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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1941, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN 1Â01 WMMO. _______________________ C"AÂDIÂNSPAUSE DuRflGXAOUY TOW ~ ..~. f DAM 4~DainIv Council BT John C. Kitwood '"foad A week ago there came to se. in Canada didn't matter- that Br sc me a Young man ae 27yas his clear duty was to enlist. I srdece unmarried, with no kmn dependent pointed out to him that he would that ai on him. lie wanted my counsel in flot be giving up muých in the way of wee. rear a nlsnnt hi oun o money by enlisting -ha that of readt nitet hsYughe enlisted, he would have hiE s :~:~ Clerkv man has been coming ta see me, living free; that the $10 or 50 per secretar alwàys about a job, for several week which he might be making tosn years. About three months aga naw aver and above his living drn r bis. prablemn was: should he take costs was what h. would have ta Up soaiedwork with a new or- surrender, not h. whole amoufit ad ganization about to b. formed, or that h.emight be making; hat if takn t stick ta his job as seller a! acci- the war lasted another two yars,1 Canadiî dent insurance, on a commission ail that h. miglit b. "out" in trmson 3 basis? H1e had don. well as a of mnon.y would be from $1000 ta ...... hi seller of insurance, but there was $1500; that this was a negligible dn something pleasant in the idea a! suin ta match against his contentnaeo agaated weekly salary. I of mind- the contentmeflt ac- advsedhlmta stick ta bis insur- companying the knwledge that C.P ance job, and not until last week hie had done th. riglit thing in en- BelT did I know haw he had decided. listing; and against the value of vc Hie stuck ta his insurance job. hexprneand educatiofi ta .L But he owned'-ta a good deal be obtained from going overseas;D.W o! uneasiness of mmid over the that always, in the post-war years pe question, Shail I enlist? His con- he would have his owfl respect Ont. H science was troubling hlm. Then, and the respect of ail others from main toh. had agçnuine conviction having gone overseas; that if h. A Pt that his duty was ta enlist. Even did stay at his job, and were per-Afrtaigptepotonaotdthm ndc ouagnter Milton so, he wanted an outsider's opin- mitted ta do so, le would carry Atrtkn ptepsto lote hr n aofaigter dain ion. That is why he came ta me. about a guilty feeling - hat he, his gun-crew of a Western Canada anti-tank regiment check N. ~. ' Unhesitatingly I said ta hlm that would have forfeited lis own self- up on their position on the map during recent manoeuvers of the he ought ta enlist-this when I respect; hat hie would be shut 2nd Division. Sgt. Harry Morganson, of Calgary, points out the Conip learned that he had none .depen- out from many things of value spot ta Gunners George Isaac o! Acme, Alberta, Normnan Witley, out dent on hlm, that hie is single, that and desire by his neyer having of Blackie, Alberta, Bill Siveell, of Montreal and Rod Stratton, of Ed. l he is sound physically. He inclines gone overseas; that when he came - Westbourfe, Man. E.P ta the air service. His hesitatiofi back after the war is present Miss:E was: h. would b. giving up a job, employers would wlcomne lm, ,nlisting. I need not now gay ary hesitation over the'matter of tena and might not get another so0 good and that jobs would b. easier to htIsi ati on a aha hudb i eiinsa r ajbatrthe war. find Clan they would be if h e wa ai. tisYugma o athomeIor enhist-wcith -amue-J.D.C -a jobafterwere compelled ta say that he persuade hinnta enlist. H1e really a me ord ehapst- wit amuase poD. had not enlisted; thtisgfg did not need. much persuasion. o!ehamd er.D If you !were ta Englan, haat Ce arwosddee o l ig11e said, "I wish that you'd say 0ta - ...= J . . .1 would you *do? I asked him, and many good ways; that he needTm<hsqui hee erunmlyet frTm(i class mate friend) what R.B. hesaid promptly that he would neeAeagnmrOiet have no cholce - that he would good salesmen are aîways wanted you have said ta me, for his posi- bave ta go into somç division Of and are always hard ta V .l I Clan is as is mnine." Sa Tom came Random Ruminations M. il mutr ervice. IsadC lr said t a him oterChns f h along hat saine day, and the fol- ta neral ssto im or than wfhe eli asagd B B.Mno h.Sefm that h. fact hat he was resident saine gene sr, adwenh og dy bt heeld, ae F.heMnonteB.lfi ___________________left me, it was witl Che resolve 18, enlisted ta the C.O.T.C. When * *.*. ** hat le would enlist. Of course, December came, 'the Young mn should conscription camint Can- whomn I had talked with voluxn- Among the niany influences at ~~ m m * ~ada, or if he were summoned by teered for the Royal Naval Air wr html h etlatt MUE W m M Çdraf t, and in Chis way be taken Service-as'it was ten knownwr htmltemnalti- ** ~away frain lis present job, tIen and his friendi jotaed the engin- ude on important questions cr li e migît have no choice in re- eers. Bath sailed for Britain in tainly the Saturdtay Evening Post - -- -- gard ta wîat service he 'would December 1917. Bath came back musC rank high because a! its R O Y A L , enter, but today h. las tue privi- ta Canada in 1919, ta attend Ta- great circulation. ________ lege o! choosing h: particular ronta University. In tue recent past it las been TRIA?11 ~~brancl o! service of largest ap-JCKbtery-faial BOWMANVILLE peal tahiin, and if lie joined the e r i<t CongX bwhohad yus - faWathecad io!lt-,O ran o oficr.England on a visit and again the. general public that from the next zifl Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. JC K fallowing year. While attending issue hat viewPont wIll cese. of!hl My abject in telling about this a student conference an h. con- Dollars and cents have a way inow JULY 24 - 25 - 26 Young man's visit ta me is: some tinent, he met a in froin an of playtag a part hat is sacra- Mr.1 o! me readers - Young men - may Amnerican college at Sinyrna, and sanct ta stock and share-halders Sept WaiIaoeB. be debating his saine question this casual meeting resuhted twa of maly a concerfi. The. wtad chul with theinselves, and if site years laCer ta this Young man's changes and no one knows whence ont i may be glad Cg have h. point o! going ta this college tanSinyrna, it cames or whither it goes, but a sonq diview o! an outsider. ta jota its teachtag staff. While ta sage old sea captain, while admit- armr In this connectiori, I woul i th Nar East h. had gathered ting the truth o! hat statement Naim ta recall the visit ta me of a Yugmuchmtra relating ta the sai , but I knoiv low touse it. Ai with mAn iy 1917,, who came to Tu kish conquest of Asia Minor, Sa the wind has changed, and bis1 Le Crrfl -Ana Rutherford se me ta regard ta wlat h. e w eiei! aidi~tt popular opinion has veered ac- af slould do about enlisting. Pr.- book. Wben h. returned ta Eng- cordingly, so the sails are ta be lY,ý _________________ viously h. lad alked clver the land le was invited by a very* trinmmed ta sail the crs! C tata matter with me, but not with any disttaguished authar sud an au- money-making waters. But what Tue. W d.doubta ta his mtad as ta lis duty. -thority on h Near East ta colla- about hat mighty ariy o! readers Mon. - Tus W d e had submnitted himself for' borate with hlm ta writing a book o! light literature&wbo have been anc medical examination, sud had on Turkey for inclusion ta "Th~fed n allacy, left in the lurel,in ,TULY 28 - 29- been assured hat le fa it. Uis New World Series." mhe result- beasesin advdu sch itice 18Ch birtbday imminent, sud h. ing book led ta this Younig man's bas changed lis mid. Wa was but waiting itp arrival befare betag invited ta jota the teacbing Thus we came A<' a very great bhi k.190 Tame For volunteertag. I bade him defer staff o! Columbia University' danger because in a democracy his his. enistinent uxti dsummer- While at Columbia le took an teelgthaegnr aeu Comedi ~until after lis in ilation x examinatian, fçr admission tepwro h altai aecn yaminatiari. "Il will be a postpone- Canada's diplomatie 'service, in rC. petr vh.botsudn havYe stamlu# ment o uttamontls," I said which service he- has remained qeosed thair votefsaon manY in tafh.uetter Cake ils'exain- ever since, with appointinents ta etion with ayai sehf-sasa- g James Stewart Con.wtouWayabliytagrs atin, sa hat when you retur h. Canadian legations tnai5h the tremendous issues at stalce as Genviee Tblaafter je war, you can inimediate-' atn Tokyo and m Hague. a Çharlie Ruggles ly enter" This h. When Germany entered Hollsud, Mil'lnsuffortunately areinaw did, but during CIe twa months or tîls Young man was- sent ta this position, hey even are sa, be- ent News sao! defrred action, lis will oGrenlSfld, as conisul, and Chu ilsfggedCa they do nat even ake in ____________________ enlist l ad been tainpered with: lis office at h. present. time Ch.toble ta vote. But tIe min- Ch' COMING! one o! lis seloal mates who had Twice las he circled Che northerfi ipulation o! public opinion by bui enlisted spake discouraging words, part o! aur phanet, via Siberia, highly paid scribes is nat just so0 n "ýKitty Foyle" saying hat lis experience had the Pacifie sud Canada. Hie las innocent o! results as sasse iay h. and been a disillusionninent, hat yaung travelled muel in Europe. lie htak. It means. in the 'case at est "Foreiln Corresponident" men wauld be greatly ieeded a!- visited Formnosa for a fortnight, issue, hat unpreparedness las flhi Lu.i..u..r.w ww vter CIe war, and hat le would b. Korea for a mantl, and travelled now ta be faced, with h. lumili- as -~-srigCanada usefuily by nat 6000 miles in China. He is h. attag confession hat we are again Di authar o! several books, one a not readýr, and countless millions wa ______________________________________________schoharly work on a particular today lave been robbed o! home On period in Japan's history. and country. f i ,~ KThe cry o! the fatherless. h. wa i C K suffermng eaused by Che over- ni I tel his story o! his Young weening arrogance o! h. robbers las à lie = .o man because lis career is an un- and murderers lies ta no sinall wi usual one, and ladl its roats in lis extent at the door of the voters, res "Mj* »Ml. oment- ondtobxopr- s.e1 '- of Cnada laving enlisted for service in the who laving h power were not 1 »Mal à Com etam r ehVch euefe f irst World War before h. days sufficiently trained ta grasp its in DWIOW" Write Four Mune [i uo u o ! o conscription. Had Cis Young force sud portent. i amm i Mys »Ar, bn " tbni t ýl *.., man been free ta decide mnatters Msuy will say I did not hink wi mAli. lm ROWEY AR »VL qc...ot«àcopmy49 eblaon or imsel! - and lad her. been ..îet us stap righit her. ... did re *.M. unuvnUY Tidw ) st. IL, TôtontO. Ont. no conscription ta ake awaY lis no thtak . .. wehl many o! your an BOA? a Mt edm) i freedoin o! choie.; sud lad 19 re- best friends as well as yaur worst fic M1U TOPE 'rl ndm hm .wonderMlPiotuire.ame " obtainaible mained ta Canada while Brîtain enemies, have neyer accused you ci- for 2 box-tope front pakel 09 sud 1er Dominions were engaged o! doing hat. But mentally and mi DEMMONS ta f ateful war wiCh Germany, the moraliy, aceording ta your privil- an CORN STANCU certain htag is hat lis lif e after edges so are your responsibilities. di orlte war wouid have been vastly DdntCtk. r slto-f 9ILV WC&M LmueDY 81*8M different froinwbat it turned out i .. bt y thiyou. r omeon.g or icomlet lael fom tm I C be, and probaly it would lave* ta function and your essentiel Ci CUOWN DRANO SVrU been a poorer life ta respect o! iCsric ooniutethvrY f exprincs nd acieenets least you can do it not ta cumber Comblaau.-D age ta the wale a! yaur mental unawareness means s50 mudI5ouf- I>oi>rs teértag hat it is appaling..NO COMPOS MENTIS is a learful deceasë. 911 tMBER CO aLIIin Tf=Ma hat ... IT DMDNUT BOWMANVMIL, ONTARP[O rnship Council LRLINGTON COUNCIL Spipe for drainage pur- A Étamage elain o! H.J. swas turned over ta the ta- e. ompany. The Council d ta try out the experimerit d spraying, Ch.eastta b. CI te spray material. The was instructed ta ask the aries o! the school sections ta inte naines o! two chl- !rom esel section, the Reeve dce a draw of two naines, hese twa elildren will bel ta Toronto as guests o! the ian National Exhibition for ày and attend a banquet in lionour. Road Supermnten- iras instructed ta lave the o! the township bttered on îwer minattainer. i.s blils were paid: "elephone Ca., ser- Dcharge --- ---- $ 3.37 Bysin, relief - 4.00 >mo-thoraxrefuils - 6.00 liospital, Woodst.ock int, o! J. Perkins--- 46.00 eters, work in park- 24.00 in Slemon, sleep mages----- - - 6.00 Woodbey, sheep pectian - --------- 1.5<l ies' Treasurér, pitalization .-.-204.7t 'idduel, relie!f_-- 7.0( E. A. lt, relief-- 5.0( L and Bridges, mata- iance sud repair --2,051.9( 1. J. Austini, M 30.0( , -ogartl, excise sud Cage------ --- 4.01 .Hogarth, bal. 2nd Lrter salsry----- 125.0 ýFaiCI, grant S. Ont. grieultural Society - 25.0 1Staples, grant Cen- al Durhamn Agri. Fair 75.0 ýGbaspell, slecp spection --5.0- telks, sheep damages 144.0 Obituary William Brent ihawa's oidest resident, Geori Lian Brent, died at the lon his daugîtèr, Mrs. Sain Gur ýw, 10 Ontario Street, Oshaw B rent wauld have been 97c temnber 2. He was on. of! jdren. lis f aCIer was bci CIe Islanid o! St. Helena, t 1o!, one o! the membens O! t ny guard. sent Cher. durii poieon's exile. p,nzingly active and aiertf years, Mr. Brent was il a' lw days. The end caine quiq while sleeping. 00 rg me rr- on the d religleus Copies, as weil as the Ddern changes o! social sud pal- cal. affairs, Che bat. Mn. Brent; si lnown as su ardent -and en- usiastie reader. Books farnicd schie! hobby sud 'pleasure, sud iti recent years, !armed the ilis o! deep Chougît sud learned >vcrsatiai. lie was aise leenly' terested ta music sud years go Cool a hceen delight ta play- CI te violin sud flute, as wel jti staging. A resident o! Osh- w4 for a period o! almost sev- ,ty-f ive years sud îaving lived Ltils district previaus ta Chat, le iste George W. Brent helped uild. the village itt a thrivtag, idustriai Cown sud tin ter years e ad watched with keen tater- st its developinentitot a f ull- ldged city, Caking its place mang: the beadtag elties o! Che numiion. A loyal qitizen, lhe ras proud o! lis "home town." >ec!fthe proudest moments o! is career as a citizen o! Oshawa ras at Che sunuai Oid Folks Din- er, held at CIe Hotel Genosha ast fall, when b. was presented %iI a pnize as the "oldest maie esident o! Oshawa." Born in Southamptoni, Engiaiid, r1844, Mr. Brent; came with [s parents ta Canada, when hl 'as only 5 years oid. The !amlY esided ta Quebec for soin. years id bater moved ta Torontoansd ro Cher. thCe district c! New- zstle. In November. 1868, le îarid Mary Brewer a! Oshawa nid made lis haone Chere. In ad- ition ta six chldren, Cher. are :rCy grsudehldi'n sud forty-twa great-grsudcbiidren livtag Caday, to mourn CIe passing o! CIe head f Cheir !amily. MIr. Bren C was a member o! Ch. Oshawa Volunteel' Fire Brigade, in the days wlen CIe hose-cart ; spuiled on wleeis, by the emen Chernseives. He was em- ployed as engtaeer at Fittings .td., for msuy y cars sud previeus t0 hils lad worled as an engineer for CIe McLaughlii Ca rrniag e Wonls and also ta the Hall Mach- ine Slap. Memnbers o! the immediate fain- [by taclude an uninarrled sister, Ellen Brent, rsiding ta Mary- lsud, U.S.. one son, George firent, Oshawa, sud five dauglte'5, Mrs. Sain GumnmaW, Mrs. S. B. Fer- sytle, Oshawa; Mns. O. C. Lander, Harmony; Mrs. W. Ruiter, Prov- idence, Darlingtan Township sud Mrs. R. C. Biayney, Taronto. A son,' James Brent, Toronto, pr. deceased lis father saine twenty years ago. The funerai service was Ieid Monday afternoan. Interment was made ta Che Union'- Cemet- ery, with Bey j. V. McNeeley, pastan o! King St. United Clurdli, o!fficiating. better han suyane cisc is ta dir- ect ine fan prosperltY. Figît for somCIing sud get le. Tben trade le of! or igive le awsy. This is bow ta leep yaur ttrest in lif. penenniai. A fdllaw who bas "maney ta burn'l neyer bas ta walt bang fan hsmatch. e n IT IMPORTANT OTICE to en' Liable for Militry Taining F National Resources Mobiisaton Acen 1940 and The War lessure Act), The Governo in Coundilibas now made Hiable for miitary erinlng for the, defence of Canada - --ma maie BrIdul aubjctgesddent la Canada at any tie siace September lut, 1939, who, on JuIy i5th, 1940, wcre unmarried, or childiesu wldowers. and whio on Jtuly lut, 1940,b"a ienched the ages of- Twenty-one yeam Tweney-thrcc yemr Twenty-two ycaru Twcnty-four ycars Mcn designated la die aforegolag are fuler réquired «To subinit tbemselves for medical exaination anido uudergo milutary trainig for a period o1fjour usontbs witbin Canada or ibe territorial waters sbereof, oud so report at sud' places and limes anuinlusncb manmer ad ou10sueb outborities or persous s auuq b. uotified go Ibent respectih'ly by a DivisionalRegistrar of ans Administrativ>e DivitsSfl Extract (rom Paragrapb 4 of Proaaido. SIPECIAL PROVISIONS designed to facilitate equitable conditions of mobilization war industries, or in essen il occupations, may b. addressed t ch Divisional Registrar concernéd. Eligibie Mon Must Not Leave Canada without Authority No maie British sub =J who is liable w be cailed out for military training sha, aûter bis age clas hbu been called out by proclamation, leave Canada, for any reason whatsoever, unless an ni eb ensatoie nwrtn yteCara fteBadt whose jurhs. diction sucd monis subject. llaible mon Must notifY authorities Immedlatoly of change of address or marital statue I r single mam or childiesu wldower beween thc ages cf 19 and 45 ad if you change your address, or if you marry, you muse immediately notify THE NATIONAL WAR SERVICES DIVISIONAL REGISTRAR IN TII! DIVISION IN WHICH YOJJ ARE R!GISITJM! If you do aot kxiow the naine aýd addrcss of your Divisional Regiserar, a*k ut your local pose office. Failure wo comply wlit ehis requlremene may subject you wo a fine or imprison. ment. ment, after their perlods of training or service. =zder conditions that will failetate ther te entry w dcvilian ide. Pubisbd fr Io ifordio oftboo cnc«edMJ teistorif y and cWrssy t'e M t4-14ix f4 THE HONOURABLE JOSEPH T. THORSON, Mnister of Nationd War Sort*#$. THfURDAY, JULY, H'!, m~i includo P.O. Name On SIldhr' Mail The incomplete addressing of mail intended for soldiers at training centres in Canada is the cause of numerous delays in de- livery. Hon. Win. P. Mulock, K.C., Postmaster General, to obviate this situation, again requests the full co-operation of the public in writing out ini full the correct and complete address on ail militarY mail. It is essential that the Post Of- fice place-naine should always be included ini the addresses of mail ") Y u Part in the Na"tional Eniergecylv f posted to soldiers stili in Canada Do ou a because their mail is handled bY the civil post offices and flot by the Arniy Postal Service. The S AE GS omission of the - "naine of place GS where the soldier is located" has resulted in many such letters and i 1. urn off motor wlief not in use. Lparcels belng forwarded to the 2. Keep carbureter cleaned and adlilsted. Base Post Office, where it is found that the Units namned in the 3. Have Gartoli'5 lune motor, timngD, etc. address are Étill in Canada. The 4. Reduce drlvlng speed front 60 to 40. 1resulta.nt delay thus. caused, and 5. Don't strain englne - change gears. the extra work thrown upon the 6. Keep plugs and valves dlean. Canadian Postal Corps in locatiflg 7 urct a n nieot the addressees of this mail would 7.ubctearsdngeofel be entirely eliminated if the rules 8. Check cooliug systeili. of correct addressing are observ- 9. Don't race yoùr englue. 0ed. 1.Aoà"akabt trs Mail f or delivery in Canada 1.Aod"akabt tra 0should be addressed with the us- ual complte Rtiak and Nammm mnta uen n ain ei- Garton' .Garmabe '5Nieand ýdetails of Unit - (L.e.,Bu evc o Company or Section, Squadron, Phone 2666 uSeve SBattery, Holding Unit, etc.) and 0Namneof Regiment or branch of othe service, in ful;and the NANE ýTHE SOLDIER'S UNIT IS LO- of Regiment or brandi of the ser. Change is people-people *lth oCATED. vice in full - and the words new ideas and new mental pic- )oMail for Delivery Overseas Canadian Army Overeas, but no tures. The world is perpetu )0 should bear the Regimental Num- place-naine should be given. pe rgatwt hne ber, Rank and Naine of Soldier, Ail letters should be fuily p Tehpenan wi t han e b Ao Namne and Details of Unit, (iLe., paid, and a return address should eoywa tamk bt Company or Section, 'Squadron, be given in the upper left-hand ends meet may be ta cut saine o » Battery, Holding Unit, etc,) Namne corner. the spending end. if the Board lus atisfled dth di.calng out of mny Manifor miitary trau i in wilCams extrerne hardablj w ethose dependent upon such mani, the Board may, from urne tindur, postpone the truxning!period of the -ani: Provided that such -a- s"i apply for a POUs. pontement order ia accordaxice with dhe provisions of subsection one of section cmaoofthe; regulatioas. Postponemeflt Applications Must b. Made In Writinq No application for a postponemeat order % yb. made otherwise dhan la wriding, by the, maon cailed out, to the Divisional Registrar who issued te "Nodice-Medlcal Examinion and widhix eight dear days of the date appearing on suèh notice. Any person who appears before a Board shah do so at his owa expense. m 1-1 Total $2,767.1 J. D. Hogarth, Cler

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