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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 3

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THUIIDAY, JUNE i9, 1941 ~~OLDIERS' COMMNDPa Werid'. the United Sates, Germany, the It is imposEible you should take Mnse nihrt i.> LETTERS Tekphon. Taikers United Kingdom, and France. true root but by the fair weatherterrcsnoter rnth g _ __ __ _M t__ There are 42,642,252 telephones thatyou m ake yourself; it ia need - o th f r er h y be ev g ea r I ~~~~~~~~in the world, of whih about 56 fui that you frame the seson fortig hnteysol;o h ' i By Capt. Elmore Philpot I The editor of The Statesman Sneteotra fwr e etar iltelepheas.0 yoronaret-hesae.ltres-cn ________________________________ recentiy received a letter post- resrae sthewrdsgttmoe than hlwt 25877 mau o eFr gottliax eNS. n." i e eëhn akr -hv enTe are 20,830,950 telephones in T3 E 1 8 s N O W w h ic hi m e a n s th a t he m u t Io o n a m e s a re flo t d v u lg d i n th e le t- f e a c r i g t i u e u t r - a o e w t , 6 , 0 e e h n s goo raso t beev fow -withifl the next rmonth or ter but from ias contents we pre- ..0f"d accohengta figurales jut r- a oe wtha1,699ai lephonesit tath etforty days wiil be two at the latest. sm ti rmEwavleby *la~ yte ttsia eat a oeta i aaawt who havo eso t elee u e enli m ow arle fbots iùnt of the Ainerican Telephone 1,397,272. Europe has 15,765,994 themot rucalofthewa. WlyBeaus Htir aredywhthaeitdand uteg e notdeyfd Telegraph Company. These telephones, of which 4,226,504 are iler is ever gaing ta attem pt a nows that airpianes are ro lling complain i very strong language J es r ing1 th1recor UP ta inG m , 3,35 ,59 i n thnenot - Jout f U. S. and British plants at that thue M dlands get ail the pub- **.theav rag , ed Klon n n gd m,25,5595 us in Frsance, 0 know. Juttoas his invaiesot aisuction.ateand bstecula zi o-b ctiond of em, anveryang epada in 1939 placed 246.3 tele- 1,921,499, of which 1,367,958 are no c ou t 0fsB it aion ut a c r te .At ndast e u ta N az i m nci o n dof tie r isn e er y. rage e a c p e rsan 3in aan , 7 , 00 i uca. A i a m hmoeformidable .j n ie next year planes wil be that is dn s dct n ethclsa omaeMa- 25u Jpn i~~j much more e n l9oe o lu u-Previous year. Canada is fol- The number of telephone calis w ould have been a year ago, so coming out of U. S. fctris l anim ds" W eil, n ow b y ,y us n 9 e yt e U ie tt s w a ei h ntd S ae n1 3 another year will Increase the three or four fîmes flhe volume y r names anW boyrsyse ndslwe ythtnfdatts îhmdeithheie Sae x13 odds against hlm in even greater that Hitler can hope to producedtoan adadrstahe 281.5 conversations per capita in was 30,300,000,000; in Japan, 5,- a nd. hdtradle will gladly give n d » emr ih18.,Se 3,ooo nGray ,4, proportion. fram ail fthe factaries lnx coninen- them ta the varous local organi- 1Odeer with 189 .5,n Sow e- 33, 000,000; in Caeray,7,40,-0 -Hiftler. must destroy Brifain's tai Europe combined. zat ions wha are doing den itl and1 ndi h Uie indm powerota, resisf his aima, or lis HTER NOT GERMANY splendid job sending parcels regu-*.I 91.adith UnedKndm 2- ew Order In Erp ean al afu oswohv nit Canada ranks fourth in fele- 255,000,000. M ak but drem. T e rmai ne itermufba rti r los e r omtherboy. Thavee doingtlpoe o eeyhnrdpr-md bu blinmr a 01? phone development with 12.35 If wiil be noted fhat' Japan country in ail continental Europe ail hope af creating lis New Or- their best ta see thaf flot a single oaFrtisheUtdSaes eatanehe which will sincereîy coaperate der. He must beat Brîfain in or- local soldier is forgotten. As for ConeE.WSas, SO wt158,flwdby wdn the UntdGegd rany o with Nazi Germany in the crea- der ta retain his luold an fte Nazi publishing news from your unit wColoneliE.cW.mandsofnthe Can wth 1.864 and Nw e by SwdntheCania fed ingdo Fanemore flan of this new empire unles party and Germanhy. rn teor letters from you, The States- wo a iax croxnad Dfithein- w1.64 nad New ead ifth tCapnaa, ail tewlavedor te __ l and unfliBritain laya down ler For that reason, if for ooteman welcomes news and letters ain roue ivson a.8 e nmar 11. ccupTe ifht eleplsig uosan theesand of the o arma. That means either one af if seems ta me almost a certainfy frorn every soldier who cares ta p wfinth 1.95. helldow ctantheor tRlang Snerisa shotage two things: Either Brifain must that Germany willi attempf an Vfite, providing lue signa his Mrs. S. Moffatt.. Mrs G. Pal- - Gftrermank whl ononlthe.2f fele pherones mlies Japan, handa be clubbed or tricked inta some invasion flula sumnuer. But if also name ta his letter, not necessarily mer, Norfth Bay, with Mr.S. Wil- 1sf t emn a ny52 ee ubr0 ailsofe hr klid af a negotiated peace; or Bni- seema ta me thaf we should kepfor pbiain but so that the son. . . Mr .and Mrs R. Wlo,_fo» e ude epe a igeisrmn mn hm tai mstbegiena nokot cnsanlyan cealyinmind editor may know they are bona Miss Effie Avery, Oshawa, with pan- has 1.89, Italy 1.49, and Rus-________ blaw by direct invasion. that Hitler la nof; the whole Nazi fide. We have publlshed scores af Mr. John Avery. . . Miss' Bett3i sia 0.75. They can canquer who believe Nothing could be more clear party; and thaf flue Nazi party la such letters and show no partial- Moffaft wifh Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil- Among flue larger Canadian they can.-Virgil. than thaf Britain, while led by not Germany.1 ity whatever toward any particu- son, Oshawa.. Mrs. T. G. Breclc cifles, Toronto and Vancouver God gives every bird Ifs food, lo Churchill and Bevin, will neyer For af leaat seven years fluere lar unit. Sa we accepf your chal- in Tronto.*' editlphndvlomt-btiedsnttrwi note feUl for any peace tricku, whetluer has been in progresin Germany lenge in flue best of sparfsmanship People are praying for rain Toronto with 26.59 felephones per nesf-J. G. Halland. if la attempfed by more Heas-like a sort af undeclared war befween and wîll be man enough ta, pub- here. Here's hoping their prayers hundred people and Vancouver Look well inta thyself; there la atunfa, or however else. Experi- the Nazi gangster leaders - the lialu your letters if you wil be will soon be anawered as the gar- witlu 26.49. The fwa cities were a source of strength which will i s r ence shou.ld have taugluf us ta lue titular rulers of ail Germany - men enouglu ta igu theni. Get dens are badly in need of if. ecule in telephone development always spring up if thou wîlf al- wi s r n e cautiaus in flis regard, hawever. and flue old Prussian army officer busy and send along a budget of W. A. met at Mra. W. Hoakin's in the previaus count. Amang flue ways laokflere.-M. Antoninua. *lt Hitler la primarily a revolution- clasa. This latter crawd is flue news felling aur readers ail about on Wednesday. large cities f the world, San The aupreme faîl of falls la this, je je Mi& S I~ ary polit ician, uslng military moat*iranclad trade union in ail your activities and we'li gladly Facsornsfrtwifl4.5utefrtdob fon' ef * force anly when cunining, con- the warld. If la more than a gang. publialu if. - The Edifon. foilowed- by Stockholm wth4016, Counteas de Gasparin. spiracy guile, frickery, and freaclu- It la almoat a race. The literai Fl your time with positive ser. aixd Washingfon wlfh 38.84. Wash- I have ever held if a maxim, IS R N ery fail ta, accomplish lis pur- descendants of Attfila flue. Hun, Froni Sergt. Alex Colville vice and gaod. Do not drift. Have ington formerly held the lead. neyer f0 do flrough another whaf Phone 681I pose. men weredefinite fhings' on hand f0 do .- In the total number of tele- if was possible for me ta do for B W ai iI ps.these fluwrete creafors of. of the R.C.A.F. Henry Churclll King. phones, Canada ranks fiffh, after myself.-Mantesquieu. If therefare seema ta me that Prussie itself, the creators aofluhe Newfoundland. flue theatrical German miîifary German Empire, the real creators Dear Mother: movemenfa along flue long fron- of flue Reichu. We fo ffen forget Webstrngf fier wiflu Soviet Rusala are af that Hitler gaf lis af art in palitics W have been bs rigt palifical origin. They are made as flue paid secret agent aoflue get seffled. This country la really either fa, encourage "«appease- army. Since fluat finieflue servant flue rouglucat lôoking spot I have ment" groupa ix Brifain or fluelues become flue femporary master ee en eha w a n U. S. fa, advocate coming fa ferma But flue army gang, knows well which proved fa lue very nice. We wifh flue Nazis, on condition fluet how f0 bide ifs fime. The Nazis were in flue cify about fhree hours the Nazis crash int a Russie and murdered fwo of their leaders _ alter wlich we lued t airae flue end "flue Red Menace" .once and von Sehliexiier and van Fritsch. overland route fa where we are for ail; or they are persuadera fa, There are those (like Otto Stras- et aur air base.f induce Joe Stalin ta came fa ferma ser) who fhink thîe dy ilaet hand This was quife a ride, flue trains with Adof Hitler in sane new when the army wiIl do sane Up hlere leing narrow gauge i bargain acfuaily underngta urgn on its awn accaunt. which meens flue frecka are fhree In alluese grand scale manoeu-mglut agree fa go eluead witlu fhey bounce al aven; in fact, one vres two thinga seem clean: Ger- Hiler's plan ta invade Britaiîu. If of flue cars bounced riglut off flue many will neyer willngiy figlut if aucceedasag muclu the better for rcanthyptionsift * Bifain and Russie et fthe saie flue army. If if failasgo muclu the fack nd fley dput if ond as if ifENT finie. Genmany would eegerîy worae for Adoif Hitler. I iagie hape mns e ortsday. W e sn u ISA E T tak onthetas ofendng thein hatevet Htle an mst of any place ta, go. They say this s la Yau Cen luy your Vic- Red Menace" if only Britain luIs gang would disappear off flue reaily flue hunfaman's paradise. tory Bonds by insfal- would ceil off the war in flue wesf. face aofluhe eartlu, ieaving no trace. Dad should luelucre now. ifeixta - ten percent But, as Chunchill and tlueluard- Perhaps Hesaaw that coming IflfuendfMano whh down; flue rest on neyer falitforeanyofuMag quit e sa headed reallata araund him wii fato. means thet you wiil be having easy fermas over six inufn ater nnec s IVADE WHICH ISLAND? fine weatluen but up heie we have kUoxh.Pldeyu insltng o hei itelignceasjust led e six-indu snawfall and credif and luuy ail flue fluet, Hitler will lue diven fa deal If Hitler luad unliniited finie lue foday a heavy nain, ail cf which Victory Bonds you can, wif luBifain, once and for ail, woui rbli atmftei- seenis fa lueae fipicei Newrfound- a h ntamn vasion of Eire luefore fluet af Bni- land spring, if they have any et plan. When'you have tain herseif. He miglt o neenly ahl. The shore-land is nothing but pi o hnyu encircle Brifein by conquering Eire sheen. cliffa all round. The lopes dolr Dille earning fluet the strangulation af Bitain are samefimes covered with f oo nera efnx Our' bo@klee "Whm etemes wauld lue only e question of finie. and apruce but others are jusf Your canvasser, banik No Wii" brleflv outilnest. But flue iaks are also great. As bare rock. The odd graup af trust company or Vic-e changez recontiýpmade I la. I have pneviously written luere houses la cailed a village but tory Loan leadqiùar. Iaw of the Province of Ont- one effect miglut wefllube declera- these are scarce end sceffereci fers wiil explain and ério es it affects Perons di,- ion af war uy flue U. S. A more elong flue railroad. tk orodr #Dg wthout wimls. oluviaus danger is delay - fhlbs W pn e dy'leee of e few weeks finie. Grand Fells and were billetted Hene m gusaflut Hf 1r will with flue people in flueir homes. e Canin Ranicl oniton. trkedieclyatBrtan hi sm-I was lucky being with Sir Vin-I * CaningAnncil ondtins. stikediecty t Bitin hi sui-cent and Lady Jones wha were aE ,~ eChaning aws.mer.V Nathng taf les lappeed .veny charming people. I was in-- e buines and Grece, refe na nywas hene else vifed back and shal cerfainly gof 0Changing familyuinesad Ge, Ceto nwhr leiîfluhe pportunity arises. social relafionships- changeasniy view fluet Bniteinlues We are now beck on duty and flue abilify ta withsand and de- since flue ainking of flue Hood we NecessitatoChangesînOne*sW#IL feaf a Genman invasion attexnpt; have been busy on pafrai eny- ~* indeed fluet suclu an invasion et- where froni 9 f0, 12 houra - came Ouiexpriece n te aminstr- empt would eventuaily prove flue back for a couple hours sleep and Outexpriece n he dmiiste. beat fhing thaf could lappen f0, away egain. I dan'f fhink I've flan of Estates may be of vlu» us, as flue defeat ai the invasion averaged aven fwo haurs' sleep #o, yau fa-day. wauld- end once end for ail doubf for a week, lueing in charge cf as ta Bifein's ebilify tfa survive. fourfeen A.G.'s had fa' get up * - THUTo invade Brifain wiflu eny earlier fa niake sure fhey are ail STERLNG ~hope of succesflue Gernuans assigned ready to take off, ini- CORPORAION objectives: Kind regards fa ail and thanka BAY ~. - tORONTO 1. Air supremacy ven one for The Statesman. If ia like a T U E 2. Contrai af anc or more sea Alex Colville. HE P"TH F~R ON __________________________lanes. 3. Landing and maintaining in Barnacks Green, Brifain an arnxy capable ai aven- Sf. John, N.B., AWAY FROM YOUR DOOR TE S caming nesistence of Empire a- June 12, 1941. mica, now numlucing aver 4,000,- Dear Mn. James: 000. 1 juat want fo drap you e few Gere OmIN PAIy failed complefely f0 ines and say luow muclu I prc-U g Yo M n o k t B a JEWELED LAKES ln ta irstBaffle for Britain. As Statesman" cvery week. If la one oar ficets are stronger bath thing fluet I loak forward fa cvcny it y Bo d NO e ALPINE SPOICS actuaily and relafively fa the Ger. week, if generaliy arrives luere mens, fluene ia every reason fa by Safurday noon. lurfo You can no longer depcnd upoD fthe Ataptic Ocean for prottion n a believe thet Gennieny cannot win I anly have flue papen ee o coniplete contrai of eny part ai e few minutes myself lefore flue between breakfast time and noan, a bombingplane canfly fromGreln(ou flue skiea aven Britein. nest of flue fellowa lure in the owfl Maritimes and Quebec-a mere menter of 5 hauts; to Winnipgi esde Neventhelesa Genniany miglut camp are aaound wanting ta sec 9 hours, f0 Vancouver in 10~hus rmGra-cuidFacbm. affempt and succeed in 1adigfu ealxtehm ae n laden planes con carry destruction to Toronto, Nila era, OttawaadMnra large nunibens ai troops by para- ecna.nignluoguiffoij legs than 10 hours. g, ers ssanoi e na chut e, gliden and air transp ort. front ta luack thorougluly. Nh n ei iB il sI I ad dio o u t o fd y i nu reey t h o u g was of d ciuie asta w M-tler n n lue ys ti ai Sf.1- Jon ... i j ' sa d a d f ug te o r w kr.4. W l u ept u pl i m w ~ I I ~ I ~lI~bWel itroit, wlf luMr. and Mra. ]R. Plilp. - . . Miss Elle Hoskin for BI@ad and Norves and Mn. Glen Haskin, Oshuawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hokn... laaual4le et thii sean because it *Bill Brecic, R.C.A.F., Mount Hope, supplies fthe Vitamin BI and minorai wlfh Mrs. T. G. Breck. . . Mr. and substances no neceaaary ta improve the Mra. J. A Smith and Orvis, Ponfy- quality af the biood andi help thue noms, CONTAINS 1>, Mrs A. Wilson, Oshuawe, with For ottr apetie8 ottr VIAMI geandMn,.- J. Curran... . Mr. abotter lop n fo boter u7,Ox IAI and Mrs. E. Hell, -Mr. Cliford bor. a e s or ot afl - , Hall, M r. and Ivr. Le a M o ffatt, Dr. Cas.'.NorvoPoo.Miss Jeenpe Abbott and Mn. Ia .rer uw, wth MA,.man THE CANADIAN STATESMAXï BOWMANVELLE ONTARIO IMAÉýiw Mr-VIMIMM

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