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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1941, p. 3

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fltSDAY, JULY 24TH, 1941 MANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE TEUMl THE CMiADIAN STATEsk«I,1 ýctiVeS 11lmost learn- inder. ildier, trick. inacu. ition, tSor vasion 19 to ta be n ail. ritain. Hitler move Lce to again !c and 1 that Y, let ler or that wea- - de- peace ai of )f the their ilitar. de for Ished, i and if the ,da - ipenly iU.S. wea- ke de- e Bri- 7heel- i par- f lies Ger- "g9en- new naw "'gen. just d an- Elitler t; yau ýeace, Order <y ai ckade keep pro- pro- TIen home Nazi le ta that ritain when seace, er ai if thxe oei or You" localAg« =CO-u wt eo Inomtina *UUMMUUmmg L% mil TEE BRI ZMIH COMMONWEALTH -i LEARNING1 PLANE WT THE Firth or a se the RoYal Ca ,M Nuring the1 p7lÎtant custo same fifty hou and then sent ready to fight. kind af war ( out by thousar already) and difierent. The now takes ath nothing is lef I There is noa Initial TraJinx ta. The buildi the city, withr field or hangE ,pilots get their Link tramner,a ture wings, f ir ground.' I saw 'the L ever I went to ing schoals.M pericnced flier occasianallyt faults which i or to learn ni night or by in Learnlng To]F The Link tra farms, lookslil plane, but, vi wings shortene *up less space plane. The co are af normal ,which regulate, the movabie pô and the pedals are like those small plane.T board hau the ments neèded -a compass,, gine speed iné Out in front: celluloid orsor which lookais i peliar. There areE Link ttainers. machine was Jr ai a pipe orl An Important Messa ge To Every ilouseholder:% We sincercly advlae yau ta make arrangements now ta get your nexi winter's fuel uupply. There is plenty af cool avallable at Uic present trne and prices are deiiniteiy ai their 10w. Na anc cari pre- dict what Uic situation will be nextfI.L, but we are certain prices cannat be lower than Uiey are now and Uic possibility la Uicy might be.considerably hlghcr. You have nothlng ta bace and cveryting ta gain, by ordering ai this time. Yau'il msave money: you'Ul have yaur coal in your bin and yau'll be soie in an emergency. It la also a decided advantage ta order 4blue cool," be- cause this trademarkcd anthracite assures you ai gettlng what you askcd for-Uic world's fieut anthracite. The days, with sa rnany fuel prabiems, substitution or mlxing may ai necessiiy be mare prevalent than befare and this means inferior heat and more casita you. But with- "Iblue cool," Uice blue colour ni yau cari sec ai a glonce, guarantees Uic quality-and guarantees delivery ai Uic cool you ordcred. Why nat get i tuch wi us by phone to-day-and wc are sure yau wIil Uank us nexi fail for Uic suggestion we are making ta you now, because wc sincerely be- lieve that what we say la truc: yau'Ul be better off inx many ways by getting "Iblue coal" and ordcring il rlght now. PShopIard & QI Lumbor Co. Limitod con. that leices. Inlding L And~ ere i, cmr. plane began ta swing around li that direction, while the lakes and rivers crept paut. "Press down harder on that rlght foot," he said, and 1 pressed to hard and went out ai contrai. "Down with -yaur, let foot and the stick ta the ici t!" and again I averdld it, but that was probably the intention. "We'll try a littie dual instruc- tion naw, ta give you a better ides how ta use the contrais."1 denly stiffened ini my hands and went where it aught ta go for correct turns and banks. I wasn't long befare I was fly- ROW TO FLY A which accounta for the faci that THOUT LEAVING the trainer aciually rides an air GROUND inaide a -leathcr bag or beilows. The iraincra are made in Gana- ernes of articles onflaque, Oxtario. There are many tonies about anadian Air Force, tle development ai ihis tramner, ecialiy for tise and ih is hard ta sort oui the truih. pers of Ontario. One version la ilat Uic inveniar was a Canadian, wha tricd ta seli lait war, it waa tle lis model ta the United States arn ta give a pilot Army, but the officiaIs thaught urs or s0 in the air, ht was jusi a tay and rcjected it. it hlm ta the front, The thing appearcd nextinh tThis la a différent amusement parka, and lIatisl as has been painted whcre I firsi saw anc. Compared inds ai other wriicms ta prescni-day Link irainera, it 1planes are vastly eally wasn'i much more ihan a ýe periad ai training ioy thaugh the pinciple emain- leasi six moniha and cd Uic same. In war urne, the ta chance. - tramner la worih ia weighi in actual flying ai île gold. hi la lard ta sec ho* pilais ng Scixool ai Toron- ai 300-mile-an-haur planes couid liga are siiuatcd in be taughi in six mamils without no raom for a flying such lelp.' as, but îhe future h have spaken in' previaus ai- Ir f imt lessama in the clés about the unfailimg coumiesy a plane with miia- ai the afficera h met ai the vaiaus mly anchbmed ta the camps and achoola. They gave me iheir valuable tmie so ihat rcad- ink irainers wl&r- crs ai the wcckly papera ai On- Lo the variaus train- talao cauld rcad about île Air Eyen the masi cx- Training Plan, but they went ra go'back ta ihçn. much fartixer than mercly ans- ta check up any wermng questions: they let me do may haye dcveloped many ai the thinga the studexits iorc about ffyixig ai do., 1. ntruments. Flying ie mo naveliy ta me, butj F'1y On Tise GroundIh neyer had a "ride" in a Link aimr, n ls amplr tainer. One day, ai Camp Bar-1 iner ainaî itrasiningdcxi, the Govenor-General waa âkul îl tang ma1ing a tour oainispection and1 edh the body -lawndgvm atry-oui in anc ai ies hati htokes these machines. He scemed ta ýe thoni a fuil-size no being wlirled around and nckpit and con trols bjy cd about and as he dlimbed1 1l size. The "stick" urmpth cockpit,I erhir-1 esrtihneailetran mark: "lWc do sorne fuxiny thingga Otaon oferte wing sometimes." AIt tht marnent, I s t oatub <S oulcs nvicd a govenor-gencral for Uic rixei nîr une t irai and anly lime. >five or six ixstru- An Ambition Gratifled for ordinary flying The urge ta pilai anc ai ulese altitude meter, cn- machines came back again as I idicator and saoxin. sîood and watched a raw ai thcm1 la a half -circle ai in opération ait tc Initial Train-9 )me similar material ing Scixool ai Eglinian. These1 Ike a whirling' pro- werc the advanced tramnera, with iwenty or more instrumenta on several modela ai the dasix and a hoad that fitted i is aaid Uia± tle down over Uh i loai s that he invented by thc son was "blind." The studenis >seem- rgan manufacturer, cd ta be iomiy or iifty years old, ______________a cantrasita the youUiiul faces I had secm ai all the other achools. Enquiry slowed thal uley wcre .e~\.-.. "bush pilota" and other experi- b .à'C*~e enccd filera qualiiing ta becorne instructars on these same, ma- chines. SOARINS PEAKS 1 asiccc my guide If I migixi trY JEWELED LAKES my hand in anc ai ulem. it strictiy againsi thc rules, he said, ALPINE SPORTS and besides, these irainers wcre onlyfor dvaüed plotsandI t' wouldn't enjoy Uic experience much. But le suggested that I. take my requcaita Flying Officer Bialop. I did, and met mucix tle sanie1 ansWcr, but I tho*ugixi Uic Plylngî Officer winkcd, wi<en le said:( "'Camne wiUi me."à Wc passed down Uic aisie be-c twccn structures thai looked like jasper park I.odge huge vata, and opexicd, the door1 andtsature'gretsam ua ao nc ai 11cm. Theme, iniUic Aiqen Show avala centre ai a circula room, siaod a you s Japu, bif bighi blue Link trainer wiUi go e Naia Perk s gray wixiga, as landsomc a ma- ge« atioal Prk hine aifis kind as I ever saw. on "bi Continent The seiting was-uxiique, too. Mur- Sec ail the Rodusu nls had been painiedail arouxid Corne lva thseaM-arto the walis - mauntains, 1 a k e a, air-conditioaed iawns, and on anc ide, a gray Continental Llmited. bank ai clouda.' Loy Summer RailThis la whemc the beginners pare..lcarn haw ta fly. I climbed up a iew siepi and muao the cockpit. I put a pair ai ~~ head-phones an rny cars and lis- tcmed ta the instructions tUal thc matwi gl<n tuniisFlying Officer was giving me, as Mpt ie gia&Y .u. g le turncd an Uic power. He tbld ripi> bokosadfi me haw ta gel the pl"ne off Uic i tofat@, imi Meground, haw ta hld Uic stick and1 how my feet should be placed an tIc pedals. He tld'me how ta iumn totaeUicnglit and tUic tile T'hrilling arch ý Compoued Ily Native of Dowmaaville Now Living ini Mexico City m ark and fly toward it in Uic bumpy air. Scalea which hang down from ail four corners ai Uic machine show qult'e dcfinitely how * succcssiul the leason has becn. If the student lacka co- ordination or ha other definîte faulta, hia intructors know ht be- fore he ever gaes tip in a real plane. The advanced Link trainers have rnuch more complicated sys- tems of indicating how weil the studentisl doing. The instrucior suts ai a table, witl instruments anid a chartinh front ai hlm. The instruments show how fast the plane la supposed ta be gaing, the Georgenia Y. Fairbairn, Daughter of Former Postmaster C o m- P~oses Màrch. Since îhe presexit wa began, thère have becns severai ncw pa,=ltic sangs, camposed by Con- alns anid presented ta the pub- lic. But none have achievcd île. acciaim acconded "Mancix on ta' Victory" which ta xiow becomini xidely popular. .This siming pat- nlotic composition waa wriiiexi by a former Bowmanvile g i r 1, Geargenia Y. Fairbain, and sister ai Misa B. H. Fairbairix af this tawn. Hector Charleswortl, dis. tinguished music cnitic in a ecccxii issUe of Saiurday Nighi made'-a flatterng and camplimcnlary me- icrence ta île musical career and outstanding achievements ai ihia ialented composer and coxiduct- or whom we are proud ta dlaim as a native of Bowmanviile. Through Uic ilaughiful gener- asity of hem brothen, Mm. Rhys Feirbairn, Toronto, c a ma p l e t c scores ai the words and music aof lis sistem's stirring sang, havej becn presented totahic si Mid- land Baitalion, xiôw staiioned at St. *John, N.B., and la tIc Bow- manville Banid. Georgenia Y. Fairbairn was bomn at île Evergreens Bowrnan- ville, daughter ai Uic laie James B. Fnirbaimm, Post Mater ai Bow- mnanville, and Caroline Diamond, and a gramd-daughter aiflRobert Fairbairn, 'who came ta Canada in 1819, laxidixxg firsi ai Port Hope, and in 1824 seitled i Bow- manville, wîene le remained Uic balance ai lis 1Ide. Robert Fairbairn'a wifc waa Helen Waiker, and hem parenta, werc vemy praminentin hiîe earlyA Scotch Preabyterian cdurci ai Uic Burgler brancl. The faci tInt music came naturally ta hem la seen from the faci lIai hem jgrandiather Rdbert was a good Iviolin player when he came ta ICanada, anid aisa an expert cx- Ipanent ai the tflnoai Highland Stha Fa.Imin te amdls7tws Scotch daceaIrn tc and 0's daughters iourcd Uic United Staies*and Canada, giving proies- sianal singing concerts, and with greai succeas. He was a brother of Robert. We can trace quite a iendcncy ta mnusic ail tîrougs hem relatives. A point ai inieresita îl te Durham people la the lad thai hem grand- failer, Robert Fairbairn, wasaa great personal friend ai William Lyon McKenzie. They had set- tled lin Uder carnier 111e in île iown ai Aylth, Scotiand, wlere bath wcme in business. Whcn Robert Fairbaimn came ta Can- ada in 1819, W. L. McKcnzie went ta Paris for a year. and tIen iollowed Robert Fairbamn out ta Canada. William Lyon McKenzie wcnita oYork, but tlmougl ail their long. lii etime tley kepi up a very close persan- ai relaiionship. At Uic urne af tle rebellion Robert Fairbamn was a Captain in tle 'local mnilitia and lad been an officer for niany years, sa would nai take up arma, aithougx he ,bitcrly opposcd île family comtpact as McKenzie did. Thexi whexi thc rebeilion waa aven and Uic Govemnor pardamed McKenzic he came back fram, exile. At thc lime ai Uic death ai Robent Faim- bairn, McKcnzie wrate an article i lis own papcr in Toronto, li which he, statea that le came back iram, exile via Montreal and Bawmanville, and lad thc masi hearty welcome frain Robert Faim- bairn than anyane. The grandsoxi ai William Lyon McKenzie, wha la aur present lime war Premier, has kcpt in tauch with thc Fairbairri decend- enta for many yeara, and whcm tle monument ta Uic mcxriary ai W. L. McKenzie was being creci- (4 Air Traininst I)Ian. Oie Of al Sertes af articles written specialy for Weekly News- »aPers by Rugis TemPlin, Edîtor af tise Fergus News-Record. 1' "CALLINO ALL CAIRS"! j'. Alrcraftmen undergolng tests ln thc 10w pressure chamber at the ]Initial Tralnlng School at Toronto. -Rayai Canadian Air Force Phli rah mng around without much diffi- altitude aqd whether it is climb- culty-and feeling pretty big ing or desccnding. A three-whcel- about it, toa. And ail the time I cd indicator movea over a chart marvellcd at how much like ac- ai ruled paper - "the crab," I tuai flying it really feit. think they caîl it, but it rernind- Rougis Weather Ahead ed me ai a auia board. Perhaps you remember the ouija. Under "Now we are flying on a bumpy the pressure ai the tipa ai the fin-. day," the instructar tald me, as gers, a hcart-shaped- board sup- he reachei down and pislld an- parted on threc legs, movcd. over other lever somcwhcre' out 0f a table and spellcd out words. -lI sight. The change was immediate. the traîner, anc leg has a small, The plane became hard ta cantrai. rubber-tired whcel which draWs Memories ai actual rides on red limes on the paper ta show bumpy days came back vividly. how weil the pilot is daing and How long my lessan lasted I whcre he is flying. could anly gucss. I was too inter- cstcd ta watch the time, It might The course at thc Initial Train- have been 20 or 30 minutes. What- ing Schoal takes eight weeks, witli ever it was, I was sarry that I lectures, drills, medical tests, and wouldn't be having another anc the Link traîner giving the stu- every day.' dents plcnty ta do. From here, Certain spots on Uic scencry they go ta Elcmentary Flying around the wail are markcd with Training Schools and their first lettera. The student may be ask- actual flying. cd ta keep ic trainer on that L Next Week-Mount Hope. *-m-m- - - - - - - - - - - IN. THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST Frein The Statesmian Files FD«TY YEARS AGO nlot run acros any Bowmanville baya yet. Frein Tise Canadian Sttmmn Editorial comment: Oshawa pa- .uly 29, 1891 pers biow more hot air about coin- _______ing industries than aUl the 599 other tawn wceklies in the coun- A High Schools Act provides try and what has that town got that Uic county must bear a f air that local capital hasn't given it! share af cost af maintenance 'of Fromn Bugler W. E. Wilson at. caunty pupils m ic heHigh Schools. Valcartier: The boys ail wclcome A ie ai 75c a month is naw Uic James Papers. Even the Part charged each outsider. Hope boys came into aur tent osk- A pleasant time wag spent ai ing for the Bawmanvile papers. the cherry social under auspices Writing for thc ncwspaper is a ai thc Y.P.S. ai Trinity Congrega- ncw experlence ta me. tional Church. J. D. Keachie sang, Lowcr School exams.: Dorothy Miss Lottie Brîmacombe recited, Johnston, Everett Hardy, William Mr. Frecland gave a rcadlng, and Veale had honor standing. Misses Williarps and Tilley, a Pte. H. Mingeaud had a close piano duet. Frank and Lena Ma- escape with his life when -struck son sang a duet. with about 30 pieces o4 shrapnel. M. D. Williams has for many Miss Jean McLaughlin, daugh- yasadvised farmers ta cross ter ai Mr. R. J. McLaughlin, Ta- Leacsr and Shropshire she ronto, while riding ai Sturgeon for mutton purposes. As h. Pointfelfram Uic animai and dence ai such crassing S. H. - rctrdhe ihtam nolda, the pcople's butcher, kiUedThe last hundred patients at a spring lamb which yielded 59 Cobourg Hospital for female pa- iba. ai clear meat. It was raised tiénts were transferred ta Uic new by Mrs. Thos. Pickel, Base Line, Whitby institution. Darligton.Four valuable horses beionging Darligian.ta Wm. Lingard, Hope, wcre iill- William Cann has moved into cd on the C.P.R. tracks. his new palatial residence an King Gus Baunsali represented Jeru- St. The house is anc ai the best salem Lodge at Uic Grand Lodge finished and finest inl tawn. in London. Herbert Foster, son ai John Bandsman R. J. Lawens with Foster, draver, had his right armn the 136th Battalion was chosen amputated. He stood the opera- anly representative ai the band ta tion bravely. play on the grounds ai Sir Robert #J. J. G4le's horse gai away as Parks adjaining Kensington Gar- he was closing a gate at Mr. dens, London, when the- Princes Fieldlng's and in turning upset Louise, Duchesai Argyll, pre- Uic buggy causing some damage. sented ta the Canadian troaps a Marricd: Nicholls-Cruckshnk- aiken banner and sîlver shleld. At the residence ai the bridc's At Hampton entrance exanis. father, on July 15Ui, 1891, by Rcv. Principal F. J. Groat passed six, John Young, Albert A. L. Nichalis, twa taking honors, Marjorie Cale Bowrnanvillc, ta Jane, second and Lamne Hastings. daughtcr ai Andrew Cruickshank Ebenezer: Miss Acy Rundie oi Niagara Falls. bas tonsilitis... . Arthur Burges Marred: ayle - Nti- thUi has a gaod cernent wall under his Marred:Bayey -Not-At new barn.... 'Miss Mamaon Van residence aif*-Uic bride's brother, het as been re-cngaged to tcach by Rev. H. Moore, an Jume 27th, S. S. No. 4.. .. Mr. Jesse Amaott Rcv. H. E. Bailcy, B.A., Ladners, is engaged ta teach school near B.C., ta Miss Ida V. Naît, second Tutn daughter ai Uic laie Rcv. H. J. Tutn Naît, editor ai The Observer, Éowmanville. Fire broke out li Willams' Farmers Cam Cet Piano Works, Oshawa, but Uic Spoclal Hog Scales firemen succceded in gctting the flames under contraI. ' Uless farmers have a handy On July 17Ui, Gardon, the six- means ai checking Uic weight ai year-old son ai Thas. Canant, Esq. their hogs, it la not always easy 1'Cedardale,"ý Oshawa, feU off the for thcm ta know whether the fence tearing bath bancs ai the hoga are within the 200 ta 210 arn out ai joint at the elbaw. The pounds recormcendcd as Uic best litîle icllow is dolng well. wclght for making Wiltshire sides Orano: E. T. Sieman, B.A., has s0 urgently needed by Britain. To been the gucat ai Jas. Newsam... mcci this difflculty, a set ai scalea Edward Cullis while hiving becs has been develaped and is now gat badly siumg about Uic face being distributcd ta f armera at and hands. .. Miss Minnie Truli cosi by Uic Production Service, won a prize for besi Canadian Domninion Dcpartmcnt ai Agricul- Essay. turc. Newcastle., There waa a fire ini The scale la a modifled steel- W. T. Bonaihan's tin shop. The yard and can be set up anywhere building was entirely casurncd whcrc there la a strang avcrhead but part ai the stock waa aaved. support and ai least seven feet ai clearance. A lifting device for siinlng hog and craie clear ai TWENTY-F14'E VEAIRS AGO sw - i r fth uft Plans for marmg Uic crate are FromnTise Canadian Statesman, alsa provided. The scale has a July 27, 1916 welghing capacity ai 250 lb. _______For full information, write te Uic Senior Lîve Stock Fleldman ai Photo showa Mrs. John Hellyar the Province, Production Service, who celebrated her birthday July Dcpartmcnt ai Agriculture, at thc 20th. The boy jin the picture la iollowing addrcas: W. S. McMul- Brenton Hazlewood, son ai Dr. B. len, 59 Victoria St., Toronto. J. Hazlcwood. Ernest Meader wrltes from It la betier toa am somewherc France: I landed at Uic front and and ta get nowhere thari ta be put amn feeling i gaod spirits. I have somewhere and stick. Dur crude o21intaài . mited. There ijuwl ans thng lo do if aur flghting forcescor. ta carry on wth a %ffl tSWi. Evcry Canadian motorist luaamk.d ta cut Ise aoily acS cmaumatiSi in Ther. cire mariy wy which "hi 50 % saving can b. made ... ways and means ta give you mars zileage per gallon. You can drive slower no thart yau wMi U» legss gasalin.. You can go fifty-fifty with your n.ighbours, invitiag .ach other to shara cars . .. for business, oend for ploaSure. Peaple cati r.adily go ta and from work together, using ane car of fou. .. using one gallon af gasaline instead of severak Woma as wel acm mon cau maire thoe sav'ings. The. amount of gasolina ussd ini Canada for business, social and non-ossential aIctivitios is amazingly high Iuý Proportioni to that us.d by our fighting forces. One look ai the figures would convince you that tuis situation must b. r.v.rsed. Canada doea nat air or roquent y=u to put y=ur * up. She morely asIe for your holp . .. as"e thoct yovu walk sometizu.. when lb. disténas imi'too grec4 *.. .q t"cdyau taire a uharler drive on Sunday aternomn. .. end JOWaldS C you laok citer your car «md Iowarincls md ac .. bour: "Let's une my Car kSOLINE today. Jim ww.'fl urmngure 1 AVIwwrà t omoraw.'. i&VINti vsobile Experté) Reducs drlving .peed tram 80 to40 on thse open roc:d. Avold jack-ratbblt starts. Avald useleu. or non-.aseatial drlvlng. Tum mator off wheunota la use, do nott bave Idllng Don't race your engin., lot IU wom up idowly. Doae t arain your engins; change geaum lesp curburetor cleaned and properly adjustsd. Tua. up mater.tlmlnng. etc. loep aparis plugs aad volves. dean. Chsecks caollng systsm. overheatlng wautes gazoline. Mcatain tirss at rdght pressure. Lubriccete .Ifilcletlyi worn engins& waate gagollas, Diive in groupe ta «ind frram work. uulng cars aternaIs day. For galL picalca atnd atiser outingi. u» oane car lnstead of four. Taise tisose ibort sopping trips ON FOOT aand carry parcels home. WaIk te and tram lthe aovien. Bout ownems.toa, cons ielp by reduclng upèsd. Your regular s#miceasation mon <cLU gladly «<plain ahose and oer wayà of saving gasoUine. Consdt him. The Coverament. of the DOMINION 0r CANADA ACTING UROUGH . Evsry day, in greotIer cmd grealer quemtity, wo muet robeas. gtoalin. n ilby ths hhausanda ci gallos t., aur throbbing munition plaftts . . . taaur tanirs «md aroured cors. a aur o Bighting planes cmd bombe=s . . . to aur corvettes cmd marchant ships fuat ply tis. vital ue-mes . . .so tiio the. day of vlctory m"y. sooner b. «t hand. Will YOU belp? 1 t .s<0180 vteU imipdortanlt that you reduse i.une of dom.saic end commercia Ij4a aiL C. -IL COTTRELL& 0Ou Conwu oflr C..&d< 1 Sf",zee"d /ctz)2, ICTOY !. A NATIONAL EMERGENCY Canada in right up agah2st m n «at hrage of gasolins and fuel oiL iTankers that normaiy supply our country h«vye been cotmand,.red for vitofly important overseas service. The Commnouwealth Air Trciiing Plan, the rapi'd d.velopm.nt of Cocdoe'a mechoenized cçmy imita and the great work carried on by our corvettes macke -th. deznand for fuel urgent I7easy ways1 50%7GS (Approt.d byAo TI HONOURABLE C. D. HOWEý, Mnhlao f Munitions and Supply JUDAY, JULY 2m, 1041 T4ANVMLE, ONTARIO ed at Niagara Fallu, Darder Pat- erson's family had Uic only pic- turc ai hlm taken before Uic re- belliaix in their possession. An- other curlous Uhing, during the uprising ai the McKenzie rebel- lion her grandfather, on her math. er'a aide, was a Captain and Ad- jutant ai Uic 2nd Gare Reginient ai Ontario. Darder Paterson was educated firat ai the Misses Welsh Finish- ing Schoal, (the reaidence now owned an doccupied by L. R. Wood, Division and Wellington Sts.). a achool well known in Uic early days ail aver the Empire, then ai the Bowmamville Public amd High Scixoals. She married Henry M. Paterson ai Montreai, wherc she livcd for some years. After Uic death ai hem husbaxid she moved ta Mexico ta visit her brother Tone, who was then me- sicling in Tarreon. Later an she refurned 'from. Toronto ta the City ai Mexico, which has becn her home for several years. When si7e wcnt back ta Mexico she made up hem mimd ta try and develop the Mexican music. The Mexicans have always been mus- ical pepale. -She camrnenccd com- pasing music several years ago for Uic Mexican people. At 'first hem broadcosting was donc by singing by anc ai the Mexican artisis, with order Pat- erson accampanying an the piano. This has since grawm 50 ihat hem monthiy broadcasts are 17 pieces in her orchestra, as weli as same ai the besi singera in Mexico, and 'Darder Paterson stili presides ai the piano. During the last war she retÜrn- cd ta Toronto and for quite same tinie was playing for the sicc soldiers af Christie Street Hospit- al, where she became very papu- lar among the men who were iii and dying. Sa in this second Great War hem ambition hag been ta develap a war sang for her mgih belaved Canadian saldiers, arL as a resuli ai Ilis march "On ta, Viciory," la now belng pro- duccd. It la mat wark thai frets, wearies or disappoints; it la having no anc ta work for. The greateat mcnxinl history were for the masi, part men wha had Uic courage ta give cifecitat their convictions. Eaoy Ita deliclous eu, mei.*reieve. thatau cleetrlgthtandtrctv..., bresth pleasat. GET SOURE TODAVI D. <oeD. ON.s@m Men iof 30y 409,50 PEPI VINVIGOS umaomad? tonte. 0truat~oytreu aita te ora ime34 or lsa Get Laai = t,.e= ydua fSrcuir

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