ai Mrs. Eagleson while in Peter-, bora. George Cowan's horse got inta dlfficulty in the pasture field - vonday nlght, necessitating the cali.ng ai help and resulting in flhc gathering ai many people. Mr. James Elliott ai Brandon, Man., visited his sisters, Mrs. F. J. Brimacombe and Mrs. James Tamblyn, and niece, Mrs. J. Eag- leson. Mns. Walflord and two childnen are visiting her sister, Mrs. C. S. McLaren. Mrs. Mooney, Mrs. Mc- SORE BACK ? It rnay be yaur kidneym. Gin Pill,th widely known, reliable kidney remedy, belp bring relief by eliminating pain- causing toxic wairtem. Money baék if mot atisfied. sgui.v aum, 40 PM& .Lwmg m8, 111»,aP (In the. U.S. ack for "Gino Plle') $01 W, el ceap kyorcDrg- PAY iP r Cecta MOviRE )LILti WRT Lanen's mother, has also been visiting hen. Mns. Holdaway undenwent a successful aperatian Tuesday in Toronto hospital. Hen brother Marlo Hancack gave a blood trans- fusion. The Little White Rlbbanists and thein mothens were entertained Tuesday by the W.C.T.U. who served lunch. A nice pnognam was given by the memibers ai the Mission Band. Mn. and Mns. S. E. Keats, Tnen- tan, have netunned home aiten spending two weeks in Toronto with Mn. andl Mrs. J. Mowat. They aiso called on a iew old fnienda at Onono whcnc Mn. Keats was bonn. A panty from Orno went on a iishng trip up nonth this week- end and had a cool bath when their boat sunk. Fortunatcly ail neached land saiely. Rough wea- ther in the district accounts ion the mishap. Mn. Thomas Cowen tried a new stunt. Instead ai ofiering prizes ion races he gave a prise for the child who could skip the longcst. Donna West got the prise and Lais Dean and Shirley Flintofi wce runners-up. Onono 'Red Cnoss shipped the following gooda last week: 4 scaris 14 by 72; 4 turtle neck sweaters; 4 helmets; 4 pr. sea- men's long stockings; 6 pr. sea- boat socks; 12 scanis 12 by 46; 4 sîceveless sweaters; 60 pr. army sacks; 6 wristlets; 6 pr. mitts; 12 suits pyjamas; and 5 quilta. Tyrncil's Dnug Store has the best wihndaw for the Vlctory Loan Drive i Orona. A warklng dlock occupies the front ai the window with the tense information ai how much rnoney la needed evcny min- ute ion Canada's Wa Effort - a very striking and effective piece ai decoratian! The fine engine was given a trial spi June 4th. A mathematician has figured out that there are 5890 pleces i« the qullt that W. A. ladies have- been quilting aet Mns. I. Cobble- dick's. The entire quilt la forMe'd; ai wee flowers wlth each pets! beig quilted. We'd hate ta figure out the number ai houra'required ta piece and quilt ILt. ~Park St.. 'WN met Mes4ay aitennoon. Mns. ,Stutt conduct- cd a short vo hp perlad,-aad Mns. Littlewood gave a reaclang "IWhat la Felth?" Conmttce Wam chosen ta sac about panig thse parsonage, comprismet obMn. Dickson, Mns. Littlcwood and Mns. Logan. Treas9me's report was given by Mrs. 8. t cod n Corr. Sec'y's. report by Mrs. B. E. Logan. Bey. MeLachlan, Nawtonville, oc uped fiscPark St. pulpit Sun- on te cess wn that the ara i whlch we wcre born and thse envlromnmnt in whlch we liv- cd had an influence ovar us. Mns. A. A. Drummond favored with ai vocal solo. At the cvening service he spoke on "God. Is Lovç!." At Sunday Scisool, which was attend- ed 'y 98, Mns. Drummond told the chldren a story about a fathiul dog, and tise two choruses given at the anniversany services wfre repeated. Mns. Armstrong's class was again banner clasa for thse day. Local Orangemen At District Meet in Newcastle District L.OL meeting was hcld in Newcastle Fiday evening when a number ai Orana Orange- men wcre present. It was de- cided ta hald July lth mercishi Cobourg. Cowanville lodge la hi charge ai preparatioris or church parade plans. Miss Darathy Ball, daugitar ai Mn. snd Mns. J. W. Bal ai Higis Park, was the valedictanlan at flic Graduation exercises ai theLau- don Hospital. Mn. 0W. Scott i West Guil- fard. scouts met Thursday evening, with 18 present. These 18 boys had 25 certificates, 96 stamps, snd $200. in Victory Loan, a total ai $324. and Mn. Melon ja quite plcased with the boys' war ef- fort. Madison Hall, Cecil Pawers, J. J. Gilfillan and Everett Jo!l en- joyed a motor trip ta West Guil- fond Saturday. Mn. Henry Cornlsh has been on the sick liat. Lorsen Patterson F.t.d At Show.r A pleasant evcning was speait Tisursday et the home ai Miss Loreen Pattersan, an Antiocis bide ai this montis, when mcm- bers ai the Antiocis Home -and Scisoal Club met ta isonon hem and tise gnoom-lect with a presenta- tion af ifus and a shower ai good wishcs. She and her fiance, Mn. Ken. Bell, were pleasantly sur- prlsed ta find tiseisause fililcd with iniends and neighbons. Mrb. H. Coathani played tise weddlng marcis and tise couple were escant- ed ta two chairs tismougis an ale ai rlbbon hcld by thein young friends. Mr. Grant lioffatt gave an apprapiate neading "Especlal- ly Ken," and Miss Kathleen Smith read an eddress signed b y John Malfatt, Marlaw Hancock and Audney Harness. A lange number ai ivory and ned kitijuen utensils were -pncscnted ta tise cou ple, ai- ter w hic h larlow Hancock red a letter ai presentation. Bath the bride-ta-be and groani-clect ne- sponded fittingly, thanklng their fricnds and lnvitlng them ta their future home. Thse remainder oi tise'evcnlng was spent hindlnclng ta music supplied by Mn. Cisarles Cowan and lias Doneen Faraow, Cowanvlile. Around midalgist a lavely lunch wes servesi. NEWS BOY SCOUTS IN ACTION ......... London BoybScoutsfighting ia- this and other kids duning Ger- ccndlary bombs. The boys are man air raids. Numbers have be- penformning invaluable service aif came casualties. Softball Season Open$ Tonlght South Darlington Girls' SoitbaIl League opens to-night (Thursday> with flirce gaines scheduled: New- castle et Salem; lieple Grave et Hampton; and -Orono et Courtice. Orono's next garne la June l8thj when Salen visita ise local dia- mond. 'W ~ .dCross Orano;Rosi Cross Society met1 Thursdeyevftdng, wlth Mn.. J. J. Melon premldlng. lin.. H. Mur- -ray gave " tie er's report 'ssowlng balance ai $402. 51 . Pur- chauing Cammittee'. report wes. given by lins. J. B. Cooper. Mns. P. B. Wisyte gave tise inspection cornrntte'ls report -andi mo re- portcd a bale of clothlng reedy for shipment for the refugees. Four quotaswere eccepted wlth thse exception ai anc item. A c<qm- mittee *as eppointesi ta look* if- ter the Britishs Civilian clathing quota. It was declded ta sendi $200 ta iseedquanters. "'Grand OId Man" .a94 Today Once agaiJlunc 12th isas roiled around and Orona citizens egai have tise chance ai wishig On- an'. "Grand Old Man", C. J. Hugisson, e very isappy birthdey an reeching tise 94th milestone on tise jaurney ai -lie. Mn. Hugisson stil walks twa miles e day, gaes ta cisurcis on Sunday, and tekes get intereat in tise consmuuity. Asfehlaaking as tise ciidnen ai wisam he la so fond, Mn. Hugis- son doean't look hi. age by 20 yeans, probably because ai is serene, disposition. His faculties are somewhat impaired but anc cen't expect ta be tise same when he slips inta the nnagenanian chas.. Sa once agein, Mn. Hugis- son,- congratulations and happy birliday ta yau! Township Council CLAdtKE COUNCIL (Intcndcd for lest week) Clarke Township counci! met June 3nd. Severel delegations ep- p)ered befome tise council. W. E. Davey nequc.ted grant fan Horti- culturel Society. $15.00 gnanted. Chas. Miller nequested grant for achool essays in cannection with Victany Loan. $10.00 gnanted. Sevenal Cther matters werc dis- cussed in connection wlth Relief and Hoapitalization and the clenk was instructcd as ta wisat action ta take. Court af Revision was iscld ta whlch there wene six appeels but vcny ittie change wes made in assessments. wr nee These bilsa r odrdpeid: Mns. E, J. Randall, R vs F. $ 32,00 Wm. E. Davey, B.O.H. 2.25 lins. H. G. McDonald, supplies- -- - ------------5.00 J. J. Melon, June salany... 50.00 J. J. liellon,ý postage, etc- 12.91 Rolpis Hardware, tawn hall 1.80 Chas. B. Tyrrelu, supplies 1.22 Ontario Treasurer, B.O.H- .73 W. J. Andrews, B.O.H_ 2.00 C. Mitchell, siseep kiiled by dags .------------ -- 5.00 C. J. Alaen, 1 tri p as valuer 2.50 Onono Meat liarket, suppl's 45.00 C. G. Armstrong, supplies- 8.78 E. L. MecNechtan, 50% mntce. hospital----- 67.88 Chas. Wood, cane o alle 11.00 Deen's Bakery, suppies_~ 5.04 Onono Times, prnting and ads. ------...-12.50 G. Richards, care afi dock 5.50 Wmn. Rlddall, bulbs for ha!l 1.50 Mn.. J. C. Gamey, public liabllity pnemium .. 227.75 Theodore Stephens., aupa' 1.00 Dr. W. H . Stanley, B.O.H... 3.00 Dr. A. T. licKenzie, etten- dance et convention_~- 15.00 Roed Vouciser ....-.. 765.76 Join your friends n he isaight for FPreedom-EnlIst now. Lockhart's School Mns. Haward Allun ententained the War Wark group et hem home on Wednesdey afternoon. The et- tendance was seventeen, the larg- est number wc have ised et a single meeting. A quilt, made from flic ilannelette cuttings of Newcastle Bed Cross, was quiltcd and a large number ai blocks were plcced ion enother quilt. The project ai jam-maklng for the Red Cross was discussed. Mn. and Mms. Haold Gibson spent tise weekendWth Mns. An- nisaet Scarbpought Mn. and Mrs. &àoi Malley and famlly spant Sunday WVth Mn. snd Mnr. Clifford Brown. Neiotonvile Mn. Bd. Semis has engaged Mns. Gea. Skelding Sr. as hanse- kegear. Mms. Raymond Gibbs is il!i isospital. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. George Kibal (nec Kathleen McKay) upon their marriage et the parsonege Saturdey. Very sorry ta repart that Mn. Laurence Saveny has nesigncd as teachen ai aur scisool. Congratulations ta Edgar Mill- son who came firat in a Shooting Meet et Camp Borden witli 80 points out ai a jpopsible 85. Next higheat competiton secured 65 point%. Miss Hazel Raid has accepted a position as telephane apearat Oshawa Hospital. A number attended aur United S. S. picnice t Cobourg Monday. The McMurnay famil?, who were living in Frank Law s ouse have movcd ta Glddus Joncs' iarm. Visitons: Mn. and lins. W. J. Trenoutis, Napance, et Mn. Brock Pethick's. Mn. and Mns. Lanson Misan, Lawrence and Doreen, and Mn. Wm. Bunley with Pte. Edgar Mil- son et Camp Banden. Miss Webster, Mns. Calvert and Misa Jean Wade, Lindsay, and Mq. Jack Wade, Oshawa, et Mn. Arnold Wade's. Mn. Arnold Wade in Toronto. Mn. and Mns. R. Bruce and Mn. Bill Stevensaet Bancroft. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Marvin and Mn. and lins. Lloyd Marvin, Mon- rish, et Mn. George Hendenson's. Mns. T. A. Reid with Mns. Carscadden, Kendal. Mns. George licCullougis with Mns. Diamond, liorrish. Mr. and lirs. J. A. Bannie and Miurray et Mn. W. A. Wright's, Enniskillen. Miss June Ware, Toronto, et home. Kcith and Donothy Stapleton et Mn. George Smithls, Stankville. Mr. and Mns. Cecil Stapleton and iaznily et Mn. Halstead Coat- ham's, Antioch. Mr. Leland Milison, Osawa, et home. Mn. Wm. Thompson, Oak Park, Ill., with Miss Berthe Thampson and Mn. George Thampson. Brown 0s David H-endensori, Toronto, hes purchased tise Chandler iarm. Clarence Turner hed several siseep and lamba killed and badly wounded by dogs. Visitons: Mr. and Mns. Wm. Huggins, Oshawa, et Mn. R. Grehem's. Mn. and Mns. Freemnan Eddy, Joyce and Normais, wlth friends in Pantypool. Mn. and Mns. R. McNci! and Phyllis, Oshawa, et Mn. Welling- ton Farrow'.. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Stephsenson and Betty iToronto. 1Mn. and Mn.. Anchie Brown et Mn. B. Langler's. Mn. and Mn.. Clarence Turner and Sam et Mn. R. Hendry's, Lake Shsore.9 Miss Wylma Farrow wlth Miss Phyllis MeNeil, Oshawa. pen lIn regard ta the growtli endchanges taking place iaur communlty? 16. Do I make a habit ai check- ig up once or twlce a year ta sec what my situation lsansd whether or not It is an lmprovlng ane? If you want action-Enlst now. 1 LAT PRESIDENT 1 ORýONO *Clarke Union A number irom here attended Ernie Werry's sale and repart 900d pnices. Haying has started, with an average crop. Jack Frayne, Oshawa, is wonk- ig at H. J. Souch's. The road graden is busy on the town lune also the gravel trucks. Mrs. Gea. Fagg is again i the hospîtal. Congratulations ta Mr. Kcnneth Bail and bride (nec Miss Patter- son), and wclcome them ta aur section. .Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. James Fenguson, Rochester, at Mr. Alex Watson's. . . Miss Eileen Souch at ,Mr. Robt. McLead's, Niagara.... Mr. Bob and Bull Kent and Mn. Fnayne, Oshawa, Mr. Harold Ric- kaby and sans, Oakville, at H. J. Souch's. .. Mns. Eva Morgan with friends at Port Hope and Peter- borough. . . Mr. and Mns. Orm Falls at Mn. Gardon Powerg'. Starkville Some have stanted haying and report it very dry. Ramn is much needed. Shiloh W. A. met at Mns. Lamne Tadd's on Tuesday. Aiter the business a quilt was quilted, and a Profitable and pleasant aiter- noan spent. A fox is visiting this section, causing much damage ta poultny. 1Visitons: Friends from St. Catharines visited at Mn. Warren Carson's. Miss Beulah Hallawell and Miss Tyler, Toronto, at Mn. S. G. Halo- well's. Gardon Clysdalc, Oshawa, was home aven the weekend. M. and D. Shutka, Oshawa, wene home. Mn. and Mrs. W. Saveny and Mn. and Mns. Russell Savery wenc i Kendal. Mn. and Mns. Lavern Pattenson, Onono, at Mn. Bert Trim's. Mn. Geo. Wilson with his niece, Mns. Warren Carson. Mns. Sid Hallowell and Helen at Mn. H. Rusk's, Part Hope. Mn. and Mns. Fred Wiison, Pen- rytown, at Mn. Warren Carson's. 1Mn. and Mns. R. Lowery and iamily, Toronto, at Mn. A. Dob- son's. Mr. and Mns. W. A. Hallawell accompanied some friends on a trip, caming home by Pont Penny. Mn. and Mns. McCulloch, St. Thomas, at Mn. H. B. Gilrner's. Mns. Bert Trim and son Charlie went ta Toronto an Monday. Mn. Raymond Farrow and sis- ters at Brighton. Mn. and Mns. H. B. Gilmen visited Mns. Allison at Camenan. Mn. and Mns. Deibent Hallowell, Miss Bertha Hallowell and Mn. Bill Barclay, Toronto, at Mn. Jacob Hallowell's. Obituary Arthur Trlrm Antur Tninm, a nesident ai Oshawa district fanrflic past 35 ycars, passed away at Whitby on Junc lst. He haci been ini pon heaith for the past 16 years and had suffered a bad spel just pre- viaus ta his death on Sunday. Borni at Bowmanville, May 7th, 1867, Mr. Trinim had farmed fan a number ai years in Dalingtan Township bel are goig ta the Oshawa district, where he was well known. His son, Roy Tnirnm, has been idcntified with East Wliitby Tawnship'fan same time, having been a member af the township cauncil. Besides his wif e, former Moset- ta Prian, he is sunvived by two daugiitens, Mns. Douglas Sleep, Oshawa, Mns. J. Marshall, Ro- chester, N.Y., a son, pneviously mentioned, a sisten, Mrs. Alice Shemard, aple, Ont., two bro- teELis Tnmm, Tynane, and ElrdTiuu Newcastle, eight gnandchildnen and anc great- grandchild. The funenal was held June 3nd, with service conducted by Rcv. J. S. I. Wilson, ai Sirncoe Street United Chunch. Interment in flic Union Cemeteny. A PERSONAL QUIZ Hene are a few questions ta put ta younself and designed tafi md out how you "rate."~ Set down the answen "lyes" on "no" opposite each question and then at the end total the "yes" and the "no" colunins. Fred R. Foley St. Catharines, who was elected President af the Lay Association ai the Hamilton Conference aiflice United ChurcIf of Canada at the convention held last week at Mc- Master University in Hamilton. Mr. Foley is a well known Dur- ham County Boy who has greatly endeaned himscli to many States- man readers through his series ai articles headed "Singers and Their Sangs." We regret ta annaunce this feature wl! conclude with Chapter 50 in this issue. SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Written spcclly for The Stateernan by well known Durhami boy, Fred R. Foley, 123 Lake St., St. Catharines, ont. i t FINIS With this week's issue, ChaptarJ Fiity, we will conclude aur series af Singersansd Tiseir Sangs - nat because the source is exhaustd,- no, the supply i. unlimited, but f penhapsaenatsen isand might takec up the pen if the readars nequest E that the series be contiued. TheJ Statesman, wisosc colunins havea alweys been open ion items ai educational, moral and rdligiaus uplift, hes been excecdingly gen- eraus in tise space allotted andF tise editor hes encauraged tise writer. My desire and purpose in tis senies have been ta bning some information and inspiration and awaken a deepen appreciation ai tise literary and spiritual content ai tise old hymnsa and sangs so dean ta ail aur iseents. I trust same amall meesure ai the plea-t sure and profit the study, ne- searchs andi preparation have brought tise witer has iound e caunterpant in tise minds and heants ai aur needers. I have gleened matenial framà newspapers, magazines, books and1 libraries and have been surpriscdj and delighted with the course ai study. One thing tisat ispnessed me is the fact that sang is tise git ai tise Divine Spiit. There la no voice ai sacred sang in Islam; anc listens in vai for melady amang1 tise worshippens ai Asie. TheE shouts and gongs of idol proces-é sions are not psalms oi rejaicmng.1 Sa fan as we can discaver theE îHcbrew people surpassed ail oth-E ers bath i custom and spiit ai devout sang. We have records ai tise sangs ai Moses and liuiam; aio Deboreis and Barak, Hannais, David and Solomon. Jesus and His disciples sang. Paul and Sila sang, and St. John, from tise Isle ai Patmos, gives us a vision ai tise heavenly choir singing pri 1 for ever and even. A par=gei in tise Preface ai the United Chuncis Hymnany suma it up con- cisely - (wanden how many have need t): Since the early day. ai Cliris-1 tianity a cnawnusg glany ai the1 Churcis of God has been tise place and power ai spirituel sang in iser warsisip and li1e. The Church 'isas came singing down tismougis the ages.' Through this graciaus medium hen people, geenetion aiten genenation, have liited up their iseants and vaices in adoring praise; have poured out their as- pirations in prayer; have pro- claimed tise veritica ai tise faitis; and have expnessed tise higisen emotions ai thse soul. Half ja million hymna, it isas been estimated, isave been writ- ten, in more than twa hundred languages and dialqcts in which Chistianity la pneached, and no .doubt, an equal numben ai accu- la sangs thet reecis the heart, have been published. This extra- ordiinary pnoduction la sunely an impressive testimony of Christian experience. If aur music on earth la 50 sweet, what wil it be in Heaven? Na discond, no ahi notes, no quivering voices there. Tise sangs ai Masesa and tise Lamb wil be joincd with Wesley's "Jesus, Lov- er ai My Saul," and Watt's "When I Survey the Wondnous Cross" and wîth Penronet's "Ail Hall tise Power ai Jesus' Name," and with Samuel Mcdley's "Ois, Could I Speek tise Matchîcas Worth," and with ail the bcst parts ai al aur hynins and tunes whuch we love 30 mucis an cartis. Ail tise best singera ai ahl ages will join in tise mighty chorus. David will be thene with hi. golden harp, Gab- iel witis iis trumpet will lead i tise Helleluj ah Chorus. Charlotte Elliatt will be thene, no langer bedridden, but strong and vigor- oua: William Cowper will be anc ai the glarlous campany, isis week mind foneven made dlean in "Tise Fountain Filled with Blood." Fan- nie Crosby's blind eyes wi!1 trou- blc hem no longer for hem Saviaur has led hem safely ail the wey home ta Him-acif. Tapledy's volce will be heard i the chorus for ha ha. found eternel refuge In the "Rock ai Ages"; Blshap Heber wlll be thara alang wlth tisa thousandi ai redcemad anas tram Graenland'a Icy Mountains and Phone 2666 ni"sServisa i India's Caral Strand. Newman n will bc there for the "Kidly O EL RYW MA Light" aif which he sang has ledHO L RYW MA him safe "'er mass' and fen, 'er crag and torrent 'til the night is E C P D B C A H gone. a company - not anc sil- EC PO B C A H cnt tangue non anc cold heart, but Many gjrepetlkthtbcah chorus shaljoin' chorus and atrule tht ams aturall anthcm shall iollow antheniVVZth advanciag yearm, bt=hi sang aitriuphsang aine-woMn nOf 71 proves that it in not. uon, sangs iprase nt thf I ufered for a long tirne froni unoamb ng o faev r aee n hebackacheý," mhe Wte.-'but put it Im pry thanndeveursal down ta my age (71). hesiag19your It. a htnn o ssalms anaoucernnt, 1thought I would it. rv.nishen alt. 1have been Ebenezer With ideal weathen conditions, the Sunday Scisool annivenaary services Sunday wene attended by lange audiences. The church was veny lovely with flowens and f legs. About ninety were seeted on the platform, and the singing ai these little voices wes very in- spirmng. Rev. Mn. Hancyset, Ta- ronto, spoke in tise manning and deligisted his heerers, end egai in the aitennoon wisen he ad- dressed the children. Rev. W. G. Blake, ai Bowmanville, gave a splendid sermon in the cvening. Miss Donalde Creaser, Bowman- ville, iavored with vocal solos et manning and afternoon services, and Mn. Owen Nicholas, Bowman- ville, was saloist in'tise evening, all ai wisicis wencmuch enjoyed. The junior choir provided an- thems in tise evening. Mn. Cecil Found, S. S. Supenintendent, act- ed as chairman in his usuel cap- able mannen througisout the day. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Edgar were in Toronto on Wednesd'ay lest at- ténding thse graduetig exercises ai thse School ai Phanmacy when their daugister, Miss Rasena, ne- ceived iser degnee. Mn. Donald Courtice la in change ai a dnug store et Bnock- ville during vacation. Monday evening tise Bnooklin yaung people presented their play under the auspices ai the Yaung People's Union, with a far et- tendance. Misses Jackàon and Mn. Leslie Jackson, Mn. Fred Moore, Bow- manville, wcne Sunday gucats with Mn. and Mns. Russel Gay. Visitons on Sunday includcd flic follawing: Mn. and Mns. R. B. Osborne, Bey. W. G. and Mns. Blake, Bowmnanville, Mn. and Mns. Jack Brooks and Orland, Oshawa, et Mn. Ceci! Founda. . .. Mn. and Mn.. Lamne Truil and daugister, Taranto, et Mn. K. E. Courtice's. ...Mns. Everett MountjoY, Mn. Percy Mountjay, Kedron, Miss Reta Parlish, Bnooklin, Miss Hoff- man, Tanonto, Mn. and Mns. Fos- ter Snowden and Ann, Kedran, Mns. Thompson, Oshawa, at\ Mn. Rasa Pearce's. . . . Mn. and Mns. Frank Cryderman, Mn. and MnsM. Harry Cryderman, Bowmanville, et Mn. Howard Cnyderman's... Mn. and Mns. Arthsur Stinton, Zion, Mn. and Mns. Sydnsey Ven- ton, Bowmanville, Mns. Mabel Clarke, Oshsawa, Mn. and Ms Osil Qborne and daught, Providence, et Mn. N. Down's... Mn.. and Mns. Chas. Allun, Mis Neft Allin, Mn.- and Miss Amdie Allin, mns. Powers, Bowrnanviile, littie Miss Marilyn Mark, Toronto, et Mn. Gea. A...... Mn. and Mn.. Elmer Rundle and daughters, Toronto, with A. E. Rundle.... Mn. and Mns. Jack McKeevar, Bowmanviile, at F. W. Wonden's. ..Mns. Howard Dunlop, Toronto, Mrs. May Henry and Misa Kay Scott, Oshawa, et Mn. C. T. War- den's. . . . Mn. and Mns. Wesley Werny and Miss Thelme Werry, Salem, Mn. and Mrs. R. K. Bnagig, Shaw's, at tise Werry home.... Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Baijon, Hamp- tan, et W. R. Pickell's. . .. Mr. and Mns. Jack Hawkshaw, Oshs- ewa, et Mn. Tisas. Bickle's... Mn. and Mra. Russell Worden, Mesple Grave, at Mn. EBah Oke's. . .. Mn. and Mna. Chas. Wight, Providence, Mn. and Mns. Bert Gay, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Osisawa, et L. J. Courtice'a. . . . Mn. and Mna. Hanry Stafford, tise Misses Power, Oshsawa, Miss Lear, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns. A. J. Gay.... Miss Danalda Cneaser and Misa Hazel Rundle, Bawrnanville, et F. W. Rundle's. Mn. and Mns. Lamne Trull, Ta. OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 e THE CANADIAN STATESMAIq,' ýl taIng1 it for sarnes time and hava fofaudget rlief. 1 thought you ,,,Id jj][ ta know k bas dans me a world of good."-(Mrm.) E.R. When' pains in the back mr caused by inactive kidneys and failure of the digestive mystem ta thrw of pisoous impunities, Kruschen Saita il give real help in setting the matten night. Because Kruschen has a diuretic action which helps ta flush your kidasys and liver. After that, your blood Lhrows off ail impurities; you gel hiappy relief from pain. ronto, wene guests on Satunday at W. R. Pickell's. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Hampton, wene visitons on Mon- day at F. W. Worden's. Miss June Mitchell, Waoler, spent the weekend as guest ai Miss Elsie Oke. Mr. and*Mrs. Jesse Arnott and Bernice, Maxwell's, at Mrs. Jane Osborne's. Mrs. Ted Rivett is spcnding same time with Mrs. Thos. Bick- cil who, we are sorry ta report, is not cnjaymng vcry goad health, but hope for impravemaent soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcax, Madlyn and Bloyd, Hampton, Dr. and Mrs. Davies, Marilyn and John, Oshawa, Misa Mabel Cob- bledick, Toronto, and Miss Pearl Cobbledick, Bowmianvllle, werc with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edgar. Mn. and Mrs. Braie Foley, Ma- ple Grave, 3fr. and Mrs. Bert Col- well and son, Bowrnanville, Mý. Wm. Lymer Sr., Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Nichais. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lymer and sons, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nichais and iamily, Hiarm- ony, ith Mr. and Mni. Walter INFLUENCE Influence is flhc exhalation ai Character. - William Mackergo Taylor. The spirit ai a pcrson's 111e la ever shedding some power , Just as a flower is steadily bestawlag fragrance -bpon flic air.-Thomas Stan King. The good man inparts know- ingly and unknawlngly goadness; but flic cvil man also exhales cansciously and uncansciously hm cvil nature-hence, be careful ai your company.-Mary Baker Bd- Planmets do not gavern thic sou!, or guide flic destinies ai men, but trifles, llghtcr than straws, are levers ini the building up pt çlia-,. acter.-Tupper. A ward or a nad from the good, bas mare weight than the clo- quent speeches-»ai others. -Plu- tarch. Forming characters! Whose?- aur own, or others?-Both. And i that momentaus fact. lies the penil and responsibllity ai oun cx- istence.-Ellhu Burritt. PAGZ ELEVEN If Gasoline Mut De Ratirned Therem an econamical way you cain get more miles per gallon. Conclusive testa hava shown that a car ln periwet meohanui condition travels Up ta six miles fusilier on ch gallon of gas. This means yau can Increasa your travelling pimamure Up to 30 per cent hinfthe event gemline bacames scarce. Be ready -ratonlng or no rationing an efficient runng moter saea yau monoy. Hava ht overhauleid at anse. GARTON'S -GARAGE