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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1941, p. 7

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- At. 'h ~VV. h PAGE SEVE1~ p 1AGIEcFOUR TH~E CANADIAN STATESMAP4, DUWMAVELLE, 014-EAXIV SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Ronald Crago is visiting at did the trick. And now the hedge Crow Lake.- needs trimming again. M~r,, andMrs. A. M. Hardy spent Adjt. and Mrs. J. Hart are leav- an enjoyable week's vacation at ing this weekend to spend their Wasaga Beach: holidays at Fenelon Falls. Special Mr and Mrs. -Bob Corbett and speakers will be heard at the Sal- Noel are holidaymng whMr vation Army during their absence. George Douglas, Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Soucb Mrs. W. E. Crago, Marion, Vio.- were on a trip to Point au Baril, * Madeline, Jack and Calvm, Parry Sound and Callander. They tedreatiesat Meaford. are now spending a week with ~tedrelaivestheir son Leighton who is recu- Miss Vivian Prout bas returned perating at his cottage at Lake- from holidaying with her ,sister, sde Beach, Port Perry, from a Mrs. Gea. Hilson at Ballydawn motor accident. Beach, Lake Sinicoe. Walter Reynolds, Secretary of Jack Gunn, C.N.R. e x p r e s s Durham County Federation of agent, caught a 7 lb. pike at Bow- Agriculture, in addressing Port moanville on the lake just at dusk, Hope Lions Club saîd the Federa- Friday, and landed it, toc. 1 tion was organized to meet the Theè'Pott Hope branch of the challenges of a changing f arra Bank of Montreal will cease busi- economy, to organize bargaining ness un August ist, ànd accounts power and present farm pnoblems transferred to the Royal Bank. to the Government at Ottawa. Vistor attheC.N.E. this year According to decisions handed can see the;famous Bofors anti- dw nrcn or ae h aireraft gun. It is made in Canada responsibility for what a car does and ire 12 shllsperminte. or someone else is diving or Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Furber had whether he is even in the car or Mrs. A. Crosgrey and Mr. Stuart not. Owners of cars should thinIk Crosgrey, Toronto, and Mr. and of this before they allow unreli- Mrs. A. Passant, Wesleyville, as able persons to drive their auto- sunday guests. mobile. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hooper Hene's a significant fact. A To- and on yleandMn. nd ns.ronto service. station advertisec W. W. WilliÈ, Toronto, are enjoy- for two girls. Seventy applied by ing their bolidays at Kahshe Lake, phone and fift3> by personal cal] Muskoka district. Girls of ail ages are ready to ac- Bowxnaivville Lawn Bowling cept any kind of office work oi Club is holding its annual tourna- business employment, but as] ment on Civic Holiday, August them to accept domestic servicE 4th, for the handsome and much and the immediate and emphati( coveted Goodyear Trophy. answer is "no". Why is this? Did you hear of the Scotchman Mrs. H. Silîs, Mr. and Mrs. G who wrote to the editor and said, S. Black and Miss Louise Blacki ,«If, you print any more of them Iiapanee, spent SVinday at theii Scotch jokes I'm going to stop daughter's, Mn. and Mrs. Gran borrowingmy neighbor's paper." Norris and family; aiso Mrs. Nor 'Lieut. Clemens Percy, Ottawa, ris' sister, Mr. and Mrs. Taylc: spent a couple days' leave with Thompson and Miss Shirley Nor bis motifer, Mns. John Percy. ris of Toronto and Mr. and Mrc Clem 'is with tbe Ordnance Dept. G. Thompson and Richard0 and left Thursday for Amherst, Flint, Mich., called for a brie N. S. visit. A.C. Kennetb Nichols bas been For a good many years the sai transferred frorn Gaît Trainmg quartette of anglers have gone fo schôol to Manning Pool, Toronto. a f ew days each summer la tth Kenneth spent the weekend witb bass fisherman's paradisea bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jack's Lake. Dr. Harold Fergu Nichols. son, W. P. Corbett, Bowmanvill( Itonday, October 13, bas been and Howard Cole and T. M. SIE set apart as Thanksgivmng day. it mon, Enniskillen, lef t Saturda is te .e desired that the day wxll with promises to bring back th be one of more than a holiday as limit and treat certain favore has usually been the case in e- friends. cent years. H. G. (Bert) Hutcheson, SecrE The flowers, grass, gardens and tary Port Perny Lions Club,i hedge at the C.P.R. station neyer sending The Statesman a mone looked'better in spite of drought. order for advertising their Stre( Oliver Roberts, the versatile care- Carnival writes: "Tbank you fc taker, is to be congratulated. It the service. Our street carnivi shows the master's touch for the went off very well, particulan] beauties of nature. thanks in a large measure to a: Since The Statesman began its sistance frorn the Bownianvl] campaign to get action fnom the Lions and lines in The Statesmar civic janiter, the Memorial lawn Bert signs bis letter -Bornj bas improved 100 per cent. Just Bowmanville just like the Jani a little attention and elbow grease - Boys." r <~ Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Lindsay are Miss spending a week i Toronto. ville,, Miss Kate McLaurin is spend- James. ing ber vacation in Muskoka. Mrs. visited 1Mn. Stuart Crago and ficnd are Gregg. 1holidaying witb fiends at Wind- Miss son. ed fr Miss Laverne Orchard is beoll- Stratic daying witb ber parents at Ennis- Mn. Mrs. L. W. Dippeil and cbildnen Nipisst are holidaying with, relatives at Mr. Clinton. -fined Mr. and Mérs. M. G. V. Gould are slight spending their holidays at Camp MisE Lenid, Dorland. just r Mn. and Mrs. A. M. Nichols, at Jac Whitby, were Sunday guests at Misi Mn. Eber Crago's. beri Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spencer Winds are at thein cottage at Big Bayý onto. Point, Lake Simcoe. Cor Mn. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt were G.C.,: on a motor trip visiting friends in TheE tEastern Ontario last week. leave. N.Mn. Jack Gorman, Gloucester, Mn. NJ., is visiting Mn. Blain Elliott Cathau while renewing acquaintances. bnothe 5 Mrs. V. Wheeler, daugbter stone. Diana, and son Alden, bave been Las, vacatiening at Mountain Lake. of Ma Miss Jean Hannam, Brooklin, is MapiE b olidaying-.with ber cousins, Mis- oreo eses Lillian and H-elen Osbone. in tii r A.C.2 Arthur Hooper, St. Tho- 'Anc r mas, visited bis inother, Mis. Miss kHenscheli ,Hooper, Carlisle Ave. Bitis Mn. and Mns. J. Nichols, Mn. 4. Sb and Mrs. Duncan, Toronto, visited inte Mn. and Mrs. G. A. Edmondstene. peopI -A.C.2 Arthur Çully, St. Thomas, tbey d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cully, Sud: bomb y. bury, visited Mn. and Mis. W.-J. Be 1Cully. bolid !_ Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer of Our' r St. John's will return to t<%wn this entsi k weekend and wiil conduct the ser- tien1 ýe vices on Sunday. teresl ic Dr. Elmo W. Sisson is nenewing ChJ bis youth with a vengeance being is on ~laid up in bed with a sevene at- cern: ktack of the mumps. and ir Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey from, t and children are enjoying holi- toihi rdays at their cottage at Mountain stabl )r Lake, Halibunton County. and Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrison, Ms o 'ses Laura and Alice Harrison, Mc >Trenton, Mrs. G. Kerr and Miss Club e4 Elsie Kerr, Moose Jaw, Sask., inv wene Sunday visitons witb Mrs. J. Stu e W. Miller.' were r Mrs. Stanley Beckett and Jean, than le Town, Mn. and Mrs. Eliner Wil- ifs( it bun, Hampton, wcne in Markdale mn u- even the weekend where they at- Hunx e, tended tbe funeral ef an uncle, Mai e- John Tbompson. than 'Y Mr. Chalie Bagneil, C.P.R. ex- Pres âé press driver, lias been incapaci- BroN d tated for several days with an at- ed1 tack of bronchitis. His nepbew, Byls e- Winton Bagneil bas been carrying tioni in on in bis absence. Bag ey Dr. Harold Slemen, Toronte, tath, >et bas enlisted in the Arnmy Medical gxeE &r Corps witb the rank ef Lieuten- cf E ra ant. He was honie over tbe week- by iy end, on bis lat leave as be is due Broc Is to go overseas in the very near thar lfuture with a unit composed cf A l.- Canadian doctons and nurses. Rh: les According te Ross Stevens of is 3 esthe Glen R~ae Dairy tbe bot wea- koli ther ef the past week bas dniven get - a lot cf people te drik. They ail cue haven't been dinking miik, eith- and er, for Ress says since iast Thurs- oui] day thein supply of buttenmiik mor has been sold eut eacb day. Cho- bel colate miik bas aise been in great fror demand. war Mn. John Kent, Assistant Post- Put master, plans te leave Saturday tie" on a meonthIs vacation te the Paci- ne: f ic Coast. Jack will stop oven at ditf Winnipeg, Prince Albert where We he will spend a couple days with the' P.0.1 Len Lucas. ef the R.C.A.r>., heà (formerly cf the B.H.S. teaching ta] staff),' Banff, Edmonton, Jasper abc Park, wbere be will panticipate in te a golf teurnament, Vancouver and unt Victoria. Alilef whicb looks as if UP. Jack is going te bave a business I and enjoyable holiday. Bel Mr. J. L. Morden, propnieton of the Creamr of Barley Camp, liad an unpleasaut experieuice with one of bis ponies whicb resulted in bis left an -frein the eibew dlown being severely bruised as weil as being blackc and blue. But the genial Colonel says yeu can't keep a good man dewn wbeu wi Cneam of Banley is en the break- sel fast menu even thougb a POny Di ftuay get frisky witb an oven feed= of eats, or maybe the peny go te: inte the Creain cf Barley bag!l i The Vacatieli Sebeol, conduct- of ed by Rev. A. R. Cnagg at St. M Paui's United Churcb got away 1-} te a geod stant on Menday, and m the sessions each day bave been p quite weil atended. This is the in flnst tinie that sucb a sehool has M been attenipted in Bewmaiiviiid. sa Sessions begiui at 9 o'clock eacb Mason, Morley Cawkcr (Medicine Hat , Alta.), Dr. J. C. Devitt, Lu- ther Courtice (Calgary, Alta.), j. IH. Crydernman, Harry Rice, Chas. Rice, A. L. Nicholls, T. H. Knigbt, F. H. Masen, Dr. Jas. Colville (Norwich, Ont.), John Lyle, T. E. Hlgglnbethani(Van- er couver, B.C.),IDr. G. C. Bon- r castle, Fred Ha (Toronto), J. T. MO H-ooper, Geo. R. Muson. wene lu long frocks et deep pink orgauza and cannied noscgays et roses and swect Peas. Mr. John Stainten acted as groomamnan and Messrs. Lloyd nd Beyd Ayre, fwln brothers et the bride, ushened the- guests. "Falrview Farin," the home of the brlde's parents was tic scene oftercptien where the bnlde's mother, asaisted by the greom's si Shirley Campbell, Prie~ 1was guest et MissRu -. J.. Wand, Owen Sound, ,d ber brother, Mn. Fred s Jean Greeficld bas return- nom visitiiig relatives at lord. ,and Mrs. A. R. Virgin and ly are holidaying on Lake ising. -David Mennisen Sr., is con- 1te bis bcd having had a ýstroke. is Derethy Sommenscaies bas returned from ber vacation cksen's Point, Lake Simce. a Rata Bennett is spendig vacation with fricnds at son, Leammligten and Tor- )poral George Mcadows, V. Farnham, Quiebec, called at Statesman office on reccut rand Mis. Roy Warren, St. urines, wene gucsts ef ber .er, Warden G. A. Edmond- ist Friday's storm took tol ark I4unday's dairy herd at e Grove. Ligbtnig kilicd of bis valuable Hoisteins eut .e Pasture. other intenesting letter freni ;Margaret Butelier, populair ah noediat, appears en page ;ic gives an intimate glimpsc the lives oethe condinary le o! oUi Bnitain and the way rare standing UP to Hitier's ibing. esure te send in yeun list cf lay visitons fer next week. reporters and correspond- wfll appreciate this ce-opera- te make fthc papen morei- ting fer everybody. uief ef Police Sydney Venten in a metor trip this wcek. Ac- ipanyig him are Mrs. Venton [Don, thc latter necovering n, an illness that confined bini fis bcd for several days. Con- le Walter Hall is'Acting Chief 1Dick Hall ils actig Night istaf6le. eonday's meeting cf the Lions tb was bnief and te the ppiut view of the heat. President tJames presided and letters ce read frein Pont Penny Club iking Bowmanville club fer co-openatien, and fnom four in on active service, Ernest nt, Jack Honcyman, Corp. Mc- iii and Cerp. 11ollingswortbe nking the club for git. Past ne aidents Alex McGrgor, J. Dwn and Ted Chant wcre nam-ni te the new Constitution and ac aws Committee. Congratula- an, nos werc extended te Lion Bfi sht inell on beceming a grand- an, br for the feunth ime. The 1 est speaker was Bert Mortlock bni Brampton. He was intreduced col Alcx McGreger and J. J- rc4 .wn extendcd the vete etso anks. 'vif A. letter te the editor trom »r., TI ls D. Fainbairn, Toronto, *ho Bc spending the summer in Mus- àa at Mactier, aays: "WMen I' * back we'l bhave a close dis- ssien on the political situation i pcnhaps tend te improve your tloek as well ais my own. At the ment everything is iooking tten frem a war vicwpeint and om my expenience in the iast ar wc won't need conscription. tting women te wonk en muni- :ns as is now in effect in the )rthcrn country wili make a vast ,fference with 'the enlistiments." re hopei yeu'ne niglit, Rhys, but aees s inilteeniarly Yeung men, ealtby specimens and of miii- ,age, wbo make ne benes out il that they are net going )give up a gotod job and enlist til «they are comnpelled te sign P. Bingoe Gaine at Bowmanville ýach, West Side, Satunday uight. Weddings metealt-Ayre Pink gladioli and phlox sbading 'bhite te deep pik fenmcd the ;etting in Zien United Chuncli, Earlingten, on July 26th fon the narriage of Audrey Ayre, daugb- Ler et Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre, Hampton. and Lloyd Metcalf, seon f Mr. and Mns. Noble Metcaif, Kaple Grove. Rev. W. Rackbam., Hampton, perfornied the cere- meny and Miss Eileen Staiten layed the wedding musie. Dur- ing the signig et the registen Mr'. Adam Hawiey, Peterborough, ang "Because." Given lu manniage by ber t.ath- WHIZ INSECT KILLER 24e -.43e - 73e Hebs Prait a temS *Ocm&A~ owiablw It * Ia i*$£40ç PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX ?dcQREOOR- Laura Secord Candies 1 se le se 00 50 LAST THREE DAYS OF-__------- 1 W AL ER SO Ee I ED ig St. Kmn ther received. The former in treal, Bowmanville, Osawa and and Misses Berenice and Eilecn - ENGAGEMENT uve triple sheer witb white Tornto. Staiton were hostess at a kitchen essoics and corsage f roses Prior to ber marriage Mrs. Met- shower; the Hampton Bail Team Mr. Thomas Brookham wishes id the latter in violet triple cal! was wideiy entertained. Mns. of which the bride is a memben eanuc r naeeto Ler with matching accessonies Austin Bannon, Hampton gave a beld a picnic and presentation in bis lduestuherenMabemethel, id corsage of roses. misceilaneous sbower; Mrs. Ray ber honon; Mrs. Walter Cole, tieldeRseil aes Malson, son Following the reception theSctan MisNraGaplCutcatwlsoean %stMrRselJmsBlosn ide changed to ber travelling SotadMs om lsel orie oe hwradMs of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson, stume of a blue and utroeOhwwr -osse aa Bernice Cbapman, Pickering en- dusy rse sbaa, er cohosesss a atertained intimate friends at a Solina, the wedding to take place linotewib mtchngaccs*mîsceilaneous shower; Mrs. . dinner and show in Osawa. August llth. ries. For a wedding trp theY Luke, Oshawa, gave a dinner iited Montreal and Quebec city. party in ber honor; Mrs. Stew- -_________ e happy couple wili reside in~ art and Margaret. Maple Grove, ,wmanviile. a miscellaneous shower; Mns. Rose Bingo Game at Bowmanville Bingo Game at Bownianville Guests were present fromn Mon-1 Lee and Mrs. Vernon. Oshawa, Beach, West Side, Saturday nigbt. Beach, West Side, Saturday nigbt. Holiday, Vacation HNI & Ho WetIe Ned $1,00 ovalue PRICES Vacation stililUes ahead for many and holiday weekeds ton aU ad, 9 whether you plan to go away or stay at home you will need many of the ____________produets shown here. Check over pour needs aow and gel CAMIERAS them Ibis weekend at money-savllg IDA. prices. 6ct 40 SPECIAL PRICES - THURS., FR1., SAT. DEVELOPDIG & PINTfING ,.Filmis Kodak and Selochromfe. 20C - 25C - 35C Prompt Service Bathlng Capse 19e - 25c - 35c SunGClasses - - - 19c 25C - 39C OLV I WPODBI AyX 25C 1ooth B1UshO5 - - --1pic LIPSTICI COMI1NAITION Wax Paper - - - 100 if. roll 22ec SPECIAL Golf Balis ?S - 5c3 for 69e S RRTTO RU1.A. Toitet Tissue Lysol Soap ----4c - 3for lic HYFVRRMD S for 25c]RYFVE Di 29e Noxema - - l9c I.D.A. Nase Dr6ps - 5e Taleum - - lb. 140 Nasal Atomisera - - - 69e Kellogg's Asthma Reme<ly Paper Serviettes 10eO At - - - - 23o - 98c Vacuum Bottie - 39e Haytoiie - - 25e - 500 - 1.06 Gileite Bimades 6 for 25e Polargex------------1.5 Sta-Way - - - 390 Beach Balla 19c - 29ec1111111 Mue bilutu4w m 4-94 dàmà 25 a -1 erTllXAUIYTT-1r.V. rWMAIR'fD PAGE SEVEK Wallker's July Sale, SYOUR OPPORTUNITY TO EFFECT SOME REAL SAVINGS SEE OUR MANY "MNOT ADVERTISED" SPECUAL'VALUES Bathing LADIES' DRESSES -Aukie Socks Cotms Redueed i tie to give you montbs of wear this season. Childrens' and dlSze S Cerstmrtsyes nldn Sheers, Crepes, Sun and Sub-rayonmt REG. 20e FOR16 dressmaker suit wlth nmatehing beach coat, or two piece midniffRE.2eT 29FO style with sarong.19 TO CLEARMe'Sok s $1379 Summer Gloves Cool and neat f lttlng wlth Lastex - hoose any Si1k Glove tops. sizes 10 to 111/. 1.98 suits for - 1.49 Pay 20e Less Than Marked Price 1.49 suits for - 1.00 Lace Gloves at Hait Price 2ePi BEACH BACS LADIES' BLOUSES Handy rubber-llned carry-ails ia varions shapes and fabries. A smart sports style in fine spun rayon that looks fresh and Value69e nd 7e4fo dalnty and washes beautifully. Broad pastel i 1 Vau499ed79 o stripes. Short or long sleeves. $Jur Phone 451 We Deliver Phone 792 DRUCS

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