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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 7

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1 MHUESAY, JUNE 19, 1941 THEECANADIAN S PAGE SEVEN BOWTMANVI=LEONTARIO ,Mis. J. E. Flctt has returnedt from visiting Peterboro friends. .Mr. Walter Sdit, Beeton, vlsited M. and Mis. Bet Colwell. Mrs SàIth îthnyvisited .J ' Mi. and 1&. Fred J. Spry cele- ited their 25th wedding anni- versary on Saturday, June l4th. *Mrs. Mina Colwell ia visiting her. sister, Mis. Annie Bradley, Bond Head. Mi. James Cole has returned to Victoria, B. C., after a month's1 visit with relatives here. .. *Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mis. H. M. Bell. Mis. F. H. Morris, Elgin St., is visiting lier brother, Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Hall have been visiting their daughter, Mia. Eric Coambes. Toronto. Rev. W. P. Rogers spent part of at week ini Minden attending bis sister's funeral. Mis. Truman Power has rctu'rn- Costume Jewelry Whe latest lu summer costume Jewelry can be Purchased at our store. GLAMOUR PINS In PastÇl col- ouri to match that new summer %dress --: a ov: s - 2.50 Wealso hvethe very nw Icostume Jçwelry neekiaces. !aeyou se en our pâtriotie costume jewelry - Uion .jacks - Military Crests, etc. ,~- Drop lu and look arouui. You are under no obligation te buy. Marr'"s Jewellery Phone 43 omÛvIi cd from visiting friends ta St. Catharines. Mr. Will Percy, Toronto, lias been visiting bis sisters mmd bro- ther licre.4. .Mis. Harry Basherville, Toron- ta, wms in tawn Tucsdmy attend- ing tlie funeral o! lier nepliew, E. J. Silver. Mrs. L. B. Nichais, Calabogie, and sari Pte. Doug. Nichais, Camp Borden, spent Uic weckcnd with frienda liere. Aircra!tman Arthur liaaper, R.C.A.F., Maning Poal, Toronto,1 was liome aver Uic weekcnd withi lis mother, Mis. Hecrschel Hoaper. L.A.C. Roy Swindells, R.C.A.F., Camp Barden, spent tic wcekend with his parents, Mr. andi Mrs. J. H. Swtadells. Aircraftman Haroldi Langworth, R.C.A.F., Manning Pool, Toronto, was visiting frientis in tawn aver thc weekend. Mi. and Mis. Clark Morrison,j Toronto, anti Mi. mnd Mis. Harry Brust, Rochiester, werc guesta of Mi. and Mrs. Alex Edmondatone. Mr. mmd Mis. - Alex Edmondi- tone mmd Miss Dingman were in Tarant o atfendimg tic Nichals- Robinson wedding. Mrs. W. P. Rogers lias returned !rom Niagara Falls wicrc she spent a weck with lier son mmd bis, f amily. Mis. S. Beckett and Mis. HL Powell representeti Beelilve Re- bekali Lodge at the Rebekh As- sembly a! Ontario in annual con- vention ta Toronto* tlis wcek. Corporal Jim Knox, lat Mid- landi Regt., St. John, N. B, was home over Uic weekend. Heic l taking a special course at Long Brandi. SLieut. John -M. James, Iat Midi- land Regt., St. John, N. B., la tak- ing a special course at Long Brandi, Ontario. lie wms home over the weckend vith lis mo- ticit, Mis. N. S. B. James. Mi. and Mis. Lyle Wood, Wha were marricd ta Chathf»n, Satur- day, spent the wcckend at Mi. M.- Muntimy's andi witli other otier frienda in Bowmamville. Mis. P. C. Clmer lias returncd home aften visiting lier son, Mr. G. W. Clmer, Ingersall, and other relatives in Brantford mmd'Kit- cliener. Mr. Ronald B. Baxter, Barris- ter, Port Hope, lias been appoint- cd Police Magistrate, succeeding WHAT iA DIFFERENCE! Shoes CIeaned Professlonally Hfave your white shoes eieaned professlonally fre- quently t. keep them look- *lug like new. Lo*% eost- pays big dividends! W TE SHOES RE-CLEANED & RE-DYED JOHN LENZ Expert Shoe, andI Hareau Repais' 1941 ýSeLWORTHY Swim SuAits Whether you take your swlmming spri- ousiy - or with a grain of uand -we've the figure-perfect awhn suit for you. Everything ft eciasie maillot& t. sarong draped beauties .. lu elastioimed cottona, iàiha, seermucker, gingliani AUl aies $1 .98 Up Phone 594 Mm .Clifford'Caverly SOCIAL AND PERSONAL #hone 663 COMING EVENTS A Patato Pie and Strawbemmry Social under flic auspices o! the Ladies' Berean Cas wiIl be lielti on fie lawn o! A. J. Gay, Cour- tice, on Tuesdhy, June 24Ui, be- gmnning ta serve at 5 o'cloch, day- liglif smving time. Proceeda ta aid a! British War Victime' Funti - Adulf 25c, chiltiren 15c. 25-1 Eniielti S. S. Annivcrsany Ser- vices om June 22nti, at 2 anti 7.30, with Rcv. W.A. SmyUi, Part Per- ry. On Mondma', June 23rd, Blach- stock Y.P.S. wiil present "'Aunt Tillie Goes ta Town." Orano Brasa Quartette wil pravitie mu- sic. Admission 25c and 10e. 25-1 Came ta Strmwberry Social at Tyrane Community Park on Wed- nesdmy, June 25tli, at 5.30 p.m. Standard Time. Excellent supper1 mmd pragrain. Admission 25c. Procceds for cammnity anti war work. 25-1 Long Sault Anniversany on Sun- day, June 22nd. Rev. S. Little- wood wiil preaci at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. standard fime. Speeial musie by Salem clioir et bath services. Mondmy, June 23rd, at 8 p.m., Sa- lina Young People wil present their play 'Simple Simon Simple.' Special enfertaininent between acta. Admission: Adulte 25c, cuil- dren 15c. 24-2 Reserve July 18Ui for Newcas- tle Brandi Ret Cross Society Monster Garden Party on Coin- znulity HllU grounds, Newcastle. Supper, Bingo, Ice Creain Bootha, etc., msa Dance intal in tahli eveinge 25-1 Ncwtomvillc Fieldi Day, Tues- day, July 1sf - Bal gaines and sports feroan; dancing evening. Admission, 25e t a cd. Ref eh- mente on Uic groundis. . 25-1 Newtomville Unitecd S u n di a y Sehool Aniversary, Sunday, Jume 29fh, at 11 a.m. anti 2 p.m. Stand- ardi Time. Gucat speaker, Rev. Walter Tinh, Hamilt on, giffeti soloisf, anti son o! Rcv. Eti. Tink, a former pastam? 25-1 liampton Sunday Sehool Anni- vcrary Services an Sundmy, June 2MU. Tes and concert July lsf. Parficulars ncxf wehk. 25-1 The monflily meeting o!flice Women's Instifute will be lielti in St. John's Pariali Hall on Tliurs- day, June 26tli, at 2.30 p.M. 1 The annual Lake Shore pftra*- berry festival anti gartien party will be heli on Mr. Wallace Halmes' lawn on Friday, June 27. Proceetis in aid o! Uic Redi Cross. 25-1 A* strawberry social wiil be lielti on flic lawn o! Noble Met- cal!, Maple Grave, on Wednesdmy, June 25tli, commencing at 6 p.m. D.S.T., !allawed by a jiatriotie progrmi by local anti outaide tal- ent. Admission 25c. Proceeda in aid of Britishi War Victime' Funti. 25-10 W. A. F. Campbell whoac retire- ment takes effect an July lat. Len Elliotf wants citizens ta wmtcli for next wcek's Statesman wlien lie will have an important announcement in reference ta cleaning furnaces thec modern and scientific way with thec Premier Funnace and Bailer Cîcaner. 25-1 Mi. and Mrs. Lea Rammell, Kingswmy Flower Shap, attend- cd thec summer pmrty of the On- taria Unit F.T.D.A. at flic Roof Garden a! the Royal York Hatel in Toronto on June l2tli. Mi. Jack Innes and Mi. Raîpli Treasure, Edmonton, Alberta, Mr. mmd Mrs. Bert liomey and son, Toronto, were Sumdmy guests of Mr. and Mis. George B. Bickle, Liberty Street. Mrs. Leta Awde Morse, Mi. and Mis. Everard Middlctan Awdc and daugliter Lais Jane, Semeca, South Dakata, and Mis. Imez Awde Richards, Cohasset, Minnesota, werc gucats o! their cousin, Mis. Sydney Venton. The resulta of s econd yemr Arts at University of Toronto cantain good news for twa Bawmmnvillc students *hio have been attending Victoria College. Edwmrd Nicker- son mnd Mamian EB.Scott bath cam- pleted flic yemr with goad stand- ing. Dr. W. 'J. Lmmgmaid, Oshawa, leavea Saturdmy by Trans-Canada Airways plane from Malton ta La Guardia airpart, New Yark City. Hc will be in the latter city for threc weeks tmking a past gradu- mtc course and will be gucat of Dr. S. Phulp Greaves, pranitnent dental specialist. Miss Thora Davisan, teaclier of dramatics and elocutian, reparts that her three.yaung pupils, Patsy Ann Smith, Muriel Stevens and Ray Dudleyi mil pmssed their cx- ama in clacutian at Uic Toronto Conservatary witl Islt cîass hon- ora. Mis. W. S. Haw, 140 Glendale Ave., Toronto, writes: Wc en- close a portion af "the root af evil" ta pmy aur subacription ta flic end of 1942 . Sarny ta lean Fred R. Falcy, 'the calummist of "Singers and Their Sangs" lias written 'fini' which itsclf lsaa splendid composition. Bowmanviile Contingent, Vet- crama' Guard of Canada, com- mmnded by Capt. J. O'Neill, M.C., formcd part of flic Guard o! Hon- or at Port Hope, Saturdmy, whem lis Excelcncy Uic Govermor Gemermi mmd Her Rayai Higlmess Princeas Alie mttcnded Trinity College School Speech Day. Lat- cm, His Excellency inspecteti and spake persamally t a cdi and eevery anc af thc Veterans. Noble I. Metemlf, Maple Grové, weil kmawn breeder of Haisteins, has mmde twa important and grmtifying sales reccntly frain lME lierd of "Black & Whites." lis 3- months aid icifer cmlf broughl $95.00 at flic British War Victims sale at Brampton, amd thc nexi day at thc National Holstein salE lic sold a 15-manths old hdfe calf toamn American breeder ir Ohio for over $200.00. Mrs. W. L. Law, Oshawm, lias just returned frog a motor trip ta Coflingwood, Wasaga Beac and holiday centres along Geor- gian Bay and the Bruce Peninsula as guest of Mi. and Mits. J. Hamn- mond, Windsor. Trhe town'band lias made its first public appearance since the reorgamization about twa weeks ago and under the caaching of leader Win. Shotter expects ta take part in the Legian Carnival parade June 27th. Friday even- img it played ini front of the Bal- moral Hotel when the VictorY Torcli was officially raised to, mark progress in the Victory Loin campaign. WARDEWS BANQUET (Co~Inued trom page 1> f E <Continuod trom page 1) s ervic e. Taking flic tcxt o! lits message fram St. Paul's caplaf le ta Uic Philippians "For me ta live is Chist andt tadue ia gain," lic spoke comiorting words ta Uic sarrowing, msa tclling o! Uic tieceased's liclpful ice, o! lis service ta thc churdli and coin- inunlty. Members o! Jerusalein Lotige No. 31, A.F. & A.M., a! wliich he was a member, attended intaa bodiy, with many froin Orono anti Newcastle. The Masomie ritual at thc grave wms moat imprcssively conduce d by Right Worsliipful Bro. F. C. Hoanasisteti by Rt. Wor. Bra's., W. k'. Iichard M.P., G. M. Lintan and O. W. Rolpi of Orona. The bearers were: War- ship!u1 Brathers Ros stutt, Man- son C otck, Aex Einondafane, Len E lott, ant Brothers mIlon J. Elliaft anti E. A. Summers. 1 Techundreda who emleti af Uic' home priar ta thc fumerai,ý andtihei large. number o! floralý tributes frain frientis anti relat- ives, msa froin Jerusalcin Lotige A.F. & A.M., Pupils o! S.S. No. 5, Neigibors of- Providence Cam- munity. Trinity Chundli anti Con- cession St. Group W. A. o! Tripif y Churcli, teafificdt theicestccm in whicli le was lielti. Besides lits wi!c anti sons lie leaves ta moumn lits passing, lis father and sisters, Mis. John Bak- er (Laura), Solina; <Ethel) Mrs. Hoawardi Coucli, Bawmanville; (Myrtle) Mis. N. C. Willaon, Ed- monton, Alfa.; (Elsie) Mri. H. D. Waters, Higlilandi Creeh; anti Irene, Toronto. Thase wlio attendedtihUi fun- eral fram a distance were. Mrs. Je!! Robinson, Mms. limrtley Cra- go, Messrs. Wiil Epplctt, Arthur Bragg anti laroldi Bragg, St. Mmr'Mr. Wcs. Osborne, New- eMs. Jack Percy. Mrs. Gea. May, Mi. and Mrs. Russel Colwel, Mis. Sculthampe, Mi. andi -Mrs. Earl Scott, Mr. Russel Low- ry, Mi. James Spicer, Misses Florence anti Roberf a Tiazapsan, Miss Mauti Wrighit,- Mis. Emnily Osborne, Mrs. Fred Osborne, Mr. L. Osborne, Miss Lillian boar, Mr. Will Huglian of Toronto, Mr. Edigar Thamton, Trenton, Mr. and Mis. Harpen Allen, Misa Elleen andi Larme, Whitevalc, Mr. anti Mrs. Mont.* Blchle, Mm. Will Bichle, Canton, Mi. and Mia. H. D. Waters, Highlnd Creeh, Mr. anti Mis. Fred' Wight Mir J. F. MeMulen, Mi. and lvrs. Thomp- 0son, Cobourg. t AIR TRAINING aound him ta be a man o! lis word w'li l constantly rcatiy to give all lielias ta public service. Then Uic Mayor caileti on Dep- uty Reeve C. G. Marris ta intra- duce the Wardcn. Conftmuing in eulogistic veta Mr. Morris paint- edi out that Bowmamvllc las mare frequently than other municipal- tics, liatheUicdistinction o! Uic Wardcnship, thia being Uic third timc fhc honor lias came ta Bow- nanville in Uic past 14 years. Ex- Mfayor M. J. Elliott being electeti in 1927 mmd Uic present Chic! NIagistrate ta 1937. lie also coin- rncnted on tic reputeti paliticaI aspect o! Uic Counties Caunci pracedune remarhing that it lias been grcmtly over emphasized. Aft er Uianking Uic assembly for flic honor that had been con- ferred on liai Warden Edmomd- atone revicwcd some aspects o! cauncil work. "Second ta Ontario a inse mmd [n expenditures, Uic counties a! Durham and Northumberlanid present many problems of admin- istration ta, your legialatora," lic siit. "To mention but a fcw items: wc apenti $100,000. an roads ycar- iy anti posbessanmd maintain Uic moat modern cquipmcnt a! amy caunty in Eastern Ontario. On Uic County Home wc spenti $17,- 000. a-yean and I am sure no anc would begrudge a cent o! this ta, thosc clticrly people, mmmy o! wliam are there Uirough no fault of thcir awn. Othcr expenditunca thc caunty makes over which WV lias no control, are $11,000. ta fthc Chidren's Aid Societjr, $78 704 on education, $16.000. for tig.- cn sliospital*zation." liemnty, ap- plause foilaed Uic Wamien's me- Exk-Wardefl5 Speak Ncxt thecclitrinan cailed for introduction of gucats mnd marc than a hundreti present wcrc mdc kown ta anc another. Four cx-Wardcns madc short speeclies o! feicitatima, Pcrcy' Stinson, M1ilbrook wlio heldtheti office ta 1935, Milton Elliott, Bowmanville, in 1927 mmd Fmcd W. Bawen, Ex- M.P., tacumbent several ycmns be- fore that,. Lastly T. A. Reid, Clarke, %wmnden ta 1939, atited lis congratulations. The higliligi f a!hUicev"ning waa Uice guesf speaker, Antiy Clarke o! radia imme. Introduceti in fricndly fashian by Geo. W. James, Mi. Clarke at omce launcdleout with a familiar "*Good, 'riendti theUi characteristic liomely quality of speech that lias won liai 5 maflY foilowers for lis broadat of "'Ncighborly News" whici is on CBL Sunday marnimgs at 10 a.m. The tcxt of lis addness appears in anather article. At flic conclusion Principal A. M. Tliampsan moved a vote o! thmnks. , 1WINBRAGG I r MUSIC RECITAL <Contiaiued from page 1) sincere regret we find the limit- ations af space do mot; permit in- lividual mention o! evcryone iking part. These twa teacliers prepared the recital with Uic intention a! lomigentire praceeds ta Uic vnngTelcgrmm British War Vlctims' Fund and this purpose wms well carried ouf, a fatal o! ~4.0 being rcalized. This was rwIardcd the following day and ecknow1edged by that paper. A beautiful basket of flowers which graced Uic stage during the .recital was presented ta Mis. I!erguson by members o!flier Kin- dergarten class. Other pupils tmking part wcre Lois McMulen, Francis Mahun, M3anian Dippell, Alan Labb, Bar- btira Virgin, Pcggy Dippell, Janet ýDale, Robert Knox, Rex Grant, Isabelle Naylor, Loraanmd Bey- ,rly Sudds, Jean White, Kcnneth C rawford, Ruth Crathers, William Knox, Laurie Hart, Evelyn Hall, D'edcrick Bartletf, Glen Hadgsôn, Jean Living, Loryne White, Lcn- ore Fallis andi Collette Ferguson. Twelve juniors taak prt in thc fimat number on the progrmm. This was a rhythm bandi compas- cd of childrcn ranging in age fram three and a hall ta six yýears. If is a phase of musical work in which Mrs. Fergusan lias specializeti and which ia consiti- ered basic in tcacliing music ta tie young. Kaye Lycett, age ten led the band and Jean White was accompaniat. The ten athers tmk- tmg part werc Max and Paige Ly- éctt, Larry Dewell, Barbara God- dard, Virgimia Stutt, Ray Bichlc, Katherine Dilling, Gwcndolyn Pctfield, Donna Dilling and i Bllie Kirkton. ntres: in flic mext !ew wecks I the Motlierland. The need for ili be gaung ta many athers. AI- secrccy ta apparent f0 anyoee. eady, I can testify ta fli courtesy But already it has been mnaunc- nd wýarm welcame !rom ail cd in Parliament that aver 50,000 ihom I bave met. Questions have young Canadians have enli.sted in ,een freely answcred andi I have thc R.C.A.F.-enough to make up een sliown ail I -asked ta se. flirce divisions of infantry le only restriction is as ta flic Next Weck - Enlistiflg in the imrbers graduating andi gahng ta R .C.A.F. ta $824,000,000, of which Canada cE is ta pay $531,000,000. w The men came from varlaus r parts of t14e Em-pirc-Englmnd and r Scotland, Australia and New Zea- ar. land, wîtli a sprinkling from the w Argentine, the tar-off Straits Set- bE tlements, the United States mnd b. numerous other countries. But the TI Royal Canadian Air Farce is in ni charge of-~the training and four- out of five of the recruits are- Canadians. Every anc of them seems determined ta become a pilot mnd to fallaw in the footsteps of Bishop, Collishaw, Barker and the rcst-but of that, more later. Canadians Don't Know The SforY Yet ' With such a great and impor- tant tmsk on aur hands, it seems strmnge that Canadians don't know the stary of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. rhey have read about it again and agaip, withaut realizing what .t really means. Early in May, the editors of weckly ncwspapers in Ontario and Qucbec had an oppartunity ta visit one of the Bombing and Gunncry schoals near Lake Erie. M'ore than anc expresscd surprise at the magnitude and efficicncy of the camp. Yct this is but ane of 83 training camps and schoals- which will be used mn the complet- A ed plan. Another Ontario editor recently spent an mfternaan ini a great peat bag on the higli tableland of!. South-western Ontario. It is a flat countryside wherc there is nothing ta obstruct the view for miles and no sound cxcept the occasional bird. He was amazed at the continual procession o! planes high avcrhcad. It scemed that befare anc was out of sight and hearing, another would be coming over t1fe horizon, mast af them bombung planes which had, trmvelled manry miles. Back home that niglit, lie stayed outside for an liaur ta watch more bombers cuttmng across the sky, thaugli al lie could sec cadi time was anc mare star, distinguishable anly because it maved mnd was some- times red or green. lie was filled with a great curiosity about iaw tiese men arc trained. The Flrst of a Series This is thc first o! a series af articles about the Air Training Plan and the R.C.A.F. Tbcy arc being writtcn for the readers o! Ontmria's weckly newspapers ta answer some of the questions so aften asked, and ta tell Canadians what their Rayai Canadian Air Force is daing. W)icn the afficers af the Cana- dian Weekly Newspapers Associa- tion met at Ottawa recently, there was mucli discussion about what ticir papers could do ta help the war effort. It was suggested that anc editar be cliosen ta write about the Air Farce. The fullest ca.»operatian was frcely ff!crcd by the Dcpartment of Public Inf or- mation, flot only in the matter o! arranging visita ta thc variaus camps and sciools, but in supply- ing pictures ta go with tliem. I was chosen for that intcresting Ltalk. 1 Already I have visited several WOMEN 0F CANADA ! Ilelp Keep The War Away From Your Own Doorstep Buy - Urge Your MenfoIk Te Buy Victory Bonde MINGS WAY FLOWER SHOP BOWMANVILLE Food Products to suit every taste. YouWil lke them yet It lsnIt neeessary to carr thlngs home from Lrun's - We Deliver - Phono 596 SrrRAWBERRIES are at thefr best now. Faney Biscuits 2 Ibs. 35c Oranges 25 29 39 Certo bottie 25e Crystals pkg. lSe FR FRUITmrS AND J~I VEGETAILES 16 51.39 doz. $1.., doL. ERNIE! LUNN Phone 596 - I LYSOL Disinfetant Alstlaeptio 3 oz. - 35 7 oz.- ose 16 oz. 1.25 Softerl Saferi 12 "X 25e 30O»X59C 48 Box 85c Pm SPAIEIwTo romEu 8C@NOMY 0188e eoses MU 599 980 30' GIN PILLS Two Bizes or MIy of l i> recular) aîse jar of NOMZMAIS double OFnTle a ewh a fr .1. MW if35 Jar of NOXEEMA Cft£ANE day.E SEN"STIONAI. OFFER HINDYS Honey and Almond Il on. ise 49c BATHING CAPS 19c - 25c up Wax Paper, 100 IL. - 22c Sta-Way - - - 3 90 Beach Balla - 19e - 29e Picnic Jugs, 1 gal' 1.59 25e Noxema - - 19ec Pocket Combs - - 54 ýCAMERAS $.3 5 te $1600 Wampole's Hygeol 35e - 60e First Aid Kits 25e - 39e Vacuum Botties - 396' Tineture lodune - se Poison Ivy Lotion - 25o Bandages - - 10e - 1.5e SUN GOGGLES 15c -. 25c- 39c Arrid Cream Se - 59o Qdorono Liquid 39o - 65e Outez Cream Deodorant If White.. Shoe Clçapçr At - - - - 19e - 29o At - '- 15o - 25o FILMS KODAK & SELQcHKomE 20c up Health Salis (Engiish) .39o Tsf Mit Trape - -33o Alka-Seltzer - 29o - 57oe Whis 1isect Killer 24o - 43e Developlng & Prlnting - Prompt Servicç PREI ALE X Laura Secord' Candies MIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MCOREO'G 'R DR98S Phone 792 VACATION NEEDS Here are a f ew remluders of things you may nced this su-mer. Maay others are ln stock. AUl are prieed eeonomlcally t. save you money. Stock uip foday. Phone 792 now. THE EVLYN SHOPPE M M-MZ <Cortitnued from page 1) afrike bmch so liard that flic war ' is certain ta be won. If attracta the attention af mli a! Uicth world. Canada lias placeti at Uic disposal o! Great Britain mmd tUic Empire lier vast mmcm ta whidh ta train student pilota unmoleted,1 and lias msa assumed flic respan- sibility for mucli a!flice coat a! Uic plan, mnd. supplying most- of the yaung mcm who wül became Uice members a! the air crews mmd flic grounti crews. As ta tic auitability 6! Canada as training graunti, there can be no daubt. There la plenty o! roam; the sites for lmding fields. mmd1 Uic buildings for training achools arc available. The Unitedi Statés is nearby ta supply certain types o! planes qnd a large number o! extra instructors. Tic total coat a!flice project was originally estimateti at $600,- q00,000, o! whicli Canada waa fa R ay somewiat more flian hall. gut as the pace o! tic war lias accelerated, the coat o!flice plan lias mounteti. If la now reviseti Prompt Délivery

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