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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 12

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E 'rWELVE THE CANADIA$ BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO THURSDA'7, JUNE 19, iNi Seversi citizens have been c0- mngte < u setUc lae~ plaining that there are too many Muk off wed- Lindaay -4t; stmay degs runnifng about town. jncntlo n 0Ou repift last wéek Another came face ta face with werc m.and'Mm. W. J_ Challis destiny in thc formmiof aý,car which, Bowmahvlle, Mn.. Harbld Heai hit it. This'occurred iifront af snd Mr. Fmred- Heal, Toi O'ito.1. thic B.A. Service Êtatlon Suriday bMms. F. J. Horne a left te night. A cal ta the police office spend the summner monthin hiei wsthe second last set ln endifig LaurentWis, in tic Province -of the miisemy7 of thfs poor canine. Quebec. C1~i.dAd Raites1 Articles For Sale Feed and Seed Summer Cta~ otp CAR FOR SALE - '28 DODGE FOR SALE-5 ACRES HA'Y AT FOU RENT-UNS~ CT PnyolRdCosmtJn ~*ne cnt a wrd cAs, each Sedan, ini good conditign. WiI Copper. Beach, Newcast1er.-Ap- tage with screened 'PO an ' o5th.TePreienMr.W1 :eumin(mnmu hag sel cheap. Phone Orono ir8. ply George Farncomb or Ë. Le- eîcrc id Cv, o-it Ted theseta rtils.hdbe 1ciCharge of 25e extra is lmGely Nwate. 24 nanville West Beach., APpl aea1frwre ic r made-when advertisement Is r-WE md an fowde sico- flot paid salie week as Inser- FOR SALE-PIANO, MAHOGA- MIXED HAY FOR SALE - OR Ms .E Gerry, B'm~i1,14p.scs 5savs tien. Extra charge of 10c ny, upright, $40.00, at' Don harvested on shares. A. H. Cie- phane 2287. 25-1 64nizqin N 94pr oember1939.rvs when replies are dlrected to Christian Electiic. 25-1 mens, R. R. 6, Bowm a n v i.1l1le, 13 tuck-ins, 4 wraps, 23 pr. gloves phone 2433. 25-1 SUMMER COTTAGE TO R&ENT- and mitts, 6 pyjamas, 16 coats a Statesman box number. FOR SALE - CORONA WOOD- At Bobcaygeon, fully e% ped, and blouses, 12 heiniets, 5 knee Blrbs data ai ariaea burning cook stove with high FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F fireplace, garage,'boa o,~ut- caps, 45 sweaters, 7 pr, wristlets, SO ah.l emras,5e closet and reservair, in fair con- cAiclyEdarbuchct, 7Enbus. board motor. Apply am- 1 .W- 3 housedresses. t for verse. plus Oc paer n dition. A bargain if taken at ApyEgrPesot ni- Foley, Bowmanville. 4- Treasurer Mrs. Geo. Wilson forvese Cassfld dvr- once. Apply Michael Burns, killen, phone 2261. 25-1 ______________ was also appointed Secretary gl tisements accepted uup until Bowmanville, phane 2159. 25-1 FO"AEleE VER orRit~ and rcad treasurer's report, show- 6 p.m. Wednesday. FORSALE_-RED_________'ForR FORSAL - UED ASSY- Yellow Blossom and Timothy ing $318.61. receipts since organ- DEATlS HrrisReapr, i goo woring Hay for sale. 20 acres of plough- FOR RENT-SIX RZOOM tSE, iZlgand $232r.3 reitd a _________________ Ha_ rr. isll sdincheap forisale. d ground for rent or shares. corner Wellington ad rgehadure. ____________________forale._# Mrs. Geo. Simpson of Dranoci BRAGGIn Dalingon, o ~- Pone owmanille 501. Apply. Mrs. Strutt, T y ron c, Sts., ail conveniences, .ge.'ul.Tceswr BRG -nDrigoo r_24-2* phone 2504. 0 51 ApyMs .E ôd .O soîd on this realizing $15.40 and day, June l3th, 1941, frwin Ross FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F Box 136, Bowmanvil1e, -c ¶fiofle was won by Mr. A. Chambers. Bragg, aga 52 years. Interment FOR SALE - COMBINATION sadn a,~U n io 2654. Mr Cam rsr-ote th Bowmanville Cemetcry. coal and electric range, ncw sth.ani alff ndtrM.Chmes e-otdte guaiatce,$99.0 atDon hris *l Mrs. E. Mountioy, FOR RENT-7 ROOMEfIICKà quilt with 50 cents added. Thank ,JALL-In Bowmanville, Wednes- tian Electric. 25-1 R50. R25-o1nnile h house with hydro 'Ï d fufhace, Aslni ocr a ie day, June l8th, 1941, Jane Col- _______________ 55 5 1%1 kmiles west0f H , ton A xi rne HllcJnet by thve lins Hall, widow of the late FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Possession July r. A lY iavin eOorsn0f Malnes1astedbyh William T. Hall, a ge 101 years. Congoleum rugs. Select yours Lietc o ae Broome, Hampton R wone sheirosiof superisor Mr. Mur- Funeral private ffom her late from over 300 patterns actually 2369. .2- resîdence, Second Street, on in stock. You are invitcd ta vicw PULLETS FOR SALE - ROCKS ray Holmes (Baritane) and Mrs. Saturday, June 21st, at 2 p.m. these at BRADLEY'S New Fur- and Leghorns from blood tested TO RENT - FOUR RQE Thaler (contralto) accompanicd Interment Bowmnanville Cerne- niture Store, 156 Simcoe South, f lac k, R.O.P. sired. A. H. Apartment. Apply Saezinoh~ the piano by Mrs. Holines. R. , Bwrnnvile, Offce. ~ 2-fM Mrs. Thaler and Mrs. Holmes tery. Please omit flowers. Oshawa. 19-tf Clemens, R. R.__6,_____________Office._!1 _ were kind cnough to offer their phone 2433. 25-1 SIINER-In Darlington, on Sat- FOR SALE - QUEBEC COOK. FOR RENT -7 ROOMED FJR- services li assisting Mr..H1olmes urday, June l4th, 1941, Edward stove, coal or wood, suitable for FOR SALE-BLACK PERCHER- nishcd cottage at Bowmauvillc for the mere expense iJf train J. Silver, aged 66 years. Inter- small room or cottage. Price on gelding, three years old. Beach (East), 2 verandahs, 1 fare fromn Toronto. Much credit ment Bowmanville Cemctery. small for quick sale. Apply Good worker. Wanted2--sow ta sereened, fireplace, and gArage. is due Mr. Holmes and the tech- - Russell Brown, hall-mile west farrow late July or lst August. Rent reasonable. Apply Mb* A. ers for their wonderfui aàchieve- TAYLOR - In Amsterdam, New of Newcastle and south of high- Apply A. J. Souch,4 Clarke, telé- Tait, P. O. Box 477, Bo*'iýhan- ments. Ail enjoyed the splendid -York, June llth, 1941, Edward way. 25-1 phone 16r20 Orono. 25-1* ville, phone 388. 18;-jf-l* singing by the pupils as the mus- M. Taylor, eldest son of the late ________________ _______________ c by the Tria fram the City. Edward and Amanda Taylor, FOR SALE - FRIGIDAIRE, 6 FOR SALE -TEN YORKSHIRE INet proceeds $10. was turned formerly af Grafton, and belov- cubic* foot model, bargain for pigs 6 weeks old. Apply B. IIelp Wanted over ta the Red Cross. cd brother of Mrs. W. Chatter- qiuick'sale. Phone 85, Oshawa. Budai, (Maple Grave) R. R. 3,_______________ sonof owmnvile 251 Bwmavile.25-1* WANTED - WOMAN FOR, HEO- For Sale RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE. FOR SALE-HOLSTEIN COW, 7 tel work. Sleep li or out. No ___________ IN MEMORIAM up ta 50%.,on tires and tubes, years aid, due June 22, or will young girls need apply. Apply FOR SALE - HAY L OA DE R, including nèw Goodycars, Do- exchange for young cattle. Ap- Balmoral Hlotel.25l also maowers and dunp- rakes, BURNS - lIn loving mmory of minin Tires.-,ul stock in ail ply John Bacock, R. R. 2, Nes- . rconditiond binders.j Apply our dear mother, Rhoda Mary sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- ticton, phone Port Perry 104r2. H E L P WANTED - GIRL, OR W. S. Staples, -Massey-;Harris Brs h asdaa ue son, Tire & Battery Shop, King 25-1 woman ta assist with house- Dealer, Bowmanville,p one ith, 1939. and Silver St. 14-If 71 51 Pecflysleeping, resting at FOR SALE -HOLSTEIN COW iences on fruit farni. Apply251 Paefll FOR SALE-ELECTRIC RANG- rniling; Jersey cow, due ta Box 157, cia Statesman Office, ekvFe pca Tewrdswaytroubles and es, ncw 1940 modes, at last freshen; brown Swiss heifer; 2 Bowmanville. W25-ek_____________________ trials are past;* year's tex free prices, at Don Jersey heifers; anc Yorkshirc PE PCA lxi silence she ~~Christian Electric. 25-1 saw; 150 smail cedar pasts. S. HELP WANTED-EX -C-WE KLYFE SPCA - Inslnesesf hei pa- Charlet Rundle, R. R. 3, Bow- ced girl gor gencrai ho)ulsnerk.F Vanstone's Growing Mrash, $2.15 tience the bore, OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE mniipae24. 2- us u a~ fcide.Se papr cwt. Q -eiit June E Til Gd clld hr ometo Store - Everything i modern, .in. Apply Mrs. C. T. Ross, Bow- 26th.- F. t- imoe phone - sufer no more. chesterfield,, diig mnilpon?8. 2- 77. 25-1 --Sadly missed by Husband and suites, and studios. Bedding and Wanted mnilpoe59 5i_____________ Family. 25-4* floor, coverings a spcciaity. WANTED - YOUNG COLLIE. WANTED - COOK GEMAL, Aiktion Sale Quality merchandise at coni- dog or pup, male. Phone Bow- 20 ycars or aider, for country Carda of Thanks petitive prices.. Bcfore buying manville 2173. 25-1 'home with al convenlences. The undcrsigned wli sel. by _____________________ visit Bradlcy's New Furniture 1_____________ Children i family. Must be public auction for J. W. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs J. E. W. Phiip Store, 156 Simcoc St. S., Osh- M A S O N WORK WANTED - tharoughly eiable, good plain Lot 6, Broken Front, Clarke, on - ~wish ta thank the finds of awa. 19-tf Brick womk, stone work andi cook, country girl pefermed. Tucsday, June 24th, 1941, the fol- Newcstlefor il he kndnesesplastering. Phone 2501 Bow- Apply, giving character. refer- lowinïg hay: about five acres good ewtl fd or the kindnMi sseslig FOR SALE - S T R MB ER G- manville, A. G. Skayles, Burke- ences, ta Box 149, Stateàxnan claver, 8 acres mixed timathy and extende t her lesat Mis.BJ. Carlson Radio, rcgularly $235. ton. 20-61 Office, Bawmanvillc. 24-3 alfalfa, il acres tiniathy, and - durighe ilnssatDr 1J;R sale $99.00, new appearance and, about 6 acres swcet brover. Sale Irwin's, Cobourg. 25* guarsntce, at Don Christign Real Estate For Sale W OM EN WANTED - I~N aft 6 o'ciock.standerd Urne. Ternis Electric. 25-1 _____________ your ie- into dollars s- cash.. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. rs obr J lUsdFOR SÀLE-DEERtNG MOW*U, FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK ing F4afiie, Produacts-1111 ..i.1 - . -25-1* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox desire 5 foot eut, tractor hitch.. Phone -hileousen Conenr nc.,ewmn- pope tyor o rnunity.-e to thank ail those wha in any way --800 25-,1* vle oe cneine;wM the only ancini yourtriqy Drugless Pr -actltloner - _____________________ be sold cheap ta close up an ta màke moncy with our lino of helped at thc Gil Farm durlng FoR, SALE-i FORDSON TRAC- estate. Apply A. E. Beilman, 200 guaranteed necessities. -.No ROBERT COLVILLE tic fire which occurred there on tor, 1935; 1 uscd McCornuick King St. West. il tf expérience needed. Begin with Drugless Practitioner the evening of Tuesday, June lth, Binder; Mowers, Deering, Ma- a few dollars and own yo>ur Liberty Street - Bowmanviiie lust. 25-i sey, sud Frost & Wood; 1 Wa- Wilson's Furniture- Co. business. No isk. For catalogue Electrical Treatments - Spinal gon 3/; Single Riding Plow; and campiete details: 570 ýSt. Adjustments, and Massage. Th~e family of the late Irwin Gang Plows; Çultivators; En-SmerpeasCem tSretMnra.2-134 Ross Bragg express profaund silage Cutter; Deerlng C oirn Refrigerators, coal ail stoves, dcck _________________________________ thanks and deep gratitude for the Binder. Binder Twine, MeCor- chairs, plllows, coniforters, lamps, acta of kindncss, messages of sym- mick-Deering - Buy Now! Re- dressers, chest drawers, couches, - - - pathy and beautiful floral offer- ports definitely indicate seriaus electrie rangettes, w a r d r o b e s,- - - - - - mngs received from friends and shortage. I have limited sup- grass rugs, etc. neighbors during the ilincas and ply. Caîl early and o r-d er. Inner Spring Mattresses death of a dear husband and fa- L. R. Wood, McCormick Dealer, $ -8Go okn ther. They espccially thanl< Rev. phone 597 and 726. 24-2* 8 8 Gedlokn a v y S. Davison, Dr.* C. W. Slemon,. spring-fiiled mattresses, covered members of Concession St. Group Trevor Davison and Bill Buck- iou rblefancy ftik. Wll ie of Trinity Chumch, and members ley spent the weekendi with Bill youanyeas of eomfaril es of Jerusaleni Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Hutchinson in Toronto. at an amaz ring owpie. $ .9Borderlesa rugs 6'x 9', inlaids, congolcums, feltols, heavy linoleums, in ail widths. The larg- est display af floor eoveings and rugs in the eity. Wilsozi's prices are lower! New Chesterfield Suites $39.50Modemn spring-filled Chesterfield suites, excellent cov- S e rings, carvcd show-wood. A real 8ALAD WEEK buy. Chesterfield suites in heavy Miracle Whip 3îa2 oz e d4p9eaedc' PEARIto-bil P tion. We carry a large sélection ta Hailmn'. IEome tylechoose fram and aur prices are . 11TlWieSalad Dressing alasoer.o Suites Cholce Meaty $5 -95 hri-ig-yne sar SI-9-1-9 M ISIR# Pmn .s 2 lb. 19c waterTfal design. This is an out-Th Newport a o2. Bail standing buy. At Wilson's you canI Sotti IseFluffe - - 25C find your -heart's désire i a bcd- wlhTmlrdésigna. Wilson's lower oeha Corne Il ________________________ Campfhre 1 th Pko. means lower prices ta you. Yuwl roa lakelu Marahmallows 25e Walnut Steel Deda iu il crse*&BlcJel Adam'a Orange & Grapefruit $498 New streamnlined wal- suà mJulce M oz. Un 19e nut steel beds, ail sizes. Wondcr-_ r - d g M* Me D wlfui value. 1 sttis4 D.e JA~ Doz. sUers, pts. 99e Prys .aesqs. Gz. S«k«pqft.1.09 cocuA Mombe P- - imî350 Ru br azon Rîuuge 2 for 1 c Zinc Gaz. Quaker XXXX Bread Rings- - 25e nouaParawax -14e le> au 2@79 GlassTops * ZI FRUIT A»D VEQETABLBB Ai Watermn.lons 69c este Tomatom 2 lM. 29c Choice StrwbewrleFresh Studio Couches $15-95 Spring-filld stud i o couches ln ttmactiv overings. 50 besutiful studia couches ta choase from at bargai prices that wiil save you many dollars. TRADE IN BARGAINS Sacrifice prices for imediate clearance. It pays ta visit aur trade-in depsrtmcnt.- The iargest stock in aur hlstory. 30 Used Chesterfield Suites I. $5.00 up 9 Dlning Boom Suites, $1400 up Quebec Cook Stoves -. $5.00 up Extension Table $3.0 Cupboard .:- $ 4.00 Dresser *.$400 Beda s $1.00 up Several Breakfast Suites, Kîtchen Cabinets, Couches, Wardrobes, Heintanian Piano, China Cabinets, Cribs, Prama, Deaka, Refrigera- tors. Corne early for cholce eletion as these bargais wlU b. plcked tUp qulckly. FREE DELIVEEY WIlson's furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Churcb St... OSIL&WA 28- c t The REXALL aunimer 'FACTORY TO TOU SALE" la a cost ta cat event ln which thrlfty buyers everywbere participate. It la aade passible because ail REXALL Drug- lasts have Jeined tegether te seii direct te you fram thefr. own REXALL laboratorles and factorles! la this way, manywasteful FPour-square Minerai 011 40 oz.- 19c Kieuzo Tooth Brush Sale Price - 19e 2 for 35e Dental Fix Sale Price 19e metai Lunch Kit 89e JONTEEL Colu Cream Face Powder Al uhades - Reg. 600 Sale 3»C SPECIAL!1 OUTING NEEDS Proteot your eyes from the sun's giare E-Z-Clte.Goggles.- - -pair 1 Hot or cold drinks anywhere-- Vacuumn Bottles - Pint and quart sizeë Paper Table Napkins - Wax Paper :IIO'S "FRUIT SALIS" 981-59C-3 Phone 1 Jury . Loveli When we test eyes it la doue properly 778. Deivez in-between profite are elliMlnated, malklng It pos sible for us te, give you the highest quai- 9ymerchandise at thr. lowest possible prics&, Ail nteichandise an tfLU sale wlth moine ex- ceptions, la produced in the REXALIL Fac- tories - o acame early and get ybur share of the outstaailding values 1 Riker's Cascara Sale Price 23c, Reg. 25o Saccharin Tabletà Sale -Price 19c Reg. 500 Agarex Conlp«un -for %constiliation Sale Price: 39e 16 oz. Puretest Russian 011 Sale Price 39e I i 1' CAMIERAS ioc Full Line et Supplies A film for every purpose, Dry g'I 'S INORISHOPPE OSHAWA usday MWornig, lune l9th ln 'and Inspect Oshawo'sa most modern Shoppe find ail the snmartest end latest women's apparel '?AILOItED LADYÀ TUcK IN. - LOUgES. o Solil colours and stripe.a. eg. *1.1998 Opening speclal98 ]REFERESHINO, COOL, VOILE NIG13T GOWNS. In PePular shades.411 sm inlstock. Eeg. 8 *11.Openlngs pecial lu Our Lingerie Depariment we up«ie in slip. wlth built-up shoulders We also carry a complete Uine of lingerie, purses hoslery ond sports». Wear. We feature partlcularly Canada's moist beautifui hoslery, the Gotham Gold Stripe, ln popular jsum mer shades.j Pea8ri': Li-ngerie Shoppe 33Slrnoe St. . Form.riy T. Iatoix C. Ltd. Store Phone Oshawa3 18 ITEMS YOU WILL NEED SPECIAL OFFERS- Briten Tooth Brush and Tube Driten Toqth Paste worth 59e Both for 43e and 100 Puretest A.S.A. Tabiets ]Pyrex Measuring Cup Both for 59c -'i j- 1~ wIàI!I1NG PÂD and 25 enveioées te match Linen Finish - Both for 25e I HOUSECOATS, la eermeker snd Ameo prints, reguJar *.8. p.lgSelai 2 LADIES DRML SHOiTS, in white, brown, royal, navy. Big range of ses. Reg. ig 01.75. Opeing Speclal 1.3 This materlal wlii ne. longer be avallable te the publie due te war needs - - - - ---ww w w w w w w - W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w ww-w---W- - RE Da-olla.11 USE iv;4c WAý tif NT ADS d m imd-d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 00%0mr TEMUDA'f, MÉE lè, 1041', BOvrhL&ýý ONTARIO TUE CANADL"' 4 1 j

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