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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN Sýrk=MAN, BOWMANVILLa ONTARIO TUSAJ.E1,14 LE! AvnaniaI .. n.k.:L~~1PUREENiS .0a e u E1M evolution discernable in this re- ed for children, or farmiers, con- yoako nspotateVc. on Describe gard. At anl five key points, audi- veniently thned i one district tory Lan Au Gr at U ifie of he N tiontion boards comýosed of experts, but flot i the other.A dabu C e tu ii ro th Na i nwho are flot members of CBC's Soie rgamscAl racss Tepmetg staff, listen ta aspiring radio at ole mr m ilb lats and make recammendations The part that CBC ls playlng ai adrisn prramsc- <Contlnued tram page 1) wt ayasurance af goad re- t testtot maeers granade otheps, itong hrand a er-t an tchialtisar cerl e-ception ads youcan appreciate pirant daes ntmaaes.he gade tfor the bnftainin arandian r- e yCCsain h1 and echicaltie areclerly n. he solaionfeltin utlyng is-at the first hearing he or she is seas, could be made the subject mes r visianed. They analyze and dra- tracts of the Maritimes, QÜebec, In To reento a te localainh F eaeI sta 0prcn matize rural and agricultural pro- the prairies and British Columbia.* In'TCronech weektdu ig teatti eofa thdeparn tue re ai the res w blems. They embroider Fairy In those regions, if they were eitea ai- ourpormeCnda iiincB asi-0siei eae a"onnr Tales fram incidents and develop- served at an, it was from s mnal wYas lai e et caied h as im f the cr asngy p r id e fr the Fent er- c i . h t m a s ~ ht m r ments rou~nd about us. And many loal stations with very limited W otrks ha." her, pnewrale n a i nnt iaf saurnface sincc o f tai 0pr eta ilC C t of these capable and cmprehend- faciities for producing and trans- waà iv enetial laysthe e mît- pany p th e for t hviio entr is15 ie ossann par m e ing Persons have neyer had work- mitting Programmes. __tnbnecmradbated Bo Bo an it aspiah nwycnetewlhae- ing jurnaligtic experience. Profit Motive Absent WAksopointre nw tlet otmet fgeneores aUo- ha 8 ing rehearsals and listening criti- broadcasting unit ta especialy tising adhvn acmeca les Of brilliance - the dranaatic tics there was Persistent abjection ar hs rtrswr bet nthrnebos camp coner.Thn netois tha bytaknj and the musical artists. W e ail toa aconstant stream of more or c ly .t ei wn ef rt n t ahed o e ai t eeserevc m ecil poga mse h a e ee hr ll d y su h u- less b jecti n ab le ad v e r t i i g ain va abes e xpier er e be o n ta rca nst cah m pth c o ts a dBn li d a d s l te n u b r poseful Performances as "Carry matter. This objection became al- gi aubeePrec.broadcasts hee. BC rovides the Ameirica e*ok -NCC Thea re f E A i Il The ThttreayP surprise f om su h e-you t a k fO W boys over there w ith tw o c m pre - ina iia nd M t a - CB se ne O n C a a a , " h C n d i n o t c a o u .. h a B C g v e s e m p l y m e n t t o h e n s i v e w e e k l y r e v i e w s o f n e w s f o r i l i s t n s s o e a t e i - Of Preedom," "The Craigs," the Presentative organizations as the . ats -mscesCcosBn prt hg pt.Teeaecbe lk h erpltnOea E "Farm Radio Forum" and an ever- Canadian Legion, Trades and La- Chr adti aesnincradofeach wek-edaand ofebroadan sta ymnyNwYrkPih roaigcrop af microphone his- bour Congress, Women's organi- memers -ofndchis, ouses a ncd ailrCanadiensforc es Inare winter mie tc.hcbueo h troc.These programmes - zations, Universities, Boards oai others fora irsnshat ruent- a ahf-hau ebarad 0fhig- omercil raneenwa Canadian conceived, p r o d u c e d Trade, Chambers af Commerce, ly ger rgammens.That 15 - lfhts rm oerestt's play- costfm ar hn E evne and acted, rank top-notch with and the mai ority of newspapers, moe n- poc esa ,0 ypa ec$ina al efcudsad tms nmm anythang gîven anywherc an the led ta the appointment ai the Aird lCanaien pr rm Th neg ulrhckey gm Fes, was s a-wa c befrtotatpgrmeuc radio world. One of the pro- Royal Commission in 1928 and the salayieds taff and emlOye,0overs esCrb alsof ha bene-afcus c enCaleMC gramme series I have just men- special Parliamentary Committee M.numcridgst50. Moremtanlf cs veanig CBulal, selee vrey an A lbma amlaàu tioned may be qualified in this inquiry in 1932. Bath these bodies ofumi total0reven e thaCne- hahageadeneli aa degnee: some af those brllient were impressed with the fact t fte atalrveus i pBCre.craig rus sc s odhousic, ty n Sunday night performances on advertising revenue could flot in -ceprorgsetrn~rga e and maeis, sThe appy Gange i, dictrseaed yAm - production. It takes, besides, 20 etc. for rebroadcasts. There are can statios eoentoa ai drawn from standard works and nadian system, and in any event Per aventtore'ratenunetits presen the leading raies taken by rne- if left on that basis. Canada hs ,0 le flae ae talks, interviewsana elho Itw nowned stage and screen stars- radio would become only a satel- ta link up Uic nctwork. 1Manten- featunes, impodsabl e al 9f tas taereon iyala Sir Cedric and Lady Hardwicke, lite of thc United States comnner- ac n prtono ra s-Ye ad the Canadian Legion has rangemnt a salhdmr Ree ekn atrHsocial nctworks. In other words, if The product of many Canadienintt protect Uhim against, mt the Canadien peopl e must buy ient atnsd about 16 per bcentprngh fhorpr-codalrlaiosbeforte D H ele n M e n k e n, W alter H u sto n, cn t a tn sa b o t s ap rb c e t 1g o e r b- g ra m e o n e a lc e ai e ss a g e s o rd i c atlh in f hiU i e Paul Muni, Herbent Marshall, Ici t as a strictly commercial en- factonies working on triple shifso ! tat te wl elaIngm- Victory Bonds when Uic sale administratio n expenses.frmpennwsadgealStswhhmaursmenly Raymond Massey (and there's a terpnise, Canadian radio would througliout the Dominion, large 1 sPswhehe ey land in l ersoes nJn . nnsatg hr i aare anomatioonne activitimsaes and itherainlgo-l.Ca- Canadien, Toronto born), and a have been lost for Canadian pur-s s r icue eea ilsbacyard t soe futued at.I tffa 5,t iuecv r dawhcaresbrwad by sho tdantenda rad galaxY ai others. The selection of poses, commercially or otherwise. receive a protective covening ai is for equipmcnt such as this that programmese aurc-vrsaawie aebraeat yshr Plas, icantation f he por ri o at the Aria e r Commiin ndhedquarters and ail five regions. wave through W RUL, Boston for ceptance by Uc meia ch ns pres nta ian nd ic s ppo ting the Panl a m e tary C o m itte . Y c m parison, th e N ation al rebroadcast by B B C . A nd a t ack - w hen - ti m i s a a ab e Boad asting C om pany i Uic side post-by-post account ai Uic A nd, wh n w sp k a w i e casts, however, represent cntirely, stressed Uic importance af avoid- mental years with Uic Canadien nearly fifty radia stations carry or bath, w.411 get busy on praduc- Uitcd States has a staff ai more running of Uic King's'Plate was back aboUc uuyn nlec Canadien talent trained in the- ing duplication af facilities and of Radia Commission. An act ai thcm, because, in addition ta those tion. Ail this is several weeks be- then 2,000; Columbia, 1,600; and short-waved ta thcmr. a cwr ai pnUcmn CDC studio ai Toronto, Ottawa 1concentrating ail available sources Parliament, supportcd by ail poli-stations which CDC owns,~ fr h etr ilg o i i.UcBiihBodasigYu ai ailgop and Montreal. of revenue (both thc procceds 34 ore fr h e r ilg ntear h rts raesigCorpora- Ntinlfyse i Ui cunr cn Growth of National System from license fees and adetsn) ical groups, canstitutcd Uic pre- Pnîvatcly-owned Canadien se Actons, singers or musiciens must tion more than 4,000, kcps ur Ntionpsathadome end aie r ,teavnae fpo Musical programmes, v o c a 1, on the production o! Canadian sent Corporation with a Board of tos g am.estanden In e ably the i e h . oa o-ost etok rou eadfle s aur tome. t helpnsita ratCommnetatesua choral and orchestral, have given programmes. At Uic sanie tue it nine Governors chosen for certain . ail rrngîg s t-ocatntokpoue n aile thm.I ep ogetC Canada a high-rankiug place in was emphasized that advertising ternis. Matters ai general policy scal raneet made wlth Revisions may be made even dur- 2,000 programmes a nionth! The bring programmes from the heart It might upieyut.ko Uic world af artistry. CDC net- and the profit motive should not arc determincd by the Board, but thcm by Uic CDC. ing rehearsals. But eventuaily at programme-planners take ia a!ofUic Empire to Canada- and, that anctiadauecca warks have carried ta the farthest be Uic foundation on which this actual day-to-day operations are To effect 50 compîcte a servieactioth il ter pinsotha- enie sc hefr wdeofava -niety ta aidd aio caesuc asStsisrchdeuarybth abrad ntetainiets y Trono ton houd b bult.the Gencral Manager and Assist. îngand headaches arc utterly ai taistes and Uic tume differences the Red Cross, I.Ofl).E., Navy high-powce tton iCC and Montreal Symphony arches- Just over four years ago, before ant General Manager. ang ai 8,000 mies.ofTelghis o b cure d bcaton o tw iee ets. a oramime, Lhague, etc. It has provided a Add ta hta oku wt1n end tlephoe irs. Tis, t CBC onsiers tat an o! t orintnre, ich theproMaitmes chane ion Uic Directon af Public on more a h i mncnnt tras, Uic Mendelssohn Choir, con- Uic CBC nctwork was completcd, Chain of Stations serve apopulation of 11,106,000 special responsibilities is Uic en- wauld hear lmi mid-evcning,,would Information at Ottawa to give warks andyuwilm aa cent orchestras and choral groups radio was available ta not more Administrative headqlu a r t c r s persans. By comparison, Uic Dri- couragement and developmcnt of be heard, by British Columbians listenens Uic "Let's Face the dian talent aaasatatos of numerous Canadien centres. than 40 per cent ai Canada's pop- arc in Ottawa and Uic CBC now tish Droadcasting Corporation Canadian talent - in music, the li mid-aftcrnoon, and the same Facts,"l "We Arc Not Alonc" and Canadian ieas-ndCND Many of these orchestras could ulation. To-day, excellent pro- owns and aperates a chain of ten serving Uic vast population ai Uid drama and Uic art ai writing for programme might not be suitable "Canadiens Ail" series. Its re- - beingwllpo te whe not exist without Uic financial grFammes, pnaduced li CBC stu- radia tranamitting stations across Dritish IsIts, requires anly 975 radio. And it is remarkable Uic for bath periods. It night bc styl- source are opcrating full blast, as promotion 5wi orhwic support given thean by Uic CDC. dios in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, the Dominion. Checking fram miles ai wire ies. That's 975 ___________________________ AUl ai which is helping ta devclop Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancou- east ta west, there lis CBA, a miles against 8,000 miles requined and maintai Canadien talent and ver, as wel as a choice ai the 50,000-watt fransmatter at Sack- here. keep the best of aur Canadien best produced in the United vile, N.B., with studios at Hala- CDC _________________a_____________________________of_______________ aigr nd musiciens engaged at' States and frequent programmes fax, which virtuaily blankets Uic is fyowe t acmtitora pn th hm;whereas, otherwlsc they from. ovenscas, arc avallable ta Maritimes; CDF, 50,000-watts, at voa yC B an rvtly-ownedsain.O h would naturally migrate tao ther any home that has a receiving set Montreal, which serves ' eb cd stations are camplementary ta countries or lapse into dishcart- - and that from aur Southern along with tance smailer stationls, each ather. The 34 privatcly- cning obscurity as roses bloommng boundary ta and beyond Uic Arc- CBM, 5,000-watts, which carracsowe stations that are negularly ta blush unseen, their fragrance tic Circle. It is estimated that 96 English programmes exclusivcly we wasted on Uic desent air. per cent ai Canadien homes hav- at Montreal, CDV, 1,000-watts at mlapic rBCgetakmecAericm- This consideration, alone, should ing radia are naw served by the Vercheres, anid CBJ, 100-watts, at mndrCan ra mm boe (Am e answer Uic question "Why a Na- National Network. Chicoutimi. Quebec, as you kflow, CDC end arepaid for carrying tional Radio?" But thene is a more To ofier such a service ta the presents a two-language pnablemn. them, This co-opcrative effort 15 fundamental and broader reason. whole Dominion, and particularly You probably are also aware that based on service end not on pro- To begin with, thc demend for a ta undertake such programmes o! cvery parliamcntany cammittec fits ta thc CDC. Some 55 ta 60 national systcm grew Out ai con- a national character as I mention- has been rccammcnding a venture stations receive a large number of ditions of population and geagna- cd a icw moments ago, also Em- inta short-wavc transmission. I sustaining programmes from Uic phy - a long narrow hait across pire broadcasts, and such a monu- thc past year a new 7,500-watt CDC including such tap-iliht thc Continent irom the Atlantic mental undcrtaking as thc day- short-wave transmitter was in-fMatures as Uic Metropoliten Op- to the Pacific - five diffetent by-day coverage ai the Royal stallcd in association with Uicr, e ok hlamoi r time zones - five groups ai lis- Tour, etc., wauld have been be- Montreal stations, andt cailed cea Ne rk Phi]roan Or teneirs with varying tastes. Less yand themeans-ai Iodai phivately- CBFW; as an expeimental unit seche-soecasbradcts, mmn- than, ten ycars aga, - ycs, even operated stations. at present scrving îsalated French tous utterences by national îead- five years aga - there were hun- Great National Asset spcaking communities which hadi crs- His Majesty Uic Klng, dreds o! communities and areas, Dt ~not been able ta get thé French-~ Churchil oseet Ilohrs even in Ontario, that could pick Bthe most important reason language programmes on Uic ex- A 1, s oedthia boon ls not up oniy occasional programmes ion a nationally-operateci systcm isting stations. confiaicd ta regular nctwork as- lomph aized inc t w a n5the Our Ontario kcy station, of' sociates, but is frcquently rauted wcldingzo! a naetheona -sentetcourse, la CBL with studios in ta other privately-owncd stations Canada is a country ai vast dis_ Toronto and a 50,000-watt trans- upon requcst with no change. This C IL tances, scattered population and mitter at Hornby, 20 miles west practice enables local stations ta diverse racial make-up. Our ai thc city. Also there las the 100- give their listeners national and a S country bas been settlcd by peo- watt CDY station soon ta be step- world service. ple froni many lands. Ail ai these ed up ta 1,000 watts with trans- CDC is enabled ta pravide this ors ~~groups have braught sometaing mitter at Dixie, for supplemen-sevc hogitrcprcaa-AR ai tacin own national culture ta tary covenage in the Ontario rangement with Uic BBC in Dri- this Dominion; ail have something Metropolitan anea. tain, UiNc , Columbia and Mu- licivilization that is new and dis- "CDL Toronto," you are tuned ini Short Wave WL G E tinctively Canadien. This cen bc on Uic highest-powcrcd station i a national asset or - if such Ontario and Uic spot on your da Another necent iarward step groups arc left ta dcvclop in io- that starts yaur day with a musi- ifon Canada has been Uic estab- 1I A! Z~ lation, f illed with sectional pre- cal send-oii at seven 'clok in ishmnt ai a short-wave receiv- me tnc ttean- h norning adnvrcessu-ing (not transmittig, receiving) D R A I S tona mence.tilafte itbasbrought yau Uic station outside Ottawa, which Discusing Uis point, anc ai my BBC Ncws Reel from London, Uic picks up Empire braadcasts; i ______-coleagues in the CDC, said the Heart of Empire, signing off at fact broadcasts fram eanywhce i O welding o! these groupstoether; midnight. Sixty distinct pro- Uic world, and a staff of linguists ta mke hem eel t r o - rme i it houris! Here listen in and translate thcm ion UCeAuSE Itcute ight tbrogb patners in building this nation, la wherc you hear a quaint old Gern me ftrposs a have B la~~~~~~i something ta which national codger at ten o'clock Sunday hadsneo hi leig cloging dirt, GMlett's Lye radio is contributing ta an in- morning telling what the pigs and mcntioned in Uic news. je b= tc)thehosewe ]Kepestimable degree. Night after cats and skuniks and beaus and Anid Uiat brings up enather Is boeiteUi hoseife Kepnight, in homes in every part ai ish are up t; the childrn hear great orward stride taken i the 1* handy always-for cieaning out Canada, people listen to pro.-"Just Mary" spin original Fairy past year. War conditions de-(ADSA CIER H 4 ~~~~grammes of music and entertain- Tals; you hear religius pcids, mndda eurwol-d s- duim for scouaing Pots and mcnt and talks that came fram daily and Sunday; you hear a vice ai ncws summaries and bul- c l o d t dificrent Provinces - a concert, grcat orchestra fram New York, fletMnsdependable, uatingcd, anid o e n it e ab u i T s osy r ,, ..fOr nian otherevery* perhaps froni Halifax; a pro- Reginald Stewart's Summer Sym- fre hystenia. In providingMa e n m sak ab u t ..Th U y@ r alt. < ty .. dw hauscold tuak. gramme ai songs fram Montreal; phony, Canadian mlitary banda; such news service CDC receives a fMature broadcast from Taranto; you hear great speakers; you hear tac fuil Canadian -Press service Canada's Fu'eedom is Thretened . .. Yeu are ne.d.d n w a variety show from Winnipeg; a dramatic presentations; yes, and and through it, Uic world-embnac- Nl« w aft e w ina bot -tor. Tii chorus singing in Vancouver. We you hear comedy; Jack Benny, ing Assoclated Press service. In Your Kin ad onty e y ou1Th latcly have had the exampfle ii- Charlie McCarthv, the Aldrich additaon the British United Pnes n onr ed nTe ~ ndasgetm bl ry q po the air.aIdaas for nrtional pro- ] parwda QU$ storcdin acertlfied Cold Storage crain U. S. stations. 0 t uc ir 78sIo0n pearpo-Ofic refrigerated ta give cold dry crease in radio license i ces laut grammes may came irans Uic Re -__________________________Officeor_____localA gianal* Directons, irons Station of your garments againgt any year aven 1939 calleted In Sas- managers, irons Uic staff ai pro- or insect, au e$1as0,000,katcewan aloewas marc then ducers those dynamic persanages ~~pther $100 seic.00peualydet ewho actualy get a pogamme iEPn- ENT O F NATIO NA L O tA sric.ta Production> an aor nmembéns D P R At Vancouver a 5,000-watt ste-aiUicth national pnograreze staff. E T O ,NI NA EFI ~&, ry leaing tion, CDR, 15 operatcd for Pacifie These Ideas are iorWarded ta the Dr la ig Coast listeners. national programme conienences C N D n tha 5 i icture of your which arc held iToronto,- if an W. Cail ad Deiul' alonaily-owned ,and operated ides is appoc tI undbc aton. But, when national net- ta the Reglanal Dircctor. Then wonlc programmes go on the air. his musical on dramatlc producer, 1

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