THURSDAY, JtYLY 247%~ 1941 THE CANADIAN STAISMAIN, BOWMAiIV1LLE. ONTARTO UUUUMMUUmmoeemuumMUMMrepotdrcitCiae $7.00 WALLBRIDGE ZOUS 18 22 yràfflOLD frmteaiternoan tea an "ae SPORTNEW S Z hohuie" Iawn. The association bas Yi. A~W ~ U H 014 d 1 purcased twa $5.oo war savings eero Sase Te tire tsfato MQult ThlPhone Cltke114crtfcte. and donated them ta : eT s ye n i rso nÀthe United Church ai Canada. P t ro t r Mrs. N. L. Rickard canducted aToyu U*U***********************quiznd information prgrammlfe A oriepîe Beeve and Mrs. C. R. Carvetb those present from a distanceantearydsaiNwste wr i rteDvdGlakand Miss Ruth Honey, B.A., fav- Defat S lem_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ul spent the weekend at Ottawa. wr i rteDvdGlak ored with a vocal sala accair- i.FieasoaetTi tena' Iro. llobt. .bnes, Newcastle-on- Waldron, Sask., and bis daughter, p______ Lactogen Dodds.N. L the-Lak ta isnaitohubNewd .GranWof sln. Rlckard isa engaged the mem- In ane ai the best softball games 69C pn thci Brunswi oRii er t. ni bers in a garden cantest. The af the seasan, Caurtice defeated3c c87 winners were the April-May-June Salem by a 14-3 margin last 1.59 ~BsPauline Deline bas been VISITORS birthday group ai which Mrs. R.ThrayRghuptteslt clérl nn Brlttan's store while E. Martan was aneoai the mast lnning, it was a nip-and-tuck en- tai having ber tansils aut. at Mr. Ernie Alldread's. sevedrefreshments.bc otes= ndi caersak 'sSw etfikthM xtr Contractar King, a cousin ai Mrs. S. C. Scuitharpe, Taranta, ________ play. At the end ai the fiith in- For beete and cucunibers - Rev. R. E. Martan, and twa car- with Mrs. W. H. Pearce. ning, the Courtice crew had a ---3c ygi 0 penters fram Keswick are build- Miss Norma VanDusen, Taron- RED CROSS GARDEN FETE slim 6-5 advantage aver their ap- i gai. * z ing a large sunraam an the east ta, at Mr. W. Vanflusen's. A BIG SUCCESS ponents, with pitchers Norm Horn sde ai Elmburst Htel Miss Muriel Lake, Taranto, with fand Jerrya Peeo und batgthe Awedding taok place at the her mather, Mrs. Frank Gibsan. Military Band and Saldiers fn iharr iudbti.FyTx~~oa ra United Church parsanage JuIy Miss Marguerite Smith, Hamil- Papular Wltb Crowds But i the iirst ai the sixth, the 2AC seft asNafle 21st, when Robert Jaseph Henry tan, with Mm. and Mis. J. H. amensNchosilelre ta m u wt 4e- Micks, Part Hape, son ai Mr. and Smith. The Garden Fete under auspicesa7 usornsprgt mk Mrs. Win. Micks, and PhyUlis Mr. and Mis. A. H. Fisher, ai the Red Crass, held on the Bult i pianeer ta"e by Newcastle's icremoat citizens this theniselves sure winners. They, Joyce Freeman, Part Hope, dau- Belleville, with Mis. Gea. P. Cammunity Hall lawn on July 18, toak full advantage ai the breaks FIy Fume Cen ghter ai Mi. and Mrs. Michael Richard. proved a great success, bath fin- aid residence bas seen days af prosperity and tiecline, happiness ta score their runs wbich were 4 Freeman, were united in marriage Misses Charlatte and Mabel ancîally and sacially. Banners and tiagedy. Always occupied by thc descendents ai Asa E. Wall- tallied byvrtue qf 3 hits, 2 errars 24C____ * by Rev. R. E. Mortan. Gray, Toronto, halidaying at Mi. across the street hailcd the pass- bridge, its builder, untif lii day last winter when the last twa and 4 walks. In the meantimne 43 73e Despite the thunder and ligbt- Gea. Gay's. ing 'matomist, and the lawn with residents Miss Annabel Swim and Miss Sarah Thampson last their pitcher Petersan held the Salem- Na e ning and rain several frain the is. James Haugh, Ta-it locs nisibsmdea ites scomeless. Dpltr -4 Newcastle sectian attendcd the ranta, at the former Win. Bana- attractive setting for the gail lvebyie.T ouhoduniueadatqesclnal Peterson turned i about the Fiy CoUs Clemence picnic at Creani ai Bar- than barne, Beaver St. dccamated baoths. On the temace days wcmc sald Saturday by auction. A repart ai this, event ap- finest pitching gaine this year, as 6 fr 0 ley an July 16th. Thase wha were Mms. Blackwell and Miss Edîth were thc tea tables shadcd by pears i anather calumu. be liitcd the Salemites ta 6 bits, S . O fotnt nuht eo ieCmblTrno ihtergarden umbrellas.- stmuck out 5, and was very steady25 fortunte enagh tabe on imehCanpbeluTarahe, wih ther ______25_ ate their picnic lunch in the di- sister, Mis. Gea. Hancy. "Whitecoc hrearie anbc At fur ~clck tWrearrvedElephants" by the score CiCirketioubot henti gie oN. ZmukIibiM e ~~Ing ball. Later wben the skies Mr. Clifforu Phillips and Miss the Military Band ai District De- L R oeSeilmninge oNr 9 9 had cleared Miss Louise Cox con- Pearl Abar, Taranta, with M. and po a ,udr h amn ining new owners. The fLiPty L k h rCak Horn wha-turned in bià best ef- 4c aisprs utie.Atedac wsMrs. Edmund Tbackray. pt N. 3indte mand ofrg ,a Stail" rapidly filled up wth an fort ai the year for Salemn. Up 70us. Mran. Farr and granddaughtC at Bandmste .Jesaninccampani- array ai excellent clothig for air Visitors: Mr. and Mis. R. Al-tl Ucffbinn ealFL SD V L PD FE 70pu.Miss Dally Purdy, Spruce Villa dbadmosatnpatn raid victims, as weil as $10.00 in dreci at Mr. Les. Alldreds al the Courtice autflt only anc bit. Th1opraieysddndahHatel, Whitby, witb Mme. M. Pr charge ai Lt. Briggs. The pres- cash, and at Uic book stail a rum- Grave. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bev. And but for thc odd bit ai wlld - _______________________ aiTe J aat A. Aw den uly17Ui y. ec iUcbn n itegopber ai bocks were collected for' Jaynes, accompanied by Mm. and ness, lbe would have gat away of onaha A.Awd o Juy 1th Mm. and Mrs. Grant Melbourne ai aders te addad oery grotlyt he mdianycamnpse. e g teMrs. -H. Chala, Bawmanville, witbout a run scared against bimn was uta shock onSutay adve.radbody.obsoHeWlmataredyent tateMontreal.Th.dane i MissvninTay- molue tthoseea.'.nitialTy- nhiningnital niss.H sup-p wasoutta hurh a SudayandMm.andMis Hoson Wi- Uc ejoyentai he ft&ioai. music for wbich was provided by lor, Caurtice, Mr. and Ms. Chas port failed hum at vcry crucial cumning, Juy 13U, tb is acni hinn c. îhMs H . Thrcatening main forced an the Racola Music Box, so kidly Bedwin, Brawn's, Mm.,H. Wright moments, waflks and errars being bcrt bndbae.Heha ase -Mm. Robt. Ratcliffc and son carly adjaurmnct ta the great loaned by Mis. Purdy, was grcatly at Mm. Art Bedwins. . . Mrs. N. responsible for mare than a few veretroke nheTueshd a e- Rb.J. orn ihM. and hall; but here, with thc doors ejydb ag ubra Gartshare, Pickering, with Mrs. ai the Courtice runs. In addition Mis. Ben Moise and at H. R.aagbt ie ln ieaeYoung people and iteresting S. Powell. -to pitcbing well, Horn also hclped ng and neyer recavercd con- the band was soonsaupn spectators, whilst in the basement Mrs. T. Powell ia still quite ill. out greatly in the offensive far day ioun Thern, conductcd byRv m .F.CnoB. o the stage, and througbout t the heginscareda udrthe Mrs. 1>. Laverty , Harmony, Fas bis teain, with twa bits in thie R. dy fE Moon, was Iargel y atedv ri idad.dMm.Cnoternoon provide eght u - udirection ai members ai thc Men's been with ber. t»W IJHtbat R. ETororto, with heliiamly atMis. sic. This band wbicb bas been Committec, Miss Dolly Purdy and The harvesting 9f Uic fail grains I-itting honors go ta Garnet e.T.oM.Gno, n'hthi all tMs. organized only about two months Miss Pai4linc Deline enlivened the and the carly oas is almiist coin- Richard, Ken Wcrry, and Nomi - ~ Sunday morning in the UnitedT.M. md ibss. Ei Wlo-Bail, under the leadership ai Band- evening's proceedinge by eacb pletcd. ANrnforSaleARE Lo twobit AN j - Cbrc Rv. . . oron rcc and MGlo ric aTon xhmaster W. Jesse merite Uic great- singing twa plcagng numnberir. Sympatby is cxtended ta Mr. apicce. Wbilc Hl. Gay and John cd on Our Responsibilities. Miss Dm. W. H. and Mis. Waltan-Ball est possible praise for the splen- Draws weme made for thc vani- and Mrs. J. Taniblyn, Orona, on Richard wcre Uic players for Giv aroe ssnegao Kathleen Simpsoni, Cowanvillc, at Harris Lodge.dimanrnwic trdcd ous articles for wbicb tickes ei death ai anc ai their baby Courtice ta get two bingles eacb. redecda opan slo a c M.adMs Ed. Quinlan and a varied programme of inspiring sold, Uic draws resultiag as,fol- sons in Bowmanvillc Hospital* Caurtice - Dunster, c; Elliott, p revceahioUicanoslounQareted-.fa ndy, Ms.Maic Quinlan, military marches, "The Great lows: The silver cabinet donated 2b; H. Gay, lb; J. Richard, rf; C v n umber.the mli uattemers-Toront, Mboidantuic frmrMilitany Tatioo" and sucb nuin- by Mm. J. A. Smith, won by ercd a nm Ed. The bers asToyonto ucet.a"The Rosthevormer , i-Petethenn; Browe, Ih;aCryys, -wcre Howard, E - ,Ross adBreen nome, Newcastle-on-Uie- bran ,"bideet,hec." G " George Frncomb; Mis. Claude IClarke UnioPnteman,; Bron, f; Cbrye-f.laitwodlco June Allia, with Margaret Pearce Lake. ad"be ihMPGunner Macdonald won the cdock; Mme. SalelOUman - s; a1 *a c; unli re. iinsdcmlt y acmayge n Miss. Robinson as put ona cx- Frn3ikr el h inn b; G. Richard, 2b;, Horn, p; protionm aey througb ilnineteof M s C s-Mis an ale and sawaRiss-hibition ai taip dancing wbich tickçet on Uic laip; and Uic quili Mis. ErnestHawk la in Toronto Hammi, If; Blackburn, ss; A. o& er. Bev. W. J. Bycrs, Toronto, Margaret and Master Alfred Gib-dcwfrhousaippus was won by Mis. M. Aldrècd. Hospital. Richards., c: Brereton, rf; Wcrry.o. naaarouilb. suoii pranaunced Uic benediction. son, Cortland, N. Y., with their froni an. appreciative audience. The proccedsaranc xpcctcd ta Colin Smith mnd Rarry Patter- lb.r An enoyable faailly event lic grandmother, Mm. T. M. Gibson. Tpartho e artead much nct around $400 . Bed Cross will son are bath sportig new Cbcv- R H E Sbaw's comnaunity was Uic birth- _________ priefr ivmres dTpe- meet July 24th when a complete olet cars. Couitice 100 237 1 14 8 4 day celebratian in banor ai Mr. cisian oai us manoeuvre.ort wiJI be given. Miss Mamian Bichaby wbo bas Salem 012 020 0 5 6 4 Wm. Gilbank, at Uic home of bis UNITED CHURCH W. A. thanlcs ai Uic Newcastle Red Cross report_______________iss______ daehter, Mme. Alex Prout, an are due Lieut.-Col. A. H. Bounz- OD) LRDEBUE Subehldas it h Miss ElToron SLMv.N" P July9IM. Mi. Gilbank bas reacb- W. A. ai Uic United Church sali, wbo was in general charge ai OLD OFLLBR AETIQUE Sourh ands urnedt oro cd Uic age ai fourscarc years, amtwi-P1sdnMe . H.the «wboic iiiliary programme. CEIE F ISNTIQ BoEMi orano M itde .ie.nifodm a wellvs. MIedls PLy ou - -.-- . ....-----.. inu aiighest probity mnd Chuis- Jase in Uic chair. Mis. N. L. Rick- The different booths did a rush- FUNSSG ob, T. obta isitcd at Sg. D. il am wdll-pay, cboely faugh tin qualities and relatives gath- aid led la prayer and Mis. W. J. ing business - Uic Pantry Sbelf, Antetcn nie12ya oc'.Bbi eai hibaginTudyngtMks ered froin many centres ta banor S. Rickard read the ecnipture. !ce cremi mad cmndy tables dis- draina ai Uic aid Wallbîidge bouse secinred Hawk was g h tiougb bis P a e tcuntovrySabomys. eTs sa hlm on this occasion. Anmong Mm. Percy Brown, group leader, pensing good thinge ta eat and at Newcastle was enacted Satur- sus. a 9-6 margin. Ken Wcrry cmerged -day wben Uic accumulations ai Mr. and Mis. James Stevenson, as Uic undoubted star ai Uic gaine, Uic genemations ai Asa E. Wall- Orono, Bey. and Mre. Buchanan, as Uic husky firs-sacker had a Phonoe ~l IN D n 'Fc >uns i os a11,wn îkay ns n ib~bt cibridge, who built and began ta Kingsbury, Que., visitcd Mme. John perfect day at bat, hitting' safely Pu5 R. CJPJVLIIM F11. clvr sold by public auciion. lastinmning banier witb anc man The bouse has neyer beca qcd an base.______________________________ cupedby y -utmemer iid ~wanvie Davc Qeborne gets second place îdescendants ai Uic Wallbride__inhe c onour lilt, as be lmted mainly by the 'anc per mnnlagQ f anuily and many ai Uic articles Uic Salem icamn ta 9 bits, amd. Uicmeans' t b U bituaryenthy'eý used on Uic faim mad ic be ouse Visiiors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Far- victory, puttig Mikc's Place ina a ~ xc e ywr in Uic early pioncer days wemc row with Mr. and Mis. T. Ste- tic with High Scbool for first bcld scarclcss) an-d except for the 4 M D custl l a good state of- preserva- phens. . . Mr. and Mis. J. Ruther- spot ia Uic league standing. second inning wben 2 bite, 2 walks dCahrnHul tian. Froni Uic ox yakc ta thc fard with hem parente, Mr. and The billard lads bunichcd their mnd a ficldcr's choice allawed sufdpaok rmhm-aeMme. R. Hafliagsworth. .Mr. and runs inta Uiree fraines, getig 3 Brown and Winters ta score.Teectrdinors nBw fumniture iasbioned by the in- Mme. Wes. Stringer with'Mi. amd la Uic second, 5 la Uic thurdamd ioll<ta hmespu md ome-Mis. Wllls Farrow, Port Granby. anc in the f ifib. Wbile Salem gai Cecil Mutton and John Moore- mtrawe' lnsahgl woven goode fabricatcd - by Uie .Mr. amd Mis. Lclmnd Payne, 3 in thc fiiet, anc in Uic third, and rat stnrthe let boohd luas t espce esn d ahrn 1: ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ TO A G S- t icpie niue irniture W. mnd Mis. W. Layton. Mr. This wa nc aith best field-~ former drew a walk and Uic latter Jms~n iCab ohp wome, rinea demolaNwoilc wihbrpents, 2biUitevah îall dinuiclei n ing as icfields covdwf iFr rc ~~NTAEKO ouunoon GROWN I ~~~~~~~bougbt on Uic markets ai colonial sud Mis. Reg. Robinson at Mr. N. imggaines ai Uic scasan, Uic errarsbtadoleat rib fid.DcadwaUconyagtr lb I U jetrult 2 .. -- days - cverything found a rcady Andrews'. . . Mr. and Mrs. John being canspicuaue by their few- Bu< icencx two inawcnt ouitiUcli m.m i.Cac orgmo oEowN JiJICE Umswetewed 2g. 'mns 17 Saine o techie rctesO etMr. amd Mis. Chas. Cw . anc ai Uic most spa$lng ctces gm.sadLo1,Cn5,nMrc24 ibAU 0 "tis dispersai sale wcre Ale Mis. B. Mifleon mnd farnily mnd ai Uic season, as be caught "Bcd" AI Osbolne, as wcll as pitching 186.Ms uswsa ue POTAT ES N. i rade10 ii. 2< PE CHES Dessert 1-M 10e Dean, manager, Oshawa, ncpbcw Mr. T. Kinsinan attcided UiceBundlc's scorchingg Une-drive ia a goad gaine, was Uic lcading riindi<otinw gvbe PO AT ESNO Gad 1 bai Uic Tn f h laie Miss Annabel Swim; Thïomnpson picnic at Uic Creani ai Uic third inaing. bitter for Goadycars with 3 bits frtcnicaia1abrhm N 8WEE"", * Ubwm PU & IM SuJ d ins34z 20 ai.H e ateiefssa thoa; Crookcd Creek soi ibalgirls lned 4, mnd Richards. wh relieved amd Brown wceeUiceanly Union frcdadn1hbu dawy aumeheui mu'm ~ t..oAutie aer M.s J.rahChallis andplaaned a welaer roasi ai tbe Hrmain Uic thurd, stmuck oui anc. players ta bit eafcly marc than illa ab tesa e 2 UP AIL Pea5ut "-0& Uc Ccrk Chas . . asonBowan-d hool ground but on accaunt ai Osborne waiked one, Hrmawalked once, bath garneriag two safcties. ernt eiutd h a ONTAUZO GEOWN COOKINGg ville. And ai course there was Uic .wei weathcn it was beld ai M. 4, sud Richards 2, Goadycars: Wseman, If; Os- mme iUcWmnsMsin lbs. Canadg arsel ~~~ 2 7c greai gaihering ai buycrs from Wcs. Stringer's an Wedesa "Buck" Lar e, Tommy Dcpew borne, p; ColwelU, 2b; Canway, ci; aySceyadms iieUic SuIONS No. 1 Grade 8 1bs- 5' LOISTER c-boe. 2c fariand neai, froin duies, towns night. They ail enjoycd thein-and Lau Rune led Uic hitting ¶Croaibie, c; Oke, 3b; Wright, if; Cucrn.sriewscn ONAEO EON lhIIE DtQuld ercauntrysîde, people with fm selves with lots ofwcincrs, leinon- attack for Uic wcsi-endcrs, alMcMrter, lb; Vanstane.s. ONU M ON quaiu vra~~< CD EIfE.ker ors Pc ilies, prospective brides and ade and dancing. gctting 2 bits each. Besides Ken Local 189: Tighe, ss; Mutton, 3b; dce yBy.S itead IEI.flU Ie~ICOURUES Large ResU grooms,,newlyweds, amateur and ________ cn. antRca4weUcMoorecrafi, cf; S. Woods, p;OmowotsiidaUcCh- il SA H TI nemms 2 4 23C proiessianal antique collectors. banc Salemite ta connc allrf; Hooper, c; Fry and J. Woods,tincact ithdcesd CL RMT"At this 122 year old bouse there FOOTBALL FINAL mare than once, Uiceibig second Bradd, 2b; Brown, lb; Winters, Shlavstmuaheps- 25< ETC UP. 35C~ was somcetblag for cveybcdYfiaginai.-Drig baseman gcetilng 2 bite la 3 times iIfhmhu.a d o-Kn e 5'Bt&'wihmoeytobu.The sale weiit The fnlgreafteDr ing Ma.RHEntadthc ries .E C*LIDOENIA VALECIA nu. on bu- Salein: Hrm, p and se; HamiGoïodycars -- 080 200 x-10 13 2 SiwObwH .Suh CLPR MECAbriskly o fromn noon ta dusk and tan Football League play-af b-se; Richarde, se mnd p; Rundlc b oa - 11101663ClneUin ydS .Suho Do:orz~ soirr CHIPS .01U 2C thase wbo bought large arile wenCort JadSolina will Werny, lb; Macdonald cf; Black-L. .S U HHO E Fe lc:mG ::Fgg mua ~ ' 23. their purchases ibat nigbt wreCourtice. rrtn. Tebair ec i cihos TCES A»sMLB 5 le 3 X-9. 2o privilcgcd ta leave thernin l UctheeBecin for Mikeis Place: McKnight AiIfurI.aundM., Hcnry SwME GREEFDIIT6 2. D o ad bouse till Manday morning. When the bouse wherc the twoDett Piper, 3b; Dcpcw, 2b; C. Osborne, AFTER ACCIDENT ciJhPatso mdHcr - ai~~~~~od ladies met their deatb by fine SB_____________a; ID. Osborne, P; Large, lb; Kent, A '~ DLJ PIE CHESE l. 2e S exi ccupcd i wml pmbably D. .o.DIKONn; Rundle, cf; Welsb, c. Bwa ~-.nn rae AJanee e5OOI5 aduibN24 be by extocped whll urDR.a.t. DItoO R H E Hie many friends la bis home Tefoa rbtswr ute An AweUicdGéd Wa plrde i amxy.urltdt Office hoursInli Orona: Monday Mike's Place-- 035 01C x-9 9 2 tawn ai Bawnianvillc wiil be glad exrsingismah o i lmb.m _______te_________ ta lFr4_ wlda (luiv)froa.m . Salen-Q.I-300 100 2 --Oin10 1ta leara from thUic fllwinaitem imiy l14C > a IPresco it, Long auaiM.wei'e sent ecampemmng acrosthe time tut OI. AL*oDuVU woue sue- Boneles ai Roastu lb. A.Prescoti's. Misse arartpiate. l.cumab. However, he made a stran GuseitM'.ud i.N.C OClb Smith with Rev. and Mrs. A. la thc meantie AI Osborne raliy amd bas since pi'agiesse~ dlweswreMm Mi.H Harding, Ensiln. M.adlumitcd teLcl o3rnfo steadlly taward full recovery. R.aiosu VenTri, Mme. H. L. Pascoc, Columbus, ai thefitrat two lnlags. Ia Uic fouiib A later repart says Mm. Souch Me uloNcaa a. .w~ ~~'i.u Mm. . C. Pmcoe's. .. Mise da Uic init vo Goodyear players on Sunday aflernoon was able ta a i dMm.W.Fud 6FA£ 1"J U .STO RESaUMcCullocb cajoycd a motar trip Stateaman Office weni down. Thea successive bits take a trip ta a sumaxer cottageBomvle iii uim iimta Ottawa.. Mies Evelyn Cun-a Il'c by Conway and Cromble were ut Lahevlew Beach, Scugog le. MmsuMi.JcBros d ~~I Ibm lU III~ M I aingham, Brantford, Miss Fred* BowmaniivIII turncd mIat ruas as the noxt rma lsud, where he wlll convalesce OlnOhwM.Mrbl ~~qpass 'uitei~ ~ ~ Sndly, Bade, ai Mi.Wallaoe ot on base via Uic errai' route. for Uic next iwo maniba. Hie is lDtot m dMe i* U moww W MýVW» nt e*myWMF»u- Pascoc's. . Mm. amd Mme. E. V. This cllmaxed scorlag activlty for- mmy friends wll be glad ta lean Hre rosm alv a Bowmm., Kitchener, ai Mr. God odcr that ho la wefl on tb. way ta me- rvvlue i.m 1rs .E frey Bowman's. The Local lads gai ibehr mune covory. Wry