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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 4

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THUR8DAY, JT.INE 19, 1941 eda les. Someadve'rtising PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL ONTAIO ___________________________AIR FORCE BO ERWWUWi-4Ay RAM IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI Kî From The Statesman Files FU[ÏWY YEARS AGO From Thse Canadian Statesma,d ,Iune 24, 1891 *Re. tee King St. bridge. Thmee fine bridges have been erected only ta b. cairied away. kn 1885, under direction o! tee Cauntiesf Council a fine stone bridge was, erected at a cost o! 7,500 pounds.t Sirice tee flood o! Juno 5th lasti year teere has been fia biidge at1 al. Counties Council agreed ta pay alftee coat of!- tee nexti lduiiies i Dectory[ Legal EL G. V. OOUL), BL A, LL.B. Barmister, Solicitar Notaiy Phono 351 Bankr o! Commnerce Bldg. Bowmnanvifle W. a. STRME Barrister, Solicitoir, Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Mantreai Pdoney to, Loan - Phono 791 Bowmaflule, Ontaria 1, C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law ianl its branches OfficeimmediatelY eust a! Royal Theatre Phono Office 688 Home 553 Dental ,)IL L C. DEV1TZ Asistant: Dr. E. W. Simon Giaduate a! Royal Dental Col- legs, Toronto. Office, Jury Jubilee Dldg., Bowniile. office boums 9amn. ta 6 pin. daily, exccpt Sundsy Phono 790> - Hause -phono 883 X-Ray Equipmnenti office Fumerai Direttors FUNqER"L DIECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modem Mtai Equipinent, An- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinary IL B. MURRAY, V.S*; B*V.Sce Veterhaiafl- Chinois St. - BowmaflVille phone 843. 24-2* DR. G. R. BOOTH SU3King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario Phone 21 ImAre snd Sinail Amnal Surger WILFRIED W. SRERWIN B.V.SO. V.S. Veterlnary Surgeon Office: ain St., Orono Phono 56r7 Auctioneer R ERWILBUR Lloensed Auctioneer Hampton - Ontario Spocializing in Farm, Livestack, Implements and Fumnitume Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Ternis and Date ta: Bawmanville 2428 ENTERTAINER Seoure RALPE GORDON, thse wonderfuali versatile e n t e r- talper, fer y70W nort entertain- ment. mustrated ircular fre _ Address - 038b Crawford Street, Toronto WHNEN Tn-IY PACH I4OME lIL SAY-TNKV'LLOCr r OAMINea MIL5c F1'OM OLEN RA! DAIRY 'a' Tee picnic o! tee Farinera' In- stitute was held in tee drill shed lue ta rata. J. M. Joness, presi- lent, was chamrman. Large cmowds turnsd aut Sun- lsy evening ta beau tee Musical ilusketeera No. i. There were 68 in tee march ta tee evening. Dominion Day: There s lafi need o! staying home Wednesday for want o! saine place ofa!muse- ment. Hampton la prepaming s big day, sdon S. S. snniversary aul aiedaw a crowd, and te Royal Templaus wlU hold a huge picnic in Colwill's Grave, hal! s mile east a! Newcastle. Tee 15te annusi gateering o! tee Worry f amily was held June 17te at Roselandvaie farmn, Sa- lins. Tee next annual assembly will be held at T. A. Wright's, Cartwright. Inspectai Tilley's 7te annual report a! tee public school: In future teere wl be but one ex- arnination for entrance itt high schaols oach year and the coat o! conducting it wull be met by te H. S. Boards. In my opinion te public achoals e! Durhamn were neyer doing mare effective woîk. The bighost salaries psid are: Darlington $525, Hope $450, and Cartwright $425. Newcastle: Tuesday eventag a number o! members o! tee Metea-E dist Church gstered ta psy tri-2 bute ta Mms. and Miss Thomn whoI are leaving tevillag.... A vemy1 commendable act was performed1 by Misses Annie Tabb and MabelÉ Cobbledick who took tmp a collec- tion o! $20 which thoy presented ta Mis. Kelsey, an old lady ta very needy circumstancos. Ennisirilen: Ezra Gifford has received a portion o! the inaur- ance an tee hotel burned lut fall. There wasas flsw ta tee policy1 and tee company was nat legally1 bound ta psy anything, but thua'1 tee intervention o! D. B. Stipson Mr. Gifford ieceived one-half te amount o! bis mortgage and Mr. Hall romains in PossessionO! te lot. Orono: Reuben Werry intends making a trip ta tee Old Country.1 ...Meteodlstat rniveisarY ser- vices weîe addmessed by Mr. AI!. Day. Tyrone: Tee dedicataiy ser- vices at Long Sault passed off -veiy success!ully. Rev. T. W. Jol- liffe preached ta large congrega- tiens who weîe scattered inte leafy grave ta true camp meeting style. On Monday tee solemn dedicatian service wras per!ormed in tee church. Then !ollowed a platfai!m meeting ta tee grave. Just as' tes commenced teundar clauds were observed looming uP, causing people ta scatter towardý the chiýrch. Soe int their haste weme overcome and two cases 0! )fminting ensusd. Ini a short turne the excellent food whlch had been rprepared for hungty hundmeda was exceedingly molat. ... A sad and abrupt ending ta tee football match between Tyrane and Les- kard was made when A. Rabbins broke his leg. TWENTy-FIVR YEARS AGO Prom Tise Canadiali Statesum, June 22, 1916 S W. J. Bragg is chosen Liberal standard bearer mn West Durham for next provincial election. After the nomination ballot which cbrought out seven men, 57 out o! 69 ballots were cast far Bragg. A. J. Reynolds, presideit a! te West Durham Reforin Ass'n., pro- sided. w. R. Allun la secretary- treasurer. Diamond Wedding: Mi. and Mis. Jas. Devitt o! Cartwright celebrate 50 yeam a!f married life at "Sîlveibrook", on June 10th. Rev. J. J. Ferguson, D.D., Toron- ta, nephew o! the couple, propos- The above pictures show the to Halif ax the Torch will stop at to Royal Canadian Air Force bomber mnany Canadian cities wherp. Can- is and members of the crew which adians wil rededicate themüseives Cý are carrying Canada's Victory ta the cause of freedom for which i Loan Torch across Canada. The the Empire fights. Later it wili A plane left Victoria, B.C., on Em- be flawn across the Atlantic ta be Ci pire Day followmng an impressive presented ta Prime Ministet Win- Fi dedication ceremony. On its way, stan Churchill. Reading from left i ed the toast. The nephews and nieces presented an address read by W. C. Ferguson of Blackstock.I inhain furchldenhoe o Hansard Records W. the event - Mrs. S. W. Sisson, Bethany, A. E. Devitt, at home, ____________ Mrs. (Chancellor) R. P. Bowles «ad Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville. Mr. Gardiner, Minister of Agri- tb Two'great-grandchildren were ai- culture, is still piloting his eaUi- fu Sa present, Muriel Hannah and mates through the House as occa- tt Ella May Sissan, the latter was sion presents. Il has been-a long, rq baptized by Chancellor Bowles. slow process with far too. niuch Police Magistrate W. M. Horsey tinie-wasting, which W.- A. 7raser f and Mrs. Horsey celebrated the nproteated, vehemently, as la shown hj filst anniversary of their wedding beîaw. b day on June l4th. On the, samne »ecause it should be 1 duty day Mrs. Harsey marked her 83rd a h oa rs afl~ h birthday. Few business men are course and actions of local mem- earlier on active service daily bers of parliament, we -lift froma than His Honor and ho keeps as Hansard some of the opinions ex- b alert as any. pressed by W. F. Rickard, M.P.,u Week]y Mail and Empire bas in comniittee of supply. The sub- 0 ceased publication. Subscribers ject matter ia given verbatim and f] 'have been transferred ta the Sat- it ia evident that Mr. Rickard 0 urday Daily Mail. The Globe taok spoke extemporaneously since t this action some time aga. there is a degree of repetition, but We congratulate Rev. Gardon his points were timely. t S. Jury an 1#aving conferred Upon i Hansard, June 3, 1941: Discus-a hlm the degree of M.A. from Yale sing the Animal Contagious Dis- il University where ho has been tair- eases Act, Mr. Gardiner said: "The ing a special course. Province of Ontario is inslsting anu On June 13th W. Il. Willian:iÈ having many districts whicl' have t passed away. He was bornin n fot yet been covered, broçight inr 1Cornwall, England,- in 1838; He .. . but an effort is bein% .;Ade. moved ta the Bates farm west of ta reduce rather than increase iheu Bowmanville and later ta the expenditures on this work."' Hep 1Mann f ari east of the Nursery was discussing "areat".u 1corner where his agricultural op- Mr. Rickard: "In Ontario, howa ,erations were successful and ho many areas have, been taken ina 1accumulatod considerable wealth. and is it the intention ta dlean upt Pallbearera were J. H. H. Jury, the areas already in?"' John McMurtry, Robert Fielding, Mr. Gardiner: 41 have a list ofd James Smith, Thomas Tod and J. counties which have applied butE A. McClellan. have flot yet been tested . . . it las Enniskillen: Friends of Mr. -and the. intention . . . ta dlean tmp Mis. John Barton syxupathize with them in the death of their young- est son Robert follawing an opera- seriously il with pleurisy and Eye g tEd cto bload paisaning. .. . Dr. J. C. De-An 1 vitwsexrcigteeth i tisEtf i ci encyE ! Hamptaon: J. Albert Cale is fast B a fariner under the in- structionl o! his cousin J. Arthur C. Il.Tuck IWerry, Enniskiller... Miss Mil- optimetist .dred Cale is home from Normal School in Peterboro. EeiA Sergt. Dan Douglas writes from DlSney IdE. a hospital in Scotland: "How of-DinyB« ten we have reasan ta marvel over <(Op> .o. 1) .the wondérful work done by doc- .tara and surgeons especially in .this war turne. An Irishman re- marked "the doctors can do any- Number 178 thing - cut off yaur head and slap you in the face with it and "hraS.Vts ac u you'd niver notice who hit you. ' horaSt.V (P ate 2) "A chain is only as strang as Iis weakest link." Hyperapia, fer- Tyrone sightodness, croates an indue strain upon the muscles a! con- Visitors: Mis. R. Hatherly at vergence as wefl as the cilry Mr. Jack Hatherly's, Newton. muscle or the muscle o! accommo- ville.. . Mrs. Viola Smith with her dation. Where the strain isa ,pon mother at Orono. .. Mrs. Dredge bath of these an excessive alyffly with friends in Toronto. . . Mr. of energy is demanded and imuch Trewin Scott at Mr. Herb. Scott's, Of it wasted energy. When «a ®rono. . . Mr. arnd Mrs. Lamne stiaili o! this nature is kept upj Hoskin and children at Mr. Ten-' the whole nervous system inust nyson Perriman's, Columbus. .._suifer and the final resuit may Mr. and Mrs. Blyth, Billy, Betty be a nervons breakdown unless and Bannie, Elmncraft Farmn, Osh- some weakr organ gives away awa, at Mr. Lamne Hoskin'S. . . . before thit stage la reachod. This Mss Winnie Brooks, Harmaiy, not only is a cause of much mis- with her parents. .. Little Miss ery and suf!ering but I arn assur- Shirley Moffatt, Bownanviile, at ed that statistica are in evidence Mr. Leon Moore's. .. Mrs. Floyd ta prove test even the duration Dudley, Mrs. R. Virtue, Mis. Leoli of l! e may b. materially shorten- Mo -eAd Mis.YH. Skinner with e4 through a diaregard of strain I Dn' to right, member a! the crew are: lst Plot Squadon Leader D. E. lalloway, Trnto; 2nd Pilt, ilot Officer C. M. Blackr, St. ohni, N.B.; Wirelesa Operatar, Cpl. K. N. Brownell, Halifax, Air higineer Mechanic, CpI. G. J. Newton, Vançouver. 9 ýF. Rickard, MP. these caunties if we can obtain fuds . .. and we intend ta dean these up before tairing on any n0w areas." Mi. Riekard: "A great rnany farmera f eel test once an ares has been teated, te work should be csrried an if at ail passible." That was ail; the committee ext discuafse eggs and poultry. M. Cruicrahank rof B . C. ended a short talir with tels: "It would ring about mare harmony and .nityr fromn the agricultural point f view if saine o! these members froin rural Ontaro would corne ut for the frmer who la not get- ting a fai deal." Mi. Gardiner heided thein back ta item No. 22 and explained thal an item o! $154,678 for pries, etc., included poiiltry clubs too. Mi. Rickrd: "Egs would corne under this item. wrn tee Mnis~ ter explain te new' egg grading regulations?" M.Gardiner; '"That ail conies under marketing; how you feec poultry ta get good eggs comes under this item, but grading and seing corne under marketing." (meticulous distinction; the ques- tion remained unansweied). Later, on June 5th, Mi. Gar- diner aaid tels: "The grading of eggs la caiiied on under exactly the saine conditions as te grad- ing of butter or any other farin producta. If the product la pro- duced in the province where it is finsily dlsposed o, it la the re- sponsibility of the Provincial gv- enmemt. They can if they desire, handle that praductand the fed- oral government would have no- thing ta do with it. In actusl practice . . . te provinces have been appointing tee federaina spectors as their inspectors." And still the question remanec unanswered. The Stateaman haç been trying ta get at tee truth foi weeks but la still in the dark. Mi. Quelch: I have heard muci criticism froin poultrymen aboui te method o! grading eggs ai country points. I have carried ut experiments ta sec whethei that criticismn was justified. Wi have grsdod and candled a num. ber o! cases o! eggs; put the cuil- in anoteer case .. . and thore wac practicaily no difference it t retu;m." Discussion rangéd across severa: pagea o! Hansard until Billy Fra. ser burt forth with tiis: Mi. Fraser (Northumnberland ont.): It la apparently becomini an indoor pastime in tels chambei ta break tee rulos of te hanst and be out o! arder, and therefori I wish ta taire about tbroe minute ta be strictly out o! order. Ever time tee group in the far cornei talir for sixty minutes, Hitier L tuning out in the Skoda wark, a sixtytan tank. Whether somi o! ns in this house know it or not tee pople f Canada realize ta wo are wasting time in discussini matters of infinitesîmal import ance at a timo when Canada ang tee rest o! tee empire arc facinj tee greatet criais in their exis tnce. When tho Suez canal i being bombed ta-night, when AI exandria, Egypt, Malta, and Cy pins are ta jeopardy, haro we art paid by the taxpayers, out o! tih mony o! tee peoplof CanadE taliring piffle, absolutely unadu terated pif! le, ta view o! tee crisi we are facing. These question which hon. gentlemen are raisin. to-night can easily be discusse and scttled ta a democracy afte tee war la over. Juat lok at th headlines ta tee papers to-nlghi The anc thing we need- Some hon. Members: Order. Mr. Fraser (NorthumbeaUnn Ont.): I called "aider" before rase in my place, and I repea "lorder" ta you. If you cari ad anythtag ta what I say, yiiu ca faflow me. I ssy, M. Chairna teat tee duty o! evory member c this House o! Camnions la ta c what ho can ta educato tee pec pie o! Canada ta war-mlndodnes ta the fact test it la nat wheî and Ii l fot marketing that is th ane bg question beXare us to-dm, It la tee very life o! Canada an o! the empire that la at stake tc day. ,e. Qu.lch: On a point of orde - IChaianaz- *M. Viaser <Noithumberlan Ont.): Sit down until I finish. I ta b. sold. I Umsaw nsmo f tosee have te flor. You ait down. camps apples tet wero not No. 38 The Chairman:Order. by any reans. I haît ne inspec-r Mr. Frasem (Northumberland, toi go and look at smorn-p Ont.): My on. riend as had is The Chaiman: Order. Unless1 chance. . . . In view o! teefact te committee la willng ta taie tet I had te floor when you cai- Items 26 and 22 tgether, I shal d me ta airder, Mr. Chairman, 1 be i trouble with my.own ruliug wlh ta adhere strictly ta the item if I alow the discussion ta go on o! marketing, and I desirc ta say lomg tese lines, la t the plea- ta my on. friends that if thy sure o! teie committee ta take at could masrket at a nickel a word te ssme tire items 22 and 26? te verbiage tey have pe rp t a - Mi afni: A r e i ed n tela hous, tey would psy The Chaiiin: Carried. Al off the national debt o! te do- right, carry on..t minioxi witeut any difficulty. Mr. Rickard: I was speakiig Some on. membes: Order. about the grding'o! applea. If The Chairnan: In ry oino we are gong ta sen ur apples it la out o! order ta cast ny re- we should sel thern in accdid5id5 fletios o th Mnne inNvhchwith ur advertisig.. I was a ftans hon eer asnner avwichsome o! tese camps and saw p- anys hon.memr as ebehsved lflpes tawere nat No. 3, and the thischaberin adebte.inspection must have been verY Mr. Fraser (Northumberland, poor toalalow those apples ta be Ont.): I dd nt maie a general sold. We are »ying inspectas;1 condemnatiori. I made a direct we have quite an inspection soi- reflectian upan sm-ai condemna- vice; wc hai<e s fruit bîanch test; tin o! te time which la wasted is supposed te look after theso ta this bouse. matters. But as an apple grawer Saie hon. membes: Order. I do nt thtk we are doing jus- Mr. Fraser (Northumberland, tice ta te business ta allowtg Ont.): Listen ta mie. Whether I this kind o! appls ta be sld. I arn wasting time or not, I have pass thia information n tathee the right ta ise ta my place homo rniinster, for I knaw I would not and say what I thnk. be alowed ta send thern ut o! Mr. Coldwel: I uise ta a point my orchard. I, undertand that a! order. This la entirely beyond tese apo are put in cld str- endurance. Saie o! us have been age, bouhtfrain sme coopera- in this ouse practicafly ail te tive concen, and I cannot under- tine, but I have not seen the on. stand why they were allowed ta, member very frequently in is go itat that cld strage plant, or place. I suggest tet ws try to alowed ta get itat the camp. We ollw te rules. have inspectas; they are well Thes Chaimman: May we say tet paid; if we have not enough, let te incident la closed, ad tet us get mre, and ontrol tila we are now on item 28 o! the es- thing. timates. I also want ta congratulq the Membera ranged mli over tee departinent upon what they have place, .dlacustg eggs, bacon, done for tee apple grawer. wheat, apples, and finafly apple- Mr. Pisser (Peterborouigh sauce. On page 3807, Mr. Rickard West): I do nat believe teere is 1says: When tee committee rose one wornan in twenty-five temo'- lait night wo were cliscusaiiig Sp- eut Canada wviha really knows ples, and I wianted ta amy a few what can b. done with dehydrat- words on tee situation in test re- gard. I congratulate tee ministor and tee department upon what they have dans for tee apple growers o! Canada. The attitude The Atarch of Science they have taken towards market -____________ ing and contrai o! apples i the dominion bas been a wonder!ul ... 1thing for teie producers. Without test assistance it would have beon diffcult if net impossitle to a rw 'ket oùr applea owing ta the lass a!o the expert market. Tee govern- 1ment have spent »aany teousanda a!. dollars--m advertising. In tact, >not anly gaveininents but ce- ; .operative fruit giowers associa- , 1tions have dans so. I hold in MY 1hand anc advertisementitntathe 1faim o! the picture o! an apple. tIt la a good apple toe. We are told 9ta est more applos, test apples eare geod for the health, and sa - forth. During the past few weeks I have visited saine o! tee camps cthroughout tee country, and I trmust say test tee apples used Itee are a long way fra te sort o! apple depicted in this ad- avertisement. I undeistand that -teese apples are domestic grade. gTheme la a great difference ta do- mestic grades, and if We are sanip1 to acqpt anyteing as do- a meti grade, we -gie gding ta get SUN STORMS AN) sdown ta rather poor apples. Whemi à two and a quarter inch apples are On sevoal occasions, not long "aiowed ta go itat domestid ag, Her Goebbels' propaganda -grades, and te apple as spots or bradasts bcame jarnme<, the tangua the, ine e! a five cent sweeteat symphony programa - piece, although it complies wite ounded like jitterbug jams, fthee 1w as a domestic apple, wo *trans-atlaiitie cable and wireless sare a long iway !rin tee sort o! channels wemo sioenced, telegiaph thin weareadvrtisng.My on«machines wouldn't send anything a thltin we a fe advertis M co- except the letter V, and somie -ples in this way we should try ta long distance telephone cals were s give te people s produçt tet held upfo hours. -more closely rosembles tee tetag The cause o!fail tels distumb- l- wo advertise. In aur county there anoe bas been traced ta tomnadoes lai a difference in te grding o! 92,830,000 Miles away -on the -domestics. surface o! the sun I Old Sol sud- Te Chainan: Order. I amn denly becoiea more appletic than il soiry, but I cannat see tee rois- usuaL. The streamkers o! Mis e tionship between tee item under camons flame angrily into space. L- discussion and te question o! Colossal whirlwnds whip the grading apples, unlessa tere la flames ta incredibly high tomi- d sorething which as escaped me. pe rues. Huge spots, each about 5 I amn afiaid test tee discussion la 3,00 miles in circumiference, ýr out o! aider. eiupt like bols on bis pudgy Mi. Rickard: I understaad that cheeka. i we could discuss these matters aon Like a gargantman gardon It item 20. spay, the rotatlng sun raîns kt -The Chairman: We are on item elcrct nte planets. The d 22, and apples would corne under erth's nMagnetic polos in te r fruit and vegetables. Arctic samd Antarctic regiens at- > Mi. Rickard: I suggest that it tract this tremendous flow a! 1 might b. just as well te dispose onergy, croating rnagnetic starma. La e! tee question now. What I wai Enormous shoots o! electric cur- La saying was that if we are going rent race back and farth i the ýe ta advertlae aur apples in tels way earth'a crut. Tho Noîthomn we should gîve tee people what Lights radiate. more brilliantly i eare sdvertising or something than over. Compass needles twiul ànear it. kn aur county a great crazily. Electric comamunications many growers seU their applea as suffer a "blackr out" while the 1, domestic. There might be !arty bombaidinnt la at ita height. g or -!îfty per cent No. 1 in them, Naturally, telephone engineers i and the people who buy s hamper are very much. intereated Insu p orabe !toedmsi p storms. Amont thei astionomical l pes get s good grade. But when , devices la a glass bail thst me- e ws grade them. as tee law says sembles a magmeala's ryal. This Ld 19 ,e, Il- na IL at. at, I st Ld ny. id, shouff be dons iregard ta the matter, b«caus»' dehydrated a - pies wilMk uh etrapN pie or apple sauce than fresh ap- pies. Mr. Rlckard: 1 do flot agree. on that note ended Mr. Rrck- ard's contribution ta the debate. The Statesmal is aentlrely in agreement witli Mr. Rickard that fresh apples miaie the best apple. sauce. And The Statesman, toa, agrees W . 1h Billy Fraser, that there is entirely toc, much apple- 'saucg? in the liniless debates ini the Hous. P. J., Long Beach, Calif., wr,: "Everyofle has been worrymng about the contents of the letter Rudolf Hess left ta Hitler. Worry no more for hero it la: isyou take the low road, and J'il take the hligh road, 66'And III get ta Scotland be- fore yoU.'" Pince your Bray ClI re tlirough un. No wrlttng. No money orders. No botheOl. Permonal at- tention - prompt dellvery. F. C. VANSTONE Bowmanvllo F.L.. BVAM Tyran. FRED J. TH4OMAS Newcaetle JACK HUDSON Orono rD STATIC STUDIFMD coloured Pins Each day a pin is selectod wie a head caioured ta indicate the intensity o! radio distumbances test day. This pin i inserted in tee outor row op- posite a !ixed lins teat represonts th, present day. The pin that wss ini this halo, representing the inest !radio dîsturbances 27 dasao is rnoved bacir ta the inner row. IAi this way, one cmii 500 at a glance what relation sun spots have hsd ta îradio disturb- ances during the past 54 days. Eventually, enough data may be secumed tao nable accumate pro- diction o! seiaus sun starm. Fuithermore continued efforts are being made ta discever the exact source o! the distumbance. For thia pumpaso, Bell Telephone Labomatories have for same time been using the Coronaviser, a imeans o! studying *the salai camons by viewig it through an appaîstuis . similar ta televismon equipment. It is known that long wsve radia is nat se strongly affected by solar dituibances as short wsve,- and that lncreaaing the power a! the rsdi? chanimels by concentmating them itaa liow bearn reduces the statie tao on- fourtis tee former volume. If accumate predictian ef the dis- turbancea cen be achieved, these precautions *ean be taken in ad- vaisceofo a serion storni. Te radio and toloiphone channelà can ho kept hi operation, lot Old Sol rage as lho mmy. This combat wlth sucis s me- mate. and aeemingly irmevaflt fo as salai storms ilustratos the very wlde. fron~t o! Bell Tele- phono operationas àd ieaoarch- ail wlth a vlsw ta, protectlng sand ipoigyour telepisone serice. t CHECK YOUR HOME AND REPAIR Now!I New Porches Doons and Windows Rooflnu shingles FloorlnS Combiltls Paint D r SHEPPARD & ILI LUMIER GO. LIMITEB PréParad by H. G. Gwoo, cimp«Y a 1 rainent

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