I M THfU1iSUAX, JULNEI 1,,1941 ______________________________ -----p I IMai niy IDersunai Dy John C. Klrkwood A friend ai mine, now n is 80th year, who lves n a cabAn sU by huiseif n North Carolina, n a hamiet, had is 79tAi birthday ,rccently, and wcnt ta nearby XAsAvile ta celebrate t, on tAc invitation -ai several iriends. Here's is story ai tAie event and of is pains aiter he returned ta 4*ýbls cabAn and ta simple 1f e: "Ilhadl a gloriaus tirne during every waking hour ai tAie five days and nights I spent there. ?Two blrthday dinners were pre- pared for me, cacA witA its Auge and ricA and ornate cake. Oh, Ilow ricAi they were, and, oh, how frresistibly ternpting! B e s i d e a these dinners I was guest at a jaumber ai dinners and lunchcons sud snacks at caies. I seerned ta be eating for the langer part ai niy time. TAie rcst ai tAie time I Spent n sincere and thoughtiul. r'epentance. But are we not taught -that repentance s ai itself a vin- tue, far outweighing tAie sin re- p)entcd of? I speak teelingiy, for -tAie trip was but littie short ai a disaster. Dining too well, eating of strange dishes, sitting up too late ' nights, and tassing about n hitherta unheard ai beds - not one oi thcm was rcstful - nearly wrecked me. I scarcely knew how 1 could undertake tAie return journey home. Two or tAne Urnes on the way I was quite sick and ,could ýscarcely resist stopping tAc bus ta get atf and sit down by thc road ide. In tAie quiet ai my cabAn I complctely recovered n a weclu, and then, unlike tAie dcvii who was a saint when sick but tAie .same aid devil when well, by tAie strongeat ai virtuaus resolutians I i3teeled myseli agint any possible repetition aifrny late folly." This same iniend had much thie same experience last Christmas. Friends sent hum ricAi cake sud a 2-1b. box ai candy, and hali a dozen cheeses ,and Ae devoured them withaut any prolongation ai the pleasure, and then suftered sadly n thc days toilowing. Quite truly, we dig aur grave with aur teeth. J CK I have had a letter froma a man in is 30's - a man who has been on is own for several years as a business counsellor. TAis s what Ae said: "AithaugAi 1940 was rny most profitable year since I start- cd n business for myseli, I have a growing conviction that t might be wiscr for me ta become con- nccted with a large national or- ganization. Why, îou ask? For twa main reasons: greater scope for rny efforts; more stability sud witA it peace af ind." « This man has been paid good tees for is service - as much as $200 for a week's wark. I wrote hum approving ai Ais ides. Ta- day t s very Aard for a man on hils own, rendering personal ser- vice, ta kecp himself steadlly n wel-paid employment. From a moncy point ai view he slilkely ta do better n tAie empiay of a large organization, and also ta get tuiler self-expression. I knaw that n my own case my best suc- cesses and my largest incarne .were attained when I was attach- cd ta large and aggressive iirms. TAicy Isold" me, over and over again. My forte was ideas design- cd ta persuade industriai iirms ta advertise. My ideas werc takeh ta good prospects by good sales- men. I did not have ta gve My time and thought ta seing. My "IT'S UP TO YOU NOW! 'You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'. We take the pick of Canada's Burley crop and prepare it- for your pipe by the most modern methods. But geuting the benefit of this mild, cool, sweet smoke - that's up to you. So try it. You'Il agree with the thousands who say "It DOES faste good in a pipe 1" An Important Message To Every Ilouseholders We sncerely advlse you ta make arrangements now ta get your ncxt winter's fuel supply. There is plenty af coal avallabie at the present Urne and prices are defiitely at their 10w. No one can pre- dlct what the situation will be next tail, but we are certain prices cannot be lower than they are now and the posslbility is they mlght be coniderably hlgher. You have nathlng ta lose snd eirerythln g ta gain, by orderlng at this time. You'll save mancy: you'll have your coal n your bAn and yau!li be saf e in an ernergeiicy. It is alsa a deccded advantage ta order 'blue coal," be- cause this trademarked anthracite assures yau ai gettlng what you asked for-the world's fineat anthracite. These days, wlth s0 many fuel problerna, substitution or mlxii'g may ai necesslty be mare prevalent than betore and this means inerlor heat and more cost ta you. But with "1blue coas," the blue colaur that you can osec at a glance, guarantecu the qualty-and guarantees delivery ai the cos! you ordered. Why flot get n touch wlth us by phane to-day--sund we are sure you wll thsnk us next iall for the suggestian we are rmkng ta you now, because we sincerely be- Ileve that what wcsamy la true: you'll be better ai£ n many ways by getting "blue coas" and ordering t right Shoppard & GUIl Lumbor Co. Limitod Phone I118 BowmaaVie PI 11 JAm has rmrried, at tAc age ai 19, and Ais wiie s, I suppose, about tAie same age. Jim s a sales- man, and s emnning about $30 a week. His wife, before tAeie ar- niage, worked n a factary, and sAc will continue ta wark there until jaintly sAc and her Ausband have paid affthtAe indebtedness on their furnture. Jim sud Ais wiie will live n tAie house where Jirn's mother lves. I sec Jini frequentiy. He calls on me ta seil me is kind ai - mer- chandise sud Ita use my telepAane. I have known hi for about tAne ycars. He- is a fine youth, goad- looking, and sensible - a good warker. He has stuck ta Ais kind ai business ever since Aie leit high school, snd always Aie Aia work- cd on a cormmission basis - which shows courage.- In tAie case ai moat yaung per- sans I would be aginat their marrying n their teen yemrs, but n Jim's case I feci that Aie has donc tAie igîht thing. He hmd been gaing with Ais girl finn foan about four yeans, sa they car be tnusied ta get along hAppily in tAie years ahead. Jim's earnings are pretty certain ta increase - as thcy wiil need ta. I api thinking ai twa yaung people who have been engagcc for several yemns. TAiey are nov in their 30's. They have nat mai'- ried because tAie man cannot - so Aie says and sa sAc beieves - ai- tard ta rnarry. I do nat expect thern ta marny emch other, and tAe girl may, amy at age 40 or s9, hi stili unwedded, and her fiance may drift away frani her. It does not seem ta me ta be right for a man ta tic a girl up ta hlm fa: years - her best yeans - always putting aifthtA marniage day. And s0 I like much better what Jim did - Aie rarried et age 19, inthe confidence that Ae marricd the right girl. He and sAc rnay hamy ta practise severe econornies - wAicAi can be wholesome - foa sevenal years, but tAie chances are good that they whUl have a happy marrled lie, whlcA s Uic main thing., HOME OF EURIED TREASURE Chester n Nova Scotia, iarty- five miles from Halifax on tAie Canadian National ]Rallways, nat- cd as a dlilghtiul surnerlng place, also niakes dlaim that on Oak Island in Chester Bay Cap- tain Kldd and fellow buccaneers burlcd treasure in tAie good Qld days. Much dlgiglfansd delvlng hamn produceditttle gold but thie tradition persiste. trne and thought were given malnly ta thie creation ai ideas and plans. It was tAie sales wark ai others that put me an the map. WAiat, reputation I achieved came ta me tram the successiul selling ai me ta advertisers by. gaod sales- men. In these present times, because ai advancing years and rnarred health, I have ta depend whoily on myseli. I must bath produce and seli, and I am not greatly or strikingly succeeding ither at production or finding buyers for what I produce. Sa my incarne taday s a mere traction ai what t once was. It s this experience ai mine whAch has led me ta ap- prove ai my correspondent's pur- pose ta jain up with a large in- dustnial organizatiofi. J C K Just before he leit me ta go ait on a short holiday, a man aged 60 or so taok froni Ais packet a srnali book, sud said, 11 aiways carry this book with me." It was a pocket New Testament, bound n red loth, and containing colar- ed pictures. I was rather surpris- ed, because tis man had nat pre- viousiy Ampressed me as being what s called religiaus. It s true that he gaes ta church every Sun- day, but outside tAis practice, and outside what may be called dlean living, tAis man s very worldly. Probably there are rnany, niany men- like hum - men who are taithlul readens ai tAie Scriptures - not necessariiy intelligent or devout readers ai the Bible. Doubtiess they have an enviable comiort ai mmdd as a consequence ai this practice af theirs. I know that t pleased me when this man ai whom I1 write showed me the book - and t was nat n the best condition - which Aie c arrnie s about with hum wherever Ae gacs. J CK One ai mny neighbors s - or was - a dentist. We walked side by side tAc other day, and I learu- cd that this neighbar had rccently given up hAs profession, ater 45 ycars ai practlsing it. He a d, " neyer want ta look n anybody's mouth again 'as long as I ,ive,"P and he said tAis convincing1y1 I asked humr what Aie was dongA Ais new-iound leisure. "I have neyer been so busy or so happy," he said, adding that Aie found every day taa short for his pro-1 gramme ai activities. He s a bachelor, and docs mast ai is own housework sud cooking. He lives n quite a large house. He s a Aigh-up.Mason, sud s writing a histary oi Ais lodge. He reads a good dcal, and has other plea- .sure-gîving empioyrnents. We wcre passing a smail trec, about 8 icet hlgAi, a tree planted about two years mga. A piece ai rope was on this tree, hiddcn by thc foliage. Yct t had been an- noyingly visible ta this man for two ycars, n bath summer and wintcr. He had let it fret hm- chafe hirn-ior two years! He said that aiten he Aad su impulse ta pull t oif the trcc - which he couid easily have donc. Secing tAc son ai thc owner ai thc pro- perty on which thle trcc staod - tAie youth was iowing the larn thie frettcd man stopped, pointed ta thie dangling rope, tald aifAils twa years' irritaiton, and asked thie youth ta remove t, which he did wilhingly. Probably tAis youth had, like me, neyer seen the ai- icnding rope until t was pointed out ta him. Isn't t the truth that mast ai us can let ourselves get al wrought up by a very small mat- ter - anc which can be cured ai- most in a minute, i w arc will- cd ta cure t? 1 ing Ats pastar at the time, Rev. Gea. C . R. McQuade, president. Now it has made a sirilsi gesture ta the man who was their pastar when it was a Christian Church. (In speaking of sorne of these things aiter his induction, Dr. Fletcher mentioned in his kindly manner and somewhat naively on this occasion the fact that his wife was a "«Methodist" befare she was a "Christian." Now they bath be- long ta the great United Church. and have a son a minister af the same church at Yarker.) Nat anc of the real major prob- lcms, but yet a question that prav- ed a knatty one that the canfer- ence wrestled over for same time was what ta do with $1,000 that the Finance Comrittee had n the treasury over and above any Arn- mediate needs. There was sarne $1,650 in the trcasury and the Finance Comrnittce brought n a recommendatian that the Confer- ence invest $1,000 ai it in two 1941 Victory Loan Bonds ai $500 each, and t was sa maved. It was moved n amendment that the conierence buy $1,000 worth ai War, Savings Certif icates and have thcm registered in the name af the United Church ai Canada, in accordance with the Loan ta arCountry--GAft ta Your .Church Plan. An arnendmcnt ta the amendment was moved that the Conierence give the $1,000 outright,' as a git ta the United Church ai Canada, that t might be used ta Ammediately lessen thie debt by that amaunt. It was a puzzllng question just thie praper steps ta take ta get thie voice ot coriference an the mnatter accord- ng ta pariiamentary procedure;,- but the amendment ta the amend- ment ta the original motion was declared carried and thie matter seenicd ta be settled. But aiter- wards it was learned that it was 3ta be rcintroduced and reconsid- ered on constitutionai grounds. It was heartwarming ta note at the conference the presence and interest ai the three puipit mus- keteers ai Trinity Church, Bow-, manville - Rev. J. W. Bunner, Rev. H. W. Faiey and Rev. W. P. Rogers, who drove down tagether. True, thcy are nat An the active service, but are still potential. with alcrt minds and discerning hearts. The speciai speaker at ail tAie devational exercises was Rev. Geo. G. D. Kilpatrick, B.A., D.D., Mon- treal, who was ta be thie preacher at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on Conierence Sunday. One ai the Eiders at this church and enthusiastic n tAie service is Mr'. Percy Ranson, Ausband ai the former Miss Eliza Hunter, New- cast'le. Thie Roman Cathoiic Church. esent word over ta tie conerence that tAie members werc welcame ta the free use ai the church's parking space acrass tram the U. rC. tabernacle. Each member ai thie Laymen's Association was presented with a revised editian ai Rev. Dr. J. H. Riddeli's boak, The Eldership; tAie laymen's headquarters were An St. eThomas' Anglican panisA hall. ri St. Andrew's Pre sb yte r ia n rChurch lent its communion ser- tering ai Carparate Communian an the opening day ai Conierence on Tuesday, June 3rd. Thie greetings a! TAie Belleville Ministeriai Association were con- veyed ta Canienence by tAie Presi- dent, Rev. Mr. Freernan, Pastar ai TAie Missionary Alliance Church across the river. Accidentai D.mthe Take Terrible Toil A persan who s killed by tAc breaking ai a rnake-shit lmdder or by a bull, (because Aie didn't use a saiety staff), s just as dead and causes Ails tamuiy just as much sarrow as anc who dies frrni diphtheria, smallpox, on any ai tAie other communicable diseases now controlied by tAie public AicaltAi programme. Accidents An 1939 caused 2,718 de ths An Ontario and replaced pntumonia as faurth An thie list o! tAie chici causes ai death in al ages. It ranks as tAc iirst cause o! death An ages tram 1 ta 19, and s exceeded only by diseases ai tAc Aeart for ages iram 20 ta 49. "TAe promninence ai accidents as a cause ai death at ages under 50 suggests there s no disease ta- day which constitutes as common a preventable cause ai death as do fails, scaids, burns, drawning, automobile and othen accidents," t was stnessed An thc Ontario De- pantrnent ai HealtA sunvey ion that yean. In jeat t Aas been said that home is tAie mast dangerous place An tAie world. Yet tAis s banne out nat only by thie melancholy daily parade ai victims ai talîs and other accidents, but by tAie record as weil. Nurnenically, home accidents do constitute thc larg- est accident group and famis are tAie leading cause. As between thc PAGE N114E Seek happiness for its owin urban and rural home, there is littie difference in the prablemn, except fewer farmn women have ice-slippery waxed floors ta con- tribute ta brokeft bones. Injuries tramn cuttlng and piercing Instril- ments corne second and burns, third in importance. The f arm hbas an occupations! risk peculiarly its own by reasan oi the diversity of the farmn tasks. Kansas State, last year made an analysis of farm accidents and it is considered that its experience is indicative af any large agricul- ture cammunity that is nat whoUy given up ta specialized farniing. 0f 89 deaths, agricultural ma- chinery caused 20; and of the 20, ane-half were caused by tractars. There were 16 deaths caused by i ails and 12 by animais, and run- aways with wagons and impie- ments kilied nmne. Eight men were killed by lightning and five af the eight were working in fields at the time af death. The balance af the deaths were caused by burns, sunstroke, injury by f alling ab- jects, puncture wound, etc. In the United States, authari- ties estimated that farmers sur- rendered mare than one-tenth ai their entire incarne ta satisfy the accident toil. In industry, factory inspection and safety contrai, has reduced immeasurably the acci- dent rate. Machinery and .animal hazards and the character of iarm work require constant vigilance, if safe- ty fromn injury, death or tire loss is ta be maintained. He sent his word, sud Aiealed 'odn them, and delivered them tram their destructiôns. -Psalms 107: 20. An act ai gaadness As ai itself an Bact aifAiappiness. No reward com- Ang atter tAie event can compare with thie sweet reward that wentCM Bwith it.-Maurice Maeterlinck. By H. R. Pearce. Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle,I and Ails brother, Mr. Isaac Morton; Lay Delegate frorn Oakwood,I were billeted at tAie home ai long .P.S. frdlevr.lJ. sudPSauting I.P.e frndsleMilleJ.a.ndicSruth Hastings. Mrs. Pickering came Up ao Newcastle with Rev. Morton and party on Friday. Another minister, well known to ail An Newcastle sud Bowman- vile who Aad a brother attendlng Aie conierence as a Laymnan, wâ~ Rev. W. P. Rogers. Mr'. E. A. Rogers, Minden storekeeper, rt- presented tAie laity ai HaliburtoWts aounty capital. One ai thie prominent laynien ttending practicaily mil tAie ses- sions was Mr. W. J. Morrison, *ho for i1i years was principal of 3owmanviile HligA School, but As now head ai tAie Belleville ScAoi for tAie Demi, Mr. Morrisan as anc tf tAie elders ai tAie Conierence ChurcAi assisted An serving Uic ilements at Holy Communion sud was tAe isyman chasen ta mnove the vote ai thanks ta thie Hon. Earl Lawsan, speciai speaker ât tAie Laymcn's banquet. During the course of Ais coi*t plimentmry- spech ~Mr. Morr4séS spoke wlth undenstandable prlde of tAie fact that fAve ai Ais former students at Bowmmnviile are now UJnited ChurcAi ministers and al giving good accounts ai then- selves, anc ai theni a missionarY and another a member ai Uic Ta- ronto Canference. They are tAie Fergusan brothers, Rev. Eugene Beech, Rev. Stanley Osborne sud Rev. Wm. Pointan. He icît that there wss a tic that binds, comn- mon ta Uic main speaker and humn- self on tAis banquet occasion. An that tAie assistant pastar at TAie Timothy Baton Memoriai CAurcAi An necent ycars, the church that Han. Earl Lawsan attends, Aias been Rev.. Stanley L. Osborne, who misa writes.thc Mining An TAie Hymuary articles ai The United ChurcA Observer. It gave other members ai Rev. Morton's party wha motored with him ta Belleville a hiappy feeling ta know that bath Aie and Rev. Jna. McLachlan ai Fewtonviile were comung«-home on Fniday ta periorm, weddings on Saturday, tAie pastar ai Npwtonviile United ChurcAi ta marry Mnr. George Kirn- bail sud Miss Kathleen McKaYi and Rev. R. E. Morton ta aificiatE at Uic wedding ai Ais niece, dmu. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Mon- tan, ThornAuîl. Among tAc imymen iram Dar- iington and Clarke, ail l d iienda: thc Newcastle iay delegate wal pieased ta mçet Arthur T. Stain. ton, Zion, representing Hamptor charge; R. E. Osborne, Bowman- ville, representing thie Caurtidc charge; and Arthur Dunn, ShilAoA nepresenting tAie Newtonville aP- pointment. Mr. Dunn was accani, panied by Mrs. Duna and togethel they drove out ta Stirling ta visAi their relatives. Rev. -Roy H . Rlckard and Mrs Rickard, Coîborne, who are trans ferring ta Palmerston An the Ham, iltan Conierence, stayed at tAi home ai her parents, Aidermas and Mrs. H. J. Clarke, while il Beileville, and At was Aidermai Clarke, former public schoai in spectar, wha had tAie honaur a: belng delegated by tAie mayan a Belleville ta present tAie grecting 1and welcarnc ai thc city, a city a Lchurches and homes, Aie said, tb thie members o! conierence. Tht Aie did in a most hearty, jovia and witty manner. Although hi Lextended a cordial welcomne Ai .was unable, Aie was sarry, ta pre .sent tAie kcys ai thc city ta thi .conierence president, because th -last persan they were presente .ta secrned ta have taken tAier .away with Aum. TAie canfcrence madc a happ' choice in electing Rev. W. Fletcher, B.A., D.D., Marmora, At new president. As many knai Ai e was iormerly pastar ai thi Christian ChurcAi, Centre Stree Oshawa, and Aie and Ais churd, .came Auto tAie United ChurcAi C eCanada four years aiter tAie Uni -ion ai tAie tAnce main church bod g es. He Aad Uic distinction C ibeing nominated by bath th -Belleville and Renirew Presb3 steries. 1 A iew years mgo Coniereic 1madc ts gesture ai pprecitio amand goodwil ta tAc congregatio. of the Centre St. ChurcAi by eleel farou tre icldp aDuotf r i every uz~ucu!,VArpnbs so aS1I. ,mr, VAiqDIA SAq'WS5WL BOW1MfANV=LE ONTARIO A E. E ALMXNDER BO WMANIVILLE "Say--do you think we are getting the boys OVER trained" Review of Chirchmen's Gathering At Bay of Quinte Coul erence seek for dutY, and happiness wlfl ioilow as Uic shadow cames with the sunshine-Tryon Edwards. If the principles ai contentmeiit are nat withln us, the height ai station sud worldly grandeur will as saan add a cubit ta a rnîan's stature as ta his happinesa- Sterne. Pure humniuty, fÉrilendship, home, the interchaftge ai lave, bring ta arth a foretaste aifAea- yen. They unite terrestrial and celestial jays, and cra'Wni them, with blessings infinite. - MSiy Baker Eddy. u Osd -w--- r THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONARIO