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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1941, p. 8

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Fuit Farm Federation Picula -At Orono Is Huge Success Atteded y -H1--dreds (Continusi from page 1) the dollar and the herns and Psi of the tariners' bide at tac san lion is held by a real "«dut faim- time. It was tblags like these, bt er.19sides thc influence on lcgislatio and the formulation of a nationi Federstion A Certalnty faimn policy, that mutengaeet Mr. Sctt congratulatcd Forbes attention of tac nationa Fedr Heyland upon his rcally fine ad- tien. Once in its stride and tac: dress andta farmers ef Durham will be ne more geuging and firn upon tac tact that, apparcntly, tlamming et farmers by pacicer they lived in a grcen-swathed, middlemen, or distributorsa favoied, section of Ontario. He faim commodities; such la wita, sketched thc rapid growth et tae tae power and capacity efthti Federation during the past five Canadian Federation. years until today it bas a memnber- Canada, Mi. Scott pointed oul ship of over 350,000 and witbin was tac only country within ti the past monta bas opcned an Of- British Commonwealth, witaoutj fice at Ottawa with a fuil-time national faim pelicy, and bas nonq secrtary-tieasurer, able te cern- today. This was tac reason Her pote with the strong lobbies that John Bracicen called togetheri for yeais have represented fin farm conference la tac West whicl ance, industry, and labor. The was followed by another in tbE great need foi organization was East in 1939, and these made ca excmplitied in tae dire stiaits in te the goveinniont that Canada wbich agriculture bas feund itself was running ber own and over- in thc past decade. And tac way seas markets by ber "estrich" ag- out bas already been demonstrat- ricultural marketing systemn and cd in tac icéeption accorded dele- that agriculture sbould be inciud- galions of the Federation by gev- ed la the twe-price structure the ernments and respensible heads same as nianufacuicis. But nota. of Departinents et goveirnents. ingcaeo tsvanariE Re autlined tac power displayed ~cmee wof it saveanav t t 500 armes wh hadtiens were pigeonholcd. The audi- auh Hon. J. G. Gardiner a les- once applauded wben he revealed son at London, Ontario, and won bow President Hannani, at Lon- applas n caing voints won. don, had told Mr. Gardier blunt- Thc speaker pointed out that at ly that ho was letting the farmers piogent, within tac Ontario Fed- down. Durham people evidently cralion, were 22 Counties ergan- know it too. ized and affiliated and 10 more L~werc seon te be foimcd. He point- Unlty and4 Action cd eut that saine couaties had Conciuding, Mi. Scott reviewed worked out their own plan et fin- the butter, bacon, cheese, féed, ance, but taat generally, tac idea and finally, post-war prebleins. ~' most favored was tac basis et, lc warncd that unless farmers kept per acre per year, or a nominal aleit and united witbin a Federa- fee of -$1.00 per year, collected tien represantative et aIl sections under municipal auspices, and of Canada. their welfare weuld be with- tac stipulation that any even more disregaided by govein- V fariners not wishing te te includ- ments la the stress et pest-war ed, could remain. outside simpiy days. Ho said: "We must raise by.notitying tac township clerc. ourselves up te tac level ef other A tercetge ef funds would go groups, net nccessaiily pull tacm te the Ontario executive te te' down, and we ourselves must ev- transmitted te tac Dominion et- olve a truly national policy for fice and. sustain tac movement agriculture and insist upon its ac- and programme, fer without funds ceptanoe; wc can do ail tais only there could bo no succels. if we imite and maintain our or- gaization upon a completely non- Mains and Rides political basis."1 In outlining a score ef matters President Heyland voiccd tac which have perplcxed and ner- pleasure and appreciation et ail cd tarmeis and about which they members piesent et seeing and could get 'ne information,'Mi. listening to Mi. Scott and hoped Scott dealt wita anc in particular; ho could corme te Durham again thc tickets showing tac retuins on and otten. He aIse noted that al livcstock sold te the pacicers; se sections et thc Ceunty wcre îep- much toi t1ils and se mucb toi iesented, particularly the neithein that; even- a dollar for baras and townships and a hint was thrown tac picdatoiy packers teck bota eout that, probably in tac f ail, an- PROCLAMATION 1 do hereby proclaim MONDAIAUGUST 4th 1941 A CIVICIHOILIDAY FOR THE TOW94 OF BOWMANVILLE Dated this 24th day of July, 1941. EEGINALD O. JONES, Mayor. GOD SAVE THE KINO! Q £ rIr mo o uLL MILK FPOM 0I.VN RME DAIRY 'e DEVEL.OP Mo SSMS THE CANADIAN ST other rally might be agreeable inOAIXZ CNewcastle Community Hall, so aUl lein favor may signify in the inean- Urne. A collection was taken; the proceeds, $47.00 and the expenses of the day $53.00. Lueky Wlnners Children's sports preceded the draw for the Sterling muffin dish. This handsome $ 10.00 plece of ~Y - .ilverware was donated by the T. Eaton Co., and 194 women entered attheir names on slips frm uohich re the winner was drawn by F. Rick- be ard, M.P., Mrs. Herbert Lowes, lon Ida P. O., neice of Garnet Shields, ma Reeve of Cavan, took home the àe prize. A hotly contested gaine of ~ ra soft-bai between girl's teas=of ~eOrono and Newcastle was won by "~the latter, the score 23-14. >rs Thus concluded wa many kmclaimed was the finest picnic held Le in Durham within a decade. Those who rnissed, it may have the op- portunity of repairing their omzs t sion sometime next season. he e H. D. f a Cadmus CrmnWaie IndtitÎ!ei ar W. A. and W.'M. S. met at Mis. lJ. E. Elliott's with an attendance Nestieton r- of 14. President Mrs. Galbraith g- conducted the worship period, id basing ber remarks on Kingship. Nestleton W. A. met at Mii 1-Roll call was answered by a Wesley Carnpbeil's .Jufy.1etlh, j Le, thought about Canada. Program charge of Mis. R. W. M4arlowt' - i charge of Mis. Eiliott's group group. Scripture reading .,anÈ re consisted of a reading, "Trouble prayer was given by Rev. D. M i-i Amen Corner" by M~issMar- Stinson. Dainty refreshmrents werE ijorie Galbraith; reading, "A Fri- ser'ved. d end" by Mis. Elliott; and an an- bfts. R. M. Hoskin entertained ilightening taflk on Current Events some friands Saturday evcnlag tc Lby Rev. D. M. Stinson. An inter- a birthday party ini bonor of Mr, ,esting and amusing contest was Hoskin, Mr. Arthur Jackmàn and y held, the winners *being Mis. Master Bobby Whceler, ail having Sweet, Mis. G. Johnston and Mr. a birthday the samne day. Stinson. Lunch was servcd by Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Allai Mis. Elliott and Miss Mountjoy Suggitt with friends in Oshawa. ., dand a social hall hour spent. Miss Jean Malcolnm with Misi'Bye. 1, At o4r Sunday morning service lyn Marlow. .. Mr. and Mrs. WII. 3we werc privileged to hear Dr. ton Cread, Barrie, with- her, bro- IOlive Wray speak of her work as ther, Mi. Malcolm E mihon... La medîial doctor and cvanÈelist in Mr. and Mis. Ivan .WrlhV sWest China. All werc delighted lake, with Mis. in , .idmOn. ewith her talk. At the Sunday ..Mrs. Susan Johns wxth friends ISchool session Mr. Irwin, who will in Port Perry. . . Mi. Hèrman rteach at Cadmrus school this ycar, Sameils with Mi. Wm.,Saeis._.. egave a most interesting talk on Rev. and Mis. F. G. Joblin, Scu- rTemperance which was listencd gog, Miss Dorothy Joblin, Picicer- to with rapt attention. . ng, Miss Gladys Joblin, Quebéc A numrber from here attanded Miss Beatrîcê Joness, Moose Taw' rthe Farmers' Picnic at Oreno. at Mr. L. Joblin's. . .Misu Mi. and Mis. Clarence Parr, McGiII, Janctville, withMisil Mis. Rabt. Par, and Miss Eva da Jahns.. Mi. Ralph Emerson, Pair visited friends at Edgar, Toronto with his parents.,. îMr Orillia and Mdland. and Mrs. Wilbert mcKiCnstry#, Mr. and Mits. Wood and -son, Misses Snowie and Marie, Mar-' Toironto, visitcd at Mr. Irwin's. low, Oshawa, at Mi. R. W. Mar- Mr. and Mis. Marwood McKee loves. . . Mi. Foster Veale, WJnd- Mi. and Mis. Ed. Lawson anc1 sor, visited his parents.., . MÈs. Mis. James Thompson spant Sun- Jas. Malcolm, Mis. Lloyd' Hunter day at Mi. Finlay's, Thornhill. and JTamrie, Port Pcrry, ait Mis. L. Miss Thelma Freeman, who Joblin's. .. Mi. and Mis. George taught Dcvitt's Rchool thue last Johns and Billy. at Mi. Wilfred two years, has accepted a school Williams'. . . . Mi. and Mis. H-. at Taunton. Wheeier and family, Port Pcrry, ______________ Mi. and Mis. Melville Traccy, Miss Alice Hosicin and Mi. Mcl- ville Henry, Oshawa, at Mi. B. M. Blc stc Hoskin's. . . Mi. Larry Hrcsi _______et Mr. Henry Thompson's. .. Mr. and Mis. Harold Holden, Lindsay, Anglican Church service Sun- Mi. and Mrs. Roy Taylor and day morning was taken by Tom Arnold, Blackstock, at Mr. S. Mal- Hodge, Fred Hamilton and Don-,colmn's. aid Clark, R.C.A.F., .and was per- The Statesmari is now on sale formed splendidly. each week at Thompson s Store,' Dr. Olive Ray, returncd nis- 5c a copy. sionary front China, gave the ad- dress at the United Church Sun- day evening. Tyrgne, An interesting christening, party took place Sunday alternoon at the cottage of Mi. and Mis. Fred Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Wesley Bailey, Caesarea. Rcv. E. P. Wood Wood and family, Oroàrio, Mi. and of f i c a td. The tbree grand- Mis. Marwood ýHeard and famiiy, daughters who were christencd Enniskillen, Mr. and Mis. Charlie are, Sanidra Suzanne, daughter of Warren, Hampton, at Mr«. Laine Mr. and Mis. W. A. Dàwson HO'skin's. .. Mi. and Mis. Bert Windsor, Carýol Elizabeth, daugb- Hawnns, Fort Erie, Mi. and Mis. ter of Mi. and Mis. N. Henry, Harry Hatherly and Larry, Dixie, Janetviile, and Catherine Joanne, Mr. and Mis. Jack Hatherly, New- daughter of Mis. Howard Bailey tonville, at Mi. R. Hatherly's... and the late Howard Bailey, Mirs. W. Bradd and grandson Bul- Biackstock. Lunch served to the ly, London, at Mi. James Dud- forty gpuests included a bcautifully ley's. - . Major and Mis. Floyd decorated fruit cake with the Dudley and famlily, Kingston, at babies' naines on it. home. . . Mis. Maggie Woodley, Mis. Jos. Forder, Nestietan, was Mi. and Mis. -Mfiton Werîy and hostess to the W. A. of St. johns daughters Marie and Hazel, Osh- Church July 17th. Mrs. Jno. Car- awa, at Mis. H. Hiils'. ... Mi. and ter took the bible reading. Mis. MiS. Bill Smithb, New Liskeaîd, Fred Wiilan read a clippm*g: asic- with Mrs. Laura Virtue. . . Mi. ing for used linen for bandages, John Morrison and Miss C. Mc- etc. President Mis. Wood urgc'i Kenzie, Toronto, at Mr. Willis ail members to read "New Lite Stewart's and Mi. Will McDon- la China arises from. the Rivers ald's. . - . Mi. and Mis. Leslie ef War." Anether box is being Sleight, Mi. and Ms. Bil Brooks prepared.te send to Mi. and Mis. Harcourti England. Mis. V. Archer îeported flannelette pur- chased for making layettes for Eyesugnr Education babies in England. TIhe rail cal A was answered with a personai . And~ donation te the Red Cross. The TISfÇ following prograrn was given wîth E-fceç Mis. Clarence Pair la charge:A hB icen Wright at Oak-Lakce Sumner Frank D. MorehouePresident1 iSchooi.. Mis. Wilfred Sadier, of the Ti-county A*ciation et Kinsale, with Mi. and Mii. Robt. the BIlnd, Incorpoîatd made anJ Sadler. They attended the chii- affidavit on Oct. 23, 1928, in sup-1 ýtenlng on Sunýday et Gloria Mari- port of amendments te the Op- r lyn Sadier, daughter et Mi. and tormerY laws of N(ew York in part. ?&or. Ralpb Sadier, Caesarea. Rev. as follows: "Spectacles, eye glass8 D. M. Stinson officiated and mnanY Pedlars and merchants selling 1 !riends wcro prese.nt. sl ready made glaises have contri- à The Statesman is now on sl buted iargcly te the barrer that 1 each week at Gilbert's Store, 5c bas befallen oui state as a result a copy. et blindue.." l Inthe lnterest of! public health yjd welfarc give IN Sensible is be who teeda bis yeuiyoreathe e i examination needs but starves foolish or use- e ess desires. <te be conUied) ,SMAN, BOWMAWVILE, ONTARIO ait Mi. Leslle Brooks'.. Mis. Art Spicer.Aileen and Marilyn, Bow- manville, wlta Mis. Laura, Virtue. ... Mrs. Theo Dawn and Blily, Lakefeld, with frlends hr...,. Mi. and Mis. Dave Hooper, Orono, at Mi. L. Hooper's. . . Mi. Don Thompsoa, OVhawa, Mr. Frank Thompsan and Marie Thompson, Bowmanvllle, at Mi. L. Tbdmp- son'... Mi. and Mrs. L. B y ar and 19=11y wit fiends ln Can- nington... Mis. E. 51vi, Salemn, and Mns. May, Windsor, at Mi. L. J. Gaodman's. . . Mi. Wesley 'Taylor, Ailyn and Velma, wlta friends at Sutton. Marie Taylor and Mull Burgess retur;ned home with itacin. Mis. H. HilIs attended the fua- oral of h. sistei-in-law,, Mis. Fred Hla at Orono. Mi. Olden Hoar has retuinedi te work. Wblle at woîk on his car he cut an artcry ia bis hand and bas been laid up. A number frein tere attended the Courticc.Everson picnic at Hampton on Saturday. Mis. R. Burgess called onber mother, Mis. E. Stevens, Hémp- ton', Sunday evening te congiatu- lâte lier on ber 8Mtabfrthday. The -Stattsmeh ila now on sale each week at Byam's Store, 5c a copy.> Tyrone Womenl nsltute Despite - tac electrical .iterm, ever twenty ladies gathered at the home et Mis. Russell Wylgbt for tac montaly meeting eoftace Wemen's Institute. Mis. L. J.J Goodman pîesided. Plans were completed foi- thc jam Making a and a conimittee app>olted te ai- range for an exhibît' at Oshawa Fair. Mis. Eail Luke took charge et tac progi'tm: Mii. A. W. Annis gave a paper on "Making LiteC Werthwie," stressing that life la N God's gift to be used for servicex and'taat character wàs developed 1 by service. Love, cbeerfu]ncss, S praîse and self-contrco acamn the assets. We should 'avoid anvy, ai sel -ptywoiyseltishness and tc avoid dwelling ôn bardsis atac presenccetf childien. 1Sa . Miss Helen Weiry favoîed withai~ a piano solo, and Miss Doîotay H Wright a ieading.W Mis. L . Phare, Glidden, Sask 0, gave a pap.r on "Wn'ns W ork,'3 tO emphasizmng that tac opportun!- a, tios opan te women bring respon-M sibilities aise. Woman sbould bc a moral compass guidini het SI home and children, ber nelghboi- Cl hood, and tarough these te larg- nE ci apheres. As every woman la lin1M seme measure a leader, she needsM a heart pure and dlean, a mind 0 cultivated and educatcd toe ac bout of ber ability. She sbeuld M have confidence in-tac young as h confidence begets confidence. IsM it because we have net provenM ourselves woitby guides that taecG yeung do net conifide in us? En-M deavour te take tino for these P8 conti'dences, as being lonesome at S home bas driveni many a cilld away. Tiy te direct but not do tac' a choosing et their friends.> AboveM al,ý tac woman eftot-day nedste think on -wbatsoever iâ ef gaodA report. p Lunch was soîved by Mrs.P Luke'î group. . Hanipton A number et W. I. inembers met at Mis. L. Niddery's on Friday atternoon when a nunrber et qufit blocko were pieced for Red Cross work. Centre groupa served ai- ternoon tea. Mi.nd Mis. J. R. Reynolds nd !imnie Bredie attended tac 3lst wedçling anniveisary celobratian ~of Mis. Reynolds' parents, Mi. and Mis. Biodie, Torante, on Sun- day. Mi.- nd Mis. A. t. Billett nd son Keita attendcd tac wedding ot Mis. Billett's niece, Miss Grace Virtue, at Burlington an Satur- day. MCongatulations to Mi. and Mis. erwi Crydermn, Oshawa, an thec glft et a daughter. The Courtice-Eversen p i c n i c was hold in aur park Satuîday. A number from bere attended the TruIl picnic at Orone Park on Saturday. 1 W. I. members made a queptity ofjain on Tuesday for everseas U16nie Adamsien ln a aTo- ronte bospitai havlng had, an opý- eration for appencflcitls. Ho la progresalag favaiably. Visitais: Mis. Charltgn Mc- Bride nd datighter, Peterboro, ut Clairence Tlnks.., Mi. W. T. Periett, Halten, -ut home. . . M. aad Mis. Wm. Young and son Raubert, Lawrencoviile,- New J.r- sey, Mi. an~d Mis. Edward Blrch- ail nd Mi. anrd Mis. Edwia »Irchail, Toronto, with Mi. and Unr. W. T. Perîett. .. Visitois at C. W. Souch's werc: Miss Anale Ajil, Mi. Albert Allia, Mi.nd Mis. J. A. Colond son. Donald, Bowmanville, Miss Eva Seuch, ECualskion, Mis. (Dr.) Ewart Survis, Sumas, Washington.... MUn. T. Wray, Miss Eileon Wray, Ms. W. G. Doidgc and Miss Min- nie Hein are'holidayýng at Wil- liamin Point, Lake Scugeg. .. Mii. no. Cowling la holidaylg at Musicoka. . . Mi.nd M. Ken Caverlb' and tanily spent Sunday la Toronto. .. Master Eddie Col- lier, Port Pcniy, wltb bis sister, Misr. Hugh Degeci. .. Dr. nd Mis. W. R. Hein, Port Hape, at W. W. Hoin's. .. Mis. J. J. Smith at Mr. Chas. Smlta's. .. Miss Ruby Clat- worthy, R.N. Bawinnville, at L. TruU's. . . Miii Jean Anthistle ,rlth relatives at Beamovllo. Mr. nd Mis. Howard Pruce, Biy Village. Ohio, wlt Mi. nd Mis, X, E. Billett. . . Mis. R. J. Mc- ICesock, Sauina, Miss Hayes, To- ronto. witb Misa Lulu Reynolds. ..Mi. and Mis. W. White nd gogo, Orono, at Clarence Tink's.,. lira. L. Truli, Miss R. Clatwortaj lira. H. Salter and Mis. Au Barion at Peteiboro and Chemong Lake. .. Mi.nd Mis. H. Degeer wta her naàrents at Port P.,r... lira. L. Crydcrmap with Mi. M. Cryderman, Oshawa. The Statesman Io now on sale eaçci week at Barron's Store, 5c a copy. THURSDAY, J 3LY 24Tg 1941 FASHINS.CHOICE AT ECONOMdY PI An aummor dresses are clearing to make room for new ftn stock. Pniea are marked clown, 80 taes dvantag of this uum- mer clearance. See them ail - Ail are charmera JJIT hOUEl9 GHT COL- OIRE» LADIES' COATS are Ioft - Ml ueing t s about Hall Price iN THE MENiS SIOP Pyjamas - IIosiery - Shirts - Undërwear BATHM GSUITS one ne of lades' B&lhi Suite muet b. olemri&Eg $2.XII ci&ij sl95 a Couch, Joknst'on& ýCriederma'nj Phane 838 King St. W. ZMon Visi tera: i.J. E. McMastèr, .Churchill, wlta bis brother, J. W. MecMaster who la quite pooly... Mri. and Mis. Russell Peikins Wud M(argaret, Mi.nd Mis. Russell Stainton nd family, Mis. Jas. Stainton'at Lajccview Park, Oshi- awa. .. Mi. Jas. McMaster, Toron- to, at home.. :Mi.nd Mi. W. Wilson 'nd Marie, Mr. Harvey Balsan, Miss Emily Killen, Osh- awa, at Mi. Robt. ..e.'..'.Mr. and Mis.. Fred Cameron nd Helen at Mi. Alfred Sonley's, Whitby. . . Miss Amber Sonley, Oshawa, -Mi. Percy Bryce, Toron- to, Mi. -aad Mis. Walter Viviain and daugbters, North Oshawa, at Mr. Fred Cameron's. . , Mi. and ffrs. H. Paige, Mi.nd Mis. H. Shier nd son, Uxbridge, Mis. Casbourn, Mri J. Mari, Mis. Bag- cill, Bowmnville, Mi.nd Mis. Milton Fisher nd Delton, Mi.nd Nfrs. Hii, Blackstock, at Mi. Alt. Iyre's. .. Miss Elleen Stainton at [untsville nd Pariy Sound.... Mias Norma Glaspell bas been holidaylag at Jackson's Paint... Ur. H. Schmid, Herman and Mary, Newcastle, at Mi. Hans Gilsberger's. .. Miss Marguerite Martin la holidaying wita ber arents. . . Mi.nd Mis. A. T. Stainton nd John, Jee Gartat, fi. nd Mia. Àlf. Aye nd family at the Truil picnic at Oreno... Ur. Kelvin Edgar, Oshawa, nd Mias Diane Lee, Kedron, at Mi. A. T. Stainton's. . .Mr.nd Mis. F. B. Glaspel nd Ms. W. Glas- : celi at Mi Ralpb Glaspeil's, Wy- S0ne. Mi. and. Mis. Ivan Cochrane ând 'daughters, Percy, Lloyd nd Zliltord Flintott, Bowmanviile, Miss Rota Powell, Newcastle, Mi. ând Mis. Morley Flintof nd laugbteis, Maple -Grave, Mi.nd [ru. Stanley Coverly and Lloyd, sbanezer, Misa Thelnia Martin, [aple Grave, Mi. and Mrs. Del- ut Flintoff And sons, Kedron,, [i. nd Mia. Wes. Camoron, Jack id Jo yce, had a picnic at Hcîb. ilintott's woods. Mi. and Mis. Frnk Pascac at- ended flic funcral et Jonathan Lwde at Newcastle on Saturday. Hampten girls'- softball teain id a. picnic nid presonted Miss Ludrcy Ayre wita a lqvely table amp. Mis. Walter Colo, Couitice,- ave a towel sbower for Miss Ludicy Ayre an Friday night. Mis. AIt. Ayîe gave a trousseau ea for ber daughter, Miss Audrey Lyre, on Thursday. About 200 tcendcd in the atternoon and voning. ai ci ar da El lm be m ai F2i ter Av hi Au lar Au tea Ay att ev' Solina Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Frank Gilbert at Mi. Geo. Gilbert's, Hampton. .. . Miss Irene Bragg, Toronte, at Mi. J. Bakr's... Mr. and ýMis. Ernest Debair, Violet and Grace, Columbus, witb F. and C. Shoitridgc... Mis. R. J. Mc- Kessock anid Miss Jessie Heys with Miss Lulu Reynolds, Hamp- ton... Mis. Walter Outrainanid Jimmy, Cobourg, at 'Mi. Isaac Haidy's... Mi.and Mis. Russel Gimbjett and baby, Maplo Grave, Mi. afid Mis. Norman Leach and Doris, Taunton, at Mi. J. R. Klv- el'a., . . Miss Jessie Cation, To- ronte, at Mi. N. C. Yllowles'... Miss Veina Milisoan nd girl fri- end, Western Hospital, Tarante, at Mi. E. Millson's. . . Mi. and Mis. Will Wright, Newmarkct, Mi. and Mis. Charles Wright, Pine Oruchard, Mi.and Mis. Frank Pedrick, Niagara Falls, Mi.anid Mis. Maitland Germley, Kinsale, at Mi. Jas. Sinales'. . . Mi.anid Mis. .Ralpb Davis la coin ny withMi. and Mis. Alan Me&en- zie, Columbus, pt T....t.... Miss Velma Gilbert, Taronte, at Mr. Russel .....'.... Betty Ferguson, Osbawa, la helidaying with ber Cousin, Jean Montgom- ery. . * Mi. Gea. Hogarth la in To.- rent... Miss Pearl Leach at Mi. Norman Leach's,, Tauntn. .. Mis. Jane Bush at Mr. E. Debarr's, Columbus. .. Mi.and Mis. Fred Smnith and Lloyd, Enfield, Mi. and Mis. Cecil Pascoe and Gor- don, Mon, at Mi. Frank Gilbert's. ..Mi. A. L. Baker, Bawman- ville, at Mi. Thos. Bakers... Mr. and Mis. W. L. Miller and Clifford at Palm Beach, Georgian Bay. Miss Kathleen Bakor was hos- tous at a mniscellaneous shower fer Miss Grace Yellowlces, Satuiday evening. Grace was aise gucest honor at a picnic and kitchen showei at Lakcvicw Park on Sat- Synrpathy lu extended. te Mis. WHI Baker and family on the dcata et ber mother, Mis. Jobn Pentfound. Solina Y. P. U. prescnted tacir -drama "Simple Sinon Simple," at Enniskillen, Friday night. Pro- ceeda weîe donatcd te British Wai Victims' Fund. Temporance prograin at Sunday School laclucd a temperance address by Mi. A. L. Pascoe and a vocal duet by Mis. Wes. Ycl- lowles nd Gladys Yllowlees. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- ville, will eccupy tac puipit here next Sunday. Rev. W. Rackban Is on vacation. Conadian Bari.y le Shlpped To Mexico Imports a! barley lato Mexicoe in 1939 tatalled 6,203,592 kilos, (anc kilo eqVaIs 2.2 pounda), as conipared with 5 ,493p280 kilos la 1938. While imports of bailey in these years hatke lacrcased by 13 per cent, those et malt have de- cieasod by 6 per cent, indlcating i tendcncy on the part et tac local biowing ladustry te import; more barley and leis malt, states A. B., M4uddiman, Canadian Trade Coin- missioner at Mexico, la a report to the Departinent et Trade and Commerce. Barley la now cbiefly supplled te tac Mexican market by the United States and Canada as owlag te the prescnt difficult transportation conditions, former !uropeanv shIppers are dctinitely out of the market. as a mie Mexico buys one af 'lebeat grades et Canadian bar- ley- 2 C.W. Six-Row. - During the monta et Febiuary sat, 50,000 bushels et Canadian bably were shipped from Duluth to Mexico. The grain is cairied 4ll rail from, points in thé United States, and it is possible taat it'is recorded in the Mexican custeins statistics as et United States enigin. -In tac monta of March an- additional 75,000 busheis et barley fromn Canada were shipped te Mexico fîom, Duluth at the rate of about 10,000 bushels per wcek. Buimest Dii ectorYj Legal b. G. V. GO1eLD, IL A., LI.L» Baristr SlictorNotary Bank et Commerce Bldg. Bownalvile W. R. STIKE Bairister, Solicitor Notary Solicitor for Bank oÏ Montreal Moncy te, Loan - Phono 791 Bowmanvifle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitar Netary Public - Etc. Law ln ail its branches Office immedlately east et Royal Theatre Dental DR. J. C. DEV1TT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinon Graduate et Royal Dental Col- loge, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce. Bldg., Bowmanvlle. Office hours 9 a.m. te 6 daily, cxcept Sunday Phone 790 - Hanse phono 883 X-Ray Equipinent in Office Funeral Directors FIJNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modem Noter Equipinent, Am- bulance and Invalld Car. Tele- phono 41L) or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinary IR. B. MURRAY, V.S.; D.V.So. Vetorinarlan Churc i S. - flowmanville Phone 843. 29 *f WILFRED W. SHERWIN fl.Y.Sc. V.S. Votorlnary Surteon Office: Main St., Orono SPhonoeS5r0 % AuctIoneer ELMER WILDUR Llceued Auctioneer Hamipton - Ontario Specalizlng in Faim, Llvestock, ImPlementa and Furnituro Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Teirnis and Date ta: Bawmanvlle 2428 the gretteet pleauwe for the. leset money ... The majority of Canadian' pipe amokers Jbve chosen Picobac,' If you havont twied it ye4 you re. probably doiag yourself out of a whole lot of roui smoking eajoymenh, Try it today. It's the pick of Canada, Burley ~' mid,4 It DC Y crop - alwaYs a woadorfuJJly cool, sweet smoke.'ý DES toste good ln a pipe 1 HANDY SEAL-11GH-T POUCH -1 se diopaclcd in Pocket Tins Picbac IC O GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN e 0 a 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 9 a 9 & a a a a 0 a 0 0 a a 0 0 a a 1

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