*THE CA1NADIAN S SUTatmiJSA ST1IAN, BoWM VL~,ONqTARIO Mapl Gro e "Habits", and ln the evening to Haydon "Flying into the Sunrise," bath of which were interesting, helpful Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred and inspiring. Music by the Sun- Vîsitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood and daughters Yvonne and day School at both services, under Osmond, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Joan Wood, and Barbara Panke the able leadership of Mr. L. Col- Roy Thampsan and Garry, Les- Mpent the weekehd in Toronto and iacutt, with Miss Edna Swallow kard, Miss Veda Purdy, Bownian- Niagra all. .. JrryMorisas pianist, and Masters Albert and ville, at Mr'. W. Thompson's... NiaaraFals. Jery orrsStanley Snowden as vldlinists, Mr. Arthur Trewin, Miss Verna Town, withý his cousin Bobbie was of its usuai high order, and Trewln, Oshawa, Misses Anne, Stevens. . D. C. R. Armstrong, the selection by the Carruthers Grace and May Trewmn, Toronto, Toronto Ho tIai, Weston, and Maie Quartette, Bowmanviile, n at Mr. W. Trewin's. .. Mr. and cousiD ... and two the evening was exceptionally Mis. Elaier Bradley at Mr. A. siln'DsUT attended Maple good Maple Grave public schooi Margan's, Oshawa.. . Mr. and Grave anniversary banquet... and the boys' chorus, bath of Mrs. E. Stephenson and Vaughn Mr. and M&'É B. G. Stevens, Mr. which received very high marks are away ot0 a week's holidays... land Mrs. R. C. Scott, Solina, with at the Port Hope music festival, Mr. Cyrus Ashton, Mr. RoYk 3Ash- !Mrs. R. Hl. Armstrong. .. Council- rendered sacred seleetions. Re'& tan, Burketon, Miss AnniW ýAsh- 1cr and Mrs. Robert McNee, Miss W. C. Smith, pastor, and Rev. H. tdn, Mr. B. Power, Tôronto, at Dorothy McNee, Miss Mary Me- W. Foley, Bowmanville, an aid Mr. Leslie Graham's. . .. Mrs. Nannas, Mr. George Scott, Whit- Mapie Grave bay, assisted ini thé Louis Ashtan and Mary Lou, To- by, at Mr. W. Stewart's.. Mse ervices. ronto, hoiidaying at Mr. A. Read's., Jean Miller and Barbara Guhie M,-une î8tli in the afternaon . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Torenton, atd Mr. L.C. nwd en's art prcgram of sports for the chul- famiiy, Mrs. Henry Werry, at Mr. Misson atMgretL.CStwar T dren was carried out. A junior Wilfred Bownian's, Enfield.... at. Misr W. Stewart, oron- ge cf softball between the Hur- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter, Bow- to a M. . Bar Mss .M. n ricanes and Spitfires cf Mapie manville, Mr. andi 1rs. Stanley Mrs. Thos.BaeMs Vera Ba- Grove sch.pol resuiteti in a wmn Head anti family, Oshawa, Mr. ker, Solina~, Miss Muriel Baker, for the former. Game between Allen Staintan at Mr. C. Avery's. Peterboro,. t Mrs. L. C. Snow- Caurtice and Mapie Grove girls .. . Mr. James Grant, Bawman- den's. . . Mrs. F. C. Davidson, Osh- was won by the visitors. A very ville, Mr. Harold Wilson, Oshawa, awe, Mis. C. H. Snowdnsat lwm arge number partoak of the ex- Mr. and Mrs. T. Sands and fam- H.le G . C . 6de tMs cellent supper which the Maple ily, Taranto, at Mrs. E. Maunt- MisG ..reDaohy MMatr Grave ladies served and which joy's. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery M.ï Wm. yetaher, ave maintained the high reputation at Mr. Frank Westiake's, Solina. Mr. m. ycet, tsches, avethey have matie in the past. In . . Misses Laura Philp andi Flor- been re-engageti with an increase the evening Sauina yaung people ence Allen, Mr. anti Mrs. Everett lni salaries. presenteti the humorous play Sanderson anti family, Toronto, GrveAnlersary "Simple Simon* Simple" which at Mr. R. Sandersan's, with Miss Maple rv mv was presenteti in a very able man- Jean Sanderson staying for hall- On SundaY, June l5th, large ner. This brought a very success- days. congregations attended annIver- fui anniversary ta a clase. Pro- Same fram here attended the sary services and heard twa spien- ceeds about $420.00. trousseau tea at Oshawa Satur- diti addresses by Rev. Gordoan _______ Domm, of Bathurst St. Unitedi day in hanor of Miss Margaret Church, Toronta. In the after- The loss of enthusiasm is the Daltdn., isoon he spoke ta the children an beginning of fatigue. - Sympathy is extentied ta Mrs..i David Graham anti family lis the bereavement cf their daughter and sister, Mrs. I'jorman- Hiall, Oshawa. Mrs. Fred Ashton andi chiltiren have taken the cottage on thse back street for the summer. Visitars: Mr. anti Mrs. H. Qat- cheil and Roy, Winnipeg, ia. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gatcheil, La- verne and Anne, Oshawa, at 1fr.i J. Gatcheil's. .. Miss ViQiet Mlàr- tindale, Pantypoal, with Mrt.. E. Caughiil. . . Mfr. Luther Welsh, Bowmanvilie, with Miss R. Baiey. ..Rev. and Mrs. M. Sanderson and family, Taronto, with Mrs. C. Sanderson. . . Mfr. and Mln. Len- ard Van Valkenburg, Oshawa, Mrs. J. Smith, Pontypool, at Mr. J. Curan's. . . Mss J.' Ferguson, Toronto, with Mr. B. Slingerland. ..Mr. ant iMrs. R. Wilson, Os.- awa, with Mr. John Aver... M09a Pearl Taylor, Toronto, at Mr. Tom Taylor's. 1Mrs. T. G. Breck leit for Wln- nipeg on Sunday evening as her mother is very ill. Suntiay being very hot inany people spent the day at Caesarea ta enjay the water and cool breeze. .W. A. had a quilting bee &t the church. The Statesman is now on sale each week at Gill's Store, de ccpy. Thiis is a battie for your homes and rights - Enlist Naw. [e"t' i t t' 4 k. r 'f t 's MAIMALAE ANN PAGE S4L23 PURE ORANGe i523 SRAE-NUTS FLAIS 2 for 17c mm m --------------------ml BeW Huaour Opportunity to moite Extra 5a'dnge on Ontarl Grown Fruits and Vogetabies.. delivered fresh dalIy. LET1'CE ui, ft=ias Ea. S RADISHFS Ontaro G-o 4 Bunches 10O CUCMBRS a"aro àmu l2for 19. TOMATrORS. »ituejo «growf lb. 21c CEmumY 1HF.RTS%o"=7kr l fol3c CABBAGIE Lme th Green HaiO BANANAS MnuSir G..un 3 fonl7c cno ai"Lro ' ORANGES vajeneja is ~RAPUITcautornia ea. Se WAIIRMULONS swtem_.d - 79c Mayonnaise or ScIad Dressing EHIGoyQUALIT 8LoYA E<.SOED TUefflE HAI44S lb. 35 l PORK SIIOUlDEIS 5moIa~o4i b. 1<' HAMAS__meJ Mân b. 3.5c STElô AKS oit ROASTS 03on Oi>ouSE l-b. 29 'O ST MEATY lb. lci leS ROAST lb. 2Oc WIINUS TOP QUALITY lb. 21c S N A SLICED lb. I1St CImM LOAF SLICED lb. 23C MTOIO LOAF SLICED lb. 23c SLICED 19. 5C s 40 i~#tl~ I =zp"-J YUKON CLUB GCONGENTS soupI AYLMER Tom. or Veg. ]LOIMARD PME SAMION Pink Samon, tin ]RAISINS seedlless, bl l'sa E0- -8-1 y-WHITE COE SPAGUETTI CATELLI MAIMOI.m su ~VbauMIxEA&P ie 4 cluuOAKLEAF BNLS EDIFé01IM RlO~It1aOOD OATS KEILOGOSl NEW YARIETY PACKAGE CODE VimKES 'lsont MuISAEDISY 2. D. ahIT'0 PUM JAU TRAW. or RAS?. IRISESTEW CLARK'S caci 7T 14 2lbs. 19<P Ibo. 25 3p giaXlts 20c ~19C BtZ 23C !.-16c .. 23C . P k . c 32 oz. jar26c ecd 1L2< *A & P SERVICE F000 STORE Owneti anti Openateti by Tic Great Atlantic Tes Ce. Ltti. 'I JOHN H. H. JURY (Continued froff page 1) Co., anti was a dfreqtor cf th chain af Hooper Drug Stores i: Tarante. He was a feunder of th Ontario Coflege cf_ Optometr3 andi was the first president ai th Ontario Optometrical Associatir Years égo hie commenceti de veiopmnént of a chain cf hus 0W and wlth thse loyal. co-aperatiai of promising yôung graduates hi established, the Jury -& Love Drug Stores, two ai which are ii Oshawa, onein Bawmanville, ànt athers .i Peterbora, Kingston Broclcvllle, Owen Sound anc Cornwall. With ail his wldespread inter ests, Mi. Jury. retaineti his homi in Bowmanvllle and centreti hi philanthropie lftterests therelà He tcok a keen Interest in hcus, ing teveiopment anti was activc right up to wlthIu two or thret weeks cfis dernise, lI supervis- ing plans for tliree houses nom under construction. Moreover hi maney anti influence were* giver time anti again te procte or ne. tain industries ,anti businesses 1, the town. Moatcf tlsese beneise. tions are known to9 the very femr But is great.hobby and li1e- long jey w». horticulture, anc though he titi net use, it he waj entitietttise 1teýs,R.H.S. ai- ter his namil. ime 'arge Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries wici hie consolidateti .anti teveloped are a tribut. teis intense in- terest ini forestry-ýand floriculture and is great hope was that peo- pie would wake up tg thse vital rrecessity cf tree and*forest con- servation. TIn cammunity 111e he held many positions. He was a trustes af Bowmanville Hlgh School; honor- ary member cf the Rotary Club; .irst president af tie Bowman- ville Hospital Board, anti presi- dent af the Horticultural Society. ['he Boy Scouts 'anti Red Cross are organizatians that held is loyal anti material support, but his outstantiing-benefaction lu tie fielti -of social service was is donation cf the 100-acre Darch farmn an'the autskirts of Bowman- ville to establish the Boys' Train- ing School. That was thse culmin- ation of a long cherisheti desire; that the greatest possible assis- tance be given untier-privilegeti boys. .. in this hie consulted Jutige Matt 'of 'the Juvenile Court,' Toronta, Han. G. H. Fenguson, Premier, and many government officiais and thus plans for the institution Levelapeti andti' ts#.ntario .gov- .rnment teck 1pr,,adtbllt u1p- on the landti 50 genercusly donat- ti. This has -became one cf the outstanding institutions cf its kid in Canada. Anti for more than a quarter cf a century, Mr. Jury has been interesteti anti ar- tive in. support cf'the Chiltiren's Aid Sacisty. Mr. Jury, probably remenuber- ing his early àtiuggles, servlng an apprsnticcship with John Higgin- botham, anti later gratiuating lu 881, farmeti a partnership with Davidi stott lu thc drug sterej which stceti where naw the peat office stand, anti his stutiies lu Dptometry lu Chicaga anti De- tit, whici gave hlm an inter-' est in the struggies ai promis- rug yaung druggists. Hepersonal- Ly chose, scores cf themn for is stares ani ave them his trust and the bèheIt cfis expenience. 'ew lefi hlm anti many eventual- [y becanse partniers in varying de- grees in the vanjous unit. For twenty-five years he was a rember cf the Couincif ci thc On- tac College cf Phanmacy, Te- ronto, anti was a past preaitent >f the Canatian Pharmnaceutical Asociation, h1 dg -* cese n Jury was the = ,t~n125c se Veteran's, Jewvei 'of the S.O.E. wiich represents a flfty year ueémberahip,- anti a member cf lorence Nightingale bodge, 1.0. .p. Aithougi a Baptist li n e- igian, he was inten0sted lu laten iars in St. Paui's Unitedi Chunch, hcre being no Baptiat Chuich 1h he communitY. lie was aise a sagrter memben anti, finit presi- lnt cf the Men's Canadian -Club.' %few years ago thc Lions Club, .ntiered Mr. Jury a coinrnplen- ary banquet at whlch deserveti ribute was pait i m as the tawn's ncît notable business man. Out., tanipg suecess la a cornmunity sset. The late Mr. Jury, tiers- ore, earned tic distinction ai ring an autstanding citizen. Mn. Jury was an extensive tra- reler having an hie many trips [siteti every continent in thse 'cntd. Hie leaves ta survive anti mourn was flot; representet in ustrengti ithus tawn ai late years, taok ractive part i St. Paui's Uniteti surci, attsnding its services anti rrshipplng tiers althaugh hej ever became a member. Rev. Dr. John MoLaurin, cf incruto, a brother ai Mis. Jury, a4 Sccrctary af the Baptist Fan- pIg Mission Boarti, eQuiducted, a mple service anti spoke worts of comfcrt. HRe, was assisted by Bey. A. R. Cragg, minister cf St. Paul's BawmanvilIe. M a n y beauiu flcwers and wreaths fram engani- zations had been sent i respect- fui meznory of a deceaseti mem- ber, as weil as many personal tributes fromn frientis. Pallbearers were John Jury, Gordon New, grandsons, J. R. Stutt, A. E. La- veil, John Burgess andi Norman J. Scott, business associates. ENTRANCE RESULTS (Contlnued from page 1) A list af those whc passeti on their Departinental examinations at thse enti cf June wii be pub- lisheti eanly in Juiy. Bowmanville Publie fichool Junior Boss Helen Jones Manie Moise Helen Beach Donald Cuida Wiona Clarke Collette Ferguson BillKnox Fay h7~ Marloh ' Calver Donald Gilhooly ban.Hovey, Audtey Venton Carl Boe Robert Stevens Bobert'Bebtier' 'James Mantyn Alain Strike Betty Sencer brasse Piper Evelyi ,Hall Jack -Tait Lola Mari ernlsan Isabelle Kelly William Duncan Doris Tiompson bnez Blckell Doris Altineati Bas Buntile Bernice Welsh Lois Dinniwcll June Alîchin Jacqueline Heyiand Douglas Lémcn Geralti Walraim Boys' Training Sehool Gunther Doint John Hannaford Gardon Hillis George Onich Carl Page Glen Smith Anchie Wupani Duncan Hayccck -Fred Hawley Jahn Risk William Werner Cartwright Township IS. No. 4: Grant Mahaffy Darothy Watten 1S. Na. 5: Walter Rogers S. Nc. 6: Kenneti Grurnnett S. No. 7: Richard Bcwles ;S. Na. 9: Laurie Hoskins .Davidi Mains Darlingion Township S. S. No. 5>William Bragg Calvin Crago S. S.No. 6: Stanley Snowten Doris Stevens - S. S. No. 7: Alfreti Olesen Elmira Chatterton S.S. Na. 8: Audrey Grahams Dareen McClimanti Hfida Scangie S. S. No. 11: Davidi Craig Glatiys Kensey Robent Stainton S. S. Na..12: Hans Geisaberger Adams Lyson Gardon Pascoe Keiti Staintan S. S. Na. 14, Rosa Cnytienman Stanley Millson Ruths Prescott S. S. No. 16: Murray Santiersan Boss Sharp' S. S. Ne. 17: Elsie Rahm S. S. No. 20: Roy Dewdl S. S. Nc. 21: Anchis McNsil . Mais Townsh1p S.S.Na. 1: Winilda Ker -' Ray Robinson Arthur Sharman Jchnu Wfight S. S. No. 3: Jure Bradley Jdycs Cavano Charles Townsend S.S. No. 4: Robent Kerr James Russel S. S No6:F.rancis AiIson Jean Bird . Daorotiy Cook Annie Mac Shea Hazel Sica S. S. Na. 7: Maurice Bradburn Orwell Muinicati S. S. No. 9: Joyce Hfudson 1 Bennie Maydonilc S.S. Na. 10: Grant Earl H-elen H.lcksan Douglas Stinsan Ailsen Wright S. S. Nco 11: Elwood Kerr Donald Spier Ronald Spier Ralpi Vsals S. S. Ne. 13: Helen Gray Keith Stinson S. S. No. 15: Ray Challice Howardi McGill Christeila Rowan' S. S. No.16: Doreen Freeman George McLean Douglas Shephard ý1RAFfIC ACCIDENTS' (Contlnued from Page 1) tans toelsther car. Bath cars .were gcing scuils. Chief Sidney Venton .Investigatai.'> Tic traffic accidents gat off to a geati stant carl y Suntiay morn- ing whcn an castbound car driven by Frank Engel, .New Toronto, was unable te make tic tunn at Kurv Inn. bn tic car's trip acrs tic pavement it turneti aven sev- cral times anti clippeti a hydro pale. Otisci occupants of tic car sligitly injureti wcne Mr. anti Mrs. John Engel, parents cf tic Jijureti driver. GOODYRAIR PICNIC <Contlnued from page 1) Race, Ted Bagneli,' A. Balson. Ladies' Race, Mrs. Codle, Mis. Britigett; Marrieti Wamen's Race, Mrs. Coole, Mns. Wmn. Kllpatrick; Men's Bacs, Jack Cauiway, Bob Evans; Marrnlet Men's R acec, Maurice Crook, Melville Sieep; Wheclbarraw, Ted Bagndil anti S. McMurtsr, R. Avery anti A. FILMS DEVE'L'OPEDO FREE with Art Border or Deokie Edge Printa and Twenty-i'@ur- gour Ser#ice For The Holiday- Soft as a floooy.clsd! Motor juga - - 1.69 Vacuum Bottie - se Noxema Suntan 011 S.8e Velvetta Sunburn Lotion Se Dixie Cujis - dlos. 10e Paper Serviettes - 10o Paper PlIates - pkg. 15e Sta-Way - - -390 Wax Paper - - - 150 ,C> 12 Kodak Films - AUiglués Sun Flaihllghts Cameras FII*B Goggles S»C Foldiag *Ali 1.9S Z5 75 1.3S Up 29 -79 BATHING CAPS 19 Ne syls ewShde ENO' 4:. sîio 159 r -980' 300 ATELETIC SUPPORTS »Oc- 75e - 1.25 $1 Size Hind's Cream For . . . 49a l1e os. Noxema Ci , English Heith Salis' 39é. Fly Fume2Me- 43o- 78o Sheil Tex Sprayer 15o FIy Tox, 24éi - 43o - 7te Tat'Ant iTrapo - 395. Arrit odoroe Creain Liquid 39-59 39.OS It, for white Shoes From - 15 - 2s Palm Beach Cleaner 25o Nyai White Shee Cleaner At - - -* 25e W. Test Ey.s ani Fit Tras"s te your satisfaction -iu fit, rjuality ASsd Drime. 65 P. R.,COWLING, -Phm. B8Dpromip, Balsan; Thnsati anti le - i.r anti Mis. A. Bglson, Mrs. 'esnnètt anti S. McMurter; Ladies' Bell Threwlng Contest, Mis. Ivan Cchrnane; Men's Bail Throwing Cantest, Hsrb Murphy;, Horsesias Pitciing Contest <K. Luxton lu ciharge), N. Brcoking anti F. Samn- La, H. Lee anti C. Vanitone. For ail the above events the prizes given were valuable anti useful so the campetitian was Iceen. bn the ather item, a gues- sing cantest, Bob Carnutiers won a fine slectric dock. WOME«N'S AUXILIARY (qontir'ued fram page 1) Mis. Stan Beckett 4ti anti Mns. Fry 5th. The twcnty boys wiil receive tic boxes tiat werc packeti alter tic meeting. Ten Overseas are: Pte. W. H. Bates,-Gunner Etiwant Bird, Gunnen Alex Camneron, Ltijs. Robent Davis, LtiIé. Leslie Finri, Pte. T. Graham, LIBti. G. M. Hart, ýPte. H. McKtnlht, Pte. F. E. Trenouth anti Gunner Lewis ,Wiseman. Ten Mitilant I D"ý Bow- manvifle Boys: CpI, E. J. Rurale, Lj(CpL G. E., Richards, LICpi. A. R. Spencer, Ptes. D. A. Bickeil, H S. Brcoklng S N. Casbourn, L. Conncrs, E. WA. Downey anti J. H. King. Pupils ai' Miss Wickctt's gratis V cdllecteti anti gave tic Auxili- ary $36 tt elp buy com01t far A1ýI o ille Boys i A.5Fk (Continued from pagel1) i tic career of tic great Man it seemeti as if cvcry tirow of the tics turneti against hlmn. But now, finally cverytiing is swinglng ta tise Britsh aide ai tis figit with public opinion anti heip itic Unitedi States canslng te aur aid. An intcnesting sideligit was talti iaw C1surc >1hadti ta ven- come an impE . mkht inis speech. He tcck svery ccasion for prac- tics. oratcry wltls tic result tiat todak lie is anA of .the greatést oret@rï. ver knçwn. A member Of P nliament at 28 is has also hati'a-stermy career in politics going fronm tic Tory party to Lib- eral, returning, ruinng as an in- tiepentient candidate anti con- stantly taking a louis, individual- istie stand. Alter tic Great War ho retireti for. a peniodti t lecture andb write andi at tiat time visiteti Amenica. Neyer a close frienti ai previcus English Prime Ministers, Chur- chil playeti a louis hanti waiting fan tic psychalaglcal mament te take over. At iast ie lias faunti is -place. Winston Churcillf is the leader Bitain neetis totiay. Rev. W. C. Smithi maveti a ne- solution ai appreciation at tic close ai an unusual, instructive ant-inlterestlug atitresa wich tic audience heantily agreeti. Quise Rotanlan was nememýbereti as pasalng another miiestone in lite recentiy-Morley Vanstcuie. Fret Brooks of the Port Hope çclt*.,,was a guest. Growing olt Iol usually the ne- ~ult cf dtiug thc same aid thing and,~ thinking the sazne oid thaugits, fallowing the same olti rutteti rQati. Druglesa Prectltibner ]ROBER? COLVILE Druillesa Practltionr Liberty Street - Bowaaville Electrical Treatinents - Spinal AdJustinents anti Massage. 28-4 hold.t SUPPLES Save Mine snd Labour. Buy P iper Cuis, Plates, Ser-*ett«s, Doies, Forks, Spooîs, 'Wax Paper, and Towels. We bave them aIL GIFTS Show eru Whoe 556 k mavlje PORE ODENS CLARK,$ZS i 5 CEUSE SLD lb.24C MiLEu>19C TOMATOES A & P FANCY Z~23C PEU AYLMER 4 SIEVE 9c FLoUEROBINHOOD lib. 27 c 8 BLACI TEASPECIAL BLEND ÏZ 300~ '4 mi- NWIX