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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1941, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO q'mrudflAV ATT(iTT~'W' 1dM. Iaaî *e* The Newcastle Independent MUMMEmmrnn***...... Phone Clarke 1114 Mr.P. Hare's new house !S- farm for some years longer and growing rapidly. it was here the aider members of The Misses Kimber, Toronto, the family were born. Later the are visiting Mns. J. Scott Howard. family lived in Newcastle and oni MORE ABOUT-_ g..l d_____________ Mr. G. Ardagh, Toronto, was the faimrnonw owned by his bro M E IGE E T -___________ guest of,,Miss Lockhart on Sunri e-mlw Councillor F. B. CcN I OMtG~i LostRf. ___________ day. W ion Trno Lovekin, but finally returned to oetthCmunyD ce neet LOST- ON SUNDAY, AUGUSTF 4Miss'Wlkno, oono s Newcastle where Mr. Walton otne from page 1) on oteCmuiyDne Oecn od cash, each 3rd, between Burketon and Lot * apending a few weeks with Miss rented more land and became aob di the ~ Coundil Hall, insertion (minimum charge 34, Coný 10, Darlington, an Irish MeIntosh. successful fruit and vegetable driving down ta, business in the Hampton, on Friday night, Aug- 25c). Charge of 25o extra ls Black Thorn Kane. Keepsake. The Statesman is now on sale grower. Mr. Walton was an ex- morning, often my car stands on ust i5th, under auspices af North made when adrertisement la Reward if retùrned ta Wilson - each week at Anderson's Drug pert ini a number of limes ini which the street ail day." Group of Women's Institute. Ad- flot pald saine week as iser- Johnson, Enniskiilen. 33-1*F Sdbe, 5c a copy. his services were in much de- Deputy-Reeve Morris: «'I arn mission 25c. Proceeds1 for war tin Extra charge or 10e Master Ronnie Moorcraft, Bow- mand after he had quit farming. in favor of more regulations but work. 33-1 we replies are dlrected to Notice nianvulle, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Na one could lay out and superin- flot too much restriction." Dac a h uieo onl fteat andbo nmre rW .Brk'ofc lb Ilarry Couch, Toronto St. tend thc planting of a young Free Parking Steen and his orchestra - New- 50oc each. In Memorlams, M coe rmAgutlt aSp Mrs. Ai.!. Gray, Pembroke, archard better than hie or lay out For thc benefit of motorists castie Community Hall on Satur- for notice plus 10o per Une tloebero3rd Incusve. 31 Se- whose husband is overseas, has and instaîl a farm drainage sys- who are flot sure just where they day, August lth. Dancing begins for verse. Classlfled ad er- __________inclusive. ____1_5 been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. tem. te uraws can park, Rotary Park, at the ' 9p..S..ut1 11.45. Admis- tisementsaeacepted up luthl Gray's. Althoughth ueaws pri- foot of Temperance St. is ta be sion 30. S.T. nie yteBadFrR n Mrs. Laurence Cryderman has vate a number o! old friends o! turned into a free parking lot. o! Maagemn o N tewBcatd 6 P.m. Wednesday._______________ been up with hier sister, Mrs. Wm. the family were present and as- It wiîî be lighted; a sign will C Maunitagement1 oR! Ncw-castleD A Hanna, Corbetts Point, who has sisted as flower bearers in carry- direct traffic there, and Saturday *3 BIRTH FORtRENTw- 4 ROOMeEDat A-n beenil l. inrt ay euiu foa r-nights a man will be put in_____________g_ artgern ent it pesathond MisSui VnamBlc-biles. The pgarage.rswImn ehe ate possession. -atio Mtock, ad Miss anionampla,-who fre albearefl ralere I-charge.tepci n admntainBRAGG-In Bowmanvillc Haspi- Not suita' le for chilciren. Apply stockidayMiatain lake. h fes and Stanley Graham, neph- At an Ags counicil meeting last Friday evening. Sixtyr. boys tai an Manday, August 4th, Box 164, Statesman Office. .has been visiting her, are now Joga atn rnsn the perenniai topic is "weeds." anlileejydUi iii. 1941, ta r n Ms wr 32-1* Mr. dwin a ncOk , woke. and Ellison Moise, Leslie Nichols As aiast warning to the lazy and Everyone took part in thc gaines Bragg, the gif t of a daughter, Mr En dwlin anummer corsa and Oscar Luxton, sons-in-law. the careless a notice is ta be in- and races which made up,,.the Sandra Helen. 33-1* Articles For Sale bQeen's Uiniversityhause en Interment took place in Bond sertcd in Uic Statesman tciling program and ail were readY *for _____________ gged s Upvrsnipy a 0f CourtnceHead Cernetery. poet wesan eat hysupper under the trees after the Besiadricpaes ortc poeryowhisad eansthyDEATHS FOR SALE - JE RSE Y CO W sehool.esieshi widow, deceascd is must eut weeds on their property. ball gaine in which Jini Martin's ______________ about to renew. Apply Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adair have srie ytresnCuci News of the. Dayterdfaedhtcpaid » COATES-Ir; Brantford, an Aug- Robbins, Hampton, phone 2349.- moved into Uthc former Breen lor E. A. Walton, Fruit Inspector, The fire truck is again in good Jack Hayes. Bernice Welsh and ust1,191MsD.H ot,3-* hous whre embes o th EdNewcastle, R. W. Waitan, Toronto, working order and as an aid ta Leoriard Knight emnerged :80,191 Ms D . otas331 Qunian Fam-ily, Toronto, hveSuerisor of ~A. & P. Stores, and casier starting an electric jacket i hmin e is 1t Z:a! e pac r the fuerasi FOALce4.OO WE benhldyn.Geo. A. Waiton, farmer and fruit to be placed on the engine in cold races had sctticd. The sehool p Service at 9 a.m. Thursday. and ý'als$0.0 .J t %1fr. lian r.FrdAnBw growcr, Newcastle, and twa dau- weather. preciatcd the generosity of r Cortege arrives at Bawmanville cheliNewcastle. Phone Clarke 0 SM.anle, wereud a gucts a! ghters, Mrs. Leslie Nichols (Ida), Twb watchmnen at thc C.N.R. J. L. Morden in allowing Uic use 94 3-ét mr.and Me wres. Ca Sey wot Bowmanville, and Mrs. O. J. Lux- Lake crsigakdcucl o oftepnegons Cemetei'y 3 p.m. D.S.T. 194t3.1 c -whomn Mrs. Hamilton, Miiibrook, ton (Mercy), Bownianville R. R., an rsiOakdcuclfro h incgonsadt >o ALR...Udny n August FOR SALE - TYPE A 16-INCH anincrease in pay. They are vidîng a special treat for the boys 7th, 1941, at Devil's Lake, John McCormick Deering Ensilage is spending the summer. anc daughter (Laura>, who mar- gctting at present $12.50 'fo and girls. Rni alr nhs5t er Mirs. P. O'Neil wcnt down to ried Mr. B. E. Moise, having died okn 84 hours a ork u eoe ubn fDrth utr we ySlmSni Belleville to sec her son, Mr. Per-svrleasao Deesdiwrkawek Bubeoc hubdo!Drty cc nrynw. ppyLle seealyas g. eese sas the Beach Association is paytag MORE ABOUT Gardon Taylor, and father of Wàeisb R. Rne. 4, Bowmanvile, cy O'Neii, who was very sick 1aiso ur vvd by four brothers, thc wages o! anc man, thc matter - -Gardon Taylor, and brother of phe220. R343-1'nvne .after being vaccinated. He is a RusselCeead O;Gor, was turned over ta Uicmn for con- ROTARY CLUB Mrs. Frank Daymcnt and.Mrs. _____________ Wing Inspector at Trenton Air Washington, D.C.; Ernest, Button- siderati Couch wa. Francis Clark, o! Toronto. FOR SALE-PEDIGREED, REG- - 'othW.A!UcU.itd hrcvouille n hr, olive TrntoPacr), Mabel Cuhwsawarded (Contlnued from page 1) - istered Yorkshire boar, Rose- Thug. A. ofinthe Unitd . R egfor ia; , lyie ra- $20.60 ta cover cost o! repairs .IN MEMORIAM iandvalc Conqueror, born Aug. AM Hmesti hrdy all witnRegha), Newa stle eha ra- for damage ta lber bouse when shaptag up nîceiy. An iinusually 18, 1939. Superb breeding sire. Mrs Pecy row's rou ~Andrews), Pickering; and Violet a trce on towii property feil. fine parade is in prospect and EOnivngm ory o ma Apply, Lloyd Passant, Hunt St., Mi. ere Bron'sgrou inA learncd opinion o! an officiai severai ncw booths will be tatro- Alberta Yeo, beloved wife o! Bowmanvillc, or Box. 166, dlo ýcharge o! thc program and lunch <Mrs. Harris), Erin. a! the Departmcnt a! Municipal duccd this ycar. It la expectcd Wm. H. Yeo, who passcd away Statesman Office. 33-1w Mr. Lloyd S. S. Masure, Princi- th Uought Uic tawn did not need ta have been bcnefitted by Rotary -Lavingly remcmbcred by sis- FOR SALE-YOUNG PIGS SX pal o! Waodvilie Continuation tIaydon pay unempîoymcnt insurance, but in anc way or another, whethcr ters and brothers, nieces and wceks old. Apply W. L. Bartn Sholang ta .Meadow rookai then again. lie could be wrong. by Uic dlimination o! tonsils, dent- ncphews. 33-1* Bowmanviile. HeureAin Gi endowcaBtoo- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George The total civic funds disburscd ai work or in some other mannýer, YEO-In memory o! a dear wifc FOR SALE - LINOLEUMAN J-o-te-LAane GeNwate Avery, Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery, last iiinth was $1347.71. wrn assist tain o! oUtc bootha P 1fr. e-adr. Go ano Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Frank The Public Property committee This is bctag donc ta show the and mother, Mrs. W .H. Yeo, Congolcuni rugs. Select'or lave rcnted their brick cottage at Carter, Bowmanvillc, at 1fr. C. intcnd ta Paint Uic ceils and base- public ta Uic most practîcal mano-asd wayAuust12 in frok. ovre paten atuallye -thc lake to Mr. Reynolds and Avery's, with Mrs. Carter stay- nment o! Uic town hall, fix the ner possible a portion o! thework 1939. ' in san silng thse toc. ouarc iSNe t w r :fmü,Osaaad r nwing for a wcck. . . Grant Wcrry signs on the library wtadaws, re- which la being carried on in Bow H ehrta asan ml n te StoBrAe YSewFSur-, aummering at their larger bouse, and Joe McGill, Enniskillen, with Pair Uic plumbing at Uic town manville. - Are a pleasure to risdaÜ, Oshawa. 19-tf Cepper B~h. Ronald Ashton.. Mrs. Henry scale (out o! order> for sale.. Guestii at Uice luncheon wcieA She had a kindly word for each, FRSL-EEA ON Dr. and Mns. Gilroy and famiiy, Ashton spent a weck witlirrla- And finally Councillor Harrison Jack Robins, a past president o! And died belovcd by ail.PecrohrssApyH.C Toronto, arc spcnding Augustin tives in Toronto. . . Mrs. Jas. rose ta tatraduce Uiecocnciuding Whitby Club, Joc Shields, Whitby, -Lovingly rcmcmbcrcd by bus- P edceo1,n h ewc Astl H.C a part of the George H. Carveth Kennedy, Lambton, at Mr. H. subjcct. There la danger at Uice Wiiton Dixon and Don Morris, band dnd fa11,yN33-1aCtlrcp3823 stt dobehue nd Ashton's. . . Marie Ashiton with aId Davis-Houît plant foran child- Bow3m1 Doateadovberben TrntoMias IJoyce McGill, Enniskillcn. . .Miss ren Who miglit play aboutDrthere Crd f haks ORSAL-b PIS, WEK been visittag them. Dorothy Glover, Oshawa, holi- Action la to be taken ta natify Uic _____of_______FOSAE_0______6_____ GaronCote, ougct ona!daying at Mr. C. Crossman's. . . owncrs o! that and ather danger- MORE ABOUT- ald. H. C. Pedweiî, R. R. 2, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cotter, who Mrs. T. Cowling and Miss Eilien ous structures ta talce precautions Tefml !Uclt na . Nwate hn 83 32 had bis application in to jain the Cawling motored ta Ottawa and for their awn good as well as the LIONS CLUB Walton wish ta Uiank their R.C.A.F., rcceived word to report Hull. . . Mfr. Norman Hall, 1fr. town's. finsadnihosfrterFRSL ESNLRB ta Toronto on Tuesday. Jas. Quigg Lloyd Hall, Oshawa, at Mrs. Da- Councilior Glen Martyn was (Cantinued from page 1) many kindncsses durtag the i11- ber Goods, maiied postpaid in accompanied him ta Toronto. vid Graliam's. . . Mr. Les Garrard, absent. ns n fe h et falv li eldevlpwt Mr. M. H. Staples conducted Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Garrard's. _________ as possible. Ten percent substit- ing husband and father and for price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 and reahed t te Unt- r ad Mr A.Morgn, sh-utc had ta, be put in flour in the the many beautiful floral tributes. samples $1. Aduits aniy. Atex serviceanprahdathUnt..Mrad rsAMrgnOs---.Rb23Haion e d Churchl ast Sunday marning awa, at Mr. E. Bradley's. . . Mfr. MORE ABOUT- form o! potato flour, bariey, e,.,. e Fed r Ca., Box 2 61-9mltn and Miss Marion Rickard presîd- and Mrs Ross Richards and Maur- VACATION eSuHgOm This broke down*the wliolc fi- ekly Fe Special Ontario. 2- cd at the organ. Mrs. Kenneth ice arc on a motor trip ta North lookiag structure o! Uic boa andPO E MAHNSFR AL Wcrry assisted the choir and sang Bay, Sundridge and Cailander. whiie Uic quality remaineçi good W E E K L Y FEED SPECIAL- OE AHNSFRSL a ol, onidr heLiie. Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, is (Coftlfued from page 1) thc appearance was bad. But 3 Grata Scratch (whcat, crack- _l Fordson Tractor in èxccl- Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn and halidaying with her parents. there was littie complaint. Then cd ct.Orn and buckwht), $ 1.5 dlent condt; 3-furrow ractdir Brantford, are again hall- . amsraller children under Miss Bar- the order came ta add 20 percent. percw.OfrgduniAg. dcpow 2-rrwhseic sons, Batod r gi oi Miss Bessie Blackburn bas gonýe ton and Miss Williams ,Ui le htwslar nUcb aes 2îst. F. C. VanstQnc, phone 777. plow; 2-ftirrow tractor Moul- daying at Harris Lodgc and in the ta Ottawa having secured a posi- gire ouder Mrs. Evelyn Jamiethe.bhgh* ke * board plows; 8" Mapie Leaf incantime Dr. W. H. Walton-Bail, tian witli the goverrnent. sownhMsotplsad i sbe for Uicneywakino! al.WisasFuntu- grata grindér. W. S. Staples, proprictor, is putting up over Sunday Scbooallias been witb-by udrH.Wablyad r extfor th e kid o pAuust aleMassey-Harris Dealer. 33-1* wcckcnds at roonis over the Long- drawn until Sept. 14. Cragg. Auustag sgar mik an taeutdow wood garage. Mfr. Norman Choate, Churcb service on Sunday at Besides Uic rcgular program ni siosrni Asasut ute for Wisc shoppers wauîd do well to OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Port Hope, spent last weckend 1.30 p.m. there wcre two special events, osgar gluos n arsu p wast fo avail themsclves o! aur iow priced Store - Evcrything in modemn, with him. uaguoean onsrpwsclisterfield, bedroom, dining Excavattag for Uic foundation M . . .E M M UM Um m mr ** widely uscd witli good resuits. specials. Vcry large selection from suites, and studios. Bcddtag and and basement of Mrs. Ernest n ufIT ITda barshv ntbenOur twa stores. Wilson's values floor cavertags a specialty. Haigh's new bouse, ta, be built b IIITUE'*111 flIST mclave nUc arbut lead Uic market.. Quality merchandise at corn- Mr. D. D. Denault an Mill Street IN TH liii. li DIS ANT ASTbelieve'Uicey wfi be. Food casts InrSra atesspttv rcs eoebya North, began on Tuesday. The~II">"' must ekpdonThnrm $9.95--Spring filled mattresses in visit Bradlcy's New Furniture construction o!f1fr. Percy Hare' Frein The Statesman Files alcy a! today seems lice a miracle lieavy stripcd ticlýing, roll edgc, Store, 156 Simcoc St. S., Osh- new liouse by Cantractor D. D._______________t e aigsens ublandles and ventilators. Ail sizes. awa.19t thswe apnes nuanrs, -trouble with food prices in war-Wndruvacs FOR SALE - VACUUM CLEAN- ths ek aretes isuaerTWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ronto, sang "'Saved Froni Uic time. In 1919 prices were tre- Studio Couches er in good working order, for c * plumbers and H. S. Brittan doing From flhc Canadian Statesmaii the Wrcck", and the choir lede mendaus, sugar was $25 per cwt., $19.95-Spring f ill1 d s t u dioa al 1.0 nur ao thc lectric wiring, arc ail busy August l7th, 1916. of South Oshawa churcl i aso ang flour $13.50, shotning 28e lb. couches. Goog booking. Weil tail- Dale$.50 33-1 Mso at their respective jobs. oag_____wn ta ohapnoe. hs il laeyo n al.3- Courtice and Newcastle girls Norman Kershaw lias receivcd a solo. We dn.'t at it olipenoe. Thmese Willplcasc y o ORand LCRI S - played their first playoff game inaan aeyumoc.Oe it oFR AEEETI AH thc softbail league on the local a copy a! the Crcwe Chronicle in FIFTY YEARS AGO At Uic conclusion a! Uic ad- chaose from. er for $11.95. Enquire Masonm dîamond an August 6tli, wîtb whicb it is stated that bis brother Frontflic Canadian Statesma.n dress Dr. Chas. Austin Uiankcd Floor Covertag Specials & Dale. 33-1 .Newcastle winning by 8 ta 6. Up Fred N. Kersbaw la now official- August l9th, 1891î. the speaker. $1.49-Ncw borderless rugs, 6 f t. RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE ta Uicejbeginning o! Newcastle's ly reported kiiled.____ by 9 !t. You wili find at Wilson's up to 50 % on tires and tubes,- lust inning Courtice was ahcad, The editor o! Uiis journal had A drowning fatality in Rice Presentation Maie everythtag in floar coverings. includtag ncw Goodycars, Do- - 6 to 3. Then whcn Newcastle the audacity ta go ta church on Lake lias brouglit sorrow ta Uic A past president's pin was given Personal attention to ail your minion Tires. Full stock in ail camne ta bat Jean Bonathan, p. that hot Sunday without a coat family o! Jonathan Stephens. His ta e hnUi 90ocpatforcvcrtag problems. Inlaids, sizes frQm $1.00 Up. G. F. Jamnie- Murmel Brereton, ,Pat Pearce, An- and bis wife and ten other ladies daugbtcr, Maggic Hawkins waso! Uiat office by J. J. Brown. congoieums, feltois, heavy lina- son, Tire & Battcry Shop, King nabelie Hendry and Betty Van- hatîcas. cosn h aewt at Letters from eighteen soldiers leum. Ail widths. Wilson's prices adSle t 4t Dusen wth a final homer, each Dan Douglas back in camp. when the baat was upset by showed liaw Uiey appreciated the arc lowcr. scoed ru ad te ginewa Leve ayspas lKe our t chppywavs.Lions' cigarettes: Ray Cale, Cpi. Newi Chesterfield Suites FOR SALE_- ONE DARK RED cailed. him. "On leave I taok ta every- City counicil o! St. Thomas hasTrnuhT.W Gaam C.J $69.50-Spccially priced for aur Sotonblffcnmnh One o! the most popular pas- tbing af consequence. The 'Aider-. passed a byîlaw to compel grac.. Hall, J. F. Gibbs, E. Tice, R. sale. dmsrn fle bs oid; and Coilie pups. Sa m * times at Newcastie-on-thc-Lake la man took me araund sbowing me crs ta close at 7 p.m. It bias asWrgtPeBlhpW.Swa, terficid suites. Smart c a r v d Keane, phone 51r3 Orono. softball at whicb as many as 30 the great things o! the ýtown- mucli right ta pass such a îaw as Gnr. Welsli, J. Woodward, Ken show wood. Excellent combina- 33-2* are often playing at a time on anc art gallery and ail that." it bas ta decide that a man labor- Woods, H. MeKniglit, Ron Hooper, tion of cavcrings. We have many FOR SALE - ENGINE DRIVE diamond, 15 an a side. The ce- Arrangements arc now complete ing in a diteli shail not open bis Elgie Harnden, Bob Hayes, H. J. beautiful chesterfieid suites for Wahrfrny$550Enur ment bottom o! the anetimne coal f or Uic route march o! Uic 235th dininer tiil lielias rollcd down hi Welsh, C. H. Murray, Alan Den you tocboase fromn. Newest styles. 'Masan & Dale. 3- shed, in use in schooner days, Batt. througli Northumberland shirt sieeyca semt, Mac. Hart, P. T. Walker, L. Grandest caverings. Our lowl3- mnakes an sai*d înfîped ara. liand uria1-autis Tr_ wli D.. .-o.baeecedaCuba-.Thcea!tes lttrsp-ce9il p&aU--u-FRSAE-_3_FRDSPR aonts parents and family left the n etaesa.cuîghmt rcuehmwit 14abti tyu t quent youths la daubted. I4 la dent's appraval and further ta- faim nt Frencliman's Bay tern- ENNISKILLEN: John Slemon.. W. E. B. Ferguson lias rented "ya>. Keep it handy on your U potated aut that in takig aven formation can be receivcd from ~afl <and mbved on ta Uicevibile painting on a Iadder ta a W. Bmucc's faim. bathromned.125R ttheintituion ic gvemnent . e in gwiaLvein armi, jua± vWest O! wagon sustained a fail su!fering SOLINA: Sons o! Temperance thsisiuin h-oenet .F eiln Pioneer. After bis father, Mir. _a number o! cuts, aprains and ta Uic number o! over a hundred b l~ las disregarded its unique and Superntendent. 'W esley W alton, d ed, Uic m other bruises . . rs H rb oh st n a a cred table display inens r> ha a t r. I s o t C b ur , A g. 1 , 9 1 Mdýyounger members of!te iwtli er mother, Mrs. John Pye, churcli parade ta Eldd churci eduS nctea carcesere nsoradCobourgAug. 12, 1941. 33-1 ~fml ivdbc otheir Ild Je seriously ill. . . Sunday a splen- Bey. R. Sanderson preaclied. dctoacrleexes.aif Mno~woiarrie4d, dand very earnest sermon was Mri. Edward Pascoe lias been NfoIMENI!rent opinion to businessnmon a! Tiie lave prila I stranger »ae c th Mai kZ Oshawa. 1fr.r. Siemon, l 7th with a good aenne . ____________the change ls a deU Real Estate For Sale WVkâtéd FOR SALE - STORE WITH 10 WANTED TO RENT - SMALL room dwelling, bath an& fuir- house or 4 room apartment by nace. Apply R. H-. Hooey, Duke October. Write Box 167, cia St., Bowmanville. 32-2* Statesman Office, Bowmanvllle,,ý, FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK 31 house on Centre St., Baviman- ville, modern canveniences; wili PASTURE WANTED- FOR 12 lic sold chcap to close up an cwcs and lambls. Apply H. estate. Appiy A. E. Bellman, Knistcr, Oshawa, R..R. 2. 32-2* King St. West. il tfARILSWNE - D ]OR SALE-FOUR ROOM COT- style flat irons, handies attach- tage, sun verandali and garage, cd. Write P.O. Box 10, Bow- at Port Whitby. Apply Mmis. manville. 31-4* G ar necr, General Dchivery, Whitby. 33-1w WANTED -APARTMENT, POS- session Oct. lst or 154h. P. O. Drugless Practitioner Box 267, Tel. 2631. 33-1* ROBERT COLVILLE Help Wanted Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - DoMVimvie HELP' WANTED - CAPABLE Electrical Treaiments - Spinal girl for gencral iausework in Adjustmnents and Massage. Oshiawa. Appi>' Mrs. Patte, 27-5 plione Bovirnanville 2465. 3a-1 Dentlstj ROAD SALESMEN-SSLýL MAN-. DR. R. O. DICKSON territar>'. Permanent via r k. Office heurs in Oreno: Monda>' Join Familex, and maire more to Frlday (inclusive> from 9 am.maney. Free taformation and o 5 pm. Eeaina by aont catalogue: 570 St. Clemeat, po 5p.. ininent. apoit- Montreal. 33 ,-1 Office heurs lu Newicastle: Ever' Saturda>' frein 9 a.m. te 9 v.i. HELP WANTED - CAPABLE For appointinent girl for general iausework. Telephone Orono lSrl. Slcep ta or out. Apply hMmi. M. 28-4* Bresîta, Bovimanvilie. 33-1 S DOMINO BAKING POWDER e Pep up appetitea wlth golden-browa hot biseniS *or lHet toothsoie cakes that juat meitlt e mouthl lès eaay ith Domino alun>. [ta >Tecwaon quit>'en- U~ sures successi Dominion TestTN Kitchen Approved.19 NAVY Domino TOILET TISSUE Baking P@wd.r 19c f1o, 25ç Cornflak.. 3 for 25c Muffets pkg. 10eC Kîeex - 10 150 Trissues Habitant 2B oz. tini Pea S.up - 10 Chum Dog Food 2 -for 19e Franco-Amnerican 15 fluid oz. 2 for 23c Eddy's Miftehes pkg,, 25c Sweet Mlxed Pickles 18 oz». 25c Llbbye Grpefruit 20 fluid oz. Ju . - 21r 23c Rubber Jar Rings doL 5Oc ParoWax Pkg. 14C TASTV 2 LB. PKGS. CRENSODAS 2 for 23o Ci DER - WHITE VINEGJAR Gai. 450 - Fresh Vegtables- EmROT, TOMATOMZ, LETTUCE, PEPPERS, WAX BB"I Offers This Week.. SAVE 51 C Jergen'a Lotion for your hindi 120 500 aise Bromo Seltzer Face Cream 25C si»e for 75o VALUE sec Both for 47c FOR EASIER BRAVES! 'OUWOUOjg UATAWSUde "Unique" Photo'Cmaa ýFlnlshlng italien Balm amera counter, d 1 pi1a y egsecndti modela for amateur and 1usd Créân AU Kodak Film BoUt*mr 49c Jury 0 Love11 2%0eIRexali Dru store Moen we tt ees Atte adm~ propérir. Phone 778 Due,'Serviole 1 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATPMMN, BOWMANvILLE, oigTAitio THIMDAV. AUGUSIr 14th loti' ký,

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