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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1941, p. 9

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)cure En. s his tient lest Lent- titan lte -h. thel hon Our noie eek. cen- ,~ ,i~41 Tri., - - - -- - - -Mm Littiewoad will be on halidays et mer their cottage. Bov PesnlMiss Meble Thrower, Stark- go Is cil ndville, wes guest of Miss Cpanie ope Phone 40r16 Mitchell. whi 4 le*.* ** * Robt. Keane will repoe the tive D M ffattflst week in September for duties lute ~¶çr .Moffatt has had her in the R.C.A.F . crac house painted. Clvery Baptist Church, Osh. Of . Miss Kathleen Smith has been ewa, Young People picnicked in arni re-engaged as teacher et Antioch. Orono Park Saturday. The Glad ta see Mn. John Temblyn give Dr. McKeazie is M with biood ok egein et ter his accident. Al- poe, poisoning. though his anm is stili sare ho lyn. Miss Grace Centrolls visiting teels more like himself. wH' Mis Maien Catrei.Congratulations tai Mn. and Mrs. fresi Tue parsonage has received e Milfred Sherwin an the birth of a gig coat of pamnt. son, Juiy 24th, et Bowmenville chat Tue'Salvation Army irom part Hospital. trier Hope picnîcked hene Fiday. An Onono citizen picked a meple vote Orono girls won 30 ta 15 aven leaf as brightly caloned as they the iendal et Kendel Tuursday night. usuelly are ia October. Maybe heai Tue Hicks famoily have maved this means an early feUl.' into L. A. Dent's house. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Anderson, Virginiatown, and Mn. and Mis. Mia. A. Henry hoiidayed et Robinson, Weland, called at W F Sturgeon Lake. E. Davey's. Mis. Waterman, U.S.A., ta visit- Gardon Leemen, Camp Boîden, lag hene. . was home befone leeving for St. i Mrs. C. Adams, Toronto, is visit- Hubert, Quebec, for active service pali ing Miss F. Cobbledick. in the R.C.A.F. uni Tue Craiga plcnic was held Mrs. Paul Snadgrass, Rochester, W. home last week. was home owing ta the death of in Mis. C. Cavely visited W. E. her father, Robet Rainey, wha haid Davey. died Saturday aiter a bnief illness. s'ac Eliner Middleton wa home on Mn. and Mis. Norman Aluin are X leave. enjoying e holiday lI Nepanee, Ker Mr. Wm. Moffatt has been busy guests of Mr. and Mis. Haîry Tay- Yu tahgte census in Onono. lion. cii Misses Tourjee, Toronto, visited Ms Ehl et,-ht a;Tov Mis. S. McPherson.- Miss Winnie Murray, R.N., Wind-a The tatemen18 o sal etson, were guesta of Mn. and Mis.- Tynrel's Drug Store, 5c a copy. .. Richards. 'ter: Garon eenanis aw t Mn- Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Towns and Cou ool ie Aiar orce.Man David, Miss Ruth McFiggon, Co- Dtu iiIi ~bourg; Mr. and Mis. C. A. Stain- ev Miss Muriel Morton, Whitby, tan, Ray .end Catherine, Oshawa, inc has been an holidays. visitedet W. J. Steinton's. har SMiss Ida Stephens visited Mis. E. J. Hamm bnought honon ta Re W. Moffatt. hirnself and Orono by bemng ap- An Mt. W. Virtue, Tyrone, ha visit- painted a Grand Steward at the Mr. ingl~is deugitten, Mis. Harny Mer- Maonic Grand Lodge convention by cen. held in Toronto. vill Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw et? Hydro met Mondey nighi and F - eddDecoration services et pessed these fol.l$22.00g buis: BP. n Bowinanvhlle. . U. $84.90 H.EC.$20;Rfud i Léskard Sunday School held ta Police Trustees $33.16 - Total Cei their picnic in Orono park Thurs- $390.06. day. Mns. O. Sandercock h"s given Mm. nd Ms. T War andtwoUp the position of oganist' et ParkT d&.ugndters. KThener viditedw.St. Chunch attenr many years ofV J. atesn icee iie. service. Mis. R. H. Brown will ho NexWtsweoRn. nd .~ the new onganist. _______________and______S. Orono L.O.B.A. members en- * terteined ladies of te Petorboro lodge '(wito perfonmed degree Cec Eyesight Educ i work an two candidates> Friday deà Eyes~ht OUCev.i. E. Harding, Enniskil- Efficincyion, la taking Park St. ntorning tra church service while Rev. Little- jul Br wood ta on vacation. The ovenng c.mTuk sevice and Sunday Sohool aie h C.HTtik th wthdrawn during Agut. , Optoînerit Misses Margaret MlUsOn, Lmaj- Eytiight ana Wood, Ruth Goode Curol we S>.ckW staples and Anna Staples and fre Disner Bidt. Mis. J. R. Cooper attended the Ra Achiivement Day at Mllbrook f., (ope. P.O.) end bnought' home $3.0 prizseer moiiey. i -Mr. and Mis. Charles Miler in, Number 184 (nec Mary Tazablyn) -cen certain- tw ly find the "big fele rs" and this fre * "Eyeslght Conservation" ha no fish stary of theoane that got~ ste <par t 3) ewey eithen. Titey have the evi- ta, The publie welfare ai e patient deace thet they caught a 42" requining glesses or any Optical lunge in Mud Lake that weighed th, aid should ho recognized (rom theo " 1aounds. Attention, An d 'rne viewpoint of health, and oxamin- Clarke! it, ed, advised and coriected accord- Police Commiision met Mondai A lngly. And it should ho funthor night. H. A. Clarke îeported pro- i undenstood titet the pice con- gress in building tank in aorth g'i sidemation cen only be decided part of Orono. J. J. Melor was in- from the eading ai the prescrip- tructed ta write thenking the De- tion eiten exanunetial. pertinent ion the new Â'StOp"~ It may ho possible for e persan signa and, at their nequest, givingI ta try on a pair of giasses and see estimetes ai the coat of fixing the s1tte time qulto cleely but aiter neteining wells on Tannery hili. a tume the same vision and com- Police tex rate for Onono was re- fort do not exist becauseofa the duced onceril, making it 7 muls. effect ettor the use of the giasses Tue f ollowing bis wone paid: R for a time. Hentridge the authon Geo. Butters, labor $3.45; Munici- and authority an îefracètion mey pal Woild$1,24. be quoted as follows, "Thre treat- Orono tennis club members did :ment ai Pnesbyopia consista in real weîî et the tounnament eat fil prescibing (note that he seys Whitby July 23nd, winlinfg 5 Out g8 pnescriblng) convex lenses for ai thre 7 events. Bud Mclsaac and ar reeding and nearwonk soi as to Donald Stapies, John Grady and W bring thre neer point toae con- Roy Colville, and j. J. Cornisir lc ventent distance." ad Albert West won the three Ui 4'Befao ordering glasses for. rnen's doubles, Miss Grace Mitch- as Pnesbyopia, it*ha nocesseny ta trY ell andMis. Buckley won one ai thte patient's distance vision so the two ladies' doubles, and Mis. w thtat axiy Hyperapie, on myopie Buckiey and Mec Smith won one et ' nay ire recognized. If Hyperopia of thre twa mîixed doubles. Whitby g exista it nmust be subtracted. Do club senved lunch. They wene in- li flot negleot youn eyes. Have titem vited ta be the guests af Orona pnopenly examined. Juiy 30th. (ta bo contiaued> A good nelghboun, e highly nos- ci pected citizen end e feithilil mem- H ber o! Park St. Churcit pessed r eway Setunday et bis homo in Ic Orona, efton a brie! illness, la the P: OU, 6OO&hC "Ii.i tlifs persan of Robenrt Rainey. Decoas- a No woII brl.flv outliues te ed, wio wes 84 yeans of age, lSa chiaisrsciilV odele ue survived bY his widow, formerly law ofithe Province of Ont. Miss Taylor, two sons, Ervin,M ,Woes it affectspermins de. Onano, and 'Neil, Clarke Union; c: ingwltoutWlls.twa deughtens, Nova (Mrs. P. ci âne wthow ilinodgressaQ) ROchesten, and Elsie 9 mirera wqs irold July 23nd et )Wmanvilie beach and a real gd tume wes reported by tire 35 50s who ettendéal. Proceedings oecd witir e worsirip penloal, GE hich was nendenoal mare, etfec- Br ie and impressive iry tire ebso- an te stillness irnkea anly iry tire fai ckle ai tire tire anallte lapping Or te water elong the a hane) Fa aidst which it was conducted. ex ie ceil la warsirip and story was B. on by Hazel Wmntor, and a Ke erm and prayer by Myrtie Terni- W] r.A sing sang fallowed, aitei an, ,icir contesta wene conducteal iy an, izol Wlntor. Weiners and a ne- St ?shing: drinik ai orange julce and Hc geralo wero senveal anal social tel t enjayed, afleî wiricir tire P andship circle was formed. A M te aiflirenka wes exténded ta so ecoramitîco by Elsie Rowe,.. artily appnoved by ail.Mi Hz >RMER WARDJEN Ca DIES AT MARKHAM Cý Formneri1 active in municipal ai ditics in tire Counties of Nanti- 'p nbrland and Dunram, Tuantes Underwood aluod et Markitarn bis eigirty-seventir yoar: Ho id been e nesident of Mankirn rce 1915. M'r. Undemwood was bom eat endal, Dunhain County. As a ang man ire entered tire muni- Fa pal fieldl and Wes 'elected a a' emmir ofa tire council aiflMie 6t] iwnship of Clarke. Ho served iReeve of lte Townshrip froln - ;91-1894. 'Laeo he senved a Ju Tfi as wardon of the united M, ounties o! Northumbierland and th uritar. Ho was a menthrof ai weral fraternel Organizatiansa.Ss .luding the L.O.L. anal Mark- bc Rm, Union Loalge A.F. & Al. M ewasaiaso a memben ai SI. at ndrow'a Presbytenian chunch. Bi r. Underwood wes piedeceaseal ta b is wifo, iormeriy Jane Col- Fi ie. G Funenal services wes iteld Wod- eday aitonnoan front iris l4ome, pl tinterment in St. Andrew's pl .metery. si rORONrO TRUCKER il MISSES RAIL l DEATiri TWICE Raoy Powers, Toronto, son of ýeci1 Pawers, Oronoi escapeal ath on a railway cnosslag and gain when a pale, crashed àrougitlte windsitield ai his P rnspont wîtin a f 0w seconda on si ul>' 28. -'i Tue two escapes occured when C ýapproacrec lie C.P.R. cnassinga Pst ofEPQrI Hoppand lis braites i o césbond"T 'tbît aof Mni vre four autos weiting foran a relgitra in ta cross the tracks.a tther than striko tient anal anal irce thent lalo the freight, Pow- 's iteadea fan tire train. ,'Whene vithin a iew feet ai the fast nav- ng train hoaitew an opening ire- v'een the final automobile anal reigit cens tirrougi wicithoh eered the truck leden wlth ten1 mans ai indes.t The irnakeless transport scneped he aides ai htirala, cuttiag t pe hrn ie tauln caenngÈ ,nd conlinucal anatonr 20 yards inýsf o tu a en e i ri c a ùhuleal thrnoghthe Winriel nazing Powens' arit. BELOVED PASTOR t lB HONORED AT WARSAW Rev. J. W. Wilklnson, A Former Citizen of Orona Warsaw Unitedl Circir was weli ille&l on June 251h for a farewell gathering ta, Rev. J. W. Wilkinson and f mmuly wbo have ircen la Warsaw fon about il years, anal Lave endeeral tirontselves la lire United cangregatian anal taaltonrs as well. Mi. Wilkinson spoke, of lire work analtire people in the ci- cuit ta a kindiy way. Tire pro- gram coasisteal a! musical anal itorary nuaibers. Af 1er tire pragnram, Mr. anal Mirs. Wilkinsonm and al nily were cahleal la tire plettonni. Mr. James HIawthrne made a few remanks relative ti tiroir ieaving analtire logis foît ry lire congregelians ne- presented there: Wersew, Bethol and Mion, as Carmel iral lire pro- i'ious day. Hen S. S. class presealoal Ruthr wilh a ioveiy gahl ring; John's clasa gaeo ut a puise; Stella ne- ..eived a prelly lanp; litîle Mer- îiote_basket of ihowers; Mis. Wliknsanap++-y i *v n e sr-1 ORO)NO PAGE NINE TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO .Kiaymor Beau By Collynie Royal Barrage, Canada's most noted Shorthorn sire. This classy bull from a classic strain, owned by Capt. Cyril H. Mumford, Hampton, President of the Durham County Short- horn Association, has produced a progeny that ha bninging Dar- lingon township back into the forefront of the Sharthorn breed. Coli Visitais:h eo. Henders eraks Co'wi id Mis. CI amly, etN )nt ano... enrrow, Orci id son Jack, LCrossley's. ýelly ad da bhite andé nd Mis. Jol nd Mis. EthE ýtringer's.. [llingswartt er Vioa.. lerrin et Mr r. and Mrs as, Tarante, .Mis. W. A Es. Cooke [amilton wit Congratulal ýaal Ferrai Tuere was irarlie McNE ýe and bis d( irhis barni tcirfonk. I ,Cirarlie. Red Cross arrow's ta ýt Mis. 'n ;tr. Visitons: W vitir Master rune Maffia doffit, Barr rie Stepirexi nd Mis.C Wanville Mr. Jack Bannes at rson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. wan and family, Mr. Clarence Buiiey and Wiilow Beach, Lake Mr. and, Mrs. Ivan mo, Mis. Jack Wade *, Newtonville, at Mr. s. .. Mr. and Mrg. J. lughter Ruth, Mr. A. daughter Joyce, Mn. ohn Lowery, Oshawa, hel Burley at Mr. Wes. *h. Mr. end Mrs. R. -hwith their daugh- .Mi. and Mrs. Alfred Ir. T. J. Simpsan's... s. Ciarence Reid and o, at Mr. W. A. Reid's. A. Reid had her sister !and daughter froni th her. ltions to Mr. and Mis. mr on their manriage. tone fox less to get eil's hens when Char- Log cornered a fox up Sand killed it with a Keep the gaod work rown's ;met at Mis. Walter )quilt. Next meeting rew Hunter's August M1aster Norman Eddy rSam Turner.. . Miss .t and Master Keith rie, with their cousins nson childien. . . Mr. Clarence Turner and am, and Mi. and Mis. Ken Ab- bell, Moffer, ea ull ta . r. mr- ' Unenocbl biatos tii et, Oshtawa, et Guil Lake.. . strorig, Millbraok, and anolirer ta ' raleOliaios a1 (aster Bien BrunI, Lockitart's, Ralph Wibun, Manchtester. Tuese 1 Inae certain Theolagicel Senti- xvi kt his grandiathen's, Mr. Cliifond wone of Collynie strain. It wlll nemy the Professar in his sum- ci 3rown. .,~. Gea. Stephenson, ot- be aated, too, titet Eanl Osborne mary of e sermonic effort said: th, ;awa, et home. . . Miss Wylma and S. Chas. Allin wvene contnibu- Tue yaung brothen took a text ai' Panrow with Mr%. L. Hughes, Port tans ta the successful Dryden sale, and slneigirtwey departed fnomn it. ev hnenby. reparted eisewirere in titis issue. But tiret ha sucit a commonplece cis Bnawn's Red Cross gave a cam- According ta Fildman Jack occurrence thet it ha ta-day ralirnEt lte baby layette, 1 quilt and 2 Baker, theno mey be a goad the accepted rule, which allaws ,îr of stockings ta, the Emptychnetpiku oegd the present effort ta get by one S taet Newcastle Red Cnoss gai- Shorthorns eit reasonablo pnîces mile-stonoe t loast. Be len panty. et the dispersion sale af tite lete Afml ri aaehju-J .Miss Wylma Farrow eccompan- Harny Cayie on August 6th a e A f miiy roslm. nezithejoui- of Led a group ai girls traim Newton- Roseneeth.nyetaJusom Onhee-a vile ta theo Aciievement Day et Oid files af Tue Statosman con-. turn, taking 100 mucir fan granted, a Millbnook. tain records of pnizo winning it. found tiret anc member hed tar- th, Sitothoras when William Werry, nîed beind. Found and question- ai] _____________ Tuas. Baker' and Samuel Allita ed, the youth seid: (The first ne- es mainteined the Sirortirn tradi- conded words of Jesus) "Wity ha iltith tlon in Drigo.Nw* hl that ye weno seeking me, did ye tih Ken a1 ol D iihinetton Now wc shah] t know titat 1 must be about my Ti fol o w w i h nt n es t ti p e s nt fa lirr's b u sin e ss? " lei Visitons: Miss Marianoe Patton, nsiec.Titerein lies a truth thet ihaet b3 Port Hope, et homo. .. Miss Chi- the batlamn of ail great cirac- ci ale Jordon, Orano, et John Pet- CATULE OUTLOOK lens. Tue must cames from e con- w :on's, and Miss Greta Mercer, u.,. viction thel iras been developod Bi Orono, et Roy Mercer's. . . Mr. UBRIGHUî, *'ON" and metuied in tirose 'quiet mua- of and Mis. Lamne Maitinell,,Dick; îngs thet thinkers indulge in and fo Mns. A. Colon and family motored 'tire autcomeofaiwirichi h seen in et t» Haînilton. .. Mrs. Wilby, wiro Ottawa News Report Foresees the dedîcation ai a lite as e nesult Ir taught itere some 25 years ega, Dit Domestie Dem»and i l- of saine.w and Mis. Fielding visited et Mi. p<eoebilty of Supplyhng U.S.A. Tisdfertaesmnkin.g Milon obiso's.. .. is.N. 'Tue mad, giddy mass follows the pl Thorteil and Shirley irave neturn- According ta federal agricullur- white ligirta ta get away from Pi cd ta the clty. . - Miss Audrey ai report, e strong homo market consciencoeand duty . . . and ta iM Patton was honio. . . Miss Pearli haebsorbing cattie, so that it may dnown the oppartunity ai being th Greenwoad with item grandmnother be impossibleo ta givo U.S.A. ail troubled by tire MUST ai tiroir de Mis. Wilson. . Mn. Aylwend Lit- thc beef it ha ready ta take. owin judgment, steve off any pas- M~ tic and iss Doîotity Scott witir Tue querterly quota fan hcavy sibiity of saime, by lie and action th Mrs. Nova Little... -Mis. D. BOS-~ cattlc granted Canada by United inane and puie . . encounaged w. tock, Rosie and Joyce, witi r Ms. States is, 51,720 head. Last yeai ta, do sa by skiliful bait thet seema J. Paeen, Wesleyville... Mr. and tire annuel quota at 193,950 head ta catch so eesily lte "Pon Fisir." Mis. Harvey Peodon and daugit- was not filea. Let me expiain tiret lest stete- ter, Flint, Micir., and Mme. J. Pao- ment. A triend conrîected wilir den with Mis. e. Bstock... Mr. Why Exporte Down tire groatest commercial advertia-Y and Mrs. Gea. i1 Swaibrick, Mis. Agriculture department officiais ing concorn in the U.S.A, ils Whaeo and haie, and Mr. Douglas gave these neasons ton inebility ta headquartens loceled on Madison tc Grey et Mi. A. Grelg's. meot United States caIlle iMiPait Ave., N. Y., and ita agents in allil A. numben front home attonded reqirementa this yeer. lte great cilies in tiret land, had ~ tire Mercen pfcnic eit Cobourg and 1. Tuo home market fan heef ha many fine artistsaet wonk wiren I tire Bryson picalo et Bowmanvillo. stranger then et any tinte since visited ireedquarters. Here wene An open air service was héld 1929. being developed those wonderfulB by Rcv. McLacirlan Sunday even- 2. Cattle henda depletod by the patrayals of irurnns wiro thrive ing.* prairie drougirt o! 1937 are silîl on a certain bnand af tobeccoaend i Mn pnocess of rohuîlding. look youlirful if tircy will onlyh ______________ 3. Mare employmnenl, impraved use a certain peint - powder - on wages and the requrmen ta of lotion ta caver up defecta and oec- btaKviiemilitaiy camps have incesed cesses. I roceil a certain brand o! beef cansumption.- cigarettes irad portreyed te face ______4. lan'providing food supplies ta of an ectnoss that was suppased A number attended Suir Sun- Great Britain the empirasis iras ta prove tire wonth of thal widoly r, day Scirool picnice t tire Creamn been on bacon and othor cuned on advertised article. Tire stany goesa of Berley on Satuiday. easily-transparted producta nethen tiret a tniend look thet yaung lady Mr. S. G. Hailowell iras beon tran beef. Where caIlle migirt la task for her supposed comn-a confined la iis bed, but ha ne- havoeireen naised, tire tendency mondation that tire smoko of samne covoring. hes been ta increese tire number irad nevor hurt hon tirnoat.. William Saveny 1a intproving iris o!firogs. seying, I tirougirt you did not irouse byr putting repeins on tire smoke . . . ad gaItirhe reply, autaide. Sînali Increase "TuaI is why il doos not hurt."c Mrs. Andrew Tmnnie la sfil con- Cattle andl calves on Canadien But tire "bail" evidcntly catches f ined ta hon bcd et hon deughter's, tennis Dec. 1, 1940, nuntbered tire "pon tisit." Ars raelAgoodrong.eaia t 8,316.000, an incroase o! only one Tis devolion of tire unlink- A ene erviooc et Subi Snday per cent over tire low point reacir- ing ta lire popuier smnothors tho tee serniig e unay Scioal wa asad li 1937 and three per cent un- possible wonking ai a disturbingc moweil ettend Sholws lodon the Decemben, 1934, estintete mmnd tiret wouid cail on ils own- Iel VistonGdonCydlods. ~~~00 Indicative of lire in- or ta dedicate life andl laient 10 a awa, as irmo. . Mi' andMis. demanal ton beet waslire warliry purpaso. Ed., Ruien ioetM. A. Dob- incroase la tire nuntier o! beef "Keeping up wiirtirte cnowd" soas. . . rtun cKY was in 3,622,000 i 1940 and a decrease in but tor tire praducers ai "acces-1 Oshawa. . . Raymtond Farrow toa m'Ilk catll front 4,741,000 10 4,- sanies" tire source of revenu. aholiday up nonth af Whitby. ... 694,000. No is nat popular ta stop Mn. and Mis. Warnen Carson and "Tue Canadien caIlle market aside tram th ire e ai loasl re-q eamily wenoe t Mn. Fred Wilsan's, 'iras its ireaithiest appearanceofa sistance 10 taliow e peti ttirt calls Penrytown, and ettendeal the fun-,mono then 10 yoars," said one ag- for ail you are ta secunee allyaui ral ai Mis. Mont. Wilson. .. Mr. iculture depanîment o f f i c i e l. cen ire. Francis Ridley Havongai and Mrs. Jira Sleonten, Osirawa, "Tire lasa li. numbors due la the says: "Tire easy petit in tire iow- Swith Mis. Jacob Hallowell. .. Mrs. dnaugirt years are being repiaeoa land iratir lithoe of grand or aew, 1Srnylhe and Nancy wlth friends and tire incneased demand for But a toilsome ascent heads on ta e t Centrevilie. . . Mu. anal Mis. beof et home is masl noticeable." a wide and gloniaus view. Peaphed .Chas. Yule and fentily, Oshrawa, and wenm is tire valley, ionehy et Mr~. Wint. Saveny's. . . . Miss and chili tire beigirt, But tire peek .BLwne wcdd. Mand trs.Mis. FALL RYE FOR thal is nearer lire stan chaud, is L Caige TorontoMi. . aaPi. as. . A fIY PASTURE nearr tie stars of ligit." And« Cnai, Taoato Mn.S. F Baucirwiren lte hour strikes tiro moir :Part Hope, et Mns. Richard Hello- and lire mess cry out for leaders well's. . . Mn. Erwin Allison, Cern- Periraps il may seent toa soon anal tiey are those wha were 'eîon, motoreal ta Mr. H. B. G11la be talkiag about next spning'5 ironor bound and iistened ta tire Lmer's, bringing Miss Pityllis G11- pastures et titis tinte of tire yeairnmust of unontorceeble obligation. >mon wiro ital heen visiting et when tirere is sucir e scarcity of We are reading of tirent to-day.. iCemeran. . . Miss Claie Hearn, feed, but that is wirat sirould ire o! meny nations, tangues, anal 1Toronto, wltir hon sister, Mns. dane ta ire assureal of adequete color. They conte forth ta do wiret kTiras. Falls~. . . Miss Marlon Fan- pasturago tirrougiroultirhe yeai'. in tem ies witir a devation thal tnow and girl fienal have retura- Fall rye seeded as eerly as moans they have moltirhe cirai- Sed ta Toronto. . . Miss Beuleir Auguat bat, mea provide some late longe of . .. Groaten love hatno rHallowell la Toronto,... Mr. anal pasture, but Ilt makes ils best man than titis tiret a man hay Mis. Bert Trlm aro home irom siroylng in the eariy sprng. Seed- down itis lufe ionr is friend. Ye Mud ak e anal BhUy Fox la aaw ed anound Septemben lst, il sirould aeo my fnienals if ye DO .. . if ye on hiadys. . -Mr. anal Mia. Sid give excellent spring pasture et do ... do wat .. . meet the cital- Hailowoll anal Helen, Lloyd Hello- least twa wecks earlien than othon longe of te uneniorceeblo, thet wehl and Alice HaUlowell enjoyod seeded pastunes anal will give tire 50 many dodge, the dentanal ai e motor trip ta, Haiwood. grass a chance ta gel well eslab- awakened conscience as It unden- lisirea, so as ta carry tire stock stands daihy needs . . . for the langer anal well into tire sumuiel fields are wite unta hanvept, but In Canada, 76,630,841 potinds o! montha. the lairorens are few ... but the bnden twlae wene manufactureal At tire Central Expeimeatal inanities afi hie are 50 ireeutiully in 1940, andl representeal 59 per Faim, Ottawa, f all rye seeded et llustnated anal 50 charmlnghy ? 1cent af the total value ai products twa busitels per acre the filsl broadasat aven the radio (ion no- made in ttat yeai by the Cordage, week In Septemirer was neady fan venue). . caiefully pepared Ropo andl Twlne Industry in tte gnazing on May 18 la 1939, on hait . .. pýoo fisir. àDominion. May 14 in 1940, anal on May 2, inLa -nalal struggles that test ta the NEWS EAIBTEUNONTARIo Public CordiallyInvite Shorthorn Sales About tire only faim prices tiret have been maintaineal an an eveng keel anda t genorelly satis!actany( margina are tiroso ia tire irco! caIllefielal. Naoirancir of live-i stock nequires hess attention analg wonk anal quito a few newcamens1 have ialely taken ta tire Short-1 irna arain.j Recent sales indicate nat only1 denanal but alsa, show the trenal ta classic pedigrees. Tue tollow- ing fermera have anly necently alded lto ir bonds: Elgin Tay- loi anal Fred Smithr, bath of En- niskiien, hrave made purcirases front CepI. Muntioral. Jack Baker solal two 10 tire Dinadale tanins et Peterboro, anal CapI. Mumi oral also shipped one ta tire Dominion Goyernment, anc ta Bleccken Ferma, Bellevile, anc ta Robent Duïf!, one la Lew Richaralson, e houfer anal caif ta Mn. Mary, Oak- ville, twa celvos ta Grant Camp-j Ant 1 ily tom spe PeE a i Hai mi Bui Th( anÈ in; in tor. wei wi weý ne: the wit i Gii Br( ed twi ny! wil col nei ME J* da7 ne, ba: ani thi ME WrHUESAY, about a month when used in ro- tation with other pasture. Fail rye land cen be ploughed Up around June lOth and corn, sudan grass or 'millet cen be planted imme- diateiy in order to make full use of that area and provide addition- al forage for live stock. The re- commended varieties of rye are Horton, Crown and Dekold. The latter variety is late and prostrate in habit of growth at first, but it furnishes good pasture later than the other varieties mentioned. From enquiries and discussions among milk producere, The States- man learns that many are in doubt as to just what to do sa that herds may flot be sacrificed. Terefore we reprint the above. ..:mmuUuuUUU Random Ruminations By The Mmn on the Shef~ The NewaSffli Phone CI iThe Statesman is 5c a copy at derson's Drug Store. virs. Thos. Enwright and fani- rare visiting in theii aid home vn of Strathroy. M. Enwright ýnt a week with them. Miisses Betty Allin and Paticia ?arce returned on Sunday from week spent at Ida with Mis. rry McBain who was quite ill. ack Perin is learnig the Mling business as an assistant in ckley's Mill with Manager Fred ,onas of Stephenson & Thomas. Ai large crowd from the towns id villages and ail the country =d spent Sunday at the lake an effort to get away from the land heat. The J. Anderson Smth Co. f ac- y and office has closedi for a ek until after civic holiday, ith ail the emplayees getting the ek's holiday with pay. Ed. Nielson, a cappersmith, has )ened up a manufactuing busi- s on the west ground floor of ÉBonathan block ini confection ith Carl Weyrich's wood-work- gindustry on the east top floor. Manager Geo. Crowther of the iris' Bail Club, Umpire Ray own and four of the team visit- 1Toronto Saturday and toak in va girls' softball games at Sun- side. Te girls taking the trp îth the view of learning ail they )uld ta increase their effective- ss were the three Jeans- ilmes, Bonathan and Gray, and largaret Pearce. Messrs. Albrecht, Freernen and ier, after a montit at Harry ose's, returned ta Elmira Satur- y. The lest week they did the w hanse stable under the straw rn in a streamllned cernent job .d instalied the water system in ie cattie stables. The three men iet many peple and made many riends while here for they were friendly and interested tria and riii be missed. They attended urcit on Sundays and when ieir day's work was over toak in 1the social and community 'ents of the neighbarhaod. Fran- iJase accampanied them, ta mira fan a holiday. The United Chuncit Sunday .hool picnicked at the West xach, Newcastle-on-the-Lake, on ly 23rd, with a large ettendance ýfchildren and teon-agefalk and goodly number a! adults ta do e necessary wonk. Tue f amilies B provided an abundance ai ets, the younger falk eating on le grass in true picnic style and joir elders at the park tables Chero was bath hot teat and iced mon nectar, the latter provided )y H. E. Hancock, ta drink, alst 1ocolate milk for those whc ished. Donald Jase and Jeer onathan conducted a progran )f competitive sparts with pize: r ail winners. A collection tek ýn up at the tables helped ta de try oxpenses. A softball. game ritit Jean Basiathan and Mar 'aret Pearce as captains, wa playod on the open spaco westo Pioneer" Cottage, with Rev. R. E [antan acting as umpire. Amoni te visitars were thnee littlg Jaugitters of Mn . and Mis. Alei cNeil, Ottawa, stying witl their aunt, Mis. Gardon Martin while their mother ha 1M. VISITORS Miss McCutcheon, Toronto, a Mr. J. H. Jose's. Master Bernard Sharpe, Tron ton, with Mi. D. Shaipe. Mis. Harry Rawe, Orono, stay ing with M. J. A. Awde. Mrs. Poacock, Port Hope, a Mns. Chas. Gilkes', "Bayside". Corporel Harold Hockin, Cami Borden, with Mis. W. J. Hockin. Corp. Meadows, guerd et a: internment camp, Sherbrooke, a hame. Miss MeMulion, Trnt, wit vlrs. Wm. Bannerman at M Howard Glenneys. Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Battone, Tc 'onto, with Mis. J. F. Osborn and Mrs. Norman Aluin. Mr. and Mr. Strachan and s0 ad Mn. and Mrs. Fidier, Taranti with their mother, Mis. Catherin Fidler. Sergt. Sam Cowen, Montres ad Mr. Fred Cowan, St. Cathai ines, with thein mother, Mis. FrE ECowan. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred De Grai ad twa sons, Rochester. N3' hoiidaying in one ai Mrs. Fidier c!ottages. Dr. and Mis. Haffner, Ne York Cty, have been visiting JLY 318t, 1941 IANO CONCERT behld st apus, Bowmanviiie vAUGUST 5th im., D.S.T. REGT. DEPOT BAND i - Grand Stand Seats MAJOR P. B. IODE. k lhMSke 1114 the home of Mr. and Mns. Brad- ford Kay. Mr. Sam Simpsan and Misa Clara Caswell and Mr. Walter Caswell,-Hope Tp., at Mr. Jno. Caswell's. Mr. Lewis Kay, New York, makmng the trip to and from To- ronto by plane, with his brother, Mr. Bradford Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Colinwood Daniel and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bd. War.ý burton and daughter, Oshawa, with Mr. Alanzo Cowafl. Mrs. Maltby and Ruth, Ports- mouth, Eng., now paying igueste at Mrs. John Holmes', Master Jack Maltby being at Mr. Saxon Gra- harn's. Dr. and Mrs. D. Noble from, Iowa with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay. Dr. Noble is a son of the former Miss Anaie Bedford wha lived with her mo- ther and sisters and her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eil- beck, in the home now owned by Mr. and Mrs. lCay. BusinsDi: ectoxyj Legai r& G. V. GOULU, B. A., L7L.E. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanvlfle W. IL STIM Barnister, Solicitor Notary Solicitor for Bank ol Montreal rMoney to Loan - )Phone '791 Bowmanvifle, Onitario L. C. MASON, B. A. 7 Barrister, - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. 1 Law in ai ts branches 1Office imniediately east of'Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 1)entali DIL 3. C. DEVT y Assistant. Dr. E. W. Siamo IGraduate, of Royal Dental Col- r lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jublle eBldg., Bowmnvllle. Office houru ci 9 am. te 6 P.m. daily, 0 except Sunday 'Phone 790 - House phone 883 ýf X-Ray Equipment la Office d Fumerai Directors i FUNERAL DMECTOS 0 Service, any hour, any day 10 . F. Morris Co. MModern Mater Equipmnent, Amn- e bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- - phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. e, Veterlnary RL . B. MURR4"Y, V.S.; D.V.S. f Vêterinarian Chureh St. - Bowm&UVili LgPhone 843 29 tf le WILPRED W. H WN D.V.Sftk. .8. th Vetertnary Surgeon a, Office: Main St.. Orono Phone 56r7 ÂAuctioneer at ELMER WILBUS a- Licensed Aucioneer Hampton - Ontario -Speclalizing la Faim, Livestock, Implements ad Furniture Sales Phone for Terms and Date ta: 1 p Bowmanville 2428 GLLN RAS OAIRY i

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