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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1941, p. 7

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VI Mr. Harr> Grigg has accepted a gui position at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Wf Mrs. Raymond W. Cale and son 1 Billy, Kitchener, vlsited ber sis- G]i ter-Jn1law, Ms' !'{ Dudley. bri .Harold Bnnett, lÊastlngs lis L dM and Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard. 1 .Major J. C'. Paterson, Dundurn, ei F Sgk.. spent the weekend with his ffther, Mr. W. 1. Paterson. Pa * tiv Mr. T. H. Robinson, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting bis lister, Mrs. Gea. Barton. th Dr. Doris Poster, Mountain Co Sanitarium, Hamilton, visitéd ber Hc mother, Mrs. F. A. Foster. Mr. J. J. Flett attended tbe F. Retail Coal Dealers convention in the Toronto. .th( Mrs. C. W. E. Meatb, Toronto, th was in town Friday guest ai Mrs.1 W. E. Gerry. NE Miss Marjorie Hooper, Los An- no geles, Càlif., is visiting Mrs. E. J. w: Silver, Manvers Rd. tai 1fr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Weekos, Toronto, spent the weekend with an friends and relatives bere. T Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, w. Toronto, wcre guests af Mr. andM Mrs. Arthur Denscm.M Mr. and Mrs. W. Pingle, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and Grace, te( and Miss Ethyl Kemp motored ta w( Quebec over the wcekend. p Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Hobbs and Sc children and Mrs. Ted Bird and sut John visited tbeir brother George in New Toronto. M 'Mr. anci Mrs. E. Passant, Miss Rc Ivy Passant, Mr. Robert Henry af visited Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Pas- Fr sant, Wèsleyville. ste Gerald Bird, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rager Bird, bas enlisted in w( the Air Force -and is stationed at thi St. Huberts, Que. T Miss Marjorie Grabam, Osh- da awa, is supplying at the local Bell B. Telepbone office while Miss Ma- or bel JeweIl is on halidlays. Capt. and Mrs. P. E. Ireland and MI Jobnny, Toronto, were Sunday ed ni t -4 FATHER'S DAY Sunday June 15th W. have books - billolds - key rings - smoker's outfits - sta- tionery - framed mottoes. FPATHERIS DAY CARDS .5c and up JUNE WEDDINGS We have a new Une of glass, china, pottery and pictures for showers and weddlntg gfts. Sec aur dlsplay. WALLPAPER A»D PÂUM Attractive bargaw1n in both. Sec our FLO-GLAZE adver- tisement. in W. JEWELL "iBIG 20" Phone 556 Howmanville PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - - I Supper served from 5 p.m. At 8.30 - iIAbout uesta ai Mr. and Mirs. R. H.. lestaway. Mrs. E. R. Freeman and son oenu, St. Catharines, visitcd hem rother Mr. Ira F. Pumdy, andc ster-in-law, Miss Chrissie Froe-c- an.E lI&r. A. M. Hardy is an a busi- ess trip ta the Goodyear plant et cron, Ohio. Mms. Hardy accom.-j anied hlm and is vislting mle- ves in Cleveland. Mr. M. Comstock, manager ai hoppard & Gll Ltd., attended oe convention af the Canadian1 bal Association et King Edward1 [tel, Toronto, lest- week. i Durng the pest few weeks W. Rickard, M.P., visited some ai ie camps thmoughout Canada. In ,e next issue is bis report ai e quelity ai eppies supplicd., Miss Caroline Hamilton, R.N., Fw York City, came by plane ta oronto Sunday morning and is ow spending e montb's vacationj ith hem mother, Mrs. T. Hemil-i >n. Scrgt. Sam Hughes, Peterbomo, nd Mrs. Hughes and Richard, enton, Pte. Peter Hughes, Peta- iawe, spent the wcekend with1 r. and Mrs. Harmy Hughes and rs. Fred Hughes..1 One name inedvertently omit- ed in the list of exam resuits lest ieek was Selme Bartlett who îssed her third year in Political cience honor course et Univer-i ity af Toronto. Mrs.' C. H. Carter and Mr. and Irs. Clarence Oke attended the Lyal Air Force military wedding ifMiss Gladys Howitt ta Mr. 'ank Sheldrick, R.A.F., et King- an, Saturday. Mr. and Mms. W. Len Efliatt ere in Toronto Fridey attending Le Commencement Exorcises afi 'ronto University wheme their lughter Audroey meceived Uer I.A. degree graduating wlth hon- Ss. Harry É~. (Red) Foster, return- ng irom* Kigston, Saturday, cail- Id oný Charlie Carter and Bow- Lenvillo 'friends. "Red", regret-; îlly, was just twa baurs tao lete o take i the Bicycle Club picnic ýHemptan park. ms. H-. Curran, wbôh lived with Le late Mrs. Wm. Sewell for the îst nine years until ber deeth, svisiting in 'Toronito afid wll aton make hon home with hem laughter, Mms. Ray Reid, R. R. 1, qapanoe. At the annuel meeting af Cen- ral Ontario Division ai the Indus- rial Accident Preventian Asso- dation held in Port Hope on June Ird, A. M. Hardy, Supt. ai Good- iear Factory, was elected. e menu- or af the Executive. One ai the eight ministers or- ained et Bridge Street United hurch, Belleville, this week was scer Eric Wagar, a cousin of Mr. 7L L. Wagar. His pictume was on age 8 ai WednesdaY evoning's Star. *Mi os Archie Mirand SnEldon- die Farnus, Courtice, won distinc- ion with their Holstein cal! don- ated JO the Wan Effort cal! sale t Brampton, Ont. It wes pur- chased by Eeton Hall Farnus, King, Ont. ,among the select 1I00 put up et auction. Mms. H. Kelly and daughter Miss Queenio Kelly matored fram Hollywood, CaliU., ta visit their fiend Miss J. E. Martiet Mms. D. Davis', Beech Ave. They ex- pressod thenuselves as delighted with the beauty ai Canada..- Strengers i town are sure ta fid Bawmenville Haspital frln îaw on. A new red, white and black sign bas been erected et the corner ai King St. and Has- pital road wlth the wardiug 'Bow- iianvlle Hospitel'. and e large arrow pointing the wey. -i On is Day Handsome Neckwear, 50C Summer neckwcar' that spolia roal luxury la a gif t that every Dad wlll appreclate on Fathen's Day. Your Waiken Store bas a cholce selecton.-QualitY fabries, beautiful colons snd pattern&. QVALTY DROADCLOTH SHRIRTS Nîormal $1lO illpeO - Fater'aDay SPeclal A really smart amsatint of stripolsuadehoa eut, .cwn anà flnlshcd to nlgld specfleatlans aasurlng YOU Of quallty shirts at an excepti nally 10w pries. AUinl "fgsed" coller attaehed style. Sizes 14. ta 16%. LKRSOEfJMTL phono 451 laewmanvile SAýladwflTth Phone Mè William Jénnlngs Little did we realize i cm- nienting in lest week's Statesman an theilflness of William Jenuings tUat we wauld be celled upon s0 soon ta record bis passing wbich took place in Bowinanville Hos- pital Tbursdey evoning June tU. Ho had not been in good heelth for some time but only took ta bis bed about two weeks ega. Deceesed was the eldest son ai the lete William and Elizabeth Jennings and was bann in Hamp- ton July 27, 1865, whene bis fath- er wes a shoomaker. At the ege aif 4 years bis parents moved ta Bowmanvilloeand ho bas lived bei-e ever, sice. Fan ovor 30 yeers ho wes employed as an or- gen action meker with the D. O. & P. Co. and steyed with the fir nit i quit business. Since thon ho bas lived retlred elthough ho bas been e fithful belper witb Frank Jamieson for the lest seven years. Living in town contluuously for over 70 years Billy becemne a human encyclopedia egarding the histany ai the tawn and is citiz- ens. TUe oditar in rocont yeams aiten depended on him for in.. formation about the dim and. dist- eunt pat. Ho is survivod by ane brother, T. H. jennings, Toronto and one sister, Miss M. M. Jennings ai tUis tawn who mas a valued teechor et Bownuanville Public School foi many years. The funemal was beld Saturday aiternoon at the f amily residence, Church St., service being conduct- ed by Rev. A. R. Cragg af St Paul's United Church. Beautiful fiowers sumounded the casket ai tokons ai estoom for the deceased and sympethy for ýhe bereaved. Bearers' wero Frank Cryderman, Gea. Cardon, Frank Jemioson, Gea. Thanupsan,1 Blake McMumt- ry, and Gea. W. James. Interment, was lu the faml3 plot, Bowmenvifle comtery. Relatives wbo attcnded the fun- enal irom out aif tawn were Mm. T. H. Jennings, Toronto; Mms. N. E. Jonrings and daughters Vivi- an, Norma and Doris, Port Hope. IWERCHANT 0F 8'. <Contlnued fram page 1) ,tnembered by a iew still living. Me hed a most interesting visit wlth aur esteemed citizen David Morisan Sm and a iew others wbicb made lis visit most happy and profitable for ho still posses- ses the delightful iaculty ai speak- ing the belpiul word toalal ho meets. The present firrnu ai Mason & Dale is the wortby successor ta the business begun by hlm. Mr. May neturned ta Toronto Monday morning wbere ho lsaet presont meklng bis home witU bis eldeat, daughter. 7th, 7.30 p.m. rUiCKEY MOUSE OR CHRIST (Port Perry Star) A Roman Catbolic prelate bas said "the children af today know more about Mickey Mouse than they do af Christ." Tbat is a seri- ous statement and deserves care- ful attention by parents andi tea- chers. Mickey Mouse is gaad fun; but ignorance ai the character and inspiration ai Christ itbe lives af mon is a sad def oct. Fun is flot the whole ai 111e. In the great crises Mickey Mouse wauld nat Ibelp niucb; but a real under- standing and appreciatian oi Christ's lif e and teacbings has been flic nainstay af millions ai lives in Urne af trouble; and a steadying power in pros- perity. Mickey Mouse and the comics sbould neyer become the domi- nating influence af any lii e. TOLERANCE ENDANGERED <Sait Lake Tribune) Depmessing ta citizens af demo- cracies are the curment indications ai weakening in flhe spirit ai taler- ance, that jewel ai free peaple, 50 lacking in the cheracter ai the dictatars. On the radio, ini editor- ils and i public addresses there is an ever increasing resomt ta abuse ai individuals and attribu- tion ai treason because ai difier- once in opinion. . . . When people permit tolerance ta be endanger- cd they take the first steps ta- ward subscribing ta and surren- dering ta the brutal farces intent upon dcstroying ail that stands for freedon aiexpression. ROW MUCH? (Christian Science Monitor) l'How much land doos a man need?" The question receives one answer in Caunt Lea Tolstoy's story about a land-greedy man whose ambition destroyed hinu, reducing his needs ta a few square icet. How much temritory doos a con- In AMAZIÇ., *EW BRTAL' LIQIS £A11 l~4ge 6 CIANT SIX, Medium Six. 154 White Shoe Cloaners 15o - 25e Sun Glassos 19C -25 - 350 - 49 25c Noxema ----19c. IgIw Tuwà » * SaiIlSules 20 members ai Calvin LOCAL GIRL GRADUATZ8 1101!' VICTORIA COLLEGE Slan Young Ladies' Bible 7ronto, accampanied by ýher Miss Hunter, matar- Pi wxnanville last Wedncs- P ehjoyed a picnic at theU fBarley camp. Miss RubyW h was anc af the number Phyllis R. Challis, A.T. i in Lindsay for a week M gtbe marriage ai ber G orea Murdoif, formorlyW ianville. At tiTe ceremony iced at the argon console the wcdding music with shment wbich elicited vorable comnients on ber t from the guests. d -essful sbower af chil- u )cks and clothing for Bni- >Victinus was bcld at the nArmy Tbursday. Re- it eeprovidod by the i the Home League, Miss opoured tea. About ane~.~ or pair ai socks were mc- 01~:~ ;1 aso a considerable quan- 0 )ter clothing. CI Sc ing's Birthdiy was lit-J bserved in town Monday, opriate touch ai patriotic eing addcd by the arrivai B: valcade ai Floats. Banks di d closed, as did the public '~G and govemnment officesthi y pupils attendied the bigh .............C -aving decided ta do so J nocratic vote. The pros- Mm. and Mrs. W. Len Elliott year; 2nd year-On Hause Execu- exanus this time proved were i Toronto Friday attending tive af Residence; 3rd year-As-T than desire for a holiday.tecomnmntxrcssa sistant Social Directress ai Vic- T id Mrs. Robt. Scott, Hes- tToroenemnto weriesthei torla College Union (Student Gov- h Ir. and Mrs. P. Murphy, University afTroti eet emenment Body ol College); 4th c Mrs. R. Marchant, Blair- daughter Audrey (extreme leit) year-Social Directress for Vîc-lF Jta., Mr. R. Marchant, graduated with honors fromn Vic- toria College Union; Student Re- A orden, weme Sunday visi- taria College, in which she took presentative an Social Capet (Gov- MIr. Fred Depew's, Bow- the general course and speclalized emnment Body af Students Social c( SBeach. Mm. and Mrs. iii English and French. Audrey Activities); and Secretary Perma- it were rcnewing acquain- is not only recognized for ber cent Executive ai Class '41. Above h issLela iler ha abiit buthe hasbeeuly htiomt tMarihaeAd ir guest wbilc on ber Popua ihbr fellow students re litMrguerite Bueker fi tnp las is shown by the offices sbe has gEdat n1oseodecanoies held each year. Te nld:adMary O. Miller, radatein ' < *Woman's Associationîtya-sçite Preinde ai gih n erur le n S ie loth with Mms. T. erAsca PsintoE pmesiding. Mms. Orville ToP ur and hem circle were in ,rr need? Wilbelm II, Kaiser ti of the devotional. service Town hip oufclC ofa Imperial Germany, bas just 2 gram. Mms. T. W. Cawker passed on at Doorn, in the Neth- scriptume lesson. and Mrs. CARTWRIIGHT COUNCIOL erlands, where a smafl estate suf-d ne gave a talk, "Value ofd rch and wbat it means ta Cartwright Council met jiuie ficed for his wood-chopping, and M me." Piano duet by Mrs. 2nd as Court af Revision, but a smail circle aifmiends, r .elatives p runinond and Mrs. M. H. there were no appeals me 1941 and servants pmovided human b ai Orono; readings by Rail. background for simple ceremanies mra Davison ii ber custom- At the regular meeting comt- feintly echaing the pomp a os sing manner; vocal solos munications were read: Sanatoria dam lly mendered by Mrs. for Consuniptives; Uncmployment Attempts ta measure individuela nd, accompanled by Mre. Relief; Victary Bonds and Census. orcletvauannesi oe Repots i fic anius Ray Fergusan and Earl Dorreil ly material ternis have usually rere presented. applied for grant ta Township ended in some such manner as ternational "gethering ai Federation a.oAjgricu.lture. $25.00 Talstoy's story, or in some such 1 :ws was held at Owen was granted. place as Doorn. Napoleon won an )n Saturday evcnig when Application for grant ta adver- empire-an the way ta St. Helena. Lodges No. 180 and No. tise Lake Scugag as sumnier me- Whfat an aid story the conquerors 1; ýhasts ta sevemal hundred sort. Granted $20.00. i 1941 are writingl aio Amemicus Ladge, No. 'Council will coinnunicate with S_________ ).O.F., ai Syracuse, N. Y. stone crusbing Ca. for prices ta 1 .fromn Flamence Nighti- cmush and grevel 5000 yards on ENGAGEMENT1 dge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., B0w- average af 5 miles.S e who attended this unique Accounts omdemed peld: The engagement is announced t ere W,. J. JeffroY, W. H. H.E.P., arrears collected$ 27.88 ai Margaret Hazel, only daughter i :ward and John Cowle, O. Hyland, Sec.-Treas. ai M r. and Mrs. W. E. Dalton, 1 STamblyn, Harry Snith, S. S. No. 3- ---------- --- 400.00EatTmloQeo riej Bac, Eluier Henning, Ed- N. Edgerton, Scc.-Tmees. CaesTepîtn Qe.,taMrvîane >d and Elnio J. Anderson. S. S. No. 6 ------------. 300.00 Chrs, E.d.estson, nai m. nd rrthy ai note that Billy I. Argue, Sec.-Treas. O.Ma.E.C.Aston, lenn ient- who is in bis 78th year, S. S. No. 1----------------- 40000 Ot anaet aepaeqit n an Oddfellow for 58 M.H.O. attcnd'g Conference 10:0l1y Jn July. 24-1* id only missed attending, Treas. Twp. Federation -- 25.00 ings in 50 years and 18 L. Scugog Sumuier Resomt 20.00________________ is i 58 years. Some me- H. Hooey, sheep valuator_ 4.00 aly! Clemk, half-year salary --150-00 ____________ J. H. Farder, 1 shâeep. killed 8.00 oVoucher Na. 6, roads-- 399-61 ObiCounLtcl adoMne ta eet.5u. COMUNG EVENTS Solina Young Married People's licnic is ta be held at Lakeview lrk, Oshawa, Thursday, June 9th. Brmng awn cups and silver- vare. 24- Remember the lawn social on 'cdnesday evening, June 25th, on Ir. N. I. Metcalf's lawn, M1aple ;rove. Proceeds in aid of war vork. Full particulars next week. 1 24-1 Park St. W. A., Orono, will hold heir Strawberry Festival on Mon- y, June 6th. Admission: Ad- lts 35c, children 25c. Orano Citi- ens' Band in attendance. 24-1 The.opening af the Dance Pavil- )n at Geneva Park, which is six iles north of Oshawa and one ile east of Columbus, takes place in Wcdnesday, June l8th, at 9 deock. Bernard Tierney's Or- hestra. Admission 50c per per- on. 24-1 Oshawa Sea Cadets, Orono ýrass Band, Bowmanville Cana- an Legion Band and a modern .un Tractor will be features of .e military parade to the Legion 'arnival at Rotary Park, Friday, mue 27th, next. 24-1 Concession St. East Group of 7rinity United Church W. A. are ldig ateaand sale of home oigat the home af Mrs. Wes- ey Cawker, Manvers Road, on ýriday, June 20th, from 3 ta 6 p.m. rine. P25c. nae hane aidae. 23-2 Reservo Frlday, June 13tb, 1941, r a Piano and Violin Recitel by ue pupils ai Vera McGill, Fergu- ;n, A.T.C.M., and Edouard Bart- ett ta be Ueld in the Opere House, Bowmanvllle, et 8 p.m. (D.S.T.). ?roceeds for the British Wan Vic- nus' Fund. Admission: Adults >5c, chldmen 15c. 22-3 Long Seult Anniversary on Sun- ay, June 22nd. Rcv. S. Little- wood will preach et 2.30 end 7.30 .m. standard timne. Speciel music by Salem choir et bath services. Mondey, June 23nd, et 8 p.m., Sa- ne Young People will present thein play 'Simple Simon Simple.' Special ententainnuent betweon acts. Admission: Adults 25c, chil- nren 15c. 24-2 Maple Grave Sunday Scbool Anniversary will be held as fol- lows: Sunday, June lStb, Rev. Gardon Domnu, M.A., B.D., Bath- urst United Church, Toronto, will speak at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. D.S.T. Special music by the school unden leadership ai Mi. L. Collacutt, as- sisted by Mrs. H. C. Hurlbemt, Oshawa, and St. Peul's Male Quar- tette, Bowmanville. Speclal ofier- ing in aid ai scbool iunds. Wed- nesday, June l8th: 2.30 p.:m.-Po- gram af sports for the chldren; 4.30 p.m.-Junior Soitbail Game, IMpie Grave Hlurricanes vs Spit- lines; 5.30 p.m.--Girls' Soltball Game, Caurtice vs Maple Grave. IEMEMBER FATHER FATHER'S DAY - SUNDAYy JUNE 15»TH This day has been set asido as* a speclal day for Father. Tour I.DA. store has many gits that will be appreclatod by "lied." Let us help yon select yours. MIARS - - - - - 2Se to $5.00 CIGARETTES 25eZS - 30e - 60e PIPES ----25e -50c -$3.50 SHAVING SETS . . . 25c to $500 IGOLF BALLS - -25c - 5c -75c SHAVING BRUMHES - 39e to $3.50 Gilette Blades 6 for 25e Cameras . 1.35 up Bilhfolda -- 50c Up p.m. Saline Youn eople wf presen teir pley "Simple Simon Simple." Special music betweefl acts.Ai services Daylight Savlng Time. Admissian: Adults, tea and concert 50c, concert 25t; Cilîdren, tea and concert 30c, tea only 20c, concert 15c. 24-1 Telephone Manager Announces Reduction In ToilRates Asked today concemning changes in long distance telephone ates announced in the United States and their effect on rates i Can- ada, Frank Williams, manager ai The Bell Telephone Company af Canada heme, said: "Effective July 10 next, import- eunt changes will be nmade in long edistance rates here. The report charge on uncompleted preson-to- persan calîs will be abolished, and the overtime charge on per- son-to-persan calîs will be reduc- ed ta the station-to -station rate. Hîtherto, the first three minutes ieo overtime n persn-ta-persan calls have been cbarged at the higher persan-to-persan rate. In ~dditian, rates on caîls ta United States points will be reduced ta vSd there on cails ta Canadian citios. a"These reductions will mean an annual saving ta long distance users i Ontario and Quebec wbich wc estimate at half a mil- lion dollars." BAKERY <i PRODUCTS as varicd and entlcing as *e could imgine. .. The children * hurry home from school for a taste of Poole's deliclous bak- ery products, produced under ldeal conditions by crafismen * who lookoen aking as an art. * CAKES -COOKIES BUNS -ROLLS BREAD) ONL'Y LOCAL DELUVERY IN TOWN In return for. your generaus patronage of local enter- prise Poole's la now prepared te, otter complete dclivery service-the only Bowmanvillie bakery equipped ta, do so--and at no extra cast. Home lndustrY ment. your support. rl Telephone 654 For Dflvery Service POOLE'IS DAKERY A dellvery truck on Your street cvery day. FREE ONE Blue Blad e wlth eaeh Package of à 25c ENGLISH REALTU SALTS Tumblen Froc 39C 15C -29c - 49c PALMOUVE SHAVE -CREAMI lb. OUVUOILIRdM URIqu she «m M IM eokn d Umm Tm33c Oum 49c At -0oc - 60e - 1.00 Rasons- - 250 - $6.95 Hein Brushes- 50ocup BARGAINS LUX SOAP S-- c - 2 forS9c WAX PAPER -100 Oft. 24e EPSOM SALTS - M -l. 12e Bathing Caps 190 - 25e- 290 Tat Ant Trapu - - -33 Odorono Cream - 19e 39e 1.00 Hnd's Honey & Almnd ' it Creanu - - - - 49o FO ITSmmBITES __ FO 5 -UCBITas-qm ALEX Laura Secord Candies PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOREOOR DRUGS Phone 792 S. J. HARTWIG Knlght Block King St. E. Bowmanvile Card of Thanks Mr. T. H. Jennlngs'and Miss M. M. Jennings wish ta thank their neighbars and friends for kindncsses shown during the ill- ness and passing of their brother William, for beautiful floral tributes. ,lm -j- 1 ýý 1- -

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