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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1941, p. 5

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JISDAY, JULY 1OTH, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN.: ~/MAN VILLE. ONTAIUO PAGE FIVE SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL j Phone 663 j DOMINO SOAP CHIPS " 0 Poamy, lathery suds i just a juRfy.. suds that positively penetrate a fabric to getoutdeeply-ingrained dUit! Easy on fabrici 44.~é and colours, klnd to 33 Lyour han6s too 1 Marm lade Salad Dressing 21c U oz.Soapoa- bar Se Super Suds - 21c Biscuits - 19 JEWELL Durham pa Sb rtenlng corn starch - 'oc 150 b. Tom * - pkg. 38c Princes Flakes -pkg. &Sc Clark'. 28 oz. 2 for f LAGLE BRAND Pourk & Bene 25c Shreddod MIkM oWht -2 for 23c M M Llcorlcb 21C tn AIIorts 8 So».. 13e M Domino (ngr Ae2 for 25c FRUITrS AND VEGETABLES t~tqce ----7c~ Schoiles Lamons ,doz. 35e show White Caulmfowr.s6 15C Choice . 3 for 1o 1 Canwsoup.. - 15. Hot Mous. Tomate. - IL.23e Hot Mous. Cuçuâmbers 2 for 19c FIrm9 Cabbage «.ch Oc OINON i Mr. and Mms. J. J. Brown are ganet Coîville arc holidaying at on a matar trip ta Quebse. Big Bay Point, Lake Simcoc. Mme. W. R. Strike la visiting Miss Greta 'Munday was la friends at Waddington, N.Y. Millbrook Saturday attending Uic MsDoris W er la able ta 1,e wedding of Miss Jean Stinson.. out ,gm af Felr recent illness. Miss Diana Whecler has return- Mias ShiiIey Campbell la holi- cd home froin hospital and is mre- daying with hiem parents at Price- cupcrating from an operation. ville. Mm. and Mms. Whte, Orono, ýer and Mms. C. W. Slcmon vis- clebrated their 50th wedding an- Red heirson Boyd at Niagara nivesary at Hanmpton on Tues- FaII&a.y Mt. William Allen, Campbell- Mm. and Mms. Frances Sutton coft, visitcd with his sister, Mrs. and family, sault St. Marie, are Kate Wight. sPcnding part of their vacation la Mm. and Mrs. Ted Mason, Clin- town. - ton bre viSitlag his mother, Mrs. Mm. Russell Perkins, New Leg- T. à. Mason. kard, is holidaying with Mm. and Gnr. Sidney Fawlcr of Uic 3rd Mms. Russell Worden, Maple Anti-Tank Rcgt. is visiting Clan- Grave. ence Hall and other friends. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Patersoni Miss Reta Bennett and Miss and family'arc holidaying with Betty Tamblyn-arc holidaying at Wm. and Mrs. Gilbert Wright, Belinont Lake. Havelock. .Mrs. J. H. Morris~ Becch Ave., We neglccted ta record that la vlsiting hem nicce, ?&s. W. B. Wmn. Pointon was Uic first la this Young, Toronto. district ta market potatocs on Make this colunin mare interest- June 6th. ing by sending in your llst of vis- Tr asat tm o h it R. Me . Anl Vitri-Statesman ta Ed.- Nickcmson ,as * Srgt R.M. insceVicori- ur sports Editor has cnlisted for ville, Que., was la towný Saturday overseas service. on hie way ta St Marys Misses Margaret Cale and Mar- Misses Marjorie Bradt and -l da Brown are vacationing- at Ban- _______________________gar Lodge, Muskoka Lakes, or la it Lake of Bays. Miss Ruth Gibson is visiting Miss Catherine Stewart and bath plan ta visit thc Niagara penin- sula for a holiday. SPECIALS Mms. George Sparmow and Myr- tic Hall were la Mantreal visiting ON Leading Stoker George Sparrow, on leave from Halifax. Ms. Beatrice Hall is on a or W RISTtrip UicheMaritimes including a visit with hem brother Mr. Jin W A ir~Devitt a ocoNB ARZL and helpcd in hiem activities la raising funds for soldiers. D.r and Mms. V. H. Storey. and daughters Kitty and Margaret arc holidayinig at Lake Nîpissing. Miss Jean Pattinson la their gucst. BELMONT Some of aur local merchants are offcring some tem pting values this wlth cord or bracelet, wcck. Sa be sure ta rcad Uic ad- 15..jeweL' vertisements. It's a saving habit. SMme. Robt. Gibson,' Didsbumy, Similar ta watch illustratcd. Alta., wites: Enclosed please find rcncwal ta The Statesmnan. 5$17.50 I look forward cvcry weck ta t BELMONTcaming. BELMONTMm. Willard A. Layman, Misses Strap Wateh, Yeiiow Gold Mary Stewart and Mimmc G. Strawbridge, York, Penn., were tllled case, stainlesa back. gucats of Mm. and Mrs. Herbert sîe.soLayman. Trinity Sunday School has can- celleci Uic annual plcnic and will donate Uic expense of holding Uic picnic ta the local branch of the Red Cross. Mrs. Norman Wilson, Edmon- ton, Alta., Mrs. Howard Coudh and Marjorie. and MNts. W. Ji~ MEN'S WATERPROOF Richards, towni, visited Mme. Ed. Hoar, Newcastle. BELMONT Mr. Jack Little, Las. Angeles, SalesSteel Case, lumn- Cal.,Mms. Anna Scruby, London, StaileesMms. A. Cinnamon, Oshawa, vis- ous diaI,-shockproof, water- ited their cousin, *Mrs. Thos. tlght, waterproof' stra.». Brown, Centre St.t Sinilar a ilustati1.%&. and Mms. Wm. Watson, Simiar o ilusraton. Hamilton, have been holldaying $22Sowith Mr. and Mms. W. J. Cully,1 = 50 Jr., Sudbury, and Mr. and Mms. W. J. Cully. tawn. OTEER WATCHES F90OM Miss Mollie H-ynds, Toranto, la $4.95 tmp visiting with her sister Mrs. Lew Rundle and is working la Eaton's Order Office whilc m-embers of the staff are on holidays. Marr' Jewelery Union services of Tinity and Stt St. Paul's United Churches arc be- Phone 463 King c te ing hcld cach Sunday mornn and cvening in Tinity churdh with Rcv. J. E. Griffith preaching. ti a b 9 ti e y li 9 e v e li ti b ti n fi u e 0 b ti h a: a d gi ti CI ti fi ai B ni ti ù ei .61 iri 01 at hi 18 tv ou lic-re- werena -paved str-eets9. But even whcn Uic Jury tradition of 'Teating Eyes Properly"' waa cv- inced by a big sign hanging out over Uic entrance. New. fiction, just off the press, Lt Johnston's Lending Libray Dr. Guy Suite has produccd Ui ighest temperature on rieord- 8,000 degrees, whlch is about twice the estlmated heat of Uic sun. Sergts. Jack Allin and Hubci Hlooper, Petawawa Military Cam and L Cp. Byron Cryderman Dect, N.S., spen short lemu with thcir famies early th week. Misses Marjorie and Jessie Turr er, Rossemount, Montreal are hol. daYing with their aunt and cousui tMrs. Roberts and George, Wellink ton St. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitchet Mr. Wm. Fitchett and Miss Sheil E. Fîtchett; of Mantreal. have bec visiting at Mr. Wm,:.Paiton' Westmount.ý Mr. George Gilbér't, Westmoun celebratès las Oth birthday o: Fridày, July llth. "«Geardie"l step along go livcly its bard ta believ he has rcachcd Uic nonagenalai class. Mms. Harriet G. Stalker and sao Ian, Atlanta, Georgin, are guest of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Bell. Thi week Uicy are cnjaylag a tri] through thc Thousand Islanls ani ta Montreal Mr. and Mrs. J. Clayton, Tor onta, and Mrs. Wm. Ingram, Tor anto, wcrc among the guests at tending tUic ,Nind-Smith weddine They spent t)ic weekend with rel atives la tawnm. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Casse] man and three chîldren, Morris bur, ere gucats of his siste MsW. R. Strike. They left th childrcn here while they attendei a convention in Waterloo. ?&s. Sam Glanvîlle and Mr Thos. Pingle visited his daughter Mrs. .A. Cox, Oshawa. They alsi had an enjoyable time tourinl Orillia and Toranto and at Oagiawi on Uic lake rcturning homne Tues day evening. In the absence of Canon C. E Spencer who is with thc Midlanc Regiment at Lansdowne Park Mr.. Corah, Oshawa, conductc< services in St. John's Church Sun day. Last ycar he also fulfillec Uic same function and is vcrî favorably rcceived. Mr. Merle Barnardi, Bailieboro who has been an apprentice witl Northcutt & Smith, Funeral Dir ectors, for the past threc years has graduated from the Canadiai School of Embalmers. He hai secured a' position with the Sym: ington Funeral Home at Kirklanc Lake. In answer ta the advertisemenl la last week's Statesman "Girls Wanted" to work la Uic muni- tions plant at Pickering about 2C were interviewed at the Towni Hall Manday morning by two representatives of Uic gavernmenl employment office. It has nat yel been learned haw many of Uic number will be hired. Many werE marrîed women whose husbands are on active service. Russell Osborne of the Lions Club and Lieut. A. L. Baker. V. G.C., hclpcd put up eight acres of hay and hauled six loads for a farm family short of -help on Friday.ý As associate editar af The Statesman, Lieut. Baker was the representative of Uic paper freely demanstrating its palicy that. townspeaple can and ought ta help farmers hereabouts an full and half holidays. A Bowmanville girl tells a stamy of what "incurable" children cAn do. Miss Helene Hayes who is'a Nursing Sister at the Toronto Home for Incurable Childrcn tells of how Uic young people there put on a concert la aid of the Tclegram War Victims' Fund mais- ing $87. Rose MacDonald writes la that paper of Uic "1freshness"~ and "«enthusiasm" the little tata, who arececrtainly not handicap- ped as entertainers, put into their show. Seven members of the Brampton Lions Club came ta Bownianville Iast night ta attend the Lions Club Carnival.* Thcy came at Uic sugges- tion of Bert Mortlock, who has been trying ta canvince members of his club that the Bawmanville Lions Carnival was anc of Uic beat staged carnivals in Ontario. Thase Who came from. Brampton werc: Lloyd McGrcgor, a biothcr af Mrs. W. H. Birks, Bowmanvillc; H. Bridie, Gea. Battcrshcll. Ar- thur Death, Dr. F. S. Hutchinson, and Bert Mortlock. Childrcn's Day at thc Canadian National Exhibition, this year, is going ta hear a lot of planning for thc future. On that day, 85 child- ren will spcak for Uiree minutes each on "Whcn I Graw Up." The youthful speakers are all la pub- lic schaols, will be judgcd by a gmoup of excellent public speak- ers, and will be awarded prizes varying from $15 ta $3. The lead- ers of this country might learn a lot by "listening in" an Manday, August 25Ui. Winiona Clark of Bowmanville is anc of the con- testants. Hon. and Mrs. William L. Houck, Niagara Falls, announce the en- gagement of their d a ugh t er Dorothy to Mr. C. Boyd Siemon, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville. The marriage ta take place early ini the Fail. COMING EVENTS The Werry Family Picnic will be held on July 26, at Hampton Park. 28-1 Attention Everybody! The Or- ono Women's Institute is holding a Musidale and Tea at the home of MRrs. O. W. Rolph from 3 ta 6 p.m. Friday, July 18. In case af rain it will take place the next day. Admission 15c. Plan to at- tend. 28-1 Port Perry Lions Club Carnival, Street Parade and Dance, Friday, July i lth. Parade starts at 8 p.m. D.S.T., headcd by Bowmanville Lions Bicycle Safety Club with bands, decorated cars and floats, children's classes, etc. Gr an d prizes and drawp aidini War Sav- ings Stamps or Cértificates. Free street dance frain 11.30 p.m. Pro- ceeds for British War Victims' Fund and' Welfare Work. Corne and have a good turne and help a good cause. 27-2 Red Cross Garden Party on Newcastle C ommiu n it y Hall Grounds on afternoon and cvening of July 18. Special features: the raff le of a mahogany table don- ated by Mr. J. Anderson Smith and other raffles; bingo -and other gaines; fortune telling booths, in- cluding a Whitei Elephant Table, The Pantry Sheif, and The Empty Staîl, the latter for thé reception of gifts of new and good used clothing for people of the bombed areas in Britain who are cared for and outfitted by the Red Cross; gifts of money for this purpose also acceptable; cold meat and salad tea to be served from 5 o'- dlock on; dancing in the hall from 9 p.m. It is hoped ta have a mili- tary band in attendalice. Proceeds will go towards buymng wool and materials to be made into knitted comforts for the army and navy and garments for embattled Bni- tain. Came and give and spend and help the cause. 28-1 School Reports S.S. 6 CARTWRIGHT Grade VI ta VII-Ivan Kipfer, Stewart McQuade, *Daris Argue, *Arnold Williams. Grade V to VI-Gladys Gibson (Hon.), *Grant Edgerton, Doug- las Grununett. Grade IV - ta V-Beverly Black (Hon.), Bobbie Philp (Hon.). El- wyn Dickey. Warren MçQuade, *Harry Argue, *Ronald Williams. Grade 11 1 ta IV-Glenin Gibson <Hon.), Audrey McKee, *Morris Argue. Grade Ita III--Gerald Grumn- mett. Grade I ta II-Dawne Black, Bryce Phllp, Marie Hanna. Phyl- lis Williams. Grade I-Ivan McKee. Those marked * were unable ta write examinations owing ta illness but were, pramated on year's work. Inez Hickling, teacher. ZMon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff Kedron; Mr. and Mms. Morley Flin- toff and daughters, Maple Grave, at~ Mr. Wea. Caxneron's. .. Misses Elinor, Elsie and,. Leona Stainton, Oshawa, at Mr. Russell Staintan's. *... Miss Velma Balson, Kinsale, at Mr. Anson Balsons... Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton and Ann, Stan- ley and Lloyd Stainton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frankc Innis and Betty Faye, Blackwater, at Mr. A. T. Stainton's.. Huldy Schmidt, Newcastle, at Mm. Hans Geissberg- er's. . . Mr. Ed. Chapmnan, Miss Edith Toole, Toronto; Mr. Leon- ard Harper, South Porcupine; Mrs. Harkshaw and Nancy, Kig City,: BT.S. Boy Hurt Warns Others To Take Care DIvIng One of the three victims who suffercd broken necks whcn they dove inta shallow water last week is Joseph Rushit, 15, of the Boys Training School. From his bcd in Toronto General Hospital where he is lying with two other cases who met miafortune in a similar way he has, with the per- mission of hospital authorities, issû*d a warning ta others of thie swimnsing publc. *"Trouble ila found la unknown waters," he says with conviction. And the ather two victinis voice the same sentiments with "Look before you leap into watcr of un- known depth." ýRUTH LOGAN GIVEN SHOWER Miss Ruth Logan, Orona, was given a Pantry Shower Tuesday evcning by Mrs. Roy Hoaper, Miss Pat Hooper and about 35 fricnds. Popular bride-ta-ne was a former resident of Bowmanville. Gifts with which ta line the pantry shelves are in plenty. To make it casier for the bride ta de- cide which can ta apen for hubby the girls had carefully removcd ail the labels giving every can thc same attractive and vacant glint. While lunch was being scrvlcd' Miss- Lillian Naylor generolusl>y furnished music ta add ta thc gen- eral sociability of thc occasion. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nichoils, Concession St., Bowmanville, will be at home ta their friends on Tuesday, July 1Sth from 4 ta 6 and 8 ta 10 o'clock on the occasion of their Golden Wcdding anniv- ersary. 'ENGAGEMENTS YOUNG COAT DRESSE "Date" Dresses wlth P!unglng neck- lunes, shaped midrlffs, shirt walst styles and many more.A ON SALE Gloves - Handbags Swim SURtS Sports Wear NOTE Aiteatins xtr on VISIT THE EVLYN SHOPI Any DressThe only way to sec aur stock la ta Any ressdrop into Uice store and look around. Durig thia sale aIl prices have l'au arc under ne obligation ta buy. been cut ta thc bottoni. _______________ Phone 594 SPECIAL PURCHASE! Slack Suits "Il It's a siack suit summer! /YAnd we've thc blggest, best coliection of slaek suite ever! Newest styles, newcst fab- ries, 10w prices. SUMER TOGGER PLAYSUITS Accs hlgh for and after ten- nis. Wlth sej>arate shorts, smiartly slde-buttoned. The Evlyn Shop BowmanviBe1 I V0 .- at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. .. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Miss Norma Glaspel, Mrs. Al Ayre, were at a shower for ,Miss Audrey Ayre, given by 3frs. Ray Scott, Oshawa.. ivr and Mrs. Chas. MitcË1ýlaiU- seil, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Per- kin's... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Per- kins and Margaret, at Owen Sound. *.Miss Peggy Killen, Toronto, at home. . . Mrs. Maud Maitland, Oshawa, at Mr. R. . Ball's... Rev. W. C. Smith, Mr. Evans, Cour.- tice; Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevenson and baby Alice, Oshawa; Miss OlgaLang, Toronto; Mr. Wm. Innis, Margaret and Lloyd McKinnon, Blackwater; Dr. Earl Garfat and Doris, Col- borne, at Mr. A. T. Stainton's.. Mm. and Mns. Clarence Hopps, Mrs. M. C. Selby, Oshawa, at Mm. Al Aymc's. . . . Mr. and Mms. John Cruickshanks, Isabel and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre and fam- ily, Mm. and Mms. Clarence Hopps, Mms. M. C. Selby, at Orono. .. Mm. Alf Ayme, at Jordan... Mms. Aus- tin Barman, Hampton, was hostcss at a miscellaneous showen Fiday evening for Miss Audrey Ayre .. . Miss Eileen Stainton, Bowman- ville, at homc. Decoration service Sunday was wcll attended. Rev. W. C. Smith, Courtice, was the speaker. Mme. Chas. Naylor sang "Face ta Face." The cemeteny was beautiful with many lovely flowems. Maple Grove Visitors: Miss Lenore Collacutt, with Miss Gwen Brooks, Providence... Mm. and Mms. Jac Miller, Mm. and Mrs. Will McKenzie, Miss Ruth Burge- man, Detroit, Mich.; Mms. Green- field, Toronto, at F. Swallow's.. Pte. W. Chatterson, Cornwall, with his wife. . .. Pte. Howard Ormis- ton, R.C.A.F., Ottawa, with his parents... Gunner Charlie Smith, New Brunswick, with friends. ... Mn. R. L. Perkins, New Lcskard, at R. L. Womdcn's. .. Ross Lang- maid, Oshawa, with Bob Stevens. .. Mm. Roy Snowden, Toronto, with hie wifc and family, and hie parents. . .. Pte. Donald.Ross, 0. R., Ncwmarket, at R. L. Worden's, also called on his aunt, Mrs. Robt. Armstrong. Mms. L. C. Snowden; at Mme. John Bakem's Solina. .. Mr. and Mms. Will Munday, Mm. and Mrs. Alvin Chown, Courtwright, spent Uic wcckend with relatives. ... Miss Hilda Richards, Oshawa, recovcring fronian aperation. la with Mms. Rosa Stevens. Miss Greta Munday and Mme. Elgin Munday, attcnded Uic Cooper-Stinson wedding la Miil- brook, on Saturday. Rcv. W. Rackham, Hampton, oc- cupied the pulpit on Sunday. IL Pj SAVE On Summner Ding Needs Kccp your system i good working order by pravldlng agalnst the upsets that Intense heat, changes in diet and iregular meals se easlly cause i asumer. Wc have compicte stocks of salines, vitamin B-i preparations, laxatives, etc. at pnices that willi save you money. 1ENGLIONH HEALTH SALTS, 16 oz. 39e ALKA-SKLTZER SANDREW'S LIVER SALTS Idaphos, wlth vitamin B. 16 oz. - - $1.00 B.-Caps. - 60e - $1.25 Feenamint 19e - 33e - 69e CHASES NERVE FOOD SAL HEPATICA BORACIC ACID - - 29c.-57e . 39c- 67e LD.A. Antacld Stomaeh Powder - 49e - $1,50 Neet - 19o - 68e - $1.13 Odorono - - 39C - 65C - 49e -30e -59ec- LIS - - lb. 17e Odorono Creani 19e - 39e Ipana Tooth Paste 29e - 49e Poud's Creami - 34e - 59e Muni- - 15e - 39e - 59. Cross Corn Salve - 50e Meeca Olntmcnt 23e - 45e1 Blue Jay Cor-n Plasters 25e ASPIRIN Bayer's, 3 sizes 21C - 39à - 98C VITAMIN B. TABLETS% 100'9 59e HORLICKPS MALTED MILK 48e - 97e EX-LAX Chocolate Laxative Ise - 33e ALEX Laura Secord Candies NOXZEMA, UMITIS UAEITY Nvrasi of Introduc. tien-a *on.rous <recular) Ie Cjar of NOXZEMAIS double action'Cold Cem for onvle I-with a ru-. Ulm, now Ise jar of NOMZMA CREAM Bis S0c valus for oniy 36.O #i arpinM I LYSOL Disinfectant Antiseptie 3 oz.- 35c 7 oz. - 5c -. 16 oz. 1.2S BAT13ING (CAPS 19c- 25e -39e Feel Tired, Lif oles, etea TRY- Noya-KoIp TabI.ts Now'a the tine te ta". tii... ineral-food tab- 150 T"k .7 300 Tana. I.8 M50Tab& .» '7 WAKE UP AND LIVE! ruiNes INSTANT LASR Mc 1ORE-OOR DRUCS We Deilver Phone 792 4k ONTARIO WMANVILLE, PAGE PIVE PIJTS SPARKLI INTO YOUS UN wCNM lt et sixi 599 9 8Ç 304 Sun dloggles 19e - 25c - 39C - sec An Advjenture In TkriFt Everythlng ln the store must clear ta make way for new stock of Fali Merchandise. Ail dresses and many other Unmes are selllg at substaital reductions. ALL THESE OFFERS ARE UNUSUAL AIR-COOL EYELET JERSEY Coolcst Dresses for Summer! Slcek, Sophlsticated! Heat Delylng. Sec Thcm Ail!

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