THUESDA Y, JUNE 19S 1941 THE CANADIAN STAEBMAN. eOWMANVILLE ONTAIRIO heNewcastle.Independent - r TI Phone Clarke 1114 The Stitesn»aD. la 5c a copy at Anderson's Drug Store. BandanMMf5rold Allib of the R.C.O.C., Barrlefield, was home. r.adMr& E.à M. Aflin, June Gl ,viited Mr. and Mrs. Hanna, Corbett's Point. Mrs. Hardy and daughter, Stan- ley Bond and John Gordon, To- ronto, visited at C. Rutland's. Mr,and Mna. Mark Turner and Mfr. and Mrs. Oliver Flint, Osh- awa, were Sunday gueÈts at Mr. and Mra. H. R. Pearce's. Ms. Fred Treleaven, Toronto, FO T E OLa t USE THE DE LAVAL MAGNETIC SPEIDWAY MILKIER f«rbe*fsts id deonesi mUMn - for eflngIht dwuys ýOe ungth ==,4wid hebe to msod* ai fWd h bedhe- producion-u 1» . DuLra MaqutteSpeew.ymiVoe- Ureooyalle wlt ulsalion W tfldby mqetefOrce See us foS a fetIMal FeegusIL. Moeuil Phono 2456 BOIVMANVILLE Aùthorimed Local De Lavai Dealer spent two weeks et Uic Troleaen summer home "'Trolwood", with her son, Mi. Wm. Treleaven., Mi.. Percy Haro nQw has e wdll sunk on Uic prapeity ho bought fraun Mis. P. O'Neil and an which ho la soon te have e house bullt. Recent guests with Mi. and Mis. P. F. LeGîesiey were her uncle, Mr. Chamberlla, Ayrc's Clff!, Que., and Mi. and Mis. Kembel, Granby, Que. Mi. 'ad Mis. C. S. Horrocks and deugistors are egein spending Uic surnmer et their lakeside home, "HeIf-a-Hill" wiUi three girl visitais te Caniada as thoir gucats. Miss Ironc Rinch la now engag- cd la taklng tise census i New-~ castle, Miss Ruth Honcy, B.A., Wn Bîewn's Leke Shore and No. 9 Scisool Soctioni:, and Miss Ruby Bragg in Sisew's. Congratulations te Mr. Wm. Cooper, Orono, and bride, former- iy Miss Shirley Coucis, youngest deugiter o! Mi. Hairy Coucis, Newcastle. They were marriod on Friday, June l3th. Mi. W. J.,Hey and Misa Char- lette Hay, Toronto, on recent Sun- deys entcrtaincd members o! their S. S. classes cf TrInity United Cisurcis, Toronto, et thier summer cottage, Newcastic-on-the-Lake. Newcastle Treil Rangers, under thc leadership o! Rev. R. E. Mer- ton and 'Mi. Edwin Hencock, as- sisted by Mn. Wm. Brunt, etiletic instXuctor, anc holding tiseir field day et Uic bll park on June 2lst. Everybody invited. Local 189, U.R.W.A., Bowman- ville, held anotiser largeiy attend- ed dance la Newcastle Comrnunity HeUaI on Satuidey evening. Froun 9 ta 12 ael Uic streots la Uic vicin- ity wero lihed with cars as closely as Uiey could ho packed. Clarke District L.O.L. annuel churcis parade - whl be iseld et Cawanvllle on Sunday, July 6Ui. Membors wul meet ia thse old Cowanvile isail and parade te Clarke Cisurcis et 2.30 p.m. Rev. R. E. Morton will preecis. .Mi. Jno. McKelar has about completed thc building of- threc doimer windows la thc part e! Uic roof o! Mis. Jnc. Douglas' isouse fading Kiag St., thus giving it Uic eppearance o! an old Englisis home or e colonial isouse in Uic Eastern 6tates. On June 14th, et the United Churcis personege, Mr. John Ross- well Lowery and Miss Velma Jane Cowan, both o! Clarke, were unit- cd in marriage by Rev. R. E. Mer- ton. Tue bride wes ttended by Miss Hilde Bernice Andrus and tise groom by it. John D. Moffat. -Mesdames Robt. Gray and De- vid Gray attended e wedding ne- ceptien for Mi. and Mis. John Paul Gayaci et Uic Betty Cake Siseppe, Qsisewe. Tise bride ia Uic fermer mis~s Joan Audree Gray; only daugiter o! Mi. and Mis. Arthsur Gray, Oshaewa. Mi. and A EVEIDAY LOW BU Y BoDsNOWIj MAYONNAISE ~~L240 SI.D CHESE lb. 24c B-D BU CEUSE nIL 19. ICED PUM MU 2n>u.15c A&P. JEWELSISEENIN2 i. 27c ffl mumIT2 25c BOKAR LaP. CYMP.WU 3 25i Coffe., m OEEA. '160 TOMATOIS leu 39C Rous lIeod Dwtch ---b25C Maic. & Ch.... Lef lb. 25e vl, Bonelea, Ssokei 15c Pei Sh.uId.r Ib. 29c ~~U uu*sEA ~lb. S 23c~ ~ ~~u -EN E ATPral.26c KEN 5T Ieti lb. 20c Pd=moBSeC D' S fM M* OAU Prime lb- 22c- 11104 ViLEJASToneessb. 2OC noya Brad Smoked Tenderiud Tender Cooked Ready te Serve Wb@1e et IL.37c FEUITS AND VEGETABLES I>DUPE -.-n2 for 26o- OUITolame --2 for 15c ~ ORAGES * -doz. Me ~TTUC - n «Ch5se Mis. Gaynor weîe married in To- ronto. Mr. and Mis. W. J. S. Riekard and Miss Helen McEvay and Mi. Stanley J. W. Rickard attended thc University cf Toronto Arts Commencement on June 6tis, in Convocation Hall. Stanley was adxnitted to thc degree o! Bache- loi o! Atsand was winneî o! thse Prince of Wales' Silver Medal ln the Paus Course. Mr. D. D. ,Denault, contracter, started *men. at work to-day. ex- cavating ,for the house he Winl build for Mi. Percy Haie on thse lot he bought from Mis. P. O'Neii. Mi. Denauit will aise bulld a house this summer for Mis. Ernest Halgis of Newtonville on a lot she has bought from. Mis. Jno. Doug- las on Mi St. Norths, adjoining Mis. Sarn Bragg's. R. B. LeGresley, proprietor o! Newcastle Dairy, has beght a rubber tlred, horse dniven vehicle and converted it into a milk wa- gon. It has been palnted by Farn- comb LeGresley and will be driv- en by hlm on Uic Newcastle-on- îthe-Lake route. Douglas Walton drives the motor truck on Uic Newcastle-Newtonville route. Since Mr. 'Geo. Crowther, Man- ager o! thc Newcastle Girls' So!t- bail Teem, became Uic proud fae- tiser of a son and hein on June lOtis, his interested and well-wish- ing aggiegation of feminine pul- chritude have contmnued te colo- brate the event by winning four bail gamos, Uic first against Salem Uic day after, two more at Betis- any on June 14th, and the fourth agelnst Hampton Monday even- ing. Bell Telephone -Ce. has been surveying through tise faims nortis of hereý, laying out Uic route o! the new underground line Uiey Larc building Uirougis te Montreel. Excavating Expert Jno. Robinson, with Councillor Fred Coucis, Mi. Piper and others, has Uic contract of tekngdewn fonces for tiseir machine and putting them up Lagain, with gates for Uic coliven- ionce of the company in main- teiniag the inoe in Uic future. A pennant was hoisted te the top of Newcastle's f leg mast lest weekend, to ho flown by thc Vic- tory Flag, indicating that New- castle hadý reached its boan quota ef $25,000. Saxon Graham of Uic local committee states that New- castle has now doubled its quota with subsciptions of $50,000, which include a number of for- mer bond conversions. It laseme- what difficult te get a full state- ment at any partlculat tiine ho- cause l ic hePlan Of cempaign Newcastle for some reason, ai- thougis a separate municiPalitY, was linked -iith Clarke Tp. and thc pennanta te be neceivod and flewn must await results from Uice whole o! Clarke. A Directers' meeting o! New- cestle Hoiticultural Society was iseld Mondey evening with Presi- dent J. H. Jase in Uic chair and ten directors presenit. It was de- cided te hold Uic annual summoer flower show on Thursday, August L28th, and te invite Basil Pickford, Brighston, to act as judge. Owing te tise war and its constantly nec- essary demands ne canvasa will be made this year for special. 1prizes, eltisougis any thet are vol- untarily offered will bo giatefully eppieciaed. Reports fîem the different committees in charge of the several community !lewer bcds weîe îeceived and alsoELa re- port !rom the committee tisat had the codar hedge planted from Mis. Ernest Alhin's house te thse fic- hall grounds. Twe yeung pigs thet were hein and reared Mwth their sisters and brethers in tise open and ioved fîeedom. and unconfinementitnl the eut of doors gave six mon o! Shaw's a long, wild chase on a recent Sunday foreneen befere they were captured and restered te captivity. Eight of themn, bought by Ernest Gilbank frem Norman Rickard, broke dewn Uic stable partition$ and walls wheie they were shut in at the Gilbank faim, and iegaincd their freedom in Uic night. On Sunday mornlag net a pig was in sigist. six of tisem wore however capturcd in reasen- able turne. Tue otiser twe went faîtiser estray, iunning like rab- bits or dcci through fields cf grain and clover over a number of faims, bof oie they were flnally caught for keeps, or supposcdly sô. Among Uic faimeis in the chase and sciamble wero Ernest Gilbenk, Garnet Riekard, Leonarçi Fowier, Cas. Gilkea, Alec Prout and WJ. .. Rickard who i tune wituidrow frin the chasei Urne te go te churcis. Enniskîellen Visitera: Seppor Cameron Oke, Toronto, et home. .. Mr.anid Mis. C. Stain- ton, Ray and Catismyn, Oshawa, et Mi. L.eIamb's. . . Cpi. G. E. Bradley and family, Toronto, wiUi friends here. .. Mi.anid Mis. W. Rahm wiUi friends in Trnt... Mr.anid Mis. F. McGill and Don- aid, Taranto, with Mis. J. Mc- Gille . .Miss Hi. Peikins, Oshawa, Pte. Jno. Oke, Newmarket, et' Mi. Walter Oke's.. . Miss A. Snell, Toronto, et the parsonege. . . Mr. and Mis. G. Mulln anid Miss M. Lackey, Laefield, anid Peterboro, et Rev. H. Lackey's. . . Mi. end Mis. E. J. Harrison, Toronto et Mr, H. Stevens and attended Uic prosentetien 1for Miss Margaret Dalton. . . Miss Hazel Wright, Oshawa, Mr. H. Wrighst, Lake- field et Mr. N. E. Wrigit's. . . Mr. anid Mis. R. Griffin and Colla, Union, et :Mrs. hurgmnaster's... Mi. and Mii' A. Greenfleld, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mis. I. Travell BeU anid Bruce, Oshawa, Mns.Mr. Rodmnan, Port Perry, et Mis. E. C. Ashton's. . . Mi.anid Mis. Morrey and family, Mr. and Mis. W. Smuithanid famiiy, Oshawa, et Mi. C. Smlits. . . Mi. and Mis. C. BReecis t 1Mr. S. Rodmnan's, Port Perry. .. Mi.and Mis. E. C. Ashs- ton, Misses June Ashton anid Leina Rahrn et Mi. I. Travoll's, Oshawa. . . Miss E. Moore, Tar- ante, et Mr. Wm, Meores. . . Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mis. B. Ashston and Mis. G. Beecis, ettendei Uic per- sonal and linon shawer for Mips M, Dalton in Oshawa. W.A.anid W.M.S., met in Uic Solina Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rltch, Jack Eunice and Mary, Drayton, Mrs. Anie Langmnaidt and Miss Vida, Oshawa, M1r. and Mrs. Thos. Awde, Heward, Sask., Misa renc Pascoe, Toronto at Mr. Arthsur, Moore's. . . . Ï4ïsses Muriel anid1 H-elen Baker, Peterboro, at Mn.1 Jack Baker's. . . Mr. and Mns. Ralph Davis at Mr. Ed Davis', Kedron. . . Mis. IR. J. McKesock1 and Mrs. Bryce Brown visitqd Mr. and Mis A. McKessock, Thames- ford. Mr. Alan McKessock and Miss Elma and Mr. F. A. Smith accompanied thern home for the weekend. . . Miss Verna Miflabn, nurse-in-tranng at the Western Hospital, Toronto. la holidaylng at home... Mr. A. L. Pascoe-at- tended the Warden's banquet i Bowmanville. .. Mr. and Mim..N. c. Yellowlees and Noil with friends at Tyrone. .. Dr.Fn W Pennail. Morton, Minn., arXi. Thos. Bakeî's. .Mis. J. . Rundie with friends n Brook- lin and Oshawa. . . Mr. Tisas. Awde, Heward, Sask., Mift Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Luther Pascoe and Ruth Zioni, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's and Ur.HIl E. Ti. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dick- inson, Port> Hope, at Mr. Ge. White's. . . Mr. and Mis. A. L. Pascoe at Mr. WilU MOUÜttdY's and Mr. R. J. Luke's, Kedr*n... Mr. ,Wilfred Wadge, W*lutM«;ýg Man., Mrs. W. A. Oriton 1-l umbus, at Mr. BruceTl's Mr. and Mis. Spencer Wood, Mr. and Mis. B. Furber, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood and baby, Bowmaàn- ville, Mis. Herb Cameron and Mrs. Lloyd Webb, Tyrone,: at Mi. John Kivell's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Ba±- bain, Oshawa, at Mis. R. J. Mc- Kessock's. We extend Our sympathyr to Mis. John Baker i the death of her brother, Irwin Bragg, Provid- ence. Salem Rev. Gardner delivered an lM- pressive sermon here Suniday, .it being Father's Day. It seemed a pity that se few fathers we present to profit by it: Many Salem folk were attending a=i- versary services at Maple Grove. East group of Hampton W.I. were entertained on June 1Otis at the home of Mis. F. Honey Und this week on June l8th afterui<uA at "The Maples."1 The very s udden passing eof Edwid Silvér came as a shock to his many friends and relatives. The funeral service on Tueeday, was attended by a hoat of sorro*.- ing friends. Rev. Gardner spoàke ini the highest teîms o! the de- ceased and gave a comforting message to the bereaved ones, who have the deepèst sympathy o! the community. Sympathy also goes to the rel- atives of Irwin Bragg of Provid- ence. Mr. Bragg hnd been a life long resident of Providence and had many Salem friends. Hamipton- Abouit thirty Young Peopl<fs Union members and workers in~- cluding the Oshawa Presbytcry Executive met in oui church at the close of the Suxfllay cvcning service to discus varieus phases of and îelating to Young Peeple's work. Benefat shouiçi be derived from such a gathering. County W.C.Tr.U. convention was held in our church on T'hurï- day with a fairly good attendance. LMis. J. H. 'Ilsher, Provincial Superintendent ô! Soldiers' an~d Sailors' work,'Tonto, was tlý special speaker, Ladies o!fu local Society provided a splendid dinner to which anl did ample justice. church basement for their June meeting. Devotional was in charge cf thc W.M.S. Mrs. R. 1 Ormiston's group took charge of the remainder of prograun. VocAl duet by Mis. Lackey a4d Mrs. f Wright. Mis F. Gilbert gave !à 1very interesting talk on I Beat Things of Life Are Free", FA reading by Mrs. L. Lamb and FMis. E. A. Werry. Mumps are prevalent in our tcommunity. 1 Tue Statesman la now on sale teach week-at Slemon's Store, 3e 3a copy.w YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A PAPERHANGEÊ TO PAPER WITH WALLPAPER Sunteted md rea4iy trlmmocd fro. 10c a roll Blue. Rlbbon Paint For ordlnary unes, »cId elsee where for 10o a quart, on sale' 59c a quart Did you know that we have a complote stock of the tollow-1 ing: Plage - Buttoriok Pat- torna--Aeroplane kits -Fram- ei Pietures - Shoot Munie Paper Doiloes an China. Litost Booke 7(0w In Llbrary J OHNSTON 'S; BOOK STORE Prhono 651 Dowmanville Maple Grove Vsitors: Dr. and Mis. Gordon Brown and daughters Joan and Barbare of Ichang, China, Miss Marjery Brown, New York, Mi. and Mis. J. L. Rock, Toronto, visited at Mr. F . Swallows. .. Mis. Joe Bol- lins, Willowdale, with Mis. C. E. Snowden and 'their. aid achool chuma. . . Mis. G. Taylor, Hamp- ton, wlihMis. H. G. Freeman. . Miss Shirley Crydermen, Ebenea., ci, aÎ hon graadparents, Mr. 1!.' R. Foley's. .. Mr. and Mis. Lyle Wood, Chetham, honoymooned with relatives. Congratulations!. Wi.- Norman Tyler, Brantford, is. Addie lioyd, Toronto, wltis theirý cousins, M4r. H. B. Foley and Mr. E. W. Foley. . . Mis. Law- rence Staples, son Barry, tethany, at R. D. Trlmble's. . . Misses Mary Wilkins, Ebenezer Mevis Garton, town, with Miss Ïnyis Trinble. Anniveisany Visitors: .. Mr. & Mis. Elton Wcmry, Miss Aura Omboine, Ebenezer, Mr. & Mis. Kyle Squair, Town, nicce hWay Joan, Sudbury, Miss Nettie Cole, Tenante, Mi. & Mis. Ken. Hopkins Vlrgiia, Base Lino, Miss Greta Wikins, Courtice, Miss Leryne White, at Mi. Cecil Jet-_ f ery's. Mi. & Mis. Cisarie Smiths, Mur, ici, Arma, Jack Hampton, Mr. &, Mis. 'Arthsur hoI]rnan, George, Town, blî. & Mis. Noaman Mut- ton, Mis. W. Miitton, Oshsawa, Mr. & Mis. Wettlake, Solina, at Mr. Les. Collacutt's.' Mi. & Mis. Esi Oke, Miss Elsie Oke, Miss Maiery Dowa, Eben- ezer, Mi.'& Mis. Lloyd Richards, Donald, Doreen, Salem,4 Misses Benyl Wilkin , Louie King Osh- awa, Mks. Eeiny Vickeiy, Mfr. & Mis. Nelson Wilkins Ray. Mr. & Mrs. Bort Caiwell, ýreddy, town, at Mr. R. L. Warden's. .. Mr. and Mis. A. Ayne, Audrey, Boyd and Lloyd, Zian, at Mis. Noble. Metcalfs Mis. Bd Power, -Misas Meud, Mr. Harold Power Mis Poflard, Miss. Bo±tie Pollarci, Oshawa, Mi. & Mis. Roy Webber, Dienne, Hiaz- ci, Harvey, Mr. & Mis. Norman Plurmer, Mt. & Mis. Owen Nicis- oies, Glenys, Town, at Mi. Steven Jeffery's. Mi. & Mis. Fred Twist, Miss Eileen Twist, Oshewa, Mis. L. Twist, CouriÜce, at Mi. Ernie Twlst's. Mi., & Mis. J., H. Abernethy, Ruth, Harold, MissJ<oan Newton, Town, Mr. & Mis. Hilton Petons, Ralpis, Earptsaz,1et nMrý C. H. Greenhem's. Mr. & Mis. W.-Webb, Mi. ,and Mis. Jeck Hately, Town, Mis. Joc Bolas, Wiliowdale, at Mis. C. Snowden's. Mi. & Mis. L. C.' Pascoc, Miss Bessie Pascoe, Mi. Frank McMul- lon, Mr. & Mis. F. L. Lloyd, En- fielçI, Mr. & Mis. Russel Ormiat- on, Enniskillon, Mi. & Mis. Keith Ormistea, Miss Elle Eoskin, Oshs- awa, Misa Eloanor Wight, Provid- ence, Miss Doris Wilkins, Court- ice, Mr. Tom Baker, Jr.- Semia, et Mr. E. Oimliston's. Mr. & Mis. Mark Blackburn, Miss Bessie. Mi. Wilbur Black- burn, Misa Eileen Cowling, Hay- don, Misses Gwen Osborne, Eb- enezer, Isobel Clemence, Shews, Mr. &; Ms. H. L. Cryderman, Shirley, CarIes, Jimmie, Ebenez- ci, et Mi. H. R. Foley's. Mr. & Mis. Ed. DeNure, Jean DeNure, Mis. J. J. Abeinethy, Peteiboro, Misses Ruby Aida- wartii, Toronto, Corsine Samis, Oshewa,, Mr. & Mis. M. Sentis, Plsie, Fred antd Donald Semis, ZWnield, Mi. and Mis. Wilson Ab- einethy,. Shirley, Base Lino, et Mr M é. son, Missi Margaret Stewart, Toronto et Mi. W. Stewait's. Mies Kathleen Cewling, Salem, Ernie, Andiew, Keith TennnzL, R.C.A.S.C., Tarante, et Mi. Lloyd Snawdon's. Mr. & Mis. Ed. Werry, Sela, et Mi. E. J. Brooks'. Mr. & Mis. Frank Worden, Eb- einezier, Mr. & Mis. Trcd Begneil, Pet, Town, et Mr. R. R. Stevens'. Mr. & Mis. W. Clemeace, Stan- ley and Brentan Rlokard, Shaws, Misses Helen McAvoy, Jean Bone- then, Newcastle, Mleen Hately, Toronto, Helen Baker, Peterboro, et Mis. L. C. Snowden's. Mi. & Mis. W. J. Lancaster, Mr. & Mis. Sld Lancaster, New- tonvlb i &Ms amnButtery, Doi, Lnaie, Marion, Salemi, Mi. & Mis. Chas. Welsis, Donald, Town, et Mr. Iviion Munday's. Mis. Roy Blahop, Miss Heleni Blehap, Mis. Pearl Deerboin, Columbhus, et Mr. M. M. Mundey's. Mr. & Mis. Fred Davidson, Mi.ý Vernon Tilhe, Oshewe, Mies Xargaret Bondguard, Mi. Morton Englisi, Port Hope, et Mr. R. D. et Mis. H. Evans. Mr. & Mis. F. S. Caulter, Mis Mlldred Coulter, Town, et Mr. If. Wrlght's. Mi. Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, Mi. & Mis. WiU Nîcholas, Court- Ie, Mr. & Mis. Luther Pascoe, daugistor, ZMon, Mr. & Mis. Bort Wlkins, Courtice, Mr. & Mis. Len. Richards, Miss Jean Johnas, W»fh. Helen Frankina, Town, Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Foley, Base Line, at is. John Munday's. Mra. D. Alldread, Mary, Doris, Russeil Alldread, Town, at Mr. Rosa Stevens'. Rev. Gordon Domm, Toronto, Rev. and Mra. W. C. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Down, Ebenezer, L*2. & Mis. Norman Wright, En- niskillen,-Misa Hazel Wright, Oah- awa, Miss Chriaaie Freeman, Town, at Mr. H. G. Freeman's. Haydon Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Louis Ashston and Mary Lou, Mi. and Mis. Stanley Woolings Jr. and femily, Toronto et Mi. H. Asiton's. .. Mrs. Fred Adams and Baby 'Evelyn Randie, Hampton, et Mr. E. Stepisenson's. ..Mi. and Mis. Harold Gay and .l amI , Oshewa, Mr. and %Mrs. Les rr Toronto, et M. C. Gai- ngeFort yVgBalm, et her uali', Mr. A. Read, . . Miss Ursul McNcil hes ecccptod e position witis Uic D.E.L. whicis iss teken iser tomponaiily te Montrel.. Mi. and Mis. F. Reinkie, Miss Leure Philp, Toronto, et Mi. R. Sandorson's. .. Mi. and Mis. Ross 'Richards and Maurice, et Mr. H. Larrner's, South Monegisen. .. Mr. and Mis. M. Bleckbuin and fam- ily, Miss Eleen Cawling et Mi. Howard Foiey's, Maple Grave.. Mi. and Mis. Stan McMurtei, Miss VeaPurdy, Bowmanville, et Mi. W. Tuompsan's. .. Mr. Wilbui Blackbuin, Misa Bessie Black- hurn, Mis. T. Cowling and Miss AIleen Çowling werc iToronto. ..Mi. and Mis. Russel Ormiston, Enalakillen, et Mr. Lloyd Asis- ton's. Congratulations to Rev. and Mis. A. F. Gardner on Uic arrivai of a Mipgte, alsa te Mi. and Mmes. H.ËLaizne, SouUi Menagisan, en Uic arrivai o! e deugistor., W.A. met et Mis. Tueron Mountjoy's on Tuursday. Bible reeding by Mis. E. R. Ormiston and devotional. by Mis. Henry Ashston. A piano duet was given by Mis. C. Crosaman and Mis. A. Reed, vocal solo by Miss Win- nie Trewin' and reading by Mis. T., Cowling. Lunch wes served by Miss Eileen Cowling's graup. E3urketon Visiters.: L.A.C. Ewart Breck, R.C.A.F., Montreal, Walace Breck, R.C.N. V.R., Toronto, with Mr. T. G. Breck and friends. Wallacec baves for Halifax on Tuesdey to finish isis treaing. . . Mis. A. Pauly, Pontypool, Mi. and Mis. J. Rahm and Allen, Bieckstock, Messrs. Peter and Arthui, Mofeatt, Miss Marilyn Maffett, Oshawe, et Mi. S. Moffett's. . . Mis. A. Wilson and Mr. Harold Wilson, Oshawa, with friends. . . Mis. R. Hand- tisein and 'Ruby, Gefîrt, et Mr. and Mis. B. Handthor's... Mr. and Mis. A. Lunn and femily, Orono, et Chas. Den's. .. Mi. and Mis. William Hudson and family Mi. Rosa McLeilan anid Miss Vivi- CAR. When We Test, Your Éyos, you are auel absolute satisfactionl in quality, fît sMd price. SHOEi OLEANEE D. T. Health Salte Ml.39oc NyaI (Peste or LiquId> 2.5e Bromo Seltzer 25e - 486- 5o it - - - - 15C - 250 Grape Salto - Slo-îo P'alm Beach 25e Andrew's Liver Saital 9e- O7c Topes - - 25c 30-5e-11 Shu MIik - - - 25e sal Hepattea 0 9e-11 Cinderella - - - 500 Kkovah Salle - 25o - 69o , vacuum Outint Lunch Papor Bottles JUSe . Kits plates 39C 1.69 75C Pkg. ISC. RAY FrEVER REMEDIES__________ Nyai Nose Drops 25e ,ù IF (1i Eaytone 25e- 50e - 1.00 Estiiui - 1.19 PAJK Li:U Rtinox -- 1 ,1.00 Reepirin - - 50eÀ Raz-Mali 50o - 1.00 iO Odo-Ro-No Lquid. - 39e - 65e UCON@MY $ta#$S lce - - - 39e sigI 59V Creaus - soc9e9 8 0 0 4 ", Arrid - - 39c' - 59e r Mum - - 390e-S59 Fly-Fume Fly-Tox Sta-Way s;h el-ox 24e 4 for Mosquitos pae 43c -73e 143 - 73C 1 39C 15c Cameras --1.85 up Tat Ant Trape s 35o Flashlihta 75e - .25 - .75 Sun Goules 25e te 8.00 Swlm Cape - 150 to 890 IldsCream - -49e FILMS DEVELOPED FRE E 895~n P R. COWLING, Phm. 8 'r an Beaeo, Toronto, with Mr. H. House.. Miss Jessie Ferguson with Mi. B. Slingerland and Iub- bard farnil... Mr. and Mis. W. Cochrane, Joanne and Harold, Bowmanillc, . Mi., and Mis. S. Pedlai, Toronto, et Mi.and Mis. H. Rahm's. .. Mis. Mary Hooper and sens, Orona, et Mr. G... Corn- ochen. .. Mr anid Mis. G. Cara- ochen ettended the Carnochon- McMeilon wedding on Seturday.. ..Mi. and Mis. E. Strong and Mr. N. Hudson and Mis. E. Cougii in Peterboro ,'Mr and Mis. H. Gil andid M 'J. âGlU, et their cottage near Bobeygeon. Mis. H. Cviii visitéd friends la .Port Hope on 'Monday. . . May frem here1 attended the decoretion et Prinice Albert affd Bleckstock. . . Mr. IVAL George Chitor left Tuesday for Uic Maritime Provinces ta train for active service. . . MW. 1âe;Ùrt liouse gees ta Toronto ta join thc R.C.A.F. on Tuhasday. *Buikoton la very praud cf Uic beys *hoso 5 willingiy arc giving their services ta figist for our lih- erty andpeace. Good luck and God blocs them nil. We received Uic, rein thet wes se mucis neded. over Uic week- end. Tise Stetesman is aow on sale each week et Giil's Store, 5c a ccpy. Tise greet. men o! Uic pat did net slide by any fortune lato their hîgis place. They have heca select- cd hy Uic sevorcst o! anl judgeu, Time.-Emerson. E Weulnesday July ,th A Message Prom' The President To thc residenta o! Bowmanville and district: .1 If anyone has evor questioned Uie use- fulness o! an organizetion sucis as Bowmanvlle, Lions Club that doubt must surely ho dlspeiled, mter' reedlag, the stetemont o! iabursemente for the p ast year. Tue conviction. that Uic Lions o! Bowmanvmle isold Uic money tUal Uic people o! Durhaem contrihute eat aur annuel car- nival as e public trust has fiequentiy heen e!- fiimed et our meetiiàgs. Therefore we have no apologies ta offer for Uic wey it isas been spent but rether arc praud and dare to ask your sup- port agein this yeai ta an even %rester citent. Tue work o! anc commlttee,y ou wil soc, hem been greatly increased. Tue War ser- vices Comxnlttec has had much ta do tisis year and wil ho called upon ln incîeasing meesuro from naw on. If you couli hoar the letters o! epprecletian from men ovescas for Uic cigar- ettes we have sont Uiem you wouid realize that this one ectivity alone makes Uic work waîth while. But thore has been mucis more. Sa this year we not only ask for yaur support and con- tributions but are straining everi., effort ta make Uic 1941 Carnival ni gist e tîme for un- bounded pleasure -y ou wifl get your maney's ,worth and have e nlght's f un such as you've nover isad hefome. Noît year promiàses weil for Uic Baw- manville Lions Club. It has hoon sai ta ho Uic liveliest lanttis zonej and I isaye no doubt tisat sucis e reputation will ho malntelned under Uic incaming presîdent S. R. James. My iseartiet congratulations to hlm on bis election! Once again on bebaif of the Lions Club I urge everyonc te o e t Rotary Park Wodnes- day nlgist, July MU - spend freely andho as- sured your money will ho put ta Uic best pas- sible use. T. M. CHA NT, President. This las How. The Lions Club 5pént The Money, Entrusted To Its Care Slght Consgervatlon:ý Spent $150. as foilows: Pro- vided. 7 pains o! glaises ta scisool ciildien. Main- talaed boy et Ont. Sciscel. for Uic Blinid. -sup- plied deilyeper to f emily cf blind man. Don- aed ta C.N.B . and suppoited campaign i local drive. Paid haspitelizetian o! patient for eye operetion. Health and Welfare: Spent $35: Purehasod achool supplies; Groceriics for neody famuly;ý outfitted boy with suit. Safety Committee: Spent $60: Sponiored Bi- cylle Club and purcise c cest. Transprtd Club ta, varicus towns to a teo part la Safety Cenipaigna. Aie negotiatlng with Departinent o! Higisways.for enoclion o! Tiafflc Ligist cor- ner King and- Tempence St. et coet o!fap- proxlmately $500. Boy's ad i Gl'ri' uok: Spent $200. Part went for transportation. Donated taà cosipotition, for public speeking. 'Danated proflciescy prizes la publicand high sachools. Condgictéd uvenilo hockey béague et public school rlnk. ed for erection and lighting o!f.rpk. Made donation tic library se public scisci sldren n-dght have free use o! books.' Donation ta Durhamn Music Festival. Hobby Show: Spent $150. Conducted annual Hobby Show wli prizes exnounting to over $100. War Services: Spent $850.Tise club's most ex- tensive activity in pasý yeer. No atone has been left unturned to edd to thse comforts and on- oymcent *o! ur armd, forcesand Uic boiibed victima in Britein. Spanaared and findaceci two entertearments for. 'D" Co'y. Midlend Regt. ,wisen it wes stationed lI town. Made woekiy shlpments o! cigarettes, ta boys on active ser- vice and on this anc item alane have spent al- most $300. This epresents 90,000 cIgpMeetes. Made UP. boxes te send ta mon l ic eievy and those on active service ln Canadien coastel de- fonce. Made donation ta Rod C ls Drive Lions Britishs Chili War Victimi' F4unuJwes supported ta Uic oxtent o! $300, Suppêr campaign for purchase o! War Sevlngs Ci its Purchasci varlous items cf sports equipment for '«D" Co'y. Midland Regt, Communlty Betterment: Sp cnt $100. for main- tenaence la Liens Men's Public Wp'd, 'Bowman- ville Hospital. -il Choc. bie ous . w un Se@tUnl MAi~es 2 mdAI te 1 5c Dowmanville LionsClub PAM six 4