"I l - ý-1 SnX - u~u **m Day more than once, Ui alert catcher Jun io arm ers Baa.iald Da getting two M;it irfCe tripa 10 th. plate, onc heing a heft>' mmi double te left field. On another Ilmy uall Games At 'Newcastle occasieon Charlie arobdf Ma.II~ _____ ___________________ a ebit when bis lie drive went for an cul. Whcn Uic Junior Farmers' hem. South Durhami won 6 te 3 Harold Gay' continueil bis ever- Flld Day wasaebrupti>' inter- Elizabcthvile, Newtonville anaf present habit of hittlng thc bal rupted b>' a cloudbumst et Bcth- Newcastle provided' Uic member- safel>' and bard, the Courtice ara> on June 141h, il was decideil ahip cf Uic winning team. Il was firet-baseman getting twe hile Iil te cenclude the events te deter- rathen .iteresîing te note that four limes aI bal, Uicreby boost- mine championsbip honouns et two cf Uic playema were J. Rick- ing Mis alneady prodigicue batling Newcastle on July 5th. This let- ard, son cf W. P. Rickard, M.P., average. Cryderman, Rickemd, ter date prcved a perfect anceand E. L. ElliotI, son-in-law of Dunster, and Brown shared bit- frcmmcm 1111 night and ail Uic Cecil G. Mercer, M.P.P. Othene ting henors eiong witb Gay-ailJ pending gaines but one were play- of thechcbmpionship teani wene: Pcklng eut two bits. cd off before a large crcwd cf Bil BrunI, Jack Glover, Elipir The Courtice beys were better intenested apectators. E. A. Sum- Pollard, Newcastle; Eari Walkey, with the willow then Uic atudents, mecre, Agicultural Representat- Laurence Saver>', Lloyd Clydes- but peor fielding apeiled their ive was preserat te quicîl>' exer- dale, Newtonviile- Howard Quan- chances le Itun this ganie mbo cisc supervision of Uic pregram, Irlil, Elizabethviùeý, elso Deug- thc "win" colunin. Breraton Rick- leaving Uic more active duties Walton, Newcastle, sub. ard and Jimmyi> Powems shared Uic ef management te Gamet Rick- The heur wes late when Ibis pitcbing chores for the Higb ard, See'y.-Treas. Jr. Farmers' game cencluded and Uic fcurth Schcol, wbile Jerry Peterson andc Association. event scheduled, betweexq Janet- Harry Osborne were on Uic The tiret game was e champion- vile and Fairmount sofîhali boys, meund for Ceurtice. Rickard ands sbip batlle, (Section A.) between was pasced oven, for this seaon, Pewce betwecn thein stmuck eutf Bowmanvile Higb Scheol, pres- Jancîville, il wa. undemtood, four and welked four. While Pet-f cnt and peet students, and Salemn, winning by default in thc non-ap- crsacrnrd Osborne walked eighî mosti>' femmers and ethers *ho peamance cf the Feinmount beys. and'fanned seven. The latter hadt ebowed Uic tudents and mcm- Bethan>' Girls' teem was chant great support froni Dunster who bers cf Uic alumni thet ene thlng of playens and in order te maté tumned in a fine cetcbing geme. tbey didr't qualif>' in was eut- a geme possible against New- High Scbool-D. Jackmen, 2b;c tiClent abillly eand skiil te beat cestle, Uinec Omcnc players, Carol Aines, ses; Celvrnle, lb; Rickard, thc rural tem. Salemi won 13 te Staples, Ruth Good anad Eunice p & cf; C. leIlveen, c; D. Mcjl-h 8. Middieton, filleil the vecancies. veen, mt; F. Jachinen, 3h; Pelle>', u The next was a girls' game, Ira tbe eoftbell evente $7.00 was If; Powers, p. t Betbeny vas Newcatle, te deter- awarded te winraerc and $5,00 te Ceutice-H. Gay, lb; Cryder-G Mine Uic final standing cf Uie second team, and in hardbeil man, as; Richard, 2b; Peterson, pC teema thet cempctcd et Beth- $8.00 and $7.00, respectivel>'. & cf; H. Osborne, cf. & p; Nichais, P an>'. In Ibis Newcastle won eut Ray Brown was plate umpire, rt; Vincent, 3b; Browna, If. f by- 25 le 9 with Jean Bonathan giving alreund satisfaction, for RH E - itihing and Margaret Pearce be- ail threc games, wbile hase ump- High School 015 041 0 11 9 1i I hIdtebal. There was anei-. ires iciudcd Ralpb Anies fer Courtice 011 430 0 9 12 4 I ni#hewever, whcra Uic Bethany girls, saftbail and Ge. Crcwtbcr Umpirca - Jack Cole and E. a girls' made il bol for Uic New- for handball game. The day wac Teedie. f Scsl. cellection wbo werat on e fnehi> roundcd eut wiUi a well C O pre cf errera and Uic -Northen.a- ndd aceinth omu-'yr ers piled up 8 uras. Other mcm- hafll. dSccribcomuritNot in.Fi e bers of Uic Icarni wre: Iene Cur- __________ Scie t, .. son, lb; Betty VanDusera 2h; Mur- B tS e rn il Breeten, 3h; Annahdlle Hcnd- BStudents no a ry, ase; Betty Allun; Jean Holanca, S u e t rmh h ; f; M*ârilyr Enwight, ni. 1f Win Close Match . The third was e handball gamc o rie1- h between North' and South Dur- w ."-"- Jaclcman.Stars The youthful Higb School elud- ents ccntinued on their winning waya as thc>' edgcd eut Countice by e elim 11 te 9 nargin ir aa wcl-playcd, olosel>' fought sofl- bell gaine et Uic Hlgh Scooel campus ara Thurada>' evcnirg. Their renke raIber sarel>' deplel- cd b>' Uic abasence cf severel af their teller perferinera, Uic tud- ente had e bard lime fielding a Iem, and anc pla>'er, wboae neme had net heen officiel>' liaI- cd, bad te be uscd. High Schocl .wcnt lite a l6-2 leed i the Ibird innirag, and from thet lime on Uic>' wcre neyer Ireillrag, altheugb Courtice made e come-back iin Uic teurth ta tic Uicý scare et six apiece. Ira the fitth Uic studerats went on e four rura eccing aprec, but tUicocuntr>' lads frein Nicholsvifle came righl back with Uircc runs 10 make Uic score 10-9 i fvor of High Schol.t Hoever, Jimmy> Powcrs ellowcd eal>' anc Ceurlice player ta reach firet base in Uic next twa irarings, and wes etforded splendid sup- part Uroughout. Particular credit gees 10 DaugE Jachinan et second base for B.H.S. Doug cem pwth ree brillient ficlding pasedwee e toWrr of strngbe efnsvel>' Ibraugb- out the game. Geniel Charlie leIclveen weS .thc onl>' "studerat" la bit safel>'1 ALL MARAITEED Goodrii TIR-ES As 1.0W As (By rorao Correspondent) A neal good genie between Ncwcestie anad Oreno played et Oreno Frida>' evening wes spoil- cd b>' à free-tom-ail i the tirai part et Uic sevcnth. Unforlunete- 1>' your scribe wasn't able ta sec what was wbat, as fene--even kida- formed a circle around the umpires tea quicl'. The>' werc seen elive aller though, evident- 1>' heving been rescued by Uic Orno player who beroically wenl le their nescue with a base ball bat. The score wee 10-9 for Orona althougb Ibeir part cf Uic seven- th was net; comnplcted. Wben tie tic wes broken i this inning b>' thc second baller, Uic game wee ceilcd, with anl>' anc out. Newcastle securcd tive runa ira thc second, one ira the fifth, and thrcc in the sixth (ance bcing e hamen). Oreno eecured anc ira Uic third through Jean Forrester, two ira thic fourth Uirough Leonene Wood and Edne West, six in Uic fifth through Joyce Lcwery, Carale Staplea, Eunice Middilen, Leon- oma Wood, Edna West, and Marl- on Cadilora, anadcrac in Uic acv- enth through Marlon Carleteon. Newcastle - M. Bremeton, M. Pearce, A. Hendry, B. Van Duscra, B. Auran, J. Helmes, J. Lawson, M. Enwright, J. Gray. Sub., J. Bonethan, who later pitcbed. Omono - C. Staples, R. Geede, Eunice hüddetoLn L. Wood, E. West, M. Cerleten, A. Staples, J. F'orrester, J. Lewery. Orono 001 260 1 10 Newcastle 050 013 0 9 Loue By Defauft Only 0» Uqniplme On T"esSen Despite main>' wcather candi- tions and e eoggy ball dlemand, Presidcnl Sid Little of the local ciftbaîl league rulcd that Local 189 bast their game ta Courtice m>' default when Uic Rubhermcn filed te field raine men b>' 7.30 P.m. The only hitches in- Uic pro- cedings werc thet tbe umpire never celled the geme, that Ceunt- ce did net have e full teernredy 'y 7.15 p.m. whicb is suloposcd1 to be Uic deed-line, and tbet oniy Dne umpire ehowed up for the ganc. A Iegue meeting, which is :hcdulcd for semnetime next xeek, will ne deubt producc an ibundance cf fire-works. Sp.d Cleda Tenighî-Salem vs BH.S. $ 1 .3 0 Mondey-Mke's Place vs Local S7 3'»Tueaday-B.H.S. vs Goodyear Thusday-Courtice vs Salem GOODYEAR LEAGUE Wheu we oSn offer ySu Tenighî...vs 4 gonuine Goodricb tires et Wednesday- 2 va 1 Thursday-4 vs 3 these low prices we go the FORESTERS GIRLS a1*- Bvery Goodt"c tire is fuily guaranteed. Trade-so Fiîday - Bowmanville va South Oshawa 0Mrqd iseody FORESTERS BOYS Tonight-Foresters at Oddfellows Fiday-Sea Cadets et Hydre ___ *Wednesday - Oddfcllows et Sea >IOTHER AUTO Cadets ACC1SORIE Thursday-Forestersaet Pickering ACCESORIESGIRLS' SOFTBALL Friday - Maple Grave at New- castle *tt! Hampton et Salem lionday - Salem at Courtice vice Safion Orono et Maple Grove Séo2876 Kbig St E. Wednesday - Maple Grove at Orono Courtice et Salem ~SPORT NEwSn si st St i Hi M lu a Ha ley Mr ar Mr Bu Mr an( me bhe Mr. mi mai THEATRE__ __I BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. « Fr. - Sat. JULY 10 - il. - 12 Big Double Bull WALTER PIDGEON NICK CARTER "ISKY IMURDER"I DonaldMleek - Karen Verne Edward Asiale>' and "dWE WHO ARE YOUNG,, Starrinir Lana Turner - John Shelton Gene Loekhart Mon. - Tges. - Wed. YULY 14 - 15 - 16 t JEANETTE MACDONALD NELSON EDDY NOEL COWARD'S 8 "dBITTEROWEET" C News =~f. ,on is homne, and Mies Audrey ton is home froni Port Hope... iL. Thomne is home fmom Oah- i -.* Mm. and lirs. Geo. Clamke acir summer home heme. lmas. rke i. mecupcmating eftem hem ration. . . Mm. and lira. Roess terson and Bill et Wm. Pat- on'a. Bill atayed for a holiday iMmi. Wm. Wena. . . Mr.- 1 PIFS AND PATS:'I When President SM Little pt his foot down, he reaily doean't fool. Sick and tired of the lack- adaisical attitude of the players, weary of games net; starting on time, and generally fed up with the whole league. the president teck drastie action Monclay ev- ening. Local 189 failed te have nine men ready fer the Rame against Courtice by 7.30 p.m, gc Sid called the game in favor of Ccurtice by default. Although miuch criticism may be levied on the president-ln view cf wet weather conditions and threat cf rain we cannot help but think that Sid acted in the best interests of the league as a whole, and that hie deision was fitting and fair. The sPerse number cf people attending the gaines is really pitiful. And late- ness in starting the games doce net help the situation one iota. The league has had a hard Urne functioning with such poor gaîte receipts, and a dilatory attitude on the part cf the players onlàr adds to the werries cf the .exec- utive. It je tee bad that hie de- cision had te corne at a time wben weathe:r conditions were se badl, since the offending can use that for an excuse for net shewint' up for the game. But the axe ha&' te feul at seme time or other. It le te be hoped thet the rest cf the teerns in the league will leern a lessen from the unfertunate cir- ,cumstances cf Local 189. George Piper connected for five hite in as many times at bat Sat-E Lrday afterneon te boost hie bat- 1 ting average -over the .500 mark, t George shares henours aleng wlth 1 Cenway cf Goodyears as the only players te perform. this f eat go far Ibis year. The first attempts et fixing up the sefîbeil diamond get.* under N'ay Thursday with rather dis- astrous results. Altheugh the sur- face was raked, tee much cf the crust was leosened, but since ne rocler was used efterwards ,the effects were decidedly deleterious to Thursday's bail game between the High Scheol and Ceurtice. On al least twe occasions runnera e had te be credited with hits, aince infielders were waiting fer big %ops which were net forthcomn- Tyrone a risitors: Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Earlby " Stephens, Grace Donald and Joan e, Sutton, Ses. Ceci Taylor, Kes- wick, at Mr. Harold Burgess' and Mr. Wesley Teyler's. .. Mr. James L Martin and Miss Ruby MerlIn n [armony, wilh Miss Winnie ü Brooks.. . Miss Susie VanCamp wiîh Mrs. Norm. Woedley's. .- .P Nrs.,Lerne Phare and son John, xlidden, Sask., with her parents, 0 Kr., azld .lir. Arthur Brent.. [r. and Mrs. Jack Hatherlyan iidren, Newtcnville, et Mrý . R'W ïatherley'... Mir. and lira. Wil- irt Dudley, Bewmenville, at Mr. e rmes Dudley's. . . Mrs. Lorne Ff ioskin, Allyn and Murray, at Mir. T rennyson Perriman's, Columbus.M . .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood- y and farnily, Mrs. Ella Wood- M y and Miss Clara Wcodley, at M gr. Wes Hoskin's, Burketon.. M drs. H. Barraball and son Lamne, )rle, with her dauighter, lire. [ia Snmith, Mrs. Smith has me- urned te Orono with them. . . N &r. and Mrs. Robt. McCuilough Ce id Brenton, with friends at.. lrnt River. .. lMr. Dick Hoskin vil ein Bowmanville Hospital. . . M. Irs. Floyd Dudley, Billy, Donald fat id Jean motored te Kingston te fr1 ieet Major F. Dudley and spend Jo àeir vacation'there. . . Irs. Wal- fré 3e Miler with lirs. James à ouch. Bowmeanviile. . . lir. and ter Ira. Dave Aldread and family, Cri lwmanville, at Mir. James AI- i reads. . . Mr. and lira. Dave Park far nd Tommy eit Mr. Elias Trirn's. . wli MIr. and lira. Albert Wood and1 abe et Mr. Herb Cemercn's. . . gai r. and lira. Ewart Bragg, Bew- stu inville, et Mr~. Walter Park's. During the severe electric storm t week a valuable teem cof herses belonglng te Mr. Litz, f( mcrly owned by Mr. Bert Steve4 werc lnstantly kiiled by a boit lighlening -i the pesture field. W. S Staples hËs been lhres ing alsake wllh a combine en, fanm cf Sld Hoar. If this macht proves satisfactory it will be great help te fermera as il la moat' Impossible te get men work on thc ferms. (Crowded Out Lest Week) Visitera: lira. M. Devitt, N and Mra. Ira Erbe and famil Carsonville, Mich., et lir. Ot Virtue'... Mr. and Mrs. Charl Brooks, St. Catharines, Mr. er lira. Leslie Slelght, Toronte, Mi Ruby Mertin and Misa Wlni Brooks, Harmon>', et Mn.1 Brooks'.. . Mr. and lirs. Frar Hathenly, Clarence 'Hatherly ar Bih>' Baines, New Toronto, et M R. Hatherly's. .. lira. Wllis Stev art bas retunned home frem Rosq neath. . . Mr. and lira, Walli Park, Mfr> Trewin Scoît with fr ends in' Peterboro. . Misa Nir Hodgson, Toronto, et ber home.. Mr. and lire. George Wilson an baby John, Oshawa, et Mr. Lori Hoakin'... lira. Stevens, Heml Iton, wltb lire. Robt. Burgess. Women'r Institute held e suc ceseful strewberry social et th park Wedncaday evening. AftÉ ail wes senvdi an enjayable cer cemt was. beld in thc bail. AIt]t close of the pr'cgram Misa Evely: Bell read an appropriate eddnes and Mr. Art Hamilton, on bhM of the Y.P.U., Tyrene Dremeli Club and the Bible 1Class, pre sented Mr. Lorne Mortson*withi Gladstone bag. 1fr. liortson ex pressed Ms thànks for the io¶,e. gift. On Wednesday aflernoon Il scheol cbildren *presented Mr Vlertson with a widbreaker erc an eddreasswhicb expreseed. Il high -regard the pupils hadl fo their teecher and regret et hi leeving. - Nestieton Strawberry and Ice Creem soci- a1 on lionday night was much. en- eyed and quite a sucpess. Neelleten W.* I. met et Mrs Cecil Wilson', Juiy 2nd. Pregram vas in cher ge cf Mise Ruth Proutt Roil Call, "The funniestacrepe1 ever was i." Curnent events b ?&s. Geo. Proutl. Conlest won b ilrs. Preston. There were 20 ldies present and several child- ren gîven a hear>' vote of thenks fr a very profitable and'enjcy- abic aflerneen. risitors: Mr. and lire. H. Wheeler and lamily et Mr. and lire. R.- M. [oskmn's. . . Laurence and Neil Walcolm enjcyed a trip i West- ýrn Ontaric. . . Mr. and lira. J. enderaon, Janelville, with lire :enneth Semelle. .. Mr. and lira ýJoblin attendeil the Jebli pic- iic et Scugog et Bev. F. G. Job- in's... Mrs. R. M. Heakin with Ere. Jaa. Williemnson... Mm. Wm. lalten, Toronto with lire. Geo. ....t... lira. Arthur Payne, Tor- atc, with Mr. Jas. Gordon. - r. and Mrs. Devid Johns and gLË'Hildâ-ir Tôrbfttô.-.' Ut 'ni. Lamb, Mr. and Mire. Cecil Vilson, Gwen and Eunice attend- ci hc funenel cf Walter Lamb, anelcn Fells. . . Mrg. Barclay, orontc, with Ivrs. Frenk Wilson. .Mise Evelyn Cempbeil with is Jean lielcolmn. . . lir. and mes. M. Emerson ina Wbitby... ru. Preston, Frankford, with fs. Harry Philip.' (Crcwded Out Lest Week> Visitora: Mr. and Mxa. Cherles îylor, 'Aurer, et Mr. Wesley împbeil's and M~r. M. Emerson'a. Mies Alice Hoekin and lir. Mel. le Henry, Oshawa, et Mr. R. 1Hoskins... Mxs. Archie Mot- It and Gerry, Hailcybur>', with lende et Neatielon. .. Mxs. Susan )hns with ber niece, lire. Wil- ed Sutciiffc, A number from, Neelleton aI- nded thc Williams picnic et the- rarn of Berley on Saturdey. Sympathy is extended te the nily cf Mx.. Wesley Wetchorn ho paesed awaK lest week. Robt. Sheffiela, Oshawa, la en- ted witb C. H. Pertecua fer the nmer menthe. Salem <Crowded OuI Lest Week) y.P U. met June 251h. Il wes1 ôinti meeting in charge cf thej les cf the executive. Mxe. R.' cir teck charge cf the pro-1 Rm: Bible meading, Mxq. L.1 elsh; topic, Mxe. L. Squair; reed- gHilda Ccwling; viehin aelec- crash. See details in enother colàk unin. Marvin Hancock has'been i hospital as a resut f blood pois- oniogÉ. RENOVATE YOUR SHOES It Pays WRiTE SHOES R-DYED OR DYED ANY COLOR WamT SHOE PoLisH AUl Brandi ' Lowest Possible Prices. JOHN fLENZ Sheand Harness Repair King St. at Silver id and lire. Caricy and femiy,, Mr. Hans Geasabemgem'a.. Mm. and ie and Mxs. licTaggart and f emil>', Mxs. Livingstone Miller and Clif- or arad Bob Alexander, Toonrto, et ford, Soline, et Mr. Ray Cami- la Mr. B. Alcxandcr'a. . . Mr. and cron's. . . Mm. and Mme. F. B. Mms. N .t Thirteil and Shirley with Glaspdil et Mr. George Armour'a, Roy Sleep. .. Mise Annie Wright Hamptn. .. Miss Jean liclister, and Pte. Willie Wright were with Toronato, et home... Mr. and lire. Ibeir mcthcm, lire. Florence Haras Gcieeberger, Mary and Ber- Wright. tha, et Mr. John Boublia, Ux- Mr. W. Jackson cloacd hie mil bridgc. .. Misa Berenice §tienton, i- down wbile he and Mme. Jackson Peterbero, Lloyd, Elmier and i-end fenil>' teak a trip nonth. Bin Stanley Steintera, Tomante, et Mr. bas e brarad ncw truck delivered A. Staintcra's. .. Little Briea Lee, te hlm ao now thinga wiil hum. Kcdron, with hie grendparents, n On Frida>' evening thc beys who lir. and Mra. A. T. Steinîcra. t. were the lasers in Uic League et- Mr. and Mme. A. T. Stainton and I tendance conteet are giving Uic fenil>', Mm. ead Mme. Al. Ayre " girls a banquet in Uic S. S. rom. and family aîteraded thé Osborne- Edgar wedding et Oahawa. " Monda>' eternoon we bed aur Congratulations ta PIe. and o iret geod raine of the seeson.Mm MiheNms(Ane il -Despite the extreme dryraes moat Ms ihe ei AneKl o f the ha>' crop turned cul better len) en thein merriage. -then wae expecteil. Ernskle Lockhart's School The Wer Work Graup met et (Crowdd, OuI Lst Wek) Ms Ed Dean's on Thurda>' wtb Visitera: Mr. J. Gniffin, Toron- was made and hlccks prcpared te, with friends here. .. Mme. E. for enother anc. Middlebrook, Armitage, Mm. and Sorny te hean cf Art Glbson'a *Mme. R. Grice and sons, Taronto, accident Saturday mornmng when with Mr. J. F. Bradle>' and et- he and Art Bail wene in, a metor Iendcd Décoration Day et Oronio._______________ -.Mm. L., Alexander, Pickering, et Mr. H. Stevens'. .. Mr. and Mxa-. *C. Hackln ead famil>', Wallace- burg, et Dr. C.J. Austi'... Mr. and Mme. W. Heakin and Miss Dorotby Hoakira, Bunketen, et Mr. M. Hcand's. .. Mm. and Mr. T. Rab- bins, Mr. Wm. Pierce, Mme. D. Milen, Cherrywood, et 'Mm. Wes- le>' Oke'e. .. Mm. and lire. S. Tur- ner and Mme. Wesley Oke i To- ronato. A raumber from here ettended - thc misceleaenous ahower given in honor cf the bride and greoom ta be, Mies Margaret Dalton and Mm. Orville Ashton, et the homne cf Mme. S. Rodmen, Port Perry, Saturda>' evening. A baptismal service was held Surae>mmring et which Bey. H. Leckey preeched bis tanewcl eer- mon. The children baptized were& Nancy Wood, deughler of Mm. and Mme. B. Wood, Oshawa; Elcanor Heard, daughter cf Mr. and Mme. M. Heard; and GanUi licGiil, sera "Neyer scold a deg, a cf Mr. and lire. H. licGiil. "Would yeu if he'd chewed yoi Zion (Crowdcd OuI Lest Weck) S U AO A Visitos: M. and Mm. Mome>'"'he parsiom nw à aicb t0 Flntoff -and deughtere, lei Grave, Mr. and Mm.. Ivan -Coch- rane and daughtere, Bowmen- ville, Mr. ead Mme. Delbert Flin- tefi and sons, Kedrora, Mr. Clif- fard Flintoff, Misa Reta Powell Newcastle, Mr. and Mmc. Stanley C OLD ST Coverl>' and Lloyd, Ebenezer, Mm. and Mme. Hemb. Cameron and Boh, Have Your fur écat storedln Tyrone, et Mr. Wes. Cameron'... Vault3. Scientifleally refrigoi Mr. and lins. Russell Staintera and air for the protection of yo, fenil>', Mme. Jas. Stainton et Mmr. damiage b>' mothe and otlaer1 *Jas. licMllen's, Springbreok... Mm. and lmas. Nathan Knex, Hem- mer heat. Moter, Mme. John Knox, Columbus, o h t lt. Rbt. Killer's.. Miss alir-hui gurie arin M.Fred Main, si wa Laundry 1 rono,,Mr.andMme. Eugcne MatnadfmlBaleani, aI Mm. Poo49Company, i Thos. Martin's. . . Mm. and lira. Phn41 Chrietiara Stan, Tarante, et Mm. Dry.cleaning W. Cail and Delive CHECK- YOUR NOME AND- REPAIR NOW! D Ce Doors and Windows boof las Shiles New Porches JesUlatlon marawoèd 7an Combination SHEPPARD& GIIL LUMBER CO, LIMITEO Phone 715' for- ens, c f ., !sh- the dne al- te Mir. iy, ýtte lie nd nle L. nk nd .4r. ,W- ,e- er tri- [na rid ne he ter he îlIf tic .e- a E- ijr MEN'S SOMMER SWTS Are Greatly Reduced BOY NOWI1 LADIES'BAT: PIWU SWHED flore la your bhance- to pick up a amart new iat i a B e- markably low prie. lu the lot there are muan 'dark atraw hais and a few pastel shades. Don't min liii. bargain ani especlal>' at theso Iew prlees. SUMMER DRESSES ON SALE Visît our Ladies' Dress Shop ta see semethlng new, and de- llghttully different. $2.95 up Couch, Johnston& Cryderman, Ltd. Ph one 836K ing ýst. W . r te.. 't ttt -~ t, a a -t Ce DEAN HODGSON $1L00 'vil THE CANADIAN STATZ&MAN, BOWMAI4VILLEc, OI4rAW 'OJRAGE ln eertified Celd Starage brated ta gve cold dry Ur EMmeula agalnat an>' insete,ý as weli-as sum- P a 0 a 0 9 a a 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 4.1 9 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 THUESI)AY, JuLit 1oTZ1941, I Dement