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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1941, p. 3

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TI!IJRDAY, JLy lOTI!, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABRIO PAGE THE A cws, e waset the saine 0. M. Alger Dies publihr nd dtro h Oshaw Publsher broke Standard. Oshaw Publsher In 1919 he moved tao' o and with lis two sons, Ewar Welf are Worker Stewart, le founded Alger Lhnited, of which le wasý dent at thc tume cf lis death Waa One-Time NewsPaper Pub- thc Oshawa Telegrani. The 1 limer - Head of cidiîtengs pj<d w s awcekiy but subsequ, SoeletY and AlÏi Pre- became a daily, Uic firat in of Ohaa awa. In 1925 it was aold ,tc Mundy Printing C. Ltd., Menged witl the Oshawa Ref SuPeintendent af thc Chlldren's c, now Uic Times. The lte Ald Society fer Oshiawa and On- Alger waa also editor o! Uic tario Connty for thc Isat 15 years, awa Tlegram and tIc Son and anc tuenwppe ulal-EgandRecord, a fraternal ,+r Orna M. Alger, aged 71, Presi- ýiety' magazine. f~t of the Alger Press Lliitcd, M.Agrbcm uei cd nddnlyJue 2t1,in al- dent cf the Childrcn's Aid Sac awa eneml licpital. in 1926. Hie was also an Alder: lie was taken ilI slomtly after of thc city council for thrce yg noan and taken te the liospitai at A well known member o! Si three o'dlock. He died freim a Steet United Church, le se' heart attack. on thec durci board. For n£ Well known tîroughoût Uic yeans le was Chairman of Connty duc ta lis social, sportlng Christmas Cheer Fund for awa and placement officer for -British Chiidncn's Eva cunatý Committee. lic likcd bowling and cur. bcing a member of thc OsI; Bowling' and Curling Clubs, also was a keen fisherman. îï. was a life memben o! the Pen plia Chapten, Cedar Lodgc a! Masonic Onder and for 18 yeai member o! the Oshawa Rot * Club. le was aIso a membcî tIc Sons o! England. Surviving are lia wife, Agi two sons, Ewamt S. and Stcv R.,:Oshawa; thrce dangîters, i% Lincoln Elliott, Tweed, lIns. * Pncsnail, Toonto, and Marge Alger, at home. Hcavy with the perfume flowers whidh snrrcundcd flag-drapcd casket in Simcoc Ulnited Churdli, tribute waa p totle tte Orna M. Alger on S 0 .M. Alger urday afternoon during tIc fi eral service conducted by thcenm *and. business engagements, lis ister, Rev. A. D. Corntt, who m suddcn dcath was a shock ta hia assiated by Rev. J. S. I. Wils( family and frienda. an aid fricnd o! thc deceased. Born at Castieton in 1870, Mr. As a prelude and a postînde Alger spent Uic carlier part cf lis thc service, Reginald Geen, life initic commnnity as a achoci ganiat and clair leader cf t teadher there and at Hastings. In churdli, playcd most appnoprie 1901 lic went to Embre, nean music. Woodatock, wlce e cntened the TIc front of thec durcI w priting and pnblishing business. beanutful witl many flowe He pnblished a weekly newspapcr, banked behind the flag-drapi the Embro Courier. casket and on tIc front seat ir In 1908 lic movcd ta Tweed, mediately in front o! tIc caskt wherc lhe purcliascd The Tweed Among Uic many wreaths we: News. Whilc thene fie became ac- those from: Simcoc St. Unitt tive ithc 111e of tic commnnity, Chifrch Board; Tweed U n i t e serving in Uic Methodiat Churcb Chunch Snnday Scholoa; Eve and on many fraternai sacieties. Ready Bible Class; Women's A For over a yesr, in addition ta sociatian, Simcoc St. Chnrc] being thc publisher o! the Tweed Children'a Aid Society; Staffi "But Wi11 1 Qet the. sagme quailty of goods when I telephone?"9 * .A PERFECTLY FAIR QUESTION, MADAME... «'f you are flot pepfectly satis- fiel with au item ordered frosa Us bY telephone, lt wMl be pick- ed up ad your fuil purehase price refunded."1 Rely on us-order by telephones 1$ and mst on Juni27ta enrett Lavina Collinson, wldow o! Wil- Visitons liam Spry, wba passcd qnietly MtsJ Willianms and Eddy away at hen lame on Ontario St. Nestieton, at Mm. Walter Fengus- in ber 84t1 ycam. She lad llvcd all on's.. . Mn. and Mrs. Russel Mc- lienlif in owmnvilc b L aughlin, Mn. and Mra. William daughter o! thc late Michael and McLaughlin,, Misses Ja n Mary Collinsen. Some o! tIc oid-1 Audrey McLanghlin, with Pte. er itîensmayreaîlhemfaterTed McLaughlin, Newmankct... as iind Miycal"a e atMrs. Frank Moore at Mn. Jack Cast"BindcfMichBile ChnisotiaMamison 's. . . Mn. and Mms. Ted faitianwoforheany eaCrstianMorrison's, Toronta. .. Mn. Hcnald mear attendor an o! tIc MetIa More, Pickerinz.' at Mr. Frank regul r at enda t wof t abot-M oore's . _'M isses Clara and Ruby odist cdurci, wha en botGriffin, Mr. Fred Gniffin, at Mn. town led by a dog. FakWlu',Nwate Mns. S ry was a! a quiet and hFn.and WlrsGrdn ectîEn- nctîning rsosition wîo gave lier nMm. eand M. Gadon Beec, E. fimt cansideratiani ta hem home Sni akln ratMn. Alym Bech's and family, but was always a good Stevddth ueral mti ofMmunit ne;[glbor and fricnd and. willing atne I uea fMs to heip others as hem stmcngth and Watchorn, Hampton. meanspermitedCongratulations to Miss Helen Thas e fnral as cdat IcRahm on passing lier entrance family residence, tic service be- Eas ing canductcd by Adjutant J. D. <Cncwded Ont Laat Wcck) Hart cf the Salvatien Army who testificd te Uic faitI cf the de- Visitons: Mr. Bill Wcbbcr, Mis- ceascd and cxpressed womds of ses Audrey and Fenne, Newcas- comfort ta the bereaved cnes. tic, at Mn. George RaIm'. .. Mns. Numenous beantiful floral tuib- Westlake and Bill, Bowmanvuîîe, utes were furtlier expressions o! at Mn. Frank Moare's.* . . Mr. and sympsthy for the famlly. Bearens Mns. Alymer Beeci, Blanche and M Flwes Wax Mb. 45e PreServing SupplieS Quaker Zinc Corn Flakes Rings - doz. 23c 3 pkgs. Rubber 3 ks.-- 23C Rings 3 pkgs. 19e SandwIch---- Biscuits M l. 21c Large Julcy cowanIsOranges doz. »9C Cowal.24eLarge Coca -- b. 4cTea Bisk- Uc ERNIE LUNN Phone 596 ' Deiivery Service An Important Message To Evei'y Househoider: We sincerely advise you ta make arrangements now ta get your next-winter's fuel aupply. There ia plenty cof coal avallable at the présent Urne aiàad prices are definitely at thefr iow. No one can pre- dict what the situation will be next falU, but we are certain prices cannot be lower than they are now and the possibility is they zight be considerably higher. You have nothlng ta loue -and everything ta gain, by ardering at this Uie. You'l1 Bave money: you'll have your ceai 1h yaur bin and you'Ul be safe in an emergency. It is asua a decided advantage ta order "1blue coas," be- cause tItis trademarked anthracite assures you cf gettlng what you asked for-the world's finest anthracite. These days, with sa many fuel problema, substitution or mixlng may cf necessity be more prevalent than before and this means inferlor heat and more cost ta you. But with "1blue ceai," tic blue colour that you can se at a glance, guarantees the quality-and guarantees delivery of the ceai you ordered. Why flot get ln teucli with us by phone to-day-and we are sure yau wili thank us next fall Éor Uhc suggestion we are niaklng ta yau now, because we sincereiy be- lieve that what we say is, true: you'Ul be better 'off i âpJnany ways by getting "Mbue ceai" and ordering it riglit w4w, now Shoppard & Gi Lumbor Co. Limtsd Phone 715 - owmanVllle F )LF g1 iS01 1 M J M M inirernou stugglsnns No ONE can do work WeIl, whcther mental or physical, whilc suilening from a slnggish systcm. Yct thousands have this handicap-somc almost without knowing it. The cause is oftcn just a Iack cf bulk in the diet. Help Keep the System Normal this Natural, PIoant Way Constipation due ta lack of rAOÀKFP YOUM F A JAND AIA'..A CORANo rA.rlNo CEerFAI * Y'., -~*. iune 1 the Cfldren's Shelter; City af Lloyd, at Mr. Ross Richards', H-ay-ve white sheer. Her veil was erri-I P os Oawa; Rotary Club of Oshawa; don.. Mrs. Boyd, Enniakillen, W UeddboieedFcnhnengt shl Oshaa Christmas Cheer comn-*t Mrs. Mountjoy. . . Pte. Bll broidered Filcf r hntsom. h arried ;hawa mitte; Chldren's Aid Society cf ans, Nova Scotia, la visiting of rageblssms.Sh crred tand Port Hope; Oshawa Lawn Bowi- t riends here. ltjy- eoiweOhawarossis e f i brie, presi- reine Council; Pentalpha Chap- h~jjj e]d at the school on Friday, June Church, Bowmnanviiie, L a r n a net and carried pink roses and$3 0$8 0 i and ter, R.A.M.; Cedar Lodge, A. F. & 'iIm w Ij1 ' 21, with 75 present ta enjoy a Gertrude McColl, daughter of Mr. carnations and blue awcct peas.o n n fasoeo l5 paper A. M.; S.O.E. Lodge, Essex No. 4, ocati.Ate suprbhanMs.HRyodsfMrga- Miss Peggy Killen, Toronto, ais- wthsHrwghao etyad an otebauiuflrlOSHAWA, ONT. Young and old participated in ton, was married te Sergt. Law. ter of the bride, and Miss Jessie wthsHrwghno Osh-1 tributes from ftle family, frienda -- ----- football and softball ýgames. Danc- rence Marvey Mountjoy of Peter- Nemis, CoutiesisercfUi a the and business associates. A Famous Players Theatre lig, in the achool, feliowed, with borough, son cf Mr. and Mrs. L. gr owr iesidatro he and P.The plîberera er of crhert muxc b Misses Ruby McLaugh- E. Mountjoy, Blackatock. The werc gowncd alike in turquoise 'orm A.ShidPSietcf.HR e Last Two Glorious 'in, Jea Knapp, Blanche Bccch churcli was decorated with del- blue net and carricd pink roses, Mr. dre'AiSciyJ.RLue and Mr.n Roy McLaughiin. phiniums and Regal i hes, and the carnations and snapdragons. Lit- Osh- Albert A. Crowie, E. L. Barnhart, Fays pastor, Rcv. J. E. Griffith, waa as- tic Marie Kilen ini pale pink sillc s of of Oshawa, Reeve Irwin T. Or- SPENCER MICKEY sistcd in conducting the servicwsfoc Richard ei soc- miston, cf East Whitby, and W. V. Tracy yRev D. M. Stinsoii cf Black- was foe girl. Ndmi by bSpeeSertr fTayRolyE fedwsgroomaman and Uic ushers Oglcay, SthmeSonecgl ,Trotor. sfRock. Mrs. Lucille, Switzer play- were William Nemis andJae icet The Sons c Eng land, Tor onto cr: d the wcdding music. Kil .Mrs. Ca.Naylor pJames cmn h service and Many went ta - ' EN OF Mr. and Mrs. Wili Stinson, Mr. G-ivn inmarriage by hier faUi- the wedding music, and Mr. Har- fe Good Untal cars~~~~er MouetbLwndCemtcry tepsy w of white vey Balson, Oshawa, sang "I Love uyIthO y ncrs oun thiria respet r ta nethy T ~ and Mr. usell Cok and Law- sheer with fingcr..tip veil and You rl. Jl 5 O y red hd higli in their affections and Stiiiscn. .. Mrs. J. Par Ms g frss wc ea Andhm reception was held at the Pie Rtee1 Jd1 ee ______1_.______A._bouquetofrss we esadhmoftebiespr rcsotee15nd7 wl îany ~ ~ ~ ~ it in her eteesPrsctt Ruh ndRos Mri baby's bncath. Mrs. G. E. Spning, brides mother wore a blue flow- "name" watches ranged from WtAntherweiCt attended the C.G.I.T. strawbcnry sister cf the bride was matron cncd sheer gawn with a white hat. $18-50 te $23.50 Obi- festival at Soin... Mrs. T. Kiley cf honor and Miss Barbara Jean Her corsage was pink roses and LSE A io ____and Aileen, Timmins, at Mrs. J. MeCoîl, niece of the bride, was blue sweet pes. The groom's ýs-tayR LSaks r.L n junior bridesmaid. Mrs. Spring motiier ware a green gown with a__ L ELA ceand Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith at wonc bine silk net over taffeta wieht ircraewspn In, Mrs. I4orman E. Hall Friday at 11I Mr. FGilbert's, Solina; whiten h t . ne:r;orsaj< ge w pes.Ohe ais'adgntee' iawa Mrs. Norman E. Hall, s resident " uI GILlRDA " and Jimmie, Kitchener, at G. andndbayheret. or.Ro ws ds oshwit wa ie fnewrsgwee fo and of Oshawa for 35 years, passcd W.fowma'sGIRL iss iol Shott MLirnewa gromamn. bt an aceasaies Heaway at thc family residence, 64 EOSALIND RUSSELL Of SUtton Bay, at Mr. A. Pres- A recapton folloed at th ital- Hillcroft Street, Oshawa, June 23, Arcpinfloe tte$ .5u the foilowing a lengthy illncss. She CARY GRANT cott's.. Miss Vers Stinson at Newcastle Arms, Ne wcastle, Those from sa distance were tr a nle 6hyar r .Wilrs or.tob*' . J. Knox, Toronto, Mr. and rs~~~~~ swsihe thya.Mrs. Brown, Lindsay, with *ùr ýheethe bride's MnsoA.Huyka, oe nd nni 4ary Born at Haydon, the former W stn. isS nnv he ihcraeo r.A ula o n ni cf ýLlian AlbertHGahmwakMo. oWellWaAstond,.Mis MriynRa-W. VNsee wthco !ruo, M ssn.Peanid.Tay, ntoad-roses. Mrs. Mountjoy, m r ykWlnMs Nmis S .l H9arwig ugl rt ert Mn.Grah a a m murMisPeraylruvrnt e Ne ne; d te late David G raham h RElcUR Aat M . T. Tay io'.. r Stina' the bridegoom, assssted inma v and Jim, Montrea, Mr. Adanm ýneson and Mh aeDvdGaa. h RDMMRA rs... .N. in- sheer with roses corsage. Leavîng Nmis, Oshawa. Expert Watchmaker ,art ils a st mstress f Q u en M ary M A D ELEIN E C A R R O LL R Mc ul c ', P n y ol t M S. later for a w edding trip, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _K n ht fi c vIra. Orange Lodge, bas been active R. Cloauîa Pon5t uhP res- bride wore a powder blue redin2' w. n Tuc ineLode N. 1 sn ancott on obtaining her Entrance gote ensemble with pink acces- aret1 active member cf Northminstcr 9"ONE NIGHT Certificate on lier year's work. sories. Sergeant and Mrs. Mount- PLAN TO ATTEND!_______________ Tnited Church, and highly re- Mrs. W. J. Onmiston is havn joy will live'in Peterboroughi at of spected among a large circle cf UN LISBON" thc roco f olier house shingied Present. But Mrs. Mauntjoy wiîî DUEHAX OOUNTY the friends. Ltl et alonsrcvr esumne teaching in Blackstock PR ES St. Besides the bereaved husband, Love In an, air-raid shelter ittie Keitb Tylo ss reOhar-public achool in Uic fail. aid- Norman E. Hall, she is survi E xta Hospit'lis. lesa Ohw ___ ;at- by Uree daugliters, <larguerite), EFeder1]a A tIonIL f Several fram here attended Uic Nind mt Under auspices of Durham .u-Mns. E. W. Kennedy; (Muriel), LATEST AND MOST Induction service for aur newSmt eraonf li- Mrs. W. Starn, and Miss Beryl mnseM.Pata nikl giutr vsHall; three sans, Lloyd, Wllbent TALKED ABOUT mnseM.Pat tEnsj. At St. John's Anglican Churcli,Ariute ioand Clinton Hall, ail of Oshawa; CANAD>A CARRIES, ON - Miss Elsie Samis is recupenating inteneat was solmize a tu lier mother, Mns. David Graham oe nia ih. omnl lemnagecid e OR NO uÂE ta of Haydon; two siaters, Mrs. HiId lda ChiichiiU's Island yy from a tonsil openation in Bow- day afternoon Juiy Sth when Thursday, July 1 iun or-_________of______________ - mnville Hospital Monday mcmr- Mollie Vincent Smith, dangliter progaromecs130am the CrosBam, cf Haydwoodn d ra tan-in.of Mn. and Mrs. D)uncan A. Smith, Standard Time lie iey Bya, JohnDG aamo, adtOsh hraaBowmanville, wed John Hugli awaan br LesJohnR. Graham, sHa- Thu n rdy Nind, Toronto, son o! Rev. and Lunch Sharp, at 12 Noon awa nd esli Grlia , Ha - T ps l Ev rytlng v,~1 ~Mrs. T. A. Nind, fomerly of Bow- 1.00 p.m -M iss Agnes Macihail vas don; also eleven grandchildren E F RAt~mAiof manville. The fathen cf Uic groom Guest Speaker. ers A private service held Thurs- lU Iofiated .0pm-uiSaec prs edday, 26, with ]Rev. W. E. Milîson,30110 ofcae.20pmýu St fSors m- minister of Nothininster Unie1 'A CH B~fROOKS-LANGMAr» PICNIC Amid a beantiful setting in lis- 3.00 P.m-.-Glrls' Softbai Game neplcea MUn aw CmterUcIfI TcBook ~agadînistcnic St. John's in Uic chancel Newcastle vs. Orono. :et. Cliurch i charge. Interment toc U H nte RF h rosLnmi anle flanked witli delphinium, hyd- MUSIC BY ORONO BAND DIynha ti uCu? ed weea rneSriews DR VLMU edtenana inca h ranges and fenra and tall stand- Brlng Your Famlly, Lunch adnoln a eeoy ýe where an Orange_____Service______ home cf Mn. and Mrs. Rosa Peerce, ards cf spinea the ceremony was 1 Anobhes.ykep yu B d held under Uic auspices cf Uic Ebenezer, oil Satnrday, June 28. penformcd Uic bride being given Dse.seteaabtyn s a e r Orange Truc Bine Lodgcs. ______________ ltlough many were mîssed from ~mrig ybrfte.Tbe o ae vial. h the famiy group, about sxty nmrr00byhrfthr abe o 1500valale seetieakwtay, bueyouorua ef oh; E arMMutywere Ralph Irwin and John Vad- wcre in attendance. A bounteous Jon entplyedUiswe- 0 eet r d. Heap r bak the a e e ea cak h; Ewr euty egados A ik .Ble picnic supper was enjoyed by a, i g music and Mra. Philip Nind, aefstrtriyasucesU.. rmteCrtrF Biyfak- S Edwerd C. McMrtry, 23 Craig and A. Bradford.- on the slady lawn at the Pearce Thoroid sang "Becanse." Gown-' Town folk and Interestel par-. ery!" street, London, died June 26th at Left to survive a, iaving mother home. Whule all' wcrc seated cdn white chiffon witli shinned ties front ether counties cor- IL Victoria Hospital in lis 79tli ycar. arc Mrs. Wmn. Voddcn (Nellie), President Roy Langm aidcled waitline, full bishop sîceves and dially Iiivited.a - Mr. McMurtry was born in Baw- Oahawa, Norman M. J. Spny, at Uic group taoroder and Secd aryfmg<er-tip veil and carryig a laeuecf rain progroe nvilh bneare F mI manville, being son cf the late home, and Fred W. Spry, Ton- Mrs. Wes. Yeilowlees read Uic bounet cf bntterfly roses and heid In large Agricultural Bldg. Th CatrF m l Samuel McMrtry, and lad re- onto. Clinton Lionel Spry, a so minutes. . ouvandia the bride was attended FORBES HEYLAND, Pres. .flaker o w eeain sided in London for thc past 33 and veternnof Uic Wcnld Wer, These officers for 1942 picnic by hiem matron - of - honour, WALTER B. REYNOLDS. Sec.% yer.For r 40 years h a ido Arl2,12.wene approved: Pncsident--....SEE Mra. Jasper Smith and littlc Miss Durham Federation of Agrie. 'Phone 855 Delivery a salesman cf hardware special- Relatives and fnienda attending n';Vc rsdn-vrt hiaNn a lwrgr.Ms tics. A member cf the Wesley thc funenal were M~r. and Mns. Yontioy; Sec.-Treas.-.Mrs, Wegt Smith wcre sheîl pink chiffon United Churcli, Mn. McMurtrY Fred A. Spry, Toronto, Mr. and Yelwlees; Sports Ccmmittec- with matdliing qnilted boiero and ___________________________ was a memnber of Uic board' o! irs Wm. Vociden and Uiree sons '>Il!ia Peerce, Marion Allin; Pro- fiowered hat while Miss Nind stewards. He is aurvived by his Mn. and Mrs. A. Lisk, Mr. and visin Committee-Mns. Ro; Mc- wore pale blue gongette and Juli- . i wife, Mrs. Emnma McMurtry, anc Mrs. N. Morris, Mrs. C. Mcadow Î.,Mna. H. Brooks, *Mrs. Wiii ette cap trimmed with rosebuda daugliter, Mvrs. M. Ward, Toronto, à&js. J. ]Bntler, Mrs. A. Brdfrd'Q»k; NominAting Cmmte and fonget - me - nota and car- two sos, Caleton of Frt_________ofOhawa.Clidé. AlS, Mra. Fred Lang- nied a'nosegsy cf delphinium and'* andaod onsCa etot,!dForEne, iloOhwa aîd, Mns. Foster Snowden. pink carnations and Mrs. Smith~'MU brother, George A. McMurtry, cf A program cof aponta conducted cannîed a fan Shaped bouquet cf Hv o St. Thomas.Ca nu by M. and Mrs. Claerc li a bie and mauve delphiinium.i The funeral service was con- _______ entened into with enthnsiasm by Mn. Alex Little of Oshawa was"l dnctcd by Rcv. George E. Trini- ____Young and oid despite the lest. best man. Ushers were Mn. Jaspenru om l bic, assisted by Rcv. J. E. J. MilI- Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werry invit- Smith, Aurons and Mn. Josephi yard. Interment was i Mt. Pies- Mn. W. C. Hickling, Allenwood, cd ail to visit their home, "Rose- Alexanden, Windsor. sant. Cemetcry. with Mra. J. E. El1liott and tooIk landvale," Salins, on the fonrth Aften Utecrcmony Uic guests s i n D lis danghter. Misa Inez Hickling Saturday in June for the 1942 pic- were ententaincd at a reception i su a c Mrs.Amela Mine McKay home. . . Mn. and Mra. Smith nic and thc invitation was grate- at the Smith reaidence, Lovera Mr5 Amll Mie acKy ergusan and Collette, Bowman- fnlly acceptcd. Lane, with Mns. Smith and Mrs. Mrs. Ameia Milnc MacKay, 85, ville, at lIns. A. E. McGilils. . . Nind'rcceiving. Thc former wareov 'i passd away June 4th, at thc Mnrand Mrs. C. Montjoy las- orchid sheer with mnatching ac- home cf lier niece, Mrs. S. S. Sad- llngton, witl J. E. Eiliott and MU SIC FESTIVAL cessonies and corsage of mauve 1e,,TangerIne, loida, Mrs. motored ta liydon anvray ANNUAL MEETING delphinium and nses; the latter, MKay lad been ecovemig . Mr. and Mns. Gilbert Gibson, I navy bine sheer witli white ac-ir - ht niceiy from a fail, and dcath came Douglas and Aluin, Toronto, at Mm. SATURDAYpS P .8 esrsan coag ofpk nnexpectedly, o! a heant attack. Chas. Gibson's. . . Misa Birdie roses and baby's breath. SIc was barnn Bowmanville, Fallas, Oshiawa, at Mrs. C. H. Fal- Thc Management Committe of A moton trip tlrangh Muakoka Cc)ih i on tff Onti, being dangliter of the lis'. .. Mr. and Mra. H. E. Tewin thc Durhiam Music Festival met is being taken by the happy co l e. ' late Mnttehoeo h sceay.nd Mns. John Milne, wlio and Mcmrili, Mr. and Mra. Verne ttelm ! I ertr in couple prior ta taking np resid- .u., I lived in the lieuse now occnpied TrewS, Ottawa, with friends.. Bowmanville on June 30t1, witl ence i Toronto. Mra. Nind trav- J.L. and owned by Mra. John Spencer, Mns. Joînston, Parry Sound, with Mn. A. Fulford piesiding. elled Sn a printcd mauve silk li ,i,.vil1, ., - ConesIon St. Alten hiem mar- Mns. H. A. Galbraith.. Mn. and Another very succesaful festival costume with matching coat and nage ta tic late Francis Leys Mna. Chas. Snow, Mns. Pike and was neviewed, accounts cxamined white accesamies. McKay, made lier lame at In- Mn. and Mns. Shiaw, Oshiawa, and approvcd. Idian Head,s Saskcatchewan, Can- Mrs. W. E. Ncath, Toronto_ witli The annual meeting wili be leld p oa t sd, lere she waa very promin - Mms. A. Wolfe.. . Mn. Bll Practor li Newcastle Community Hall on Nemis-Killen cthdurci, welfarc and les- and Miss Kathleen, Misa Huni- Monday, Sept. 8t1. Evemyone Sn- pia ok. SI a iemm et aata usi rw'.trse nfstival work lainvit- On June 28th a pmetty wcdding Ipitai o! India SHe adsak, f or wiere plTorontolat selt nsIc waa n e nvt ber cf thc women'sauaxiliamy of . . Bll Brown, Helen, Paul and cd ta be pnesent and any sugges- toak place at Zion United ChurdliCIC1 thc Clincl o! Engand o! Canada, Grant at Russell Brown's. tins for the 1942 festival will be wlin Annie McAdam, dan hter e and was the founder o! Uic lis- Frienda f Mn. Cecil erguson gladly received. f M. and Ms. Robet Killen, a g i j pialofInia HadSak. fr er peaedtaher ha se as A beatifni silver cp as been was nnited in maniage to Pte. l REA I 'J Z. IUt which she was an indefatigable rcccvcning froni a seriou n m y donated ta the festival by Mr. Midchael Nemia, Camp Borden, son Je Je A SO N & SONl workr. n anaut accden nea O uawy Sainthil.Lcvîne of Toronto, ta be of Mn. and Mrs. John Nemis, wmkcr in n auto acident nea awamded ta the band winning Courtice. Rev. Walter Rackham moved ta Forida ta make lier M. and Ms. Irwin, Kathleen highst onour marks, the samne fficiated. INSURÂNCE AGENTS home witl hem niece, Mrs. S. S. and Jimmy, Toronto lave moved te become their pmopety after Thc bride, given in marriage Phone 68 1 Bowmanville Sadien and the late Mn. Sadien, into Mr. James Ginn's hanse. winning it tîrce times. by bier father, was gowncd in «~ at their Tangerine home on Lake Congratulations ta 1ftr. and Mms. Ola. SIc leaves no ether relat- Keith Brown nee(Jar.n! McCon- ives. nell) on their marriage. A paty Funcrai services weme hcld was given in their honour at Mn. from St. Thomas EffiscopalRel Bnown's on Saturday dhurci, Enstis, Rcv. D. T. John- night by former achoal dhuma.AIa

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