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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1941, p. 4

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N THURSDAY, JULY IOTH, 1B41 PAGE FOR THE CANADIAN STATECSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABJO Haydon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs E. Skinner and baby Anne, Osh- awa, at Mr. C. Sicmon's. . . is. W. Thompson, with Mrs. F. Os- monds' Newcastle. . . Mir. and Mis. C. Avery, at Mr. Cyril Av- ery's, Maple Grov*,, and Mr. Ber- tra's Osa . .Mrs. Harry 'Milmlled Patrca Montreal, ai Mr. Tjviountjoy's. . . Mis. Elmer Bradl- with Mis. Beit Ashton, Toro IFý-.. . Mr. Fred'Ashton is hoiaflng with his f arniy.. . mi. and Mis. Staxi Woollings, Mi. and Mrs. Clem Woollings, Mr. Norman Woolings, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mis. Leslie Grahami and sons, at Mi. Stan Byam's, Goodwood Mi. Donald Mountjoy has join- cd fthc air force and bas gone ta Quebec f0 train. Sympathy is cxtended ta Mi. and Mis. Eari Degeer in the sud- den bercavement of Uieir son Neil. miss Ursul McNcil bas been transferrcd from Montreal ta Pickering wberc she bas a secre- tarial position. Mi. Walter Blackburn is taking a. summer course at Kingston. Word has been rcccived of Uic safe arrivai of Pte Harry Mils ini England. Pte. Dan Cameron is also îeported ta have gane over. -Mi. Richard Hoskiai is in Bow- manville haspitai scîiously iM. Wherc are ail aur hunters? Several in this vicinity have re- ported Uic boss of pouitry wbich is affributed ta a fox, many having seen the thief. Mis. E. Stephenson bas discover- cd a new alarm dlock as she was awakencd anc marning by a squir- reX rumnlng up and dawn Uic scales on her.piano. Orono News Mi. Fred Hil *as taken f0 Bow- manville hospital. Park St. W. A. met Tuesday af- B~AMePAGE IkaedGooda wmELCPAn - TWMLL çuFC-m lac 29C 9c 13C 'BREAD SJJCBD or tWOLICED v aumWNikTBl f, w. Z t'iJra. S* . O ffltU 8 0. 9c hug&frcaahl màted te tamlywokl rqulinmmti ternoon. Tribute was paid to the work of the late Mis. A. A. Rolph. Mrs. Logan reported on the plans for thc painting of the parsonage, Swhich will be started shortly. Au- gust meeting is cancelled. It was decided to buy a bond a loan to the country and a gft to thc Un- ited Church. Mrs. Carscadden, wife of Cpi. G. L. Carscadden, 2nd Canadian Tun- nelling Coy. R.C.E., Gibraltar, who h as lived at Mr. Dean Carscadden's r since her husband enlisted, June 10, 1940, was taken by surprise July 7th whcn a graup of relatives gathered to offer her congratula- tions. An address was read by Mis. J. Eagleson and a puise was pre- *sentcd by Mrs. R- R. Waddell. Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyn and Mrs. G. Jones gave à report of Cars- cadden picnic held at Orillia. Mis. »Carscadden taught school in Kind- ersley, Sask., for nine years before coming east, and is soon returning ta her birth place. At midnight de- licious refreshments were served, including a niccly decorated cakej with lightcd candles. Lloyd and LeRoy Myles wcrc home. Miss Edna Stutt, Grafton, is vis- iting here. Mr. Norman Allen has rented an apartment in Kumarite Inn. Mrs. Thomas Patterson is visit- ing in Blackstock. Wilfred Frose Is home. Mrs. Ward is at Mr. Ed. Moi- ton's. The Carscaddcn picnic taok place in Orillia Saturday, whcn a- bout 100 gathcrcd. Officers were re-elected. Picnic next year will be at Orono. Those attending from Durhanm wcre: Mr. and Mis. M. Dunbar and son Elliott, Pcrrytown; Mr. and Mis. Wes Elliott, Kendal; Mis. Elizabeth Tamblyn, Mrs. G. Joncs and daughter Ejîcen, andE Mis. Thomas Patterson, Orono;1 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson andr son Jim, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs.E L. Allen and family, Oshawa; and Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith, Black-1 stock. lAMBiNSTEA -lu Im PM mEIIIBOUAT PRM -I ILDE RAST -YN Dwm SEUIT M B OUST VANCT SEBLECT «A' FM d t. à LDS. nuL BOUST- DEEF BOLOGUIA I SAUSAGE BACON0~ Solia Mi. and Mis. Hilton Tink and famiiy, Base Line, with Mis. R. J. McKessock. . . Misses Jessie Yellowiees and Avis Parker, Osh- awa, at Mi. N. C. Yellowlees.. Mi. and Mis. Raipli Davis, Mi. and Mis. W. L. Miller and Clifford, at Windermere, Muskoka... Mi. and Mis. Frank Tedrick and son, Francis, Niagara Falls, at Mr. Jas. Smales', Francis remaincd for a holiday. . . Mi. and Mis. Edgai Pîescott and family, with relatives ut . Greenbank. . .. Misses Veina and Ella Milisan, Eber, Jerry and Stanley Millsan, motored ta Ham- ilton ta Visit their sister, Doris, at LaSalle Park... Miss Velma Gil- bert wbo is attending Summer School at Uic University of To- ronto, was home.... Mi. and Mis. Bruce Tink and Laine, at Mi. W. Oimiston's, Columbus . . . Miss Veina Miilson has rcturncd to Western Hospital, where she is a nurse-in-training. .. Mi. and Mis. Richard Luke and Mis. J. J. Smith, Kedron, at Mi. S. E. Wcrrys... Mi. and Mis. Norman Leach, Taunton, at Mi. S. Hackaday's.. Miss Doris Leach, Taunton; Mi. and Mis. Sam McElroy, Mi. Jas. Walters, Peterboro, at Mi. J. R. K.ivell's. ... Mis. Norman Wilson, Edmonton, Alfa.; Mis. L. C. Snow- den, Maple Grave; Mis. J. D. Ho- garth, Hampton, at Mr-. J. Baker's. ... Miss Jessie Hogarthi, Bowman- ville Hospital, at Mi. Thomas Baker's. . .. Mi. and Mis. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton, at Mr. Maurice Bakei's . . . Mrs. Wilfrid Deweli and sons bave returned from. vis- iting ber parents, at Çrrandview, Man. .. Mi. and Mis. H. E. Tink and Bruce attended Mis. Ernest Webber's funerai af Columbus. About fi! ty young people wcrc entertained by Mr. and Mis. Ed. Milison and famiby at a wcinei raast wben all bad an enjayable evening. Mi.- and Mis. Don. Vanderboef, Rochester, N.Y., at Mr. A. T. Balson's. Providence 1 Mi. Seward Dawsan, miracul ausly escaped instant' deaUi on~ July Sth when during baying operat ions the sling rope broke, Uirowing Mi. Dowsan backwardi aiff the load o! bay anto Uic bard ground. He is improving favor- abiy. His, son, Alvin, rcceived a double shock. Standing on the street in Bowmanvillc be witneas- cd a bad accident. Rushing to h scene o! Uic crash be was-telIUev- cd ta leain that Uic driver bf one o! the cars was not bis father, as he bad expecfed, but a stranger. Turning aside he received Uic mes- sage of bis father's seriaus accident on Uic faimn. Cl1arrk-heUnion Several farnicis bave starfed harvest. They find Uic atraw is light but the grain is a fair sam- pie. Mis. Fred HMI is in. Bowman- ville Hospital, Uic resuit of a burn. Doct ors give little hope o! her recovery. Mis. John Rickaby, Toronto, la spcnding Uic summer wiUi ber daughter, Mis. H. J. Souch. Mis. H. W. Jewell is waifing: on her. Mis. Rickaby is in ber 90Ui year and ztill able ta knif foi Uic sold- iers. Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto, is bolidaying with Miss Eileen Soucb.. Visitais: Mr. and Mis. Melbourne Wight, Miss Mary and Mis. J. W. Jewell, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mis. Han- aid Rickaby, Oàkville; Mi. .Toe Rickaby, Hamilton, at H. J. Souch's.. Mis. Sid Morgan and babe and Mis. Lowery, Cobourg, called at Mi. Silas Couch's en route ta Lake Simcae. .. Mis. Gea. Fogg is home from Uic hospitaL .. Mr. and Mis. Gardon Power, Cath- erine and James, with his moUici, in Oshawa. ýflwqrjm< - - pRUITS and VECETABLS Ontario Grown, Fresh. Criop Large Bunches Ontario Grown CELEIT L. - afor 19e RUETS Yo.9, umnser 4 bunehes 10e TR ~Ontario Grown Outdoor b.,ecbed No. 1 Qualtty Ontario Groun Fresh. Large Bunebes TOUTOE 7lbls. 25e CAMlOTS il bunohes 9 'SOntario Grown Outdoor GlaBt talfoérala Fesh fC.'CUCUCmuEES Z for 15c LEMONS Atacie don.729e MMI LETTICE Head Sc GRANGES don. 19C- Ontario Grown Plresti Green California Mtarsbseedeu CUBDAGE 2 Ibn. 1. GRAPEFUIT3 foýr 17c - .Ontario Grown Gfeen or Wax 1 California Santa Boua RElUIS Tender striamiesa Z b.. 15c RM PLUIES doz. 25c ~t u A &PEverydayLowPrices 4 mJU fNI! ISn4-s PODK &DMAINS CLAM'Sa" J. ILOBSTER Canadian DBrond Choice TOATESA PFaney 2Z ft ~IA YONN1%S 0 ar 23-o. Jarc ILb17c lb. 25c ILlb.19 ib. 21c ib. 25c pl. 21c IL. 33c IL -18c ib. 25c IL. 33Sc BIu yen ?Lac 15c 27c 703C 17C 35C 19C 6c 22e 14c e 13C 2,4c 19C l4c M8 LYON'S TUA Label %:-41ci mw Label U.-384 LUX 8051 il caku. le UMO LFD1Tson a cakS lc SUILU&T SOAP dlC"« lc Lux VI.JKES 3Z -au19c ENSo XA 3cw! J' rio EUU ENL ,Ps.49e NVAVY TISSUE 2 relis l Enniskillen The tornado on Monday alter- 1noon played havoc in oui commun- 0ity by saping Off fruit frees,, 4strewing branches acrass thc 3countryside and up-rooting frees. 1Aylmer Beech and Edgar Staples -had their silos blown over. k Oui parsonage bas been Uic Dhome af Rev., sud Mis. H. H. Lackcy for Uic past thice yeais, but on Thursdày Uic doors were opened fa permit uieii departureý ta Fiankfoid and aft ci a few hours oui new minister Rev. J. A. Plant, Norbani, was welcomed across Uic tbresbold f0 make if bis tnew home. Congratulations fa Jean weriy, June Ashiron and June Bufeon on passing their entrance exam. An Induction Service was beld at oui church on Friday cvening whcn chuîch members from Buikefon and Enfield united with Enniskillen congregation ta wel- came aur new pastor Rev. J. A. Plant. Those were Rcv. J. Gardner, Ty- rone; Rev. Wý Haipton, and Rev. J. L. Juil, Brooklin. Be- -fore pussing basement for lunch Uic corn- gregafian was intraduced ta Rev. Jr. A. Plant the new pastor and bis family. Visitais: Mis. Hookin and childien, Wal- iaceburg, at Dr. C. J. Ausfin's.. Mr. and Mis. F. Parker, Fairpaît, N.Y.; Mr and Mis. J. Jaffery, Ro- chester, N.Y.; Rcv. sud Mis. E. Beiknap, Bannie and Betty, Ham- lin, N.Y.; Mis. Bergmian Kit chener, Mis. C. Stephens, Hampton, at Mis. C. Burgmaster's. .. Mr. and Mis. H. E. Vosburg, Rochester, N. Y., at Mis. Wm. Oke's. .. Mi. and Mis. L. E., Wright, Cariai and Gloria, holidaying at Crowe Lake, Marm or... Mr. and Mis. W. J. TrenouUi, Napance; Mis. J. L. AI- lin. Bowmsuville; Mr. A. A. Stain ton, Toronto, with Miss E. Souc... Mr. and Mis. A. Wembrn, at Mis. E. Pariott's. Chalk Lake. . - Mr. J. Gril! in, Toronto, wiUi friends... Mr. and Mis. I. G. Traveil, Beth and Bruce, Oshawa. at Mr. E. C. Mi. W. Srnith's, Peterboro... Mr. and Mis. W. Trcnouth, Napanee; Mi. and Mis. H. Ormiston and fani- ily, Mis. D. Hall and famiby, En- field; Mi. and Mis. E. Ormiston, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mis. L. Robins, Rochester, at .Mr. C. Smith's. . . Grant Rice, R.C.A.F., London, af Mr. Wm. Mooie's. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Moore and Miss Muriel Moore, at Rev. G. Dix's, Scarboro . . . Mr. and Mis. M. Stainfon. DaraUiy and Clarence, at Mi. G. «Tawns, Cobourg. . . Mis. Floyd Beckett bas gone ta Van- couver Island, B.C. ta jain her husband Pte. F. Beckett who id stationcd there. Hamipton Visitera: Mi. sud Mis. Fred Wilbur, De- trait; Frank Wilbur, Tarent o, with relatives. . Mi. sud Mis. George much appieciated. The singing by Uic scbool under leadership o! Mr. T. SaIfer, wiUi Norah Horn, pianist, bîaugbt forth mucb favor- able comment. Sports wcre held i Efliott Memorial Park an July 1. Hamnptan lost ta Maple Grave girls in softbail, Solina defeated Hampton at footpall. On Uic churcb lawn Uic tables' were spread with ail that could be de- slred for a splendid meal. In Uic cvening thc spacious shed was fil- led with an cnthusiastlc audience 9, har Ui drama "Look Out 1 l'" presentcd by Hamptün young ladies, wbxch providedan cvening's cnjoyment. The char- actera were well chosen and ail acted their part wefl. Mis. Lewis Allun who was direct or af the play deserves credit also for Uic succesul presentatian o! this in- teisting and liveiy drama..-Miss Eleanor Thaler, contralto, Mi. Murray Halmes, baritone, Taran- to, wcre heard in a number cf fine salas aud duet numbeis, with Lamna Holmes accompanist. Pro- ceeds $100 was tuined ovei ta Bri- tish War Victims' Fund from the Sunday School. Salem Rev. Gardnei's fine discouise, Sunday, deaîf wiUi oui appoint. ments and bow we keep them. Sacrament was dispensed. Mis. C. Coliucutt's friends aie glad f0 know she is impraving in health. .Congratulations ta Miss Dapbne Burrus onà pasaing ber entrance xams with bonours; also on pas- sing ber Grade II* Theory witb first dlais honours, obtaining 95 marks. Hampton W. I. East Group met in picnic faim on Friday af a pictuiesque spot in Mr. Sykes' woods sud spent a jolly finie aven their weekly sewing bec. A goodly number were in attendance, Mr. G. Coinisi,, Janetville, bad a atroke on Friday. Mi. G. Conklih is home !rom Bowmsuville Hospital. W. Daicb bas been called fa Of- tawa by Uic army. Little Shirley Elcombe hs with ber gisudmoUici, Mis. E. Darch. Rifle shahs werc bieard in this vîcinity last weck and we leained later that anc o! Mi. R. Knox's fine milch cows lied became vciy lame. On being examincd, by a veteîinary if was faund the cow had received a rifle shot sud had ta be disposed of. Town hunters who roam over faims wfihout as mucb as asking leave ta came or go, and shoating whcre tbey are liable ta shoot livesfock, or even persans waiking in their own field, instead ai game, should be prosecutéd. If they are practising for a abat at Hitler, samne anc sbould sec that they bave a f aiget ta shoot ut in seme safe place in- stead o! noaming tUicocuntryside sheafing an innocent cow Congratulations fa Masters W. Fank and B . Lockhurt on passing their Higb Schoob exams. B. Lockhait won Uic Coucb Writing Prize. Miss Rets Cann was helidaying with relatives in Toronto last week. Mis. C. Awdc, Orono, sud Miss Helen Hgaper, Toronto, arc visit- ing Mis. E. Silver. Burketon Heinz soupe 3 for 25 Waodley and family, Mr. sud Mis. L. Hoakin and boys, Tyrone; Mis. Smithsen, Toronto; Mis. H. Run- dbe sud Florence, Hampton; Mis. Gully and Mr. Gien sud Miss Ella Hoakin, Oshawa, ut Mi. sud Mis. W. Hoskin's. Miss DoroUiy Hoakin, with Mis. Heard, Enniskillcn." Courtice Couitice S.S. annual picnic a held Saturday ut Onono, wiUi Supf. Clarence Penfound in charge. Rev. sud Mis. W. C. Snmith and ber faUicr, Mir. Evans, were present. Games wcrc pbayed, races werc run, sud around 100 sut down ta supper. - L Mis. Harry Buirows is boe from Oshawa Hospital, wbere she underwent a major operation. Miss Jean Ant il helped te enter- tain members ai R.A.F. ut Legion Hall, Osbawa, wben a banquet was given for the boys. A dance was hebd ut Pidduck's 1i.w1 u rIbav c ...... -.ya. -oun Bai-ion, with bis broUici in To- Roft iiai:e ladies, mostly in Oshawa,;in rente, Bw is ill and.Yvone Miss Phyllis Swinson, Kinhonen -of Uic beys who vobunteci- WoosBomviles udYanemount,.Wîth Mr. Jim fer active service. At lcast fer W,,anis, Sauina, ut Mi. S. Wib Mis. A. Wilson, Oshawa, with Mrs.of Uicse lads une ut their respec- ouam a . . i. sudM . W. ie-. Cursu's. .. Miss Effie Avery, tive homes on their lat icave be- aub Nncu t Mn. Ms. . C . W. aOhawMi. Albert R u n d 1 e' fore going overseas. Local boys in- witb Mis. Funny Clarke, Toronto. Hmtan, wiUi Misa Betty Baffatt' clude Corporal Wm. Whittick and Mr nd rs en avelyw.Mr. L. Weich, Bowmsuvile Gunner Rex. Teoley. Mis oulsd Mis ce Caveniy, ihMisRby Baibey.. Mi. R. The Statesman is now on sale sons Doulae.sud.Brcehalday- .Wilson, Oshawa, with Mis.. Saah cach week ut Walters' Store, 5c a cd u Hal's... . i. ud is.Wilson. . . Mi.'W. Bennett, Misa copy. W. E. Stevens, Mis. Estlier Stevens Mildred Williams, Bowmav le, Vitas ut Mr. R., Burgess', Tyrane ... .Mis iio Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, wihwihMr. H. Gili. .MS. Ga]ey Mn. sud Mis. W. R. Clarke anc Miss Wilma Leach. su Fedad son Jack, Niagara FaUls.. fumiiy, Ottawa; Mis. W. Boyce, BowmnvileaMi. AF redi on O. ea, SMisa Winni- Brigbton; Misa Vivisu Tregunna, Cors adenB.wSvlte , ut LM. a-rd Nrthfe t.C erines, Kedron; Master James Pcnfound, lins.H and . al's.. M. n with Mis. E. Caugbill.. . Mis. J. Toronta,,. ut Mr. Clarence Pen- Mis.Hail and fuiyM rkbm mt u ris otpowU found's . . . Mi. and Mis. Wm. uth George, Buh rt.. nsud 0 Mi. 1s J. C..a... .Mi. Rosa Aldied, Gay, Mi. sud Mis. Joali Gay and otyJonwihMs. E.PreOh.wa t Oshawa, ut home. . . Mis. E. famiiles, with Mis. Robt. Adams.. Mis. E. Pi-ber, OshawMrand UiCuughill, wiUi Mia. J. Lawson; Mi. and Mis. Howard Sprung sud Mis. N. Winerbun.OsawaMissndTeronto, Who bus been il. . Mr. !amily, Detroit, ut Prestonvale Doris Cryderman, Courtice, at L. andMis. S. Missa atfended a Camp. They viaited lier sister, Cdera's.. . Mis. Philis birUiduy paity inis Marie Hart- Mis. Ccci Adams sud other relu. Tryonto it r. . C i. . netf's honor, ut Oshawa . . Misses tives; Several family picnics were To. ndt, itMs. . Ceangdson Reene Avery and Betty Moffatt, hcld on Prestenvule's green, the Moi sd oM .A. ale ud. W.en Port Hope... Misa Jessie Fer- iargest seuted 50 guest. .. Mi. and Donahld, owMrane, t . IaW soToronto, with Mr. Bill Mis. Meredith Bycna, Orillia; Mis. Stephens, Toronto, Witli Mis C lgerland. Wm. Reid, Oshawa; Mi. Harold Charlotte Stephens. .. Miss Made- dl- ngratulatians ta Rosa Hub- Bycra, ut Mr. Harold Scorgie's. .. lin Trll Toono, t hme bad n pussing his entrance. Aicciaftamen F. Middleton and Une rui, Trona, t hme. The Stateamj.n is now on sale Wilfred Marcotte, St. Thoas, at Mis. Austin Banion was hosteas eacii week ut GilsStr,5aM.Pul l oCo rl te a number af girls Friduy even- dp.laSoe,5 i alAntil's, also Crpoa ing, when a miscelaneaus shower A preetutinwa edu Wm. Wbittick, Nova Scotia sud wa held in lionon o! Miss Audrey Aam'a Haon Suuray enuigt son, Osbawau. . . Mr .sud Mis. Ayne, Zion, bride-tobedwo r- s He oSA Hrbaye HouseThomas Hayes. Bowmanviile, ut -to-e, ho e- n hnorof . C Heber HoseJos. Gearing'a . . . . Mr. George ceived levely sud useful gif fi, sud R.C.A.F. Toronto sud Pte. George Johnson, Robent sud Barie, i To- a jolly evening was spent. The Carter, R.C.O.C., Toronto, sud ouiretwtMi.LodCuic. mets sreddinyfoîal-!rmer achool master Mr. Merle Mi. 'sud Mis. Hutton sud fumlly, ment. ITbompson, Nhifletan. Mr. Jack ut Waterloo sud Guelph; Pte. Ein- Beadock-Ferguson Clan enjayed Smith, chairman, belped te make est Gearing, Pet erborough, ut their sunual picnic in oui park on Uic pregrum an enjoyable anc a!- home . . . Miss Gladys Reynalds, Satuiday. Hamnpton W.I. assisfed fer which dancing foilowed sud of ut Montreal sud Uic Laurentians. ni senving. course Uic meaf important o! ail, ... .Mi. and Mis. Eau Gutchdil, ut Sacrament was observcd in aur lunch. Merle Thempion rcud the Burketan. .. Mi. and Mis. H. Rog- cbuich Sunday evening. 1 address f0 the boys sud E. Adamis crs, motered fa Montreal neccntly Congratulations te ail local stu- presented Uiem with pen and Pen- and Mis. Rogen's sister, Mis. Wm. dents who passed their exams. cil sets. Betty Moffaf t read Uic Baîker, returned with fbern. a Miss Alfa Brown, junior teach- aqdress ta Merle Thonipsan wbe __________ er, retuined ta lier home ut Bar- was Cempletcly 'Overcomne wiUi lin sud Mr. H. Faulkner, Principal surpr-ise as he didn'f know that he tai bis home neun Kingston. wai alsa an hanourcd gucat. He Blaclcstock The beavy showeîa wbich fel on was presented with a militai-y set____ Monduy were welcomnec. by Mi. Adams. The thice men Victarian Womcn'a Institute W.I. mets Thursday afternoen Uianked Uieir fîlenda o! Burketan met ut titra. Norman Meuntjay's and will be Uic "Grandmother's sud then Jack Smith continued aon on July 2nd. Scripture wus taken Meting."1 wifh Uic prograin. Edgar Strutt by Mis. Millard Fumei. Rol cul Mr. sud Mis. Tom Watcborn, sud John Sinclair aise Luther was unawered by naming a Can- Cleveland, Ohio, attcndcd Uic Welch, Bowmanvillc, ubiy sup- adian author. Comnuftee was ap- funeral e! his mather, Mia. Wes plied the music for dancing. mies painted ta, make jam for war Watchorn. Hazel Aldred gave a lovely rend- wonk. Mis. Albert Wright report- The Stuteaman là now an sale ing sud Buiketon girils ,uaifet ed for Uic Girls' Club Work, sud eachi week ut Barron's Store, 5e sang "The Band Played On.'1 i4vited ail ta attend Achievement a copy. A quiet weddlng took place ut DRY ut Mllbrook on July t23rd. S. S Aunvergry tanley Banraieks, Toronto, 0on Augusi meeting will take the S. . AnlersnyJuly 7th, wbcn Mynfle, eldesf fari o! a cbildren's plcnic. Mis. Our S. S. Anniversary whichlai daugliter e! Mi. sud Mis. Andrew Royal Wbitfield was in change a! always an mnteresting sudunmp or- Irwmn, Omemce, mannled Pt e. Uic progîam. Miss Florence Mc- tant event was a succesaful affala George Richard Carter, R.C.O.C., Laughlin, Regent e! Sherbourne on Sunday, June 29Ui. Rev. M. C. eldeat son o! Mi. and Mis. J. Car- Chapter o! Uic I.O.D.E., Torento, McDonald of Toronto, spoke fa fter, Buiketon. Affen a short haney- spoke on Uic aimesud ideaie o! large and appîcciafive audiences. moon Uic groom la retunning fa bsh Ui I.O.D.E. sud gave anight The juniors sang nicely "Helping unit. 'St ne !thi wiactivs. Hlm wleflc unaySchool Sympafhy is extcnded ta Mis. She assuîed us thut oui organiza- choir rendercd several selections. T. G. Breck i the passing or ber flan holde much tUic anme position In flic cvcning Rcv. Mr. McDonald mother, Mis. Mackechnle, in Win. in Uic rural communlfy as Uic Mgain insipred bis listeners. Mis. nipeg. IODE iUcdf.Raig A. . Cawl, shaa, ai ic Mis. R. Woodley, Miss Clara wcre given by Mis. A. L. Bailey spccllsoloist, ber services bclng Woodley, Mi. sud Mis. Clarence sud Miss Hîazel Mountjoy. Miss Tat Ant-Traps Mett Latex fu lue fiai.. Baby Fants d* for ne Pam , UMOI SALT" s2 for2e 45c ICOulOMY @'une@st" sige 59V acu Caitorla_ y GLAS Stemware. Wator »se, Fruit Bowlu, Flower Contaier. PIOMBOE, An eatiroly new linte la pairs and singles. SOC up WOOL for ail types ol kalttlng. PAPER GOODS FOR PICNICS Je W. JEWELL . 1181201, Phono 556 Dowmaavllt. We Test Eyes anid Fit Trussos To Your Entire Satisfaction in Quallty end Price. Lactoten p iente Deod's ini'.la 09clu. iflJ Pms 1.59 1.49 33c '~ Cameras» $1.35 to $11.75 Kkovah SaIts- 25e -09e MuhUiiglits- - 75o to $2.5 Andrew's Sait. 89o - 67e Sun Goggles- 19e to $38.00 Sal llepattea 30c - 59e - $1.15 Dathing Cape - 19o te 49o Eno': Saits se - 59e - 980 33e - 63c, Odorono Cream - - - Soi Tangel for Burns -se Odorono Liquid - 39e 6 5e UaUneltiie - - - 446 MUM - - - - 39-59c BumnOlfltJflCft soc2 Arri - .- 390 59e Velvetta Cream - - 39 Bile Zambuck Blot I .Castie Beaus Olutînent 1Me1r soap 47e 47e Lb. 39C 10 -19c Films Developed FREE with Deckie Edge or or Art Borders.- 24-ilour Service 695 COWLINGy Phm B rmp Alc PIN jUIoe3 oj A&P Q î'1MEATS SAImoNEETA l1-. sTEAKS R IASTS ET M. $ SOWiN, WING, GCUBE IEEUD L. <STEAK ONLY) 29 OE NIGl. FACE aUmP <EOAST ONLY> Ib. OR POBTEREOUSE 29 3mOu i LUlb. EXTRA LEAN<Ba L4r- Iii'ril LIFE mh CDÈ%DVI ri A&P FOOD STORES THURSDA, JMY ITR, 941 Mountjoy alsa canductcd a quiz. A.Y.P.A. met af Mrs. John Forder's July 3rd. President T. Hadge led in prayers and Miss Vera Farder taok Uic Bible rcad- ing. It bcing Past Presidcnt's night Laverne Dcvitf accupicd the chair. Miss Eva Pair, rend a letter about Uic local Cai.mcil af Durham and Northumberland. A. Y.P.A.'s picnic is being held at Bowmanville July 9. Miss Vera Forder gave satisfactory report af strawberry festival. Past Pres- ident. Vera Farder gave an inter- esting paper an Waîship antl La- veine Devitt canducted a cantest. Lunch was served. Sympathy is extcnded ta Mr. and Mis. Robt. Sadler ini Uic death af Mi. Sadler's faUier, James Wilfred Sadier at Kinsale, July 2nd. Orange Lodge held its annual church service and parade. Serv- ice at Uic rink was taken by Rev. Kennedy, Janctvillc, assistcd by Rev. D. M. Stinsan. Mis. Robt. Bruce and Miss Mac King atttended Uic Kmg'bicnic at Orano. Master Donald Curtis re- turned home with his grahdmoth- er. Many fram here attcndcd Uic Beacock picnic at Hampton. Sat. Congratulations ta Sergt. Law- rence Mountjoy and Miss Laina McColl on theirmiarriage in Bow- manville on Saturday. Rcv. E. l?. Wood and Mis. Wood are holidaying at home. -Mi. Farde Hamilton toak Uic service on Suinday morning and did a fine job. Visitors: Mr. Lamne McCauley, Penetang. Mr. Fred Brown, Morley and Bill Brown, at Mis. Cccii Hill's..., Mr. and Mis. Herb Trewin and Merle, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Trew- in and child, Ottawa, at Trewin Bras.. Miss Edith Brownl, Peter- bora, Misses Doris and Barbara Brown Vasey, at Mis. Roy Fer- guson's. .. Robert Smith, McGill Detachinent R.C.A.F., Mantreal. Mr. and Mis. Harry Vincent, Toi- onto, at Mr. M. C. Smiths... Mis. Robeit Crazier, with Mis. Harvey Ginn, Bcthaiïy. . . Miss Isabel Chihners, York Mills, at Dr. J. A. McArthur's. . i ad Mis. Wal- lace Holmes, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas. Farder. Weddlng and Shower GIFTS. PIRE-KIG OVENWAEE Baklag Dhahes, Cassroles, pie Plates. Cutard Cups. Cup8 and Saucer%, Cake Plaitez, Cream»ansd SugausCemplete Sets in a varlety Of patterna. Bowmmvwe 1 1 iph«e 556

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