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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1941, p. 4

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ww ii.the bride, and Roy Banner, bro- Bowmanville, was his brother's FPORKER BOWXANV1U COXYpLt IgNARIRD 2-YZAU8 six nieces and nephews were uzi- girls, Jean Pasece and Efléen Pas-- abllitY andfrnteltbn weacimgs ther Qf the groom. grornsman. able to be present, naxnely Miss coe; 100 yd. race for men, Lloyd came forth dlcosrfehej ____h__rmn arcpin olwg h eemn e Marie McDougall, Victoria, B. C.; Pascoe, Don Linton; 100 yd. race toa dd ta tlegnrlamaii~ was held at the bride's home, ception was held when the bride's Mrs. Rosa McDougafl, Mondovi, for ladies, Mrs. P. DewelI, Mn. of the occasonOerfrywe Bonner-PettigrClV Main Street, which was attended mother received wearing a blue Wash.; .Misses Evelyrn ahd Marie L. Pascoe; klcklng the shoe, Mrs present. by over flfty guests, among whom silk redingote dress with match- Awde, Toronto; George Pascoe Harold Pascoe, Mms. L. Cleiqens. ______________ Rogers Memârial Presbyterian were CQM.S. E. J. Thomas, "D'y ing hat and a corsage of sweet Saskatoon; and Leiland Ciragg, oÏ time race, Mrs. Chapman; oldest Church, Toronto, was the setting Co. Midland Regt., Rowmanville, peas. The groom's mother, who Buffalo, N. Y. lady present, Mrs. 7~ T. Rundie; for the marriage Saturday, June and Mrs. Joseph ParsonsOhwaelrecifendrea tmave flow-Owing to the rarity of the oc- youngest baby, Alice Pascoe. At 1t, o agrtAde et- Mr. and Mrs. Banner lef t for a etredchiffondrescosawgthofatchisg casion, arrangements were *made the end of the races the children grew, younger daughter of WiI- motor trip ta Montreal, the bride Fstrhat adn crge of- oporoses.'rop noydapentseabe lmPtirwTootadD-waigasailor blue crepe dressfaothbrd ne apwr No program of sports was plan- flain etandew, Tronto and a- earng afurs. On falo, ihe bride donne a powder vid Banner, son of Mr. and Mr5. their neturn they wrnl reside in blue wool redingote ensemble ne, n order t Mr&eeach the s i oot.with matching hat and white ac- opportunity ta ist lth those M s rdSr George Banner. Rev. James i-Trno cessorie. They will reside,.in Bow- oms'itneHwqrtth vnOfl F m roff iciated, and Jack Russell manville.tala"mgeht,*spsd was at the organ. The bride, given Aldrldge-Chapman aènec on i rhrA nvrayD y inmrig yhrftensoe- Elna hrh teM R A E A T Nname on a tag, pulled the string, ___ a quçef's blue redingote esm nElno United CucteM R R TD L O and out came some meremento of Two presentations were made bic with hat to match. and corsage marniage took place Saturday af- OS A REthocain rzsaungom t oo I .FedJSpywo of Pnk ose an bovaria.Mis tenoo, Jne 1st ofMis Gldyslaughter were awarded as fol- witii Mr. Spny marked the 25th Edlth Hamilton a tt e n ded as Chapman, daughter of Rev. and GIVEN SHOWERS îows: For travelling greatest dis- .' ______J. tane, some 2,00 milesill. anJniers14th o their weddingj bridesmaid, in beige crepe rs . J.ncF. Chapma000, Brian Hill _______t pe a it elngo odre A~ve.,ToottGodnJms Ms agr DlnaP - Mrs. T. H. Awde, Heward, Sask.; Mrs. M. J. Elliott opened hen vilt, and carried a nosegay of Aldridge, son of Mn. and Mrs. E. ular bride-ta-be of next manth tavniaBla esditnsor;nLuc- gherigon sayeting o he sweet peas in varied shades. Ken- F. Aldridge, Broadway Heights. was feted on Thursday evening, travelln ate AdWisnceinuO- gahergonesdayeeing ofor ther neth Banner was best man for his The bride's father officiated, as- at the home of Mrs. I. G. Traveil, ____________ ky up, . . AW ih, T y-ao nuberofal eihbLoursand brother, and the ushers were sisteti by Rev. W. J. Johnston. 215 Monk. St. Oshawa. The 35 ukcpMsE.AWihT anme of eghur d ed tenane; Broadest smile, Mrs. Russell friends. Although living in r 11arry Sider, brnther-in-law o enesat alsdcnaeit e sts w were received by the Mn. and Mrs. Alpha Pinch, 22 Gladstone Avenue, Oshawa, who Wright, Tytone; Heartieet laugh, land for the sununer Mrs. Sr cd he we Athdn ur .W sic a -Berttes Mrs. Traveil, campriseti celebrateti 62 years of married life, on Sunday, June 22. Frank Pascoe, of Zion; Reddest i elkanrsdn fBw Cled hsaeng MaysS.cTechig Sterandcheeks, Mrs. Bob Ritch, Drayton; mnileadIBwswt owicr * ~ lre ag Bridge Club, as well as many fo h euiu Least thatch, Everard Awtie, Sen mafeelgfiend twshith pre- her uncle, Mr. F. F. Marris, Bow- ta. Many lovely gifts, miscellane- ti Dakota, Vhsntons. MIB.tioris wene made. manville, r grdni whteane ingarndtienial wre whiteesad, tausod I ongonentMryaMssOive iersonbeaxfofth Rbewes 0 re S +silk jersey, with accondian pleat- daintily pnesented ta the honour- IH w Ol r T s ? id it well." For' he had broukht Jones, Toonto. Ms OieMr. Mac Moore read a cangratu- NtinalS~1d.ade Legal ed sirit. Her veil of tulle illusion ed guest. Mms. Howard Brown i euyoto hs lcs f Tecide n e yi I Fist, baddehsand f heRebekahsJtinl Pak eauty aut of thoe bhecks 0f Thechiltiren enjoyti playing in ltode-address anidMms. W. J.atbe and enriched te andld the san aRdicadddingavichards gave Mr. Spryoa gift o 0. . V. GOULD, B. A., LL.B. hala of shirneti net anti seeti lighteti al with her musical num- Yet s ever dy o whch eperlsakers anirse bait anti pentrta o. oni i mnte SocioNtay pearls. She carnieti a cascade Of bers anti led in a lively sing-song. (By Alpha Plnch) evryd o whc W pprsaksanrseb ladPet 4 Phane 351liitr otry rases anti connflawens. Miss Verna McCoy anti Mms. (Mr. andi Mms. Alpha Pinch, enter is like those three slabs of sAmEPCI avl, aironiondCn Bank of Commerce Bldg. The bride was attended by Miss Stewart Rod1man presidd at the 22 Gladistone Avenue, Oshawa, marble on which we anc ta wonk The, ?ascoe Picnic was- helti at Then from hem frientis Mrs. tinemtal Lmtd Bowmanville Alice Rass as maiti of honar, in- deightfully deconateti tea-table. formenly of Bawmanville, Ob- anti lacked up in each day it is Hampton Park on June llth with s. Boheadani Mrs ecyreen- you lcl gntwilgldSuanlk W. R. TR~Eclauti pink onganza, anti Miss Mrs. Bruce Ashton anti Mrs. Go -serveti their 62nti wetiuikan- iargeiy up ta you anti me which15 rset aenoyafieBoeo fe th ateandformai pe Green-n4arpiebor.aat u Earistr~SolcitrNotry Doris Aldiditge, the groom's sister, don Beech senveti the guet i nvnaya udy ue2.will camne out. For there ilb oon of bail games and ti oher fied adre a o mainey. Taltis n o wionast fralmi Barser«Sliio, oay anti Miss Beryl Le Gnîce, as brides- a deliciaus lunch. Al enjayeti the Anti in answen ta the many con- pptutesapaseobim;sporting activities. After'a .mofst Mms.pyeplimoeyT itinly cx- io,,,t6 Solicitor for Bank of montreai maitis, in aqua organza. The fun of a reai surprise party anti gratulations anti gooti wishes ta make someone happy or. miser- tai nMupe finuea ressng he pprec itingat hav-_______________ Mgoney ta Loan - Phone 791 gawns wene matie alike with a jolly evening of îlaughter, sang, they are receivinig from rela- abie;-there will be situations ta varieties anti intimn i n i s h a b 1 e ing such gooti fienta £ I Bowmanville, Ontario basque bodices anti bouffant anti goati fellawship. tives, fnientis anti neighbors, the meet anti choices ta make which quantities, Harolti Pascoe,' Osh- TeeeigWsac0 ai L .MSOBA. skirts. They wone shephertiess Mm. anti Mms. Harny Peever, bride anti groom of 62 years will cantain possibilities for de- awa, caileti the frienis ta antier Th vngwaà'eosoi L. e MSO , B A. hats of matching tuile centred 287 Division St., Oshawa were submit the followi.-ig article:) veioping chanacter upwartis or anti a short business session was Barrister - Solicitor with flowens anti carnieti nosegays hast anti hastess at a happy sup- "How Olti Art Thou?" This ctonpkwars. Ther wi be an- ra helt Pln er a fte tas ce Notary Public - Etc. of pink sweet peas anti corn- per party at their home, an June question asked by Pharaoh Of cesut andeakwrsat ll e ase btette et enai fte , Law in anl its branches fiowens. Norman McKenzie was sth. At that time Mn. Lloyd Jacob, father of Joseph, as toldtin wo hurth nti weeand e ric h fml ex e Office immediateiy east of Royal best man andtihei ushers wcre Smith, Acting Principal of.Mary the 47th chapter of Genesis, 8th woflw i hoth k inti t eetsatwOrt Officers for 1942 are: President S Po Theatre Rex Boyti of Ottawa, anti Harvey St. Schooi, Oshawa, on behal of verse, is a vcry commonone, anti if ewerycho . ose aifgeautdy outreanE.J Pascoe, olumbus; 1 Mi I l M,*,, p onoffice 688 Home 553 Ruttietige. the Tcaching Staff anti Mn. anti while we resent being ciasseti as do aur best we wili be abe ta say SprsCà.-Wie Pane * iI M I î,aam~IIIII The wedding receptian was heiti Mrs. Peever, presenteti Miss Mai- aid, we are willing ta admit we as diti the scuiptor-'Than oPrsCm- atrP s c oe, »MignjU , --sTgE-Bodtobxtr Denalat heI.OD.. hatquates, ow gaetDalonwit abeatiulare growing aid. Oîci age is nat I titiit wei]l." n otBouhm Cnen a Com-, L i onBM BE -"SITIRE" ond tw yombox p. oin ah fCnd ----- hrAethe bride's mother sandwich plate. The bride-ta- ancient non out of date, for same "Not as we take but -as we give, BrsucJ. Rntie rhr Pso, "URRCNOTN*ME" Cr trhfo ahpouerqot DIL j. . DEVIT wearig a Frech vioet lacebe respnded t the Dity spech prite are oderamefiand adn 1eueabox tpe, wf ther Ave., Bruce Tink.. SUNDhRLAND FLYINQ O lrO" tbu e x n Mtbl.nm f h efe AAI"DL . C .. SDEVJTT weaig adyFren haviotsaceobe epntitiotanth witt ropesar evaltieranatfifty tan Not as we pnay but as we live, The races followet anti the ne- MMAL HOOD -.RODNEY - ARK ROYAL eh.,anada star»Cmay 9Wiigo 4aslsAan: Dr. E W.oS-so f gosenihldyfucpina et, corsge fresenorthio aithaa e er thens tsvny niaei lt These'are the things that make suits were: Boys anti girls 3 anti*.M DUTROYER (TildiN) st. F., Toronto, . Griduate . of Roya nal CoDo oe nifchi we es nentsfnUcllt pnoii time but a condition for peace under, Ronald Ciemens, Lyn Pas- SUBRARINE <Saak dus)* lege, Toronto. Offce: Jury Jubilce The groom's mother hati chosen Enniskillen School was thc of the body, anti as thc past can't Bath now,,anti aftcr time shall cae; boys, 5 anti untier, genneth MOTOR TORPEDo BOAT end etl»n Te wner BlgBowmanviile. office hours Ameican beauty sheer with cor- scene of a surprise party given i be recalleti anti to-morrow, isflot cesse." Tînk, Mary Eliott; boys, 7 antio bxtp 149 a:m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy, sage of roses anti forget-me-nots. honour of Misi Margaret Daltan, here each day, to-day là ýours. neDnPso BliPac; ecp udy-The couple left for the Lauren- a britie-elect anti former teachen With me, the day has came when gnin o ace il ace 13tians, the bride travelling in a Saturtiay evening, June 14th by the horizon seemi nearer, when I girls, 7 anti under, Elinor Pierson, m Phone 790) - House phone 1883lTnk os adudr X-Ray Equipment in Office carnation rose crepe ensemble her Continuation pupils andthUi rest more'often, when the tisys AlnSot rMtPso;grs ____________________with navy anti white hat. TheY present anti past teachers. While seem smaller, when thc car joits Famil i ani ndruEke PsoenMi CIVR OWNLOI YR FURiçral Deiti ec::nti s s :: sbeing ushered .to herold more, the :parcels app:ar t:: r:;j R unon atnkc; Gan Psce;gils __________________ The bride attendeti University deslk anti chair, which hati been heavier, when the sermb>n seems 1 etTik;bys, 12 anti under, IL FUERL METOS ofWeten nalangernves- orte cc-îoneraPinter;se desno Blgirls, J 12de; irs,1 Sevcayhuany day ty~ of Toronto. The groom is a sion, Mr. Eaul Luke playeti the seem ta speak. as 1lainly as he BAKER PICNIC anti unden. Kathleen Tink. Loaine (o Sm.vce,. M ori C. .T.S. graduate anti vocational briti chorus on his piano ac- once titi, anti the tioors are mare- They turneti aut at Hamptan Tink; boys, 16 anti untier, Dan F. F.Morri Co. consultant anti now director of cordian. Miss io *la Bradiley reati noisy on their hinges, anti I ask Park, on Thursday aftennoon, anc Linton, Jack Pienson; girls, 16 anti Modern Motar Equlpment, Am- the Lions Camp, Georgian Bay. thc atidreas in the form of a hum- what time it is on iifc's time-picce, huntireti on more strang, the under, Kathleen Tink, Loaine bularîe anti Invaliti Car. 'rae- - The bride is also well k.nown as a orous poem. bits. Floyd Beckett, six '<><ck; the day is nearly aven. Baker clan, for their annual pic- Tink; wheelbarjrow race, Cari l phn 80o 3, sitat53 cm rgram directar. Messrs. Bert Ashton and Earl Twilight la here, andt.the 1evening nic. The weathen was colt, Pascoe, Gardon Pierson; 3-icggcd phone 480Trhe3brideisisna 57.cccmofPr Luke presenteti her with a spinriet sun sets in a burat of ginry threatening nain, but they kept 1ace for boys, Lloyd Pai$coe anti VeterlnaryWinnie Mrris anti M. F. F Mon- tiesk anti Windsor chair ta match. Wh holi ent eIîpy st ta greet the patriarch of Don Lno;3lgeirc o _________________ Mr. .G.MoriàadMms. The bride-ta-be respontictivery coinh___________________________________happy______as____e E. B MURAYV.S. B.V5C. Ross Stevens accompanied Mr. fittingly tellig some of Uic huîM- weare go ad, as lonig s aur he utie Tom E al sr. fuSl- ________________________________________ Vetriaranani ms.F.F.Mori t tedt- orous happeningà *of hem penioti of faith strengthens aur 'feeble -knecs, ia, ntil Uic ing ehrallafu Veteigaian nd rs.F. F Moris o te w teaching in'that room anti thank- which chiefly suffers in the pro- anrthoenalfrln h, B efre anteaf church St. - Bowmaflvile ding. ing everybody for Uic lovely anti cess of gaing tiown-hull.. ruthe gte icaifraeo lunc, ahne wene Phone 643. 242 ueu it m etAho fever heat is aven niteri ans rtriîg antithtaoi DL . R Eo TH uJl-Stwar c fal i ft.a Mr. Bafe rt AMston bunns iower in Uic ianmp "ôf'Èë, tories f olden tiay. W.,OhwOnT arlo Thea Orville Ashton, groo i-to-be, EdI. but, if there is ics ever there is Etiltar George W. James paiti The , arriage took place June gar Harrison, formàer teacer cÈ slgwrth ,haln nuyark, rescts at tof imag Phon~ie 21,a ggry a i hm t heb t~ e~i obpresent teacher youth la gooti, but 80 la oiti age taonAnyClkebrtcatrf large_____and___aman Arntimaltip Sttio, Ot.,of ant anumber of tUic pupils fan the persan who forsakes not his "Neighboriy News" aven CBC, WILFE W. SEKW prts, MarueiteStearnt, efciansecd s n ar cwa eyyouth, when youth forsakes him. who hati a vigorous chat about W ýF£D W. 13ERWIN Ruh Maruerit Steart, elenaspeeces. M. Epioneersas antipipoliticnipoliiciHn. He arn-n B.LV.Se. V.S. . Ave., Toronto, taughter of Rev. generous wlit his accontilon mlîs- To-day, let us take. tinie ta get * Veterlnary Surgeon anti Mrs. A. M. Stewart, ta James lc turýing Uic evening. Miss Ruth acquamntet i wth ot farnilies. Thcet that great-grantifather Baker office:, Main St., Orono Alexandier Cuily, Bowmanville, Stevenson gave, a neatiing, "Thei at o aebe cuua-cm aMpeGaedsrc Phone 56r7 son of M. anti Mrs. W. J. Cuily, Groom's Costume" which bnought ing, bundeneti father, may be a aot15yasaoadpi Bowmnanville. Rev. A. M. Stewart, forth much laughter. A dinty doubtful blessing ta the son whodw gotsvelnsfr20-. Auctioneer fathen of Uic bride, officiateti, anti lunch was serveti. Everyone en-. is a stranger ta,. you. Youn beau- acres, later moving ta their pres- . ______________________Miss Muriel Morris, Toranto, play- joyeti their evenlng in Uic aid tifully-kept house, busy mothen, ethiihsl an bu 82 '.... - ELERWLBRet the wetding music. Durlng Uic schooi together. can neyer be a "home" ta Uic Despite the weather pickup Llcnse Autioeer signing of the registen, Mms. Fcmn tiaughtcr you have not, tume ta emwnf h poesoas4 . Hampon Ontrlo Tailman of Beamsville, sang. caress. This day, let us take tume asdanssf. Mmtn - Otro Thc bride was given in mar- THREE CARS ta speak sweet fooliah wortis ta Guest of Uic day was Dr. Flet- Spccializing in Fan, Livestack,naebheuclCP.Wis UNA IE T those we love. *Bye anti bye, wicn cher Penhal of Morton, Minn., ImleetsaniFunlue alsati wome a pnC.Wellsn of AT DEthey can no longer hean us, aur anti without naming Uiem indiv- Tmp EeMts MndRAiTuE Slsadwhite ippe raincmesgwn of a URDAY NOON foolishiiess wil seerniwiser than idually, there were Uic Pearces, Phone for Ternis anti Date ta: Vcoinncln.He ullnt i ur best wisdomn. Runtiies, Brantans, Rickards, Ho- *Bowmanville 2428 veil of tuile f cil fromn a hala of Considemable excitement was To-tiayr take time ta be pleas- garths, Snowdens, Tumners, Sly- ______________________seeti pearls anti orange blossoms causeti Saturday at noon wien aAt. Tic small courtesies which fildst, anti others inter-nelateti anti she carniet a bouquet of white thrce cars. were involvet inl an we"often omit because they arc anti near-melateti whosc naines roses anti baby's breati. accidient at Uie post office corner. small will some day become more are lost at Uic moment. Al of ENTERTAINER Miss Betty Peacock, Kenniane, Two carswere parkcd lu front valuable ta us than thc wealth Uic sans anti daughters wene pres- N.Y., anti Miss June Stewart, To- of Uic post office when a coupe wiich wecocvet or Uic famefor cnt anti ail of Uic grantichildren SeUr. RALPH GORDON, thi otnee o i d ce owneti anti tiiven. by Donald Ad- whici we stnuggle. anti geat-grantichildmen sa ve .... wondertull versatile e nte r- ondaiel7rcao ote cock, Hampton, 'was unable tO Each day take tume for UitheUcCnainAny h "osir, fer your neitenetn- bu chile mriie stop soon enougi anti >ileti into goati-bye kias. We willl go tatiche met luta e roua fre.. uiettcen taffroeeta lmr-the ma of Dm. W. H.,Birks' car. day's work wlitha sweeter spiit hope was expresset thcy woulti mn- l tAti itr ees -sthaop skr t eT ey wt heTicdoctàr's car was tien shoveti for it. Every day take tume ta etaannx cnatogi wonea -as forward into Uic ma of Uic car reati the Bible. Its treasures wlwinUcarsavn. n19. dabCrwfod iretTorono iocuosgyso omfoin n front of It A fair amount of last when we have ceasedt a.came Grantima Baker was absent on pink rose buds. Abert Cully, tianmage was donc ta bath the for tic happenings of the day. accaunt of inclerrent weather but _____________________________________________front antima of Uic Birks car These littîe. thi.ngs wilî brmng a was there in spirit anti sent hem while the coupe neededt t be tow- fulinesa undreameti of ta aur liv- b est compliments toaal. * et away. Thc third 'car involveti ing ant iwlil att a zest ta life ____*~ E as only slightly sctatchcti. throughout is span. C O L !ST O R A G is Theaccident wilch happeneti In a not-far-away city, a church AWDE FABMY REUNION ust when Uic factary womkens wst eeetdadtebid o h is iei Gyas Have your fur coat stored b certifled Cold Stoiege werc gctting out of wonk causet ing as t e eece nirti anuithesFor emfianime lu trycad Vaults. Scientlflcally refrlgerated ta give cat qit cod adahr.yon witic ta secure a scuipton ta do sisters of Uie Awde family weme air for thc protection of your garments açainht aay Aticack went tirougi 'thc wint- the work on tic main entrance. 'piviiegedtot gatier, together on wcIlshild f~i ca ant -'i~fenei aFintiing anc wlth >as of experi- June 14th, when Uic annuai picnic damage by moths and other Insecta, as Wi smevrhadwound. He&4.vas treat- ene, Ucy ave hllmfica ns, qanti was heii atk shaw -onT î- PAPÂRIOUR Flolgmeeting. Secrctary Mmi. Arthur opeération -w.t-1 help uas ta proie- at accu. Flooring Moore neati the minutes, andte tic fst foilwingwerecletet fficrs:rate telephone service for a nation at war. ? ~~~Honorary Prcsitients-Mr. T. H. R XW MA Iom V V~ Awtic, Mm. Everarti Awtic; Pnesu- ______________________________________ Comblnatlon Lf dent-Mrs. J. E. McDougall; Sec- Mngr retary-Mrs. Arthur Moore. ,,>,,.l 5 btubcwe~R~a eujaArPre DoorsTic guests of honour werc cail- et upon toa atdresa ticegpthering, 4 5 anti speeches wec also enjayet train some nepresentative of caci G4L ÉU BE O, .I bnsnch of tic tamily, all stating -,griet a also expresscd that "IUUDAY, JUft M, 719*1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOV4qANVILLE, ONTARIO

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