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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1941, p. 1

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~b J Wlth Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanvllle Newit, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 97 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOý,ý [URSDAY, JUNE l2th, 1941 NUMBER 24 large Cavalcade of Floatu _*Thriils Crowds ou Kîng SL ImpresNeed To Duy Donds' R. C. A. F. Bandsnîen Enumerators Named Tumble Into Sumnier, Outfits - A p p e:ar On Partisan Basis Smart Leadlng Par-_ ade Through Town. The Stutesman bas far weeks sought diligonlly ta secure dci- The town came alive with a imite information as ta who had1 bang M1onday aternoan ailer a boom recommended and who f in- znarning of unprecedenled lethar- alIy chosen, as onumiratars for gy caused by the partial holiduy. Durham County, but there bas Wbem Uic fumous cavalcad@e of boen a clokk af aecrecy and a flouts, bcostlmg Canada's war of- rolicence as impenetrable bore as fort, paraded up the main treet waa munifeat in parleament whcn everyane wbo could be da band infoi-mation was sougbt. The roa- lined King Street ta seo the sigbt. on ai course is that the consus The vunguard in Uic shape ai tuking la considei-ed by bath par- the R.C.A.F. Band ai Tarante rail- tics as a chance ici- application ed hua tawm a few minutes ahoad ai the "apoils" systes.. Ottawa ai the iloats borne on aimy trucks made no bones about taking ad- and literally poured eut ai the vantugeofaitUi oppartumity. T.T.C. bus hn an amazing disurray And this, appaiemtly la Uic situ- for such a smart unit. Some atian bocaily. Darlingtan roprea- sought refuge behind the Bow- ontativos of the Liberal party,a mien House. in an effort ta miake subntitted oniy about emougha themacives presentable and on names ta f111 Uicebbiil,icluding t inquii-ing for an explanation for twa roturnod soîdiors and those1 such atrange actions one expluin- wore, consequenlly, accepted. But cd Ihat the ontire band ai about i Bowmanville a large sate wa., iorty players had changed from sent i, including the mume ofa1 wintoi- ta %ummer uniiormia while bighly quulified 1915-1919 soldieî driving irom Oshawa-no sean ai the lest wur and who bas bad t fout within the confines ai a bus. no sloady job since war broke outn Afuer a iew 'mimutos' delay tai un- Ho was turned down cald ut tUic isb straightening uniformsaned instance ai those i authority. vigarously remarking on, unex- Local veterans and Legion mcm.r pectod two-tane efiecta in some bers are mt taa happy that mare s] uniforma, Uic band feil in very canalderalion was gîven te ro- a smartly and miarched off dawn turned mon in town. the street followod by some f ifty Enumeretars for Bowmanville ti or more colonful floats. are: Ed Nickeraon, Gordon Moor- 0 Althougb each flout la sponsor- craft, Gordon Giflis, Wes Perey, tE cd and meintained by one of Cen- Mrs. J. Tait. n adi' major manufacturera or re- Foi- Dailinglan Township: Sid y tail firma, the advertiaing was Keraey, Chas. Gerrard, Arthur H. ir kept dowm te a mlipmhum con- Brent, Mis. J. Talcott, Misa Ruby ir sisting merely ai a painled abield Bruce, Frank Weltera.W on the door ai each truck boarig A twa day'a achool was held ei the neme ai a firs. Everylhing by Mi-. Baxter, Duham CountY ai irom a browery to the Saîvation Eumeratar in Uic Balmoral H- 1 AMîîy was represented in the ce- tel, Bowmenville. Cenvassing ta val4ado and the main messages slarted yestorduy. for which it was farmed wore __________ vividly brougbt out. B A basic plan bas boom iollewed S eof u tCi out in design and arrangement SptMrouh ai the floats. They were airanged Hay Crop Fine to ta tell the stary ai wby Canada E io oce h eat wur, whet we must avald, dtr ou esI wbat we are daing. about il, what 'w w..~e4i~pit~y culii.t ,he editor wes iavitqd ta sec and Uic necessily ai buying bonds a record bey .crop, whiçh wa cul nao as i iine June 6, on Uic fari' ALJck Baker. Flots re rragei sequenco The data even wa exceplianai, JE with a slogan printed along Uic easily two wceka car lier thenM ide. The firatol a thelb"King 1940. Lait year, frcm Uic samem and Quoom" float, donated by Uic field,' Uic yield was easiiy threc J Ontario Governmemt, wbicb bears tons peu acre but Ibis year h Winl the slogan "In the Front Lino." run eraumd four tans. When St Othora floats in thb cavalcade "slooked" il 1wes impossible ta P (have been denaled by eading in- drive a car down mst ai the dustrial and commercial firma lenea. 1< adthe R.C.A.F. and include This la a' réhmarkable' yield in be lChurchill," "Let'a Finish the view ai Uic extuemely dry sprimg ha Job" and "Fluga ai Freedom," in wbem bath bey and grian crapa Lc the order named. These were fol- suifer fros becb ai malture. Theo l Iowod by domolition floats Whicb annuel uivabry eraund Saline JFin mnder way ta sec wbo ih fi-at ta sel (Contlnued on page 0) uIfinih hy .P _______________________________ Mi Office rs Chosen At Hlampton Mleet Durham Federation of Agriculture Oounty Prosident Hoyland and Boys W. R. Piokol spoak 1 .The bistary and fundamenta principles of thc Canadian Fed- eration oai Agriculture wele ex- plained ta an enthusiastic audi- once in Hampton Town Hall on Thursday evening, by Mr. V. S. Milburn, aecretary ai the Ontaio Foderatian. Attendance was mol; quito up ta expectations but those presont omjayed able addieaaes and took part i a general discus- sion on curont faim prablema. Reeve W. R. Plckell, as chair- man, dealt camprohenaively with the objectives ai the Foderation andi suggested thut no anc should feel discouraged tbat averflow meetings were not thc order af the day; that the County Fodera- tien was assurod and thut Town- ship unita were naw almeat corm- pletcd. Forbes Heyland, County Presi- dent, spake wlithfarce and assur- ance af thc aima ai the Federation and of the many prablema ta be learned and overcome befaro the orgenization eould become 100% effective. It la evident that Mr. Heyland bas made an Intensive study ai the mavemnent sice ho was chason first prealdent. Aiter the township imitsarae reudy ta carry an, there romains but one main thinîg ta doaend that le ta devise a uniaorm metbod ai fin- ance. This mtter was toucbed upon by Mr. Milburn and na de- fînite metbad has.yet boom chosen. E. A. Summers gave a short talk and explained why, now that the Federation was an ussured ecces, ho could nat further do- .eesa mUch timo ta lu owlng ta other demnanda upon bis time. Mr. Mlburn proved to be a speaker ai force' wlth a mannor that carried con'zIctlon. In ex- plaining thut the« movoment far ioderation begen ln 1935 wltb a group ai mon ln British Calumbia, end that It bas since upread across the Dominion, the speaker sald: ,,If there la anythln.g wrang wlth agriculture, we are thc felîows wha must stand tagether ta meke lu riglit. Don't beoanc ai those who stand back and say: 'When . <oOtiIIued on pue a SONOI3D RoIinchaent Maacy, Canadien HIg h Commilslioner in thc United Kingdom, wbo bas boom apited totae Uic vy Cauncil thUe Klng's Blrtbday honors lia.. Free c. Croom At Farm RaIIy Durham Foderetion ai Agricul- ture ta reminded ai Uic great an- nuel rally ai fermersaut Wood- stock, Thursdey, June 19th. This huge pre-hervoit get-togster ih under auspices ai Mllk Poducers and theo Ontario Foderation ai Ag- riculture; an outdoor forum and feed where folks relax and liaten to outstanding speakers. Hon. M. F. Hepburn la Uic yoar's kcynoter, speaklng dlrcctly to Uic bind ai audience ho seîdom osecs these days ... an audience ai fermera and iarm wamcn. Progrem qomniences ut Il a.m. Lunch et 12, Standard time. Fiee coffee and tce cream but you mnust tàe your owzI cake and sandwiches. Attendance last year =a 8,0;' and this yeur tbe pro- diction1a000GO-or. more, ciOOL TRUSTEES'1 ANNUAL MEETING HELD IN BETHANY VIS BOWILA2VILLE AMOUNT RAISED IS THREE-FIFTHS O F ALLOCATION W.,J 8,. Riokard ZloctedPreni- dont of Durham o u nt y SOhool Trustoes & Ratepay- ors' Asociation. Annual meeting cf the Durhamz County School Trustees & Rate- payers' Association was held in Bethany, Ji.4ne sth, with about thirty persans present. Presideni W. J. S. Rickard opened the meet- ing. Secretary Mrs. J. R. Cooper read thé minutes and a report of activities of Association, chief of which is the public speaking con- test held throughout the county culminating in the final contest held last November i Milbrook. A splendid and interesting re- port of the O.E.A. Convention was given by Mrs. Mont Bickle, Canton. The expected speaker, V. K. Greer, Chief nsetr of public and separate schols being un- able ta attend, was represented by Dr. McDougal-1 wbose work bas been chiefly i New Ontario. This system is graduaily gainmng in favor througbout the province and ia giving sucb satisfaction that educationaliats feel it will flot be long before the wbole pro- vince will be under thia systemh. M. A. Campbell, provincial sec- retary, led i discussion, and In- spectors McEwen and Carlton spoke briefly. Out of the large numbers of trustees and ratepayers through- out Durham County it hs regret- table that more achool boards do not attend thia one meeting of the year te support the Association n its work and ta obtain valuable information. Surely our children's welfare is of primary importance even in this war-torn world. They are our future citizens and must be well equipped to meet their tasks of re-building after the war. Ofilcers Elected President - W. J. S. Rickard, Bowmanville; Vice President-Mr. Coulter, Millbrook; Secretary- Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orono; Direc- tors-Cartwright, Mrs. W. Maix- lw, E. Dorreil; Cavan, Mr. Wins- lw, Mrs. Staples; Clarke, Mrs. Wnm. Armstrong, K. Scott; Hope, Mrs. M. Bickle, Mr. Carruthers; /!anvers, Mrs. Harold Stinson, Janetville, Mr. Boggs; Port Hope, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Jordan; Bow-_ manville, Mr. A. Thompson, Mrs. Jewell; Newcastle, Mrs. H. Jose, Mr. H. ýPearce; Millbrook, Mr. P. Stinson, Mr,. Bull; Darlington, Mr. Paacoe, Mis. C. Allin. Mr. ]Rickard read an Invitation Lo attend an interesting ceremony being beld in front of the town âail, the launching of the Victory Loan Drive in Manvers. A large iag was hoisted across the street i front of the town hall while ;hool children led in singing ýatriotic songs. The ceremony ,osed with a prayer of dedication1 )y the Anglican rector. el POLICE UNIFORMS FOR SUMMER DRESSY AND COOI In canapuny with Provincis constables ail aver Ontaria Duvii Silvoster ai Bawmanville h noç wcaiing the duessy, cool neç summner unifors, which bas beec issued ta the Ontario. farce. No connaisseur af masculini haberdashery, The Statesman re parter was not ut firat going t( risk embarrassing Mr. Silveste by mcntionlng i print thut thi, autiit was thc amoatheat ho buc ever seen on an officer but atei b,rlng genorul comment irasr people here and i other towni about the umiforni, decided tha, thc new issue must be a maji event ai wblcb bis puper ahoul< tube cagnizance. The unlform la air farce gre3 in calai-. The pacbcts aie large and superiniposed an the jackel A Sam Brown beît ih worm witl Uic outfits and i addition tbe trausers bave a cardinal roc stipedown the aide. Ne lightwelgbt caps aie i cluded and thc entlre ensemble la well worth sceing-a goad sigr that efflclency i unuform deaign ha nw maitalied the efficiency af thc farce. French Art Donates Portrait For Auction W.d. The enthusasm wlth which Claike Township people arc put- tlmg an their Donnybrook Fuir ut Orono on Wodnesday, June 18Ui, ha spread rlgbt acrosa Durham County. Goods, articles, live - stock and maney aie pauring in fi-rn all quarters. Citizens arc planning fram ovcrymunlcipality ta attend and holp boost Uic British War Vitima' Fund. One ai Uic prlzed donations la an ail painting proaented by Misa Raymonde Gruvel, French artial who haboom a realdent ai Lom- bard for soveral years. This valu- able landscape painting wlll be on exhibitionut F. F. Marris Ca. store this web end. See the advt. an pago 6 for further paiticulmr and plan now ta lake the attermoon off noxt Wedmcsduy ta attend the Donny- brook Fuir at Orono. L al id -n ie Lo i is Ir ni Is It r i ay :e The airship "Reliance" toured Governor of Ohio. Photographs Ontario last week ta help seil show: Allan E. Arscott, Ontarlo VicoryBons nd onoedBow- Chairman of the Victory Loan Virtry ond andhonred Committee; Attorney - General manville with a visit Friday mor- Gordon Conant; Mayor F. J. Con- ning to the delight of nmany citiz- boy and Capt. J. A. Boettner ens who turned out ta view this (looking out window). The "Re- big airship. It was loaned ta the lance"l is 150 feet long, travels at Ontario Victory Loan Cozmmitteeý 65 miles an hour top speed, has by Goodyear. It camne ta Ontario> a 600 mile cruisi;ng range and is from its home port i Miami, Fia., inflated with non-exrplosive bell- via Akron, Ohio, and brougbt the Umn gas. Original Member of Un- Durham Shorthorn ited Counties Con.- Sales Are Brisk servation Ass'n. ls- IlTis year promises ta be thE nues Sharp Warnlng çt- reatest within two decades for .At Rotary Club. *beef-cattie men. Capt. Cyril Il.Mumfard, President of the Durham Sbortborn Association, A fine addrcsa dealing witb na- bas sut retuined from attend- tional problcms i which Ratai- ing sales in Illinois, Indiana, and lana can take part was given ut Iowa where he purcbased thiee the Friday luncheon by Samuel heifois ut fancy. prices for expor H. Hathaway of the Provincial ta bis home at Zion. As an indic- Highway Service, Port Hope. Af- ation of the importance ai Short- ter an introduction by Geo. W. horna in the U.S.A. just prior tc James, the speaker began wîth entering the war, young buils av- the theîhe "Canservation" in eraged around $1700 eacb with a which he is paiticularly itereat- top price of $4500; literally aston- cd, having boom anc of the faun- isbxng prîces. ders ai The Northumberland and Local sales have been exceed- Durham Conservation Service, In- ingly brisk. Fieldman Jack Bak- corpoated..., er, Hampton, reports sales ai two Quating Han. Erpest Bevin, head from Ransom Faims to British Labor Minister, ho declai- Lakehurst Agricultural Society; ed, "Life must have a motive and a bull to Donald McFuyden, we bave been told that the only Woodville; Another ta Elgin motive to enterprise la profit." Taylor; a cow to Alex Kovacs, "But I say if profit la the onîy wha came fram Hungury andi set motive the consequence will be up in faiming at Cookaville; ecanantic disastor. Rotarian Be- a cow and a calf ta Geo. Varty, vin would give a new motive,.too Pickering; and one heifor ta Que- -Social Security. Ho wauld mnot bec from the John Miller herd. wipeoaut al profit and upse Consldeiing that farmers are ex- buthe oul stbilze su iplues tromely busy right now, this la, ,al classes ai socicty by utilizing briak business in beci cattle. a11 the reoaurces ai thc nation. Another item ai intereat la the "Becauso industry ha boo opportpinity for Durham breederst .onducted on the profit-motive ai Shaxihorns ta fit and show at basis we bave no means af deter- Lidsay Central Exhibitian, just mining the ability ai people ta about ithree manths from now.t nuintain a satisfactory standard Entribe aie confined ta breeders f living. When ail else fails we frra York, Peterbora, Victoria plunge huao wai as an outîet for and Durham Caunties, and amal Industry's manpower and material breedera will have better than an production. even break with the large breed. ers, because prize money is thet "ýSocial Security la part of a samne ail down the lime and the balancod saciety, but that can big abats are restricted to one en- nly be brougbt about when alI r.Wthfrirbranuc he opuatin i ganfuly m nts and begin fitting you en t loyed in developing aIl the navt-tries taday. iralresures o a nsifinn n. « v - ho developrnont is lop-sided and iocioty insecuie. Baslp Rosources "To most ai us a handful of ,rpping sailisl a bandful af dirt. roa othois It la a storehouso of bemical campaunds ai vast po- i ti sý I cE c ance we have maltreuted the Close ta 700 people attended rprairies until the wids llcb up Clydeadale Horse Sb#w et Mill- Uich soil and carry it uwey; aur brook, Suturda\y aiternoon. A y magnificent foreats are a special turget for destruction. *Wen we sound truck and musical p-agi-arn destroy tbo foreata we abandon oPened praceedinga af the Peter- the aiea witbout a thought ai re- bora District Clydosdalo Associa- forestation thon follows the tion whlch, having bast its Mor- aftermath ai the crime: streuma raw Park show grounds te the rnllltey, chose Millbrook as a suit- <Contlnued oni page 2) able and contrai place for its an- nuel fuir. Roove W. R. Bail wel- PUcnUc'Spe Enjo. comed Uic officials, President Supper Jay Whittington, Secretaiy S. S. St. PaJuls W.M.S. Staples and reprosentativos F. C. Pattersan and Ed. Summers, as A very ploasant aiternoon was well as exhibitors and audienc, ispent Jume Sth wben Uic ladies The judges wore: Dr. Sinclair. aiO St. Puul's W.M.S., under the Canningtan; Prof. Milton Staples, Lcapable management ai Miss Ida O.A.C., Gea. Atklnson, Picton: àStevens and Mis. P'ied Puttinson, Roy Hall, Oshawa; and Redford ontertained Uic Baby Band and Huston, Malton. mothera ln Uic Sunday Schoal The 45 borses shawn were afi roami. Mus. A. R. Cragg rogiater- such hlgh standard that tho judgoa icd the babies' numes au thoy were had no easy task i maklng solec, brought in, afterwards explain- tiona. Ail herses were fram Pet-i lng the moanlng ai "baby band" erboro and Durhami Countios,1 and ator rouchig the ugeofa five saVe ontries fromi Bobcaygeon1 years thoy graduate inta Uic Mis- am4 Claremont. Durham wlnners1 slan Band. Ruth Abernetby gave were as follows:l a nice plana number, Beremîce Mare & Faal-1, Jas. Whitting- Wolsh sang a lovely solo accom- ton & Sans; 2, Fred Lowery; 3,j panled by Loba Marjorrison, and Howard.Fair; 4, D. Jowlsan; 5, H. Janet McGregor iavored witb a Fair; 6, Jas. Might & Sons. recitation. The children and aduits One yoar Fiily and Colt-l, F.i enJoyed a bounteous plcnlc aup- C. Lowuey; 3, S. S. Staples; 7.> per. Gerald Armxstrong; 9, V. R. Hum-t Local Subsoriptions Lagging Behmnd in Victory Loan- Port Hope Ahead. Latest report on Victory Loan subscriptions for Durham County has just corne over the wire from R. E. Gardiner, assistant organiz- er, who with E. W. Simpson of the Bowmanvjlle office, has just completed a preliminary check- up. Some of the township com- mittee reports cannot be had at the moment, but the following figures are accurate up to 5 p.m. Wednesday evening: Port Hope 92% of objective Clarke Twp. 74% of objective (including Newcastle) Bowmanville 59% of objective Darlington -49% of objective The Central Ontario office re- Ports the Counties of Lanark, Haldimand, and Huron, ail over 110% of their objectives, and these are agricultural districts. It seems te be a matter of "wake up West Durham" as one o.f the workers remarked. BICY,CLE CLUB AT HAMPTON PARK HEAR SUPER VISOR Saturday provided a double at- traction for the Lions Bicycle Club. Fifty-six members rode to Hampton Town Hall where they were addressed by Miss D. M. Jackson, Toronto, government supervisor of "Women's Work on the Land," under the Department of Labor. Later the Club went to the Elliott Memorial Park for a picnic lunch and baseball game. Charlie Carter and Lt. A. Baker were Provosts of the trek and route discipline was exemplary. Arline Northcutt introduced Miss EJackson who spoke about the Farm Service Force of girls, 16 years and over, who were going rta the Niagara District ta help gather the fruit crop af 1941. Tbe speaker empbasîzed that ail who volunteered would bave their transportation paid to the camps which were supervised by the Young Women's Christian Asso- ciation. Camps are already fiWjng up for. the season whicb extends from. strawberries ta peaches and apples. There are two at Vine- land, two at Beamnsville, and anc each at Fenwick, Virgil, Queens- ton, St. Davids, Winona, Stany Creek, Grimsby, and St. Cathar- ines. Those who go will bave a real holiday; thei work paîd for in real money, and they will have plenty oi tiine tao study Canadian History ut first hand among the battle fields ai 1812-15. Particulars af the work and forms for applying may be had at Bowmanviile Agricultural of- fice. bMs Jackson leained some- thing new about the bicycle safe- ty movement and the boys and girls gave bei a great big band for coming out of ber way ta teill ai the farmn service plan. At the park, aides were chasen for saftbail, with Curve-bail Car- ter opposed ta miscellaneous tal- ent . At the l6th innings the score was tied and the game ended i the rain. Policemen far the comidng wock were selected fromn the bleachers, bath were outsiders; Lieuts. Wil- liam James and A. L. Baker, and ,a full court docket is in prospect Groom coffee boua, wbich Bru- zil will use in makimg plastic con- tain all material needed for this preduct. Glydesdale Horse Show Features Judging Contesti At Mibrook toi; 10, Bill Howden. Four year old mare or gelding -4, Whittington & Sons; 6, S. S. Staples; 7, P. Thompson. Two year filly or geldîng-l Juy Wbittington; 2, Walter Bow- les; 3, P. Thornpson. James Whlttington & Sons won the Association Special for Uic besu mare or gelding, thico yoais aid. In Uic Junior Fermera' conts for judging, Uic ugo limit was 26 years and Durham winners wore 2, John Rlckaid; 5, Garnet Ricbard; 6, Lcalie Taylor 'amd five were tied for 8th place. Other wimnora in Uic group classes ai Clydeadales were mat reported et press time. The ladies had a spoclal place on Uic duy's proguam and wero addressed by W. F. Rlckard -M. P., and before the show closed with the National Antbem, Mr. Rickurd agai spoke bniefly. No show is quite complote without the politiciens and thc attend- ance, too, ai the grand old mon ai former days. Outstanding among Uiem. was Sam Donald- son, 92 youis young, who for ov- or 60 yoars toak an activre inter- esti hi Ui llbrook Agricultural Society and was ulways itereet- cd hi the horse breedlmg business. Loni Is Heavy lu Bamrn On R.J.1- OIiFarm Tuesday Hundreds Stop Ou Highway Mlaay Ruai Units As we go ta press Thursday mornlng we recelved the foi- lowlnt teletram fromn the Do- minion PublleltY Commlttee Vlctory Loan 1941: Ottawa, Jue il - Empha- slzlng the appeal whlch the Vlctory Loan la maklng ta the smali nvestor Is the fact that up ta Wednesday 336,253 lu- dividual subseribers - more than the comibned tatal of the two prevlous War Loans - had Invested $340,397,400.00. Most encouraging ta head- quartera were the returus from rural imita, many of whlch have already exceeded their objective and are strlv- Ing ta further Inerease their cash subscriptions as weil as thefr numerical tatal%. Merchant Of The SOs Roturne To Town -A weekend visitoxý with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lockart was W. H. May, one af Bowmanviles ad- tie merchants wbo in the early eighties carried on a bainess busi- ness in the Horsey Block. There are but a few who would remem- ber Mr. May. He is now in bis 92nd year and is as straight and sprightly as many. men- years younger. He stated he cannot re- member ever having been sick a day for the past 60 years, a re- cord that few can boast. In those early days be was a leadîng member ai the former Metbodist Cburch at the time Rev. Egerton Ryerson Young was pas- tor. He was bath SuPerintendent of the Sunday School and leader of the choir. He was alst deeply interested in Young men and built up a group that became a power for good througbout the county.. This evangelistic band was zealus in supporting their pastor in al bis spiritual work. M.May continues te be re- (Cotilntiduon on page Eye: Tuam Upward To Silver ShP As Goodyear Ilinp Salutes Town Fanned By Brisk Wlnd Spectacular B 1 a z e Quickly Razes Three Buildings - Firemen Heiplesa When En- gine Breaks Down. Early Tuesday evening fire de- stroyed a large barn and two ad- jaining buildings on the Col.* R.J. Gil farm, one mile east of Bow-: manville on Highway No. 2. The loss is estimated at approximately $7000. Fanned by a stlff breeze, the fire whicb started i an impie- ment shed shortly after 6 p.m., quickly enveloped the tinder-dr-y timbers of the fine buildings and it was soon apparent that tbey were doomed. A cail for the Baw- manville fire brigade put i at 6.20 was quickly answered and firemen at once went ta work ta protect the bouse directly in the path of the sparks and a smal garage at the rear. A hase lime was laid ta a small streamn nearby and an effort made ta pump water from there but ater operating for about two midnutes a connecting rod in the fire truck engine shat- tered and the apparatus went dead. The faim bas been accup led for several years by Kenneth Cax and faml and is knawn, in the dis- trc aS possessing same af the finest buildings, and equipment. These were erected and the faim improved in the late 1920's by the owner, Col. Robert J. Giil,- M.C., V.D., now of Brockville. He was much interested in farming aft er the war and successfuily aperat- ed this place until m b ealtb forc- ed bis retirement from active work. Then he went ta Brockville te assume tbe duties of Clerk af the High Court, Registrai of tbe Surrogate Court and Clerk of the Seventb County Court, also Sber- iff of Leeds and Grenville Cauxi- ties. Before Col. GUI bougbt the f arm it was known as the Joness farm. Hundreds of cars lined Higb- way No. 2 te see tbe spectacular GOES5 TO LORDS Rlght Bon. R. B. Bennett, Former Prime Ministor ai Caniada, Who bas beçn made a viscount by the King in His Mejesty's Birth- day honora list. Mr. Bennett bas boom warbing ut the Miniatry ai Aircraft Production, until recent- ly under Lard Beuverbrook,-a fol- law-Canadian. western Youth Us Musical Prlgay Ni-s. Larme E. Phair, Glidden, Sask., sent us a page irasn the Saskatchewam Fermer, June 2, whicb contains newa that will be af intercat to thase wbo remember Mr-. Britton, formerly af Maple Grove and Bowmanville. The Brittons live an a faim, noar Eston, Saab., and Uic radio re- porter devotes a calumn ta Uic accomplishments oi 10 year aId Arthur Britton. In a Talent Seaich programme comducted over CKCK young Ar- thur croated samnething ai e fur- are ai ecsatics among listeners wha hourd hlm for Uic iirst time on bis soprano saxophone. A greet future in music la predlct- cd fou him. Startlng ut 4 yeais cf uo, young Arthur now pleys ul asiay kid ai instrument and la ceol and uccomplishcd even if mot yot qulte, tauil ough to reuch tUic"mikie." Mr. N. Fletcher who loi t this district 30 yearsaugo for the U. S.A.,. ceied upan the oditor, Sut- urdey, and aaked to have The Stuteaman sent ta bis new uddress, Ricbvae ont. Mu. Fletcher used ta work araund Maple Grave end an the Colucutt ferma marth ai town, Liglhtor-Than-Air Shp iMade In Akron On Goodwill Tour 0f Province For Victory Loan. Delayed two days bebind ache- dule by reason af sufiering a, puncture in ber rubberized bag in Toronto Wednesday, the Good- year Airship "Reliance"'y ially toak the air again and was seen by Bawmanviile residents flying high over the town Friday morm- ing. Tho Goodyear factory siren screamed in salute as the big ail- ver sausage dipped in salnte aiad Pople Paured out ai doors ta look upwerd ad read the legend on a banner flying from Uihe tail "Buy Victary Bonds." The sbip brougbt ta Ontario messages ai goQdwill from the Governor ai Obia ta Canadien officiais, and the whole trnp was aranged by Goodyear- ta aid the War Loan. The "Roliance" la ane ai more than a bundred alishipa built by Goodyear, Akron, in the world's laigeat airship dock. The "Re- liance" la ai the nom-rigid type and is 150 feet lang and 42 f cet in diameter. Its gas capacity la 123,000 cubic feet and la poworod with twa 145 H.P. mtors, gvig it a top speed of 65 m.p.b. It re- quies a ground crcw ai 14 ta service it. This crcw travels ina special radio-equipped bus. The cabin 0f the "Reliance" accammo- dates six passengers in addition ta crow. It la cqulppod witb two- way radia communication. The slow speed ut wbich llghter- than-air abips cari bo flpwn la their utstunding advantagein Cast patrol and convoy duty. Their ebility ta baver practlcally motionless in thc air enubles them ta detect lurking submarines and mines. The captuin ai the "'Reliance"à tald several intorestlng atonies about ligbter-Uian-air ships whcn ho was intcrviowed by Rex Fraste an CFRB Tuesdey evcning. Thoy aie now flillod wltb belium ta guard ugainst ail danger of flic or explosion. The shlp itacli bas na basic metil frumo structure but hs simply anc big bag filled wlth gas. The captain lies, hud more than anc nairow escape. Back in thc days whem hydrogen was used, ho and a crew aifafur wero in thc air nuvigating when isuddenly It burst into flames. At that time parachutes wcre com- pulaory oqulpmcnt and thc five ai thcm limediutely leapcd eut but so repldly did the airship burn that the fulling sparks lit on the Parachutes fluttering below and Ignltod three, with the result the mon le'st their livea. Howcver, the captain and bis campunion bhad drifted frorn beneuth the sbip and survived. A port Hiope Couservatlouist Says Need For Reforestatiou Is Imperative lu Durham 1-

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