PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TMMRDAY, AUGUST 7, 1941 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 063 I I Miss Arline Northcutt is hall- Marr's Gift and Jewellry Shop, S] daying with Miss Gloria Oke, spent a few days at Wasaga Beach Montreal. i and,.safely home, reports an awful L.A.C. Harvey King, Macdonald crush at this popuhar resait. v Camp, Partage la Prairie, Man., Mi. and Mis. Faster Bray and is home an leave. son Tommy, New. Taranto, neice M Mi. nd Ms. . LenderandMiss Dorothy Bedford, towu, are Margaret, Windsor, visited Mi. A. mataring thiaugli the Maritimes. v H. Moore, Concession St. Miss Celia Tait was the big e Mis Jen BllTornto spntwinner at the lake sparts last 4Miss JeendBellT rntarsentweek- she caught the biggest fish E Mr cad rs.end M.tBeliel prntand won the egg-and-spaon race Missudris. . M. el. s h lu inthe record time ai 12 seconds. dain i iss Audrey But xsal- Mis. J. H. McQuarrie received d Payogrit isHAdrpeox a cable Manday niglit from lier F Port ope.son, Spi. Kenneth McQuarîie;- Mi. Chas, W. Rowe and party R.C.E., wha lias arrived safely in a have returned froun an enjoyable England. e fishing trip alang the Severn Mis. F. Brandon and Mis. River. Pearn, Csnnington, spent the a Miss Isabel Herzberg, Atanta, weekend with Miss Florence s: Ga., is spending lier vacation with Weîry. Miss Vivian Rowsn, Beth- Mis. Marie Clarke Bell, at lier any, is spending a week's vaca- c home an Church St. tion with -Miss Werry.a Mi. and Mis. Wlbur Oke and Mi. E. A. Summers is on hall- fauiily, Verdun, Que., are enjo)y- days here and there, with Mis. s ing holidsys witli relatives in the Summers. Faimers who wish to Iý aid home tawn. contact hlm will have ta leave Mis. Fred Lyle, Bowmanville; their phone numbers with Secre- I Mi. and Mis. John Tiionpsan and tary Miss Amber Morton.a daugliters, Oshiawa enjoyed a Mis. C. Buigmaster, Enniskil- matai trip ta Nirgara Falls. en, calied at the office priai ta Mi. and Mis. Harold Dunhsm, ieaving for a trip ta Alberta and Jackr and Stuart, Betan; Mi. aud the Peace River country and ta Mis. Athur Lymer, Ray and Bill, express opinions on district cur- Oshawa, visited Mi. and Mis. Bert rent aff airs.c Colwell and. Mis. Mina Coiwell. f4. Douglas B. Nichais, R.M.R. Clinton sud Roy Lunney, Sam C.A., Camp Borden, has becu Dumas, Vernon Westaway and transfeîred ta Namino, B.C. A let- Laurence Kirkton, spent an ex- ter ta lis parents, Mi. and Mis. teuded week end trip in Algonquin Luther B. Nichais, at Calabagie Park. states he likes it fine in that wes- Mis. Bertha Williams sud son, tern couutry. Norman af Manitoba, w e r e The many friends ai Rallie guests aiflier uncle, Mi. J. H. Cousins of the Cold Spiing staff Cryderman, at Mi. Lawry Cryder- will be glad ta know lie is recaver- man's. ing froun lis recent operatian at Many etters ta soldiers go a- Toronto General Hospital. Ladgei *stray because the address is not members plesse note becausef legible and written in pencil. AI- Rallie lef t without leaving word. ways use peu and'ink and write Mi. and Mis. Russell Candier,( s0 address is easy ta read. Mis. Merle Noires, Mis. Alfredr Mi. Neil Lathangue, son ai Mi. Suith and twa childien sud1 and Mis. Melville Lathangue, "Spooky" Russ' watch dog are Pontypool, is an liolidaying at Ors Beach, Lakre embalmer and funeral diiector Sinicoc. Vetersu Thos. Cartwright witli Northcutt & Smith. is acting caretaker ai the Federal Haiiy Lee, new laundryman on Building duîing Mi. C audler's ab- Temperance St., ta keep up with sence. the merchant princes ou Main St., W: J. Bagnell eft lis fhag out, lias had erected an artistic sign patrioticalhy, over thc holiday and lu front ai his sliap. thieves lifted it, pale and ail. T. Mi. James Mari, praprietor ai H, Kuiglit hst a whale series ai ilags the sanie way. This is mare vandalisun than plain thievery. A reward sliouhd be offered by the glivinneutand the gliauls jaihed. * As Bill saîd: - - and sa forth. * Visitais during the holiday week * . M end at Mi. and Mis. Fred Bak- * er's weîe'Dr. and Mis. McKinney, - M Brooklin; Mr. and Mis. George Christneî, Miss May Cary, Miss Ruth Cîeightau, Mis. Stanley Lea and son Jack, Landon. Jack is in the Air Farce and proceeded ta Trenton Airpaît. -~ Mi. and Mis. W. Nanman Van- i . ~Nest and son Gary, Windisor, /1visiting lu the > district and I I with lis sister, Mis. S. S. Brooks, Providence, caled at The Statesman office ta remmnesce Choose AnJ witli aid time frieud Art Baker. Nonm weiglis around two huudred Outatanding and travels for an auto accessory 1 bouse lu the Blue Water district. Wedding Gift Mr n r.A .CxadRn A PIECE 0F and iamiiy, Oshawa, who are on a holiday at a cottage neai Ban- WM. A. ROGERS SILVER croit, had an exciting experieuce A SMART CLOCK anc evening last week. The cot- OR LSTROS CRSTAL tage next door cauglit on fice late OR LSTROS CRSTAL at niglit, and but for thre a]arm given by Mis. A.L.DrBw manvilie, who came aiong with M A RR'Stage might have suffered badly, a l crthe coccantrs hai thie ot J EWELRY The cottage was destroyed but PhaR 463summer residents were able ta Phon 463save part ai the fuinishings. Meun- bers ai the Cox famillies were very %oOOO'* upset aver thc occurrence. 'j - - DOMINO DRY GINGER ALE e Pep rip yaur parties and picuicu THE LARGEI witthssarligtirt-uec2fl300z Tempting by itseli, it adds goTTLE2 o exhilarating thril ta any drink. ONLY And what economy, too! l le 6oz. 32 OZ. RITZ. Perfectio Wa 29c SALAozDRESSINO ISLLDESN 20 oz. L.ibby'a 2 for' I 390e Tomato Julce 19c Canada CorniSt.rch 10c IDOMINO Seairite Rubber BARON POWDER JairRings 4 for 25e L-i n 8 Fuid0. L1b îniJ Canto- - - 25c Shredded Wh.nt - 2 for 23e AYLMER SOUPS Grapefruit 6 for 25c VEGETABLE OR TOMATO 3 10 oz. 25o0 1 ucumbers Se 5 Orange. doz. 29c I SELERS h ~Ins - 2 Ibo. Pinte - dom. 95C Quarts dom. 1.09 irE8H Lq TrUO$ AEROXON Fly Colis 2 2for Se UARKIZJTS, W~AX BENB13 TONATOUM 1 DOINO Miss Nellie Snowden' is visiting 'riends at Lakehurst. Miss Marion Mutton spent the hollday at Musseiman's Lake. Miss Mary McAllister vacation- ed in Montreal. Lieut. Delaney, Brockville, spent the week end here. Mis. Thomas Brown and Viola visited relatives in Oshawa. Dr. Doîotliy James, Toronto, vas home aver the week end. Mr. Archie Woods, Oshiawa, visited his sister, Mis. D. Chamb- ers. Leonard Someiscales and Gloria Brown, Toronto, are holidaying with his family in town. MU. Ken Palmer spent the hall- day with his mother, Mis. Nellie Paimer, Hillier. Milford McDonald, Ken Hanna and Ray Richards spent the week end at Norland. Mis. T. E. Prout lias returned after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. C. Woods, Tweed. Mi. and Mis. E. S. Ferguson and laughter Collette, are holidaying at Burnt River, Victoria County. Mr. and Mis. R. L. Mitchell aie spending their vacation at Wood- land Beach, on Georgien Bay. Mi. and Mrs. D. R. Maîrisan have returned from vacatianing at Bala, Muskoka. Miss Louise Wilson, Toronto, pent the week end with lier par- ents, Mr. and Mis. Paul Wilson. Mrs. Hugli Cameron, Jr., is visiting Mis. Royal Quinn, Sim- coe. Miss Agnes- Haddy, Toronto, vîsited Mis. Harry Foster over the wieek end. Pte. James Kane, Petawawa Camp, spent the week end with his family. Get the habit of 1'eading the Classified Ads in The Canadian Statesman.1 Master Bud Hooper is holiday- ing with his sister, Mis. Jack Gif- fen Niagara Falls. Irs. Kate Wight has moved ta Campbellcroft where she will rnake her home with lier neice, Mrs. Fiank Boland. Miss Darothy Richards, Ta- ronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Rich- ards. Mi. Jack Haddy and Miss Betty Argue, Toronto, were holiday guests ,with Mi. and Mis. S. R. James. Mr. and Mis. W. R. Strike and son AJian are enjaymng holidays at McGregar Lake in the Ottawa district. Mi. and Mis. Jack Giffen and f amily, Niagara Falls and Mis. Percy Finley, Mimica, visited Mis. H. Hoaper. Mr. and Mits. Robert Lam- boumne, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mi. and Mis. Mark Lambourne, Liberty St. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Watson, Hamilton; Mrs. H. W. MacDonald, Welland and A.C. Culley, Manning Depot, viàited their parentsy Mr. and Mis. W. J. Culley. Orme A. Parker, piamineni Newcastle fruit farmer, wlll have marketed around 1000 baskets af cherries this seasan. They are an excellent quality. Mr. F. F. Morris attended the convention of the Ontario Funera] Service Association, in Toronto, af which Laine Truil, D urh amn County boy, is a vice-president. Misses Helen and Margaret Mc- Gregor are holidaying at their cottage at Norland, Shadow Lake. Miss Elsie Carruthers was theur guest over the week end. Mi. Ralph Carruthers, New~ York City, is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mis. W. H. Caîruthers. Raîpli came by areoplane fiant New York ta Toronto. Mis. N. S. B. James has retuin- ed from visiting her son Lieut, John M. James, lst Midland Regt., at St. John, N.B., wha was ir hospital, but is again an duty.. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Culley Jr. and Maîlyn. Sudbury, are visitini their parents, Mi. and Mis. W. J Culley and Mi. and Mis. Wur Street, Bowmanvîlle, West Beach Little Maria and Collean Clarkg have been holidaying with thefi aunts, Mis. Vansan and Mis. Bur ton, Oshawa and Miss Winan with her grandparents, Mi. an( Mis. Roach, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. J. B. E. Staplej and Mi. C. H. Haddy, Taranto visited relatives here over thq week end on their retuin irauni matai trip ta Quebec, Gaspi Peninula and New Brunswick. Mr. Ezzie Knight, formerly c: Bawmanville, who is an inspectai of* piin for theBriti g Ou on a motoiing party avecUtheflofli day thraugli Algonquin Park anc were guests at fsmed Higlilanc Inn, Mi. James McDougall, Toronto as been enjoying a two week'i visit with his Scotch frlend, Mr Alex. Elliat, St. John, N.B. Botl af these gentlemen werc formei citizens ai Bawmanvllle an' prominent lawn bowlers. COME AND HEAR THEE PR.EACIMHP. HER RAI13RIRD Rev. nerus a, orsgren the paston of a large churcl inl Hsmburg, Germany, who by specisi permission af the Canadisu Govemument is touriug Canada. EVANGELIST1C TABERNACLE Bowmanvile August i 2th and I 3th at 8 pi. -,LMiss Alice Lee visited lier moth-c er, Mis. Sehena Lee.t Mi. sud Mis. W. A. Edger letit Wednesday on a weei's motar trip. Mr. sud Mis. A. W. Kershaw, Taranto, spent thc weekeud with Mi. and Mis. W. A. Edger. Mis. Charles R. Stein, Mis. Spaugle, New York City, were visitais with Miss Belle Aln. r Mis. N. Hamley sud dauglitert Jean, Peterboro, are vusiting lier sister, Miss Margaret Trebilcocr.. Mi. Tom Speneci who is wi;hi tire R.C.A.M.C. lias been promoVé éd ta tire rsuk ai Flying Officer. Mi. John Cresser, Torouto, is visiting his daugliter, Doualda sud his sister, Mis. J. H. Needham. Miss Violet Osborne, Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is holidaying with lier parents, Mi. sud Mis. E. L. Osborne, Wellington Street: Mi. and Mrsr- R. McNichol, Miss Mingay and Mis. Fairiield, To- ronto, werc guests with Mis. W. E. Gerry. Mis. F. G. Wood sud Mis. J. M. Joyce, Toronto, were visitais at the home ai Mis. F. S. Phillps, Providence. Mis. M. E. Moore and son Ken- neth, Hamilton, have been hall- daying with lier sister, Mis. Paul Wilson. *Miss Catherine Spencer lias been named Preiect ai Havergal tCollege sud Captain af ail games Bfor the schooh. Catherine received f95 per cent in all lier subjects. 1 Mi. sud Mis. Wm. Hesseusur, Mis. Raymond Cale and Billy, aKitchener, were guests with Mis. 1Rets Dudley. Mis. Cale sud Bilhy fare iemsining. 1 Mi. Gea. Spencer who wass e- ceuthy appoluted assistant man- -ager af the Household Finance rCorporation, Toronto, spent thc weekend wlth lis parents, Canon suad Mis. C. R. Spencer. Harold Casbouin let an Wed- r ncsday ta take an airciait couise at thc goveinnient training sdhool at Gaît. Aiter the course he will ibe taken on lie strength ai the R.C.A.F. - Mis. K. B radhey and daugliter, tMis. Claie Wyatt, Mis. Violet .Thampson, Hamilton; Mis. Ethel n Carnish sud daugliter, Jean, To- rnuto, are guests ai thc formcr's sister, Mis. Bert Audrus. 9 Mi. and Mis. Irwiu Yeo and L. Yvouue spent the week end at lis . isther's Mi. W. Yeo. Their baby, . Diana is doing ucehy lu Peterbaro :e Hospital, wire she was taken ir aiter beiug struck witir a car whie rplaying lu their drivewsy two La weeks aga. A W. A. ai Garden Hill United Churcli met st the home ai the cs Treasurer, Mis. H. M. Foster. 0, Gift boxes are ta be farwaided ie ta the thîee local boys seiving a overseas. Capt. Rev. Franklin Ban- )e ister, Ptcs. Les. Griffith snd Bruce Lindsay ai the Tanks. - )f Paît Hope Guide. )r Whitby's acute housing prab- h- em is ta be psrtly salved thiough is the erectian ai a number ai mod- . ern bungalows on lots secured froni thc tawu. The houses wil *be built by s private bufider aud contractai, H. E. Smith, Toronto, wha las filed plans sud speci-fi- cations with the town, and has 3aiready started work. Several of rthîs fali, and, it is understaad, erwill be sold t private puichasers ou thc easy paymeut plan. ie Mis. Emlly Roadli, Ontario St., Scelebrated lier 88tI birthdsy on August 6th. Capt. Jackr Rosel of the Toronto Fi-ne Dept. snd Mis. n Roadli came dawn duriug the rweek ta wish lis mother many 't happy returus af the day. It is k about hall a century since Mis. SRoacli started working w it h SCoudh, Johuston & Cryderman as a tailor. Those wcre tire good aid days wireu James Sandeurs wss head tailor for this firm and they 1had a staff ai seven or eight ts assistants in the taillring dept. à, Ready-made suits liadn't came Le inta tire picture muc i in those days. Mis. Roac i is as briglit snd t chirpy as a lady hall lier years ie and still daes the repairing sud ce alteriug at lier home for this aid i-established firm. ýd A hiappy gatiring ai about 50 ýd finds met at the home ai Mi. sud Mis. Bert Colwell on Juhy 31, o, ta houai a bride sud groom-to-be, 's Miss Jean Jahns sud Mi. Wallace rMuuday, witir a mlscellaneous h shower. The home was prettily ýr decorated wltir pinir sud white à streamers and piruliasd white gladioli. Tire guests af honour tacir th Je f. ar Fc si- se vvý to gc m fi fil f. r C: B N ü their places in the aichway, under apink and white umbrella laaded wlth confetti, which was later shwered on the happy couple. Jean and Wallace thanked their friends for the many useful gifts and good wishes and gave ail an ritation ta visit them., Mis. Theodore Wilkins, Mis. Ernest 'aley and Mis. Mina Colwell as- isted the hast and hostess ta serve the dainty refreshments which brouglit the social evening to a close. Courage for the big troubles in ie and patience for the smaii ries, and when you have faith- tuily fulfilied your day's labour go to sieep in peace. Gad is awake. -Victor Hugo. Mr. Jim Devitt, Moncton, N.B., who has been travelling in the MIaritimes for a confectionery firm, has accepted a position as manager with a large jeweiery frm in Halifax, N.S. Dr. and Mrs. Graham L. Ben- nett, (nee Dr. M. Mosetta White), Dr. M. J. A. James, New York City, and Mis. Walter M. Bennett, 3ath, N.Y., were guests of Mrs. N. S. B. James and other relatives this week. Besides visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Fair and Miss Anna, Millbrook. and Mr. and M4rs. Howard Fair, Bailieboro, a delightful family gatheîing of Werrys, Brays, Lukes, Jameses and others, ta the number of sixty, was held at the beautiful hoame with its spaciaus and shad- ed lawn of Mr. and Mis. Harold Werry, Kedron, on Wednesday afternoon when ail were given an opportunity to renew aiod ac- quaintances wîth their Americ- an cousins, indulge in animated canversation and enjoy a lunch bliat is typicai of such happy fam- ily reunians. FirstMidlands (Continued from page 1) from the boys wha were valiant- ly at their table trencher wark. Afterwards there were presents of smokes, sing-sangs and battle-cry and gaad fellowshipý Votes of thanks were due for the scores of ladies who worked indefatigab- iy in preparatian for the banquet and ta Bill Tait and Clarence Hall who helped ail aay getting tables ready. And the boys gave them a great big hand. At 7.30 the contingent lined up at Barracks and with the band leading marched ta the schaol grounds. Music was played dur- ing the bail game. The District Depot Band af 23 expert musici- ans. is made up fram men af 4 regiments with the Artillery pre- domînating, and led by Conduct- or-Bandmaster W. Jesse, veteran af 1914-1918. Sgt. Jesse explain- cd that they had been assigned for a recruiting tour with the lst Midlands and had appeaîed at' the fallawing places: Cobourg, Peterboro, Lindsay, Campbell- fard, Millbrook, Orono and New- castle. Leaving Bowmanville at 8.30 they would praceed ta King- stan via. Peterbaro. A feature of the programme was a trumpet duet by Bombardier Nicholson and Musician Armstrong. At Ca- bourg, Mrs. Knapp, soloist of the Toronto Exhibition, not anly con- ducted the band, sans rehearsal, but sang stirring martial salas. At the sound of the bugle, re- gretfully departing, the boys un- piled arms, donned equipment,. -and feil in at 8.30 sharp for the long trek ta Millbrook; but it was a trek unlike the last war. The wliale cantingent piled into 6 high-speed, motorizcd trans- ports and waved and sang as they disappeaîed over the horizon. Fond farewells and few dry eyes! For it may be many a day before these strong, brown valunteers return ta such a memarable ban- quet and warm-hearted reception as they had on this summer ev- ening af August 5, 1941. rnittee was Mis. Stan Beckett sud Club were Leala Miler sud Ev- R tr elyn Baunssîl. Acting with the oniudfmpae1 'leaders were s graup of ladies (Cniudrm ae1 wlio attended details ai catering. nica w'ith s long haul around the Foi tle Legian, Bilil Tait off-diat- Cape sud at hi-gir insurance costs. cd sud Forbes Heylaud ai Rotary Blackr tes i-s contrived by letting with Veru Ott ai the Lions Club green tes heaves ferment. Then represeuted thc service aiganiza- it is graded by ruuning i-t aven tions. seives like a ianning miii. Brit- Thus, it will be seen, ail sec- ain's average imports îun as higir tians ai the cammunity joined as 250,000,000 lbs. per year and hauds lu s wehcome ta the boys. Landau coutrols the tes trade ai Esdli ai thc four clubs contribut- the world. cd ta flic finance sud expeuse Mr. Deyman poînted out that sud asides wcre heard that for methods af transportation weîe genuine co-aperation, efficieucy great factor Iu cnaugiug aur est- sud harmany, uathing befare lun ing habits. Good roads peînîitted tIis tawu could match it. Major fast truckrs ta serve even remote Spencer ssid Mîlitaîy grace: "For districts with fresir meats, fruits what we are about ta meceive, sud vegetables dsihy. Not so long thank Gad." ago oranges were a luxury; wc Chaimman ai tIe combined weh- used ta find anc in aur stockmg caming cammittees was Capt. Jac at Christmas time. Now they arc O'Neill, M.C., who, lu s ueat, mare comman lu aur stores than short. snappy, humomous wclcomc are oui own home-grawn apples. liad cveryoue at case sud Capt. They are on sale evcmy monili Dawson îesponded with thanrs oa- the year sud at measonable ORONO Shooet PaIr Wednesday, Aug. l3th Ail Kinds of Gaines DANCING The fiun starts at 7 p.m. Standard Time. Proceeds in aid of Orono Conimunity Memorial Park prices. All this came about iness with Mr. Deyman for over through the co-operative endeav- 35 years, and thanks to the club ors of the California Fruit Grow- was expressed by F. F. Morris. ers' Association. In May and President Manson Comstock pre- June, this year they shipped 7,- sided. 206 carloads of oranges and heid Guests included W. 0. Evans. 23,537 carlaads in refrigerated Courtice, and Harold Scoveil, reserve for orderly marketing up Passport, Penn., who played the untîl Decernber when the new paofrtesn-ogi h crop commences. pasno f .r.Mrrinson. n h Tomatoes and vegetables, asabecofD.R risn fresh looking as when gathered, were on grocers' shelves the year Sunday visitors. with Mr. and round. This was due ta fast Mis Roy VanCamp were Mr. transportation and reciprocal tar- Charles Woodcock, Miss Rose iffs. Tomatoes came along at first Woodcock, Beverly Rescori, Mis. from Mexico; then as the sun Russe,, Wilson, Mr. Raymond moved north. Texas took Up the Wilson, Mr. Douglas Byers and matter of supply, adding some Mr. and Mis. Bregal and Shirley, of the world's finest vegetables, Toronto and Mr. and Mis. Lloyd tops and ail, in green atractive- Metcalf, town. ness. Next came Lousiana, Ar- The huxidreds of be a ut if u i kansas and ail the Mssi1551PPi gladioli used at the Henry-Pas- valley until we were readyt sant wedding at Trinity Chuich garner our own rich and ripe on Saturday weîe grown by the matchless supplies. In ail of thîs bride's father, Mi. Ernest Pas- we may gather some idea of why, sant. Mr. Webbeî, of the Brook- when isolatîonists demand shut- dale Kingsway staff designed the ting out our neighbor's produc- attendant's bouquets and arranged tion, they, hîghly ,organized, pro- the decorations at the church and test to Washington and threaten home. Many of the flowers in the reprisais to which aur govern chuîch were taken ta thq haspital ment pays respectful heed. as well as a beautiful bouquet "Today," said Mr. Deyman, which graced the editor's desk. "the produce business alone rep- J. H-. Cryderman, veteran.bus- resents 20 per cent of aur total mness man, on Friday, July 25th, turnover and distributors and re- celebrated his 89th birthday. 'A tailers as good Canadian citizens native of Hampton, Mi. Cryder- must be constantly on the alert man is of United Empire Loyal- ta watch present trends and to see ist stock. He is the only surviv- that consumers in ah 0of the com- ing original partner of the firmn munities of Canada, even the of Couch. Johnstan & Cryder-' most remote, get good, dlean, man which opened for business wholesome food, for upon it de- on September 15th, 1882. He has pends ta an increasingly import- been a member of the I.O.O.F. ant degree the health and wel- for 64 years, and of Jerusalem fare of our Dominion." Lodge A.F. & A.M., for nearly The speaker was introduced by thirty years. He served on bath Harry Allin, Bowmanville veteran the Public Schooi Board and the corner grocer wha had dane bus-, Town Council. Pilicklng Supples Yaur LD.A. Ding Store carnies a complete lUne ai pickllng supplies at economical pruces. Spices, Corks, Seals, etc. It is a proveli . «MM tact that'spices tram ding sources are stronger and more M ý% 1caretully irept. Note thre prices below. NEW LOW PRI &or2941I DEVELOPING AND PRINTING PROMPT SERVICE Films Ici t at 6.30 p.m. ready at 4 p.m. thre next day ORDER NOW Sweet PickIe Mixture gai. 25e Parowax M * l. 13C Jar Rings----------doz. Se Cassia Buds, Allspice-- oz. 5e *Celery Seed - - - 5c Alum, lump or powden 2 ozs. - - - Sc Memba Seals - - IOC Certo - - - Cento Crystals Memba Pectin Mis. Prlce's Coi Preservlng Powd.r - - - New Larger Jar4' CUTEIN HAND CREAM " SOFTENS " WHITENS I" NOMMISES "*NON-GREASY a DELICATELY PERFUMED FOR THE SAMI PRIC. 43c Feel Tsred, Lii clou, ett.i TRY- Noyo-KoIp Ta b lts Now'u htiUre ta talc. lb... rineral-food tab- lit»-&a atuM i"bullde- upse. 150 Taba. .79 300 Tubs. 2.39 780 Tabs. 2.79 WAKE UP AND LIVE! _ _ _ _ I - . 15,1 ip. - 15C -0o. 2Me JFIGET PIES WITH Wihi Inseot Kiler At 24 -43o -73c Ply Coils - 5 for 10e Wilson's Fly Pads At 10c or 3 for 25c Sprayers - 25c - 50c FPly Swatters - 10e Fs GIN PILLS Two Sizca 39e - Sic GILLETTE BLÂDES in your Gillotto Razor Sun Classes 19lc up The Lucky mew Way Io 1..40A Cleaner Ieeth, BrightOr SmiI.s Batfing Caps 19e up take R 1 'Ilfgr e w ENO'S FRUIT SALT" PU wPUEIT ORu *CONOMY gliome s**81 mu e 599 98Ç 0 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX Laura Secord Candies McGREOOR DRUGS We Deliver Phone 792 PHONE 792 k .ýPnÀoje-Fll 1