THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,, Neot Easy For Mlen To -Eulist, In Royal Canadian Air Force î% This te the second of a erles Of articles about the Royal Canadian Air Force and Uic Commonwealth Air Training Plan, wrltten for the members Of the C.W.N.A. by Hlugli Templin cf the Fergs News. Record. j Ujt is flot easy ta join the Royal ;Elnadian Air Force. That is flot because nien are flot wanted: they are, and the need will becomel greater. It is flot because one has to go far to find a Recruîting Centre: they are scattercd ail over Caxüada, and every province has at leat anc of them. Ontario has six-at North Day, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto and Ottawa. It is hard because the R.C.A.F. is particular about those it allows into its ranks. There is a high tradition to be maintained. For the air crews, at lcast, educational re- quirements are high. A pilot, for instance, must have junior mnatri- culation, or better. jAert, physlcally fit young men are ncedcd, of course. The age linilt for pilots is 30 ycars; for air observers anid wireless aperators, OSHAWA, ONT. LAST TWO DAYS Frlday and Saturday RAY MILLAND WILLIAM HOLDEN WAYNE MORRIS BRUAN DONLEVY "1 WANTED WINGS"p with the super delovely blonde venus VERONICA LAKE REVIVAL Friday Night at 11I BOB HOPE PAULETTE GODDARD 'GHOST BREAKERS' Monday - 3 Big Days TYRONE POWER ~ LINDA DARNELL' RI.tA HAYWORTH dBLOOD ANDSAND' the story you've neyer scen or heard of 'tilinO Laughteq - Teara - Tbrills Thurs. - Fr.- Sat It'. here - The greatest music- ai musical of them ail "THE GREAT AMERICN B3ROADCAsT", John Payne - Alice Faye - Jack Oakie - Cesar Romero Seven new oglt L w(> lst S i tkos. aI*IY kt, Gof eCoea PAY PD WitOR L E O.,HESUTONON LA w41 QUESTION?- What isa GOOD 1»9,f of Bread? ANS WER!. Can b. found at the " «Carter Faiiy Bakry Counter where any question oan b. correotly anawerod as to quality and vllriety of Eaked Goods, and the pria. offers no probleni, '~Our Pure 100% Whole Wheat Bread- Sime Price - lmproved Quallty ORDER EARLY Bread freuh from oven t'wieo daily THE CARTER FAMILY Phoe 855 BakersJ'or Two Generations Bowmanvlll tion, ànd I ýwas soon beyond my depth. The Warrant Officer knew far mare about it than I did. Sa I decidcd ta be a pilot after ail. That- is typical of what every ecruit gaem through at first. I aked if smre were flot too ner- vous ta answer. Alter ahl, a man iaining the Air Force was taking an important and decisive step. Sgt. Major Day agreed, but he sald that he soan p ut most recruits at case and, I believed hlm. If a few were still nervous, he msent them in ta talk ta the girls on the staff for a while. *I1 dldn't know whether ta believe that or not. Anyway, I skipped that part of it. The attestation paper which the recruit must f111 out contains the expcctcd questions, such as name, age, place of bith, and o on. There is space enough ta lust the names of eight chlldren, which slowly pushed it neamer my face. Gradually I grew more and more cross-eyed, whichwas quite pro- per. He asked me ta try it with him. His eyes fQllowed my finger ta a certain point, then one sud- denly nappcd back. I was sur- prised, but it's fairly common. Those candidates haven't perfect muscular ca-ordination, it seems, and can't judge distances accur- ately. They are the ones wha might crash into another plane whilc landing. Finally, there was thé colar blindness test. I looked at colored circles in a book, anc ta. a -page. Each anc Iookcd asthought it wam a mosaic pattern and in each I could trace with little difficulty usuelly, though nat 50 casily sometimes, a pair of figues-57, or 29, or a pattern. A man wha *was color blind wauld mcc an en- twa ycars aider. According ta Uic officiai literature, "applicants are required ta be or good charecter, possessing intelligence and per- sonality, and ta be observent, self- reliant and keen on flying." And this means just what it says. At the Recruiting Centre In order ta find out just 10w a yo tmg man would join the R.C. *F.*, I stated et the beginning cf Uic procedure. I went ta thc Re- cruitlng Centres et 297 Bey Street, Torontd,, chaosing it because it le Uic lerget and the busiest in On- tario. The staff numbers 45. Thé Recruiting -Centre ls in an old officel~uilding. 'That was ob- viaus, not anly because of thc ley- out but because Uic narftes of brokerage firmms ad the like are stili ta be found on smre'of the doors. In *the hallway, a man scrutinized me carcfully. He said nathing but lis look was pene- trta. fI wondered if I was sus- pcdofspying or samething of the kind 'but my guide, Flying Otticer Nicol, steered me safely pest. Later, I l'earned * that the man in Uic hall is an expert in character study. Hed I 'fortified myself with a tew drinks, or been otherwise unsuited ta became a membee of tis gieat brother- hood, he would have found an excuse fam steering ,mcaout thc door. EveiÈy applicant muet have proof cf aga eand educetion, et leat twa letters of recemmnenda- tion and character,, anc of them Irom a recent or present employ- er, a marriage certifloate,- if ap- plicable, blrth certificates et chil- dren, if any, and discharge pep- crs, if fammerly iln ilitemy er- vice.* I inight have supplied them ail, but lad none wlth 'me. Most applicants go like Uiet and are ent to, the Parleament Buildings orwlerever it is nccessary ta go ta get the certificates. There is no char ge for these, if applicant uses the farms gîven hlm et tIc Re- crulting Centre. Pilots Are Most Popular Neerly evcry applicant, who hem Uic -qualificatians, wants ta be a pilot. Thet's easy enough ta un- derstand for there's a certain glamri about thc job. What boy haun't dremed of flying lis plane Uraugh Uic skies? Who hasn't heard wlat, Canadien pilote did during the lest war? And how rnany really know much about al the othejr jobs the Air Force of- fers? Meny don't realize tlet condi- tions have changed greatly in Uic air ince Uic lest war. Then Uic pilot usually flew and fougît elone; now ca-operation is essen- tiel. Many p1ýnes carry crewm of thmee or four or mare. They e- quime air observers, wirelesu op-. eratars and air gunners. For cvcry plane flying in Uic air, e large crew lu needed on the -gound. -Thc R.C.A.F., lista some 65 tredes in itm ranks. Expcricnc- cd men are rnuch prcfermed 1 but inexperlenced Men cf Uic right kind will be treinca. Meny applicents try te bluff their wey itt the positiôns Uiey desire. There's nothing new about that, ot course, but it's alimout impassible in the R.C.A.F. Ail applicents ,fer trades muetpes Uic 11trede testa" even before Uic medical exeminetions. Two car- parais start the questfening. If Uic mane passes them, he goe te thc Warrant Officer. To seve time, I slipped peut the twa corporels and wcnt dircctiy to Warrant Otticer W. H. Day, femiliarly knewn as Sgt. Major Day. Ini years peut, I knew more than anc Sergeant Major. It wae neyer Uic meut papular rank in the Arxny. But Sgt. Major Day wes unlike eny other oSf thc rank that I lad met.- For one thing, le hed a sense of humaor. Equally importent,. le secmed to -have an uncanny knawledge of the intri- cecies oet lh the trades in thc Air Force. I looked dewn Uic long lit d prêtended I wanted ta be a ma or rnechanlc. (I reafly wantcd ta be e pilot, but I was a bit too old.) I çouldn't lwaagtae mJrsilf being a diesel oler or a Pigeon lattmen or e masseur or an interpreter, but everybody knows hew ta drive a car, uo I would b. a notar rneclaiiic. "Supposeyou were out drivlrpg wihyeur girl on thc way ta Nia- gara Fails and you were on a beck road semewlcre» (What that man knawm) "suad your car topped wie wUld you do first?" asked tic Sergeent Major. I seid that 1 *ould ock In Uic, gas tank, but It appeared I lad plenty of gem. After covcring scv- eral passibilities, it seemed I lad trouble la thc timlAng of the igni- A mageant anmwers many enquiries from prospective airmen at the ecritig Centre at Wininipeg, Manitoba. Tyrone Visitors: Mr. afld Mrs. Thea Down and Billy, Lakefield, with frienda. . . Mr. afld Mrs. Lesliei Sleight, Toronto, at Mr. Leslie Brooks'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Floyd and Miss Helen Brown, Cobourg, at Mr. George Brooks'. Mrs. Brooks returned wih themt for a visit. . . Miss Mary Hughson, Toronto, visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Hughson... Mrs. Art Spicer, Aileen and Mari- lyn, Bownianville,, with Mrs. Vir- tue.. . Mr .and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Orono, at, Mr. Robt. Hodgson's.. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Mgrkham, Mr. and Mrs. C. Iresan and Dareen with Mrs. Floyd Dud- ley... . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ail- dread, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. Ail- dread's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood anld babe at Mr. Hcrb. - Cameran's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Burgess anld clilîdren with friends at Pleasant 'Point. Rev. A. G. Gardfler delivered a fine message on Sunday. Special rnusic by the school children and à solo by Billy Dtddley was much appreciated and credit- is due ta Mr. Lamne Mortsan. . Mrs. Robt. Hadgsan has return- cd from Bowrnanvllle Hospital. Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Billy, Don- ald and Jean, and Mrs. Walter Park are taking a trip ta St. John, N. B., ta join their husbands who are stationed there. We are very sorry ta lame aur teacher, Mr. Lamne Martsan,' wha has been here for 5 '/ years. He will be much rnîssed in the corn- munlty as he was alwaym a will- ing worker in Sunday school and Y.P.U., and hlm place will be hard ta f11. Ail wlmh hina m-uch succesi in hlm new work at Bowmanville. Wonien'm Institute which met at the home of Mme. Harold Skin- ner oni June 18th took the form of a Red Cross sewing bec. President Mme. F. Dudley presldcd. Plans wcre camplcted for thc straw- lerry festival, aise arrangements made for the jem making. The nembers mparted ittatwa roons, anc for quilting sud Uic other for sewing. Lunch wes mcmv- cd by Mmm. Hoapcr's group. Tic Stetesman is now on sale ecd weck et Byem's Store, 5c a copy. YOUR CHOICE 30 Watches For$ 50 Reg. price $18.50 te $23.75 Ail 15 or 17 Jewel move- mente, ail are name watches. Corne carly for large choice. S«. Wlndow FOR WATOH DIRPLAY BALE ONLY ON UNTIL JULY 15TE S. J. Hartwî King St. - owinavile Kuiglit Block Overseas Addresses Bclow is a catalogue of soldiers' addresses who have gone overseas siice the last lîst was published. Pléase check careïully for any of your friends' names. Any correc- tions, errors or omissions should bd reported ta Miss McAllister at Bert Parkcm's office. C 8019 ?le P.Bathgate Hastings & P. E. Regt. No. l Can. Holding Unit Cenadian Arniy Oversees. c 610 01tr. S. G. Beckett 1É.H.Q. 2nd Field Regt. Royal Canadian Artillcry Çanadian Amy Overseas. CaPtain Thos. G. Breek Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps Canadian Amy Overseas. C 50564 Cuir. Bruce Cameron l4th Cenadian Field Regt. cia Poste Restante Canadian Postal Corps Hdq. R.C.A. A.F. Canadian Army Overseas. C 51279 Our. J. Cameron l4th Canadian Field Regt. * do Poste Réstante Can. Postal Corps Hdq. R.C.A. Canadian Amy Overseas. C 50563 Gir. Alex Cameron l4th Canadian Field Regt. cla Poste Restante Can. Postal Corps Hdq. R.C.A. Canadian Amy Overseas. A 28053 Qir. Raymond Cole 29th - l4th Battery R.C.A. 2 Ammy Field Reg. *Canadien Ammy Overseas. R 80624 L.A.C. F. C. Crowe R.A.F. cla G.P.O. London, England. C566 Gir. E. S. Harndeu B Company R.C.A. No. 1 Canadian Artillery Holding Unit Canadian Army Overseas. C585 'LIBdr. E. B. Hooper No. 1 Artillery Holding Unit R.C.*A. A.F. Canadian Amy Overseas. B 89672 Driver C. G. Bood No. 1 Transport Ca. R.C.A.S.C.1 Canadian Arniy Overseas. 9 C 29560C.W LICPI. MeManu,C.W No. 3 Line Section, lst Canadien Corps Royal Canadien Corps Signais1 Canadien Arniy Overseas. C 40690 Pte. Wm. Spencer Canadian Forestry Corps Canadian Amy Overseas. R5 4856' Ègt. T. H. Sutten R.A.F. Carnwell, Lincolnshire England. SAMES 0F SOLDIERS Wauted Bowmenville, June 17, 1941 nflhls is sue of The Statesman you -are publimhing a lust of the names and addmesses of the men who have gone overseas from this district mcently. A few months ago, you printed a complete lst and these names have been added since that time. No doubt there arc others whose names do not appear here, but the Lions and The Statesman can not help this condition. Here is an appeal ta the boys in the Air Farce, tIle Navy and the Army overmeas. Since last July, thc Lions Club las spent up ta to-day, $59.00 on benefits for the traaps in Canada or England, on thc Red Cross and on help ta War Victime. Thousands of cigar- ette" have been sent cither in large or in small lots and for smre montîs they have sent 300ý smokes ta each of ten men each week. Thc lists as printed in "Thc Great Family Journal" are fol- lowed and if you have not receiv- cd your package from the Lions, then your name has not been handed in 'am it docs not show thc correct address. If you came tram the Bowman- ville district and if you are over- eas or if you are in the Navy or Air arm working out of a Cana- dian port and if you have not recelved smokes from thc Lions, then send a card at once. Each month letters or cards arrive from about twenty-five men, but the, club ends ta forty, during that time. Are yaur smokes going ta the wrong address, or are you just not bothering ta send tIc enclased pomt card. it is ta youm interest ta see that thîs is correct, because Pettit, Whitby, at Mr. Frank Moore's. . . Mm. and Mmm. David Beath, Columbus, Misses Wilma and Helen Ashton, Verna Giffin, Oshawa, Mm. Robemt Stinson, To- ronta, Mr. Alvin Boyd at Mr. R. Griffin's. .. Pte. Ted McLaughlin, Newmarket, at Mm. Will McLaugh- lin's. Obituary Edward Josephi Silver With tmagic suddenness Edward Joseph Silver, well known famm- cm of Salem district, passcd away while working an hlm farm on thc Manvers Road, June 14th. He had been womking in thc field and was taken with a weak speli but thc angel of death overtook lin before he was able ta reach the house. Deccased was son of the late Mm. and Mmm. Charles Silver and was born in Bowrnanvillc in 1875. He had livcd'in this vicinity al his life, was of a quiet and etir- ing disposition, and had a hast of fiends as was mlown b3y the large attendance at his funeral. He was a great lover of basebaîl and hockey and eceived considerable pleasume in attending these ganes. He is survived by his wife, formerly Margaret Hooper, wîom he married on April 18, 1936, and two sisters, Miss Ada Silver, Ta- ronto, and Miss Alice Silver, Bow- nanville. The funeral was held at thc family esidence on June 17th, service being conducted b y Rcv. A. F. Gardner of Tyrane Circuit, deceased bcing a member of Sa- lem United Clurch. Bearers were Hubert Foster, Wesley Werry, Chas. Carmuthers, members of the 500 Club of which Ed. belonged, and R. H. Battle and R. M. Cale. Many beautiful flowers bankcd thc camket, including tributes tram Salem ' Women's Aêsocia- tion and the Five Hundred Club. Intemment was in Bowmanville Cemetemy. Fiendm from a distance attend- ing the funeral included Mm. and Mmm. C. P. May, Windsor, Mm. and Mmm. Victor Hoaper, Miss Marion Werry, Mm. J. A. McFeeters, Mm. H. J. Awde, Mmm. Harry Basker- ville, Miss Ada Silver, lroronta, Mm. and Mmm. David Hoôper, Mm.ý and Mrs. C. F. Awde, grano, Mr. and Mme. Hubert Foster, Camp- bellcroft, Miss Marjomie Hooper, Las Angeles, Calif., Mm. and Mms. W, H. Hooper, Pontypool. Four studenit pilots, et No. 10 Ele Mount Hope, Ontario, walk off th well of Smith Falls, Ont., LAC iLAC L. Schmyer ef Montreal, Qu of Montreal, Quebec. sîouid be ample. There are. elso smre lees obviaus questions: Have you ever been canvictcd et an in- dictable effence? Are you in dcbt? (If m, state paticulrs-end there is plenty of spece for Uic particu- lars.) Sports sud Hobbies? In addition, there is a qucstion about flyirig experience in haurs, sala, duel ar passenger. It is seid that smre of the applicants, perticular- ly tram the United States, have plenty of boums ta their credit, but thet doesn't elwaym guaratec tiet tley wiill e goad pilots in the fighting services. Dettaite sud deteilcd instruc- tions arc givea ta *éach applicant whcn filling intahI e rni, yct 90 per cent- are shid ta meke one stupld mistake: they don't write la thc narne of tîcir home town. They don't forget their treet ad- dress, but mout of thcm applying et that centre arc froni Toronto and den't think it neceesary ta ay 50. The Medical Examinations Thc medical exauilnetîon is thoraugh,.particular attention le- ing peid ta the eyes and hearing, as nigît le expected. Atter pass- *Ing thie.- usual- cye -testsp 4eaîding letters on Uiechcart et a distance of 20 feet in a darkcacd tunnel, and sa on, the doctor held up hlm finger twa teet ta front <f ny cyes and told me. ta wtcl it, as le Riddell, Torornto., whose floral tribute wam among others that banked the casket. Miss Ballaghà was a fine type of Christian wornanhood, dceply in- terestcd in the progress of the Kingdom of God and in thé happi- ness and welf are of hem fdllow beings. While in Newcamtle she was regular in attendance at the United Church and an intercmted and dependable warker in the Womcn's Missionary Society and the Woman's Association, both of which will greatly miss her. A special line of service which she mapped out for herself and which she industriously followed in alf hcr spare time was the knit- tlng of mitts, and ince she came ta Newcastle four ycars ago she had knitted smre 300 pair and sent them out west ta be distri- buted wherc most needed, espe- cially amang the children. MINISTERS IN WAX WORK Seventy-fivc ministers of The United Church of Canada have now been appointed ta fuil-time work cither in thc Canadian Chaplaincy Service or in the ml- tary branch of the 'Y.M.C.A. and the Canadian Legion, it was re- GET INTO THE SWIM! Swlm For Health- Thbat's a good Idea Mud lots of fun. Oct into tlhc swirn rourseif wifh one eof these snappy bathing suite. AU aises, LADIES' BATHINO SUITS Styled by Catalina, frorn Sunumy California Childrenl's Suits - -- - - - 7S5eu 'LADES' RAT PuICES SLASHED Here is your chance to pick up a sirtuew hat at a re- markably iow price. ln the lot there are maur dark stm'aw hats and a few pastel shades. Do't miss flua bargain and especiallU at these low prices. 98Çup Men's Swfim Wear BY JAITZEN The uewest thing - fits like yonr owu alun. Elasticlzed ail- wool knits wlth change pocket aud self belt. $295 $3.95 Couch, iohnston &Cryderman,,Ltd.- Phono 836 , King St. W. Figs - - lb. loc Prunes - 011 CanadianCatelli's Cheese - lb. 28e Spaghetti lmentary Flying. Training Sclool, hc field. L. ta R. LAC L. J. Roth- SJ. A. Turner et Westbarc, Ont., cebec, and LAC T. M. Saunderson )tirely different number, aite which xdidn't show up uptil pointed out by Flying Officer Kinsey, who was giving me the testa. Thc mys- btem wem dcviscd by a Japenese .professer who lad made a study iof caler blindness. For those who tarc mriously calor blind, there is e ligît test wih mcd and green tlight. It le said thet five per cent of thc recruits arc color blind and s0 umeless as membere of an a!z Lest stage in Uic recruiting pro- ceus was cgmriéd on in a basernent roon wlcre a fuil set of my finger prints was taken. Thc tingers were stuck on, a mîcet of glass coated with printer'ink or same- Uiting of the ktad, then pressed onc by anc in Uic proper places on e cerd, thân thc four fingers an Uic lett hand together sud Uic four on Uic rigît hend. My guide enjcyed this imrnensely, but tîcre serned ta le a certain grimnes ta it as weil. The members cf the R.C.A.F. carry copies of these and other identifications with tlem whercver tley go. Atter f arewells to Fligît Lieut. Lumsden, O.C. et tIc Recruiting 9Centre, and Fligît Lieut. Muckell, eI hcaded for Uic Manning Depot, the.,next stage ta tIc lite of thc srecruit in the R.C.A.F. SNcxt Week-The Manning De- . pot. -lb. 15e .28 os. tin . iso Mr$. Jaue Hall Thc oldeet resident in Bow- manville, Mmm. Jane Collins Hall, passed quictly ta rcst et 1er home on Second Street, on June itI, 1941. She was a century sud anc ycar old, having rnarkcd hem lOlut birthday lest April 4t1. According ta hem own wimî Uic tuneral rites were simple and. there wcre few fiowers. Canon C. R. Spencer conducted a prîvate service et the, home on Saturday atternoon sud intemment was made in Bowmanville cemetcry. Hem husband, Wm. T. Hall, dicd in 1904. SIc is survivcd by Rich- ard Hall and Constelle Walter Hall of Bawmanvillc, George Hall of Tomontab, and Mms. Chas. Mc- Feeters, Bowrnanville. Hem d eath came atter severel yeams o partial iilness and con- finement .which she bore well and thmaugl it all continucd ta take a lively interest ta lit c, ta 1cm home and in hem children and gandchildren. Of later years sIc atten loved ta recel Uice many changes that lad teken place be- tare hem cyes ince hem early child- hood. SIc wes born in Port Hope in 1840. Only thc immediate members of tIc family sud a few close neigîbors werc present et tIc tunemai. Six neigîbars wcre paîl- beerers, Wm. Burns, Michael Burns, Thas. Hayes, Wm. W1l liens, John Baird and Harry Wetnutt. WtI Uic passing 'of Mmm. Hall the strongest link with Uic pest las leen rcmoved. Few cen me- cail Mmm. Hall tifty yers ega, but it is well kaown skc lad e deep intercst in hem home, hem garden, and la religion, bcing a member of the Anglican taith. Mrs 'Rbert lîoitob A native et Cartwright, Mmm. Robert Norton (nec Margaret Me-' Knight), died at hem Peterboro lame on June 8t1. Whlle stili yaung she moved te Hamnilton. There she met Robert Norton et Dundes and ater their marriege lived la thc latter town for meny ycars. Nine years ega Uiey moved ta Peterbora. There Mrs. Narton took an active part ta tIc lite et Uic comrnunity sud was e utacere worker ia thc Presbytcrien dhurcI. The tuneral took place tram Camstack's Funcral Home ta Ced- mus Union Cemctcry an June lth with meany friendesud relatives attcnding. Lovehy sprays sudi wrcatls showed ympathy end regard of hem acquatatances. Mr. Robert Norton, twa isters, Mmm. C. Liebus, Peterboro, Mmm. G. Brown, Pantypoal, and two Irothers, Theodame McKnight, of New Toronta, and Samnuel Mc- Knigît, Bowmenville, arc lett ta mouma hem lame. Mary Esther Ballagl Fallowing a aine mentis' illnes Miss Mary Esther BallegI, cousin of Mmm. J. E. W. Pliilp, Newcastle, Sassed away on June ilîf, at thc orne of Dm. sud Mmm. Irwla, King's Highway, west et Cobourg. Sic was bora la Port Hope, dau- gîter of Mm. and Mmm. Thampson Baliagh. For meny yemu etter hem fethcr's deatl she and hermomther lived la Cobourg, tIen when hem motier died four years ega mIe came ta Newcastle sud resided with Mm. and Mmm. Philp. A couple of times sic took trips out west ta visit a brother la B. C., now de- ceaucd, and hem sister, Mmm. Mer- tin Nembitt, Bowden, Alta., wie survives 1er. TIc funerel wes hcld in Co- bourg, on June l3th. and wam con- ductcd by Rev. W. P. Woodger of Trinity United Churcl, Cobourg, esisted by Rev. R. E. Morton et Newcastle. Among frlends sud relatives la attenance wcre Mm. J. E. W. Piip Newcastle, and deceesed's nepiew, Mm. Walter Nesbitt, Bowden, Alte., wlo camé est on learnlng et hîs aunt's mci- ous condition. The late Miss Bal- lagh wam a nicce of Mr. Justice Aeroxon 14 oz *.tUn Fly Colis 5 for 10c1 Chiclcen IIaddle* 14c. LSALMON FOR SUMMER MENUS Pink Seai Salmon -- -------b. tin 18c Show Pack Red Sockeye - - - 1/2 lb. tin 22c Miracle Whip 'Salad Dressing 3 2oz. - - 49c 16 ozs. «;:35C 18 ozs. : -19C Miracle Whlp 4 Sandwich 4 Spread4 8 oz. Jar 1 only 2lc Quaker FLOUR 98 Mlbg HarryAllin THE CORNER OROCERY. Phone 367-368 Free Deilvery Lported by The United Church of tCanada. In addiiion to these full-' 1time appointments there are mev- eral part-time ones in the navy, army and air force. EVANGELISTIC- TABERNACLE Sunday Services 11.00 A.M. - Worship 7.30 ÎP.M. - Evangellstlc The message wiil deal wlth the question "WhL Doe::'t Gd. Sunday Sehool at 2 p.m. Week Niglits Wed. and FrL. at 8 p.m. You wiIl,enJoy these Gospel Services PAGE PM VMANVILLE, ONTARIO $2*75'l