TRURSDAY AUGUST7, 1941THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFV Family Reunions PASCOE PICNIC The eighth annual Pascae Picnic was held at Hampton Memorlal Park on July l2th, with about 50 present. The afternoon was spent i basebail and chit-chat, and later al sat down to a bountiful supper. A business meeting was heid with Mrs. Roy Metcalfe presiding. Of- ficers elected are: Pres., Malcolm McGregor; Vice-Pres., H-erb Pas- coe; Sec., Mrs. Bruce McGregor; Srts, Thelma Freeman, Marion Foley; Social, Mrs. E. Hoar,. Mrs. Birks, Mrs. Ross Lee. Speeches were given by Lou Pascoe, Fred Lee, Tom Snowden, Mr. Davis and Mr. Max Ballard, ,who with his wife (Hermia Lee) and daughter Ruth had journeyed frorn Moose Jaw, Sask, for the picnxc. A pragram of sports was enjoy- cd. Races were won as folaows: ROYAL THIATRE _ _ _ _ BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fri. - Set. ÂUGUST 7 - 8 - 9 Big Double Bill Gary Cooper - Water Brennan Slu "TrHE WESTERNER" AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM Frank Morgan in - "WILD MAN.- FRON BORNEO" Mon. - Tues. - Wed. AUGU8T il - 12 -13 Robert Taylor - Ruth HlumsY 'FLIGHT COMMAND' News Shorts COMING SOON 'Mr. Kilare'. Crisis." 6 years and under, Donald Pascoe; 10 years and under, Jean Mont- gomery; 14 ycars and under, Ross Metcalf; single ladies, Madeine Melcalf; married ladies, Mis. Herb Pascoe; single men, Gien Meteaif; married mnen, Albert Cale; shoe klcking (ladies), Mildred Snow- den; bailoon bursting (men), Herb Pascoe; nail driving (ladies), Betty Snowden; clatees pin dropping (ladies), Mis. Albert Cale; base- baîl throwing (ladies), Thelma Frecinan; baseball t h r owingÉ (men), Glen Mtcalf; shoe con- test, (ladies), Mis. Herb Pascae; slhoe contest (men), Grant Pascoe; needie threading, Madeline Met- caif and Bruce McGregor; oldest member, Mis. J. McGregor; yaungest member, R a y in o n d Twist; largcst family, Mis. J. Mc- Gregar and family; family coin- ing longest distance, Mr. and Mis. Max Ballard and Ruth. WERRY PICNIC The Werry Faxily Picnic took place on Juiy 26th, at Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton. The radia had promiscd a temperature of 90 degrees and no doubt thee prospect of a hot drive and sit- ting in a hotter Park kept many froin attending, but a delightful breeze and tee grateful shade of the overhanging trees bordering tee pond left nothing ta be de- sired regarding camfort i the matter of temperature. While the nuniber for dinner was only slightly over teirty. it was decid - edly representative i n clu din g members of the clan froin Tor- onto, Oshawa, Ebenezer, Solina, Kedron, Islay Enniskillen, Bow- manvile and fiethany. Before the tables were clcaed those who had dined D.S.T., at home, had arrived ready for the afternoon activities. Alter many greetings and happy re-unians, President Frank Vice called tee company ta order and tee minutes of iast picnic and thee Treasurcr's repart were present- cd and adopted. Charles ?Iford presented tee Nominating Coin- mittee's Repart seconded by Percy Werry and theeafficers were declared eiected: President, Wesley G. Werry, Bownianville, R.R. 6; Secretary, Mis. Eltan Wer- ry, Bowmanville, R.R. 2; Treas- ixier, Mis. R. K. Bragg, Bowman- ville, R.R. 4; Cor. Sec'y, Nora Werry. Oshawa, R.R. 2; Coin- mitte a! management, Mi. and Mis. Francis Werry, Enniskillen, Mi. and Mis. Harry Philp, Nestle- ton, Mi. and Mis. Percy Van- Camp, Blackstock. The retiring President introduc- cd tee incoming President wha accepted tee responsibilities in a brie! speech. Rabert Philp was cailed upon and referred, among Garage Open Sundays SAVE GAS, 1. Tara off motor when not ln use. 2. Keep carbureter leaned and adjusted. 3. Bave Gartou's tane motor, timlag, etc. 4. Reduce drlvlag apeed from 60 to 40. 5. Don't strala engine - chante geams 6. Keep Plug anad valves clean. 7. Lubrieste car and engine oftea. S. Check coollag uyutem. 9. Doa't race your cugine. 10. Avol "JackrabblY' starta. rGartou's Garage t Phone 266 Duz Service 'çbu red protection mven I nsurance Policy. J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanvffll ather things, ta the first picnic nearly seventy years aga at which he was present, and many ather interestinR items. We were pleas- cd, alsa, ta hear from, Mrs. Em- ma Werry, Toronto, and Rev. Milton Sanderson, Oakwood. Sev- erai others were called upon, mUch to their surprise, and ail rempanded briefly. A motion of ithanks was extended ta the re- tiring President. During the afternoon there was a steady addition ta the gathering from, Burketon, Blackstack, Cav- an, Sunderland. Bethesda, Hamil- ton, besides the places mentioned above. Sparts were under the direction of Elton and Kenneth Werry and .Mis. Elton Werry and Mis. Harold Wcrry. Following were among the prizewinners, nat ail te names being available: Girls and boys up hi 5 yrs., Beth Sanderson, Eleanor Rawan; Girls and boys 6 ta 12 years, Winnie Swain, Vivi- an Rowan, Muriel Werry, Beryl Mountjay; Boys 6 ta 8 years; How- ard Rowan; Boys 9 to 12 years, Allan Werry, Roy Werry; Girls 16 and under, Janet Swain, Vivian Rawan; Boys 16 and'under, Ray Sandersan; Boys' and Mens' open 75 yards, Percy Werry, Kennete Werry; Gis' and Ladies' open 50 yards, Winnie Swain, Janet Swain; Show Scramble, Lais Urry, Vivian Rowan; Needle and Thread (mixe -d). Merril Ferguson and Janet Swain; Walking, 50 years and over, Arthur Wright, Frank Vice; Bean and Straw, Mrs. F. Vice, Laverne Orchard; Bai throwing contest, (men), Kennete Werry, Percy Werry; Three-legged race, Merril Ferguson and Neil Werry; Oldest persan present, Robert- Philp; Youngest persan present, Eiîcen Ruth VanCamp; Most recently married couple, Mr. and, Mis. Arthur Wright; Conung tee longest distance, Mrs. M. Brandon, Gaît. SAbout 130 had gathered togeth- er by tea turne which was in it- self ta be remnembered. In the cool of tee evening the usual bail gaine held theiterest o! many. and cousins lingered until te shadows closed in, well pleaged with the day. Many were absent due ta Stress af war-conditions, many ladies carried their knittig, and so we carry an in teese dif- ficixît tinies. It was decided hi hold the 1942 picnic at tee saine Place an July 25. Letters of regret at not being able ta attend were received fram W. G. Cawle, Napanee, Luther H. Clarke. Windsor, Mrs. Flassie Keys, Toronto, z&s. Peter Wright Nestletan. One recailc- tion by W. J. H. Philp, Sunder- land, was of hearing his fateer refer ta a picnic, prabably fifty years aga, where there were forty first cousins present. Let us hope, pray and wark that 1942 may bring happier warld condi- tions, which wiil be but carrying out teprinciples for which aur forefateers lived. We wish ta express our appreci- ation ta members of Hampton W. I. and hi A. Peters for the many kindnesses and courtegies shown. LAMB REUNION The eighth annual Lamb Picnic was held at Cream of Barley camp, Bowmanvilie, on July 26th, wite friends present froin Toronto, Oshawa, Fenelan Fails, Rosedale, Millbraok, Saskatchewan and U. S.A. Tables were set under the shady trees' and laden with many gaod things hi eat. When ail had partaken af a bountiful dinner, Rev. Morland Lamb, Toronto, con- ducted a short business session. These officers were elected: Presi, W. L. Caley, Lindsay; Sec.-Treas., Mis. Cifford Hetz, F ai r v iew, Penn.; sports, Kier Lamb, Percy Lamb, Ailister Lanmb and Ronald Hetheiringtan. Prizes were given ta: latest mar- ried couple, Mi. and Mis. Keir Lam-b; oidest lady, Mis. G. Woaf, Fenelon Falls; oldest gentleman, James Lamb, Fenelan Falls; largeat family, Mi. and Mis. Ai- lister Lamb, Fenelon Falls; young- est present, Gloria, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Ailister Lamb; per- san caming greatest distance, Mrs. Atkinsan, Medicine Hat, Sask. It was unanimously decided ta hold the reunion at St. Peter's Church, Verulam. A special prize was presented by Rev. M. Lamb ta the secretary, Mis. Henry Eliott for efficlency. Mis. Wm. L. Caley, Lindsay, sold tickcets on a beautiful hand cm- broidered table dlote, proceeds ta go ta Telegrain War Victixns Fund. A draw was made in the evening. Wm. R. Lamb, Nestletan, Presi- dent, was the lucky wlnner. During the afternaon a program of spanrts was qrun off by Kennete CRYDERMAN - RUSE PICNIC On August 2nd over 00 o!tee famiuies o! tee Ruse's and Cryder- man's gateered at Hanmpton Park frain as fa west as Toronto, norte ta Lindsay and east ta Glen Mil- ler. A unique circurnstance was that 6 daughters and 4 sons o! Marshall and Opheila Cryderman were present. The two sans, Wm. and Carlos o! British Columbia, being the only ones absent. The eldest son, Benson, was theealdest pre- sent and it was the birteday o!the eldest sister Helena, Mis. Haidge, o! Lindsay. Bote were presente wite bouquets o! carnations, a corsage for Mis. Hoidgc and a buttonhole bouquet for Benson. Sparts, under theeleadership a! Hary Cryderman, were hcld be- fore supper and after, wite these results: Races: Girls under 6 years, Olive Cryderman, Dyment; bctwecn 6 and 9 years, Jean Cryderinan Aima Crydermnan; betwcen 9 and 13 years, Hazel Cryderman, Mary Cryderman; over 15 years, Mu.iel Smnith; boys under 8 years, Keith Cryderman, Lyn Pascoe; between 6 and 9 y cars, Don Pascac, Bob Bush; bctween 10 and 13 ycars, Jack Smnith, Ray Pascoe; over 15 ycars, Lawrence Cryderman. Contest: Jelly Dean Tosaing, FLFTZEN YEAR8 Tom Buttery, his, son Teddy and daughter Joyce. Taken at the Goodyear picnic a few weeks aga, Tom had just completed 15 years' service with Goodyear where he works on heel presses. Anyone who has wallced by the Buttery -home on Scugog St. and seen the wonderful garden knows haw Tom spends his spare time. Blanch Bush, Fred Tamblym; Bean and Staw, Hazel Cryderman: Bean Carried on Knife, Howard Cryderman; Elastic Band, Mary Cryderman; Gum Drap Eating, Helen Cryderfrnn; Coming Long- est Distance, Ernest Bush and family; Oldest Personq Present, Benson Cryderman. A couple of games of basebail were indulged in while others, visited and the sinail chîldren used the slides and teeters. After the supper and gaines were over President Helen Cry- derman gathered those who Were chatting into groups and wîth Mrs. Everett Cryderman accampaning on the guitar engaged in severai diflerent sangs until it was time to say our good-byes. Officers for 1942: Pres., Miss Helen Cryderman; Vice-Pres., Percy R. Cowling; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Lillie Crydernian; Supper Committee, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mrs. Chas. Smith, Miss Reta Ker- s lake; Sports Comrnittee, Harry Cryderman, Carlos Tamblyn, Don- ald Jose, Doris Cryderinan; Re- ception Committee, Cassie Ruse, Clarence Cryderman, Benson Cryderman. The picnic will be held next year at Hampton, the second Sat- urday ini July. MOUNTJOY PICNIC The'18th annual reunion of the Mountjay connection was held at Hampton Park on July 30th, with an attendance of nearly one hun- dred. A very interesting and ?en- jayable pragram of sports was carried out -by Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Gilbert, for which suitable ,prizes were given. At six o'clock all sat down to a deicious picnic supper. Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Presi- dent, called the assembiy *gether. Most of the officers were re-elect- ed: President, Mrs Harvey Pascoe, Tauton; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Russell Vice, Enniskiilen; sports convener, Miss Hazel Mountjoy, Blackstock, suprcommittee, Mrs. Russell Mýountjoy; representatives, To- ronto, Bob Mountjoy; Whitby, Everett Mountjay; Cartwright, Luther Mountjoy; D a r i n g t on, Theran Mountjay. It was deciaed to hold the 1942 picnic at Geneva Park, the last Wednesday iJuly. PROUT FAMILY PICNIC The annuai picnic of the Prout family was held July 26th at the Cream af Barley. About 3 o'ciock the familles began arriving and the turne was spent in social talk and watching the animaIs. The kiddies' enjoyed the slides and swings. About 6 o'ciock about 60 sat down ta a beautiful supper. Committees were later formed for next year. Food comxnittee, 4 sis- ters, Mrs. Manning, Pooiy, Nor- ton and Richards; sports, Mrs. Alex Prout, Mrs. Ross Pooly and Clarence Yea. Mrs. Len Richards was appointed secretary. After supper' a pragrain of sports was run off under the cap- able direction af Bruce Yeo. It was decided to hold next year's picnic «at the saine place. Letters were read from Cpi. Gea. Richards and Pte. Ron. Richards, New Brunswick, expressrng their re- grets at not being able to be pre- sent, but wishing ail a good time. WL .PICNIIC The 41st annuai picnic of the Bowmanville Women's Institute was combined with Grandmather's Day and held on the lovely lawn at the home of Mrs. F. C. Calmer, on Thursday. Over slxty ladies had a mast enjoyable afternaon. A short business discussion preceded the prograin and a camplete report of the jam-making praject for the Red Cross was given (as reported in anôther column). Mrs. F. Baker, wool canvener, repartei; 16 pairs socks, 4 pairs mitts, 3 helmets, 3 scarfs and 2 sweaters had been knitted during the month for the Red Cross. Sinali flags were distributed as favors hi the 25 grandinothers present. Small gifts were also pre- sented ta Mrs. J. H. Marris as the oldest grandmather, 85 years of age; ta Mrs. Robert Morris, with the mast grandchildren, 22 grand- childiren; ta Mrs. A. E. Wrenn and Mrs. John Hoaper, with the most ............. OUr camniunity picnic was held good persanal salesmanship, K. at Hampton Park July 3lst, wlte N. Merritt, general sales manager an attendance o! 115. Everyane o! Railway Express Agency, New enjoyed a real good turne and York, said at tee luncheon meet- a bountiful supper. ing of tee Advertising and Sales Mi. and Mis. G. Beech attended Club a! Toronto. Advertising thc Beech family picnlc at the can't do it all, said the speaker. Haydon fax-m. Personality always tips tee scales, and teat aVplies ta every employec No man Whro is at thee rercy who contacts tee public in an>' of hiesmoodsilaa Free man. way. appropriately by several grand- ,S ln mothers. Mis. . B. Pollard readSae an interesting aId time reading. Mrs. Frank Jachinan, a member Sunday service and Sunday af the local institute for 37 years, Strhool were withdrawn Sunday conducted two contests "An Old- owing ta tee Pastor being on.holi- fashioned Dinner" which was an- days. swered coyrectly by Mis. T.* But- Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn, tery and Mis. W. .Roberts, and a Grcie ,Mr. and Mrs. G. Burrus, musical cantest in which Mis G G. r an r.RWntM H F. Purdy's and Mis. G. Collacott's HM. dMis. R.mmWindMssH group exceled.Downey, holidaying near Belle- lOver $20.00 was realized froin ville. the sale of tickets on the band- worked pillow cases, donated by Miss Hilda Richards, Oshawa, tee president. Mis. Cecil Mutton, wite her parents. Duke Street, held tee luky ticket, Miss Daphne Burrus wite her winning tee pillow cases. aunt at Five Points. The grandinothers were guests Sympatey is extended ta Mis. at the prettily decorated and weil C. Pollard in tee death of Mi. laden tables. Prominent in the Mongomery, a cousin, at Canton; decorations were V's designed in also hi Mrs. J. Luxton and Mis. unique ways and flags. R. Winter in tee deate of a sister- Pictures were taken by Mis. W. in-law and aunt, Mis. Edgar of Roberts and Mis. M. Wiseman a! Toronto. Mrs. R. Winter attended the entire gathering, o! the grand- tee funera land called on relatives inothers and of the prize winners. ini Bowmanville and took tea with The singing o! O Canada con- her niece, Mrs. Harvey Barrie, cluded another fine get-to-gether, where Mi. and Mrs. W. J. Werry especially for the older members and Miss Thelma werc also guests of the Institute. at tee Barrie home. Y.P.A. meeting, July 30te open- cd with President G. Barrie in Hampton tee chair. Mis. F. Blackburn gave the topic and followed up with a Mr. nd rs. arr Cowingvery interestmng discussion. Violin Mr. nd rs. arr Cowingselection by Mr. W.. Taylor. Read- and children, London, at John ings by Mrs. L. Squair and Mis. Cowling's. R. Winters. E. J. Doidge conducted Miss Betty Stainton, Toronto, a discussion for the recreation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. period. H. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sinale and children, Toronto, at Wil- Zion frid Smale's and Mis. Ida Smale's. Mrs. Wilbert McMillan, Peter- M.adMs usi ekn bora, at L. Trull's. M.adMs usl ekn Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, and Margaret at Mi. Walter Hul- with Mrs. Howard Cale. att's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bush. son and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron, daughter, Mr. A. B. Crydernian, Jack and Joyce, at Mi. Herbert Glen Miller, wite relatives. Thcy Cameron's. Tyrane. also attended the Crydermfti- Mr. Robt. Killen, Peggy, Marie, Ruse picnic. Delmer and Johnny, at Mr. John1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey and Knox's, Columbus. faniily and Mrs. J. Burus with Mrs. Robt. Killen has return- relatives at Janetviile. e oefo are Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn withcdhm friBaie Dr. W. R. Horn, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Redford Cameron Mrs. Lena Haidge, Lindsay, and daughters at Mi. Chas. Vivi- with relatives and attended the an's, Hampton. Cryderman picnic. Miss Grace Stainton entertained Mi. and Mis. 0. Frise, Toronto, several little girls on Monday, at F. J. Groat's. when she celebrated her sixte Mr. Wes Pascoe and daughter, birthday. Toronto, wite Mis. A. Trenoute Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Matin and and Mis. Mabel Taylor. family at Mi. Eugene Martin's,1 Mr-. and Mrs. Jahn Cowling have Balsain. retuined froin hlildaying at Mus- MiFrdMtTooht koka. M.Fe atn oota Keite Wood, Bowmanville, .ithoe his grandparents, Mi. and Mrs. Mi. and Mis. Redford Cameron, S. Wiliams. Kathleen and Jean atcnded thee .Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns Chant picnic at Geneva Park on and daughter, Oshawa, at Mrs. Satiirday. James Burn's. Miss Marguerite Martin has re- Miss Gertrude Petit, Toronto, turned ta Toronto after holiday- Miss Celile Petit, Bowmanville, at ing wite her parents. Wm. Chapman's. Mi. and Mis. John Coublis, Ux- M Miss Gwen Caverly and Miss bridge, Mi. and Mis. Chas. Wik-1 ,Dickinson, Peterboro. visited at elnans, Toronto, at Mi. Hans C. W. Sauch's. Geissberger's.1 W.M.S. ladies held a quilting Mr. Jas. McMaster, Miss Jean ini the Sunday School rooms July McMaster, Toronto, at home, Jeanj 29th and tee Norte Group o! tee is staying for a while. W.I. met at the haine o! Mrs. Miss Annie Bayles, Brougham. John Mils on Tuesday ta quilt Miss Velma Balson, Kinsale, Mr. .for Red Cross work. Howard Plaxton, Salerr4 at Mr , S7ympathy is extended ta tee Anson BaIson's. Cowling family in tee death of Mi. Wm. Cowling, another o! Hampton's former aged residents, ',w n who passed away at Oshawa, at Tyron Mr. S. Williams'. ____ The Wrays have returned from Mr. and Mis. Chas. Kerslake a pleasant two week's holiday and George, Hampton, visited with spent at Gwen-Ev-Ena cottage, Mrs. Byron Moore. Wiflams' Point, Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman Wcdding belis are again ring- and Lamne, Columbus, Miss Ruth ing in our village. Goodman, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Miss Mabel Nixon and Mr. George Scott, «Oshawa, at Mi. L. Haold Caverly, Peterboro, with J. Goodman's. Mi. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mis. W. W. Ailison, Toronto,j Mr. and Mis. James Gregory, Mi. and Mi$. George Tennyson, and Mis. Ed. Goodman, Oshawa, Pereman and Gardon, Miss Mary Mi. and Mrs. Edgar Gregory. Dyer, Columbus, Mis. John Wil- Strathroy, at Mi. C. W. Souch's. san, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson Miss Gwen Caverly with Mi. and baby John, Miss Elsie Dyer, and Mis. J. A. Cale at Little Oshawa. Sunday visitors o! Mi. Hawk Lake, Halibuiton. and Mis. Lamne Hoskin. Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Warren, at Mr. and Mis. Leslie Sleight, Orillia and the Martyr's Shrine, Toronto, at Mr. L. Brooks, after Mldland. spending a week's vacation in the Muskoka district, Miss Winnie Brooks returned ta Toronto wite Enniskillen them. Mis. W. Bradd and Biily have returncd ta Londan. Mrs. A. B. Stephens and Ar- Miss Lamna Rahm is in Weston, teur, Torontowte friends here Miss Isabelle Rahin at Mis. G. E. Miss Marie àndi Velina Taylor Bradley's, Toronto. went ta tee city wite thei an a Mr. J. E. Griffin and friend with vacation. Mrs. W. Griffin. is. Floyd Dudley, Billy, Don Mis. Wesley Oke wite Mis. R. and Jean have returned home Hall, Whitby. after spending a monte in King- Misses Jean and Doris Mitchell ston. wite Mrs. Boyd. Rev. and Mis. March, Faye, Mi. J. H. Austin wite his brote- Joan and Raselcan Whcatiy, wite cm, Dr. C. J. Austin. friends here. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Werry, Rev. Mi. and Mis. James Timfln and and Mis. Harding, wite Mi. and faniily, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tim- Mis. W. J. Stainton, Orano, Sun- lin and family, Roseneate, at Mr-. day, when Rev. Harding occunied Willis qtewmart'. Solina Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hoaey and Barbara, Burketan, at B. G. Stevens' and R. C. Scatt's. Mr. Harry Jardine, Rideau Lake, at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ashton, Florence and Mary, Bradley's, Mi. and Mrs. Fred Crame, Phyllis and Eddie, Miss Mamian Male, Oshawa, with Mis. Chas. Blanchard. Mi. and Mrs. Lauren Hogarth, Harmony. with Mrs. R. Pascoe's. Miss Evelyn Parrinder, at Mi. Chris. Cook's, Hamilton. Misses Muriel Langmaid and Ella Milîson, at Camp Borden for two weeks. Miss Mamie McKenzie, Column- bus, at Mr. Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mis. Thea. Boag, Mis. Bill Cross and Ronald, Mrs. Fred Rosebrade, Taronto; Mi. Donald Yellowlees, Pickering; Mr. Ivan EI]ratt, Trenton, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlce's. Mis. Stella Rundle, Elwood City, Penn.; Mis. A. Penfound, Orono; Mi. and Mrs. John Pen- found, Toronto; Mi. and Mis. Alan Penfaund, Courtice; Mis. (Rev.) Boyce, Brighton; Mrs. Clark and sons, Ottawa; Mi. and Mis. Charles Rundle and family, Hampton, wite Mis. J. T. Rundle. Mis. (Rev.) Ed. Tink, Michigan; Mi. and Mis. Beverly Tink and Gardon, Chicago, at Mrs. H. E. Tink's. Mrs. Fred Gillette and June, New Toronto, at Mi. Jack Rey- nold's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Van Nest and Gary, Windsor, at Mi. Thés. Baker 's. Mrs. S. Bush and Fac Reynolds at Mr. Cecil Bush's. Oshawa. Mr. Charles Shortridge, at Mr. E. Debarr's, Columbus. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Gould, Guelph; Miss Marjorie Couch, Bowmanville; Miss Muriel Baker, Peterboro, at Mi. Jack Baker's. Mis. N. C. Yeilowiees, Neil, and Jessie attended the Cation re- union at Erin. Mis. Maurice Baker and Janice wite her mother at St. Mary's. Gardon Scott and Harold Balgon wite Mi. C Scott, Southampton, and Mr. Jack Davies, Port Elgin. Mr. and Mis. A. In Pascoe at Mis. Jane Osborne's, Ebenezer. Miss M. A. Taylor, Mis. Robert Rainey, Mi. Ervan Rainey, Orana; Mis. Paul Snodgrass, Rochester, N.Y.; Mi. and Mis. Ernest Larmer and family. Blackstock, at Mi. E. R. Taylor's. Dr. and Mis. Wes. Langmaid, Oshawa; Mrs. J. C. Bell, Bawman- ville; Mis. Staullcncr, Miss Isobel Herzberg, Atlanta, Georgia, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. Mrs. A. Blewett, Mr. Leonard Blewctt, New Toronto; Mr-. and Mis. Wilbur Kelly, Rasebank; Miss Mabel Brookham, Mr. Russel Bal- son, Bowmanville, at Mi. A. J. Baison 's. Miss Isobel Westley, Toronto, and Mrs. J. J. Smnith, Hampton, at Mis. J. Yellowlees'. Mi. Jin Siales, Manning Pool, R.C.A.F., Toronto, at his home. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Allun, Mi. Albert Ailin, Miss Annie Aluin, Bowmanville; Miss Nan Allun, Toronto, at Mi. Wes. Yelaowlees'. Mi. Gardon Law and friend,' Oshawa, at Mi. George Whltc's Mr. Charlton McBride, Peter- bora, Mr. and Mis. George White, at Mr. Ivan Law's, Whitby. Sympathy is extended hi Mis. Hockaday and fanmily on the deate of her fateer, Mi. Will Cowling, whose funeral took place froin here Friday. Church service Sunday evening, in charge of the Y.P.U.. was well attended. A sang service preceded an inspiing address by Mi. Jin OSHAWA, ONT. COOL as a POOL Friday & Saturday JAMS BETTE CIAGNEY DAVIS lnh1i "The BRIDE CAME C.O.D."v Engene Pallette Stuart Erwin Jack Caso RevvalDON AMECHE Friday ALICE JAYE Hollywood Cavalcade The Keystone Cops Monday FOR 4 DAYS William Powel Myna, Loy In another hectie riot of fun This Uinie they're LOVE CR AZY" Gall Patrick - Jack Carson Friday Thorne Smlth's Hilarions "TOPPER RETURNS" Roland Young, Joan Blondeil, Eddie (Rochester) Anderson, Carole Landis. A Fainous Players Theatre STOPPED ITcH /»v a .'ff4e 1 irc M-or Monotseulo geptie, liquid D. D. D. Preociptias. Greaima -aSotkiritandqucy ----- "Bette r" Dresses $2,95' Eegulariy to $4.95 Summer's prize-winning dresses at give-away prices' Stun- ning rayon, rayon jerseys - . . "buys" definitely! In vivid prints, darks, polka dots. Misses, women. But not every style in every size ... so hurryl SUMMER COATS NOW AT HALF PRICE Couch, iohnston &Cryderman, Lt. Phone 836 Bowmanville s -. - - - i ...- ,-. à4 Young, Oshawa, wih special mus- icyh choir under the leader- ship of George Werry, A.T.C.M. reside ini Bowmanviile. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright (nee Grace Yellow- lees) on their marriage. They will The Solina correspondent re- grets these omissions from last week's issue: Mr. Neil MeCulx- lough, Enfield, accompanied by Miss Ida McCullough, favoured with several excellent vioiin sel- ections at the Garden Tea held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.. E. Werry, July 23rd. Rev. W. P. Pogers preached an excellent temperance sermon on July 27, representing the Ontario Temperance Federation and was. guest of Mr. and Mfrs. A. L. Pas- coe. M 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 9 a a a 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 a il j b TRURSDAY, AUGUST 7,1941 PAGE FIVE