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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1941, p. 8

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PAOÊ I~IGHT THE CANDIA iSMAN, BOWMAX4Vnj£ OXTARIO -mu RDA, JUN -1# 41 SPORT 'I a Ooodyear Defeats Courfice 12-il ONCE POWERFUL Taices Orne Exa Imng To Win GOODYEAR TEAM Goodyear soitbail tean turued *_ n* ut4 Godear twa up. LOSES TO COURTICE thc tables on Countice ganagenren It lokei sI4cgie wauld___ Tuesday night when they o again be tidwe icnt was anc extra innings ta win a 12-11 hit anauud by Peterson sud Duns- Countice won thein finit-softbali victary. The rubbcrmer, geatly ter. Peterson was leit an second game on Thunsdayv night when dmp ov ven lest weck bath lu with two men out. The ncxt mn they defeated Goodyear Rubbier- 1h. fled sud at bat, hcld s sub- ta bat was a victinu ai AI Os- men 17-7. The rc-orgsuized Cour- stantial lesd for maît af the game. borne's pitching efforts sud wcnt tice autfil looks as if they mesu The Goodyearites broke sevenal dowu swinging. business thc way Uiey plsyed an sesns records. It wes the fis Battlug honans gota Conway, Thunsday night. gaine that they have retircd threc centre fihîder for Godyear, wha Courtice as usual itarting minus mn anc afler anather inon iin registored 100 per cent in 5 tinies thein full teain, were saon peppcd ingsudit a Uc ft lme hatat bat. None ai these hits werc up whcn Jerry Peterson sud ig abn h ias te for s whae infield ilys' but bard bit balla ta Frank Dunster took aven the AIOsne n Uic moud. f or ue the outfiild. Gaodyear also de- pitching sud catchiug duties. Pet- gatce o fn te gain a orn serves credit for several snappy erson gets main éredit for Uic ite isd a i tili iraller ixuin ypîsys that werc made bctwecn garagemen'. win, itriking out 12 ber aitsfade a tris alrnm catcher «Tickcr' Crombie sud sec- men lu thc 6 innings he pitchcd. ond baseman Bert Colwell. H. Osborne was on the rnaund ion Peterson was not up ta the Goodyear - Wiseman, f; Os- Uic finît innings sud turned lu. a same stanidard as lest week's borne, p; Colwell, 2b; Canway, cf; iainly gaod effort. gsme but ueventbcless gave Uic Mtcal, s.; Oke, ni; Ailin, Sb; Bert Colwell, on thcernound for Goodyear teaux a gaad run fan Crombie, c; McMurter, lb. Goodyear, played bis usual stcady their money'. Countice as usual - ortc - Rickard, 2b; Vin- gaine but alsa received has usual were late lu arriving. da cent, Sb; Petenson, p; Dunster, c; unsteady support with thc teain The factory nmen obtainedanBrown, If; H. Gay, lb; Picklc, ci; making 9 errons. elad netting 5 runs lu Uic Osborne, ni; Cryderman, ss. Manager Sid NichaIs of Cour- fialframe, sud this was nalaedRHEtiehwdtat.laaospay ta ' Su ic hesecond when 3 nunsRHE ieso dth ei aoaply were agaiu brought home. Cour- Goodyear 530 002 02 -12 14 3 ing-msuager when he taak over lice scaing efforts weme, other Courtice 200 231 21 - il 10 4 Uic Job ai laoking aiter ist base than twa unsin thUi finit held Umpires - Jack Cale and E. sud fulfiiled Uic position very down ta the lasî five in~nings Twecdie. well. Goodyear wemc also sup- when they managed ta tic Uic porting sevemal ncw men an thein gaine in the seventh with two lhue-up, naincly L. Earlc sud R. rns . The score at Uic end ao icf V'R theJfJQ Rchrs seveth es 0 al. JV~1IL LU7 LI~U Cauntice - J. Rickard, c sud 2b; Colwll sd Cnwaysucced. Osborne,. p sud mi; G. Pickdll, 'lu el bm nd i rns l u c extra n Xsu d cf; W. Brown, If; H.C la_________in______itheextraA G TNST SALEM demman, 2b sud ss; G. Vncent ; NGs B. Rundie, ni; F. Dunsten, c; W. -------- -Cale, cf; J. Peterson, p; E. Nich- .... IN IaINIos, lb. n Goodyear - B. Wisemran, If; M. MU I , Local 189 noscd out Salemn borne, 3b; D. Allun, 2b; L. Earle, -5 uinnaiofUic closest gaines ai mi; R. Richards, cf; T. Harrison, ss; te scason. Salem lu Uic îead un- S. McMurter, C. BO WMAN VILLE looked as if Uiey Wemc casily Uic Goodyear 240 000 1 - 7 3- 9( tesr ta win. The 'Unionits put Umpires - Jack Cale sud Samc on the pressure lu Uic last couple Woods. ai innng ta show that Uiey werc Thurs. - Fr1. -29SathUi superior teain. Floyd Bradd coverlng thc dis- HAMPTON LOBES JUNE 19 - 20 - 21 trict nean second base was Uic BY aie SCORE Deuble Feat.we main spark plug ai Uic Locals, ~S L Doube Feâtue. binginstrumentalinlusevenal TO NE C S L t cleverly engluenred douqble plays.1 "'Charlie Chah At Bill Cordeh on finit sal§ showed The Girls' Soitball scason wasç 9 oadvsutage ion Uic Unionists. officially opened lu Newcastlec Treasure Island" "Ace" Richards cannatheUic t with a gaine beîween Hamipton1 ic onfan Uic steadîit pîtcher mn sud Newcastle on Monday even-i With theleague hurling almnost perfect ing, June 16th. The score ai 19E Shd»y Toler, Cesar Romero, bahl for Salemn. The support he for Newcastle ta 3 for Hamrpton Ben Yuns and .Jun Gale reccived Manday ht wes Uic hardly pr*seuts&.& true-f4ctuate a Mdbesfthatthe fai.m e bash'n Uic gaine, for lu watchmng il Uic TE ONSFA'Y uin e time. The winlng ai Uic girls lu thein general play didn'ti TUEJONS FMMY Junior Farrner's Saitbail Trophy sein ta b. sa uneveinly matched.E lu bas added cansiderable prestige ta But Uic lacals had Uic edge sud i ru, ir club. ,wîth hcnè a run sud there a mun,k ~U~ s our sI thon that hasn't been a neal 6 lu Uic sixth thcy ran up a ra-c workaut for Uic scarer. Bath ther large total. The visitars hit t Mon. - Tues. - Wed. teamas werc hittlug filly heavy the bal sud aiten got on bases a JU E~- -but gaod fielding ai hits kept but only thnec times did the New- I JUNE23 24 25 thein on the bases. Salcin earncd castie infield sud outfiild sloàw Pf.dueei, wrltten and direoted su carly lcad lu the fint luning any of thein ta make Uic circuit. by lb. on. an only whcn thhy tallicd Ibre. ai Iheir Runs scared by Newcastle girlsb CHALI C.fIN five uni. Local earned theirs were: Norma Van Dusen 4, Betty n CHAZIM CB LIUichebard way, a couple at a lime. Alil, Irene Cursan, Bety Van f, di Only anc borner was scored in Dusen, Margaret Pearce, Jean TeGreat ittr' th gaine, Uiat put aut decp imb Haimes, Annabelle Hcndny', Jean left field by '.Ace" Richards in Banathan, 2 each, -Muriel Brere- withUtceiirst inniug with two men an tan 1; sud by Hamrpton: Audrey Pauhette GOd[ard, Jack Oakie, bases. Ayre 1, Bertha Arnmour 1, Edith Regluali Gardtner and a eat JinWoods was on the mound Rackbain 1. Batteryi for Newcas- Of stais for Local with Red Hooper hold- tle was Jean Bonathan p.' sud New&, ing hlm up bcbind Uic plate. His Margaret Pearce c.; sud for pitching was nat as stcady as Hamipton, Jessie Knox p. and Matin. W.dnesday at 2.30 Richards but he Teceivcd uni ail- EdiUi Rackham c. Quite a large No Advance lu Primes ing support froin Uic rest oa isanumber ai fana ai 'bath villages teain mates. This i. the Local'.sud sunnaunding country were finit appearance in thein new, present and when 82 year aId W. grey, yellow and black sweaters. T. Jackson passed Uic bat he Salemn - A. Richards, c; C. Mc- gathemcd in aven $7.00 towards Donald, cf; W. Blackburn, 3b; K. Uic local teani's expenses. A ncw Mwo u u r Werny, lb; R. Richards, p; G. and rnuch appreciated featune 'la w oom ourRickard, 2b; L. blartian, f; L. Uic seatlug accommodation at the ulmCoombes, ni; W. Horn, ss. soltball disind, rccently mastaI- M § W RRIRLocal 189 - F. Bradd, 2b; T. led by Uic Newcastle Sparts Coin- Am u VEIE U Bagnell, Sb; 0.Hooper, c; G. Pi-________ per, ss Bow, f;Saif; J te~ dol e Waads, P; C. Mutton, mi. R H E On. Sidd Gause z ? du ~Salemn 300 110 000 -5 12 3 F.a13w.s hml.aILocal 189 202 000 101 - 6 8 0 PetL « k.. 'muws" ~Umpires - Jack Cole sud Mac PatLga Moore.. Inl anather high score gainc q 44ss~Ub~aêmThird Floor defeated thc Second Cape Breton Island waters ai fer Floar lu Uic second ai a senies'ai Isadacho mie of Uic finest sword fisinlg luter-depantinental G a o d y e an r ~ jinl North Amerlos. Frorn Sydney, gaines played aI Ue ic H chaol ~ ~.~ ~on the Canadisu National Rail- Wedncsdsy night. The tfxird story amn ui bu 1m ~sa& 116 ways, fiihing grounds convenient- proved ta b. much to powcriul lymreached are at Ingonish, Eng- for the mniddlec ight, the formerI Dfal sKid n Df l ilah Town, Glace Bay sud Gaba- wnnng 28-13. ~W'rus~ Bay. Considerable new- talent-'laI s E R V *1 C E eihê..If.Muit lhRationd ýasoooah way Fou «na get more mu.m pertgallon, ýg O ksaliaowu that a m rla perfect mecheulcal dzsx uiles fartheronouah gala orc j, ~iuaa yuaeyn travelling pheasu p ,.~ ~ pllneboesmacrce. Do ready io sOlcient ruuint gmotor laves or VD ~ 5 oîe LtBuSevc j belgbrougt taht by these gaines as well as s large number ai the old vetemans turnlng out 1< show Uic youngcr fry that they playcd good baninl thein day. In future ail gaines wiil be played on.Wednesday sud Thurs- day nights with each team. play- lng once a week. Hoapen was the wlnning hurler for Uic top floor whfie Richards 100k the defeat on the chlu. Third Floar - E. Colwell, s.; H. Colicutl, If; J. Mooecrat, lb; A. Osborne sud Jacoba, 3b; G. Wright, 2b; A. Cnomble, cf; C. Vanstone, ç; R. Evans sudrMlt, ni; F. Hooper, P. Second Floor - Niokerson, c; Hammn,.as; Hall, 3b; Tordifi, lb; Ceaie, cf; Gifsud Samela, If; Balson. 2b; Young, ri; Richards, First Floor 5 212 13 2 3__r Second Floo o1 018 20 0- 1 Umpine - Samn Woods. NEWCASTLE BEATFS SALEU GiRLS Thc first gaine ai Uie Girls' Sofîbail League pliyed aI the Creain ai Barlcy Parkc resulted lu a 15-G win for Newcatle aven Salemi. The gaine ieatuired home rferrons sud sgme excellent -- -- -- -- -- - jSpedi aIondar Town League ThundayB.. s Mike'a.Plce. Mondy-God"ea vs Slera. Tuesday-Local 189 vs B.H.S.- Goodyemr League Thurs. Juné 19-2 va 3. Wed. June 25-4 vs 2. Foreaters Girls Friday-S. Qshaws at EYowm!vlfe. 1Foresters Boya Gaine flot scheduided thliw.eek. Girls' Softbali Fiday- Orona at Hampton. F Maple Grave at Salemn. F .Newcastle at Courtice. Tuesdy- D Salemn at Newcastle. Sc Hamnpton at Maple Gioý'e, Wednesday- Courtice at Orono. Darlinglon Soccer N Saturday-Hampton at Zion. ai Courtice at SaUna. sc BALL STANDINC or G.P. W. L. P.TC High School 4 4 A 8 Mike's Place 4 3 1 6 ai Locl 189 5 13 2 6 Goodyear 2 3 4 G Courtice 9 1 4 2 T Salem 5 1 4 2 M. PIS AND PI Softball fans have been certain- la ly getting their nickel's worth H'J (saine are chesting when they' give a penny> this lest week or G: more. Out ai the six gaines withln Gi the lest two weeks, three ai them have cslled for extra inuings toara decide the winner. ar There is no daubt that the te sca this year are about as evénly mstched as passible. True there W are a couple af teaina that hsd several 'ad breaks at the' flrst of ce the season, but they have stai¶ed ta get aven these sud are perking th up, giving the league leaders a ni1 ride for their money. Wl -ke foi At a meeting ai the executive sei ai the town softbail league -it waa tta decided ta have four teama lu th , play-affs, to 9tart *nnelteyby on the completion ofaia schedule PI~ gaines. The meeting was very ou po?>rly attended by representa- gr tives ai the teaurs. E. Hi Plans were also made ta have Bc a double header softball prognpm vo same Saturdsy aiternoon., This Le ought ta provide plenty ai enter- co: talinent for the fans who are : unable ta attend the gaines ln the Mi evenings. an *Ta'-night another crucialbat*i between Mike's'Place aud B.H.-S. ne ia ta take place. Lest week High ap. School won aiter three extra inn- ad ings, but since- the Billiard Kîngs Hiý hiave been dolng saine steenuous .Ms riracticing and they vow, i11 win wi or cIsc. High School h ave also Sti benu daing a little work sud look inî as if they have a stronger tesm, 1 than before, but tune 'wliltell. ed # * * ma It is rurnored that Dave Os-.fmul borne, aile ai Mike'. Place bays, anc nqy flot be on the softball, mounds Mi for long' but înay b. taking over Z* lu PRl nui fer Lai EVANGEI.ISTIC suc Re, TABERNACLE Roe gSuUdy 7.80 -- ubJect col ge% "Weah% fa ium ià' - son Each Wed. at 8 p.m. Bible Stuir la tb. "Book of O, BEy. CABMAN LYNN. z Guelphi BranMbIe Paa'Y MOI with 811k Threud. Ideal for kalttng luner gar- ment. and baby wear.. More tIbm 20 attractive ahadea. Ouly ISe a bal We' have a comploe .aaaort- ment Of a&U tYPes Of wool need- ed for service germent.. PATTERN BOOKS AND NEEDLEB je W. JEWELL, iyquîlt and-sei t àalso a hav trawberny social. Lunch was ved and a hearty vote ai Mks given ta Mrs. Bowles and ladies ln charge for a very gsant and profitable siternoon. .he Statesman la naw an sale i, week at Thompsan's Store, R*copy. ever be ashaned ai wlse sud aayeconomy. Ralny days :"I awys ota head for people h,-bve nothing laid by., m île sornie ci the h in duties for Smiths Fall balebaill club. Gi rls' softball got uinder way ast week with the teama givlng a fairly good report of them elves. N~ewcastle looks to be a potential league wlnner if gaihies played ât the first of the season are any prophesy of what la ta corne. .Cadnus Anniveraary Viaitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fallis, Jack and Joan, Tartihto, at their cot- tage. Miss Birdie Faillas, Oshawa, Mr. Frank Walte.ra, Caurtice, at C. H. Fallia'. Mr. and Mn' Gilbert Gibson,' Douglas and Allan at Chas. Glb- son's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn at Meredith -Failla'. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke, Misses grma and Leah McQuade, Oah- iwa, at Oscar McQuade's. Mr. and Mra. Everard Sander- ,on, Helen, Marion and Jean, Tor- rita' Mra. W. D. Ferguaan, Fay id Garry at W. D. Ferguson's. Mr. and Mn.. Bill Robertson, roronta, and Rev. D. M. Stinson ýEdgar Gibson's. Mr. and lIrs. Chas. Vehning, .ay Joyce, Nora and Wayne at 1 lennyson Sameils'. a Mrs. R. J. Bruce, Miss King, &rs. John McKee and Miss Iriez lickling atMrs. J. E. Elliott's. s Mr. and Mrat. Cobbledick, Or-d no, Mr. and Mrs.-Lamne Thomp- on, Nestieton, at H. A. Gal-- s raith's.b Misses Zetta and Muriel 1&- b Zee, Oshawa, at Sain McKee's. P Misses Luclle and frene Hy- ând, Nestietan,, at Mr. Larman Yland's.E Mr. and Mn.. Bert Gibson, ,adys, Glen, Yelverton, at Mrs. Warge Fowl7er s. s Mr. and Mms. Sweet Thebrn, m nd Clifford at Oshawa. r Mr. and Mrs. Ceci FerIguson Ir Ld Sydney, Oshawa, at M.O-p ar MeQuade's. i Mrs. Rosa, Toronto, at Mrs. I. hitfield's. 'es Miss Marjorie Galbraith bas ac- a epted the Springviile school. Large cangregationa attended i^ Cadmus0 Sabbath School An- vemryo Sunday. The church ras prettily decarated with bas- ets af peonies and iris.~ Over rty children ai t1iré S.S. were Er eted an the platfoYm, sud the 1W ichers and officers accupied G se front side seats. The singing pq ythe schalars with Misa Evelyn M hilp as orgarkist was harnioni- Tt as and inspiring and reflected W ret credit ta their trainers. M. M .Gibson, Mrs. H. Philp and Miss M ckling. Miss Collette Ferguaon, pi owmsanviile, sang ln very sweet ice "When you are hsppy the ai ord is happy too." She wsac- M rnpanied by hier mother. 1M vM. C. R. Faillas, teacher af the M lurice Cady School, Toronto, dc id a native of Cadmus, gave a ost excellent sddneas ta the ;É ,olars, lmprezaing on. them the M Ded af initiative, patience and El )preciatian. He illustrated his s lreas by means of a magnet. ' stomy ta the children "The BE agic Ring," was alsa listened ta ih keen interest. Rev. D. M. SI Inson was present- at the marn- wl gservice. an [he church was again crowd- ta the doors in the evemng and fa] an were unable ta get iu. The wl Jsc was ably supplied by Mr. da d ýMrs. C. R. Fallis, Toronto, Sh iss Bindie Faillas, Oshawa and hi. rFrank Walters, Caurtice, who (1V quartette sang "'Jeaus Saviaur M, lot Me" and. a selected pstriatic ho unber. Mrs. Faflis and Mr. Wsl- thj rs also rendered a duet "The 'j'h )rd's Way la the Best Way." The lar lience were more than delight- ed with the music ai the evening. we v. A. Gardiner spoke on "The in >d ta Emmaus" applying it ta ju: rown aissppointments, dis- an, umagements anif trials and giv- ces 9as the only nemedy trust and c ration ta Jesua Christ. Music vi aore and aiter each service was Re nerously supplied by gramo- ini ,oe and amplifier furnished by fal are Faillasund opgrsted by his abj rJack. res da] Nestieton Mns. Robt. McCash (nee Noma bxn),, Kincandine, with Mrs. anley Malcalux. Mr. Sain Jeffery, Blackstack, th hia niece, Mn. L. Joblin. Ur. and Mns. Harold Nesbitt, SX sudRosa , ia nd Mis. Wm.1 Hamptôn. Jack Cowllng, Toronto at home. Mn. Will Clarke,ZiMon, spehit the weekend with frienda here. Mr. sud Mn.. Fred Biilett sud son Douglas Scanhoro Bluffa, Miss Fanny gy - vester, Huntsville, Mr. Howard Shelton, Otter Lakce, at Mn. A. E. Bllett's. Mr. sud Mrs. R. Bunssud daughten, Oshawa, s t Mn. J. Burns,., Mr. sud Mna. Jno. Wills, Tar- anto, with Miss Beatrioe Colwlll. Mr. sud Mn.. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, wlth nelatives. Iês. A. Trenouth with frienda at Maple Grave, sud her dsugh- ten, Mm.. R. Metcslf, Base Lin.. Mr. sud Mns. Jno. Mila, sons Ji nrisd Cifiord, wlth their son, Pte. M. J. Mills st Camp Borden, who has been iW. Mr. sud Mn.. Art Clarke sud -Phyllis, Mn. sud Mns. 'Bruce Clark. spent Sundsy with Mn. sud Mn.. E. L. Pipher, Thornton's Corners. Visitons st Mr. sud Mn. Sel- bseh's were Mr. sud Mn.. Flndlay, Mnla A. Findlay, Mn.. E. Findlay, Mrs. F. Find]ay, Miss V. Findlay, MLaaten Robent McDonald, Mn. sud M.H..Pahn sud daughtem, Mr. àdMrs. P. M!usamaker sud Mr. and Mn. D. Hainaisinen, Miss L1aina Keikkonen, Mr. Reno Han- alainen, Torohta. Misses Helen sud Betty Knox, [Taronto, at home. .Mr. sud Mmi. A. E. Billctt sud son Kelth with relatives st Cale- [an., A music recital was presented in the church on Mondsy evefiing by pupils ai the schools taught by Mr. Holmes. The chldren neetda splendid progrm. Axnong thase from' Hampton who sttended the funeral ai Mn. Robt. Taylor, Oshawa on Fridsy were Mr. sud Mrs. Haward Cole, vins. James Burns Ms S. Ker-, sey, Mrs. G. Adcack. Mms. Taylor vas a former high]y nespected resident ai Hamptan sud hem many frienda here extend symn- pathy ta Mr. Taylor sud family in their loss. The Statesman la now on sale each week at Barroffs Store, 5c Ecopy. Kendal Visitors: Pte. Pete Mantiuell, Kingston, aI home... Miss Hazeli McTaggart, Toronto, at Mr. A. 1 rmeig'o, . . Miss Audney Patton, 1 Pont Hope, at home. .. Miss Annie 1 Wright sud Pte. Willls Wright, f amronta, with Mms. Flonence c ftnigh.. Mms. Milton Robinson, i Wrs. Cedi Glass, Mm.. L. Hoakin, t &s.. Gea. Smith and Mms. Lamne saeden spent Friday in the city, - .Mns. Wm. Menecm with relatives tPaisley. .. Mr. sud Mns. Alec [cKay and son Gardon, Mr. sud t &rs. Normn Mackie, Mr. sudj VIns. Walter Corson sud son Gar-a tn, efranta, st Mns. T. Hilditch's.t Mms. Marguerite Thampsan 'îth her brother, Mr. Carmnan cil, Perrytawn... Mr. sud Mns. lber Luxon, Marion and Agnes, >ent thc weekend at their cottage. Congratulations ta Mr. sud Mms. le oh the arnival ai a daughten. -Miss Helen Bayd was taken ta ;.Mchael's Hospital an Friday. F rheme she successiuily undcnwent k n aperation for appendic itis. 1 We extend Sympsthy ta*the g nriily ai Mns. Richard Wilsona iho pasacd away suddenly Mon-E ay cvening at the age ai 52 ycars. t, xc leaves ta mounhem lois, hem usband, thnec daughtens, 'Eva vins. Art Mencer), Carnpbellcrot label (MËs. Albert Mavin) a~ ore, sud Ada, in Taranto, sd mcce sons, Tcum, George sud Fred. îe many floral off erings sud krgc crowd at the funenal show- dthe high csteem lu which she rs hcld. Service was conducted ic eUnited Church, Kendal, [ne 12th, by Rev. McLachlan, b nd interment made lu Welcame el mretery. Sunday Schaol suniver.sry Ber- h ces wcre held June 8th, with ýv. Littlcwoad, Orona, preach- g. In the mornng Uic wec [k. demonstratcd their musical ti bility in the choir, with pleasing esuits. In the evcnlug the Ken- s( al choir led in sang. Weduesday C H. J. Souch's. 1&. sud 'Mns. George Cain are vlaiting their daug4iter, Mmms. C. Reecar, Markhaxn. Mr. Archie Watson, Kingston, spent Suuday with his parent., Mn. and Mns. Alex Watson. US8E ICE For Economical Refrigeration ... WlllamW ' o,la100% pure, mode of clear, spaa'kllng, tested water-our driver travelo hi. route every day-A large sup- ply on baud for your convent- ence. RATES TicKETrs _--$1-0315 25 LBS. FOR ---_ .1_ 50 LBS..2 FOR .8 WILLuAMS' UCE COMPANY PHONE 439 For Prompt Dellvery I. CET INTO THlE SWIM! SwIm For IIealth- Tlat's ýa good dea and hua of fun. Get ikto the. awlM yourael with on»' or tieme anaPpy bathlng suit.. AUl ah«, colbur aù sutyles. LADIES' BATHINO SUITS Styied by Catalina, from S-ny California Chlldren's SURtS ----- cU Men's Swùn Weïr B! .JANTZEN The newest thlng - fit. like YOur own skin. Eiasteiued ail wool kait. wlth change pocket and self belt. $2.95 * $3.'95 CouchJohnston &Cryderman, td. Phone Sie86 ~lit. W. di J 4 1T ~- £ x p w T CANADIAN LEGIONf ~A!R NI 1VA]1 ROTARYT PARK D- O WUM LLE radFRIOAYS JUNE 27, GadMIitary Parade Forme et Public School 8 p.m. D)ST. FEATURING R.Cb.A.F. Baud cf Trenton and a squadron of fortY other rnuka led by Squadron-Leader Denton Massey of Trenton alto Three B"na Detala of Naval Cadet., Mldland R.pgt., Boy Scout. froin Bow- iuanville and Orono, Veterana front Dowmanvlle, Oshawa and Wbltby and a Modern Méchauloal Unit. i GAMES AND REFREBEMENTS GRAND DRAW for $100. in prises - Buy Ticket. now a for 250 Six Separate Awarda Ticket. selected by Lt. CoL A, H. Douan ROUTE 0F PARADE- Public Sebool to Rotary Park via Elgin, Concession, Centre, <ieorge, Cliurch and Temperance Ste. A'. 66HELP EX-SERVICE MEN TO 'SERVE CANA DA" In case of rabn Carnival wiIl'be held Monday foII.wlng. GOD BAVE MTEKNG eveuiug an enjoyabie lime was spent at he ic Ie creain suppen. This was fallowcd by a splendid prograînput on by S. H. rston ai Oshawa sud ha British War Y'ictims' Fuud Entertaiuers. Pro- grarn canslated ai neadlugs by Rasa Law; duels by Uic Llck sis- ters; accondion solos by' Bllly Shultz; solos b y the boy soprano, Sainmy Psukhunst; solos sud readings by Sherman Preston sud the inysteriaus Mlle. Rose Shir- ley. As Uic ladies had braught extra well-fiiled baskets, a sale ai .ookiugwas held aften Uic pro- gram whlch. nearly uctted an cx- nsa $6.00. (Tao laIe for lasI week) Auulvcrsary Visitons: Ma. su d Mru. E. Evans, Omono, aI Mr. Cecil Glass'... Mm. Wm. Darling- aon with Mas. A. G. Darlingoni... Mri nsd Mas. Archie Muldrcw and Miss Betty Burgess, ElÉga- bethville, Ma. sud Mmi. Russell mSvery, aI Mm. Jo. Gordon's.... ,ins. Harold McCullough, Dar- lungiord, Msu., whose husan sudl in thc Royal Air Farce, London, Ont., vlalted aI Sain Brysan's... Mias Mary MeLean, Toronto sud Kendal, Mas.. Geo. Smith sud aiece Domothy, Mr. pd Mas. L. 'seden sud Mr. sud Mes. L. Hos- lun at Ma. Milton Robinsons.'s (ns. Hugh Hoy, Mas. Grace Mon- cmr, Mn. sud Mas. H. Wilson, Osh- awa, aI Mr. Cecil Tebble's... Mas. Ryan sud daughten Dorothy sud Lwo lady frieuids with Mas, l- l.t.h.. . Mr. Robert Alexcander, roronto, Mas. Perrett suid Miss Dareen* Pernett, Hampton, aI Mr. B. Alexander's. Clarke lUnion Miss Elsiq 'Inclsud, who bas Den teachlug aur school, bas been rugaged for suother ycar. Miss Elleen Souch, Harmony, la orne with Germap messles. We extend aur. sympathy ta [nrs. Irwlu Bratgg sud family on he dcath ai husbsud sud father. Mr. and Mas. Malcolmx Hutche- in, Beaventan, and Miss Wallace, arnpbellford, spent Sunday at. c -11-

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