PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 194 SPORT -NE! Aimual Bail Toumament At Newcastle on Monday bsAttud By Rgmn Port Hope Entry Walka Off With Honours On CIvic Holiday P r o- gram. With a colorful military set- ting provided by a visit of a compaxly of soldiers of the Mid- land Regiment and the presence of the Mlitary Band of District Depot No. 3, Kingston, under the command of Captain Brirnstone and conducted by Bandmaster W. Jesse; by the Victory Torch rflags strung between the two great elms arching the Eastern entrance and Union Jacks flying over the crowds, Newcastle's an- nual basebail tournament in the community park on Civic Holiday was a huge success. The tournament opened with a liard bail gaine between Newton- villeastrengthened (?) by three Port' Hopers and a hastily got together Newcastle team who plaYed for the first and probably the last Urne of the season., This game resultcd in a win for the Newcastle aggregation under the Management of the vateran play- er-manager, B. E. Moise <Shin), witha score of 6-4 and featured by spetaclar home runs by P :tH SrEI Brunt and Catcher John Riekard. The complete line- -UP of the winners was: Brunt, p; Blekard, c; Stan Graham, lb; Moine, 2b; C. Brereton, 3b; H. CoucisB« J. Cannon, rf; IL Hoar, cf; L. Hancock, if. The next was a game between Newcastle and Orono girls on the sottball diamond and the spec- tators mnoved over to the east ta watch tht. exciting content. New- caste won by 13 to 6. Batteryj for Orono was: Joyce Lowery, p; and Jean Formester, c; and for 1Newcastle: Pat. Pearce, p-, and Marg. Pearcc. c. Home runs werc scored by Carol Staples of Orona and Annabeile Hendry, Jean Gray, Pat. Pearce and Margaret Pearce of thc local tcam. The star fielder was Annabelle Hend- ry, ss, who cauglit al Uic short flies knocked towards 1er neigli- borhood, including thrce in anc inning. Girls of bath teanis play- cd good ball with few errams but thc local team seemed to be hard- er and more consistcnt bitters., Other Newcastle players were: Edith Hendry, lb; Betty Vanflus- en, 2b; Muriel Brereton, 3b; Jean Holmes, rf; Jean Gray cf; Betty Allin, If. The third featume was thé play- off game between Port Hope and thc Newcastle victors of Uic first game, thc visitars winntag by 8 to 2 and becoming champions of thc day. With a shortage of men, largely duc to Uic dcath at noon of Mfr. Anson Walton, father of Councillor E. A. Wa]tan and Gea. Waltan and grandfathcr of Doug- - las Waltan, ail patent bail play- ers, Bill Brunt essayed ta pitcl for Uic second game. He began in perfect form but as Uic game pmocecded oppostag batters ail be- gan ta slug Uicm over teward& Uic east boundry and Mms. Purdy's fence ta succession. Runs by the Part Hopers came ta fant and then Moise came t6i Uic mound and held Uicý visiters down to earth. Elmer Pollard played riglit field in ts game ta place of Jack Canon whose experience in Uic first game was hi. first ever in hardball. Umpires for Utceliard bail games were Ab. West, veteran bail player of Orono, and C. F. Cannon, farmerly of Newcastle, and familiarly known as Doc. by thc local boys. Officiating ut the plate for Uic girls' game were Laurence Savery at Uic plate and C. F. Canon at bases. Wlen Uic Military Band march- cd ta and around thc park, fol- lowed by Chief John Garmod ta unifarm and Uic boys of Uhe Mid- land Regiment, ail preceded by Uic sound truck thc Newcastle and Newtanville playems ceased their game and ail eyes werc foc- used on thc military spectacle. The soldiers gave a smart dem- onstration of dmill and mardhtag and anti-air raid fitang whicb won many rounds of applause and subscqucntly, amnidst thc dliecming of Uic crowds, left thc grounds. Lator Uic band mcturn- ed in their army trucks and play- ed neyera] appreciated selectians whilc thc tournament was in pro- gress. A well-stockcd booth, managcd by thc citizen. of Newcastle, ai- forded refregliments for Uie thims- ty and hungry and those who cared nat sw much for bail gamen could play at Bingo, Ring Tos or Crown and Anchor. Profits under ail hcads went ittheUi same fund, ta buy comforta for thc local boys averseas and ta aid Uic bombcd victims of Brit- an. TIc sale of Vs for Victory by officers of Uic Newcantle Bcd Cross alsa liclped as clid tnaa big way Uic largcly attended An Important Message To Every Householder: We sincerely advise you to make arrangements naw ta get your next winter'n fuel nupplY. There is plenty of coal available at Uic present Urzne and pris are deflnltely at Uder low. No one can pre- dict what Uce situation will be next juil but we are certain pricen cannot be lower than thcy are now and thec pomnbilty Io they mlght be conslderably higlier. You have nothlng to lose and everythlng ta gain, by orderlng at this Urne. You'fl nave money: you'il have y our coaa] in your bin and you'il be salei an cmergency. itIo ta io a decided advantage ta ordcr "blue coal" be- q»e thin trademarked anthracite assures you of getting »Ut you asked for-Uic world'n miest anthracite. These Aoowith no many fuel problemas, substitution or mnixing »Uy ai ncccnity be rnoreprevalent Uian before and this naou inferlor heat and more cost ta you. But wli Obine coul" Uic blue colour that you can nec at a glance, guarantees the quality-and guarantees delivery of Uic coal you ordcred. WIIy not get in touch with us by phone to-lay-anîd we Me sm vyou wil Uiank us ncxt fail for Uic suggestion we are malng ta you now, because we stacerely be- lime *eht what we nay z. truc: you'll be bete off in Mgny ways by gettlng 'blue coal" and ordcrlng It right Shsrnard & Gi Lumber Co. Limited rb 7 ,î owmanville dance ta the community hall in Uce evening. At this Urne too the games went on outside Uic hall and helped furUier te swell Uie proceeds of Uic day. COURTICE GAINS PiLAYOFF BERTH WIN ON THURSDAY Aftor losing Uceir early lead, Courtice fouglit back doggedly tc defeat Lo 'cal 189 by a 14-9 score In anc of the bent played games of thc ycar Thursday, thereby gaining Uic fourth and lant play- off berth ta Uic league. Their sev- enth inning drive netted the country lads 5 runs, as thcy broke the 9-9 tic. .Once again Jerry Peterson star- mcd with his suporb pitching, the brillant southpaw striking out 12 and limiting Local to 8 hits. "Tex" Rickard cornes in for special men- tion, Uic big back-stop ably as- sisting Peterson beliad the plate, and lielping himnelf to 3 lits off "Sonny" Woods, afferings. , Courtice got away to a good start, scoring two in thc first. one ta the second, and two ta the third. Meanwhile, Locals were linuted to one run which was tai- lied i theU first inning. In thc fourtli thc Union men smashed 5 runsover Uic plate, to give thein a 6-5 lead, 3 lits interspersed by a walk and an error turning thc trick. They foilowed this Up with a 3 run rally in thc next inning ta make thc score-sheet read 9-5 in their favor. Courtice got back it the thick of hiagn by pounding 4 runs over thc plate ta tic sixth, ta tic up thc bail-game. And thc stage was set for their dramnatic 5-run raily in Uic ftaal frame, which saw the entire tcam bat around. Peterson bettered his lest per- formance, ta which lie fanned ten, by striking out twelve batters. He ailowcd 8 bits and waikcd 5. Woods struck out anc and walked 5. Rickard led Uic Caurtice bit- ters with 3 bits ta 4 times at bat, whilc Harry Gay, Petorson, and Rundle ail gat two hits apiece. Floyd Bradd was Uic spark-plug of the Union team. The sterling second-sackem made neyera] scin- tillating plays and hit safcly 3 timen. Cecil Mutton was Uic only other player for Local to gct -more than one safety. R H E Courtice 212 004 5 14 13 2 Locall189 100 5300o 9 8 3 Umpires - Cole and Tweedie. MIKES PLACIE NOSE OUT LOCAL M8 IN PLAYOFF TILT Before Uic largest crowd ever assemblcd here ta wiitncns a soft- bail game, Mike's Place nosed out Local 189 by a slim 13-12 margin at Uic Higli School campus lant Tuesday. Perhapn it was thc presence of Uic Eastern Ontario Regiment Depot Band from King- stan, who gave an open air con- cert, that causcd na many people ta attend Uic game, but certain it is that after watching Uiec Urill- packed exhibition of softbail put up by these two teams, Uic league will neyer in future suifer from lack of spectatar support. The actual softbail wan not the best ithUicwrld. But as far as lots of extra-base lits close de- cisions, and nip-and-tuck play arc cancerned, Uic game could not be surpassed. The second inning brougît forward Uic poorest kind of softball. but Uic best bits of excitement, as Uic Union team sent cieven runnems scampcring acrosUic plate. A parade af na [ens than faurteen battcms nmade their appearance at Uce plate for Local 189 team. Five hits, two walks, tlrec orrors, and a ficîdems thoice accounted for Uic profusion of runs. Mikc's Place started off as thaugh they wore gotag ta niake a munaway wlihUicegame. Afer holding Local scareless in Uic first haif of thc initia] inning, Uic big guns of thc swatsrnlths on )epcw and Bun Welsh led thc msault for Mke's Place with Uire its. R HE [ike's 5 14 012 x 13 15 4 Local 189 0110 010 0 12 »Il1 2 rmpires - Cole and Murphy. The wealth of manktad i. Uce risdom they leave.-Joln Boyle 'Relly. QOMPLETES MaS 25 YBAR8 WITHE GOODYEAR Leslie Nichols of thc ml room "tops" at this klnd of work. He at thc local Goodyear plant me- loves a good gamne of bail and ceived his 25 year pin fromn Super- spends thc rest of hi. Urne at hi. tatendent A. M. Hardy, Riglit is home hobbies, gardcning, and Tommy Prout, foreman. During reaping Uic harvest of an exccp- his quarter century Les lias work- tianaily well-kept lot. cd on Uic large calender and is RMEIBR TI Two employees of the Goodyear plant ta New Taronta who fanm- erly lived ta Bowmanviile. BaUh lave complctcd twcnty-f ive years with the fim. Lcft is W. S. "Bil" Rudd who marked lis quarter-century on Dominion Day. Hcll remembor it because it was Uic first Dominion Daylic ever worked. Rigît i. W. E. "«Bill" Kelly wha dliallccd up lis twcnty- LOCAL FORESTERS TROUNCE PEDLARS In a regular schedulcd league game an Friday, the local girls' Foresters tcam defeated Pcdlar's of Oshawa by 26 ta 4. Colville pjtched Uhc best game af the neason for thc Foresters and she was given smart support by her team mates, whoalal fattened up their batUing averages aü~the ex- pense of the Pediar hurler, Junie Stark. This game puts Bawman- ville i second place in the league and assures them of a bcrth i the play-offs. Ini Uic final frarne on Friday, Mildred Snowdcn made her initial bow ta Uic fans, relieving Colvile in Uic fourth. Final league game for thc seanon will take place in Oshawa Stadiumz on Friday of ts week, when Bowmanville meets Uic fast step- ping Oshawa Foresters. The league standing ta date is Oshawa, Bowmanviile, Oshawa Merchants, Pcdflar's and Pickering. ~PITS AND PATS Alter a poar start this season Courtice arc riglit back in Uic fight, and alter ther victory over Local 189, Uiey snatched off faurth place in Uic league standings and are now in Uic play-offs. If they continue ta play Uic brand of bail Uicy have rcccnfly displayed Uiey may make it livcly for ail contenders. Jerry Peterson han been pitching sensational bal lately. and Uic team as a wholc han been holding together welI. The largent crowd of Uiis (or of any other year that wc can recail) turncd out ta sec Mike'n Place defeat Local 189 last Tues- day. It Uiey could only get Uic rnilitary band and noldiers back for cvery game, there wauld be no more worry about Uic cash receipts. We would like to, nuggcst Uiat thc league get somconc ta put Uic score-board to work. It would1 keep Uic fans posted as ta Uic score of Uic game and would al-1 leviate Uic scorer'n tank consider-j ably. Teaxn batting averagen at Uic end of Uic regular schcdule re- veal Uic reanon for Uic success of Uic Mlke'n Place team. Nat only have Uiey been getting good pitch- ing, but Uicy headed Uic Icague in team batting averagen with a mark of .375. In second p lace, rather surprisingly, corne God years with an average of .374 ta Uceir credit. Next cornes Hligli School with .365; Salem wiUi .345; Loca 1189 wiUi .332; and Courtice wiUi .308. REPAIRS THAT PAY Toeau ca ve anc third on your uhue costa W' haviaz ulioes re- pairci us son au fhey show thec need. Qaaily Shee Re- pairn arc oui upelaify-Try us once and yeu'l come ataluz. JOHN LENZ Shoe und! HarmeaRepairs King St. af Siver five years on July 6Ui. Kelly used ta be quite a hockey player, betag on Uic Bowmianvile and Good- year teams. During Uic last. two years le han coaclied Uic Division "A" hockey team in thc factory league. He is a son of Uic famous Joc Kelly, now ta retirement but one of thc best known characters with Goodyear. BATTING AVERAGES Thc lcading hitters of Uic Town League softball association at the end af thc regular schedulc, <those at bat 30 times or more): A.B. Hits P.C. K. Wcrry 37 20 .541 T. Bagnell 34 17 .500 G. Piper 36 18 .500 B. Calweil 36 17 .472 K. Sièmon 30 14 .467 H. Gay 31 14 .452 J. Peterson 34 15 .441 G. Richard 38 16 .421 J. Colville 43 18 .419 A. Osborne 32 13 .406 SPORTS FMATURE BIBLE SCHOOL ANNUAL.PICNIC Thc South Ward Bible Sclool turned out in goodly numbers for thcir second annual picnic on Saturday afteraoon at Crearn af Barlcy Park. W. Hendersan, Sup- crintendent, and lis efficient staff af teachers carricd aut Uce sports events which werc ail mont keenly contested. Foilowing arc prize winncrs: Girls 6 and under, Helen Tcrry, Audrey Cowel; Boys 6 and under, Lyle Trimble, Raymond Sellers; Girls 6 te 8 and undor, Betty Hughes; Boys 6 ta 8 and under, Ronald Trimble; Girls 8 te 10 and under, Marion Hcnnlag; Boys 8 ta 10 and under, Barry Masan; Girls 10 ta 12 and under, Bernice Quinney; Boys 10 ta 12 aad under, Robt. Spencer; Girls 12 and under, Betty Spencer; Boys 12 and undor, Bill Spencer; Shoc Racc (open), Betty Spenccr, Gardon Sellers; Candy Race (open), June Mc- Kaiglit, Murray McKnight; Cookie Race (apen), Betty Spencer, Gar- don Sellers; Biscuit Race (open), Ronald Trimble, Marlene Ed- wards; Paper Bag Race, June Mc- Knight. Nestieton Visitors: Miss Aice Honkin and If. Mel- ville Henry, Oshawa, visltad If. R. M. Hoskin. M. and Ifs. Kenneth Samells, Melville and Anna, vlsltcd lier Parents, If. and Ifs. J. Hender- son, Janctville. Little Miss Madeline Henry, Oshawa, with her aunts, Ifs. F. and Ifs. J. Wilson. Mis Mariam Williams, with If.. J. William. Mr. Marshall Malcolm, If. and Ifs. L. Joblin, wlth Ifs. James Malcolmi, Port Perry, who las been il. If. and Mfs. Fred Crawford, Toronto, at Mr. Sam Crawfards. Ifs. James Sameils, with friands ta Part Pcrry. Ifs. Stanley Malcolm, Miss Jean and Mr. Laurence Malcolm, wi Ifs. Anson Taylar. 1fr.. Jas. Wllliamson and Mr. Arthur Jackman, with Mm.. Bycms, Janetvillc. If. and Ifs. C. Hetz and GarUi, Fairvicw, Penn.; Jas. Lamb, Sam Lamb, Mr. and Ifs. Kenncth Lamb, Fenelon FaIs, at If. C. Wllson's. If. and Ifs. Harold LaaMI. A. Lang, Ornemce; If. and Ifrs. James Stewart, Betty and Don, Peterboro; Ifs. J. Hovcy, Ray Hovey, If. and Ifs. B. Hovey ad Barbara, at If. H. Samell s ad If. C. Wilson'. If. and Ifs. Wzn. Jackman, Toranto, with Mms. Jas. William- son. Mr. and Ifs. John Henderson, Janetville, with frlcnds hece. TIc Statesman i. 5c a capy at mach week at Thompson's Store, Service in United Churcli nent Suaday momning will be taken by Mfr. Merle Thompsan. A number from Nestlctan at- tended Uhe "Suggitt Reunlon"' at Bowmanvllle on Manday. HOW TO SAVE CAS Here arc seventeen easy ways towards a fifty percent gasohine savtag, as approved by autamo- bile experts- Reduce drlving speed from 60 ta 40 on Uic open road. Avold jack-mabbit starta. Avoid uscens or non-essential driving. Tura motar off wlen not in use, do not leave idliag. Dan't race youm engine; let It warm Up slowly. Don't strain your e n g i n e; change gears. Kccp carburetar cleaned and propemly adjusted. Tunc up mater, timing, etc. Kcep spark plugs and valves dlean. Check cooliag nyst cm; %ver- heattag wastes gasoline. Maintain tires at riglit pressure. Lubricate efficiently; worn en- gines waste gasolie. Drive ta graupn te and from work, using cars altornate days. For golf, picnlcs and ailier out- ings, une anc car tastaad of four. Take tIose nIart shopping trips ON FOOT and carry parcels home. Walk te and from thc movies. Boat awners, tea, can help by mducing spccd. Ability and neccssity dwell near cach ather.-Pythagaras. If a man i. unhappy, ts must be lis own fault; for God makes li te le happy.-Epictctus. LUfe mcaas--larning te ablior thc false and love Uic tue.-Ro- lent Browning. Union; Darlington Pte. Fred McLaughlin, Camp Borden, at home. Miss Velma Ferguson, at home. Mr. and Mms. Walter Fergusnn and Kcith, at Mr. Reg. Suttonn, Orono. Miss Verna Griffin i. home. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cockranc, on arriva] of baby boy, in Bownianvllc hospital. Mr. Albert McClary, Toronto, at Mr. R. Griffln'n. Miss Fcrn Webbcr, Newcastle, with lier cousin, Miss Elaine Rahm. Farmers are busy harventing. Haydon Mfr. Roy Chaters, Miss Lorma Thompson, Toronto, Miss Veda Purdy, Bowmanville, Miss Dor- othy McDonald, Newcastle, at Mr. W. Thompson's. Miss Beverly Sinclair has re- turned ta Torontoa ater holiday- ing at Mr. W. Thompson's. Mr. and Ms.' A. Randie and daugliter, lfrs. Fred Adams, of Hampton, at Mr. E. Stephcnsan's. Mfr. Les Garrard, Toronto, at Mr. C. Garrard's. Miss Shirley Garrard is holiday- ing in -Toronto. Mfr. and Mm. Bert Ashtan, Miss Viola Bradley, Miss Margaret Sellers. Toronto, at Mfr. E. Brad- ley's. Mfr. and Mrs. James Aikcnhead, Mr. and Mms. John O'Neil, Tor- onta, 1Mr. and Mm. Russell Ormis- ton, Miss Joyce McGiil, Ennis- killen, at Mr. Lloyd Ashtan's. Ronald Ashiton wiUi AUlin and Clark Werry, Enniskillen. Mm. D. Higgins, Toronta, at Mfr. R. Sanderson's. Miss Laura Philp han rcturned ta Torontoa ater holidaying at lier mother 's. 1fr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and family, m. Gardon Bassett and babe. Toronto, Mr. Harold W'il- non, Oshawa, at Mrs. E., Mount- Mfr. and Mm. Lloyd Ashton with his moUher at Leaside and at Mfr. Walter Murray's, Toronto. Mms T. Cowling with relatives ta Toronta. Mr. and Mms. B. Power and Betty, Mount Dennis, at Mfr. L. Graham's. Fred Ashton, Bert Ashiton and Roy Thompsan went fishing ta Burleigli Falls. A family gathering of Uic Becch Clan was held Monday at Mr. Ross Richardl, who resides an Uic aid homcstead Congratulations to Mfr. and Mms. Orville Ashton on their marriage. Our schcol wiil open Sept 2 with Miss Houston, Auburn, as teacher who cornes highly rccom- mended. Miss Blackburn and Mrs. Cale, Newcastl. at Mr. M. Blackburn's. Mrs. M. Blackburn at Howard Foley's, Ernest Foley's and How- ard Cryderman's, Maple Qrove. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Slemon at Mfr.. Harry Braoking's, Wesley- Mm. Harry Mils and Barbara have retumned ta Montreal after bcing at 1&. Theron Mountjoy's. 1fr. and Mrs. Stanley Head and family, Oshawa, Mfr. and Mrs. A. J. Adanms, Windsor, at Mr. C. Avery 's. 1fr. and Mm. C. Avery at 1fr. Harry Rahm's, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mms. H. Scgriff and family. Toronto, at Mfr. T. Cowling's. Mrs. Gertrude, Stephens, Mfr. Arthur Stephens, Taranto, Mr. and Mms. William Challis, 1fr. Don Cameron, Bowmanville, Mrm. Robt. Burgess, Tyrone, at 1fr. T. Mountjoy's. Mfr. and Ifs. Midland and son, Mfr. and Mrs. D. Moore and Bey- erjy Ann, Oshawa, Mrs. M. Moore, Bowmanville, at 1fr. R. McNeil's. 1fr. and Mm. Bull Grant, Mis Mabel Brown, Miss Jean McNlven, Mr. and Mm. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, Miss Ursul McNcil, Pick- ering, at 1fr. A. MeNeil' wih1fr. and Mrm. Fontaine ntaylng for a week. Mrs. C. Avery atended Uic fun- oral of A. J. Adams, Windsor, at Oshawa on Wcdnesday. Churcli service will be with- drawn ts weck as aur Pastor is on holidayn. Richard Hoskin t. home from. Uic hospital. 1fr. T. Cawling has a eat whlch han a reputation for catchlng snakes and then carrylng Uicm in its mouth ta 1Mr. Cowling for hlm to kill. "Mamie O'Rourke, you're iooking rlght Into thec eyes of a litle pg. That's what they're golng to al eauu at thec pmrty tolght when Yen aak for a second helplnt of Iliat blrthday cake from Cuiter'. Dakery." THE CARTER FAMILY Phione 855 Baker. For Two Generations Bowmminvil The March of Science TELEPIIONE RESEARCR AIDS BARD 0F HEARING A aew and improvcd audiphane -thc "artlotroic"-las eccntly been dcsigned by Bell Telephane Laboratomies. Utiliziag thrce midgct vacuum tubes, tIis acw hcaring aid gives powerful am- plification witlout distortion over a vemy broad rangecof tones. A tane discrimiina tor suppresses low-pitched background noises, makig aspeech clearer. Thc vol- ume can De turncd up withaut in- troducing sudden blasta froni loud sounds. Stylisl, compact, durable, with long battemy ie, it sets a new standard cf excellence ln it, f ield. Early hearing aid. wcre of flic trumpet or thc nounding board type, which wemc hclpful but which distorted sound badly. When thc telepline was inventaid, partially deai persona found if an "nid"l to hcaring, and oftcn uscd it in preference to direct conversations. This fact suggest- cd thie use of "portable talc- planes" as licaring aide, and thc first practical -set of this type was mpoduced about 1900. Whe>n Bell Tele phline Labara- ,tories devclaped the audiometer, it becainc pogaible ta obtainaa more exact knowledge of licariag impaimments. Tîrougli an car- phone, a patient listens te "faones", of gradually decreasung volume until lic can hear tlem no longer. By thII.mctliod, Uhe etent cf his leainlas. oam be measured. Wit¶z the audiometer, the widesf survey of hcaring ever made was conductcd at tic Bell System exhibita la Uic New York and Sani Francisco World'a Faim.. More flan 750,000 visiter., aged froni 10 f. 60 ycars, teck these taets. Resulta of fhIs sumvcy in- dicata tInt only one out of cvery 400 persoas las hearun impair- mente fiat itetrfère ltheIcuse cf Uic telephone, one ouf of 125 has difficulty inlieaing face-ta- face conversation, and onec la 25 ha. trouble linlioarlng la an audi- torium. Women generally licar higlier fanes better tIen mca, Whio excel in tIc lowem ange, and an licaring detemiomates with age, tIis différence between Uic sexes ia accentuated. The .urvey could find no indication cf hcaring "fatigue", toward the end of Uic day aitlaughlanlod sounds tend ta âeaden tIc hcaring for short perloda. Noise bas a "making" cffect on Iearing, and low or higli-pifchcd noise intaricres les with conversation than noise hav- ing a medium pitel of 800 te, 1,600 vibrations a second. To assint Uiheliard of licaria, Uic audiplone was developed. là fIe simplesf type, a very nmafl microphone attadlied te the uàrIs coat Iapel piclS up the sounda, which are then asnplified (if ne- cessary) and transmiftcd te .a recciver inscmted in the car. The receiver la speclally zmoulded fa fit the individual'. car. la 'cases wlicre theme is an obstruction in- side Uic car, flie receiver consista, cf a vibrating plate prcssed against flic head on the masfold banc, tIraugli whidli thc vibra- tions arc camricd te the audltory nerve. Gmoup audiplones are used la churcies and auditoriums. Altîcugli the talephone aida Mont persoaswîa are liard cf Ieaming, somne with very severe impairment require special equip- ment for teleplone talking.A amail box mnstalled benide t1bc tele phone la provided with a swlfdh,. DY means cf which the user cmn aniPlifY SOUnds coming aven Uic talephone foa ay extant requircd. A, srnall auxiliary receiver my aise, be obtaiaed, and with a ceiver over cadli car, thceluser eag Converse comfortably ia nolsy* locations. For persoa who cai¶, net hear Uic ordinary felephane bell, speclal gongs ad vieual lump signals are available. liera ia an intemesting cxample of tIc way rescarchtan thc tels- plane ied lias led to devclop meats in other fields. These, t fuma, have helped ta provide a. broader and more efficient tel@- Phane servioe. N. 9b fl5 ai mo laUis* ':u,5*GO., f'Vo you Icnow wliy 1 like being with you?" "Because 1 always catry Sweet Cape.w SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETiS ,Tbepareolmm in which tobacco can be sm.Aed." PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVndA"MLP,, ONTARIO . f THMDAY, AUGUST 7, 1941