VI URm ' BOWt# LE-NA UE2t 91 euvu of_____i_ Cov-àai ndFml <1~m Li.a1wIN HIGH WAY CRASH ofThaveesa cm erne ita Ie dto k aoiyu the trT M R O IH W as "DissdeThe "Total Conscription XOW" that we cannot draw back a S Fa 18 e or Jh ob" Trc rve aerom our obviaus duty, whlch la ta speak plainly and boldly. L nLi t of McLaughflns 'eoirg Hart Oshaw suhter od.-.o importance in the public and Mlustrial affairs af this country. 92N4D BIRTHEDAY Gaily Decorated Cas rnceofevieM ch ~eo~'e saw , MKbqueat _____Ail, af course are aware that, 1ýhe Statesman is independent,___ Knows Life Of Eng- RS SêNDERSON leted Ana Early G politicaily and commerciafly, and hence is completely fear- Ilsh Leader As Few TfI'? 1PlU hTC Mrs. E. V_. Lawlor, Picton, died lesa and sincere. To Lake Town -Ki. PabynerberehsB - Others Do. N& ï J.aOjiOVLI1U I in Bowmianviile Hospital early - die ,eihtd wins.dsuha.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T uesday m ornin g fro m injurie~s It is e vident th at C an ad a can rai se m on ey b u t n ot m en . _ _ _ _ta y d o n r ti n s w l b e - receved n a ar-tuck rash On May 12, 1941, the cail camée in block capitals MEN ARE , aidh h aainLgo "FihubtUnotnt"~ The Reynolds farnily ai Solina, twetity-fu hours befare. Her Mrhnssi h o the motta af a famous English Ont., has praduced quite a num- corp.panion, Hugh Hannah, Carry- UGNL EDD hyhv a aefrad eMrhnssi h anw aaea 'lc omro F.amiy sêa~, most famous son ber af successful teachers, but so ing ?i31ce, is in a seriaus candi- cannat fight Hitler's kind of *ar with mere maney. What carnivaia ad he Wnson ChurcLhili ls now moving fai asw. nw nyoeat tian. then shail we do? Our opinion is that none ai aur present right. No wander, iar hunrd heaven and earth, ta keep his per- standing ecanomist. O-ver a con- Thved drr ai the, itru 1 leaders ai palitical parties inFederal affairs cani much langer '-were in Cobourg enjoying tea- Altrebace iteBr sonal 'misiartunes and those ai siderable periad we have been i vae, Harre Ftsyhe Picttaonrssof hs nwreadunwkn nual Goadyear Picnic. ItV Eaywmbau isteg.Amrc hià country iram being o-ver- tauch by correspondence with a was released an bail after being sev the fort tita interests buti naaead wkn 'whelnxing. writer - named E-va Sandersan,. held an a criminal negligence ed country. If soldiers are uÈgéntly needed, then let us get adyfothcidrnbtery*pstecetah ndmiay Hihlghs i hehi a Eitwha has dealt mainîy with the charge, later changed ta man- them, fast and sure.' The summWer training periad is waning. b ody has fun. Fram yeartayrreiw sshdud.ClL.T Hihlgtsofte if f ri-mik ustoni te oono lugte.the youngsters eagerly auatteMLuhi, 4.. MGwi ain's Prime Minister were related milk utione iins theTarato Tluheracdnt.crdo Sa let us get ito and on with the war! screeching siren on samesun taeheaua.Otedi it by Ex-Mayor George Hart ai Osh- arabtwasyrtns gen ral Te aint a oc urr eaa Saturday marning that hrlshmwl emltr n il awaatBamavile otryClb yupan ecanomic questions we cuv iHgwyN.2js atThose with faces set against and minds clased, ta d'total anather outing.reestaie.W F.Rcrd Fay. A fte behigvll Rtaryadub haeelt, deserved w.;ide recagni- ai Gill's iarm early Monday marn- national effort" must go, and tuimn aver the task ta the strang Fv ussadyio n .. e ecr ... aa by. W e Cawer, Mnr. Hart tion. We were pleased, therefore, ing. A light sedan i which Han- iebssan ylo byWse akr r ata ioind 'a leading article iromn her nah and Mrs. Lawlar were riding, -and vigauraus who wiil employ ta the last gasp, ail the re-_ bitue decorated cars leit tantIl.Jnswre .A d Iaunched itt a histary ai Chur- pen in the latest issue ai "Satur- came ni contact wîth the trailer sources, ail the energies ,.nherent and mnculcate in this broad arrive at the ideal picnclaion odtnMyrCrlAdr chil's life in a mawxpr which day Night" Food Surpluses and ai a Burord Transport. The Dominion. It ail means survival or slavery. We hear these ta Cobaurg park wveil before uc o n e. .MLuhh s. showed he has studied it 'from National Health." truck and senu-trailer passed tae words but cannot seem ta hee them. Wîth al'ti in mnd 'time. Quickly the executive a--iOhwaealepce ab A ta Z. It is aur pleasure naw ta tatro- car ail right but the trailer crash- nitegttig ne a ihpeet Himslsel naiveafnEgtaiveuceE-vaSanersnnadthtE-veedtat itwithTue foce.It wsmtere reuTheStaesmn sggetsttat he imehas rried ta fist bg even beng asoi- Te rute i te prad ha Mr.. Hart ventured, the opinion bail game withrso M. W.e Tamly bee altere saewa from whatre I a h frtbgevn thatit par owaspanpart ais te a plan aite lteDamv-nt oftyncarlds whomaen imanyin. rememberhs l somelto ctine nbeargorehauthe-itteyoldaccu- foremeberiearlessfor thlikeocu-morndedess citizensci centrailyll toassmta fassemblee ithMfor Ine intervention that Churchill H. Reynolds farmerly of Solina, fram the wreckage. The sedan MsRihr aeonstrcnuaus game the teamasilteiiatgshdi adtr was- at the heini today and that brother ai Dr. J. B. Reynolds, was camnpletely demalished and Mr. Churchill has juat sitetd; "We very much desire an rsRihrKteonhad strengta enough leit t c iefa hc on tcibs great thiixgs would be accomp- former President ai the O.A.C., the trailer had ail the wlieels Imperial War Conférence," aid goes an ta say thiat his ad-vice Hmtn h nJn ltcl-cp h rssa staswihb en aaefrau tpb lished because7ý'ài bis initiative" and uncle ai the Reynolds boy torn offp. staPrm Mise Kncnoatnd wn o'lz brated her 92nd birthday hale and were awarded. lcshoge at nEgnt courage, energy and experience. who have achieved disttaction as For three hundred yards the ista rm iitrKn antatn wn ae- hearty and ta the best ai spirits A sports cammittee ai nixha Cocsintuseataogo- He recailed the event that hàd teachers ta Toronto. It wiil be raad was littcred with wreckage. igencies"' hi Cariada. And éveU as tais is re'jealed, Mr. -Ëng . as iriends called ta offer con- tac day's program running eycsint ete at ln braught yaung Winstan ta pub- impossible li the space available Splintered glass and woad, smail leaves for a three wèeks' tour ai the West,.- "inspecttag de- ratulatians. She cames ai an smoothly. Anaouncers, picke] o ereS.t elntn att ai oi fifty yhads agowea ta us i tbis- issue ta give even a mfetal parts ai engine and frame fences,"l fram, the safety ai a private car. Inspecting de- farly pioncer Darlingtaii family, their wcil-knawn -vocal abitc LirysuhaKigwsta scof poitical an fram summary ai the article appcaring shawed the farce of the impact. fences!! Agaiat what enemiy i that area? And wita this ea agtra er iit praclaimed the variaus evet-Dlsonrt aCucws tc atn t e po n he a s e n m chla ur a i ht " b w are T ra.iic O fficer W m . F . T h om p - Sr., g w aho w a T o fn hi le r k E . . C a fo d a d M a rciga n t e m e a c , n a t th te ublic cc. be uhapin l hI' acord ita btse wasnpe h die ne r precept, stark, staring and real: "A state is nat; justified in ar. Jusic a Tohe p eae and on Wra. Cwer anlme wihps1heielgsadt o intepbi y.acclai E-va Sanderson as anc ai rest and lodged him. in tac cauxi- trymng ta defend itself with anly a portion ai its strcngth, ducted a general store and grist puimonary fortitude. S t a rtcstr ak Churchill was "1bred, for thc tac outstandingÉ econoaists ta On- ty jail at Cobourg. when-tac existence ai tac whole is at stake. Emnergencies? mill for many years, and lived till wcre J. C. Sanùis, W. A.Eda; Cp.WR.HwrMibok job," Mr. Hart asscrted, and tarin, or evexi ai ~ada, ta the Accardlng ta police anather car WaarthyAwy ihalthsnseeadtastrk helwas 96. A brother, James El- Prize Comniittec, L. DeviR. mrhiigtepad ad polntcd out that ne-ver befare had field ai AgriculturalEconôics. was also ,ivlved. Foilowlng WhtaeteAa iha hsnnes n hssak liott, Bawmanviile, dicd ta Ms Oke, M. A. - Neal; RefreshmnslctrstcuetcTetnRC anc hllai acwoldagaas tcn publlshing 'tac many treatises ai Albert Shork, R.R. 3, Oshawa, ail these years has only lived. in Crambie' and TransportatnG.mncmaddb Sqao-k other. 'On is shoulders resta tac and "Off tac record"l cprrespond- crashed itt tac wreckage dam- tw hauses - tac anc in which Tait and A. Clarke. Lae etnMse. background goes back 'ta '1650. shail hope ta do so as occasion other occupants aiMscr e e t LI I Me* uidbyEgr oi crs a which fartificd by a little pcc aaafo urudn on Wtaston was borx on Dec. 3,',1874. permits and her sanction is re- hurt. pond, and her present residence money, braught fram homci- wl ci a ad.TeW At an carl -ag he came ta pub- ceived. Ther -is in it ail an This fatality climaxed -a week- on the-Scugog Road. This grand abîed them ta purchaseaitcc'sAxlayndGr'Seve > lie notice. Tht-wuas sinus per- aatonamxr «behind tac scenes"t end of many bad accidents. old lad bas. been fartunate far - r i at a n andt o od when saclety flauxited tac purvi tat- bespeak. wide re- ___________ "M aV ay hsi havmiqj tac devoted tet axghatalws lbaet erpcctdu a cherdshed Victorlan maraity but sarcx, intelligent peetrationadlatgcren c pn on- aI tat as ano forsthem.BgeBnBamnh a adulywspreae lhcr epe n oigcaead!main 1 Pris eent a sgon d t aaual wspematdwiaco-and tac abillty ta break down Tw a yai ship ai her daughter Miss Mar"hs inr:îpm amnvieBySat n ruptian. Againat tais Winstan re- political subierfug. Itiz evauld beU ev m u i«tKtesn tares fam-Wlus rn cus beiled. That fighting spirit start- very enhightenlni f .U forav mflkel pro-e aU __________ iy ones gran: r.adrs.Ooa rs ad lalb ed him on tac road ta fame anxd ducers ta-. peruae hem article ap- flilatnrcunwso 7Mhlri~tee Ms entie life h as beexi from pearing i ".5aturday ];Ight," Junel MAT AUXmTi KilatrcktEohad7 wars ta parliament, ta war, ta 21 ' 1941. Fo CV a mpAAj SuUILU CITIZEN OURNID JonH H r * JtmyIf there. They. won a real iniy L.Cl .H onalwi writing and ta parliament again. ~Ws. Sanderson.,la aise a sister ___JohH H. Jury BJuried V IALOfI aJ..I y prise ta the farm ai a 1rcr ao i lm onwt ii v ~~ Though ne-ver briliant in schol ai', Mrs.- Ervilie., Foster, Liberty Tuesday-Unique Fig- TIi ~order.anpefr tchayfucio À 4 he did wcll at Harrow, and after SBomnie.-The 2nd Battalion, Midland Tiny Tata Race, prisesaipl' S taking an active taterest in thé St. Bwnvl.RgintC.A ()arexct ure In DrgTrade. Wecm aim r daaidi uckyl ticets ai; irs arm gadatd ron anhust -. d to leave for three weck's camp Je.u viiies an slhaer, ta ai; i'Rc,~ilbtgt oeidvda His varied career earned him post W i EsUrVPfS at Conxiaught Ranges, Ottawa, John H. H. Jury, long dean ai Jey' anFtce, Betty ilatrcdspzoonyttalnn$0. ofurgtlst rd othe diugty on "loY Teme soinetime Sunday. The represent- the merchants ai Bawnxanvile A splendid attendance ai active Lingard; Ladies' Blindfald RcTenevs h lgncae Maio fr. -miiel sal and sale survivar ai tac grand aid war workerg attendcd meeting aiMr.ofarc;Mytr ae o hs aia.Tecuei 4 ~ ~ i thta Cuban War and the Baer er tais year but there are stiil guard ai local bustaess men of Women's AuxilayD"Cy t Mrs. Kilpatrick; Soda BiscuitCn ~ athsbe War; was a press correspondent 'Wtaners in the public and hlgh a fair number who have showed th athl-cnuy ase i.Rg. and "Ai" omanvlle test, Marg. Kilpatrick; Lde'wrh n i with such a lively and iearless school essay conteat on subi ecta tacir willingness to pre pare ta thae at his homeontu SII'ier Mi.Streadet11 Bwanil Boat and Shoe Race, Marg.' b eosrtdb h hlhat Pen it aiten won him enemies.. cannected with the Vlctory Loan dcfcnd their country whcn taey atuay cvhs oen Juer 2Stret Boys in A.F. on Friday e'vcning ta patrick, Betty Kilpatrick;OdrcdspottelalLgn But taday be is the one man for werc: Public Schol-Alan Strike, arc needcd.Stra vngJe21. St. John's Parish Hall. President Girls' Race, Betty KilpatrickBe- rac ha rcivdfa tc tac job and has tac trust and con- $5-.00; Paul -Tuerk, $3.00; Haines It is cxpected tacre wil be coeQuickly the news ai his passtag Mrs. C. Rf. Spencer presided and ty Balsan; Older Boys' Race I eateto ainlDfne fidence ai tac people ai the Em- Beliman, $Z.00. '- (Priies donateçi a30mialrna tcm spread thraughout tac whalc cam- weîcamed six new m e m b e r s bert Danahue; Boot and So afrabgso wi pire in its hour ai trial. by tac Balmoral Hatel). At thc wil "D Compmiy from. Bow-.nuit idepesosa iari rntgmmesi pt 2- tm ea aayPr a Other bighlights in txe life aif High Schoal wtaners were:'Cata- mnvile havig tae smallest rcp- ing and regret came from. the members. Mrs. Wylie, treasurer, <Contlnued-on page O>mrrw)enig Churchill were vidly braught 1erine Munta, $10.00;, W i î fre eetta.Mnacas an hearts af those ta whom Ms pre-anuicdttMm.Dn hd outbyMm Hrt A mnytiue iSmith, $5.00; Alan Ferguson, .$2. from art Hope, Cobourg, Mil- sneadhhamwrelibly given $246.65, proceeda from, Sil- (Conlnud o pae 6 All tac prises .were ta War Sav- brook, Campbellibrd and Bright- and indefiably linked with bath -ver Service Rafile and ber previ- (Cotluodanpu. O Jjngs Stamps an. A parade, ai the mcen fram towix and countryside. His Pass- aus rununage sale minus $10 don- TfiW y Road Co dto sP y P t é Coourg Pot Hop aningw came ta peace and quietude; atian she gave tac Red Cross bisle ilmrc n tepr generous heart simply flutter- Society from, her raMle pracccds. anfe h ein mar on tia par- fi n a life-long man Mrs Hocley, LbryS.was telu Serie ofx Lin Co pl t Ca'st luck wtane Librt actio tac ies We e d cde t «7 vgntag. auk innro tac Silverü Service -~ ;:~' Lion Complote Ca uiv Pla sndeagt tacnLegi s Far: Foide of Bor at Prince Albert, Ontaria and Pat Clarke sold the winntagCA BU ID SDaae vr 100 heSi SU jtW M 4 h M t the, best training camps ta Can- Cony n1857, be passed thraugh ticket.CA U ID S 51W. ____________________-aca. Its ranges are recagnizcd as lementaly scha ors an tomeca The write up ta The States- GARAGE COLLAPSE asTlaoeBna v L _______ tic~L best ta i Canada. Firing ai m okrrlhcfracmec a mmi as unofficiaily discusscd maehne gn an letrsndcareer. Beiore tac cixapter clascd, and tac Auxiliary dolcs nat wishMA ES PS eng Twenty-Fpour Haves Perfect At- Watth the. - Lghts practical' demonstratians ai gas J1. B. B. Jury Mr. Jury abtaincd recognition as any Bowmanville Boys ta Canada, tendanice Reoord., plus tactical schemes wiil take up on% ai the leaders in the Canadian Ovres i oc rNv a One persan tbaugbt itwaa Du tasppr masan A little vulgar but vcr a portion ai the thrcc weelcs. Outstandtag -business man and drug 4ndustry, bath wbalcsale and tbink BawmanviilFohas orgotvytn o n an fbtH .Bt-haytaicsvrlatmbl expressive is'tac phrase, Ide If tacre are those wba waûld leader in the cammunity far a-ver rti.H a n iteirtt ambttcAxlayt aemn we iteVco ao With an'tac finesse ai an cx- got it straight fram. the horse's still like ta be preparcd ta serve fifty years wba dicd at bis borne ugdrgittaaptc-pa- have only Bowm4nvüle Overseas apartunents, was in no dout wa ciet ctBwavlesp pcrlenbed. chef whipptag up a de- mnouth," but those wards arc their country it is nat ton lâte Saturday nigbt. His contributions t1ive hmaacrtg an s a c istadteMdad D.S asd teniewe areiefrea tcrnSnn v licbnla ae melmbers ai thaw ioAnsappial ta thi ncw itm ta- #nl _ for - ta-eev atesltbcneaca frtdrc îaephn o iet n Ax rc aaea wibb a nn.Th anacdn hd deegte a h lJtrict Con- iae- obtatahigied.dTradismyou a ference' in oronto. .'i«mv. from ui eaar otg el. their Entrance an tacir Term v7i00--$,0,50134 okl egcrldo ytc e slfevie ad sen are ur-lcl aswreitl&dt a bore attended and répoààMe 'an .Qverseab mi read iySecre- Work tais year la accaunted for as . 150,000 45,00 10.0 Royal Canadien Army Serv i tany e t ade & o n .E hmpo aetgtd tàry .Verhx Ott tacludge l9tters by tac fact tat special provisions Ins50 opscton ni wii bae ope t for w cl etintapsofcdds excellent time. from Tom Breck, H. A. Fmank, were, made for rural pupils ta npcina eprneSrefrcrantpe i liahoa Sotyale as nte c porfect Attendance. Records T. W. Grahiam, -CpI. TeothC. complete their course b y Eme, Total $900,000 $1,153,400 127.22 0 posite thc Post Office, for bath ta war and tm paeueu îetocmc ntcSuo Long reqnzdas superior-i MeManus, RaY -Cale, McGUtk , 1nth agout one hoaur snortly asfter 10 are cordiaily ta'zited tapo t ne.AcrdivnbJonL many wes the Bowmanvufle T' Bird WI Hughes, J. L. Kimball, buste of their tenchers' examina- Two 1fotnotes complete the pîcture: First, many ta a'clock. tac ývarions types ai vebicles n anaOhwntmtdt *Lioni Club again led maixy of lits J. Woochvnrd, R. Hoaper, K. Wood tosgvnq httm.I sas avri a onhdnt vnbe avse u h ntudrCpanW .t banfrhrifra nclgbor -l ta materai tted- ickW~,ght G. . Hlllgwotatios gven;t anttue Itla aso anvrsil as oun, bd nt een eencanjassd dc Te uif ndeOCataiw W.H. a otai furncr ormtio aspas a ar-ri'rcnby m. had negbos-i hemttrW.ated D Lckeh, N.. Hk n J.Ca necessar3' for tacm ta submit a ta lack ai explicit understanding, and second: "Specials" Hoiggs o he Cttra l Mnday t a andist ental. pa rotion ik apa, hnCawc' ance. The officiel attondance sea-WD.LceN.HkeyJ.Cm cetlfl.ate frOm their parent or wmanln irome tacz Cenra Mecb- mtdca andtie dentalns attetio garcrserc ntcwe ne san excludes June July and Au- cran,, J. Honoyaxan, G. Beckett, employer statîng tat tacy are weetoewo etmntawatirctzn.Teeae anical Transport Supplies lIn Ot- en un the ammy n ex noa ld n aog gust, but for ÏÈe rematatag L. Austin, J. S. Spencer, H. J. bctag engaged In neccssary farm nat canvasued by tac omdinamy canvassers. They "con- tawa. They will go as far as The public wiil be allowei aafne ora' a uie monthi af 1940-41 twerity-ow Welsh, J., Pamker', I. S. Hunt, P. labour for n pcrlad ai not leos tmibuted" with tac above not too.remmrkable mesult. However London up taraugb Camp Borden inspect tac workahops, tactesaontwcanilolndda Liant n*ttended 100 %. For . gli q.-Walker and P. B#thgate. thon .ught weolca. genieral congratulations are in order, Wc shauld now turn and back ta Ottawa by wny of of womk carried an ta these tuk h ic.Vr itedmg a fithfuhiqos they were prept. A Mit r the' meetins was Lindsay and Peterboro. Stop: and the varlous vebicles wlt a J, iatoal .- awra.b Yfalp PetpboVo. ',Joontlnuid.on pae> e)ctively, ta recrulting saldiers. , wl emcea i ag nt cnludo n.S -' j ioa 'W ,-v ,b- Vie -A , ga -l bemd t& ag ete nt