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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1941, p. 9

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TEUEDAY, AUGUST 7, 1941 -V VISITORS A. C. Dent on leave. Milt Graham on leave. Dora Graham at home. A. C. Walker an leave. Dlck Pattersan an leave. M. and Mrs. Steele ,Toronto, at R. Mctsaac's. Mr. and Mrs. Manteil and fam- ily, Peterboro, with friends. Mesrs. Ray Carleton a n d Wight, at M. A. Carleton's. Mrs. McElroy and Margaret, Peterboro, at Mrs. Noble's. Mme. H. Rowland and Miss Holmes, et J. C. Tamblyn's. Dr. and Mrs. J. Il. Leslie, at WT. J. Riddell's. Miss Lois Wood, Toronto, on holidays, with M. Fred Wood. Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, with ber parents. Miss Margaret Scott, Oshawa, at Mms. Hoaper's. Mm. Dooley and daughtem, To- onta, wtb Mrs. Wm. Cowen. M. and Mrs. George Keith, Ta- ronta, with Mms. James Moffatt. Mrs. Wm. McKenzie on halidays with hIr. and Mrs. Charles Sbaw. LeRoy Myles, at home on bis lest leave. M. and Mm. Allen and family and Mm. Allen Sm., Peterbora, wlth friends. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, with hem father, Mr. George Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie and daughter, with D. and Mm. Mc- Kexizie. M. and Mrs. Wma. Irwmn, Mim- Ico, withbehr mother, Mrs!. I. Winter. Miss Greta Mercer, wth Mr. Cecil Mercer, MP.P., Elizabeth- ville. M. and Mrs. J. A. Wermy and Rev. and Mms. .A. E. Harding, En- nisklllen, with W. J. Stainton. Miss Jane Seymour, M. and Mm. Gardon Suggitt and Nancy, Toronto, with Mmr.and Mm. Wmn. Seymour and Mms. George Sey- maour. Mr. G. White is out again. Mervyn Keane is taking a machinists course in Oshawa. Miss Jean Lageer has secured a position in Toronto. S Mm. K. Nesle le visiting in New- castle. Mrs. Embley visited i New- castle. W. A. ladies quilted another quilt at Mrs. I. Cobbledkk's. Miss Ruth Louden, Toronto, visited heme. Miss Greta Mercer le helping at Shaw's for the summer. Miss Mary Harris, Newcastle, holldayed at home. Mm. Daw and iamily have rnav- ed into the Foster bouse. 1* Miss Margaret Millson is in Ot- tawa. Miss Margaret Roy was in Ta- ronta. Orono Library is clased until the Scarlet Fever epideinic la over. Mr. and Mrs. Stani Payne en- joyed a twa days' motor trip. H. Mercer's car was stolen Mon- day. Mr. Orme Garnsby is holidaying in Port Perry. One ai the bridges over the creek in the park is badly broken. Miss Ethel Rutherford is home tram Port Perry. Miss Phyllis Carleton is back ta work. Mr. and Mms. Henry Consb visited li Marmmara. M. Alvin Morrison bas resign- ed as Graduate Manager ai the San Did'go State College. M. John Milson bas secured a position in Kingston. He and Mrs. Milîsan visited relatives bere. Mrs. Dora Hooey bas vacated the bouse bougbt by Henry Cen- treil wbo will occupy it. Miss Rena Bal bas been order- ed ta stop work because ai heart trouble. Mr.C. B. TyrelI and Miss Hazel Wintem enjoyed a trip ta Lake Scugog. Congratulations to M. and Mon of 30j,4%50 VU', VTM, 10,Sbaal ~a u< umulani,1 1e a aise fer ga1 T i- 4t 0"jOgitm. Mns. H. Campbell and M. and Mms. Siseons an their mariages. A car ceugbt fine on the street Satumdey nigbt creating mucb ex- citement. M. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrdl and perty enjoyed e iisbing trip ta Elephent Lake. Manlcy Littlewoad bas retunneti ta work et the Bowmanville Goodi- year. The Whcler f amily bave moveti from the Mult Staples' fantaita the William Armstrong farm. Mms. W. H. Bowe and littlc Lucille Lynch viited Mm. J. Awde, Newcastle. M. and mes.B. E. Logan visit- cd in Tweed, M. Logan's sister eturned with tacm. Mm. Harry Davy and little Buby Fralick, Toronto, visited Miss M. Davy and L. Frelick. The Turner femily are moving into the bouse tarmrely occupied by Roy Winters anti feiiy. M. anti Mrs. Roy Winten and1 Betty have moveti ta Bawman-1 ville. Mrs. S. Hall and Anme Marie visiteti in Oshawa. Hem daster, Miss Richards, retumneti witb tbem. Little Gweny Phesey is out ai- ter being quarantincti with scar- let fever et ber grandparents, Mr. knd mes. C. Wood. Park St. Union membeme arc holding their second cempiire meeting Fritiay night. Cars leeve the churcb et 8 p.m. Orono girls were deicatcd 12:6 et Newcastle Monday. Thcy evei- cd $2 sa arc well satisiieti. Joyce Lowery pitcheti thoughout. M. and Mm. W. B. Critland, Thelme, Louise and George, To- ronto; Mme. L. R. Cridland and Keitb, Leaside, bave eturned borne ater a pleesant holiday here. Gunner Allen Myles, Kingston, L.A.C. LeRoy Myles, Manning Pool; Pte. Lloyd Myles, Camp Bortien, anti Miss Thelma Myles, Wbitby, visitai Mme. D. N. Myles. Fan a bni tinie Monday aiter- noan the soldieme were free ta en- jay tac park anti ail hati a chance ta bean the several selections by tac bend in the park. Officeme weme given aitemnoon tee et Lt. Col. J. C. Ganiey's. Thos. Cowaxi, Orme Gamnsby, Art Beaniisb, O. W. Bolpb, Art. Robbins, Chas. Shaw, E. Evans, and M. and Mm. Bert Reid, et- tendedthe icCivic Holidey doinge et Port Perry. Mme. Al Brown was a, .roney winner. Bey. A. E. Hardiing, Enniskillen, pecbed an excellent sermon on the subi ect ai Jesus' temptation, et Park St. chumch Sunday morn- ig, emphaslzing the ,faect thât temptation came aiten in an at- tractive form. Miss Stella Best favoumed %with e vocal sala. About 75 members aithie let Battalian oaithe icMdanti Begt., accompanned by a Miltary Bandi, cerne ta Orana Mondny atemnoon anti stageti a drill and parade an main street. Although thie main street didn't bave many people on it, anl thase who saw the parade, commnenteti on..the efiect training bas heti an this plcked gnoup and an tbe splendid music providied by the band.* A loud speaker announc- cd their emival. W.M.S. met Tuesdey aiternoan, with Mrs. M. H. Staples pesiding. It was tiecided ta senti fruit egein this yean. Septemben meeting wil be li charge ai Mies Davy. Mms. Loan gave thie Treasurcr's re- part and aisa rend a short article an "ýChristien Stcwardship."y Wom- ship perioti topic was "Social Weliare."1 Scripturc by Mms. M. H-. Staples. Mme. R. Smith sang a sala. with Mrs. Staples et the piano. Topic was taken by Mme. C. S. Mc- Laren. This interesting talk deait cbîefly with hobbies and proper living conditions and gave al sornething ta taink about. Pray- erse weme ofiemed by Mm. Mc- Laren and Mme. Staples. Starkville Visitons: Mr. andt Mrs. Si Hellowell, et Russell Wite's, Elizabethvilllc. Miss Laurene Stark, Ennoyer, bolidaying et Mme. I. Stark's. Mme. H. L. Trima, Bil anti Joe are bomne irom Beudlcy. Mrs. Willie Hallowell, Miss Meda Halloweli, Mme. T. J. Ballagb motoredt taPeterbora. -Miss Sophia Sbutka, in Oshawa. Mn. anti Mme. S. G. Hallowdll, et Mn., Will Hcnry's, Newcastle. Mr. anti Mme. Lew Hellowell hati Sundey evening dinner wlth Mr. and Mme. W. F. Ward, Bowmen- ville. ENTERTAINER secure RALPH GORDON, the wond.rfuliy versatile e n t e r- tainer, for Four next entertain- menit. Ilutrasi cireular free. . Aidreas - 688b Crawford Street, Toronto Obituary Thomas Smith Friende weme shockedt ta ear July 26th ai the sutiden death ai Mn. Thomas Smith, wbo, witb bis wif c, was spending a e iw tiys i Toronto, witb their daugbtens. Mr. Smith wes 85 years aid anti hati been a eident of Onano for aven 65 yeems, except ion a f cw yemes spent li Bowmanville. He was ac- tive in cbuncb, fraternel anti busi- ness lite until a few years ega. He wes e store clerk in Omano and Bowrnanvile, anti inter went into the ineurepce business, cantinuing it up until n iew years ega, m partnceblhp li laten years wlth1 Neil F. Ponter. In the business1 worid he uphelti the same Chris- tian pinciples whicb. he displeyed in chuncb lite. lI churcb lite be was fonmerly1 a Sundny Scbool teacher, a mcm- ber ai the cbumcb board anti treasuner ai the Sundey Scboal, keeping up bis interest anti et- tendance until hie mental faculties dimnict. lI fratranl lite he was *a Mason anti a memben af the L.O.L. lI April, 1883, he was united in mariage wltb Henrietta Clake,i wbo, wîth thmee deughters sur- vives. The funerel was. helci from the Unitedi Cburch Thumstiay, witb Bey. S. Littlcwood off iciatixig, wbo peiti e glowing tribute tathie Christian chamacter oi deccaseti, intirnating that he hati been as upright moraly as he wns teil, stately anti uprigbt physically. The choir led in thic singing ai e bypin.j Bearers wene: E. J. Hammn, O.1 W. Bolph, E. E. Patterson, Wil-1 liam Armstrong, R. B. Waddell anti Carl Billinge. Interment was matie in Orono cemeteny. Sumvivlng are bis sorrowing wiaow anti tbnec daughters, Neya <Mme. W. M. Dustan, Fresno; Cali- fornia), anti Etine<Mme. N. D. McKenzie) anti Miltimet <Mme. J. E. V. Chester) bota ai Toronto. Mm, Thomas Powell There enteneti into ncst July 24, et hem homeih Clarke Township, Elizabeth Axin McGahcy, reiet ai the late Thomaes Powell, in ber 78th yeer. She was boamt h Hope Township, .11117 24th, 1864 anti wes the lest survlving member aif thc McGahey f amily. She hati a quiet bome-loving disposition anti wes a kinti iienti anti neighbour. She leaves ta maumn ber pessing, thrcc tiaughters, Mme. Alt. Holdaway (Sarab) ai Port Britain; Mme. E. Tonkin <Margaret) Oshawa-, Mms. L. bevert <Etna) Harmany and iou~ oys ~dwarti ai Newcastle; William, Batien anti Samuel ai Clarke Township. The fuxienal wes belti tram thc amily esitience, July 26th, Service being contiuct- cd by Bey. B. E. Morton, New- cestle. Intemment i Elizabetaville ccmetery. Bearers weme Bobert Martin, Frank Dring, Sem'Mc- Milan, Sami Kennedy, Ernest White anti Robert McGahcy. A- rnong tac 'floral tnibutes were: Wesleyville W.A. anti Lake Shore Sunday School. Kendal Visitons: Mr. anti Mme. Wm. Homner, Campbllicnoft; Mm. Havey anti Miss Dorotby Chale, Millbmook, et Mm. Joe Gortion's. Miss Beatnice Thompeon, To- onta, beme. Mm. anti Mrs. E. Luxon, Mr. anti Mms. L. Mertineil, Mme. W. Patter- son, et Coc Hili. Mn. Morley McAllisten, Miss Leta Powell, Mme. Burge anti bebe, et Mm. McAllistem's. Mrs. Walter Boughley, Boss anti Doris, Mr. anti Mre. Wilired Boughley anti Daviti, M. anti Mms. Bruce Anderson anti Fretie, Oshawa, with Mms. L. Thomne, wbo bas been laid up. Mr. anti Mme. Boy Kean anti Jack, Brantfordi, et Mm. Kcnxietb Sopem's. Msis Jerry Donnelly, Toronto, witb Mme. Geo. Clarke. Mms. Etina Unticrwood anti Mme. Neye Little ettendeti the funemel ai Tom Underwood, et Makham. Mm. anti Mme. M. Comstack, et Mr. A. Gilroy's. Don, Dale anti Grant Hay are aiea with their grentiparents. Miss Domotby McKenzie, To- onta, witb Mms. B. Mercer. Mme. Charle Thompean invitai tbe W.A. ta ber borne for thein meeting July 31. About 19 were present. A psalm was rend by Mme. Stoker. Tmesuren reporteti $62.13 in the treesuny. W. A. invitedt t Miss K. Stewart's ta quilt ion he August meeting. A letten wns rend ironM M. Litlcwoad asking saine ai the ladies ta be et the Bed Cross meeting in Orana, Auguet 7th. Mrs. Wright gave a eeting "IThougbts by the Way." Mrs. Stoker gave an intemsting papen on "One Supreme Necti ai Totiey." Mme. Thompson anti Annie senveti th& ladies a delîclous lunch anti were given a berty vote ai thenks. Newtonville Visitons: Bill anti Jack Hardy, Toronto, ata W. Milliugan's. Miss Donnelly, Toronto, with Mme. N. Scott. Mis. Wm. Mlligan, Bernice and Jean, anti Jiminie Graham and Arthur Mcmrii, et Brougham. Mme. Walter Sherwi, Orono, with hem daughtem, Mme. Laurle Cale. Miss Alle Neeblît, Toronto, wlth Miss Annie Nesbltt, Mne. Willis Janes anti Mme Saunticrs lIPetemboro. Mr. anA Mmn. Charles Welsh an~d balle, Bowmanville; Mr. Bruce Lackhamt, Salemn, witb Mm.- J. W. Lancnster's. Mr. and Mme. W. Chester, Osh- awa, wita Mms. W. Wittaker.' Mm. andi Mme. Elmer Bandall andi John, Oshawa, witb Mts. H. Bail- deil. Mn. and Mrq. L. E. Millson andi Doreen; M. Hugb Stepletan, Mr. anti Mns. W. McKny and Gardon, and Mm. and Mns. Sid Lockhart, et Mm. Robt. Gordon's ,Elizabeth- ville. Mme. Walter Moose. Seagmave, and Mns. Fulton, Chidiey, Little Britain, with Msr. G. W. Joncs andi C. J. Mitchell. Mm. and Mme. Fred Couch andi Mme. Norman Semis, Newcastle anti Mr. andi Mme. Arthur Bell anc1 Dawn, Bowmanville, et Mm. Gea. J. Stapleton's. Mm. anti Mme. Wilbert Lengstaf and bebe, Toronto, with Mme. Mabel Langetaff. Mrs. J. Stark anti cbildren, witb ber parents, Mr. andi Mme. Moore, Cestîcton. Mm. I. Bosby, Toronto, et Mr. S. R. Joncs'. Mn. anti Mme. J. E. Anderson, i Cobourg. Remember Decoratian Day etý the cemetery, August lth, et 2.30 p.rn. Mmr.and Mns. Harry Buriay have moved into part ai Mr. Williami Cole's bouse. Mr. Jareti Kimbaîl is 111 witb beent trouble. M. Hammonti Brown le in Osh- awa Hospital for special treet- ments. Mm. Ronald Burley narowly escepeti deeth Manday wbcn gaso- lie fmom a car spayed bis dlota- ing and ignitcd. Quick remnoval ai bis clothing saveti bis lite and pevented seiaus burns, although anc armm lebendageti from shoul- dem te wnlst. Mm. E. Howard Camnpbell, To- ronto, son ai Mm. and Mme. Geo. Campbell, Ncwtonville, was unit- cd in marriage ta Miss Grece E. Hall, Toronto, on Snturday, July 26tb, et St. Sînir Ave. Unitedi Churcb, Toronto, an Saturday. Lake Shore, Clarke Bcd Cross met et Mme. L. Cry- derrnan's Juiy l6th, et Mme. W. Adams' July 3tb. Four quilte were complctcd during July. Mm. Robert Martin, who will be 79 yeeme ai ege tais Sunday bas finisheti cutting 75 acres ai grain. The biggest day's cutting ai bis lufe wes on Satumday when be cut 18 acres witb a six foot binder. A yee-old white leghorn hen in aur cornmunity bas laid an egg which wcîghed 4 ounces. Bannra Axin Alldmed isl home from Port Hope Hospital. Visitons: Mm. Thomes McNeil, Orona; Mme. John Stapleton, Newcastle; Mr. Alex. McNeil, Ottawa; Mr. an dMre. Carl Selby andi family, Newcastle and Mme. J. Hamilton, Millbmook, et Gardon Martin's.. M. and Mme. Eric Wicks, To- onta; Mme. N. Gartehare, Picker- ing, et S. Powdll'e, accampanieti by Mm. and Mme. Powell, picniccd et Gore'e Landhng, Sundey. Mme. B. McKay andi iamily, Bronte; Mm. anti Mre. Les ýAlldrcti, Maple Grave, et Les. Ailin's. M. and Mme. W. A. Adams and farnily et Bruce Wbitncy's, Port Granby. Miss Reita Gibson la bolidaying et Adam's. Miss Evelyn Laventy et Pow- ell's. Any man may commit a mis- take, but none but e fool wiil con- tinue t.-Cicero. Iý-t'e he woriffoe of IIMftJ< dadu- it là of muscular soreneus and piîn, joint aprain or st ifness, tired feet. Excellent for colda and ordinar Do re throat, too. Get a bottie at dr.e ugefilt'aoday; keep ft dy. 28 MINARD'S ýLINIMENT lOc ~a qIisures WIIY cop s orD PAY MORE mh THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORONOý Because cach night yau sicep i preac;hctauemai Eservice Sun.ý_ pence day et Eldad on tac emins ai Your days arc hammam free e grandchlld ai Ms. Hardy... The Show gratitude and womk for those residence ai Mr. and Mme. D. Ha- 6Whxo stand on guard for thee. garth was tac centre ai attraction Take time ta scw, teke time to, on Saturay when their grand- knlt children assembled at the ennual d And offer up a payer picnlc. Some present weme: Mr. That what YOU do may do a bit and MUn. Thos. Pascoe and fmi To belp them over theme. ily, Enfleld Mr and Mme. A. A. 1 ~-Farmer's magazIne.1 Bowerman and family, Port Per- NEWS CANAD IAN PACIFIC POOL CANAD IAN TRAIN SERVICE NATIONAL ta c Obituary Jonathan A. Awde IN THE DIM AND Thene passed ta nest in New- Frein The Sta castle on July l7tb, Jonathan A. Awde one ai the best exponents 1 ai joyous. Christian »living anyone TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO i this vale ai tears could ever ____ meet. He had an open-bearted, genuinely friendly nature and Fromt The Canadian Statesman rediated the sunshine of lie August lOth, 1916 wberever be went. In the home, On the street, xi a crowd, at chuncb omnii ctznosre or at prayer meeting ,he was ai- Ai inerwamlngsctznbresl Ways the sarne, a vigaraus, cbeery, tcamp Cr ol. Jongs tuar Orano, Christian gentlemnan. His presence camp. oJohn u natOor a and manner everywbere was ininpco...Th ok fis spied raensteerytof caressumng rations is se systemnatic that gloom sraeseeyn oe supplies for 11,000 men are issued in contact with et times and on in less than 18 minutes. Twai- occasions. mense tenta in the centre ai the He was born an May 9th,.1865, camp are occupied by the Y.M.C. a son ai George Awde and bis A. which organization is doing wif e, Mary Jane Hoaper, who splendid work. farmed li diffement sections ai Fromn Dan Douglas li London: Darlington Tp., at Tyrone, at Sol- "I just stayed two days at Folke- ina and an the Lake Shore, stane and then was suddenly Shaw's. Aiten leaving school Jon- switched to West Sandling Camp. athan leamned the butcheming On enquiring what the doctar's business and in 1889 be and Mm. verdict was as ta my condition I Ommiston opened a butcher sbop take it I must bave been "swing- .i Newcastle. Their predecessors ing the lead" as they say, doing had been Arnold & Sans after- all I could ta stay in England and wards the Arnold Bras.) and nlot go ta France. I'm beginnîng John Darcb wbo moved ta Bow- ta wonder what qualifications ane imanville. rnust have ta be unfit!" Mr. Awde had a fine, clear S. W. Reynolds bas just ar- tenor voice and true ta bis eerly rived et home in Bothwell, irom training and bis inclinations he Monteitb in Narthern Ontario cannected himself with the Metb- wbere be was looking aiter the odist Cbumcb and became a valued burial ai bis son, bis san's wife memben ai the choir. It was bere and baby wbo were suffocated he met Henrietta J. Middleton, in a well along witb Mrs. R. sister ai the late J. H. Middleton Green and ber two cbildren, tbey and in 1891 they were rnarried by al bad taken refuge there fram Rev. D. F. Gee, pastar ai the a iorest fire wbicb consurned Methodiat Cburcb. their bouse but the fire consumed al hie oxygen and burned the Tbey continued in Newcastle curbing at the top ai thc well till 1895 when they went ta Mar- preventing escape. Many others1 sballtown. Iowa. It was here lest their lives. lI Matheson cern-1 their tbree cilidren, wha recentlv etery 24 relatives were buried in4 visited their father i Newcastle, a single row. Every settler should1 were bomn. In inter years the now bave a place ai refuge built1 fanuily moved iather west and sucb as a dugout. took up land at Seneca, South These Bowm=anville men areg Dakota, wbeme Mrs. Awde sub- joining the f iftb draft af Cobourg sequentiy died. Wberever be Heavy Artllery: W. W. Booth,j went Mm. Awde identified himn- J. B. Thickson, G. A. Spicer, J.g self witb the cburch people and Buckenmidge, J. Sullivan, and W.1 thein activities and for 21 years J. Heavener. was superintendent afthie Epis- Miss Mabel V. Bray who visit-1 copal Methodist Cburch Sunday ed Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster basj Schooi at Seneca. eturned ta Toronto ta complete1 lI 1919 Mr. Awde retumned te ber fourtb year course in medic-j Newcastle an a visit and an Dec. ie. 6, he took as bis second wlf e, Mis Mrs. E. Osborne announces thei Eva Coucb, daughtem of Mr. Thas. engagement ai ber second daugb- Cauch, Cowanville anid Newcastle- ter, Florence May, and Mm. Jesse1 They were mamried in Toronto by Arnott, Tauntan, the wedding ta Bey. Geo. fH. Copeland, a former take place Aug. 23rd. pastar ai the Newcastle Methodist Charles Drew who is staying Churcb. Then in Februery 1920 witb Mr. and Mrs. David Darcb he returned ta Sauta Dakota with et the Beach did a ather daring bis bride and emined another fete. Seeing a rueway horse com- 10 years. About il yeems aga ing tawards hlm be ceught the they came back ta Canada and back aithie buggy, climbed in, took up their residence permen- climbed out on the shait, untied ently in Newcastle. Mr. Awde the limes and stopped the horse. again allied hirnseli witb the By this time he was up ta the Cburcb oi bis earlier days and G.T.R. treck. The horse was was soan active in its interests. owned by Cephas Rundie. He was elected ta tac Carnxittee Capt. Mark Ayme. Pasadena, ai Stewards, became a member Cal., la camig ta Bowmanvilie af the Officiai Board andi aiter an absence ai 10 years. btlren mare ecentiy honouned Every citizen who knaws "Little hlm by electing him Chairmaxi of Mark the Butchen Boy will have the Commnittee ai Stewards, which a glad hand for bsm. He bas been position he heid et his death. in Pasadena seven years ecently On the Monday evening, July in charge ai the Army's Indust- 14ta, he spoke te bis wifc ai bcing iel S tome. tired and went carly ta bcd. When Mayor J. B. Mitchell's garage Mme Awe entup lttl Inerand stable were burncd earlY Mse note wa erin uchangte in bisMonday marnig, elso bis large apeane an et schnce callcd tauring car. W. Quick's stable apperane ad atonc calednearby was aiso burned. the d octor. He saw that it was C. P. R. platfanm is large but a case af a sevene stroke, develop- hardly big enougb for the crawd ing fom the bursting af a cyet oni that gathereti there Monday ev- tbe hcart. ening ta secthie trains from east At thc fuxiral service att he and west Pess thnaugb. bouse on July 19th, Bey. R. E. ENFIELD CHURCH RACKET: Morton spoke ofithe sterling Fnom the legal column af Satur- SCh#istian qualities ai deceased day's Mail anid Empire: W. J. O., endaof how be was prepared for Buketon-I am caretaker ai a bis passing. countiy church. Some persan Besides the many relatives and wratc te a newspaper complaining friends iromn Newcastle, Bawman- aithie accumulation af dust and ville, Derlington Tp. and other speaking ai an inefficient janitor. pointa thene were present de- I consider it a eflection upon me. ceascd's brothens, George A. Have I an action for damages Awdc, Drayton, and Joseph Awde, against the paper on the persan Toronto; bis sister, Mrs. Waltem who wrote it? Langmeid, and ber four daughters, Answcm: The paragrephs were Florence, Vida and Sybil, Oshawa, libelous if untrue but etc., wherc and Mme. Evcrctt Mountjoy. theme is no injury there cen be no The pail-bearens were ail ncpb- damages. ews, Frank Pascoc, Luther Pas- coc, Arthur Langrnaid, Evcrett FT ER G Mauntjoy, Artbur Moore and Ir- JT YE SAG win Ormiston. Tberc were many beautiful floral tributes and tac Prom The Canadian Statesman fleur bearers were: Rob't Awdc, August 12, 1891 Franklin Awde, Lloyd Hancock, J. W. Clcnny, Herry Bowe, Hil- ton Peters, Fred Couch, and A iront page cut shows tac side- othens. paddle steamer "North King." De- The late J. A. Awde la alsa sur- scribed as "e megnificent floeting vivcd by another brother, Mr. palace" tais boat mekes weekly Thos. Awde, Heward, Sask., who trips ta the Thousand Islands. It with Mrs. Awde was here lest la tbe finest, festest and safest monta for a family reunian. Aiea steamer on Lake Ontario. Lengta sumvvingareaileson Eveett176 feet. Breedth 44feet. Alil Dominion Atlantic £7. Stations la Nova Scotia For limite, detailed service. etc.I Consuit Agents - Procure Handbill Net Good Retura on 3 p.m. Train Prom Montres], PAGE NINE -- - - - - - **any idea whilh might clarlfY the position at Hamýpton, I shail be DAC plasd to have it passed along DISTA7NT PAST feel it is the solution but probabl <I have flot made it clear enOugI atesman File to be of much help. esSubmitted for yujudgment, ry, George Hogarth, B.A., Whit- by, L. N. Hogarth, Bowrnanvile. Mr. Editor: ORONO: Our old and esteemed A few weeks ago I saw ini the townsman has sailed for his horne paper where a few bridai parades in Cornwall. . . Wm. Winter's ps g thraugh the streets of Bar- horse attached toa.a light wagon riewerSlfl nit outadfn man away completely demolishimg ed, for makîng unnecessary noise, it... Frank Stutt the genial and by sounding auto horns, and exÈ- obliging Postal Clerk retires ceeding the speed limit. fram office to take a position in C. G. Armstrong's store. Miss Is it flot time our local police Melita Moment, daughter of the took action, and stop for ail time Postmaster succeeds him. the samne practice an our streets, particularly on Saturdays when the traffic is sa heavy? If the people want to get mar- rethey should flot advertise Voic ofThe eope teir marriage by such unlawful means, for 99 per cent of the peo- pie do flot want to know anYthing Oshawa, R. R. 2 about it and care lesa, 50 it is to Augut 4,194 be haped that aur police will stop Dear Editor941 this practice, which has become a Dear ditor outnuisance. thea pirtidepco rdehi abse By the way, Mr. Editor, why the the pirt o disordwhih sems deîay in putting the 'stop and go' ta have spread in the Hampton îight on the four corners? There School section. A few ideas on the emtobanigrnthfnc situation have came ta me whichsestabanigrothfnc I amimpsin onyouforconid-and the soaner someone takes a I rn a sig nyoofrcosi-pake at him the better. The Lions ertonlyId o lm n Club deserves a lot of credit for Persnaiy I o nt blme ny-danating this light, and it is too* one for the unfartunate situation bad somebody bas put a monkey- but would say it is due ta indis- wrench into the proposition, for cretion on the part of the trustees, in the minds of rnost people the though giving themn credit for the lightshsould have been in opera- best of motives. tion long aga. It is ta be hoped These are trying times when they will be in'~operation before underlying feelings are tense, and Christmas. often more sensitive than we are F. C. PETHICK. aware. Durharn caunty, of which____ Hampton has been a praminent The Lord's Day Alliance, centre, is decidedly British and 542 Confederation Lufe Bldg., should be very proud ai that heri- Toronto, Ontario. tage. We would not - wrest that August 1, 1941. hanour from hçr. We still need Dear Mr. Editor: communities which maintain the principles and customns af aur What constitutes a legal Sun- forefathers. lI spite of their feil day sale li Canada? This questidn ings tbey possessed an mntegmt is frequently asked, and is of sut- depenabllty, ad îaaîtyt <,< fiaient genemal interest ta warrant and their country which we feel asking the privilege oi your is larnentably lacking, or at îeast, colurnns ta give the information diminishing, in many af their ta your readers. grandchildren. In this province af Ontarlol A teacher hoids a position sec- there are twa 'laws that govern ond only ta the parents ahd often Sunday observance. There ta the it is difflcult ta know just which pre-Confederation Upper Canada holds the rnost influential position Act of 1845, frequently spoken oi in many points. Unless one bas as the Ontario Lord's Day Act of Young children attending school Canada, enacted by the Dominion it is difficult ta realize just haw Parliarnent in 1906. strang the tie between teacher and Bath laws forbld the sale of pupil becomes. Our background general merchandise, making foilows us al aur lUfe. A teacher ai sarne exceptianà under the terms British birth disseminates British of necessity and mercy. The sale ideals unconsciously and, I think, ai food for consumption an âe is best suited for a cornxunity uch premises has been declared legal as Hampton and many like it. We an Sundays by Ontario Courts, surely need the stability sucb thus validating the serving af communities give aur Canada. meals, lunches and light refresh- On the ather band: We have rnents. These courts have declered opened aur doors and given a also that merchandise sold on welcoming hand ta, thousands ai Sundays ta be taken from the strangers fromn many lands, and premises involves violations af many have came from Central law. Ail that can be purchased be- Europe. We are glad ta have them fore Sundays, without endanger- seek higher education and hold ing its quality for use on that day, positions ai leadership. They can has been declared illegal. This ap- better lead those irom their <>wn plies equaily ta refresltâment land who have carne here, because stands and markets aiong the they understend the diii erences highwaYs, and ta merchants li and know best how ta merge the cities, tawns, villages and rural good fram their awn background cornmunities. into the best ai ours. Theme is real Law-abiding merchants wbo work ai that kind ta be done i close their places ai business in hundreds ai sections in aur fair compliance with- these Sunday land. laws are entitled ta freedomi from That Canada Is the best country unfair competition through illegal in which to live is proven by the Sunday sales. Those open ta meet fact that these people came from legitimate needs on Sundays are other cauntries, and stay. We are required ta restrict their sales on nat perfect, but aur Christian that day within the provisions of religion rnakes aur countr~ the Canadian law. bcst i the world, imperfectly as Purchasers are equally liable we may interpret it, in aur lives. with rnerchants in the case ai il- That there are those wbo would legal purchases, and should me- be pleased ta take these strangers strict their demands on Sundays into their homes shows a personal within the law. Law-abiding citi- confidence in them tbough they ' ens contribute ta the good morale rnay feel, under the present con- of their communlty. ditions, the children need ail the Responsibility for the enforce- training in British ideals that the ment ai these laws resta primas- best trianed British teachers can ily upon the municipal police, and give thern, and the section shauld it is quite unnecessary for tbemn be prepared ta pay the price. That ta await speciai instructions be- was not li the cantroversy sa I fore peforming their duty li this presume tbey are. regard, or suspend their opera- It is my personal opinion that tian within any municipality. No it would be the part of wisdamn, municipal officiai bas autbority and most helpfui for a teacher ta give an "permit" ta violate witb knowledge ai conditions a- these laws, or ta interfere with broad ta seek labour where her the. police in their duties. influence would not be questioned We appeal toalal citizens ta but would count for its true worth. give persanal recognition ta these And that it can be af inestimable reasonable and valuable laws, and alue cannot be questioned. Every- give consideration ta the mgbts ai one has a place in this world and others in the enjayrnent of their because we do nat fit in certain Sunday feedarn from toil. places does nat li any way de- Yours sincerely, tract from one's real value. Just GEO.,G. EBR ta find the right place is the im- General Secretary. portant point. I presume the teacher in ques- tion was a student teacher at You cannot dream yourself into m

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