VOLUME 87 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1941 Town WiII Likely Net $4 7,000 From Sale 'After Commissions And Fees. The recent sale of the Bownxan- 'ville owned McGili Building in Washington, D.C., was fornxafly ratIfied by the Town Council at a specially convened sesion an Friday night. A statement from fie Washington Loan and Trust Company, which has been fie town's fiscal agent in Washington was read and appraved. The sale, it will be recalled was made at a figure of $115,000. Bow nxanville's sharç was 59 per cent which amounted ta $67,840, but the town wiil receive much less than thla suin. After the fees of the Trust Company, othçr legaL' *were paid a balance of $56,138.10 was coming ta the Town of Baw- manville. From fhia lqd ta be deducated 20 per cent ta D. L. Mc- Carthy K. C. who handled the estate for many years, and who received this percentage by agreement, from ail manes re- ceived from the estate. A res- erve of $1750.00 la heid by the trust company for any usforseen expenditures. and fie Town wil actually receive in the neighbor- hood of $47,000J in cash. This in- cludes a smail suin fram the bal- ance of revenue on hand. It must also be remembered fiat flere was a $20.000 mortgage on the building, created when a ne wheating system was tastal- led a few years ago. This had ta be paid off before the distribu- tion ta the tawn and the other parties entitied ta slhare in the praceeds of the sale. Just what will be done wifl fixe money * has not been fnaaily determined, * but the creation of a staking fund for the payment of debentures has been mooted. Coundil also gave first reading ta a byiaw ta permit the Public Utilities Commission ta borrow money for the erection of a new storage reservoir on fie town's1 water system,. , ~ ~JaW rwifl_ -EIkely rÏee i seond and third readtags at next Monday's regular meeting of council. The army la ta banish that aid- time honored institution, "fixe bat- man" an article tanfixe "Telegraph" an Old Country newspaper says. jAnd what la even more mamen- tous, fixe batman's job la ta be taken over by girls of the A.T.S. The abject of the change la ta xe- lease the men for more active duties, but as yet full details of fixe scheme have not been worked out. War Ecouomy To Bear Heaviy On Prices Baye Speaker At Rotary Club. "We havé a Food Contrai Board, but It cannot contrai what we haven't got and cannat get; I can- not sec ofierwlae than fiat we are in for a graduai and steady rise in the cas! of foodstu!fs," 80 opined Harry Deyman, General Manager o! National Grocers. Limited, Oshawa, when he ad- dressed fie Bowmanville Rotary Club on Friday at the Balmoral Hotel. One o!fie prime questions of thxe day, and ana fiat affects ev- ery home in fie land, la that o! Cost of Living, and Rotarians heard directly from an expert in distribution, many of thxe reasons why casts are rising, wifi sida- lights on how aur aattag habits are constantiy changtag. Mr. Day- man explataed fiat fie greater proportion o! living expense la made up of food caste ,and war economy beas directly and haav- lly upon hoUx production and dis- tribution. Despite lxnprovlzation, costs must rise. Mn. Deyrnan taok his listeners across tropical seas and Into fie war zone and down Into fie U.S. on a buytag trip which revealed how fhitgs grow and how we gat fiem. For instance he tald o! how, not many yaars ago, ail o! aur raisins came from Spain and they had seeds un thenu. Raisins cannat successfully be grown where it rains. Bofi California and Australia have large arld areas, s0 they taok to growtag r Iins:: whmch are mereiy dried1 iKe. California .developed stdless grapes and soon domina!- ad fie trade. But Australia, ta- day, thanks ta a 3c per lb. tarif!, now supplies fie Canadian tradej toa alarge axtent. Sage, Savory, Thyme, Paprika and many ofier exotic spices formerly came from Grecce and Hungary, but today Hitler bas shut off ail of aur supplies andj prices which had been 20c per lb., now reach as hlgh as $2,00 per lb., and are going hlgher. Our only recourse la ta try ta dlevalop substitutes at home. France,j Greece and Italy supplied us wlth glace cherries and peels and fiase RECITAL US GIVEN AT BLACKSTOCI< 's xh id is The recitai givei. by the pupil of Ada Jones Sadier, A.H.C.M., in the Community Hall, Blackstock Wednesday evening, was nxucl 1enjoyed by an audience that fil- Sled fixe hall. Proceeds which tamaunted ta $11.35 were donatec tto the Red Cross. k Rev. D. Stinsan acted as chair- tman and thé pupils announced their own "ontributions. A piano Lduet was rendered by Clara Marlowe and Jessie McArthur. Piano solos of menit were played by - Misses Marylin Farder and~ Betty McArtlxur and Douglas Scott. A vocal by Lucille Forder was followed by piano music ai papulars and ciassics by the fol- 'lowing: Jessie McArthur, Clara Mariow, Eileen Toms, Winnie Swain, Joyce Scott, Anne Thomp- son and Vivian Sadien, with en- cores by those wlxa had previaus- ly played. Interspersed with fia excellent Programme of instrumentais were vacals by thxe foilowing: Vivian Sadler, A.H.C.M., a duet, '0 Sale Mia' by Vivian and Mrs. Sadler and a final number, 'The Soldier's Sox' by Mrs. Sadler. There were choruses by the pupils; Rule Brit- annia, There'il Always Be An England, cancluding wiflx God Save The King. Chairman and audience combined in apprecia- tion of a Programme «of unusual range wlxich was rendeFed, flaw- lessly, by a gaiaxy of talent. Local Came Ward.n Fr... 6M0Pheasants Pheasant hunters in Oshawa dlatrict are assured of a good sea- son's hunting fus fail as a result of 600 birds wlxich were liberated in fixe district by fixe Game and Fisheries Department. The birds were freed under the supervision Of W. J. "CaseY Martyn, Bow- manville, gamne and flahenles ov- ers9eer-for OntarioCoty. Thé stacklng of the district wltlx gamne birdS s l ine with the de . partment's Plan of keeping the country weil supplied with pheas- ants. "This wiil make good shooting: for nirnrods during fixe allotted time this fail,"I Mr. martyn dlaim- ed. The birds, English ringnecked pheasants, were raised on the Codringtan Bird Sanctuary near Brighton. Two hundred wee re- Ieased in East Wlxitby Township, 200 in West Whitby Township and 200 in Pickering Township. too no langer raach aur shores. But alraady wa have begun ta cape wifi fie situation. British Columbia la producing high grade pnocessed cherries and South Af- rica la providing various peels. Imported chease, o! which we consumed considenable prior ta thxa war has now bean shut off. No! anly that, but fie prospect la we may be rationed on aur domesfic Product 50 fiat we niay supply Bnitata. Contralisl such fiat taday no manufacturer can make ofier flan white cheddar and none can be sold wifiout lic- anse; ail o! it la earmarkad for Britain. Mn. Dayman ciaimed that farmers now were reaping profits from supplyVing cheese fac- taries; fiat fie price was 15 and 5-8 plus a eovernment subsidy o! 3c par lb., at Montreal. He a sa fiat it takéà 2 % times as much milk ta make ana pound of butter as it does ta maka ana paund o! cheese. Thera will be a change tao in the mattar af commercial edible ail because formanly we gat 4 tankers a monfi fram fie orient and taday wa gat only ana. This wiil affect bofi soap and shorten- tag but thxe offset ta some extent was found in animal fats. In thxe matter a! cereals, ha pointed out fiat not s0 many yeans aga we haed but ana good old standby called porridge. Naw we hava on sale ovar 70 kinds, a profitable field for thxe break- fast food inventar and a great convenience for wivas who per- mit their husbands ta get their awn breakfasts. This was ane o! fie features of aur changed eatîng habits. Othars ware canned goods fiat introduced the can-openar habit and the quick get-away for an evenlixg aut. Tea and Coffea were introduced in ail the romentlc history that surrounds flair entrec into bath jungle and saphlsticeted menus. Away beck in the dinu and dusk o! anflqulty, strange people who strangaly resemble tha Hitlar of aur day, found fiat fiay could make a brew from leeves an-d barries fiat hit fie spot. We ara sf11l gatting fiasa but at incraasad prices. Most of aur tea now cames from Kenya in British East Af- (Continued on Page 7) NEWS WANTED 0F MEN UN UNIFORM The Statesman la anxious tprnt ail the news there is aotlocal boys who are in the Canadian armed forces. We not only want newsy paragtaphs about new enlist- ments, but we would welcorne the privilege of pritittg ex- tracts from some of the let- ters the boys send home from overseas or from Canadian camps. The cooperation of aur readers la asked ta see that we get full information about the movements and adven- tures of fixe lads who are re- presentita ils in the fight for freedoin. Ail letters whiclx are submitted ta us wiil be promptly returned after ex- tracts have been made. GREAT CROWD AT BEACH FIELD DAY CIVIC HOLIDAY Oshawa Orew Winz Glen Rae Trophy In Feature Water Event Mouday. t With ideal weafler and a greai crowd in attendance the Beaclt Assaciation's annual Civic Holi- day sports day on Monday waý a huge success. President "De.ac' Goddard and Leyland Berry, whc had charge of fie field day werE a busy couple. Those in charge of fie variaus boofis and gameE were Bruce Berry, J. Millen, Dr. G. J. Millen, Messrs. Varcoa, Lat- timer and Luttereil, and Miss Zetta Lattimer who had charge of fie even popular fish pond which sald out in fie aftennoon, Official starter for the land and water sparts was J. Millen, and the winners in the variaus event- were as follows: Tata Race, Barbàara Goddard; Girls 7 and under, Wllna Staxp- son, Peggy Ganlow; Boys 7 and under, Teçldy Dotson, Ailap Mc- Tavlah, Irvin Brooks; Girls 9 and 1under, Mamaon Henning, Audrey Fletcher, Joyce Currie; Boys 9 and unden, Barry Mason, Bern Jones, John Cattran; Girls 1l and under, Bernice Quinnie, Rona Evans, Helen Simpson; Boys il and-under, -Leonard.wnight, L-loyd Hamxilton, Douglas Moat; Girls 13 and unden, June Millen, Mary Stacey, Jean Fletcher; Boys 13 and under, Harvey O,Leary, Gar- don Lefroy, Bull Lemon; Girls 16 and under, Mary McFee, Mary Kilpatrick, Jean Fletcher; Boys 16 and unden, Nornman Grey, BU Dadson, Don Gilhaoley; Ladies' 15 yds, Margery Kilpatrick, Helen Hoopar; Three Legged' Race, Gwen Hoopen, Narm Bottreil; Ladies ' Spot Race, Mrs. Mclntosh, Grace Carter, Velda Lattimer; Egg Throwing Contest, Toots Tate, Joe Childs; Ladies' Shoe Race, Helen Jerman; Girls' Bal- boon Race, Helen Jones; Wheei- barrow Race, Helen Fowler, Bob Wood. Pnizes wene given out by Mrs. Bruce Berry, assisted by Mns. Lutterai and Mns. Currie. The Annual Glen Rae Dinghy Race from Oshawa ta Bowman- ville was won by Capt. Eanl Sharpe and crew Howard Say- well of Oshawa. Silverý water pitclxers suitably engraved were presented by Alderman G. Miller of Toronto and Capt Sharpe made a brief response. Ail annauncements were made aven fie public address systeni, kindly loaned by Biil Hawkins, weil-known Toronto M. C. who was assisted by Dr. G. J. Millen. Between events selections were plaYed and dedicated ta, the fol- lowing: Mr. and Mrs. G. Durno, Mn. and Mns. Henry, newlyweds of Bawmanviile, and Miss Jean Street. The climxax of fie 2ven- ing was fie draw for fie radio which was made by a litfle by- stander, lucky wtaner being Miss Lynn Haîlman, Town. Dancing was enjayed. Membars of Asaociation were more flan pleased ta, have in flair niidst Mrs. Bert Lattinier, after a lengfiy linesa West Side Beach Holiday visitons et Beach Haven, wifi Mn. and Mns. Pawson and daughters, included, Mr. and Mri. White and famfiy and Mrs. Tay- lor, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Corben, Irena and Chanlia Rundle. Mns. Batean, Florence Cowan, Irene Barton and Emily Lytla, Oshawa. Euchres held so fa under con- vanarship o! Mns. Curie'un han home in Diiling's Hall, Mrs. Lut- tarall's home, and Mrs. Larga's home, ail praved ta be vary profit- able and successful. The nax! ana -lsa t Mrs. H. Goddand's, August 8, et 8 p.m. Proceeds !ram auchres are used fan field day prizes. Once more fie ladies reached more flan thair objective. Miss Batte Bluman, Miss Rena Penny, Miss Jean Wastcott and Mns. M. Mickei and son William, Mn, F. W. MecGregor, Toronto, wena gueste o! Mn. and Mns. G. Durno "Cheerlo Cottage." Sunday visitors wlfl Mn. snd Mrs. Herbent Goddard were Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Cox, Miss Joy Pridham, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Harold Cox, Windsor; Mr. and Mns. Frank Doyle, Hamilton; Mn. James Cox, Napane, and Mn, and Mrs. Gus Bounsail, Bowmanville. Hospital Elevator Fimd Two very weil known natives of Durham County, who over a period of many years-of residence outside of the County have maintained an active interest ifi affairs here have, through the editor of The Stateiman' offered $5,000 toward the cost of instal- ling an elevator at Bowmanvilie Hospital. The total cost of such an installation is estimated at $1%0O00, and work can anly proceed if the additionai $5,000 la raised. An elevator is perhaps the one important convenience needed at the hospital at this ie. On previous occasions we have drawn this need to the attention of the people of Westý Durham wham the Hospital serves. Those who have taken an interest in the hospital are well acquainted with the need, and for the bene- fit of those who are nat fully awàre of the need for an elevator we point out these facts: Under the present arrangement ail serious cases in which the patient is unable ta waik, mxust be carried up the main stairs ta the second floor on a stretcher. The operatng theatre is locat- ed on this floor and this means that any first floor patients, or accident victims who are fartunate enough to have need of the operatmng room, must be carried up thîs way by. the nurses. It must be obvicus to everyone that this method of conveyance is dangerous. Especiaily is this su of cases of fractures or broken bones, where the patient must be kept as rigid as possible. This problem would be completely solved by the erection of an elev- In giving thought ta tii need, it might be well for the average citizen ta realize that the hospitai belongs ta every- one in the community, and that any citizen mightbe in need of hospitalization and the use of fixe elevator at any time. The mag- nanimous gift of these former Durham residents paves fixe way for the work being carried out at this time and it is hoped that the public wiil be generaus in its response to this appeai. Let'no one think they cannot have a share in this work. Smail donations wiil be just as well as laige donations, and al wiil be publicly acknowiedged in the press, if so desired. We realize that there have been mtany appeals for funds in recent manths, but we have fixe assurancé of the government that tixere wilU be no further national -appeals during the current year. The War Services campaign, Which will inclwie fixe Red Cross will flot be inaugurated until neXt spring. It is unlikely that there wrnl be another large boan launched jhis year, sa that citizens may feel free to give ta this worthy cause now. The need is quite apparent, the willingness of this couple to help sets a fine ex- ample, and ail that is needed ta crawn the campaign with succes is the hearty co-operation of th" people of West Durham. Donations may be« sent to The Statesman or direct to C. H. Mason, Secretary-Treasurer of the Hospital Board, Bowman- ville. Donald Gibson Nfaned, Winner in DurhamField Cr Coptition Leading Man Gets 95 0f Possible Hundred Points Un' Contest RecentlyJudged. Donald Gibsan, Bowmanvile R.R. No. 4, Bowmanviile won major honours in fie Fiald Crop Competition ta Erban and Vanguard aats, conducted by the Durham Central Agricultural Society. The campetitions wene opan anly ta mambers of fie soci- ety and fiene was a good number of entries. Each plot in the con- test had ta contain at least firee acres and a possible 100 points were available. Mn. Gibson ne- ceivad 95 points. The standing of fia thirteen entries wifl points and prize monay was as foilows: 1. Donald Gibson, Bowman- 95-$13.00; 2. Chas. Ailin, Bow- manvile, 90%-$12.00; 3. J. K. Osborne, Bowmanviile, 90-$1 1; 4. Sam Allun, Bowmanville, 89- $10.00; 5. J. T. Brown, Newcastle, 85%¼-$9.00; 6. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanviile, 85-$8.00; 7. F. W. L. Tamblyn, Orono, 84%-$7.00; 8. R. K. Squair, Bowmanville, 83%'4-$5.00; 9. Harold Pascoe, Hampton, 83; 10. M. J. Baker, En- nlakillen, 82; il. Rass Hailowell, Clarke, 77; 12. J. H. Jase, New- castle, 73; 13. Douglas Courtice, Courtice, 66. The judge was Alex Davidson o! Agicount. The prize manay la baing paid immediately except for the sum o! $2.00 which is held from each contendar in the monay, and wil be paid when he xhibits a sheaf of ats and a bushel of grain fnom his plot at fia Fali Fair. For the second fiin ae week robbens broke into a local store whan on Tuesday night fia Good Rich Oul station et fia Ktagsway Nursery canner an King Street East, was broken itt. A quant- ity o! cigarettes, chocolate bars, and gum was staien in addition ta about $5.00 un cash whan the fil was nansackad. The flieves gainad antrance by removing a pane a! glass from tha green house et the east end o! fia building. A!ten having gaflared tagaflar the 100! thay le!! by fie front door. Evidently trying ta avold ieaving any dlues they took fia pane o! glass wifi fianu, as it undoubtediy wotuLd have carried linger pninte. The station la apanated by Mn. and Mrns. Clif!od Brannigan who wene asleap in fia buildling flroughout fie rabbeny. Thay told Police thay heard no distunb- ance during fia night. Mns. Bran- nigan was unabla ta infonni pol- ice o!fie valua o!fiahegoods stoien. Jus! a week ega fhies broka into H. C. Osborne's store n Centre Street and stale saei East Side Beach Miss Pat Hart, Oshawa, la with Miss Laurie Jacobs. Mrs. Swinton, Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs. J. Henderson. Mr. Reid Pearn, Toronto, is at the "Log Cabin.' Overnight guests at tha "Haney- moon Inn" wene Mr. and Mrs. Beuieau, Toronto. Misses Dorothy Goode, Irene Jones and Rachel Wright are spending a week at fie beach. Mrs. A. L. Darch has returned home after vacationing with Pro- vincial Palmateer, Trout Lake. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and daughter Jean, Hampton, with Mr. and Mirs. H. Hagerman. Miss Ruth Spance, Toronto, was guest at Mr. and Mirs. Percy Cherry's. Mrs. G. A. McLeiian and child- ren, Toronto, are summertag at McLeilan's cottage. nen granaaaugnter, Mvrs. J. H. Madernity la the kaynote ta Bennett. sevanal naw homes being enected Mr. and Mns. J. Shaw, Mr. and in Bawmnanvffle. The ana being Mns. D. Higgins, and Jinmmy Osh- buil! by Howard Bickla at the awa, wena guests o! Mr. and Mns. canner o! George and Church Ste. W. J. Handarson. has several unusual fMatures. In Visitons a! the "Honeymaon the finst place the hausa is betag Inn" aven the waekend ware Miss adaptad ta house the Estelle Edythe Carter and Miss Betty Baauty Salon, A two-room sun- Beýtýles, tawn. porch affect has been added on Mrs. Glanna Hemr, Mrs. Ailean the south sida for this purpose Kilgona, Bristol, Tann.; Miss Lan- and the heating system which is nia Pitts, Vinginia; Mn. Sam baing installad by W. Len Elliot! Wright, Detroit, wana guests of is of a special type for air-con- Mn. and Mrs. Charles Depaw. ditioning ta prapen heat and hu- Mn. and Mrs. F. Claland and midity. A forcad draft of hot air daughten, Mn. MacMillan, Oshawa; enablas the heating opanings ta Mr. and Mns. G. Cashmora, Mn. ha placed within twa feat o!fiah and Mns. F. Cashmora, wîth Mn. ceiling. and Mns. N. Byers "Idiabye." The builder, William Allin, is Imaking good progress wifl fthe house. Howevar, due ta shortage of matenial and some dalay ta the r Gas Station ondar fan bricks being filied, tha wark has now been tamponarily _________________________dalayed. Perfect insulation wiil cantri- hundrad dollars worth o! groc- buta totae fxa!ficiency a! the heat- aries and provmsions. Polmce do ing systenu. Nax!ta the bricks is flot connact fia twa crimes with a thick sheet of finaproof insulat- the sanie men. Saveral similan ing material which takas the place robberies as fiat at the G'o'd 0f boanding usuaily used. Be- Riclx station hava been engin- twaan the uprights the interior a! eered in fie Port Hope district the walls is insulaed with "fiber- recantly, and police are indlined glas" a miraculous insuleting ma- to believe fie ase men may be tenial o! spun glass, much the esponsibla. Acting Chie! Walter cansistancy o! cotton batting, but Hall ia invastigating. fan more dengarous ta handle, for small glass splintars may gat un the hands if gloves are not worn, An Amenican tounist heving causing itching and soreness. In- luncheon et Carters, when wel- cidentally, this modern product ls corned pleasantly by Miss Edytha made in Oshawa. Carter, said: "I have, with my The bluaprints for this fine naw wife, traelad aven 500 miles by housa were adaptad by Mr. Bickle motor in Canada this week, and from plans for a sinuilen house that is the finst friendly graating entyrcediPtrbouh we hava had." And that la ail ta aatyeetd o eabruh trua, ganarally. The Statasman, on To mention but ana mare mod- seveaa occasions, has said: "Go arn featura o! this building: In out and shae hands with touriste- bath dining raom and kitchen they are strangers, and 99 per high casement windows are an cent o! thenu wauld break nut with innovation. In hanmony wifl the glad smilas ta ba so welcomad" whole house thasa windows have Why not become lcnown as a neal been constructed wifl fixe utili- 'weiconlmxg' town? tarian aspect ta mmnd and their height la sufficlent toa slow a buffet on athar article of furniture Mn,. T. B. Veale la visiting her ta ba placad aiong the wall ba- daughtanr, Mrs. George Kaogh. low theni. ____ LECORFrStEdadContingent It's naithen the heat non jus! t Welcomed te Bowmanville plserintcusdissuethetofficale nise rta hi sseheofficai notice reardying oiltatex.o Hesosofthcary lnat thypro vicsons fthe lf o arbya malihsays tatif ou ee ah ae ofnhabit5anbetaee h ageof o ohr 65 ansd yru are inotaherse y asseedopay ion taxsyou ave tora ig spotwndyurans ftor a fie kinoW a lot of folks -are gaing Three months aga on April 29. ta say "what for?". Weli, the Durham County Holstein Breed- answer is simple. WVhether or ers, through their fieidnxan, A. J. not you are a taxpayer you Tamblyn, soid a car of 31 register- get police and f ire protection, ed Holstein cattie ta C. S. Erb paved streets and sidewalks, & Sons, Middletown, Penn. They and ail the other conveniences iiked the animais so well that they of the town. The five bucks sent thein representative, Mr. Ail- is levied just to let you feel wine, back ta buy another car that much better about using load. The 29 cows, heifers and a these things. You always feel calf in this second car, which was better when you know you'ne loaded at the C.N.R. station, New- paying for what you're get- castle, on July, 28th, were al] ting. Sa read the o ff i ci a bought through the agency o! notice, and let Fred Pattinson Mr. Tamblyn who looked after have your five dollars if YOU the loading and shipping. The are in the category outiined. shipment was valued at $4015.00j and Mr. Tamblyn says that flxeyj were a better lot of cattie than S those sold last April. Contribut-j RED CROSS LADIES ors e: J. D. Brown, Fred Tam- Nobl Mecal. MpleGrave;1 PRO VIDED MANY J. McCannell, Fred Austin, A. J. Runnais, Port Hope; John Cruick- NEEDE _SUPP I ESshank, H. E. Tink & Son, C. A. NEEDE SUP LIESBlanchard & Son, Hampton; Fred Fallis, Millbrook; Bertram Hoskin, D. C. Hoskin, J. Stanley Macklin, List 0f Articles Sent To Head- Cobourg. quarters In April, May', J=e, Th Wme'sWa WrkCo-WEEKLY EDITOR niittee of the Bowman ville si DURHAM HOLSTEIN CLUB SELLS CAR 0F STOCK TO U.S,. BRITA1 Hugh Templin, editon o! the[ Fergus News-Record, whose ar- ticles are appearing ini The States- man on "The British Common- wealth Air Training Plan", has been chosen as one of a party o! ten Canadian newspapermen ta go ta Great Bnitain as guests of the British Coundil in London. The invitation was extended by Sir Malcolm Robertson, President of the British Council. It is plUn- ned ta, let the Canadian journal- ists sea first hand the preparatians for fie Battle o! Bnitain. The group will spend thrae weeks in Great Bnitain and will cross the Atlantic by plane. Dtais of fie trip have not been made public yet, but ma is said that the Fergus editor has been chosen as fie representative of fie Can- adian Weekiy Newspapers. The in- vitation was extendeil through W. Rupert Davies of Kingston, Presi- dent o! the Canadian Press and Chairman of the Canadian Section of the Empire Press Union. No betten salection could have been made ta rapresent the week- ly editars on this important mis- sion than Mr. Templit. Fils obser- vations wiil be lookad forward ta Broancieofthe CandiantRed Coss Sociae mde and set u toy adJuateseduriglAes: HoapalJupeplies:e1aresin ospita0 Suples 16 dressing gowns, 50 scu25teaus byjders, 35 bedtjacketsa25 pairs1pyjamas, 5 petpyjama p37ant, 0 ensonal kerchiefs, 80 khaki handkerchiefs. Seamen's Comforts: 34 turtie xeck sweaters, 40 pairs seamen's stockings, 59 pairs mnitts, 42 scarves. 30 helmets, 1 body belt. Woman's Auxiliary Supplies: 9 puilovers wifl siceves, 2 sleeve- less cardigans, 12 pairs sockees, 1 scarf, 3 caps. 88 sleeveless. sweaters, 26 scarves, 7 pairs wristlets, il turtle neck sweaters, 45 pairs two-way mitts, 570 pairs socks. Refugee Supplies: 60 large qufits, 15 crib quilta, 6 blankets, 6 afhn,8 capes, 4 pairs bedroom lips,8 girls dresses, 6 women's skirts, 1 Pair girl's slacks, 2 wa- nxen's scarves, 3 coats, '2 pairs childran's bloomers, 1 boy's windbneaker, 10 pairs boy's pants, 21 boys sweaters, 2U wash clofis, 1 pair soakers, 12 girls' sweaters, fi pairs sockees, i cap, 2 grs slips, 2 sets womnen's undenwear, 9 layettes, 1 children's dresses, 1 Bonnet, 2 Pairs women's pyjamas, 2 pairs children's pyjamas, 5 pairs mitts, 115 pairs girls' pyjamas. Novel Features In New House On George St. Dowmanville Rink is Winner 0f Goodyear Bowling Trophy- MANY NEW BOOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Bowmenvilla Public Librany announces a large list o! naw books which have racently ben added ta the shalves. Penhaps te mas! significant fact in cannection with these additions la that thal non-fiction books autixumber the fiction - an indication fiat the public demands a more seriaus type o! raading matter un these cniticel times. We finil such aut- standing writars as John Buchan, Ivan Sandarson, and Phyllis Ban!- lay, as authors o! some a!fiah new books. The Lions Club has been giving free tickets ta about twa hundned childnen, and the acting libranian, Miss Jean Morris, repiorts fiat thay hava been made excellant use a! by thesa yýounggpople. The Library will be closed tram August iSth ta August 3Oth In- clusive. The new books neceived Non-Fiction Is the Kingdom of God Realanu? - Jones, Stanley. Finlandia, the Story a! Sibelius - Arnold, Elliot!. Black Record <Garmans Pas! and Prasent) - Vansittant, Sir Rab! All Gaul Is Divided-- Letters fronu France. England's Hour - - Brittain, Vera I Was Winston Chunchiils Private Secretary - - - Moir, Phyllis. The Soong Sisters - Hahn, Emuly The Battie fan Asia - Snow, Edgar France, My Country - Maritaun, Jacques. Man, The Machanical Miafit-- Estabnooks, G. H. Living Treasure - Sanderson, Ivan Fiction Manhold - - - - Bentlay, Phyllis. Weakand With Daath-- Went- warth, Patricia. This Way Ou!t - Ronald, James. Sick Heart River- Buchan, John. Seven Gothic Tales --Dinasen, Isac. The Tnunk - Coetswonfi, Elizabeth The Crime o! Laure Saealle - - - Shaing, Joseph. Heng My Wreath - Weaver, Ward. Entries Nuch Smaller This Year Due Tc Many Other Tournaments. A Bownuanvilie nmnk, skipped by Rev. W. G. Blake, won fe Goodyaar Trphy at fe annuai Civic Holiday lawn bowling Ltaunnanent on fia local greens on Mondy. Due ta numrous other taurnanuants bainxg schedul- ed for the sae day, the antry list was much ower than usual, in fact it was fie smalast ta sav- aal yars. Eight rinks from Ag- incourt. Oshawa and Bowmnan- ville took part. The rink annexlng tha Good- year Trophy was composad of A. H. Moore, Sid Scott, J. Infantine and Rav. W. G. Blaka, skip. lIn second place was an Oshawa rnk composed o! E. ]Pansons, Bob Wright, Dr. W. J. Langmnaid, and R. Snowdan, skip. A Bowmanvlle ink captured third place, and was camposed af Bob Stevns, W. . LaBefle, Frank Williams and J. D:. Car- ruthers, skip. Bath thasa ninka nacaived places of silver as pnzes. A Bowmniuviile rink aiso taok fia consolation pnize, which was a bofla o! ica cald Pepsi-Cola ap- parently intandad ta cool flir favared bnows a! tan fie strenuous efforts o!fiah day. This rink was comaposad o! Ed J. Gibbs, M. Gos- latt, Ted Webbar and Burton Keys, skip. The day was perfect, and fia greens were neyer in better con- dition. Despite fia smailer entry ist, tha tounnament; was a grand CAN LOOK EXPECTANTLY Soldiers and airmen have been ordened not ta thumb ridas on Canadien highways. Order 1140 exprassly forbids "the soliciting of rides by pensonel o! the Canadian Army" as it la held ta be "undig- nified and inconsistant with thea wearing o! the Ktag's uni,!orm,"I BUT fixa order adds "fiera la no objection ta ftxa acceptance by soldiers o! transportation when such la o!!anad voluntarlly by fie public."l 3a1e of MecWll Buldaing. in " Washington is Ratified by Town Couacil Friday Night National Grocers General Manager PredicisRise in Foodstuif Puices 17 ra iît4tt#m4n With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News 1 1, - - ý Ladies And 3 e r v i cee Clubs Join Un Wei- corne to Superb Con- tingent of Men. Seventy-five stalwarts of fie Ist Midland Battalion, headed by No. 3 District Depot Band of Kingston, swung along King St. un column of route, Tuesday even- ing, and formed up at fie High School grounds, where they stacked arms and were guests of the home folks, a fiousand strong, at a soft-bal game prior ta a brief recruiting ceremonial. Capt. Dawson was in charge with Lieut. Beddell second in comi- mand, and every last man, in sunumen utfit and field equip- ment, appeareil bronzed, hardy, and confident, with that "let me at 'em" look in fie eye. Bowmanvile was glad ta sec the boys back again, even, if for a day, and fixe welcome was genu- in. The contingent consisted of men from the variaus comparues and these had been sent framn the base at St. John, N.B., for special courses in eastern Ontario. Dis- trict recnuiting afficers were fort- unate in getting fixe men and the band for a tour of fie United Counties as a living stimulant ta recruiting. Only 9 men of 'D' Company. "Bawmanvilie's Own," were in the contingent: Sgt. Fil- liter, Tommy Lyle, Dean Bickle, George Purdy, Don Green, .10e Tuloch, Roy Shaw, M. Murray and Tommy Quilty. Sgt. Stuart Hogarth o! 'B' Coy., was also one of the home boys from, Hampton and these tan Vere singled out for special attention by mofers, wives and sweethearts. Lieut. Col. A. H. Bounsail and Lieut. Col. P. H. Jobb, of fie 2nd Midlands, as recruiting afficers, had luncheon -with fixe contixg- ent and, later, at fe school grounds, Col. Bounsallnmade an appeal for recruits aven a laud- speaker hookup. Through thb caurtesy of Major Canon, C. R. Spencer and Board of St. John's, fie Parish HIall was niade avail- able for a banquet ta fe bu»t and fiera they assembled at 6 pm. And as they-were heard ta remark, "what a banqueti" it was indeed a spread of unusual delicacy and proportions. prepar- ed under fie fallowing auspices: The waman o! 'D' Coy. auxiliary and soldier's wives prepared fixe "eats" and the catertag under fie leadership of Ms. Spencer, for 'D' Coy., and Mrs. Wilson for fie soldier's wives. A few public spirited nuerchants supplied, at wholesale. some of fie necessar- ies, including "smokes." Convenor of the supper corn- - 1