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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 11

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Ét 1SDAY, DUNE19, 1941BWM VIL TAOPGELVE THE CANADIAN STI ISocial and Personal ?&S. . Lycett is home. Miss L. Alfln visited in Toronto. The Bible Society have been coflecting in Orono. Ein Seymour, Ki nn was hoefor a while this wee-end LeRoy Myles was home on leave. 1 Neil Wood, Toronto, spent the weekend ut home. Bill Found, Toronto, vlslted his grandffather, W. E. Davey. Gordon Leaman wus home on leave. Miss Mary -Baldwin has secured a Position in Bowmnanville. J. J. Mellor hâs been on the ick -liat. SMrs. 1. T. Chapnmn and Fcrn are home from Fenella. The Statesman la on sale at Tyrreil's Drug Store, 5c a copy. OSHAWA, ONT. Free Air Parking Cpndltioning FridaY and SalturdaY are the las t two diqys to enjoy* GARY COOPERL hi "MEET JOHN DO£" BARBARA STANWYK EDWARD ARNOLD WALTER BRENNAN REVIVAL FRIDAY NUTE: dEust side of Heaven' Bing Crosby - Muscha Auer Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Tou Just eant miss this show The awful penalty one pald for telling the truth-!! IETIE DAVIS 'THE GREAT LIE" GEORGE BEENT MARY ASTOR EXTRA! Third Diznerisional Murder- XGM'S new lWtroscoplc Short -4eIaI glanses wilI b. su;- plhd at the theatre- Sec this-yen doW't get the 1.chance every day Thurs. - Fri: - Sat. Whai's ffIu.-..Another show ftit ad bust lnOshawa? - And How 1 "I WANTED WINGS"' RAY XMIAND WAYNE MORRIS WM. ROLDEN1 BRIAN DONLEVY and unmmiVERONICA LAKE >aranount's best air story ln Yearu Enjoy -a ...ummer -of -swell shows i cool egmfort at the -A numben attended the funenal Ifancoclc PIcnIc of the late Irwin Bragg Monday. AIfr.. P & 'Mrs. Leslie, Toronto, vlslted Mn. sud Mns. W. J. Ridddll.. Miss Ethel Rutherford hane- tuped from Toronto. .Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Irýwln, Mi- mico, visited Mns, I. Wlator. The swimmnlg tank ut Uic Park la now raady for use. Mnrs. A. J. Staples la haviag han hanse puintcd. Elmer Iiddlcton was home on leuve. Mns. J. Mofftt visi ted la Port Hope. Rouds reccived. a coating of cal- cium chloride last wee#r. Miss Wright, Toronto, vislted Miss Nellie Wright. Mr. Wallace Sisson, Sudbury, visited hene. Miss Idu Gumsby sud Mns. Sis- son are on the sick liat. Mns. Noble visîted her duugh- tan, Mns. McElroy and grand- duughter Margaret ut Peterboro. Congratu lations to Mn. and Mns. George Armstrong an thair niar- niage. A christenixig service wif be held la Park St. Church next Sunday aiornng. Mrs. Syd Hughson sud Glen, Toronto, spent Uic wèek- end wth Mn. C. J. Hughson. Mn. and Mrs. George. Am- strong, Tinumins, vislted his ma- ther, Mns. John Armstrong. Jack Stobart, George Mitchell sud Milton Green wero home on leave. A neliglous troop held forth Satunday and citizans enjoycd the miusic, espcciaily the duets. Mn. sud Mns. J. Stupleton and Mn. sud Mns. Charles Cooper en- joyad a trip ta Greenbank. The Tamblyns attcnded Uic Holstein picnic ut Uxbrdge June 7th. Orono girls wance dcfcated 28-16 li the softball gaie with Courtice Thursduy night. KCnox St. United Church choir, Peterboro, picnicked la Orono Park. Mns. Dooley sud daughter, To- rno, visited her mother, Mrs. W. Cowsu. Mn. W. B. Hoar la out agala aftar belag laid Up with. a bad knee. A nuniban frai hera atteaded thc W.C.T.U. convention ut Hamp- ton- 7T1iursday.- - .* Mn. sud Mrs. W.. Milan Oshawa, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Kanxieth Gamaby. Miss Iathien Gamuob$r was weckend guest of Mrs. Flegg, Oshawa. About $140,000 wMl have been subscribed l ic eWar Loaby thc end of the week. Mns. A. A. Drunumond and Alec and Mrs. Kcnnath Gaxiiby sud Douglas visited Mrs. W. A. Moore, Colborne. 1Clarke and Newcastle pussed their objective la Uic War Loa drive Juna 12Ui and arc atlll go- iag troag. Mn. C. J. Hughson quietly cale- brated his 94th birthday Thurs- day neoeiving msuy congratula- tory messages, carda, etc. - Miss Mary Chaplila spent Thurs- day wlth Miss Margaret Millsan who entertained a fow friends la han honor la Uic evening. Mns. M. H. Stuples was hostesa to the yaung women s clasa of Park St. Sunday Schooi Tuesday evcning. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Carscad- dca* of Stayner and daughter Miss Doris, of Toronito, visited Mr. sud Mns. J. Eaglaaoî> Mn. sud Mns. Howard Carsoad- den sud daughtor Doris Staynen, and Mn. and'.Mrs. E. E. i>ttenaonf Newcastle, were guests of Mrs.. Dean Caracadden. We've heard of chIldren givlag uppîca and flowers ta Uic teacher but Miss E. Souch, Clarke Union, had a lesa welcoaio gift thruat upon hon, and ut present la home with the measles. Owing ta somathing boing caught, Uic fiag and p canant l4ave been, up ta time of wrltlnge ut haîf mat ut the tawn 'hall. We Uiought we'd better explaixi why or people wauld thlak we wane la mounning for something. Mn. and Mns. Juke Greenaway, Pont Hope, attended Uic Hancock picnic and called on Mns. Eliza- beth Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleaan and Mn. sud Mr. G. Joncs. Dr. sud Mrs. Wilde and famlly, I ROUND TRIP RAIL BARGAINS I F rom Bowmanville, June 20-21-22, To ' OTTAWA 86.10 MONTREAL $8.75 QUEBEC $13.65 TROIS RIVIEES St. Aune de Deaupre $11.30 $14.5 Plus Governfl Tai 10 par cent extra VIttraifron flowmanville 10.12 ;.m., lune 20 Retura Lumit - lune 23' Net gool on'8 p.m. trains from Ottawa and Montres! To The Maritimes - June 19 AU Canadian Pacifie Statuons i New Brunswick Mll Dominion Atlantic Ry. Stations la Nova Scotia For limita, dtaled service, etc. Consui Agents - Procure Hmntbili Cmnadimn Padci POOLJ TRAIN SERVICE Canadian National r, About 100 fnom Oshawa, Orono, Pcterboro, Newcastle, Port Hope sud Toronto attended the Han- cock picnlc la Orono Park, June Ilth sud ail enjoyed Uic outlag sud happy fellowshlp. A sump- tuous -repast was enjoyed, which was followcd by races sud prises. A p rizc for the penson whosc birthday was nearcat was won by Mns. James Burgess, Orono. Mur- Svin Hsucock won Uic lucky plate prise. Arthur Hsucock, Peter- baro, was elected president, sud Miss Enld Hsucock, Peterboro, secretary. White Rlbbonlste Entert.Ined ut 5.S. Park St. Sunday Schooi naom was filled with childrca and their mothens on June 1OUi whea the white rîbboaists and their mo- thens wcre entertained by Uic W.C.T.U. who supplied a lunch and the Mission Band who sup- plled an excellent program. The pnogrnm consisted of: Chinese sang by Rata McKennu, Kathleen Gamaby, Patsy Maffatt, Beverley Payne sud Shirley Flintoff; Mo- ther Goose song by fiva girls and two boys; robin song by Grade 4 pupils; recitutions by Ray West, Shirlcy Fliatoff, Graca Gumsby, Elenor Hancock, Charles Aria- strong sud Jean Moffutt; sang "Heudaches" by the olden girls; ncuding, Helen Wood; sang by 8 girls; piano solo, Dcnny Lynch; Jr. Mission Band report, Donna West; sud two choruses. Lunch was sarved. SUPRISE PARTY IS GIVEN FOR MRS. J. EAGLESON A surrise aZty of some forty relativsadn hbors galhered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson on June l4th to help Mrs. Eugleson celebrate her birth- day which came on June l6th. When the guests had gathered on the lawa group pictures were tak- eni and other facilities were en- joyed until suppier was announc- cd. 'The tables werg artistically decorated wlth peonies sud oranqe blossomi. A sumptuous supper was served, includlng a beautiful- ly decorutcd birthday cake. After supper .comnmunity siag- ing and social chat -wus eajoyed sud duriag the evening Mrs. Dean Carscadden read aAi address and MnIr. R. R. Waddell presented Mrs. Eagleson with',a handsome' lace tablecloth on behalf *of those-pre- sent., Mrs. Eagleson replied fit- -tingly thanking her friends sud offening her home for suy cele- buations they nilght have. Mrs. Eaglcson wàs also reciplent of other nice giflsansd congratula- tions. Mrs. H. Walsh was accom- psulst for the singlng sud also favored with vocal duets, wlth her husband. Out of town frienda were present from Stayner, Mill- brook, Kendal, Kirby and New- castle., The committce in charge was Mrs. Dean Carscadden, Mrs. G. Jones and Mrs. R. R. Wadddfl. LOL.'Are Hosto To Orangemen At Banquet Orono L.O.L. were hosts to Sembers from Peterboro, Ke 9l ewcastle, Newtoville sud Bow- manville Fniday evening sud en- joyed happy fdllowship, with about 75 present. The Royal Blue Degree was confcrred on five Peterboro candidates, lncluding Neil Humam, formerly of Orono. A banquet followed, with W. J. Riddell preslding. R. R. Wuddell proposcdthe toast to the visitons, responded to by Mr. Reid. Peterý boro, and Mr. Silvester, Bowman- ville. Toast to Grand Lodge, On- tario East, and to Grand Black Chapter was proposed by Fred Grahami, Newcastle, and rcspond- cd to by Mr. Holden, Peterboro. Music waa provided by two bro- thers from Peterboro lodge. California, were in Orono last week. Dr. Wilde wus bora la Orono and is the grsudson of Dr. Wilde who preached la Orono la 1864-1865, sud who later preached la Toronto. Dr. Wilde was on holidays sud thought he would like to sec his blrthplace again. Mr. Duvail was home on leave. A large crowd attended the Park St. W. A. annual strawberry festival Monday evenlag. Tables were set la the church and on the luwn, bcautlfully decorated with flowers, and loadcd with bread and butter, deliclous bernies, cakes, tants, and pies. Durlng the tea hour Orono Citizens' Band, natty in their red unifonais, play- ed much appnecluted selections. People were present fnom New- custie, Oshawa, Whltby, Newton- ville, Bowmsuville and other oints, and all enjoyed the feast ofbgripe. bennies, music and social chat. At Park St. Sunday mrnring Rev. Llttlewood preuch- cd an excellent sermon appropri- utc to Magna Charta day. Trhe choir rendercd the anthemn "Thine Is the Glory.1' In the evenlng the work of the Bible Society was given ilansu nterestlag manner. R. E. Logan favoned wlth a vocal solo. At Suaday School la the aftcrnoon Mrs. Drumniond told the chlldren two atonies, one com- parlas the healing of the body by medicine and of the spirit by the Bible, the other about the Jour- neya of Paul. A new song waa learned' by the 75 present. Mns. Armstrong's clan was banner claiiifor thc dey. Masons Banquet Instal Off icers Thursday wus a big nlght Uf Onono Masonic Lodge, belag t__ night of the installation of orf- cars sud banguet. About 70 werai present from Orono, Oshawau, Bowmunville, Newcastlg, sud T6- rants. Wor. Bro. Wallace sudhIW tcum frai Oshawa lastullcd thesé officers: I.P.M.-E. J. Hamm- W. M.-J. C. Tumblyn; S.W-.*c. Rosbonaugh; J.W.-R. M. Stutt;. Tneasurer-O. W. Rolph; Se'y.-+ H. A Mllon, S.D.-C. B. Tyrrell;. E. Logan; I.G.-W. Hawka; SS- A. F. McKenzic; J.S.-W. W. Sher-. wln; Auditors-C. É. Tynrdl sud; A. F. McKenzle; Tyler-S. E. Al-' ian. F8llowing Uic installation tUic members udjournnd ta the towil hall whenc Uihey enjayed a ban- quet Éervcd by Uic ladies of the' St. Saviaun's Anglican Church. W.M. J. C. Tamblyn ucted as mas- tan of- canemonies. Toast ta the Grand Lodge wus pnoposed by H. Lowery and raspondcd ta by 0.,, W. Rolph'. Toast ta thc installing board was proposcd by C. Bilings and rcsponded ta by Mn. Wallace of Oshawa. Toast ta visitons was prapos&d by R. C. Rosbonaugh sud respondcd. ta by Mn. Meck of' Oshawa. Represenatives of out- sida lodges also spake brlefly. The vote of thanks ta the ladies w as given by C. B. Tyrrcll. Music was provlded by R. E. Logan, soloist, ad _a quartette comprised of R. E. Logan, N. F. Porte.r, Maxi- ley Littlewaod and C. Taylor. PENANT SHOWS CLARKE OVER' LOAN OBJECTIVE Thursdgy the township of Clarke neuched its War Loa ob- jective of $121,000, bolag Uic fiast township la Durham ta do sa. On P iday Uic 13Ui, a lucky day, a service was held utthUictawai hall'for Uic 'raislag of Uic pea- nant showiag that Clarke hu4 sur- pussed its objective sud hadl started ta tny for its next objec- tive of $152,000. A notice on Uic board said $125,500 had ulneadyr bgen .subscribed. The school chlldren marched. to the hall sud Principal Rasborauglh toak change of the service which opcncd with O Canada. Mn. Boa-' bonough spoke briafly, stating thc. reason for Uic gathering sud en- cauraging Uic children sud udults present ta do their share tawarda neaching Uic aext objective. He ,congntulatcd Clarke township sud called on Dan Chmara and Howard Myles who lowered Uic flag, fasteaed Uic pannant sud ruisad them bath again anid Uic upplause of ail prasont. God Save thc King concluded the vcry li- pressive service. MUSICAL EVENING PROCEEDS FOR 1. WARitVICTUMS Mn. Edouard Bartlett, A.T.C.M., Oshawa, 5tAl-Ê, orchestra of 15 members idi ng Uiree Orono- ites - A. J. Knox, W. H. Rowe sud Mns. W. C. Lynch, A.T.C.M. - assisted inx pnoviding 'a musical evcnlag Thunsday la Park St. Church. Tha proceeda were giveni ta Uic British Churches Fund. The sevea selectians played by Uic orchestra -àvene: Afton Wuter (Scotch Air); Minuet (Mozart); Pizzicato Ga vo tt e <Delibes); Chorale Bach); Believe Ma If All Those Endearing Young Charma (Irish Air); Forgat Me Not <Mac-i beth); and Midumnier Night's, Dreai <Mendessohn). The or- chestra neceived suan-ethusiastic ovation froza the audience. Ia addition ta Uic music from1 Uic gucat artista, ~e Onono Public, Schoo boys rendened Uic festivali Place "Ha shah feedHiflock," for which Uic won Uic shleld this year. Mis. mRob directed sud Mrs. Lynch pluyed. Tue remnainder of the program given by Mns. Lynch sud her pupils caasisted of: Two piano duets by Shirley sud Arvilla Brunt; plana duet by Putsy Mof- fatt sud' Mns. Lynch;_ piano duet ORONO) NBws Brown 's by iiartey D>enit and ±urs. Lynch; piano duet by Shirley Mylas and , cd Cross Committea held a Mns. -Lynch; piano duet by Dawn quilting ut Mrs. Wellington Fan- Moffutt and Mn a. Lynch; andel~ano now's. Plans for the darice were solos by Gwcn Phascy, Bynon 4Iscussed. Next mceting ut Mns. Brunt, Elcanor Hsucock, Kath- l.Gnuham's, June 25th. leen Gumsby, Dcnny Lynch., Joyce 'Mim~es Cursons, Mn. A. McMur- Sutton, Wllda Haaey, Patsy Mof- r*y, Mn. and Ray and Sidney fatt, Barbara Rolph, Hartley Dent, Bz'qwn. attendad Bethany field Greta Mercen, Dawa Moffutt, dpy., Howard Wood, Shirley. Myles, , Visitors: Miss June Brown, Helen Wood, sud 'a necitation by Tweed, at Mn. Clifford Brown's... Denny Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tait and Hugh Bey. S. Llttlewood'gaVe a word sud Ms Blair, Toronto, ut Miss of wclcomc ta Uic audience, of Jsean Pennln's arid Mn. Wellington cheer ta Uic chlldrezi Who were, »'swow'a. . . Miss Bessie Law, as he put It, trylng their wîngs, Oshawa, ut Mn. Gea. Law's.... and a word of appneciatlon ta the D4r. sud Mns. C. Turner and Sai gucat ai'tists. at Mn. R. McNeil's, Oshawa.... Mn. Bill Clark, R.C.A.S.C., Corn- R(ll, with frienda. . . Mrn. Laké Shore, Clarke Mrs. Sidney Barrubuhl aad Mn. Wallace Burnabaîl, Oshawa, a D&. Wellington Furrow's. Bcd Cross met ut Mns. C. Brawn's. It la bclag held this Mna.: "Graclous, Henry, why week ut Mn.. B. Jayaea'. are you lccturing Junior?" Mns. E. Jayaca' health la much Mn.: "'You forget, dean, ha gets improved aince honraturn home * achool report tomoraw and I tram Ganenatl Hospital, Toronto,_ have ta leuve on this trip tonight."' Mrn. Nanman A. Gartshore Visit cd ut Mrs. S. Powell's.. "It cetalaly la a luxurlous sud Mn. John Brown, l'Crby, vislted grand feeling to justý lic la bcd Mn. sud Mns. C. Brown. and ring Uic bell for the valet." Tuere was a large attendance "IWhat are yau tulking about? ut Sunday School Sunday. It was You have no valet!" declded ta hold a gardon party. "No, but I have a aice bell." Fl nrs t Tnamip: "Why 'Orace, lSkJold: "A alap1 on Uic back you'no vcry liatîcas." contributes ta a man's succesa."1 Second. Tramip: ."Yca, George, .1jones: "'Yea, if h las dowa low got this bliking ins~ml again. eflough, and donc soon enough- Keep waklng up everfew days." witlx a halrbnush or alipper."1 1Lockhart's School1 DISTrRICT NO. 4 RURAL SOCIE.TIES MEET 1K OROMO àOrono Town Hall, bcautifully #corated with baskets of flowers #d wec trees, was Uic scene of an lihtcresting meeting ' June llth, when represcatatives of agricul- tural socicties la District No. 4 gathcred to heur reports, uddrcsses Md to clcct. officers. Presideat Gleorge Hart, Oshawa, welcomcd di~e gathcring and called Uic rol 6ft the societies. The ladies adjouracd to another t0om for thein meeting. Miss Néecdham presided sud Miss Fran- ýËhwas chosen secretary. Mrs. X R. Cooper gave an excellent re- bOrt of the convention hld la To- 'tonto and gave vanious idees sug- -tested there. Mrs. Armstrong of 31illbrook spoke la a moat inter- 'eting mariner on the Junior wonk lp connection with thc fuir, eLrssing the ncccssity of encour- *ging it, outlining the work'aow I.?eing donc - although Uic boys ,pccmed to have the bcst of it - Md showing that euch project could be fitted lato the prize'liat. The highlights of their own aiswene given by Miss Brass, Cidsay, Mrs. F. Stitch, Black- stock, Mns. R. Robertson, Bob- caygeon, sud Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Orono. Mrs. W. F. Banister, Millbrook, géàvc an latetcsting paper on how omen can aid la war work by perving proper meuhs, practismng ýeconomy, and using Uic things ,Which are most abundant; sud how fuir boards by feat- uring on their prize lista cheaper and home growa products nuther than thmngs made with importcd materials. 1Miss St. John, Sutton, spoke of Uice necessity of makiag early plans and told of Uic difficulty sue had ln doing this i their socicty. Mrs. McNcully read two papers, onc on the dlaims of our country on us, and one on what a Cana- dian is, both of which wcre much apprcciatcd.. Mr. Hart uddrcssed Uic ladies, paying tribute to women's work, cspccially English women, sud stating that he thought it was up ta womca to save Uic world. He pointcd out that mcn werc very dependeat on ladies and closcd with thc thought that ha hoped Uic future would be still better deto their work. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Orono, was chosen represcatative to succccd Miss Nccdham. dies and paid tribute tfo Onono's fuir sud Uic lady directors cspec- lailly. He urged cathusiasm sud work, pointiag out that Uic peo- ple who complaincd Uic most about the work eatailed la having aë fuir were the people from places whcrc thc fairs were nat success- fui, because Uice work was not donc. He stated that prospects *ere brighter than evan for thc lairs this f aUinl spite of condi- #ions. The grants wcre larger la name places and labor conditions ,neté not much worsc, prices werc botter, sud aitogether Uiings wera improving. He urged su increuse la Uic muking and shipping of cheese to Britua, as this was a concentratcd and cnergizing food. He stuted that Uic furmers' pro- duction was ul> sud that they were doing a magnificent job. It wus decided to leave the up- pointlng of a sccretary for next year's -meeting. Local ladies scrvcd lunch and a tour of the forcstry concludcd proceodings. The mcn's meeting wus presid- d ovor by President Hart, with .Downs acting us sccretary. A. most latenesting talk ivas givea by Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville, who spoke of thc boys' work sud showed how the different pro- jecta would work in the fuir prize list. Mn. Carroll spoke la similar vain to Uic mca as he did to thc ladies sud latroduced Uic guest speaker, Mn. Page of Barrie. Mn. Page dcalt chicfly with what was accompllshcd la his own county along agicultural lines and ad- vocated ycur-nound work by fuir boarda. Forbes Heyland, Bowmanvi.lle, gave su outline of Uic work donc by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, and appcalcd for support. Election resulted la the re-elcc- tion of Mn. Hart as president, and the appointaicat of Mn. Wcbbcr as secrctary-trcasurer, and Mn. Hardy us vice-president. and family, Oshawa, Mr. sud Mns. L. Savery sud sons, Newtonvillc, a t Mr. W. Suvery's. .. Mr. Victor Farrow sud Miss Eda Farrow la Pontypool sud Lotus. .. Mr. sud Miss H Be rtHulo ansd frand, Mrss. BhHarlagoeansd Paul, Toronto, ut Mr. Jacob Hallowell's. ..Mr. and Mrs. C. Tuablyn sud son, Orono, ut Mrs. I. Stark's...1 Mr. and Mrs. Hcrriagtonansd Mrs. Jacob Hallowell ut Mr. L. Japmlc- son's, Camborne... Mr. sud Mns. Muldrcw, Elizubcthvillc, ut Mr. Russell Suvcry's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Hallowcll sud Helen ut Mr. H. Rusk's, Port Hope. . . . Miss Meda HuUlowcil, Newcastle, Mr. M. Stapîcton, ut Mn. W. Hallo- well's. Newtonville * he-Homie and School Club hcld its final meeting of the scuson on Juqe 12Ui, with only a smali ut- tendance. The committea in charge of dis- posing of the lumps sud coul aol stove prcviouslyv used ut the school pncsentcd Uic suggestion thut the Coleman hunglag lump be donutcd ta the Donnybrook Fuir. This was discusscd sud it was passcd that Uic lump and the stove (if availuble la time) both ba donutcd. Mn. J. J. Mdllor spoke ta the club about Uic preseat Victory Loan drive and thce purchase of Wur Suvings Certif icates. Ha spoke of the dlfficulties fuccd sa stuunchly by those la Bnituin and contrasted them with the com- parativc case of our lot here and hie stressed the ngcessity for each Canadian to contribute la some way ta the war effort - if pos- sible, in moncy; if flot, la work. Ha explaincd how even Uic .pcr- son with low incoine ca arrange the purchuse of a Victory Bond. He ulso ;discussed Uie sulvage cumpaiga, explainlag how im- portant this. war work is, Ian e- sponse to qucstioning, he mcn- tioned these articles as ones to bc collccted: ncwspupcrs, houschold bones, scrap metals( no tin), rugs including carpets), rubber mu- teriai (boots, tires, etc.), bottlcs <only of the standard* vaniety, such as pop bottles). The salvage collection sponsorcd by the Homne sud Schooi Club will be made within the ncxt two wccks. . The 'tinacial report of the sca-1 son 1940-41 was given by Chnis.1 Barchard, showing a vcry sub-1 stantial baak balance. Treusurer. was commcended for his work la haadling Uic books of the club so efficicntly. Report of the War Work Comn- mittea from Jan. lst to June l2th <Uic pcniod la operution) showcd expenditures for supplies <for quilting, layette, childrei's swea- ters) to date bciWg $35.85. 0f this umount $15.00 was donuted by club, the rest raiscd by the coin- mittee. Cash balance on hand1 $2.67. The Club votcd Uic Wur1 Wonk Comniittee the handling of1 funda raiscd by Uic salvage sud9 also power to draw on club trea-1 sury up to $25.00.1 The president Uiunked the members for their co-openation1 and rcady assistance la ail pro- jccts undertaken during the, scu-1 son.1 Thc followiag officcra for 1941- 42 werc clcctcd: Presidcnt-MarY1 Èowen; Vice Pnes.-Ross Allan; Secretary-Bctty Allin; Tres.- Charles Glcnney; Executive Com-9 mittee -R. Osborne, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs. C. Mullcy, Chris. Bar-9 chard, Mns. F. W. Bowcn, Mns.1 Chus. Gibson.1 Starkville Shioh unniversary on Sunday was a real succcss. Rcv. Gardiner, Canton, delivercd two flac ser- mons. The childrea furrislcd the music for the afteMnoon service which was weil rendercd. The Bickle Quartette, Bethesda, had charge of music for Uic cvening service which wus real good sud much appneciatcd. Mn. and Mrs. M. Shutku attend- cd the wedding of a friend la Oshawa on Saturduy. A pîcasant time wus spent ut a quilting ut Mns. S. G. Hallowell's on Tucsday. Mr. Lcw Hallowell has beca malçing soine improvements to his residence. Visitons: Mn. sud Mns. Milton Robinson, Mn. and Mrs. Cccil Glass, ICendal, ut Mn. George Smli's. .. Mn. sud Mns. T. Sow- dcn, Elizubethvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hughes, Wesleyvillc, Miss Gwcn Gilnen, Newtoavillc, ut Mn. H. B. Gilmer's. .. Rev. Gardiner, Canton, ut Mn. A. Dunn's. .. Mr. sud Mns. I. Farrow, Orono, ut Mn., Percy Farrow's. . . Mn. sud Mrs. A. Tuunen sud daughter, Newcas- tlc, ut Mn. Le,w Haflowell's. Mn. and Mrs. Wray sud d&ugh- ter, Peterboro, with Miss I. Wray, our teacher, ut Miss Norma Hal- lowll's... Mn. sud Mns. C. Yule Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Savcry, Elgin sud Jiai, ut Mn. Russel Suvery's, Starkville.... Mn. Clarence Wankmsu, Streets- ville, ut Mn. Joci Workman's... Pte. Edgar Milison, Camp Bon- dea, ut home. . . Mn. sud Mrs. Ceci Hubbeard sud son Gerald, Mn. sud Mns. Harold Hubbeard and Janet, Millbnook, ut Mn. Gea. McCullough's.. . Mns. Ethel Craw- lord, Indisu Head, Sak., with han sister, Mns. C. Hoakin. .. Mrs. Mc- Roberts, Taranto, with >han aunt, Mns. W. Rutherford. .. Mn. sud Mns. Jas. Stark and f amily with her parents, Mna. Moore, Castleton. .. Mn. and Mns. Wiilis Joncs and family with han mo,- ther, Mns. D. Merrill, Wark- worth. . .. Mns. Carnian Carluw, Warkworth, cailed on her aister, Mrs. Willîs Joncs, on han way ta Toronto with han husbsud who la taking medical tretients there. ..Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce with Mn. Marshall Chatterton's, Orono . . .Misses Isabel sud Mar- lon Bruce with their uunt, Mrs. Smith, Belleville. . . Misa Joan Owens, Mn. and Mna. Owens, Lindsay, Mr.. and Mns. Glana 111.qnnamaker, and Misa Alma Frise, Seagruve, Mn. IH. Russell, Font William, with Rcv. sud Mra. J. McLachln... Mn. and Mrs. C. Robb, Carol and Noel Brooks, Moatreul, ut Mn. R. J. Rowc's.. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bell sud Dawn, Mns. W. W. Han- darson, Bowmsuiviile, Mn. and Mns. C. Morrdâ, ut Mn. G. J. Stu- pleton's. Mns. S. Araott has been poorly for some time. Tucre was a committea meeting Monday cveaing ta plan for Field Day, July lat. KciUi Burley -has baca unden the doctor' a cre. Miss Desue' Slemon has ratura- cd ta Toronto. Tua Preabytenian ladies held a quilting ut Mis. Fred Ncsbitt's for the bale. Mns. Nesbitt scrved dia- nen sud supper. Symputhy la extaaded ta Mns. Chus. Morris owing ta Uic deuth of han father, Mn. Heyward,.Mt. *Corn tg oirBeddilg Depsunien and teedtheoutstading valu«s ve eau offer you mu the famos MarahlMattrel mi snd Mar"hl &Styoung Bed Sprhnp. Letas. shw Yom how Yom cm mye b bu-ysag a Manhali IF. F. MORDE CO. j owrnanvlie sMd Oione 1Phone 480 - Dwmaavlfle Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Morris ut- tcnded the funerul. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mill on and Doreen and Mr. and Mu. Roy Smith attended the wedding sup- per for Mr. and Mri. Lowery (nee Velma Cowan), ut Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowun's, Cowanville, fol- lowing their marriage ut the par- sonuge Suturduy afternoon. Mr. and Ms. IKen Ware have moved to Toronto. Mrs. George Canmpbell and Jean hud a narrow escape when their car lcft the road- and plunged in- to a tree. Mrs. Campbell's head went through the windshield and she receivcd severe facial injuries and was tuken to Port Hope hos- pital. Jean was not hurt badly. Hunter College, New York, is giving an eveaing course in cryp- tography, for study of secret writ- ing, codes, and ciphers. QUESTION? What is aGOODLoaf of Bread? ANSWER'. Can be found at the "Carter léamlly" EBakery Counier where any question cati b. correotly answered as te qualiiy and variety of Baked Goods, and the price offers no problem. Our Pure 100% Whole Wheat Bread-* Same Price - Improved Quality ORDER EARLY Bread fresh front oven twice. daily THE CARTER FAMJILY Phone 855 Bakers For Two Generatdons Eowinavifl A BOWMANVILiLE ONTARIO '. ey,, PAGE ELEVEN

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