?HUTRSDAY, JUNE 26, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN9 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE 'SoialandPersonal SMr. Wm. Cornlsh is quite, ill. Miss Iva Linton, Toronto, visit- ed here. .W. J. Riddell 'attended Grand Lodge of Oddfellows. in Toronto. Mrs. Rossiter, Michigan, is visit- Iig her brother, W. J. Watson. The Simpson family, Toronto, are nRw at their cottage. Mr. Fred Rowe is holidaying -wth relatives here. Miss Hattie WilJiamson la quite :M1. Ail Orono teachers have been re-engaged. Mis. H. Yonker, Preston, is vlsiting here. Jr.. room of the Public School are holding their picnic to-day. Lorna Clarke was on the sick llst. Mrs. Johns, Hampton, visited bher daughter, Mrs. White. Several Cases of scarlet fever are reported in the district. Gordon Leaman was home on leave.- Mr. and Mrs. Allison Cowan and baby, Toronto, visited here. Mrs. C. French visited Mrs. Thomas McComb. Mrs. James Moffatt is visiting Ai Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Waddell 'vlalted here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Payne visited hi Toronto. Mrs. F. Sisson, Toronto, is visit- ing here. Miss Marjorie McDowell spréin- ed ber ankie. The Statesman Is on sale at TYrrel's Drug Store, 5c a copy. Mrs. S. Mail, Anne Marie and Bob, visited in Oshawa. Leading Aircraftsman K. Ham, Montreal, visited at S. Hal'Is. .Mr. and MrÈ. J. Turnbull, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. Ken Gamsby's. Mrs. W. S. Roy and Margaret -are in Torofito. Mr. Manes, St. Catharines, visit- ed in Newcastle and Orono. Mr. Clarke Tbompson, Toronto, visited Mrs. W. S. Ztoy. Mr. and Mrs. John Milison, Welland, visited relatives here. Elmer Middleton and Milt Green were home on leave. To-morrow <Friday) the school closes for the summer holidays. Mrs. Hamm, Toronto,' visited her sister, Ml94LP pa. Mrs. A. Chapman vlsited Mrs. W. L. Edwards at Manilla. Non-pernianents from Oshawa niarched part way from Oshawa and caxnped at Happy Valley. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCul- lough, Cobourg, visited at Mr. Walter Sherwin's. ,BACKACNE, oFTn WAINGmr Dodsethfraslg.fIda ~wsuIa. l.. omw ack chusuk c budDRPT ~okCaU ~ANsf this EASY way N 0 we ubblng end ucrub- Nbing topge m eand hard- baked fod -off pots and pans- GeUctts Ly. c=te regt thrugl Uft of mmy klnd 1 Use Glilett Lye, tSo, to ketT d&"incl=anand runnIng freely. Doemt ha= ensmel oS plumb- ing. Keep a tin hany. m lmaU Rev. S. Littlewood preachec anniversary services at Long Saul- Sunday. Orono Brass Quartette wer( gucst artists at Enficld Monda: nigbt. A number attcnded the straw. berry festivals at Kirby and Mc. Crac's. Mrs. E. Morton is slowly im- proving but lu stiil confined tc her bcd. Mrs. F. Lycett and Douglas ex- pcct to join Major F. Lycett Sat- urday. Leading Aircraftsmian S. Hall, Branltford, spent tic wcekenc here. Mr. and Mrs. Keiti Henderson, Sudbury, visitcd at Mr. G. Hen- derson's. Mrs. Nina Crossin and daugiter Georgia, Mrs. E. Law, Toronto, visited at Mr. J. E. Richards'. 1 Mrs. Clark. and son Bruce and Mrs. Jennie Bradley, Manitou, cMan., visited Mrs. D. Carscadden. Orono girls werc defcatcd by 1Hampton girls et Hampton-Friday nigit, 9-8. rBob Keane, who has been working on Fred Duncan's house 1while awaiting bis air force cali, broke uis thumb. t Messrs. Corhiish and Chapman's children wcre baptised by Rev. S. Littlewood at ti.ir homes Sat- urday. By tic time tic paper la oui tic Entrance exanis. will be ini full swing. Just on. more day to go! Mr. and Mrs. W. Arnott, Mrs. F. Arnott and Miss Mary Arnot of Toronto were visitors at Ar- thur Saunders'. Among the 49 Ontario fier graduates in wircless at Calgary we notice thc nome of J. C. Gibbs, Bowmanville. Mr. sud Mrs .G. Gamsby sud son, Kingston, spent tic weckend here, Mrs. Gamsby sud son r.- maining for a wcek's vlait. Mrs. A. G. Piggott and daugi- ter Gloria, Brantford, Mr. W. A. Wright, Woodstock, werc gucsts of M. A. Carleton. Mr. sud Mrs. Wmn. Cooper are scttlcd in ticir ncw borne and are proving good company for Orme. Bruce Wadddl sud bride were given su old tume charivari on Thursday nigit by their friends. Thc large crowd were trcatcd up town. Two errors occurred in report of the. Donnybrook Fair pria. winners. The word "Mrs." was lef t out before "Ed. Graham," sud tic naine Cameron should have been Tamblyn. Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, daugiter of Mr. and Mirs. Chas. M. Lowden, Orono, was brides- maid at the F'raser-Cowsu wed- ding in Torontb June 2lst. Hydro Commission met Monday nigit sud passed tics. bills: H.E. P.C. $427.24, B.P.U. $162.46, sud Packard Electric Co. $250. Bal- ance i bsk $4,245.02. Orono Park was a busy pla4e Saturday and ' Sunday. There were no less than six picnics Saturday -thc Oshawa Presbytcry, Shaw's, Lindsay, Lifford, Beticsda and Nestîcton. SMr. M. B. Annis, Lindsay, won two games sund tied un a third with Hcrb. Barrett in a four-gae set of ciecicers. A tournanient will be hcld in Toronto shortly when Herb. las golng to keep 20 men goinýg at once. In tic account of the Donny- brook lust Issue It was said tint Orono declared an unofficial holi- day.' W. heâr tint on. business placec'declared an unofficlal work- day. Wcdnesday las supposed to be a balf-holiay. Why wasn't 1t; kept? David Tod sud George Finmii- gan, Oshawa's expert flaliermen, wcht on n fishing trip. wlti Orme Gamsby lust week, with.,ýXr. Tod carrying off tic laurçis of tic day. rhcy wound up procecdings by attendmng tic strnwbcrry festival. Mr. îtnd Mr. Clarep ce MeMul- len, Toronto, wcre i toWn Satur- day. Clarence has a new job as saies manager for tic Robinson Grocetcrla Company in Toronto starting July lot. Thcy had been iown to sec uis cousin, Milton Green. At Park St. Sunday School on Sunday Mrs. A. A. Drummond gave tic children an interestlng alk. Tic primary class favorcd w'ith a chorus.. Mrs. Wmn. Arm- trong's class was again tic ban- ner clas. No Sunday School next Sunday because of Decoration ervices. Mr. sud Mrs. Norman -Sander- YOUNG WOMEN'S CLASS MEETS Mrs. M. H. Staples was hostess to the Yroung Women's Class of Park St. Sunday School, June 17. Members assembled on the lawn for a short worshlp period and thc business perlod, after whici they went into the bouse where Mrs. Staples gave a most inter- esting talk on flower arrange- ments and gave demonstrations, assisted by ber daughter Anna. A vote of thanka was extended to Mrs. Staples by Miss Allie Wood and Mrs. F. Lycett. A lovely lunch was served. OIF4NO COUPLE ARE -HOMORED ao ON MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Waddell were ionored witi a presentation of pyrex ware Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Os Cowan, Antloch,,when about 70 from Antioch and Orono getbered to extend felicitations and gifts to tic newlyweds. The guests as- sembled on tic lawn, sitting be- neath a very large tree from whose branches hung gas lsuterns. Mr. Carl Blllings cailed the gati- ering to order and Mrs. Wm. Mof- fatt read an address. The pyrex ware was presented by Mr. Fred Yeo. Boti the bride and groom replied fittingly. Carda and social chat filled in tic remainder of. the time, witi a lovely lunch of sandwiches, cake and lemonade being served during tic course of the. evening. PRESBYTERY PICNIC ATr ORONO PARK. About 60 attended the Young People's Presbytery picnici Orono Park on'Saturday and.en- joyed the sports and a sumptuous supper. Sports started with a game between Greenwood and Oshawa, ending 7-5 for Green- wood. King St. (Oshawa), Bow- manville,. Greenwood and Orono competed i the races. Points were given, with Oshawa being tled wlth Greenwood for first place, and Orono in second place. Orono did not have enough mcm- bersiip carda so Greenwood was declared *lnnier of the shield as tuas meant that Orono htad lost by default, giving Greenw-ood f ive points over Oshawa. However, Greenwood and Orono put on an exhibition game and Orono won.. Congratulations to Pcter Chmara, Orono, Manie Allen, Lockhairt's, sund'Paulille -Robbind, Leskard, on winning tic tire. prizeh for cssays open to Clanke ciiildrcn on thc aubject "Wby we must bcat -Hitler sud why Victory Bonds will iclp." Tic essays arc bcing forwardcd to ieadquantcrs, for entry in tic Provincial prize contest. Tic money wns given by Clark. Coundll, Peter getting $5, Marie $3, and Pauline $2. W. C. T. U. met Tuesday, witi Mnà. H. Walsh presiding. Mms. S. Littlewood gave a tala on "Tale- beaning." Mms. Walsh thanked thc members for elccting ber presi- d nt and gave 'a short rcading. Ms.. H. Wanlsi gave an account of W.C.T.U. convention at Hampton. Miss F. Cobblcdick was appointed press reporter. Mms. W. H. Rowe and Mms. R. Bçst were appointcd medal superintendents and Mrs. W. M. Stutt pianist. Danforti United Ciurch, To- ronto, was tic scene of n wedding June 21st, wicn amid a sctting of pink and white peonies tic man- ring. took-place of Audrçy Cowsu, daugiter'of Mr. and Mms. Gcorge Cowan, to Edwand (Ted) Fraser, Montreal, son of Mr. and Mms. Wilmot Fraser, Toronto. Rev. D. Crawford Smith officiated, assist- cd by Norman A. McMurray. Frank-Wharram playcd thc wed-1 ding music and during tic signing1 of tic register Mms. Frank Wiar- ram sang.1 THIRD PENNAN4T FOR CLARKE Hip! Hip! Hurray! Tbree chers and a tiger for Clarke Whyl Be- cause Clarke la now the proCd possessor of a third pennant.O June 12, thç objective of $121,000 was passed, and as already re- ported a pennant was ceremnoni- ously added below the vlctory flag. On June leth, the seconid objective of $152,000 was passed, and a second pennant was quietly added below the first. SaturdàaY the third obj'ective of $183,000 was reached and over-subscribed, thc total being about $190,000. Institut. Rais.. Mon.y For War Victime Miss F, Cobbledick and her committee had charge of the ini- teresting program at tic Women's Institute meeting Friday after- noon. Minutes were read by Mrs. H-. Dean in absence of Mrs. H. Allen. Over $88.00 was realized at tic booti at the Donnybrook Fair and, $13.00 was realized -by sale of tickets on the blanket dOnated totthe fair by thec mati- tute. Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mrs. Ed. Dean were appointed on coni- mitte. of Clarke Federation of Agriculture. $2.00 was given to tic Institut. for the. Blind. Ms White having donated n quilt ând quilt blocks, tickets wiil be sold on same. Mrs. W. C. Lynch favor- cd with a piano solo. Instead of regular July meeting it was de- cided to have a musicale sud nfternoon tea at the home of Mrs. O. W. Rolpi. Committees were appointed as follows: Lunci-Mrs. Richardson; Program-Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mrs. R. H. Browii» Serving-Mrs. D. Hooper nnd Mrs. J. Dickson; Advertising-El- sic Rowe. Miss Stella Best favor- cd with n vocal solo after whicb Mrs. Howard Walsh gave a most interesting paper on "Confedera- tion." Mbrs. J. Richardson report- cd on tic cook books. During thc afternoon and after lunch tic ladies quilted. Wedding Baxter-Cook On June 19ti su interesting wedding took place et tic home of Mms. L. Wbittington, Oshawa, wien ber sister, Eva Marion Cook, daugiter of Mr. sud Mrs. William Cook, became tie bride of Clay- ton Jemes Baxter, R.C.A.F., soe of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Baxter. Ref; George, Telford officiatcd. Miss' Marie ýCummerford played tic wedding music. Tic bride, given in marriage by ber fathi, wore a gown- of. white net sud lace over taffeta, witi a lace halo trini- mcd wti gardenias. Her bouquet was roses, conlowcrs sud'sweet pcas. Mms. J. E. Downs, sister of tic bride, was matron of bonor, wcaring pink lace sud net over taffeta, wbilc Marilyn Whitting- ton, niccc, was junior bridesmnid drcssed in aqua taffeta. Their flowcrs were noscgays of swcet peas and bouvandia. Mr. Roy Cor- nisi, Port Perry, was bis half- broticr's best man., Following tic 'cercmnony tic happy couple lef t for northcmn points, tic bride travelling in a dusky pink sheer wool redingote over matching pinted dress witi white acces- sories.' EARLY RISINO EIDERS BREAKFAST ON TRAIL Jasper, Alberta, June 18 - De- spite competition tic saddle horse bas many loyal supporters et Jas- per National Park wicre a wide choice of trail trips 5s offcred. A popular outing 5 the Jasper.Park Lodgc Circle over a dustless bridle pati tirougi ten miles of pin. and f ir foreats. Guests arise carly for tuis ride and breakfast during n hait on.tie trail.- ODRON No. 9 sectionmnay be weil pleas- cd with its part in the Donny- brook Fair. Sevetal truck loads of articles were collected throughout thc polling division by W. T. Brunt and delivered to Orono, as well as many items taken out in- dividually. Now, we hope for as comIplete support in the salvage drive which will be made next week. Tuis drIve la organized by the Home and Sciool Club and proceeds of the salvage sale will be iandled by the Home and School Club War Work Commit- tee. Executive of tic Home and School Club met at the school on Friday evening. to plan for the annual picnic on June 28th. Thc long awaited rain meterial- ized on Sunday, too late to help the strawberry crop effectively, but it is ioped the inter fruits will be improved by it. Field crops should show an improve- ment aiso. Clarke Union Crops arce incced of n big rein as wc have only ad n f ew ligit showcrs since spring. Roy Scott has enlistcd in tic flying corps. Cyril French, Oshawa, was hclping bis old cmployce with thc hay on Saturdny. Cyril et onc time lived with H. J. Souci. Mr. and Mrs. Surfage and Doro- thy, Harmony, spent tic week- end witi Miss Eilccn Souci, also Miss Mamie Archer, Bowman- ville. Edwin Sandcrcock, who bas been working initic forcstry, bas corne back to tic fanni. Starkville ISomeiow or other tuis section seenis to be immune froni tic mc- frcshing showera, as none sem to Lflu on this part., :eA large crowd attcndcd Shiloh' strawberry festival Friday. A surprisc birthday party was given Mm. Victor Fârr6w at which ail bis family werc present, on TIjursday wcek. Congratulations Victor! Visitors: M.., sud Mrs. Jas. Stark and family, Newtonville, et Mms. I. Stark's.. . Mr. and Mms. R. Lowery and family, Toronto, Mr. Ed. Rutiven, Zion, Mr. Forrester, Westport, et Mm. A. Dobson's... Mm. sud Mrs. Lcw Hallowell sud famlly, Mrs. S. G. Hallowell sud Misa Norma Hnllowell, Mrs. Wm. Savery, et Mr. C. Yulc's, Oshawa. ..Mr. nnd Mrs. Gordon Power sud family, Clarke Union, et Mms. I. Stamk's... Miss Meda Hallowell, Xewcastle, at home. . . Mms. Sîd Hallowcll and Helen, et Mr. H. Rusk's, Port Hope... Mr. and Mms. Ross Hallowell et Mr. Ed. Wbitc's, Elizabthill. . . Mr. M. Shutka, Nellic sud Danny, Oshawa, werc home. . . Mr. and Mms. H. B. Gil- mer sud family at Mm. T. Sow- dcn's, Elizabethville. . . Mm. sud Mms. Cloughcliff, Toronto, et Mr. Gordon Trim's. RISTORY ON GOLF COURSE Somc fairways on ti. golf links ln Cape Breton Highlands Nation- al Park arc on fields clcarcd by Prench soldiers tire. iundred ycars ago. Stately trees and vis- tas of tic Atlantic make tuis Nova Scotia links a golf center of un- usuel beauty. NB WS Newtonville Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown, Toronto, at Mr. W. N. Stevens' enroute to Montreal... Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, at Mr. R. J.» Rowe's. .; Miss Laurna Pearce in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce at Mr. Har'vey Osborne's, Welcome. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Tburston, Bobcay- geon, Mr. and Mrs. Will Metcalfe, Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, Ogden and Ruth, Oshawa, at Mr.1 Jas. Stone's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ed-1 gar Phulp and famiy, Cobouirg,~ at Mr. R. Morton's... Misses Mar- garet nnd Marion Allun, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. F. Graham, INewcastle, -Mise Sybil Hood and Mr. Stan. Payne, Peterboro, at Mr. Reuben Payne's. . . Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bradley and Mrs. But- ler, Toronto; witb Mrs.- Wm. Whit- taker. . . Miss Mildred Moise, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. George Crump, Port Nelson, at Mr. Sid. Lnncaster's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Lockiart, Florence and Bruce, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and family, Sa- lem, Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Mun- day and family, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. C. Welsh and babe, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. W. Lan- caster's. . . Mrs. Thos. Stapleton at Mr. G. N. Smith's, Starkvile... Miss Ixlene Brereton and Mr. Douglas Cunningham, Newcastle, at Mr. George Kimball's. . . Mr. Elwood Moore, ToronWo, wîth bis sister, Mrs. Jas. Stark. . . Miss Bertha Thompdon accompanied ber nephew, Mr. W. Tiompson, to thc States for a vacation... . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McGahey, Peter- boro, at R. Morton's. .. Mr. Bert Blackburn, Uxbridge, at Mr. J. A. Barrie's. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie and Murray at Mr. Roger Tamblyn's, ZMon. MacGregor Jones has secured a position with the Goodycar Co. in Toronto. Miss Olive Whitney is home from thc hospital after a tonsil operation. Mrs. George Campbell is able to. be home .from tic hospital. Brown's H. &' S. Club ield a dance in Ncwtonville Community Hall Friday nigit for Red Cross. Miss June Warc, Toronto, la iolidaying icre and will be nigit operator at Telepione Central. R. J. Rowe is iaving an annex built to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haticrly sud famuly, Bowmanvillc, have mov- cd into Mrs. Haigh's houa.e. Mr. Hathcrly la cmploycd et Elliott's Garage.. Jas. Burton has purchascd a picce of land froni Clclsud Lane, forrncrly the Ovens property al-- most opposite Brock Petiick's, and is erccting a new bouse wicrc thic old one was. The.. Club .ield. n strawbcrry social at Mr. George McCul- lougi's Saturday evcning. W.MS. of United Churci met whcn Miss Laing, president, open- cd tic meeting. Mrs. J. A. Barrie had charge of tic prograni. Scrip- turc reading, Miss Laing; prayer, MIrs. C. Burlcy. A number of ladies were present from New- castle W.M.S. and took part in tic prograni as follows: Mrs. Dickin- son gave a tala on tic Surgeon of Skeena; a duct, 11'1l go wberc h. wants me to go," lÇrs. Howard Allin, sud Mrs. Cecil Carveti; Mrs. Norman Allin gave a belp- fui poem. A vote of thanka was given tic Newcastle ladies and lunch was served. W. I. met et Mrs. L. T. Savcry's. W. Andrews will be paid cx- penses for plsuting tic flowcrs around tic monument. New pro- granis *werc prcscnted to mcm- bers. Enci group is to do six cans of jam for tic Red Cross. Mms. S. Rowc and Mrs. Robt. Morton werc appointed directors for tic Township Federation of Agricul- turc. $15.55 was rcnlizcd froni tic sale of tickets on Miss Bertha Thompson's quilt. Mrs. J. T. Pearce won thc lucky ticket and immcdintcly gave tic quilt hnck to be auctioncd off et our Field Day July lst. Mrs. C. Burley had charge of tic program: Mrs. G. Martin gave report from District Annual; Mms. F. Gilmer gave re- Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. Hotson and littie Barbara Anne Alldred are in Port Hopeé hospital as a resuit or a car ac- cident. Sorry to report the serious ill- ness of Mrs. T. Powell. Recent Visitors: Mr. and MJrs. E. Wicks, Toronto, Mr. E. Powell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beatty, Elizabetiville, at MIr. S. Powell's... Mir. and Mrs. C. Mit- chell, Mr. Geo. Payne and D. Powell at *Jno. Mitchell's, New- castle. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ton- kin, Mrs. L. Laverty, Mër. and Mrs. R. Rowden, Oshawa, wlth Mrs. T. Powell. . . . Mvr. and Mrs. Bob Hendry at T. Simpson's, Cowan- ville. Lockhart's School port on Agriculture; Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orono, gave report on, Education; Mrs. L. Savery gave report on War Work; Mrs. C. Burý- ley gave a short tale on "Peace."1 Roll cail was "Qualiiies to ensure; future peace." Lunch was served. Next meeting at Mrs. Stan Rowe's. Topic, Home Economic. Warne Agalnst Let-dg, In Our War Effort; A decrease i the amnount of Red Cross supplies for Overseas' pow being sentby provincial Red..' Cross branches to the Ontario' warehouse, has brought a warn- ing to women from M-. Wallae R. Campbell, nationa h=ar~ Wornen's War Work Comniittee,. against any slackeiiing of war work during the suniner months, "The war is gathering in mo- mentum," Mrs. Campbell said, "and it is littie enaugh for usto give a few hours each day toaa job we can stili accomplish in the safety of conifortable work-roonia or the shelter of our own homes." Red Cross has secured extra shipping space for thie month of June and officiais are anxious to get to Britain as much civilian clothing and knitted coniforts as possible as a reserve for the. fu- ture. «It is hoped tliat every wornan will realize how necessary It la to redouble our efforts and do twice as much work tia summner and thnt it will be a disastrous tbing if holidays cause a drop in the quantlty of Red Crods sup- Plies," Mrs. Campbell sald. Warm clothing for bomnb vlc- tims, quilts, knitted coniforts for civilians and sailors; sweaters, gloves, mitts, are ail needed and volunteer women war workera are reminded that supplies sent overseas now by Red Cross wll scarcely reach England before the cool weather. Clarke Township Donnybrook Fair Aids British War Victims Over $l80w s ld by given to tic Toronto Telegram auctioneer, Who, having "lknockcd for cigit lucky draws did a brisk Mrs. Ed. Grahami, Mrs. N. F. Por- 1 Beverley Payne, Orono, plckcd a Clark. ToU was ciizens e i British War Victims' Fn.Lft it down" to himself, wantcd to business ail alternoon. Tich onee h0 Orono, rsJ.Llifbatwînichoetaupy Donnybrook Fair t Orono on This smillnig lad, Junior West, iad find a good home for tic pup. ladies bchlnd the. table an Ms Toronto. <Harry Hammnilathej1 Sic calîs thc bundle of fur unde June iSti. Thc money, was ail1the. puppy given to hlm by tic Centre: Tic booti selling tickets1 G. L. Fllntoff, Mms. A. 1 1 negnlmnettclft.RgtrIhrhnd"lp. Avoid Internai Sluggishness Do - t Saps Vitalityl Doyou ever suifer from a duil, draggy feeling tlat prevents you from doing your à bgot? Its cause is mont often a luggih system, due to lack of bulk in the. diet. Here's a way to help prevent it Help K.p the Sysf.m Normal This PIauscnt, Naturai Way Constipation due ta lack of bulk shouldyield to Pose's Bran Flakes, enten regularly. They provide enough natural bulk i the form of bran ta keep the. food wasten moving promptly. Help ta prevent sluggisbnew Zbyeating Postes Bran Flakea daily. They have a criap appetizing, nut-like flavou.r tliat really ja different. If they do flot easily relieve tiie trouble, sec your doctor. PISiS BRAN FLAKES BRAND WIlH MYER PARTS THE CANADIAN STATESMAX, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE -7- À0 Àdv Àm AW Enjoy life NOR£ Il E