PAGE 1~EN THE CANADIAN ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO THURSDAY,3UMLY 2412A i1941 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mu... ......M ..MUUmU EAST BEACH miss Mararet Patte was a weekend visitai at Brighton. Mr. H. Bennett, Gaît, la hall- daying with Mi. and Mis. J. Bon- nett. Mr. and Mis. G. Cashmore are vlsiting Mis. N. Bycis ut "Ide- bye."l Mis. S. Steele, Toronto, is on- jaying a pleasant woek with Miss J. SIS. Mis. E. Carter and family are summeiing ut Guomnsoy McCiel- lan's cottage. Mi. and Mrs. C. Wa]ker spent the weekend ut Alcanza Beach, Lake Simncoe. Mis. A. Stewart and son, Mis. H. Hicks and son, are sponding a week ut "Mayfaim." Miss Diane Crabtree, Toronto, is summering with Mr. and Mis. C. W. Grant and Jimmy. Mi. and Mis. A. M. MeDonald, Oshawa, spent Thusday with Mr. sud Mis. H. N. Hagerman. Mr. and Mis. Wilbur J. Dudley weme Sunday guests of Mi. and * Mis. A . Gilders, "Pleasant View." Flying Officer H. Rutter, Ot- tawa, visitfed Mis. Ruttor and son Jack ut their summer home, "Mal- vein Cottage." Misses Edna sud Carol Cherry, Mr. Alan Cherry, Toronta, are with their ?,aronts, Mi. and Mis. .Percy Cherry. XMiss May MacKinnon and Mis. James C. Gray, Toonto, are spending a week with the farmn- .er's sister, Mms. Percy Cherry. Mi. and Mis. S. Wilson, Miss * Helen Grant, Mr. and Mis. W. Ciabtree, Toronto, weme guests of Mr. and Mis. C. W. Grant. Mr. and Mis. J. Bright, Toronto, Miss Lorraine Davie, Mmr. Harold Wotton, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mis. C. Davie, "Sunny Nook." Mis. A. E. Bates, whose homo lu near the famous Bluewater In- 'sGodic * iV/à ~ J Goodrich h. EAL-. TUBE bou ride. Dda dar il 6fla amIn tu .maislemitlf .- fër Yout 0Wd Cur. 'four fNew temnatianal Bridge, and Miss Anna Daviduon, Port Huron, stapped overnight ut the "Honeymaon Inn." Mr. and Mis. A. F. Cox, Mi and Mis. Clarence Cox, Oshawi Mi. and Mis. Jack Glanville an, Mis. S. Glanville, Bowmanvil spent Sunday with Mi. and Mr. A. L. Darch. Contractai Albert Gildersi husy putting the finishing touche on Dopow's new dance hall whicl wil be eady Saturday evoning 0 tala week for the grand aponine Come down and enjoy a dance ii the cool sea breezes of Lake On taria. The Fleming cottage la close( this season owing ta the passinI of Mis. Fleming ealy this sprin, who was a summer resident liem for 20 years. Bishop A. L. Flemý ing is ut present on his annua trip ta Aklavik ut the mouth oJ the Mackenzie River in Uic Arc. tic Circlo wheme ho is vliting thf Misiions ta the Eskimo and In- dians. Ho ef t Edmonton by aero- plane on June l2th and ta 19 hours was ut Aklavik. Ho is ex- pected back in Toronto this monta. WEST BEACH Plans are under way for a big day of sports home on Civic Holi- day. Major John H. Fox arrivccd home ta Canada last week after 18 monthu ta England and Fiance. Ho is spending part of his louve * t Chequors ut "The Cave"I beforE taking up his ncw work ut Ot- tawa and Camp Borden in con- nection wîth tae organization ai the Canudian Ammourod Division. Mr. William McCartney of "Happy Daze" conducts bight, infommal services each Sunday ai naon. His taiks have been on Bunyan's "Pilgiims Pragmesu"; The Bible - The Secret of Eng- land's Getncss; and Millar's painting "The Angelus."1 Visitors fmam the Harbor to tac wcst ai Codar Cest appear cvery Sunday. The Carlton S. S. keepu up its me- cord .for intemeut and attondance. Salem Visitors: Mis. F. L. Squair speni tac weekend with hiem daughtm, Mis. W. Moffat, Orono. .. Miss M. Honey la holidaying this week... Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, with hem sister, Mis. C. Pollard.... Master B. Lockhart, Niagara Pulls, is sponding the summer with his aunt, Mis. S. Buttery... Mi. and Mis. Pingle sud Bruce sud Mr. and Mis. L. Welsh visited with the Thuraton famiiy ut Roabomo... Mis. Simpson, Maplo Grave, witli her daughtor. . . . Mr. Robert Tierinan, Mr. sud Mis. W. T. Sencigr, Toranto, sud Mis. A. Houston, Newcastle, with Mi. und Mis. O. Hertzbcrg. . . . Mis. J. Pring, alater of Mis. Cator, Mr. and Mis. John Cuai and son Ralph, Mrs. Haward Hobbs, son Donald sud duughtem Sandaria, -.Toronto, visited their 'parents, Mi. and Mis. F. Cutor, on Sunduy. Mis. Habbs and childmen are stay- ing for a vacation. Salon S. S. and cannunity pic- nie was hcld ut Orano Park or Friday afternoon when eighty or more sut down ta well luden tab- les sud enjoyed a social tîmo ta- gethor. A hcavy shower of mair eut short the games and races. Hampton W. I. East Gîoup mot ut Mis. C.,+Colwill's July 15th. Friends were glud to sec Mis. C. Callucutt able ta attend the pienie. Amount maised for war victima work by Mis. G. Burrus' socia. ovoning wus $18.40, and not sic as snaunced lat week. Family 'Reunion LEASK PICNIC The Leasks heid their annual meunion ut Lakoview Park eon July 17Ui. A large number attended froni Toronto, Cobourg, Oshawa, Uxbridge, Paît Poîry, Port Hope, Gieonbank, Bluckwater. A f t o r much time was spent ta ienewing aid acquaintances and welcoming new anes, a bountiful supper was enjoyed, topped off with a treat of iee creum donutcd by Lewis Boutan. Pies. Edgar Lcask, Greenbank, cullod a short business session. Ho called on Tuas. Leask who hua heen Uic secîotary since the fimat family picnic, ta give a histamy of the Lcask famuly. Mi. Leask said it was 100 years sinco Peter Leask *arrived ta anada with 9 children from Aberdocnshire, Seotisud. Now tacre are ovem 350 living descendants in Canada. Tuas. Leask has Uic Leask fumily troc datiiag from 1338 ta the present tino ta aider sud in his posses- sion. Edgar Leask called for Uic dlec- tian of officers. William J. Leask, Taunton, was elccted president, sud Tuas. Lçask, Uxbîidge, sec- ietaiy-teasurer. Tue rernatader of the eventag wus spent ta sports sud races on- joyed by young sud old, conduct- cd by Gardon Leask, Tauntoni, sud Fred Leask, Uxbridge. Mm. sud Mis. Percy Muttan sud san spent Uic weekend wita hem parents, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Bar- mett, Qucen St. Bertrand C. Colpus, well known Oshawa printci, passed away sud- denly ut Uic Oshawa General Hospital on July 15Ui, followtag a briof illnoss. He was in his 65th years and hud been ta business sinco 1913. Tony Galenta <two-tan Tony), the man who nearly beat Joe Louis, walked itt Mason & Dale'à ut noon yesterday sud sald: "Sella me soma f laha taekiel" lHe and his Party were headtag oacIta Uich lae district. Clen Perey sud Mcl jaerccognlzcd him. Il was ta- Uicdth redoubtable wop. r. le, s. es ,h [n ,dl tg .1 )f 1. A Short Talk OnA. Business Matter Scarcely a woek passes taut The Statesn.ian doos nat have requests ta insert, froc of charge, advance notices of affaira gîven for patrio- tic or charitable purposes. Tume sud again we have pointed out that advetaing is anc of oui main sources of revenue and ta expect such notices froc is as rea- sonublo as to ask thc merchants ta hand out free from their stackI whatever mterial la desiied. IThe Orillia Packet sud Turnes icloaly states the position of -the newspupcr as follows: "Wo are impelled by ciicum- suces ta refer to a mutter of business. There appears ta be an ipression that it la Uic duty of a newspaper ta givo froc publicity ta overy undetuking of a chari- table or patriatic character - in othor wamds ta contribute the ad- vomtising without which such ovonts cannot be made successful. "Without a momont's thought, officers of these societies expeet ta puy for 'the matemials or ser- vices rendered Uiem in Uic way of business - for the wool and cboth used by the Red Cross; for the lotters, telephone messages and tolegramu involved in mak- ing thc arrangements. No anceoex- pects manufactuicis ta provido Spitfires, matai transport, gims or*munitions without bcing paid for thten, COMING EVENtS Women's Institute will hold the annual picnic at the hoflis of Mrs. F. C. Calmer, Wellington St., on Thursday, July 31st, at 2.3Q p.m. . . 30-11 Gospel Tent, BowmanvIlle, King Street East. Meetings contlnued nightly at 8 pi. except Saturday. Speaker: Mr. James Blackwood, Peterborough. 30-1<' The grand opening ofDpes Dance Hall at Bowçnanville Beach (East Side) is being staged this Saturday. Sa came down, bring your friends and make tho occa- sion a gala affair. Rockôli Music is sponsared by the PepWI-Cala Co.,, Bowmanvillo. 80-1<' On Frida'y, July 25th, lni aid of St. Joseph's Church and for, war purposes, Annual Lawn Social viith Bingo for good prizes, 'other games, hot-dogs anid refrosbments, homo-made cooklng (Girls' Ser- vice Club). Came ta thoBRotary Park, Friday, July 25th. 29-2 Noticet - ' Dr. H. Ferguson's office willbo closed from July 26th ta August 6th incitisive. 30-1<' ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mis. Charles A. Johni, Lakefield, announco Uic engage- ment of their daughter, Elvie Jean. of Bowmanville, ta Wallace J. Munday, son of Mrs. Muxiday and the lato Mr. John Munh4ay of Bowmanvillo. The marriage ta tako place August 23rd. "Advcrtislng is oui business. We depend on the revenue deriv- ALUMINUM DRIVE Scd fmom t ta puy the salaries and WL U NP N fwagos of a staff of seventeen on- WL U NP N gaged in the production' of aur INTO AIRCRAFT newspapem. Wo are most desir-11 Oua of doing ,aur share in every Ottawa la considerimg a nation- war effort, sud are most wiýilirg wide drive ta gather alun-dnum. ta co-operate. But abviously we Housewives willbo asked ta don- cannat contibute ta cash if we utc thoir aluminum kitclýenware permit aur chief source, of re- ta Uic Red Cross, which,ini turn, venue to be caten itt. Nom do would beaefit hy selling it ta 'wc think that, on considoration of manufactumeros of arpîsue eqtiip- aur point of viow, it will ho con- ment. Metals Cantroller George sidered easonable that wo should C. Bateman has aircady stated be expected ta contributo tao very that aiuminum in uny fanm must branch of evemy patriatie Society ho sold ta compunies holding wur and every organization of every contracts. The piobability la that chuich withta the district. women will bo asked noxt week, S "IWe trust that oui position wil "pIeuse" give up your favorite 1be appreciatod and will not ho utensils and go back ta ensuxel c o n s i d eîed unreasonable. The sud tUic adid ran killet, so that simple ule is that advance no- Canada can build mmoesud bet- tices of events ogsuized for Uic ter planes. pumpose of making monos, or for Brituin haslong since gathered which an admission foc la charg- in househoid aluminum, and the ed, arc advertising, ta ho puid foi Unîited States, not yet actively ut ut the regular ates."* war, has issued a similar cail,, and Canada, following the lead of the U.S.A. in Uic gasoline conserva- Haydon tion, is doing Uic same in Uic Jmatter of aluminuni. Out of tâ "greateut of ail storehouses," the Vistai: i. ndMis L. Wl-American kitchen, hus ulready liamsan, Pantypool, ut Mis. David came imh os of potnd ani- Graham's... Mm. and Mis. H. Gay nmi h amo osadpn and amîl, Osawaatr. C. and their' objective runs ta 30 or ard's. . MssUwsa, Mceil,40 million poundu. Portunate ta- Pickring .. .Miss Iee rp eN,o -ddis Canada in having a great mcenta, m MiIene lSarpT. Mi higoad neighboî ta inspire on- u rnd ,aM . Rasa ihars. sudr.thusiaun, outîmne policy, and lead -aud rs out MihaLdsmea'sthe wuy. -Sauthicoaghanr. . Miss mma Local citizons having aluminum WerSyuth oaanutMissLAs-of any kind they wish ta donate ta tan's. .ToronMi, andMiL s Markthe Red Cross should phono ither Biackbu. Mrd amid utM. MSe-Cliff Sumis, ut 569 or Sid Little BlacdbDowson'd, Proidenc M.e. at 380 and they willi soc that goods' M >r. and Mis. Bort Ashton uthoearpikduutou home. ..Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Ashton and family ut Mi. Russell Ormis- W. J. OS»BRNE tan's, Enniskillen. .. Mr. sud Mis. IN MEMORIAM 0Louis Ashton and Mary Lau, Mis.____ Ernest Westbuiy, Miss Frances OnM daJl 4hter Wcstbury, Toronto, ut Mr. H.Ash-pOn Mdanay, iJulsy t, tneref mnvillo, Miss VePry, -Duiham'u former, eplendid young manvlleMis BevrlySinclair, mon, William James Osborne, who Toronto, ut Mr. W. Tuompsons. for noarly fifty years ha been a Miss Sinclair is staying a few days. resident of Winnipeg, where ho Fred Ashton has improvod Uic carved out for himself a fine suc- cottage with seveal coats of paint. ceas as a Departmental Manager ir Several missed an excellent uer- with The Winnipeg Electrie Cao. mon Sunday uftomnaon when Rev. <Street Railwuy), honored, trust- A. F. Gardner spoke on "Mine su ad beloved by a hast of fr1- own vinoyard I have not kept." edu who wil greatly miss "The r Church service ut 1.30 p.m. next touch of a vanished hand and the Sunday. Rev. H. Foley, Bawman- sound of a vaice thut is stili." ville, will speak. Bain in Huydon, Ontario, ho Donald Mountjoy, R.C.A.F., has fammed for somo yoars neur Ty- tbeen maved ta NeW Brunswick. ono, on theolad Tuer Fumm, ho- Mis. C. Gaîrard has a saal fore coming west. I fiîst' knew flack of prize hens. On hearing him as a littie boy, over sixty-five thut the price of eggs worc going years ugo, ta Uic village of Ennlg- up, they decîded ta do thoir bitklin heeisftiAex- und the, sixrhensspmoduccdAleven adthe ianc n poday. eender Osborne was the village eggs inoeay choolmaster, sud ta the vemy fqew A fox ha been visiting Lloyd of us, of thut time, stiil ]Jngeiing Ashtan's hen hanse daily ta the on, htas pusstag will 1,ing the sij- vemy euily haurs of the mornîng onteaanth ikghars Lfor sevemal duys. Mr. As htan h as t tor ad theusinking heur t been gettir;g up ut different hours tmoeo re s usfawayhak d tîying ta catch the fox and ut osgrtdas fbyhd' Sumnertîme of Life, when the laut succeeded in shooting it eary world was sa wonderful, and lite Tuesduy morning. s8fllo0 jy Do nat farget aur sewing becs fl fjy frwur work every Tueuday af- We have lost suother kindly for soul fmom Uic ranku of Durhami temnoon. ît is a yemy buuy scuson, "Oid Boys sud Girls," a man rich, but the war la stili on and things ini the bout taings of life. WIU are nocded over there. Osborne has laid aside his ammour sud ha passed on Uic Land of t Light and Undemstanding. Scnool Report "Home' la the Hunter, home _______fmom the His, and Uic Sailar home from tac Sou." S. . NO. 9, CLARKE Mis. Osborne pedeceased him sevemal years ugo. To his dearly H. S. Entiance -Marie Allun beloved daughtem Charlotte, who (Hon.). ha been his ninistering angel, To Grade VIII-Arvilla Brunt sud ta his brother Joseph, of Wil- <R), Shirley Brunt <R), John Gib- liamsburg, Virginia, and hiu thie son, Grant Mulloy, Minnie Smith sisters, Mary, of Los Angeles,f <R). Maggie of Winnipeg, sud Clama ot To Grade VII-Kcnnoth Gibson Vancouver, his many friendu ex- - <R), Keith Pedwell, Leonard Wai- tend their deopeat sympathy and tenberiy <R).- the hund of friendship, in thia Ta Grade V-Byran Brunt, Rus- hour of bemavement.1 soll Brsuch, Gardon Gibson, Jack "If a man die shuli ho live Gibson <R).- again?"' How many millions the To Grade IV-Denis G i b s o n, world over have asked that ques- Marlon Martin, Wanda Malley, tion, and in scarching, have found Madeline Osborne, Resu Patten, the comfarting answer. Yos, we Douglas Smith. shal livo again. And s0 ta aur To Grade 11-Rita Glb s on, departed Conirade, we suy, not Bobby Martin, Blanche Smith. Good Night, but in same brightex - To Grade II-Barbara Osborne, dîime wc shall aguin bid thre I1 Helen Turner. Good Mornlng. Till taon we wuve Names in alphabetical aider; you aur adieu. <R) recon-mended for work of Uic One af The Old Boys, grade. J. N. Hutchlaoii. R. B. Patten, toucher. Winnipeg, July 16th, 1941. ClauifedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charte 25c). Charte of 25o extra fa made when advertisement Is not psud saine week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e When replies are directed to eStatesman b«~ number. Dthdeaths and marriagmu 50c each. Ih Memoriam, Soc for notice pius 10ç per fine A or verse. Chiasfled adver- Ilsements acceptel up until 8 pan. Wedneaday. BIRTEIS CANDLER-In Bowmanviflo Hos- pital on Suturday, July 1Mt, 1941, ta Mr. and Mis. Stuart Candier, Bowmanville, the gif t of a daughter, Sandra Yvonno. 30-1* CRYPeftIAN-Mr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman are happy ta an- ounce the birth of a baby girl, Joan Elaine, on JuIy l7th, 1941, at Oshawa Hospital. HIGHFIELD-Mr. and Mis. Les- ter Highfield are happy ta an- nounce the -arrivai of a. baby brother for Dorwyn, on Frlday, July 18th,'1941, at the Bowman- ville Hospital. MARRIAGES. BAKER-WICKETT - On July l9th,' 1941, at Trinity Unitod Parsonage, Bowianvillo, by- Rev. J. E. Griffith, Gréta 1ý;a, younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mis. Jahfi Wickett, and Mr. A. -S. Baker, yaungest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Baker, Budo, England. 130* WILKINSON - CREIGHTON - The marriage of Alice Lillian Cîeighton, only daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. William Croighton, and .Frank Melville, only son o Mr. George Wilkinjon, wz solemnized SaturdaW evening, June l4th, in Crescent Height's 'United Church, Calgary, Alber- ta. Rev. Frank Harback offi- ciated. 30-1<' DEATIIS AWDE-In Newcastle, an Thurs- day, July 17th, 1941, Jonathari A. Awde, aged 76 years. DENSEM-At Grace Hospital, To- monta, July lSth, 1941, Emme Jane Monkley, beloved wife ol 'Herbert G. Densem, of 401 Bart- lott avenue, and mother of Rus- sell, Herbert and Mrs. Homer Brown <Gladys), age 7i years. HEWAT-In Oshawa, July 18th, 1941, Harry Allan, infant and dearly beloved son of Ronald and Lorraine Hewat, ugo five weeks. PIPER-At Toranto, on Tuesday, July 22nd, 1941, Joan Beverly, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mis. George Piper, Bowinan- ville, i hem 8th yeur. Private funeral from the f amily mesidence, Hunt St., on FriduY, July 25th, at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T. Interment Bowmanville Cemo- tory. TAMBLYN-On Sunduy, July 20, 1941, in Bowmanville Hospital, James Ralph Tamblyn, infant son of Mr. and Mis. James C. Tamblyn, Orono. Interment on zMonday, July 2lst, in Orono Cemetery. 30-1<' IN MEMORIAM LANE - In loving memory of a dear wif e and mother, Mina Lane, who passed away JulY 19th, 1923. We have only your memory, dear Mother, Ta remember aur whole lives tbiough, But the sweetness wrnl linger forever As wc treasure the image of yau. -Sadly missed by Laura and Family. VIRTUE-In loving memoiy af a dear wif e anid mothér, Mis. William Virtue, who passed away July 2lst, 1940. The world muy change fromn year ta yeai, And friendu from day to day, But nover will the one we love From memory fade away. -Ever remembered by lins- band and Family. 30-1<' Carda of Thanks Mr. red His and son Kenneth' wish ta express their grateful thanks and appreciatian ta their many friendu and nelghbars for theii kindness and expressions of sympathy and gaod will during the illness and passing of a belov- ed wife and mother. and alsa ta the nurses of Bowmanville Hospi- tal and Dr. Mackenzie. Mis. "Cocil Fergusan, Oshawa, wishes ta thank hem many neigh- bois and friends for their many acts of kindness, flowers, cards and gif ts with which she was cheered durlng hem convalescence following hem recent accident. 30-1<' Real Estate For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE-BO W-' manville. Beuutifully located house an Beech Avenue wlth about 2 acres lawn and garden. Hause adaptable for apartments. Must be sold. Pruce very rea- sonable. Apply Public Trustes, * Osgoode Hall, Tomonto. - 30-3 FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK house on Contre St., Bowman- ville, miodern convonlences; wifl bo sold cheap to close up an estate. Apply A. E. Bolman, King St. West. il i a i i f r *Articles For Sale - FOR SALE--ONE McCORMICK- Deering Thrasher, 22-38, gaod as new. Apply tao Robert Hur- ness, Part Hope R. R. 3. 30-3*ý FURNITURE FOR SALE -- Six- plece parlor suite, oak' parlor table, extension dining raom table, sideboard, sewing ma- chine. Mrs. Fred Parker, New- castle R. R._3. Phone Clarke 1921. 30-1* FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Cangaleuni rugs. Select yours fram oier 300 patterns actually in stock. You are lnvited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New. Fur- Pniture Store, 156 Slrncoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf FOR SALE - ONE~ MARSHALL Mattress, «'Sleepmaker," 6' 3" x 4' 6", ahnost new. Greatly re- duced ini price. Apply Rev. W. P. Rogers, Centre St. 30-2* RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up ta 50% on tires and tubes, lncluding new Goodycars, Do- minion Tires. Pull stock i an sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King sud Silver St. - 14-tf FOR SALE - ONE MASSEY- Harris 7-foot No. 5 grain binder, in good warking order. Apply S. S. Lackhart, Newcastle. 30-1<' OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITR Store - Everythingi modem. chestorfield, bodroom, dining *suites, and studios. Bedding and. floor caverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive -prices. Befare buying vçisit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Sixncoo St. S., Osh- awa. 19-tf For Rent FOR RENT-FOUR ROOMS FOR rent in stone hause 1 % miles south of Maplo Grave; also for sale epewed caw and genoral purposd team. Apply Saturday or after 7 week days, ta James Housegod , 30-1 FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMED apartment with 3-piece bath; also garage; pleasant surround- ings. Apply Box 163, cia States-, man. 30-1 TRAILER FOR RENT - PHIONE Bowmanville 2183. 30-1<' FOR RENT-APARTMENT FOR m ent in Victor, Manor, King St. W., Bowmanville, possession Aug. lait. Apply H. Bateman. 450 Sixncoe St. S., Oshawa, phone Oshawa 1062. 28-tf FOR RENT-FURNISHED COT- S tage on St. Lawrence River, t.Ivy Lea. IParticulars, J. H. War- ren, Bowmanville.. 30-1<' TO RENT - 7 ROOMED HOUSE with gardon, about five miles east of Oshawa, on No. 2 High- way. Apply by letter ta Box 161, Statesman Office. 29-tf Furniture Sale ,Mrs. Burgmaster af the village of Enniskillen wWl seU by public auction on Wednesday, July 30th, 1941, at 1 p.m. Standard Time, a quantity of household furniture including dining room, kitchen and bedraom fumniture, player piano, dishe, crockery, amall rugs, stove, garden tools, ladders, and many other articles too numerous ta mention. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 30-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. Smmer Speclals Refrigerators, coal ail staves, dock chairs, pillows, comforters, laznps, diessers,' cheut drawers, couches, electrie rangettes, w a r d r o b e s, grass mugs, etc. Inner Sprint Mattrese $9-M5 Good looking hea v y spring-filled mattresses, covered in durable fancy ticking. Will give yau years of comfort. All sizes, ut an amazingly low price. Floor Coverlng Speclal $1@49 Borderlges rugs 61 x 91, inlaids, congoleurns, feltola, heavy linoleums, in ahl widths. The larg- est display cf floor covomingu and mugs ln the clty. Wilson's prices are lower! New Chesterfield Suites 539.50 Modem spring-fillod Chesterfield suites, excellent cov-* erings, carved show-wood. A rouI buy. Chesterfield suites ln heavy figured ich velours, luxuriant. doep-seated comfort, custam-bullt - styles, fully guuranteed construc- tion. We carry a large selection ta choose froinisud aur prices are qjways lower. * Bedroorn Suites $59.95â Thillingly new, amari waterfall design. This lu an out- standing buy. At Wilson'. you can find your hoart's desiro ta a bcd- room suite. Modemn and peiod designs. Wilson'. lower ovemhead means lower prices ta yau. Walnut Steel B.ds $4.98 New streamllned wal- nut steel beds, all sizes. Wonder- fui value. Studio Couches 519.95 Sprlng-flled ast u dlO couches i attractive coverýngs. 50 beautiful studio couches ta choose tram et bargain pmlces that will save you many doulars. TRADE IN DAIRGAINS Several Breakfast Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, Couches,. Wardmobes, China Cabinets, Cribs, Pramu, Desks, Refrigeratars, Chesterfield Suites, Dlning Room Suites. PREE DELIVERY Wilson'* Furniture Co. do Klug W. 20 Churoh St. OSIUWA 29-tfq Lost LOST-SUM 0F MONEY ON OR near King St. Rewsrd if left at Cawkers Butcher Shop. 30-1 tlelp Wanted HELP WANTED-STRONG BOY ta work araund greenhauses. Apply S. J. Jackman & Sans, Bowmanville, phone 580. 30-1 HELP WANTED - COOK-GEN- eral wanted, experienced; good wages i good home,. ail con- veniences, small f amnfly. Ref or- onces required. Mre. William Karn, Heydenshore Park, Part Whitby. 3012 HELP WANTED - A CAPABLE lady for part time work, mostly evenings, must be quick. Write P. O. Box 231. Wanted to Rent WANTED-SMALL HOUSE FOR mother and twa chlldron in or around Bowmanville. Apply ta Corpl. Hector\Gould, Duke St., or Box 166, Bowmanville. 30-1 Salesmen Wante& LADIES ÔR WOMEN WANTED -Turn your tume into dollars by selling Familex Products in your community. It's your op- portunity for easy and repeat sales. No experience neoded. Begin with a few dollars and own your bjusiness. Money back for return unsold goods if"you have ta discontinue. Free cata- logue and details on request: Miss G. St. -George, 570 St. Cle- ment, Montreal.- 30-1 Stallion For Service NERALCAM KING, NO. 271, Suffolk Punch Stallion, at ser- vice at the aid Frank Faim. Price $10.00 payable March lst, 1942. 30-3. Summier Reuort. "«HONEYMOON &DoiC AEil with modern con ve nlenàdes'à~ makes a cosy and handy nook for a restfui holiday or a poe for the night. Apply rR Depew, Port Bowmanvlle.' e0o Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - 20 YORKS BRX pigs 6 weeks aid, also Holstein cow. Apply Mike Caplk, B. e 6 Bowmanville. go-l? FOR SALE-YOUNG HOLSýEIN,, Jersey cow, freshened 3ul$v 12'. robsters three to four pounds; yearling hens. Jackson, quarterý' mile north of Court1çqe. 301 FOR SAI,£ 7 YORKSHIRE pigs, 3 months old. Apply Ar- chie Thompson, R. R. 5, phone 2400. 30-1 FOR SALE - 10 GOOD PIGS, 9 weeks aid. Apply Victor Szàld,' Hampton,,phone 21739, 30-1 WNED TO BUY-HEREFOED Bull, 800 ta 1000 lbs. Apply James Brown, Base Line, phone 617. 01 FOR SALE -, 7 GOOD YOUNG milking caws. Apply Paul Hay-, nal, Maple Grave, R. A. 3,~ Bow- manville. 30-1 FOR SALE-5 YOUNG BUDGIES twa colors to choase from. These birds make the best of pets. While they last, yaur choice $4 per bird. Nights at Mrs. Garnet Gaheen's, Liberty St. Frank Carter. 30-2 Drugless Practitioner ]ROBERT COLVILLE Drugloas Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 27-5 SPECIAL TRIS WEEKENfD O'Keete's Belfast Bottie Ginger Aie 17e Pins Deposit Mauje Lest 5 Ibs. Soap Flakes 63c Bottie Javex - - - 5 4 Cakes' Infant's Delight snd 1 Pkg. Facial Tissue 25c Picake Shortening lb. 15c Pea Soup tin 100 51.00 VALUE CANADIAN MAPLE Cio thes Brush 35c And Uic Wrappera frein 1 large 10e And 1 Mediumn Cake Ivory Soap 7o Fresh Fish For Friday HARRY ALUIN .HE1CRNER rOCR Phone 367-368 We Deilver Prescriptions and Optical Work are carefully done at the Rexali Drug Store A W01FTO ALBUM FREE DOUBLE - Cito5S OL», 'lm sgas1.agSOL * * é Beat Sunburn wlth these E!*i ~ ovpreventatlvs 01 RE Skol - - 40o 11INI) PHOTOS TO BOys S uItICg Tanlo Aeld JelIy - 50c Noxema Skia Creain Md .Jarof aili-purpose Cold Kodake Cream. Both for S3e frein GYPsy Cream - 90O U2.50 $1.00 lnd's Honey and UP Ahnond Cream - 490 Qulck Developlng Service SPECIAL ITALIAN BALM i and Jar of HAND CREAM Both for 49e Jury ULvl nhe Rexail ru Store Wben we test sym St la don. properly. Phone 778 Deflvery ServWs j oua'oq RE Daîtd US WA 1 (fil til E 10 NTmADS ým i 'ESMAN, BOMIANVILLE, ONTARIO THE iZANADIAN fýéeh #