'rHRBDYJUNE 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FYVE Weddings Hobbs..-RodgerS The marriage was sole mnizcc qityon June 7th af Miss ertha Lodgers, Toronto,, ta HaFrdild ErIE Hobbs, son of F. T. Hobbs, Bow. mhan;7ihe. Thie ccremony was per- farmed at Trinity United Churel Parsonage, Bowmanviile, by IRev. S. Davisan. The bride looked charming in an -aiternoon frock af pale blue -~Wth white accessorles and cor- ~usage of pink carnations. The bride w as attended by Mrs. Ted Bird. Mowmnanville, wcaring a blacki AMnd hitefnock with black plc. ture hat and white corsage. Mr. Athur Claugh was best man. After a supper at the home ai the groom's parents, the couple lef t for a short motor trip ta wes- tern points, aiter wbich they wlf reside in BoINmanvlUe. Bal-Patterson A quiet but pretty wedding was salemnized at the Park St. Par- sanage, Orona, June 7th, when Loreen Patterson, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pattersan, Antioch, became the bride oi Mr. Kenneth Bail, son of Mn. and Mrs. J. Banl, Leskard, Rev. S. Littlewood af- ficiating. The bride loaked lovely in a blue gown with hat ta match, with nascgay ai sprlngý flowers. She - i#. L IàL I k i j XAMRXE INi LIiISAY ON SATURDAY was attended by her aister, MisE Jeanne Pattensan, whô chose a dusty rose frock wlth hat tc match. Mr., Everett Stapleton, d Leskard, was best man. aiFoilowing the ceremany the cwedding supper was served at the -home af the bride's parents, aiter whlch the happy couple lef t on a h motor trip west. On thein return they will reside.in Leskurd. Pringle-Dunlop A pretty wedding took place ini BPark St. Church, Orono, artisticai- ly decanated for the occasidn, an cJune 7th, when Miss May A. Dun- « lop became the bride ai Dr. *George Pringie, bath contracting parties being frou~i Toronto. Bey. fS. Littlewood off iciated, assisted 3by Dr. Thomas ai Coake's Presby- * terlan Church, Toronto, and Dr. 1 Robb, Toronto, played the wed- ding, music. The bride wore a be-« coml.ng blue frock with hat ta match and carried a bouquet ai pink carnations. She was attend- ed by Mrs. Sullilvan, Toronto; who was attired in dusty rose wlth hat ta match, and carried pink carna- Ltions. Dr. Sullivan, Toronto, was best man. Foilowing the ceremany the wedding purty enjoyed a wedding supper at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, aiter which the happy couple left on a motar trip down East. The bride was born in Orono Parsonage and christened in tic Park St. Churcli, being the daugh- ter af the late Rev. T. Dunlop who pncached in Orona iram 1886 ta 1888 inclusive.. EIllott-Murdoff At Cambridge Street United Church, Rcv. J. Jolinstone Bluck conducted Uic marriage af Miss Borca Eillcn Murdofi, daughtcr ai Mn. and Mrs. C. Morton Murd- off, ta Mr. Cccil Woodruff M. Elliott,' son ai Mr. and Mrs. Myles Eiliott,' Toronto. A profusion ai spring flowers formcd Uic back- ground for the ccrcmony and thc weddiffg music was played byi Miss Phyllis Chahls, Bowmanviilc, cousin ai Uic bride. Given in marriage by lier iatli- en, Uic bride wone a princess satin eovfa cream itillus on, satin eail cream hnillusceonr with a train caught to lier head with.a w;eath ai lily-of-tlie-val- ley. She curried a showcr ai cream roses and lily-af-the-valley. The matron ai honour and brides- maids, Mrs. Jolinston McGregor, Trono; Miss PhyllIs Underhil, Mimico and Miss Dorothy St. John, Lindsay, were gowncd alike. ini frodks ai whitc taifeta and sheer, with bouffant skirts and Dutch caps. Their bouquets wcre ai corai sweet peas. The junior bridcsmaid, Miss Lamna Christian, cousin aof Uic groom worc pink Busy Days Dont Worry Me! V 1 take no chances with Internai Sluggishness TFO Id noplea@ure in the day'a work- J. eel duunln to make an- effort-the cause may be mnternai slugghneua. This hand- icaus erycommon. (Mien it's due to a lack CofuLk mieurhdiet. A PI.,asant Prcoution that Con H.Ip Prevent Trouble Constipation due tg lack of bulk should yjeld to Post'. Bran Flakes, eaten regulurlye « ovde eog natural bulk in the. form of irau to = 00 fod 'iamies moving promptly. le's Loth wise andpleasant to est Pot's Bran Flakes as an aid to, meuse. They have a crisp nut-like flavour which really i. delicious. I they do flot readily relieve internai luggiuh- nesa, mee your dector. ~~~i ~ ~ ygy 1p'.. A port AKf NfUVff'~*~FiT ~~~~~~~e AIe~ /P1A7. . sheer, trimmnid with blue velvet. She cannicd Pink and blue swect ipeas und foz'get-me-mats. During Uic signing ai Uic rcgistcr, Mn. Donald Wiiliamis, Bowmanville, >cousin ai tic bridé, sang "'UntiL"y Mn. Robent Marrisan, Toronto, was groomsrman, and the ushers werc Mn. Boy Lumney, Bowxnan- ville, and Mn. James Mitchinson ai Toronto. A receptian fallowed ut Ye Olde Cottage Tea Boom, wlicre Mns. Murdafi and Uic mather ai Uic groom recei-.red. Later Uic bride doncd lier travelling costume of honcy-bcigc, with black acces- sanies and the grooms git ai Kol- insky furs, and leit with lien hus- band fan Mantreal and Québec. Mr. and Mns. Elliott will live ut thc Victoria Garden Apartments, 2400 Qucen Street East, Toranto. Amamg thase attcnding the wed- ding were, Mns. Chas. Murdoif, Mn. Chas. Heal, Mr. and Mn. Clintan Lunney, Mis. Bruce Lun- ncy, Mrs. Fred Pattinson, Mn. and Mn.. Frank William., Miss Helen Williams, Mn. and Mis. William Quick, Mn. and Mn.. Jespe Aunes, Misses Hilda Brown, Yvonne Tiglie, Elsie Carruthers, Mn. Alan Osborne, Mn. Wally Braden, Bow- manville; Mn.. S. R. Davey and Mn.. De -Hart Walker ai Flint, Michigan. Elflott-mMercer An abundance ai iris with spirea and peanies werc the house dcc- arations Satu rday aiternoon, June- 7Ui, wlien Miss Olive Elcanor Pearl Mencer, daugliter af Mn. Cccil G. Mercer, M.P.P., and Mn. Mercer, Eli.zabeth'ville, was united in marriage with Mr. Elmer Leslie Elliott, son ai Mn.. Elliott and Uic late ~ Elliott, Elizbetliville. Bey, *Po F.6ai'diher - cifciatéd. -'Mé Wilma Prause sang "'Because," and Miss Norcan Prouse played thc wedding music. The bride, given lu manrage by lier father, ware a gawn ai white silk marquisette aven tai- icta, wîtli long siecyci and faili- ianed with shij-red badice and cmbroidcrcd yake. Her shaulder veil was cauglit with a caronet ai orange blossams. lier ilowers werc roses and sweet peas. Miss Vivian Mercer, wla ttended lien sister, ware a gowm ai delphinium blue marquisctte aven taifeta fashioncd aiter that ai the bride. lier headdress was a hala ai shir- rcd net muzet with rascbuds, and her ilowers were JaaH ill rases and forget-me-nats. Mn. Howard Quantrill was the best man. At the reception held at the home ai Uie bride's Parents, the bride's mother received in ar, jonchid sheer dress with carsage ai trases. The gnoam's mother wonE a quccn's blue witli a corsage ai rases. On their wcdding trip tc Ottawa and castcrn points ti bride wore a bcamîng traveilinfi ensemble ai heaven blue witt beige accessories. They will neside in Elizabeth- ville. P Jones-Roach A pnctty spring weddiûg tooli place May 24tli, 1941, ut 7.30 a.m. in St. Mury's Chuncli, Lindsay, wlicn Loretta Mary Roacli, daugi. ter ai Mn. and Mn.. Jack Roacl West Ops, was unitcd in marriage ta Leslie John Joncs, ai Bow- manville. Tic ceremany wus pen- fonmed by Bey. Fathen Mcaglicr. Duning the affcrtary and the sign- ing ai the negisten, Mrs. Dr. Glce- son sang vcry sweetly. The bride was given in mar- niage by lien father, and laaked lovcly in a street lcngtli 'drcss ai peacock blue sheer, witli smail white hat and white acccssonics. She wanc a corsage ai pink carna- tions and baby's brcatli. ler ais- ter Dona.thy was bridesmaid, wcaring a becoming costume ai dusky rose sheen, with halo liat ta match, and white accessaries. She wore a corsage ai yellaw carna- tions amd baby's brcatli. Mn:' Jas- ephi Cuddahce acted as grooms- man. A reception was licld ut the home ai the bnide's parents, aiter jwhich the happy yaung couple leit for Toronto and, Hamilton. On their rcturn Uiey will residé in Bowmnanville. Fallls--Bradburn "1& quiet W'éddlng taok plate ut thie United Churcli pansanage, Blackstack, on Saturday, June 7, ut 2.30 p.m., wlien Annie Eliza- beth, daugliten af Mn. and Mrs. Meredithi Fallis, Cadmus, was united in manrage ta Mr. Josephi Wellington Bradburm, son ai Mn. and Mns. Wesley Bradburn, ai Blackstock. The ccremany was pcnforrned by Bey. D. M. Stinson. The bride was dressed in a gawn ai forget-me-nat bhue sheer and lace wi rose.liat and accessonies and carried a sheaf ai roses and carnations. The -bridesmaid, MrÉ. Donald Thomapson, a sister ai the bride, wore a rose crepe dress with a carsage bouquet ai red and white roses. The groom was ut- tendcd by'his brother, Mn. Lamne Bradburn. The hauppy couple are spending their lioneymoon in the Niagara district. On their return Uiey will reside on Uic groom'. farun west ai Blackstack. Previaus ta lier marniage Miss Fallis was presented with a beau- tiful end table by lier fellow cm- ployees ut the Goodyear plant ut Bawmnanville, Miss Helen Non- wick rcuding the address and muking the prcscnt#tion. AUXILIARY SENDS TrWENTrY BOXES TO SOLDIERS The Women's Auxiliary afi«'D" Cay. and Ail Bawmanville Boys in A- F met June Oth in St. Jhn's ýarisli Hall witli an ex- ýeptonaly good attendunce. Mn. yep e, treasurer, presidcd in Uie absence ai Mn.. C. R. Spencer, president, and apened Uic meet- ing wiUi God Suve Uic King, Mrs. Ross Grant planist. Mrs. Muriel Dunn was elected chiairman ai Ways and Means Cammiittee. Mns. C. MeMann is the mew vice-president. It wus decided ta divide Uic mcmbership 4nta five district groupq with a leader, and ecdi v-u p take their turn in packing soldiers' boxes so that every member wlll take an active interest In Uic wark. Leaders are: Scugog district- M1rs. Fry; North Ward-ta be ap- pointe Centre district-Mrs. W. J. Richrds; East dlstrict-Mrs. Pollock; South Ward-Mns. Stan. Beckett. Mns. V. Ott, woal canvener, ne- ~cived permission ta purcliase the proper weiglit wooi for mitts. Mfeetings wlll be held every other Fiday, with next meeting !nlday, Jume 2Oth, ut S p.m. Twenty boxes are being packed on Wednesday ut Mn.. Stan. Bec- cett's, tcn for Bowmanvllc boys overseas and ten for "D"' Coy. boys in an Eastern Training Camp. Mrs. Wylle, acting president, heantlly Uianked Uic ladies for beig intcrested enough in Uic organizution ta openly state their ideus ut the meeting. Mns. M. Dunn gave $66 ta thc treasurer raised thru Bummage Sle. MIsus Borea .&uraarr and Mr. the daughtcr of Mr. and Mns. C. Cecil W. M. Elliatt, whose mar M. Murdoif, Lindsay, farmerly af niage took place Saturday after- Bowmanvfllc, and Mr. Elliott. h noon in Cambridge St. United the son of Mr. and Mrs. Myles Church, Lindsay. Miss Murdoff is 1Eiliott, Toronto. Women's Institute Conven Hears Report Nine Branche ïOn Splendid War Activitie The United Churcli ut Kendal, TRINITY W.M.Sa ,beautifulîy decaratcd with flow- TA STH E lors anid flags fiiled with Women's T K S H M Institute delegates and members 0F FELLOWSHI ut the West Durham District Anm-___ nual Convention on June 4. Ideal Women's Missionary Saci Weathcr und the fine hospitality met on Tuesday, under the of the Kendal Institute hclpcd ta rection ai Mrs. Albert Pickan jmake this anc ai Uic iargcst at- Group. In Mrs. Pickard's absen 'tended and most enthusiastic con- Mrs. C. A. Bartlctt had charge ,.Ventions ai recent years. the devotional sérvice, assisted Registration af delegates in Mrs. T. G. Masan and Mrs. Fra charge oi Mns. Gilray and Mrs. Cryderman, with Mns. Workm CIDonsh, markcd Uhc officiai OP- at Uic pana. ening. The theme for thc mon, With Mrs. Swarbrick as pianist "'Demonstrating Chiristian Feilo- -and Mns. Wamian, sang leader, a ship" was nead by Mrs. Bartiî iifteen-midnutc sing sang was con- and was cmphasized in the scril ductcd. Patriotic sangs anly, were une passages rcad by Mns. Mas Sused ut the sing sang ut bath and Mns. Cryderman. ismorning and aitennoon sessions. Mns. Chas. A. Wight, Secreta es Sccrctary Mrs. 0. W. Raîpli, o hita iiesigv Onono, read the minutes and pres- sai Chs ti iznsip, g ave ented the financial report oaihe U ic usal tugit-ispidINing tokf n District arganizutian. All Istit-Uarsesbect.hapyShe sd ane ai« Iutes are in gaod financiai con-arbinhap tesda. )fdition and a balance ai $330.17 secm ta be disappainted and b 'was curried over. Miss L. Rey- wildercd. We wonden whene -v riolds and Mrs. W. W. Horn ai must stant ta regain aur peace. IHampton, auditors, aertified ta mind. We thin< we are willil Uic corncctness ai these reports. ta muake sacrifices but do we 9 Hospital camniittec neported christian people always empli hthat curtains, linen and other sc- unquestionable means for secu tivities ta the value ai $20.00 had mng funds for unquestianable pu been purchased for the West Dur- poses? Wc nccd not ask oursclv, hum ward in Bawnianville Hos- if Gad is an aur side, but wc c 1ia need ta make sure that wc are( Mrs Janso Thcksn, ow-Gad's side. Arc wc yet neal munville President, in lien repart, nayfravcayfrarsd kgave a summary ai hen visits ta A sala given by Mrs. S.1 ic h nine Institutes, stressing the James was mucli apprcciated. rpragress bcing made and Uiank- Fon Uic study pcniod, M4rs. L-mg ail for the fine neceptians ac- Crydermnan undcrtoak the tapk' icorded her. She had chosen compiling and presenting a r, e"Nutrition," nealizing Uic import- view aif Uic lives ai Uic variai ance ai this subjcct in war time, in missianaries which have constitu lien tulks ta most of the Institutes cd Uic study for the past yea and also ta funther cmphasizc Uic This caming at the conclusion bourse an "making the mast ai Uic studies for the ycan pravf 'vegetables" conducted by Uic lac- vcry intercsting and lielpful, a al. Leader Training Scliool at thaugli it liad meunt mucli rea< Xamptan. ing and wonk an Mns. Cryde: _She mcntioned Uic arganizatian man's part. of the Federation af Agriculture The President, Mrs. H. M. Hu ùiid thc formation ai one Girls' chinsan, accupied the chair for t1'. Club, making Uirce Girls' Clubs business session. Reports ai sci In Uiis District now. netaries ai departmcents wcrc prej She thanked al for their spien- a c nte 144 ad e r eprtbe dld ca-operation in wan activity, as haing May. ad b eme f-in the making ai jam, knitting,drigMy Dsewing, etc. The Institutes are eoutstanding in this lime af work S L IR ' IE =ud she strcsscd Uic ever increas-S LDE S WI S ing necd ai the Red Cross for their KNIT, SEW, CHAT ca-operation in ail war activity. RECEIVE MAI e Mrs. Roy Mercer, Kendal, gave ____ rtlZ.address ai welcame ta which Mrs. Jean Lobb invited t] e r. . Mauntjoy, Blackstack, ne- Soldiers' Wivcs ta hcr hame Jui L Mis e anSotcal 3rd for a social gathering. Twent ýMssJen cotTanonto,coh eight ladies wcrc busy knittin 'unir work, gave a fine ad- sewing and chatting, when t] > ess reative ta Uiis wonk and president, Mns. Neil Wilson, ca trdcdMissý Jean Wright, cd the meeting ta order and as * stock, wlio was placcd Uiird cd ail ta. stand f oirthc singing W nfXte,.ro fle at (Gad- Save thie lMr' Sar. îdian National Exhibition Brown was pianist. Mrs. Iva M lat oy~r. Miss Wrighit gave a Mann, secretany, nead Uic mi demno tation and tailk on girl's utes. A letter af thanks ira club actvity at Uic alternoon ses- Gunner Snowcll was rcad wl SSion. statcd how pleascd lie was ta n Mrsý Noble Perrin, Canieron, in ceive Uic cigarettes and parcel. Victoria Caunty, ncpresenting Uic Ten members wene appainted Fedenated Womcn's Institutes, attend the Women's Auxliany spresented the activities ai thein "Dl, Coy. and Ail Bowmanvil Board meetings. Boys in A. F. meeting June 6t This was follawcd by Uiceout-.r The president stncsscd the fa standing addrcss ai the day giv-1 that as Uic Wives' Auxiliary wi sen by Miss E. A. Slicten, W. I. affiliated, paid fees ta and saJ 1Brandi, Department af Agnicult- tickets for Uic arganizatian, we . une, Toronto. She dealt wU members should make an efia: varlety af tapics ai interest ta W. ta attend their meetings, kn sI. 'mcmbens and gave mucli de- nccdcd articles and co-aperate i ltailed infarmatian af Uic wark in cvery way ta nuise funds, etc., f( Toronto, and ungcd ail ta continue Ail Bowmanvillc Boys in A.]1 ta uphold Uic ideals ai Uic W. [. and "D" Coy. Under lien guidance it was de- An intcresting and excitiri cided ta muke a furtlien study game ai "Guessing in the Dal< ai nutition and hcalth this year. wus played, Mrs. Daisy Bell bein 3 Musical nurubers includcd, a duet by Mrs. Wannan and Mns. ;Swarbrick, a sala by Miss Steila Beut, Klrby, and a graup of sangs Sung by Miss Mary Taylor, Perry- tatwn, uccompanied by Mn. Neil Stewart. A dlsplay ai knitted articles for the Rcd Crosswas responsible for mucli favorable comment. These officers were clcctcd for next year:- President-Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Tyronè.* lot Vice President - Mns. W. Joncs, Ncwtanvillc. 2nd Vice President - Mns. G.'- Thompson, Nestîcton. Secretary-Treasurer - Mns. O. W. Roipli, Orona. Auditons--Mias L. Reynolds and Mn.. W. W. Horn, Hampton. . .a Federuted Representative-Mns. ,prime RIb Rouet IL 270 ANN PAGE. Meaty Choc. Marah. Boe Rouet lb. 19c' RoU ea.1Ise Short - - Rib Rouet lb. 21e Raisin Loaf Boule, Smked 12c Pork Shouder lb. 29o Tenderled, Royal Brand Smoked Hume WHOLE or SHLANK HALF lb.29 BREAD FACE LAILF lb. 31. Sliced or Unslicei Sflced ANN PAGE Wite B.f Bologna lb. 17e 224 oz. 1aiBoat 2louves 15 Dutdi Loaf lb. 250 Smoked WeInerm lb. 230 FRUIT end VEGETABLES Califonia Valencia ORANGES . . .. -.-.doz.c0 California CARROTS - - 2 bunche 15o LEMONS -- . - - - - doL-25C Home Grown SPINACH . . n. . -.-.-.21b. le- In- AL&OPSFOOD -STORESc 5 )m e- Prices subject ta market changes. Purchases limited ta family to weekly requirements. of [le ,h. thec lucky winner ai a useful liouseliold article. Mr.. Winona Clarke drew the winning mumbe; seven and was given a patritc tumbler. Executive will meet ut Mn. Elsie Fry's, Scugag St., ta make arrangements ion a picnic lu Jýuly ut thc Crearnai Barlcy for al saldiers' wives and their children. The hastes., ussistcd by lier Lytton. graup members, served duinty sandwiches and tea. Mn.. Helen Bickle was welcom- cd as a new member and Mrs. Lillian Huglies was made wel- came as a gucat. What mcn want i. mat talent, it is purpase; flot Uic power ta achieve, but thc will ta bubo.- i i BUY VICTORY BONDS NOW )A LF~!- ICTORY BON1lDS SALADA TEA YelIow Label CHEESE OLD M. 24e Soupe Clark's 3 tins 19c PlUMS Lombard 2 16 oz. 15e SalMon Tiger 's tin 27c CatChUp Llbby's 12 oz. 15C Tomatoos 2 28 oz- tins 25e Odex Soap 2 cakes lc STORE CLOSES 10 P.M. SATURDAYS Pieuse Shop Early * %b. pkg. 39. MfL.D lb- 190 COFFEE BOKAR ba'b*39c RED CIRCLE 'b *31c -anÊdinlîaton and Imnigra- tion-M(ra. Boy Mercen, Kendal.Th War Activity-Mrs. L. Saveny, Newtonviile. < Un. G. Thampson, Nestîcton,C AI moe avteo ap lcain U S # thrs ear ladrshp;toKendal Insftitt; ta Uic musicians and ail others for Uic successful meet- Thýe singlng ai O Canada con- Bq cluded anather fine record ai Wamen's Inqthtute actlvlty. THE CANADIAN STATFSbL4S,.ý BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAdE FM Ibn. 270 DOMIÉSTIC SHORTENINC