TKià SDAY, ZULY 24TE, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, WMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EE ------ -------Mm u....u mU miss Audrey Eliott vis#ted Miss J. C. Renwick, Whitby, frienda i Ottawa. spent the weekend with MissI Phone 668 Leonard Sunuerscales, T~oron- was held at Cream of Barley - ---- ---- ---- ---ta, was home over the weekend. Camp, Saturday. m **~****UUUUUUUUUMMMUUUUj Mrs. C. N. Ruse, Toronto, r.WltrBowMie Mrs. L. hgeto h issBiaone visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. ana haipe vîwled friends 1(r. and Mrs. Frank Henry, MissgutofUeMs Biaome Mrs. Sid Morris. et ,)gbcaygeon. , Reta Henry, Uxbridge, Mr.' Sd Mrs. Reginald O. Jones and Mrs. Mvrs. Wilbert J. Hoar Is hall- JL LAAC Miss Frances Rowe in nw o Henry, Hampton, Mr. F ra nk Jack Gunn are holidaying at Rice dyn tSugo on ihM. the Post Office staff. Henry Jr., Toronto, vlsited MrL. Lake. ang Ms.A L.tu ge aniM. . and Mrs. E. Passant, Duke St. Pte. George Carter, Gavernor adMs .L aemn - ~Ms. ughCameron spent the Gd ir, onofe alsrte advsie t.Murray Hudson, C.A.S.C.,q Da Ev nJu y 2to Ag s 2 wepsend at Cbourg. GrdGe, o f r ndteasr eerds, y Cap Borden, visited his sister, B g 9 a v n 3 l 3 t Mrs. Roger Bird, is one af the Miss Ida Hudson et the Bowmefl ý'Mss Muriel McDonald has been latest Bowmanville boys ta joinM is abr Rhe;shal os.THEEPOLICY 0F WALKER STORES LIrMTED 18 teo fferthicut esevr soonyfenept-dt hôlidaying t Lindsay. uP. He enlisted i Lindsay some deying with Miss Margaret Storey Mr. and Mrs. L. G. MeManus 7M .EgnWgtiweeks ago and was sent ta the et Lake Niplssing. endbayJdtTrta ae. merchandise. Therefore all gooda must be sold during the season for which it was bought. tatrehtmstftee q* e tBooln .Y . . ing her brother, Mfr. E. R. Free- Miss M. Trebilcock. x er u hyms esl hssao.Bdrn Maiss Dotea Jeffery i a ll- Maiss Ru pt alryd ern shmmnsteahaleMrs. Robert Leach and Miss are draaticaily reduced. You can purchase and enjoy themnow, will be supplied for next sim eadwl aemd hoiaigis making satisfactory pragress Corp'l. Hector Gould, lst Mid Wilma Legg, London, and Miss E. iWstJeyn Cnaerli n e from ,an appendux operation. Her lands, St. John, N.B., is home on M. Werry, Toronto, were guestaA DOLEAV N luWstr ntrô t De-lîttle'sister Barbare elso had her leeve with wife end femily. of Miss Florence Werry. A D U L E S V N 1fr an Ms. ictr effry ndtonsils removed recently. We congratulate Miss Violet Miss Louise Wilson, who has Merchandise la so varied and many quantities sa limited that it la impossible ta jiat morethnaerfewViith Maiear vsiig rind e'ode- The Jemieson Block tKn art nothigfrtCf5 recently secured a position -with Mrieaeh iig redsa and Silver Sts., now beems Kpn honors in Grade I Theory et the the Linton Lumber Ca., Toronto, store frequently as fresh apportunities ta save money will occur daily. Etergt. Fred J. Moore, Petewa- the tawn in a new coat af black rcn oot osraoya spent the weekend et home. we, has been pramoted ta Staff- and white. The west end is bright- Music exams.. Pte. Jack Geddes, lst Midlend Sergt. . ening up, with "Hickory" Rich- Misses* Ethel and Helen Morris Battelion, St. John, N. B., is home erds and son, the artists. are enjoying their vacation et an two weeks' furlough visiting Miss Flore Galbraith is holiday- Sergt. Wm Clarke, îst Midîand Belsam Lake with their sister, parents anid intimate friends. ing et Mrs. M. A. Neal's summer Regt.,St. John, N. B. who is tek- Mrs. G. W. Garner. Principal L. W. Dippeli was Bathîng Suits GIRL'S TUDFAST PueINk R s cottage. ing a special course et Long Pte. Harry Corden, Lord Strath- home from Toronto aver the TWOSYLSA TR OWPIE e ' oThIuiyFson.Dlarfrn Sergt. L. P. Dolan, lst Midlands, Brench spent the weekend with coa Horse af Winnipeg, now et weken fomTYsLreentdutTe TTHISChffo, 51kP Tp, 11 New Brunswick, is visiting friends his faily here. Bill looked real Camp Gorden, called on his uncle, wemne roet hie et i duce-A8>V85 i tôw.» smart in his blue uniorm. Mr. George Corden. tion.S1RTTI.ESokflâ violted her father, Mr. John Lyle pickerel, Chas. Mllveen ceught motared ta Ottawa Thursday ta Ohio, and Mr. Fred Trebilcock, DURtABeLEwth Raon. Cntraslng BIt 61 sud ftnhilY. twa, and Aldermen Jack Gunn bighm his mother and also Toronto, celled on Miss Margaret end Shoulder Strap . Assrted Colors. The Wise Mother Will Get a Couple Szs~12~' r'riends will regret ta learn thet lost severel big ones aver the his wife fram Morrisburg. 1 TrebilItack on their way home As mr ramkrSye nSrp o o akT-colDy.Pi LlsAnn Lyle is ii in Bawmen- weekead when they visited et Mr. Donald Purdy, lete of the from the Maritimes. ____Smrt_________Sylein_________or________hol Pys ie: Hospital. Wm. Challis' cottage, Rice Lake. Public Schaol teaching staff, in Jim Hunter ecknowledged on or Polka Dot Broadeloth. Blue, Green, Mrs. J. E. Gardon, Dixie, is Miss Margaret McGregor, who teking a summer course et Wes- 4e air e donation af over $50.00 . Turquoise or Red. Sizes 14 ta 20. Reg. $1.00 Sizes 1 ta 14 years visitig her cousin, Mrs. C. Aub- bas been teeching school for the tern University, Londan. 1 from Local 189 af U.R.W.A., Bow- 87cAlrat rey Walkinshew. pest two years et Cartagena-, Ca- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coombes and manville, ta the Evening Tele- Regularly $1.49 vitorolr Mfr. and Mrs. E. J. Dopp and !ombie, South America, is spend- Gwen, Toronto, L.A.C. Rabt. Wal- gram War Victims' Fund. EITHER STYLE f 0 Reg. $1.59 Sizes 8 ta, 14 years $1.250it feniily, Braoklin, visited her fa- ing thiee months with her mother lace, R.C.A.F., Picton, were guests Mr. snd Mrs. Walter Jenkins $1300taworFe ther, Mr. Thos. Bttrell. Ms. D. S. McGregar, and expsects ai Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hall. and Mrs. Stuart Jenkins Kings- Suit Ee Miss Letitia Wigg, Oshawa, and ta return ta ber duties in, Octaber. A Rotary district meetiàg will ton, were guests ai Miss h'orence Miss Margaret Millsan, Orono, Rev. Arthur R. Cragg, pestor ai be beld et Gilmarl Ladge, near Werry who accompanied them on visited Mrs. L. J. Berton, Cburch St. Paul's Cburch, writes: We are Lindsay, an August 10 sud 11, to a motor trip ta Arthur. Street. enjaying aur holiday, first àt wbicb local Ratarians are invited. 1fr. and Mrs. W. Smith, 1fr. Bert Mortlock and Alex Mc- Kingsville and now Parry Sound. John Tamblyn, Orono, is in bed Fred Gemble, Miss Mercella Gem- Gregor were visitors and speakers I made a point ai reeding the bedly bruised as a result ai an ble, Master Richard Gamble, De- et heLinsBiyce lu o St-local weeklies and my opinion accident wben warking an -his trait, Micb., are visiting relatives uay.h in iyceCu nSt that Bowmanville is fortunete in farm Tuesday. in Bowmanville and Newcastle. 1AKRSOE, Dý Mrs. M. F. Hooper, Centre St., ed TeSaesa acnfri ses ni and Note re Mer-Ofies, Miss Als icite ost - e s h i F e e l n a l s e t r a g h . M a s an s te te n d - issh e e n ea e r B r n a M e r - O f i e s f , M is s A l H s i c te H o s i t ~> ~ 4 ate nhi te ne r all ai b r at Chas . M s n elett n sha ll, Toront , are holidayiug and Miss Mabel Borland m atored K ing St. BO W M A N V ILLE E Mr. e ylogth fr. lo e ut insurence agent, secretary-treas- witb their grandmother, Mrs. C. north ta Manitoulin Island with 1fr. and Mrs. Dixan and Fern, ureritai Board, painEdcaion and ae r. Mr. Fred C. Hoar for two weeks" his ankleuMds. Thos. Tod was in Toronto bolideys. Treuôn,1fr.andMrs H. . Rce, etudaywhile clerking et an lest week visiting her deughter Mrs. Richard Hoskin a, du Taronto, were Sunday guests et auction sale in Newcastle.. NodisOg o h newn ngtrGedlna oola, - 1fr.Chas Ric's.Charlie is going around as best he operatian in Toronto Generel were in town ettending the wed- ANDY CLARKE clubs, fanm groups, picnic gatb- pour in. 1fr. Clarke bas already ILN RVNEATAT Mrs. A. Wauamaker, Marion, cen an crutches but seemns ta be Hospital. ding ai ber sister, Miss Greta eig n omnt fiil. dopdofa ilobrGis spent the weekend witb Mrs. A. thing. ir. on, arsenHingTHoei vaa- ioscpearchitec. AND FI Hgc Sometimes, it hes been quite e by, Bracebridge, G a na n o q u e, sndtno sh inauncee Maffatt, Cburch St. .A post-nuptial dinner and gift ihe, res eneing thcqeinaces issea a ri s' nameANppea-problem getting beck in time ta Smnitbs.Fells, Bowinnville, Ca-aitey-veprntorte Mrs. R. M. Cotton and daughter party was arranged for newlywed wbile guests et Glen-Larra Tour- ed in Fridey's peper as being suc- brusb up an the week's news and bourg, Barrie, Perry Sound, New iieeidails er c Helen, nurse in training at Baw- Mrg. Jack Allin by Miss Dorotby ist Home. cessful in the O.C.E. exanis. but . . . temcrpon orhsLskd, Kirklsud Lake 'and manville Hospital, are bolideying Nichols et the home ai ber nia- Eryti sme n Clarke, seHuuatnturohn frb s ie. HcrdîngtaaA.H. Mold, mnage et Four Mile Lake. ther. It was elso Mrs. Allin's CpI. - R. G. Coambes, R.C.A.F., she did nat bave ta write, know- Eenhy tchat bsummer handynine Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Devitt, Monc- birtbdey. Eigbt guests showered Brantford, on weekend leave, and ing lest May thet she had passed genial spàkesman for CBC's Sun- hychat bnased antappo engs Hutsvllk e a s a fiinn lst a heCndinNainlEa Cpl. and Mrs. . Stanleychranicled onnththeaOntariak.week-Mtartakeaycareiai bluaAugust Heigwaysoobotel "The wCbarlottetown."o to, .B, ndMr. . al, o git sd onraultinsupn TheoCp , Ms.H.Stale, .CA.., n heyor'fwokMMis.orisnaymonig roecat,"Nig-eAdybaes.n sa oos ltti wstuîwhn a nstteen issupote ront a, pn the weekend' woifth ustand cntlteeins uplnes ootwr iiosa f.sdwl etachiug in Kîncardine bunîy News", put one ai bis pet flie, officiels ai ttaiohed Prince Edward geethimwit Dr. sud Mrs. J. C. Devitt. antly enlerged, afterwards, by e Mrs. L. Hilderley. next term. theories into practice. He went frieny opealeiziaidont agr dthe Welnyediors ret h i iths' rvl ueu h d Mrs. V. Milson and Edward theare Party. Mse agaet sud arian The Stetçsmans farm. repre- caîîing on the folks ai Ontario. bear aboutbt hile as a member II«hve sa ittle time ta fishictegrwg trstnte B.C.r eyon a otr i it ngouvr- Thed tapblitema s la pesnai etund irm a egtMuomto as ean service, boeringtasurni Aud besides bis noomy portmonfaithe bnoadcasting iraternity, naw," be replies, "and when I do( adPoic sahldycn B.CtiveetaGe n Ewstnakg neetcnrbtdb t red- trp ta Quebec sud the Maritimes whicb shauld long since have teau and ahi bis f isbing kit, Andy that be bas ta, keep an engage- get anboun or so, the little fel- r o aaina ela o laircsnatmGen RoEw ndeSas.hes eres We nd aur eders areain- witb 1fr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown. been attended ta. In time, it ta toted along sometbing new ta tbe ment book and a speaking itiner- lows seem ta have knocked off for istrfomte nie Saes . Aeen fmvd namR Camp ode n thaerst e d uradyorsfrins M1r. M. A. Neal hait Friday for ea îoped, othen tawn dwelers may twinking eyes ai bis rural friends any. He confesses be is vey much lunch just abeed of me." Tenwntoa akwt t Mlto the new bonibing and gunnery Phease write on one- side ai tbe week's vacation et Arnold's Park, learn that a war is an and that - hnyhehr e ase.Insupie t sessas pubic A n hreihulybewbsdfnegl"iksadis xeln *schal t Montan Viw, nt. paper only. Also be sure that y'ou Iowa, wbere bis wiie sud son f ermens.need belp, peid or other- it were notes for talks be bdsekr gi n"egbul esbtigbahsi nvn ou b9ho tMutanVeOt ave provided initials sud address Junior bave been bolidaying. wise. been asked ta give ta service. But the invitations continue ta Sunday, July 27, et 10 D.S.T.1rwt aato rvles Mr. and1 Mrs. Leonard. Heny and that names have been spelled They wihl return home witb bini. Mn. and Mrs. Samn Vinson, Eb- and son Bob, Windsor, are bh- correctly. If it is inconvenient for Dr. sud Mrs. C. W. Shemon and enezer, were dîscharged froni Osh- daying witb ber parents, 1fr. sud you ta write, you may tehephone son Bayd attended the Macdou- awa Hospital Sunday, just eigbt ________ Mrs. E. Witheridge, Carlisle Ave. 663. geh-Virtue weddîng iii Bunîing- days aiter the car lu whicb tbey 1fr. Wmn. Brunton ai Tbe States- Samuel S. McGill, e resident af ton on Saturday. Boyd sang e sala wene iding was wnecked by a man staff was caled ta Havelock Janetvilheehl b is lie, passed away during tbe ceremony. train. Mrs. Vinsan bas recavered Tuesday awing ta the seniaus ihi- July 16th, aiter anihiness ai abot 1fMr. George Lunney, Coling- but 1fr. Vinson is still suffeng ness ai bis sister. nine weeks. He was lu bis 77tb wçod, ta visiting bis daugbter, froni fractures wbich ceuse him ant supeitendent t Bowmsu- Mary Agnes Mihîs, he is survived Eleanor Jobustan matared up ta Congratulations ta Miss Helen ville Hospital, bas returned from by tbree sons, Russel ai Kapuske- Collingwoad fan their grandpa. Scott, daugbter aif1Mr. and Mrs. bolidaying et Ferndele, Muskoka, sing, Orvine ai Janetvile, Thomas An exceptionelly large cnowd Herbert Scott, Orona, wha bas FOIR l i E on Lake Rosseau. Osweld af Argyle, twa daugbters, was et the Cîeam ai Barley Camp been ewarded a schalarshiP in Congatulations: Bowmanville's Mrs. Narval Fleming, Oshawa, Sundey enjaying its -failities and Surgery et Toronto Western Hos- Memoial Park sud lawn bas been miss Vivian Mary McGill, and e listening appreciatively ta the pital. This award ta the velue ai This week we flat many bargains of Interest ta the gentlemen of thew G PRUC brightened tbrougb the tansariel brother, John McGill. Young People's Salvation AI'iTY $500 will enable her ta continue LOWEST famlly. It will pay ta stock up now on shavlnc requirements. Don' adm*nistration ai the tawn hall 1fr. and Mns. Gardon Brown Band ai Oshawa. ber studies et the University ai PRICES hesitate. Phone 792 now. lendèape sud janitonial toucb. Knowles and sons Robent and Al- Rev. Bernard J. Buley, Rector Toronto next year. Brown sud creai, witb batte- bet, Bredentan, Flanide, were ai Kernwaod, in Diacese ai Huron, Sheppard & Gill Lumber Ca. ________________ sbip grey approaches, were tbe ovennib ust rdywib1r ssisted Canon C. R. Spencer ae pont the Ever'.eady havetheam '- 23 Salvetian Army Hall and Sami spend the winter months lu Bra- St. John's Cburcb. Mr. Buley will yaur winter coal in early" eppeal . ___ odoe0 'St - - 9 stewertIs store and residence, an dentan. They were deligbted ta teke the service next Sundayley ase g r at shue - /,r/ ilte odnrs e - 5c ___________ Division St., lu their "pbâint..up" entertain their friends froni the niarning. inrarawr tba~er ad i Palmolive Schick Deai - - - 49e Y O contribution ta Bowmanville this sunny suhwowr nena Sergt. Pilot Bill Calville, whothtpie will, be higber. Surn- week. ton trip through Ontario. recently received bis pilpt win0gs mer buiess s'lit b fnShaving Sets - - - - 25e to 5.00setl ____________________________________________ t Macleod, Alta., spent e iew aeed ai lest yean. tV - days lest week with bis parents, CaoC.RSpneonSna qaV v hv Lt n&51lds49 1fMr. and Mrs. Alex Colville, pre- Canon' .spnlcran CSundyAqaV iv hveLtin&5 lds19 I IMviaus ta reponting ta the Trenton et St. Jtn'eAnlia hrch, N * hvn Buhs39 o35 R. ~~ .u E LLO ~ O F F E E Air Part,,as an instructar. read tbe benns for temrig hvn rse 9 o35 z 5 ag . me of dis gr I05'e 1Meek, shpast mastera er odesn i annC. R. sud Mrs. 'Palmolive Shave Cram - 33e - 49c 16o. .2 0 Sauff tti là ea ~ nI eny Wnsbipfulr othCer Robeta ereAbn it Secr cal. bansexprtle- Osb Spencer, ta Merion Audrey El- Thie faveur-Secet in jealausly guarded. n re A.F. & A.M., Na. 270, G.R.C latony agbesah1r-sd __'FRUIT____________SALI______ awa, was eected District Depty lot omnvle itri o o eau i Grand Master ai Ontario District Ms. ~.L. Ehot omnih, PUTS UPAKLI INTO YOUm UN Sun Goggle toaterf:r e 39 /1 Grand Lodge held in Toronto last son of Mr.and Mrs.E.A. Vencoe, A G IS 9 5 9 9 groud p g.Oehawda JoGn doAntu loVrcede W.@CBoneOMYà-Kidney Pisa.48's tuan ut wek. rum elonl daghtr a e(17aosa. ID.A Zinc ~eelcs wlth e senlous heant con- Djonald ±v.ountjoy, sonof i ±v». ---------_________ CL.ARK' 8 Ring doz. 25e dition has, unfartunately, been Elgin Mountjoy ai Hay'don, wha - p rdened by e specialtat ta stey e bas jained the R.C.A.F. as a gun- E A A & E SParowax plia. 14e further six weeks in bed.Hi ner, wes pleesanitly surprlsed ne- . AtI PRESCRIPTIONS A SPEIA T Doz. work le beig taken by other pro- cently when be went iuta the OEM 250 ale" TOPS Sinc'ecomluig ironi Peterbono in goad-bye ta bis ca-workens befone UMITSI QUaiTfili pk April Constable Silvester bas léeving for Quebec. Tbey pre- Br » of, <, duc Mombe Se 10c ade niany iniends and the in- sented bum witb an overseas pen el on etoUe Large. Eatlng quiies about bis pragress bave sud pencil set. He very mucb ap- rogler) 1 Se Jar of Saes doz. 95e Plume doz. 190 been constant. precated their kindle5ssand judg- NOXMAISdouble Paesdoz. 19e Bananas 3 Ibo. 29e UI EUT addresses he took wlth bum he is onl îc-w a àrotlAE XM PeaSIChes TSgaîng ta make good use ai tbeir ui., eIIS Jar of _______giit. Donald was home last week- NOXZEMA CREAM Toronto Conservatony ai Music end, and bas since been trans- fsScvau o iv . LuaScr R O hn PaaResulte, pupils ai Miss ferred ta Moncto,-e1Bun-;c Oahi ti." ECnde D O M 1 >4 0 >4 1Lilanue M. Naylor: Grade I-Rutb wick. He likes the R.C.A.F. veny today. ade S T P 5 L MIE DLee, lot cloe shonore; Grade IV- much and bis many frlends wisb June Alîchin, pass. 80-1 hlm the best ai luck.