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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1941, p. 8

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- ?AE EGHTTHE CANADIAN SrTESMAN, BOWMANVILLIE, ONTARtIo T1USA UT.Y i QA»4 Z . VU SPORT NEWS3, Peterson Pitches Superb Bal For 7 - 2 Victory Jerry Peterdon turned In a mocund master-piece Thursday as he beld the second place High School team to 6 bits, while bis mnates from Courtice scored 7 runs in the first two frames to walk -off witb an easy 7-2 win, thereby keeping in the hunt for a play-off spot. With two down in the last in- ning Peterson had held the stud- ents to 4 bits. But a scratch bit just over third base, followed by Don Mason's double into rigbt field, spoiled what would have been the game witb the fewest hits of the year. Peterson fanned 10 over the 7 DBRITAIN ",Jvers the ou& Just Arrived A New B3hipment of- ENCLUE CHIA SACS19c te$2 SUGA]tS, Pair---__ 0 ASSORTED IIECES ln "Pink"' Erocade" and t (new) ROYAL DOULTON 65C u JUGS ____ Including Dickens Characters) Cake Plates, Tea Pots, Coffee Cups and Noveities. J. W. JEWELL t Big 20 Phione 556 ' Ail Types of Paper Goods forn Pieutes.a ROYAL ROYMCALEf LARAINE DA Matine ,AUay, 2pm fi M n day, 2.30 pm. 6 ti CO INGE S IRON- "%riule3'»e a "Dr Kida e.30rIsIs'R - ai mnning route. And 6 of his strike- outs came in the first three in- nings. In other words, he was responsible for nearly one-half of the outs made by the Courtice team, which is undoubtedly first- rate pitching. Don Mason started for the High aSchool, but was relieved by sJimmy Powers in the third, the àlatter holding the opposition sscoreless for the rest of he game. 7Elliott and Peterson led the hit- Dting assault for Courtice, both getting 3 hits in 4 trips to the rplate. Courtice combined 4 bits and a walk to score 4 runs in the first inning, one of the bits being a tborner to deep Ieft field by Peter.- 7son. An error followed by 3 suc- cessive bits brought in 3 more runs in the second for the men of Nicholsville.1 Don Mason made the fîrst score for Hîgb School on a hit to right field in the third inning. And their second and final tally came in the last frame when Doug Jack- man popped a fly over third base, and came home on Mason's double to right field. Powers pitched a good game in aflowing Courtice only 3 bits in the 5 frames he was in the box. Courtice - J. Rîckard, c; Gay, lb; Peterson, p; Elliott, 2b; Brown, if; Nichols, rf; Pickell, 3b; Cryder- Lman,ss; Osborne, cf. High School - Mason, p; Ames, ss; Colville, lb; Powers, cf and p; B.Rckard ' If; C. McIlveen, c; Po1ney and D. McIlveen, rf; F.. Jackman, 3b; D. Jackman, 2b. R H E Courtice 430 000 0 7 10 2 High School 001 000 1 2 6 1 Brough's Catch In Final Inning Gives Teamn Win In a tbrill - packed encouniter Mike's Place edged out Salem by a narrow 10-8 margmn Tuesday evening but it required Jack Brougb's shoe-string catch witb two out and the bases loaded in the last inning to turn the trick, Salem came to bat in the final 'do or die' inning with the country lads trailing 10-7. A win would1 mean a sure s 'pot in the play-offs,1 and a loss would mean that Cour- tive would have to lose to Local 189 on Tbursday evening (to- nigbt) to ensure the Salemites ai berth in the bunt for the Townj League championship. Les Coombes bit a safety into lef t field and came home as Mac- donald flîed out to right field.1 Then Brereton walked, and big. Garnet Rickard did likewise.g "Red" Rundle went out on an in-i field f ly. Art Richards drew a1 walk to fill the bases. With twoj down, Blackburn hit a bigb f ly to' short centre. Jack Brough came ini fast for it, and just managed to -i wrap his bands around the bahl for the final out. The win puts Mike's Plqce in first place, ahead of High School who have won one game less than the Billiard Kings. This means that thei latter will play Local 189 in the first round of the play-downs, the league executive having decided that the firat and third teams will play-off. As fourtb p]ace bas not yet been de- termined, it is unknown now wbomn the High Scbool will meet in the other play-off bracket. Mike's Place bad to win their game the bard way. At one stage of the game tbey were trailing 6-1. But a six-run rally iri the first of the fiftb, gave them a 7-6 lead. Salem came back, however, in the haîf to tie the score. Then the Billiard Kings - broke loose with a three-run spree to give themn a lead wbich tbey neyer re- linquished as Welsb bit an infieldE single, McKnight drew a walk, and Piper, Depew and C. Osborne all bit safely in succession. E As usual Kene Werry was thet heavy bitter for Salem, with twor bits in four trips to the plate. r Ross Richards and Garnet Rick-f ard both had bomers to show fors their evening's work.t Dave Osborne struck out 2 and valked 8, while Richards strucks out and walked 4. Mike's Place: McKnight and [alîman, 1f; Piper, 3b; Depew, 2b; i C. Osborne, ss; D. Osborne, p; h Large lb; Kent and Blunt, rf; t, Rundle and Brough, cf; Welsh, c. F MbEoe Spe«al Deliveries By Order of UM Control Board Pk.M Control Board et Ontario bas lsuuedl this orden, ffeUe August 1, 1941: *TsavW puinle, ne dalny shali ake more tkIh me5 delivery per day. Speelal deilver- leune IErbiddem--abuluteiy." We.l«ewfoeUMM Vti s Gvrmn de n ~ ilIilt e oim USet sur cuatomers, GI.nRueDairy it w ti s. al SI hi hi al of a: bE ea th ca hi BAND CONCERT AT BALL CAME These who attend the play- off game ln the Sot tball League Tuesday nlght at the 111gh Sehool Campus are i for an extra treat. The East- ern Ontario Regiment Depot Band Froni Kingston wlll be in attendance and give an open air concert aecondlng to Information gîven up by Maj- or J. H. iobb. So be on hand early- gamnes start at 7 o'clock -te get a good seat to enjoy the double bill of an exelting bail game aud a pleaslug band concert. Salem: A. Richards, c; Black- bune s; .Richards, p; Werry, lb; oomes,3b; Macdonald, cf; Brereton, rf; G. Rickard, 2b; A. Rundle, 3b. R. H. E. Mikes Place _ 010 063 0-10 9 2 Salem_ -------111 3101- 87 2 Umpires: Cole and Tweedle. BATT]ING AVERAGES The ten leading bitters of the league, with only one game left to play <between Local 189 and Courtice which will be played to- nigbt). Only players ut bat 30 times or more herein recorded: A. B Its P.C. T. Bagneli ------ 31 17 .548 K. Werry__---------- 37 20 .541 G. Piper --~34 17 .500 B. Colwell 36 17 .472 K. Slemon 30 14 .467 G. Rickard------ - 38 16 .421 J. Colville 43 18 .419 A. Osborne ---- 32 13 .406 C. Osborne ------47 19 .404 I. Piper-----47 19 .404 TEAMS STANDING Won Lest Pts. Mike's Place - - 8 2 16 High School -------- 7 3 14 Local 189 ------------- 5 4 10 Courtice ---- ------ 3 6 6 Goodyears -- ---- 3 7 61 Salem ---------------3 7 6 SPITS AND PATS The way thinga are sbaping u at present in the local town leagui it may be tbat aIl six tearns wi be in the play-otfs. If Courtic loses te Local 189 tonigbt, Gooc years, Salem and Courtice will a be tied for fourtb place. Mike Place after their wîn oves Saler on Tuesday have f irst place al 1 themselves, only hsving lest tw games ahl season. High Scbool ar firmly ensconced la second placi Wbile the worst and best thi Local 189 can do is to finish i third spot. Courtice, after a peor star seemed te hate found tbemselve And tonigbt tbe men ef Nicholi ville hold the fate et net on] tbemsclves but aise et Salem an Geedyears. Right now these tbrE teams aIl have tbrec wins apieci but Courtice bas a garne la han whicb will tell the tale fer ail cor ccrned. The league executive secmed t be suffering from a sligbt case c insanity et indecision for the pai couple et weeks. Two weeks ag at one et their net-se-reguis meetings, they decidcd that plaý ers Dunster, Elliott, and Wîlso could ne longer pcddlc their warE for Courtice. Then ut a subsequeni meeting they rescinded their ru] ing and announiced tbese player were eligibie. We are net expres sing eus disapprobation on th rcscinding o! this particular ru] ing but wc do wish that th, executive would put a littie mer thought on the subject befor, makîng a suIe effective betori passing it. It would not be a dit ficuit task te find several in stances this ycar where the execu tive have cbanged their minda Whcn a rule la passed, we tbink i should be abided by. Beat news te bit this town foi local sport fans is a proposcd ex. hibition game et bard-bail be. twccn Bowmanville and Pori Hope. At present arrangementi are stili in the cmbryo stage. It is expected that the softbai] playeffa wiil start next week. And it would be a very bold persan who would hazard a guesa as te the ultimate winner. Courtice, af- tes a feeble start, bave cerne on strongly in tbe lest few games and at present are playing champion- ghip baIl. Mike's Place stili look like the best team in the league, aving suffesed enîy twe deteats il1 scason, beth times at the banda )f Higb School, one et which was in extra inniag affaîr. The Hîgb Scheol team have cen laying down taking things usy for the past month, having cen assured et a play-eff spot aere the achedule was more than fcw weeks old. Anyone who aaw his team ait the tiret et the year, mows these beys bave lots et pirit and can- neyer be counted ut until the last man is dowa. Local 189 bave twe powerful tters la Ted Bagnell and George ipes, plus about the niftict in- eld in the league. If tbcy get iir full tearn tegether, they will ause more than:a little werry te, Then maybe Salem and Good- COUNSELLOR Dr. H. L. Keenicyaide, M.LA., Ph.D., F.R.H.S. Counsellor, Departrnent of the Secretary o! State for 'External Affairs. Cadmus The Statesman is now onsale at Elliott's Store, 5c a copy. Visitors: Prof. L. D. Failla, Fort Worth, Texas, Mrs. Fallis and Bruce witb Mrs. W. H. ..M... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson Jr., Ross and Marilyn, are with Mrs. Wilson Sr. at Lakeview -Cottage. ..Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert eibson and Douglas and Alhn, at Mrs. Chas. Gibson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fallis, Jack and Joan, wbo have been at Midland, have re- turned to their cottage here... Mr~. William Brown, Helen, Grant and Paul, Ornemee, at Mr. RuÉseil Brown's. . . Mrs. Ross, Toronto, ut Mrs. Wbitfield's. . . Miss Helen Fowler is wîtb ber sister, Mss. Ray Blair, Oshawa. . . M»&. Bill Rogers, Mrs. Rogers and Miss Isa- bel spent last week at the Rogers cottage. Brown's bathing beach bas been the scene of great actlvity during the heat spell. The youth et the cornmunity and their city visitera bave been refresbed and invigor- atcd by a plunge in the 'cooling water. Mrs. Meredith Tbempson under- went a serious operation in St. Michac's lHospital, Toronto. Mrs. O. McQuade' bas pneu- monia and bas a traincd nurse in attendance. The Judd Construction Ce. bas moved their machinery inte A. E. McGill's gravel pit where atone and gravel will be prepared for pavîng the road between Taylos's Garage and Nestleton. Fifteen men will be emÎýployed at tbe pît. The Sanderson farma now oc- cupîed by Morland Anderson bas been sold. Solina e Artbur Blanchard and Bruce i- Tink sold, and sbipped a nueiber il et cattle at Philadeiphia. 1 tr ý's Many frorn bere attended *the n Metcaif-Ayre wedding at Zion t0 United Churcb on- Satusday. O0 Mss. Jas. Srnales' group o! the 'e Women's Institute spensorcd s e. successful Garden Tes at Ms. and it Mss. S. E. Werry's July 23sd. The Ln psettiiy decerated and weii laden tables wese asranged on the lawn while further -enjeyment was pro- t, ided by Fred Stannard, Ennis- ýs killen, wtb electrically recorded1 s-Wersy, secitatiens by Howard 'y Foley, Maple Grove, Mss. Everett ýe Cryderman, Ewart Lcask and id Visitera: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cain and Margaret, Ms. Earl Mc-- Intyre, Oshawa, Ms. and Mss. Fostes Snowden, Kedron, at Mr. tS. E. Werry's... Ms. and Mss. A. DfE. Whitnell, June and Lorraine, t Toronto, at Ms. Jack Reyneids'. go--Ms. and Mss. Everett Eliiott, .r Mary and Barbara, Oshawa, with Mrs. R. J. McKessock. . . Violet nDebars is bolidaying witb Mss. S. ýBush. . . . Ms. and Mss. Frank' SDewell, Doscen and Eleanor, Weodbridge, witb Mss. Wilfrid rDeweli. . . Ms. and Mss. Bryce 3- Brown witb relatives at Hartlcy. ýe .Ms. and Mss. Percy Deweil, 1- Kinsale, at Ms. H. E. Tinkas.... ýMss. R. J. McKessock and Mrs. ce Bryce Brown with fsiends in To- ,e rente. . . . Ms. and Mss. George ce Maynard, Ms. Jack Maynasd, Miss, -Hayes, Maskham, Miss Viola Asb-' -ton, Toronto, Ms. Albert Grose, -Raglan, witb Mss. C. Blanchard. *.Mr. and Mss. Jack Marks and It Marilyn, Toronto, at Ms. Weu. Yellowlees'. .. Mr. and Ms Char- les Smith and Anna, Hampton, at Ms. R. Gilbert's... Mss. Reginald rNesbitt and John, Nestîcton, at Ms. Ed. Milîsens. . . Mss. Les. Snowdcn and Bob, Maple Grave, tat Ms. Thos. Bakers... Mss. Chris sCook, Mary, Phyllis and Billy, Hamilton, are belidaying at Ms. Walter Pasrindes's. Blackstock i The annual churcb parade and 1service et Devittas R.B.P. No. 398, Blackstock, and visiting Precep- tories was bcld Sunday nigbt at St. John's Anglican Cburch. Rcv. Sir Kt. Z. P. Wood, Rectos, and Most Wes. Sir Rt. Lettus H. Reid, gucat speaker, took the service. A miscellaneous sbower was held in the cemmunity bail July 23rd in boner et Sesgt. Lawrence Meuntjey and Mss. Mountjay <nec LoraaMcCall). Lieut. C.9G Venning was chairman for the Pr gram wbicb was vesy intereat. îng including talent tram Peter- borough. Dancing tollowed with music by Mss. David Wilson, Miss Helen Fowler and Ms. Gea. Fowl- er. Our Girls' Club participatcd in the Achievement Day at Miii- brook. Miss Eva Brown bas acceptcd a acheal at Dorchester, and Mr. Roy. Hillgartner one at Exeter. It lsaa ycass wiil get in there-but let's wait for a wbile until complica-, tiens iran themselves eut. tized, thscc et Mr. H. Wbeelers' and tbree o! Mi,. Geo. Bowers'., The Statesman is now on sale eacb week at Thornpson's Store 5c a copy. great loss te lose such fine yeung people from our community. Visitors: Mrs. G. Williamson, Omemee, with Mrs. Jas. G. Mar- low. . , Mrs. Oakley Carley, Ca- van, with Mrs. Clarence Marlow ..Mr. Weir Swain, Timmins, is visiting relatives. He took Mr. Oliver Smith and Mrs. V. M. Archer to Montreal over the weekend to visit Robert Smith, R.C.A.F. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert left Monday for a motor trip to the West Coast. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Scott and family at Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rutledge and Donald, Toronto, at Mr. Jos. For- der's. . . A.C.2 Calvin Mounkes, No. R109249, of Calgary, Alberta, now in training it Fingal, Ontario, Bembing and Gunnety School, was on leave and a weckend guest of bis cousins, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy. .. Sergt. Lawrence H-. Muntjoy and wife, Peterboro, visited bis parents. The Statesman is now on sale eacb week at Gilbert's Store, 5c a copy. Nestieton Visitors: Miss Jean. M'alcol;n with Miss Verna McNally, Col- borne. .. Misses Jean and Dora Black witb their grandmother, bMrs. Jas. Dickey, Cadmus. .. Mr. 1Robt. McGill, Cochrane, Mr. John McGiil, Janetville, witb their sis- ter, Mrs. Jas. Willamson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Joyce, Orono, at Mr. Geo. Bowers'... Mr. and Mss. Stanley Malcolm ai Mr., N. S. McNally's, Coîborne, and brought Miss Jean borne.. Mr. and M4rs. Hanxley Hoskixi, Miss Nellie Hoskia,- Elrnvale, at Mr. R. M. Hoskin's. Mss. Hoskin seturn- cd home with tbern. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Johns and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin with friends in Port Perry. .. Mr. Joe Veale is in Windsor w!th bis son Foster. Miss Ruth Psoutt is caring for Mrs. Jee Veale. .. Miss Marie Proutt, R.N, Lindsay, with ber parents. Nestîcton W. I. will meet ut the home 'ot Mrs. Agnes Shepard, Caésarea for the Grandmothess' meeting August 6th. Service in the United Church9 Sunday rnerning was- well attend-1 ed. There were six children bap-1 ti hec t" zA n - - j]RedlucO drivig i peed from 0 t 40 om the open road.i j]Avoid icsck.rcbbit tre - VIC j]Aoi zeles or noflIessntiaît drivig. j]. Ta il io oroff w hefl n t i ule. do not eave jdling. j] Don't race your engiIiO let it warm up gbowlY. j] Dont stramn Yeur engiriel change gears. j] Se aburetor deaed and pteP- erly ad)usted. j]Tmre Up M toL tning. etc, Burketon Intended for asat weeky Visitera: Mr. and Mrs. Fred tRabm, Howard and Gladys, Cbub- town, Mr. and *Mrs. George Rahm and family, En-field, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rabm and family, Enfleld, Mrs. Qeorgina Niddery, -Ham~pton, Mn. S. Pedîsi,, Toronto, Mr. Walter Cochrane, Jean and Harold, Bow- manvrnle, Mr. Nelson Hudson, at Mr. H. Rabrns. . Mrs. W. V. King, Oshawa, with ber sister, Mss. S. Moffatt... Mr. and Mrs. M. Gat- cheil, Laverne and Ann, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Gatchls... Miss Wilma Richards, Bowmanville, at Mn. H. Gill's. .. Master Ronald Hudson, Toronto, witb Mn. S. Mofatt.. Mss. L. Van Volkcnberg, Oshawa, witb Mrs. J. Curran. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott, Ottawa, at Mr. H. Abbott's. Congratulations te Bill Slinger- land on bis marriage te Missý Jessie Ferguson, Toronto. ,Misses Reene and Betty Moffatt visited Ms. and Mss. Thomas Ad- ams at Ottawa and were enter-' tained at'varieus clubs in Quebec. -Tyrone Visitera:' Mss. Maud Wade, Toronto, with ber sistes, Mss. Byren Moere. ..Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Verbau- wen,' Teronto, at Ms. Wesley Tay- lors. . .pMr. and Mrs. Frank Ak- ister, Mrs. James Elliott, Lindsay, Mss. Mastha Lamnb, Oakwood, at Mr. Leslie Brooks... Ms. and Mns. Fred Goodman and Bevesly with Mr L. Geodman's. . .- Mrs. Lou Fewles, Elxncroft, with Mrs. Lerne Hoskin. . . Mns. Will H-enderson, Bowmanville, with ber sister, Mns.- Arthur An. . . Mr. and Leon Moore, Mr. and Mns. Lakeficld. Mss. Down and Biily Russel Vistue, at Mn Tbeo. Down's seturned berne with them... Mn. Will Virtue with frienda la Clarke. .. Ms. and Mns. L. Byam and family at Peterbeso. .. Mas- ter Royce Tirnlin, Roseneath, witb bis graadmother, Mss. Wil- lis Stewart.. . Mss. Harold Skin- -ner, Mns. Norman Woolley, Mss. Luther Goodman, at Williams' Point, Caesarea; Mr. Luthes Good- man spent the weekend witb them. . . Ms. and Mnrs. Leslie Brooks, Winnie and Glenn, at Mn. Ernest Akister's Sundesland... Ms. and Mrs. Clarence Woodley and family, Miss Clara Woodley, Mns. Etta Woodlcy, at Pleasant Park, Oshawa. 1 Mn. and Mns. George Brooks and Miss Gladys Hedgson attend- ed the Lamb Picnic at the Cream et Barley. Several trom the village mot- ored te tbe lake on Sunday te get away from the heat. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoakin, Murray and Alyn were in Tor- ente last week. 1Glad te sec Mvf. Ben Gardiner able te be eut again, also Mss.c Tom Richard§.t f. Revival Friday Nite VIVIEN LMON One of ber meust brilliat trluniphs PROVERDS 0OF PATIENCE An heur's patience will procure a long period et rest.-Arabian. He that can be patieràt tinda bis fee at bis feet.-Dutch. Bewarc the tury et a patient man or natien.-English. Patience is power; 'with tinue and patience the mulberry lest becomes, silk.-Cbinesc. Patieqce is the key ef content- ment-Arabian. Patience and time do more than strength or passion.-French. To know bow te wait is the great secret et success-French. Patience is se like fostitude that she secms eitber ber sister os ber daughter.-Greek. Everytbing wbich listt e ut power te amend becornes more supportable by patience.-Greek. Patience is net passive; on 'the contrary it is active; it ia cencen- trated strength.-English. j] eeP spark plugO and Valvea clecRi n Check COOlhig 5y5tMOMO'er"c"àg - wastOs gasoliUe0 j] Ma &gcK g t e ri nght pressure. j]Lubricate efficieitIV WOrn engines wastê gasoline., j]Drie igroupe to Cod frouaiWork, uuing cars clternCte dais. n] For golf. Pi&iCU nd other outinga. use one car instad of four. n] Take thoee short shopping tripe ON FOOT =nd cacrry parcels hom'e. j]Walk to =d from the movies. j]Boat owners.Ito» can help hi redgcig peed. OSHAWA, ONT. Friday & Saturday Levely- ANNA NEAGLE la The Immortai- ilSUNNY"fi Music by Jerome Keru with JOHN CARROLL JAMES STE WAM "POT H 11 '4 - Comîng JAMÈS CAGNEY "Them Bride S0i-nspS BETTE DAVIS in Cam e C.O.D."1 EVERL.mawwayST SOW84LIPTHI (ppr.oVed by Autom-obil ExP1rts) -- ' *-1-t alais t-EveIry Item mean' a worthwhile Saving k REMEMBER: The aIlower you drive, the more you savoZ The Govemmment of the DOMINIlON ON' CANADA MUas throuh: TME BRONOURALE C. D.HOWIF EW&01iua.1MrusmaouniSuppEy G.iIL COTfEELE, OU Commjuofor craa& onday & 1tuesday MAULETTE tTr GODDARD 01 CLD "Song, lonsee Heldt &<HBis if mi Musical Knlghts 1 ' 1 M-7 THURMAY. 3ULY Si& L iiii PAGE EICHT ..v ,,.niain the-se

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