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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1941, p. 10

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PÂGE TEN THE CANADIAN S~1W1!ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTA1UO THURSDAY, JULY 31,t 1941 L owmanville-om-the-Lake j EAST SIDE LAKE NEWS- Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith "Home Bush." Mrs. G. Cashmore,.with Mrs. Mrs. Alex Colvîlle and Miss N. Byers ait Idlebye." Catherine Coiville, Town, are Mr. R. Myers, with his wife and spending a few days lit "Honey- faxnily, ait "Richilieu." moon Inn." Mvrs. Clarence Pethick and son Mr. and Mrs. J. Stocker and Frank, Toronto, ait Mayfair." son,1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Raye and Miss Ruth Porter, Toronto children, Toronto, with Mr. and guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Yake. Mrs. W. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Atkinson, L.A.C. A. Myers, Trenton, With Mr. and Mrs. H. Sawyer, Mr. and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. MY- Mrs. L. N. Vanstone, Toronto, lit ers. Vanstone's cottage. Mrs. E. Gingell with her pr Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Osh- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pearn, "Logawspna ek hldy it Cabi." her parents, Mr. and 1&ts. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Currie, Henderson. Gait, guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hendersonj W. Grant. and Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller and were in Brighton Sunday visiting Clifford, Solina, with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Coulter. Mrs. Albert Gilders. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClel- Mrs. E. Gingeil, Toronto, (nee Ian are occupymng McClellan's Evelyvn Pearn) on the arrivai of cottage for two weeks. a baby girl on July 6. Mrs. A. L. Darch has gone to Miss Helen GlanvUle, Town, Bancroft where she will read tea Miss Dorothy Kilgore,' Bristol, cups at'a Red Cross paty. Teni., are assisting Mrs. Chas. Mr. Eugene Cunningham, To- Depew in the store. peka, Kan., is spending a month Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dowdell, with his aunt, Mrs. H. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert McClellan, Mr. Hugh McKween, Miss Dor- Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mc- othy McKween, Toronto with Mr. Clellan, Mary and Ann, Renfrew, and Mrs. C. Davie, "Sunny ait McClellan's cottage. Noôk." Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Wight Miss Helen Reid, Miss N. Reid, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Mrs. D. Reid, Toronto, with AllUn, Mr. and Mrs. Melbotirne HOLIDAY AHEAD Recor 0f ..... ............... ALL POPULAR SIZES kT OUR CAMERA COUNTER Veaichrome, Panaaomic-X, Super. XX Film. Fuli-color Kodachrome Film and alI-around Plus-X Film for miniature cameras. Whatever your~~~ pi0uereure ts, the Kod* ilm you'li needis ready for you here. KODAKS frem $250 up Quick Develeplng Service Treasure Cheat The " faLe value" of the season . .. nne world-famous Elizabeth Arden prepîma- lions, ineluding Ardena Oleansing Creain, Ardena Skin Tonie, .êrdena Vel- va Cream, Pemiber-Lighl F'oundation Crean, Rouge, Eye Sha-do, Poudre d 'Illusion, Blue Grass F'bower MisI and Hand-O-Tonik. Ail filled in a beauti- ful alligator-grain case. 8.#IalValue$35 qIuq~~xeRu lDruE store - vo fo t . la udome preperi>'. - Deiy Servie Wight, Town. Miss Ada Wight, Edmonton, Alta., with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jcwell. The intense heat wave over the wcekend attracted many balisera to our sandy beach in searcis o! rest, recreation and a 1,iunge kn the cool and invigoratkng waters o! Lake Ontario. We are Pleased ta lcarn Bîshop A. L. Fleming's cottage was pur- chased in June by Mr. G. C. Yake, Toronto. New additions and a paint job adds consîdcrably ta Uic appearance of this lovely summer home. Miss Margaret ýStevens, Mr. Denil Davey, Detroit, Mr. aid Mrs. P. J. Murphy, Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Scott, Hespeler, Miss Norma Barker, Burlinglon, Miss Doris Wright, Mr. Bill Divis, Toronto, at Mm. Fred Depew's. Depew's new dance hall bas proved ta be quite a drawing card for young and aid' who arc in search of fun and mecreation, judging by weekend crawds. Gay and light-bearted couples danced 10 Rockola music with Uic hall dccomated with bri.ght coloured streamers aid balbons. The muisic and decorations were pmovided with thc courtesy and gcncrosity of Uic Cold Spmîng Beverages. WEST SIEDE BEACH By strange coincidence for the 12.15 service aI The-Chipel-on- the-Hill Mr. William McCartîcy had chosen V, for Vhlour and Victomy, as Uic theme of bis short inspirkng discourse. Thse hymis and psauma wcmc also imbued with the ame note of courage aid aptimism. Tise summer res- idents feel deeply. grateful to this member of tbeir group for bis leadership in the Sunday activ- ities. Manday nexî, Civic Holiday, is thc anuai gigantic day o! sports il the West Side Beach. In facI the program. atarts Saturdîy nigisl with a dance and bingo gaine. Sundîy will be a go-as-yatx- please day of real with Uic Carl- eton Sunday Sciso a i noon hour. Then on Mondiy at 1 p.m. a pro- gram of laid and water sports will gel under way with events for young and aid wiso wisis ta Participate. and fui galare for Uic spectators. So you up-tawn folks plan now ta came down ta Uic lake Ibis wcekcnd mnd have a good lime. Sec adv't. for more particulars. Sunday, July 26 al Tise Cave saw aver anceisundred cisildren, their parents and friendsat la session of Uic Carleton Sunday Scisool. Il was tise occasion a! a speciai service armanged by its founder, Mrs. Harold Carleton. The yaung falks pesoiated the children a! a bombcd-out Suîday Scisolik Londan. They answered Uic roll call with vociferous V'a. They stoad ik V formation while siîging their bymna aand patriatic sang9s. The collection was a "Showcm of Sweets" for tise West HIam Mission of London. Alto- gether about $15 worth o! goodies wcrecocntributed. Wanted WANTED-USED BICYCLE IN good condition. Apply Mrs. Turncy, Corner Scugog and Odeli St., Bowmanvillc 31-1' ARTICLES WANTED - O LD style flat irons, handies attacis- cd. Write P.O. Box 10, Bow- manville. 31-4' WANTED-100 PULLETS 2 OR 3 months aid; also used Beatty Litter Carrier. Phone 2186, Bowmanville. 31-1 Wllson's Furniture Co. Summer Specli Refrigerators, coal ail slaves, deck chairs, pillows, comnforters, lampa, dressera, chesî drawers,' couches, electric rangettes, w a r d r a b e s, grass ruga, etc. Inner Sprinx Mattresses $9-95 Goad looking h eav y spring-filed mattresses, covered kn durable fancy licking. Will give you years of 'comfort. AUl aises, at an amazkngly low price. Floor Coverlng Specl 51.49 Borderlesa rugs 6' x 9', inlaids, congoleuins, feltols, hcavy linoleums, kn ail widths. Thse larg- est display of floor coveringsanmd rugs in the city. Wilsoî's prices are lowcr! New Chesterfield Suites $39.50 Modern spring-filled Chesterfield suites; excellent cov- eringa, carved show-wood. A real buy. Chesterfield suites kn beavy figured ricb velours, luxuriant dccp-scated comfort, custom-built syefully uaranteed construc- han. esý carry a large selection ta choose rom and aur prices are always lower. Bedroom ibultes 559.95 Thrillingly ncw, smart waterfall design. This is an out- standing buy. At Wilson's you can find your hcart's desire in a bcd- room suite. Modern and pcriod designs. Wilaon's lower overhead means lower prices ta you. Walnut Steel Beds $4.98 New atreamlined wal- nut steel beds, ail sizes. Wonder- ful value. Studio Couches $19.95 Spring-filled s t udia couches in attractive coverings. 50 beautiful studio couches ta choose tram at bargain prices that will sîve you many dollars. TRADE 1IN DARGAINS Several Breakfast Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, Couches, Wardrobea, China Cabinets, Cribs, Prima Desks, Réfrigeratars, Cbesterfiel Suites, Dlnkng Room Suites. FREE DELIVERY Wilson's Furnîture Co. 40 King W. 20 Churcb St. OSHAWA 29-t! Bingo Gaine at Bowmanvllle Beach, West Side, Saturday night. Classiied Ad Rotes One cent a word cash, -,ach insertion (minimum cge 25c). Charte of 25aette L made when advertisement la not pal saine week as ùlsr- tion. Extra charge of, lOc when replies are direced te a Statesman box niber. Births, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memorlanua, 50c for notice plus 10o p.? Aine for verse. Claaafied adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTI-S COL WELL - At Bownville Haspital, Saturday, July 26th, 1941, ta Mr. and Mrs. Etie Coi- well, a baby girl, Linda Anne. OSBORNE-In Bowmanvllle Hos- pital, on Monday, July 28th, ta Mr. and-Mrs. Clarence L. Os- borne (nee Violet Henning), a son, Donald Everctt. DEATIIS CLEMERS-On July 28th 1041, at her home, 123 Saui Drive, Toronto, Mary Bertha Clemes, widow of the lite Walter Her- bert Clemes. EDGER-On July 3tb, 1941, Em- iiy Luxton, beloved wife of George Edger at the realdence of ber son, Norman Edger, 10 Fenwick Avenue, Toronto, for- merly of Bowmanville. Resting at T. H. Evan's Fun- cral Home, 4 Ferrier Avenue (at Danforth). Setvice Friday, August laI, at 2 p.m. Interinent Pine His cemetery. HONEY-Passcd paway ik Van. couver, B. C., on Tbursday. July 24th, 1941, Emma Grant, beloved wife of Arthur J. Honey, in her 73rd year. POWELL-In Clarke Township, July 24th, 1941, Elizabeth Ann McGahey, wife of the laIe Thomas Powell, in her 78th year. RAINEY-In Orono, July 261h, 1941, Robert Ramney, aged 84 years.% SMITH-Suddenly, kn Toronto, at bis daughter's residence, King- stan Road, Thomnas Riley Smith, Orono, husband of Henirietta Clark and dear father of Neya (Mrs. W. M. Dustan, Frexizo, Cîlifarnia) Ednah (Mrs. X. D. MeKexizie) and Mildre( Mrs. J. F. V. Chester, Taranto.) UNDERWOOD-At Markham, on July 28th, 1941, Thomas W. Un- derwood, beloved husban of the late Jane Colville, kn bis 87th year, native of Clarke Town- ship. Cards of Thanka Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Skayles, Burketon, wish ta tbank ýtheir many friénda and neîghborsi>gr Iheir nuinerous acta of kindnuÈW, donations of clothing and klhid hoapitality, sunce their home was recently dcstroycd by fire. 31-1' Mr. and Mrs. George Piper and Fay wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciation ta their friends and neigbbars for thse many acta of kindness ad ex- pressions of sympathy durkng thc illness and passng of a lovng daughter and sister Joan Beverly, and ta Messrs. Norrîs White, George Heath, Cecii Mutten, Francis Nickerson and Fred Love- less who so klndly took thse f amily ta, visit Joan during thse seven montbs she was kic h Sick Chil- qren's Hospital, Toranto. 31-1* IN MEMORIAM WALLACE-In laving memory of William John Wallace, beloved' busband and father, who pas- scd ta resl at Enniskillen, July 29th, 1921. "You are always with us al- ways.0p -Wifc and Family. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-LOT FOR SALE ON Liberty St. North, about 96x200. Can be dividcd in half. Phone 538, Bowmaîvillc. 31-1' PROPERTY FOR SALE-BOW- manvifle. Beautifully located bouse an Becci Avenue with abaut 2 acres liwn and garden. House adaptable for apartments. Must be aold. Price vcry reg- sonable. Apply Public Trustç, Osgoade Hall, Toronto. 30.3 FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK bouse on Centre St., Bowmin- ville, modemn canveniences; wlU be sold chcap ta close up an estîte. Apply. A. E. Bellman, King St. West. il t! For Rent FOR RENT-2 OR 3 HEATE]) rooms, partly furnishcd if de- sired. Apply Mrs, Turney, Cor. Odeli and Scugog St, Bowman- ville. 31-1' FOR RENT-APARTMENT FOR rent kn Victor Manor, King St. W., Bowmianvillc, possession Aug. lat. Apply H. Bateman. 450 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, phone Oshawa 1062. 28-Uf Druglens Practîtioner ROBERT COLVILLE Druglesa Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmaaville Electrical Treatinenta - 8.îpkal Adjualmentsanad Mass ge. 27-5 Dentlet DR. R. 0. DICKSON Office heurs in Orono: MonUa> to Frida>' (Incluive) from 9 . tes5 p.m, Evenint. b>' appelas- peintinent. Office houes In Newcastle: Ever>' Saturda>' from 9 a.m. tte 9pa. For appointmnt Telephone Orone 18rI. 28-4* Articles For sale FOR SALE--CHOICE GLADOLI, cut flowera, nanicd varieties. AUl colore. They are gorgeous just now. J. H. Jose, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1121.' 31-1* FOR SALE-ONLY ONE LEFT $49.50 Beatty Engine Drive Washcr. Fully reconditioned and guarantced. Termns if de- sifèd. Enquire Mason & Dale, Bowmanville. 31-1 FOR SALE-KROEHLER CHES- terfield Suite--Slightly used 3- picce chcsterfield suite li mo- hair with brocatelle reverse on seat cushions-cost $200.00, at- tractive fraine and in good con- dition. Must be sold-first rea- onable offer takes it. Can be seen by appointment. Cail 358. FOR SALE-ONE McCORLICK- Deering Thrasher, 22-38, good as new. A.pply ta Rbr Har- neas, Port Hope R. R. 3. 30-3* FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND) Congoleum rugs. Select yours from ovcr 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invitcd ta View these at BRADLEY'.9 New Fur- niture Store, 156 Slrncoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf RECONDITIONED TIRES--SAVE up ta 50% on tires and tubes, including ncw Goodyears, Do- minion Tires. Full stock kn al sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battcry' Shop, King and Silver St. 14-tf FOR SALE - PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods, mifilcd postpaid kn plain seaied envelope, with price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples $1. Aduits only. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ontario. 26-9 FOR sALE-HEREW IS A'REAL opportunity ta get a good Vac- uumn Cleaner, one Hoover $12.50, one Hoover, $14i50 and one eureka $19.50. Enquire at Mason & Dale, Bovýmanville- 31-1 OSHA.WA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - EverYthing in modern, chesterfield, .Jedroom, -dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coveringa a speciaity. Qaiymerchandise at com- peiiePrca Before buylng visit Bradiey's New Furniture Store, 150 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa., 19-tf Bowmanville 480 Artiles For Sole FOR SALE-USED MACHINERY' Manure spreader, good;. '28 Dodge car; 2 wagons; disc har- row; new, steel wheei trucks and apreaders on hand, aid prices. Carl Todd, Clarke, phone 15-20. 31-1' FOR SALE-1931 BUICK SEDAN amail series, chéap for cash. Apply R. Dusenbury, Liberty FOR SALE - A FOUR-WHEEL- ed trailer in Ai Ôondition, with 1 ton, 1941 license plate, price reasonable. Appiy ta K. Tub- *man, cia Wm. Laing, Newton- ville. 31-1* FOR SALE - SMALL BUFFET, suitable for cottage; walnut piano case organ in good condi- tion. Post Office Box 353, Bow- Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - SEVENTEEN SIX weeks old pigs. APPly Raymond Clapp, Tyrone. 31-1' FOR SALE - GOOD HEALTHY1 ail purpose horse, 7 years aid, quiet disposition, cheap for cash. 165 Verdun Road, Osha- wa, phone 53w. 31-1 FOR SALE-BAY MARE, FIVE years old and saund. Apply Lewis Wood, Orono. Telephone 84r4 Orono. 31-1' FOR .SALE-PURE BRED JER- sey caw, and calf, just renewed, good milker, $65-00. Austin Lar-j mer, phone Bowmanville 2153. 31-1' FOR SALE - ONE SOW AND 8 pigs 6 weeks aid. Apply Frank Aldsworth, Oshawa. P h on e Oshawa 49132. 31-1' FOR SAL-5 YOUNG BUDGIES two colors ta choase from. These birds make the best of pets. Whiie they last, your choice $4 per bird. Nights at Mrs. Garnet *Goheen's Liberty St. Frank Carter. 30-2 FOR SALE - COLLIE PUPS, bred'heelers, wonderful work- ers, 3. months old. Apply Wilson Johnson, Moore Farm, Lot 16, Con. 6, Darlington. 31-1* FOR SALE-4 PIGS 3 MONTHS aid. Apply Paul Hlaynal, ReR. 3, Bawmanville, Maple Grave. 31-1. Llvestock For Sale F0 ERSALE-lO PIGS 6 WEEICS aid. Apply H. C. Pedwefl, Newcastle, R.R. 2. Phone Clarke 3823.31' FOR SALE-il YÔNG 'YORK- sbire pigs. Apply Clarence Tink, Phione 2361, R.R. 1, Hamnpton. 31-i Stallion For Service NERALCAM KING, NO. 271, Suffolk Punch Stailon, at ser- vice at the old Frank Farm. Price $10.00 payable March ist, 1942. 30-3 Lost COW LOST-WE THINK IT IS a white-face caw wlth horns, 10at out of Mr. O. Wrigbt's Ranch, South of Blackstock. Please natify if seen ta E. A. Werry or owner of Ranch. Thanks. E. A .Werry. 31-2" F. F. Morris Co. Store Phono 480-Haou,. Phones 734 and $73 Diroctors df Funoral 'Serce Furnitur. Doalors - - - ~www Hltcp Waatçd HELP WANTED - COOIC4-G- cral wanted, experien eljgood wages ing9 home, cn veniences, sC911lfamily. Ilefer,. ences requIred, Mra. William Karn, Heydenshore Park, Port Whitby. 30-2 WOMEN WANTED - STEAMY income full or iaftt tme aïl[Ung' 200 necessities. Gua r a n te e d Familex Products *are attrac- tiveiy packaged, create ins tt eye-appeal, build and hoîd c.~ tomners' confidence. If youe- wiliing to imvest a few dollars without risk we wml help you ta progresa surely and qulàkly- In your chosen district. Infor-. mation and illustrated Cata- logue sent free. Familex, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 31-1 Bingo Game at Bowmanvllle Beach, West Side, Saturday nlght. Orono 27-1 - - -w "YTou mai yeu're trylng to see hew snmt yeu are sols your mom will reward you."l '", hidi, rm trylng te speil 'A PIECE 0F CAKE PRLOM TUE CARTER FAMILY BAKERY."' THE CARTER FAMILY Phon 855 Bakers Fer Two Generatiens ! Bowmaivil N ThJs Amazing Clearance Event Sots Ngw Recvs -For V.I.., VarI.ty, and Low Price.. Don't Miss This TrmIy Séeationai Event. Eveyhig reclucd f o r quiclc clearance! ,Never bef ore 'have prices been 80 low. Never before have you boni able to saVe &0 much oR. GOOD furniture! D ras tic Price Cuta! Reduct ions of from 25%*é50% Furnîture of al, kinda! Suites!1 Odd pieces!1 Floor Coverlngà 1 Suites and single. pieces for evey rooml Sunamor Furniture! . Lawn Furtu. ture! Lampe! Ruga! Lin- oleum.! 'Beds, Springs and Mattrosso.! Nothing is .xcluided froma this amazing clearaway!1 PICES ARE ISING BUY NOWI Take Advantage of Our Deferred Pa ymfent Plan During This Sale! THUPISDAY, JULY 3isý 1941 THE CANADIAN StAýMSMAN, BOWMANVMLIE, ONTAPJO Il I ~ h £ A t v b . 1 À 'PAGE TkN

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