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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 5

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TBUSDAY, JUNE 1, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE ONTARIO We'qv.ddings Cooper-Couch The niarriagd was q uletly sol- emnized at Greenbank by Rev. Thes. Wallace on Frlday, June lSth, of Shirley Cauch, youngest daughter of Mi. sud the late Mrs. Harry Couch, Newcastle, te Mr. William Cooper, second son cf Mr. and Mns. Charles Caoper, Kendal. Te bride wore a becamnhg blue frock with white hat sud acces- s$ Bans and chose pink rases' for ber flowers. She was attended by & s Harold Couch, Newcastle, Wto re a frock of a deeper blue with white hat and accessorles. The groom wassupre by Mi. Har- old ouc. eollawig the cere- inony the happy couple lcft an a maoter trip te peints north. On their return tlley will live i Orono. Klrnbafl-MOK&y Newtonville United C hu r ch parsenage was the scene cf a quiet bu t pretty wcdding on Saturday afternoon, June 7th, whcn Helen Kathleen'McKay, daughter of Mi. and Mis. Wlfred McKay, New- tonvflle, became the bride cf George Milton Kimbail, son cf Mr. sud Mis. Milton Kimbail, Newtonville. Rev. J. McLachlan kofficlated. The, bride, given in marriage by ber father, lceked lavely i, a blue sheer frock with white accessar- les, and corsage cf white 'swcet peas, and sweethcart rases. Rer only 'jewelery was her grand- rqthcr's silver locket. The bride was attcnded by her sister Mer- gucrite in a gawn of baby pink sheer with white accessaries and corsage of blue and white sweet1 peas. Mr. Jared Kimbail, brotheri of the groom, was groonisman. 1 Followi the ccremony the1 bride aýngroom left an their1 honcymoon ta peints wcst. ThcY1 will reside at Lake Shere. Webster-Edterton On June l4th, 1941, at Detroit, Mich., Myrtie Aileen Edgertan, only daughtcr cf Mr. and Mis. Charles Edgertan of Dctroft, was unitcdi merriage te Mr. Max J. B. Webster, only-son cf Mr. and-Mrs. Ray Webster, 0f Owen- dale, Mich., at Hepe Luthern Church, Detroit, by Rev. A. L. MacKey. The bride wore a gown cf white chiffon, ovp-r sati, fash- ioned with short sîceves andà sweetheart neckline, and heik fin-1 gcrtip veil was caught i a lacet tiara, trimmed with orange blos- sema. She carricd a bouquet cf white rases and baby's breath.t H ,r nly attendant was Misst Emifly Watson, who wore a cern- flower blue chiffon gcwn, fash- ioned on the limes cf the bride's gown, with matching tiar4, carry- lng a bouquet cf pink roses and baby's brcath. Mi. William Ti- beau acted as best man.c. SA receptian was held at the Canadian Légion Hall at 'Grand I River Ave. where anc hundredr guesta wenc scated at supper. Af- ter the receptian the bride and groom lcft for New York City for - their honcymoon and on their re-N turn they will reside in Detroit. E ( Barnes-ClemenCe V tA wedding cf wide interest teckt P ~ place June 14th at King S#reet t United Church, Oshawa, when Mildrcd Margaret Clemence, dau- ghter cf M'. and Mis. J. C. Clem- ence, Oshawa, was united in mar- rnage with M&. Douglas ROYf Barnes, son cf Mis. *W. Bernesn sud the late Mi. Charles Barnes,c Rev. J. V. McNeely, MA, offi-a ciating. Pink and white peonies and palmns graced the church, while pink and white sweet peas and satin ribbens decorated the pews. -Mr. Walter Jackson played the wedding music, and Miss peggy McNab sang "UntiVL" The bride, given in marriage by0 FAMILIAR FIGURE LEAVING TOWN RECElVESGIFTS Before leavlngtewn ta take up Jesidence mn TaranteMi Ann Connôrs wa h eiient cf two presentations from her friends. Born and brought up here, Miss Cannars breaks away frcm friends cf long. standing and well-loved scenes cf her childhccd. Soon aI- ter leaving schoel she began wcrk- ing as clerk lni the bakery owned by Thos. Ted and ccntlnued there during the 17 years it was aperat- cd by W. P. Ccrbctt. This iathe business now, kncwn as Poole's Bakery. Rer associations wlth custemers nmade her widely kncwn and wefl liked, and i her activities as a faithful member cf St. Jcseph's Romnan Catholic Church she teck a lively and practicaliInterest. Net te let her departure from tawn go unnctlced a. grcup cf friendsaiard neighbor gathered Thursday 'night fer a pleasant surprise party at which Miss Con- ners was given a travelling bag. On the fallcwlng evening the ladies of St. Jaseph's Church pre- sented her with a lavely dressing gawn te likewise help keep i memory the happy associations cf the years. On bath occasions Miss Connors was very much surprised with the, honar dene her but re- turned appre5priate remarks cf- thanks. The best indication cf haw much Bcwmanville people will feel the las. cf ane wha has livcd here for a timne and been such a help ta the cammunity is revealed in the words cf a friend: "She has been everybady's friend; how the children lave her! I dan't think there was ever a better clerk an front street."1 her father, was lovely in white English suede lace sud chiffon, styled with a draped bodtce, mculdcd *hip-line and full skirt, falling hIto a small train, at the back. The headdréss was a Juliet cap cf matching lace sud su heir- loom vdil. She also ware pearis and carrled a shower bouquet cf white rases mixed with bouvar- dia. Miss Dôrethy James was her attendant sud wore turquoise blue net, cut wlth a square neckline, tlght midriff and full bouffant mkirt. Rer hat was in matching mohair with a stitched taffeta trixn, and she canried a ncsegay cf pink roses sud bouvardia. A bril- liant pin in the shape of a baw, the gif t of the bride, completcd the attractive costume. Mir. Charles Bernes was _grooms- man and ushers wcre Mi. Jack Miller, Hamilton, sud Mi. Russell Sproulc, Oshawa. Mis. Clemence wcie a long orchid sheer with accessories i dleep purple, and a corsage cf mweet peas, while Mis. Bernes wore a long black lace gcwn with matching hat af straw, sud a cor- mage cf pink roses. A delightful receptien was held after the wed- ding at the Genosha Hotel, after which the bride sud groom lcft on a moter trip west. For the trip the bride chsuged te a pawder blue wool crepe with which she wore a matching turban sud navy blue accessonies. Upen their re- turn the young couple will reside in Oshawa. Out cf town guests included Mi. and Mis. Jack MUler, Hamilton, Mr. sud Mis. A. E. Clemence, Sca- fcrth, Mrs. F. A. Colc, Mis. F. Cole, M4r. D. C. Cale, Mi. and Mis. W. Cle, Mi. and Mis. R. Pcwers, Mi. and Mis. Cousin, Toronta, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole, Hanmpton, Mn. and Mis. Frank Cryderman, Bow- iisuville. The truc way ai softening ane's t.roubles is to solace thase cf others.-Madame Maintenon. JUNE GROCERY BARGAINS Quaker Red River Muffets -Pkg. lic Cereal pkg. 25c Blue Rlbbon. Coffec e lb. tUn 53e Monarch Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag 85e 1/2lbi. 3e RESTIGOUCHE SALMON The imestigouehe Salmnn te be the fineat la the world are now procureable. Orders for Tueaday .hould be Ieft M4onday, and for Frlady, Thurmay. Fremh FIsh Everyday. CASHMERE TI1SS8UE k Complu* iw sole Pwj 700 MMTO Bulk MoIffles Grant Bros. Seed and Sait Corn HarryAllin THE coltE SRCERY Pb.oae 867-368 Fm eDolivor7 Upper picture - Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, which heldit 87th Commencement Day an Junýe llth when 29 f air graduates rt ceived their diplomas and award upon the successftl cempîctin c DONATIONIS FOR JAM Bowmanville Womeu's ln- stitute is again preparlng te malke Strawberry Jarn te send te the brave aud war-strlcken people of thse British les. if You would like, te make a contribution etfrnoney, sugar or strawberrles te this excel- lent werk, send them te Mdrs. L. S. Dumas, Ontario Street, Phone 867. Aet now as the wornen are already maklng plans to make the Jam whtie strawberries are cheap and at thefr bèst. Mrs. Muriel Dunu 's Rummage Sales Help WarWork .The sad truth is that cne's gacd deeds cften go unreccgnized at homne but get their due award froin strangers. This is partly truc i the recognition Mis. Muriel Dunn has hitherte receivcd local- ly for her efforts raising mcncy for war, wcrk by holding rum- mage sales i the Cawan Block. Now ail this is made right. The other day The Evening Telegram, ran a feature stary as fallows: Mrs. Muriel I.. Dunn, cf Bow- manville, is anc cf the unsung hercines cf this war. She is anc cf the legien cf Canadian women wha labor day and night to scnd camf arts ta Canadian trcaps everseas and In Canada and te the British civil- ians cf German air attacks. Here la haw Mrs. Dunn helps, as re- vealed mcdestly in a letter en- closing $15.20 fer The Evcning Telegram British War Victims' Fund. "Our club has sen~t in ever $200 te the B.W.V.F. under the name, cf Bowmanville Euchre Fans, but since the end cf April, I have been havlng a railroad cuchre in my home every Wcdnesday evening as the club didn't want te -carry an for the summer," wrltes Mrp. Dunn. III kncw Britain needs the mcncy far mare ncw than several months age, and althaugh the con- trlbutipns will net be as large as before, we will continue ta do cur llttle bit. III alse have a ruminage sale every second Saturday in the Cowan block, after gatering up odds and ends frcm EBowmanville residents and the surraunding dis- trict with my car. I three sales I have made ever $200 te pack parcels and buy wool for socks and mltts fer aur Bowmanville boys on active service and "D" Company of the Midland Regi- ment, which originated in Bow- manville and is now doing ccast guerd duty i Canada. "Wlth the mcney aur Wamen's Wer Auxiliary has packed and sent 30 percels te aur boys ever- seas and 30 te 'ID" Company cf the Midland Regiment. Aiter I get the boys supplled I arn gaing ta have a sale f or the B.W.V.F." Mis. Dunn and hundreds cf othre,fflu hide tiieir training. Lowcr pcur - arc Misses Edith Hill, a staff shows sanie cf the younglaies member, Ruth James of Bawman- enjoying a cup of tea at the gar- ville, Margaret Dibben of Kitch- den party on the spaciaus lawn ener, Elizabeth Hul cf .St. Cath- which fellcwcd the graduation arines, and Marjerie Hill. exercises. From left te right they To. Few Decorte . out Many Windows Are V.ry Good The caîl long since went forth ail acress Canada, te. Deconate, sud again, Decerate, but local re- spense boggcd dawn befare it was well started. Pnizes were offered and are stil gocd 'but we sec ncthing spectacular in respanse. Reports from scares af centres are about the same: We simply are net yet inta this wer in a way ib maintain cnthusiesm sud deter- mination. A tour of King Street -revealsj the following, outslde of Joani hcadquarters, who have devotedi full window space or wha havei crcated special flag displays, ta help the Victary Laan drive. North side: Mertyn Block, Mason & MDale, J. J. Mason & Son, W. J. MijIer, Barb. Pethick, The Zvlyn Sl*p.,.South aide: Eatan's, Herry An4,Hydro Shap, Mis. E. V. Scobell. Mis. Ross of the Reyal Theatre has the best flag display down town, with the Carter Fani-1 ily as runner-up. But for a really spectacular display of flags, it is necessery ta get a vista ef bath F. C. Vanstone's and T. H. Knight's spacious praperties up the wcst1 hifl. There are upwerd of 150 flags of all sizes plsuted an lawns and terraces which daily bring a1 choru cf comment frem tourlatsi and. visitors1 Ontario Ladies' College 67th Commencement Day Mr. end Mr*,. D. Tod Celebrate Golden Weddlng On Oshawa Mr. and Mis. D. M. Tad celc- brated their golden wedding an- niversary June 3rd at their beau- tiful home, 136 Simcce St. North, Oshawa, by,.hcldig a receptian afternaan and evcnlng during which about twc hundred and fifty frlends called te cangratulate them. Many beautiful gifts and flowers were sent, shcwing the high esteeni they are held in the cmnunity. In the evening an address was read by Mr,. H. E. Trent, president of the Friendship Club, Toronto, cf which Mr. Tad is a meraber, and fifteen cf the club membersi were present. Mr. and Mis. Ted received with their daughters, Mis. R. Lec Gray and Mis. John J. Burns, Mrs. Ted wearihg pcwder blue dreas with Pink and mauve corsage, Mis. Gray in navy caoidot with rcd girdle and corsage cf red rases, Mlrs. Burns in periwinkle blue ikith corsage cf pink rases. The table was decarated with yellow rases and baby's breath i silver rase bowl and yellaw tap- ers. Thase assisting were Mrs. Ewart Alger, Mis. Robert Gray, Miss Diana Burns (granddaugh- ter), Mis. Thomas McDowell, Mvrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs. J. A. McGlb- ban, Lindsay, Mis. G. N. Irwin, Whitby. Thase pauring tea and caffee were Mrs. Ells, Mrs. Fard, Mis. Miller and Mis. Frank John- stan, Mrs. F. A. Hear inviting the guests out te the tea roani. Little Nanicy Burns (granddaughter) was in charge cf the guest book. ST. PAUL'S W.M.S. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at flic home df Mis. D. S. McGrcgar on June l7th, with a record attend- suce. President Mrs. W. H. Car- ruthers presided sud gave the caîl ta wership. Devetianal periad was taken by Mis. Gea. Chase sud Mis. Herold Ferguson effered prayer. Mis. Alex Calville sang a lcvcly sale "It was for me," ac- campanied by Mis. Clinton Lun- ney. Mis. Herbert Laymsu gave a vcry intcrcsting address on "Why a Christian Coilege?" She stressed the necd cf early relig- icus training in the home, fellow- cd by religion taught in the schools, then on mnte the 111e in a Christian cellege which la a pro- tection against many evil influ- ences. Even those net accustcmcd ta eerly training, and nat wanting ta be different, eerly acquire the habit cf the religiaus exercises under the guidance cf gadly tea- chers. The prcsidcnt thsuked Mis. Layman for her. timcly address. Mis. Alex Calville sang a de- lightful sale "Bless This House," accampanied by Mis. Woods. Re- freshments were served by the hostess. Auliary PaçkS Twenty More Boxes Weekly Depooft "'Ramcrest"' Coloured Blanket Bound at ends wtth 3"1satin ribbon 26C Total Prioe $6.95 "Famous"' Coloured Blankets flound with broad satin rlbbon (Doth brands can be h"alu inue, 3< * gold, cedar, rose, green, Ulnec 3 89 peach) "Floraltint" Blaîkets Satin bound. Beautiful Two Tone Blanets.Color39<ar*10.50in nia, Wilow Green, Hlyok e-3csO5 10w Aster, Briar ]Rose. Aloin Plain White or wîth Colored Border HUDSON'S BAY POINT BLANKETS ALWAYS IN STOCK CWAUcsýR STORES, JMTED Mrs. tan Bcket opend he Cameron, LISgt. A. J. Frank, Pt e.'j Mis.Sta Beket apnedherL JT. Gibbs, Bdr. E. S. Harnden,, Jone onlh, e thesdmember 'n Cpr. W. J. R. McKnight, Bdr. J.1 Junellt, t thememersof the Parker, Lieut. S. Spencer, Gnr. E. Wamcn's Auxiliary cf "D"' Coy. Tice and Pte. IH. J. Wclsh. lst Midlands sud "Ail" Bawmsu- ville Boys in A. F., te pack twenty The nine ID" Coy. beys in an boxes of cenifents for the boys on Eastern Training Centre arc: Pte. Active Service. F. D. Mason, Pte. L. K. A]ldnead, .The fellawing ten Bowmsuvilce Pte. L. Kilgannon, Pte. R. E. beys averseas will know Bow- Woodward, Pte. V. Wurm, Pte. E.3 manville is wishing ,thcm luck: A. King, Pte. Tom Philiphs, Pte.i Pte. Vernon Bickell, Gnr. Jack Nanman Thanipson, Pte. G. Greig,E and Pte. W. S. Celville, No. 7 Ser- vice Flying Schaol, McLeod, Al- berta. The busy and active members were served a dainty lunch by their hcstess. Boxes wiil be pack- ed Friday evening. Be glad cf 111e because it gives yau the chance te love and te wcrk and ta play and to look up at the stars.-Henry Van'Dyke. DO WMNVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION presents the HYDRO UO in the Dowmanviile Town BHl Tkursday Evening', Jn 66 .0P'm Friday AFternoon, June 27tu, 2.30; pum@ flaYllght Savîng Time MISS EDITHEMMA MUIR - Home Economiat - Hydro Electrlc Power Commission of Ontario- wiII conduct the Forums - Coverlng - The Economy of Electrical Cooklng and food Preserva- tion- Home Launderlng - Better Llghtlng. DOOR PRIZES NO ADMISSION CHARGES COOKIIIG PRIZES iii ':1 Ouly 27 Weeis Tinl Christmas! Give Soft, Warm, Fleeey, Colorful- Kenwood Diankets for Chrlstrna - To Mother - To Fnends - To Yoluef! PLAN NOW Smafl Weekly Deposits will Reserve and Pay for these Gorgeous Blankets, and at Today's Low Pruces. RESERVE YOURS NOW AUl Prices quoted are fer aise 60"1 x 84"1 (ise '12" x 411 Is als» avallable). PAGE FTVE -Oqoibý à 1 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 '0 ý* a 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 Ir: '", - t PAGE PM

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