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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1941, p. 4

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_________________ ________ - -~ THUBDAY, AtYUT 144h, 1041 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEC, ONTAIO PAGE POUR [Mainiv Iesni 'ý By John C. Kirikwood -ci .~.....m UMMU MMMU MUmU mm b, A ycung man, under 30, & sales- In short, he is meen. He lias ne B man, is a grefter. That la 'o sey, streak of gencresity in bis make- IN omtngup. His cherecter la indicated by gi he is always wantingsoetl g his cauntenence. He looks ta be p for which he is unwilling to pay selfish. Indeed, his counitenance id Its proper price. He asks for a suggests that he weuld cheat, Ti cigarette, unblushingly, even from drive a hard bargain, lie. g1 thase whose wage la amaîl. He This young man has ebility. He pý wlll borrcw money, and forget (?) is not a slacker. He lies keenness. ir ta pay it back. He seeks favors His face shows hlm ta be resalute, oi tram those who owc hlm nothing. and his carniage ia pleasing. As a bi salesman he is guccessful, yct people wlio lcriw hlm dlstrust ul -hlm. He lias vanity and ambition, , yet my guess is that he'il neyer S amount ta mucli in this world. It tl. la conceivable that lie wiil get rich in a money sense in the years t ahead - as a consequence cf his Adiligence and ability and liardness w and grcediriess. Yet the better ý. riches - the esteem and cenfi- i nence ai his wife when lie mar- ries, ai bis chilriren wlien he be- w cames a father, ai customers, aof'w employees, ai neighbors and ac- quaintence, and the satisfaction IL ai knowing that he la cortributing ei te others' gaod and happiness and ni J security - will not Le his, for he bi la losing his seul. He will not SE have the fiendship oi good peo- ai pie. His mearineas wil be per- tt ceptible qhickly ta these who get ci ta know hlm and wlio have deai- 01 inga witli him. bi I suppose that in every cam- munity are ta be feund yaurig b men like hlm ai wliam I have tE written, but the good thing is that oi they are few. It is those men who à are seif-seekers, spangers, cheat- w ......ers, liars, end grinders ai em- b, pyeswliom the New Order wil, it is hoped, banlihrmin h- dustry and commerce. »M. the immit- There la another young man able "Tommy» whQm I sec from time ta time end ad threo ç08ete- wlose lot la unenviable - by ehl on thse continent a right-minded persans. He has lit- A bandtand wiUtlc ta do, and sa la deterioratlng dispense te -u faut. He was e few months ega in Eng tunes e0 y moo ad en a department store, wlierc, pre- ing » the crowusgathor Oi CaDad<a'B sumebhy, he was kcpt wliolesome- largest dance tRar et th CQUE. ly busy and onri hl tocs. But he si Dances PavMIL..heu joiried lis fether's business, a and bis f atlier's business is almat P et a standstili because ai thc war. 0 His father heu a territorial agexicy a for a very large nianufacturing b company whase producta are Le- n ing sold ta flic Governinent fer C war purpascu. The company has h therefore vcry litthe ta seli ta its 0 fariner custamers, and this sales d -~agency in Toronto la tbratthcd, as p . ~ it were: itheasxiothing tasell. Soa bath the fether and the sari have 1 lîttie cisc ta do but twiddle their p thumbs - e situation very bed for ii bath father and son, but particu-o .larly so for thc sari: lic bas natli- ing ta do but kill time. Presuni- ebiy bath receive a salary frem headquarters. onth. Amy "fight" the Probably there are some youxig N&vy or the. Air Force an the Grad- mexi wha may thik that it must et&"d track and the C.N.E. plaiq Le fine ta get paid for doing rioth-'nwant tobe on hand ing. Docs it need to besaid tlat È 4<>eeth %,*4h dy t¶ l hoseh&m-heway cf grawtli and progressu piouw9pe»U1ýs-and fine seft-devclapmcnt la ta Le- kept busy - productively andid uuefulhy Lusy - ail Uic tlme?1 Soit jobs arc deadly-fatal. Thes J mari in e sait job tends ta alirivel r * up, te acquire Led habits, ta have1 a wecdy mind. It la whcri a man t isl under heavy anid pcrsisting t pressure, when has job challengesy his best qualities, whcn he la Le- 1 ing stifily opposed by obstacles1 anid reslatances, that he grawsi mentally, li charecter, li abilltyt ta perform higher-up jobs; that he qualifies for promotion. A man li an easyjob - a job which feuls to tex hla mmnd, hla genlus, hi ideity, ls quality cf1 steadiastricas, his resolution, lis1 diligence - is not ta Le erivied.z It is the job which stretches cri, which may eit times Le Laffling, which employsaelh one's assets, that fits anc for bigger jobs and Canada'a "Gay White Way" willmai- bigger pay. tively .parkle wnith new attractions J C K frathendsftlearth.Brandnew In lis boyhoad lie lived cri a î irpiane rides will add an extra zi> farm-toiled on it. I do not know t Be anbd vst4 t what age lie left the !arm, rior tise 141 Euthe particular circumstaiices. He tar, but probebly this was out ai - the question, for financial rea- sans. Fer a number oai years lie has lived i Trant-a sehesmen of sorts; lie is an auctioneer. .<.~ I remarked ta him that once I hdthe idea ai writirig a series ai articles about farzn-bred boys -like Henry Ford, for exemnple- ' . in a non-farming occupationi Lut Sthat I lied given up this idea be- '~ceuse it would seem ta be cri- coureging lads barri on a f arn ta Sleave the i arin if I wrate about JohnA.-Attrsnfondra ih scitwhicli therparents lied or have. Will the day ever came whexi the State will forbld beeuty cari- tests-because ai their Lad cfect on those wlio enter them? The ~State forbids us ta do manyr things which have a liutiul effct on aur ndrals or which menace aur phy- sical safety or which tend ta im- pair aur health. For equaily good and perhaps similar reasons it could forbid beauty contesta. I suppose that the beginning of beauty contesta was the Beautiful Babies competition. Then Holly- wood underscored Beauty in grown-ups. Then seaside resorts put an beauty contesta. Then the ies spread like a prairie lire. The idea has widened. To-day grown-up men and under-20 men parade themselves before judges in a prize contest. Prizes are being ffered for beautiful children and beautiful misses. Parents of children and grown- ap daughters who cannot hope ta win a prize in a beauty contest sould be grateful ta heaven for tis mercy. Here I recall a story worth re- tlling. An aged lady of Paris, when a distmnguished stateaman was intraduced ta her, said ta hlm, Now, arn I not the ugliest woman in Paris?", replied, with ready wit and gailantry, "In ail the world, Madame." I arn not belittling beauty. I ke ta look at beautiful wornen yven as do other meni, but this is not the surie as sayixig that I want beautiful wamen ta match thcm- selves againat oan xother even s horses and fancy work and pic- tres and dress designis and mator cars are matched against one an- Dther i relation ta the test af beauty. When a yourig woman, or a girl in her mid-tecns, or a child, eri- trs a beauty cantest, the effect Dn her mind and on her habits isi disastrous. Who in his rlght mind wants ta rnarry a girl who enters beauty conitests? What Others Say~ ABOLISE FIXED ASSESSMENT (Almonte Gazette) It is runiored that at the next sessioni of the Ontario Legislature abill may be introduoed for the purpose af abolishing the Power of, municipalities ta grant fixed asSssments. Already -legisiation has been passcd prohibitig a mnxicipality frorn grantlnga sec- ond fixcd assessmerit terin to any industry. This is in the inleresta of the taxpayera at large-tbeé or- dîary businessmen and the Peo- ple cf a towri Who are retired and trying ta live on tixeir savings. [o the last mentioned class; taxes resent a problem which increases in gravity as the earning power of their savixigs draps year by year. RELEGATED TO W. P. B. <Orillia Packet & Times) Every newspaper office every day receives bu]ky letters with articles written on ail sorts oi subjects, which the sender is sure readers are staying up et night to rcad. They came from al sorts of organizations and corn- mercial campanies. A large pro- portion is pure advertising for the firmsa.who send it out, and they hope it will be put in the news columns withaut charge. Most of it cornes fromn some ai the largest and wcalthiest companles in Canada. Articles came fremn the Plumber's Association every week. Then there are articles cf propagenda for this, that and the other thing. Each week mare material is received than would fill a whole paper. If it wes used the newspapers would sean have no readers, as there would be no raamn for news, and ncws is what a subacriber looks for. The rafts and rafts of stuff sent out on war subjecta on good paper must cost the country a pile of money. Big envelopes came with type writtcn sheets by the dozen. ADVERTISING -WET PLACES (Midland Free Press) Liquor edvcrtisixi laforbidden li Ontaýio neivspapers and maga- zines. Yet the Ontario goverxi- ment which made the law has re- cently been guilty af the Most flagrant violation of it. In a new and attractive folder issued by the Ontario tauriat bur- eau there la a two page spreadi listing ail the municipalities whcre there are beer parlars, gevernment liquor stores and liquor warchouses. Ail that heu been omitted in this directery for Cliarity la neyer hst: it may meet with ingratitude. or Le af no service ta those an wloia1 weu bestowed. yet it ever does e work ai bcauÙty and grece upon the beart oaiheUicgver.-Midciho- tari. The aum and substance ofA I l la thet 14 la no trick te reduce bicycle accidents if we oriY Put aur minds ta t. Virtually every cric of thc 150 cities that bave gane et Uic prabloin las been rewarded Ly an immediate drap i Uic numnber of deaths and in- juiies.-Paul W. Kearnoy. "Couple af months ega ho was just anather office boy around here!" Rev. DlvMerrili Ferguson Writes From * Iil Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergusan, cari Magazine. Canadien paperu Liberty St., have givexi us per- sem ta Le very fet* and far Le- mission ta publisli the following tween. Of course we get thse An- letten received from their sari- goa papers and we hear the newa Rev. Merrl Terguson:- on thc radia. Misa Makenzie lieu Mlsade Dondi, e radia in thc bouse bore and C. P. 80, Chîingsr, Tuckcrs have anc tao. Angola, P. W. AMrice, We went te Uic American mis- Jiune 7, 1941. - - siori station of Gahangue on .May 3. 14 lias always beeri utaffed by DearLove Ons inCanaa,- colourcd misalanaries frein U.S.A. DearLovc Ona hiCanaa,- but et present Dr. and Mrs..Mc- We wander haw you ail are! Milian are Uic oxly cohoured Mail la a great event when it ar- wonkcrs frein home an thse field rives xiow. Verona recelved e let- .sa Miss Dibble,- an crdaîned mis- ter frein Helen Carpexitor e littie sioxiery frein Uic States, Ia helping whillc go. She also got a short out there. She lied invited me to anc fremnlier parents sanie time liclp thein wlth boys' work, so I ega. I have net tise dates 6f cither went down In May and led a boys' liere. Thet la aIl the mail I re- camp in order*ta shaw theïr na- niember since caur ast7 letter was tive leaders how it la donc. It yres writteri May 1. Are yau eddress- their iirst camp. We lied 147 bJoys ing anl yaur letters via New York? et it and seven leaders. It was Mail freim U.S.A. sems to Le quite an undertaking ta lead a coming through a little Letton. camp ai thet aize wlithail new Sore ne nil seriding Us Uic Reed- leaders. I have a helper who went er's Digest; thaxika, if it la anc af with me, caled Stover, Lut it was you. We also see Uic Chistian the 2nd camp lie bed ever attend- Century et times and Uic Ameni- cd ini bis lice sd hoe lso weu Ilerning. Wc came bock ta Dandi on Uic 13Ui ai May. It wes aur finat visit ta Gelangue. Tliey have Busin iesstlO lwy afn e optltee r c I____________________________________ a n wlsia l ee.for. Mc- Miln lioas a cs elforswork tives sa lie heu a large prectice alh Legal the tiine. We enjoyed aur visit _____________________very mudli. We teck Marie Crosby M.L G. V. G1OULU, B. A., L.L.B. of Means Sclioal down witli us. Barrister, Solicitor Natary She la spending three nionths ai Phone 351 their holiday seasori lelping Miss Bank cf Commerce Bldg. DiblLe. Vickie hclped them, with Bowinaneawamren's-schooh on the mission --wiavile station whihc we wyere there. W. a. STRIKE On May 16 we organized a Barrister, Solicitor, Notary boys' club for the exarninatiaxi Soicitor for Bank ai Mortreal clasa whidl isla eing hchd et thc Money te Loan - Plione 791 Institute tliese montîs.- There are Bowmanvile, Ontario juat 23 boys there now. The athIers will Legin egain in Sep- L. C. MASON, B. A. tember. May 18 was my Sunday Barrister - Solicitor te preadli et Lutemo again. Noary Public - Etc..- On May 2lst we made history. Law in ail its branches We started the first dhurci camp Office immmcdately eat ai Royal fer Partuguese Laya thet I have Theatre heard afintr Angola. A group ai 12 Plane Office 688 Home 553 lads fram the Portuguese churdli liere went witli a yaung mani o! Dental Uic churcli and myseli toa ecamp we lied built an the mission pro- DR. L. C. DEVITT? perty. Three mare boys wlio wcre AssIstat: Dr. E. W. Blason in aclool ceame for the weekend. Graduateofa Royal Dental Col- We juat stayed five days but it lege, Toronto. Office: Jury JuLilee wasa e eginning and .tliey ail Bldg., Bowmanville. office hours seemed ta like it very mudli. They 9 .m. ta 6 p.m. daily,* did their own cooking so we cxcept Sunday didn't lave tlme for as mudli pro- Phone 790 - Hause phone 883 gram as we bave in saine camps. X-Ray Equipmient in Office Wc were eLle te use a swimming - hale on the mission station taa, Fanerai Directors wliene the boys have dammcd up __________________________a saial river. It was quite a strain FUNERAL DIRECTORS of my liinited knowledgc ai Par- Service, any liaur, any day tuguese but wc got by. Folowing on thet camp camne F. F. Morris Co. the special services liere ail Pen- Modem Mater- Equipment, Amn. tecast week. During Uiat time bulance and Invalid Can. Tele- Vickie lad special classes witli -Our phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573. outatatian dispensera and inid- wives anid I lad boys' meetings Veterinary every morning end aiternoori, as _____________________ welh as e couple ai sermons dur- RILB. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. ing thc week. On Pentecoat Suri. Veterinarlan Dr. Tuckcr stayed liere et Lutemo Church St. - Bowmanville at Uic native service and I con- Phono 843 29 tf. ducted communion and Laptisms at the Portuguese cliurcli. Seven Auctioneer people joined the Portuguese _______________________ urci - six Portuguese and cone ELMER WILBUR Italien. Immedietehy aiter those Llcesed uctincor special days came Uic ordination Hsanpen - Ontaro oaitlirce ncw pestons for tic Dondi Hampon Ontrio native dhurci, making f ive in ail. SpBcillngliFmLvtok Those meetings werc held on thc plemet n untr ae 2nd and 3rd. I managed ta get e TERM MODRATE littie fever and nearly missed Uic Phono for Ternis and Date ta: ordination, but I'm Letter now. Bowmexille 2428 Vickie and Hlelen are fine. Keep _________________________writing. Occasioal letters ar- rive. Witli mudhlo lve ta yau ail. - Merrill. Notice of Poil Tax Ail maie inhabitants of Uic Towni ai Bowmanvile, wbo are twenty-orie years and under slxty yeers ai ege, and who are . not otherwisc asscssed on pay tex or taxes eisewhere i Ontario, are rcquired ta pay an annuel Pal Tex ai $5.00. This tex wlll Le received by Uic Callector oi Taxes uritil Sept. 154 noxt, ai 4cr tvhlh time col- lection will Le rmade as Uic Law pravides, without funther notice. Persans caming under Uic pro- visions ai this By-Law wlll gov- cmn themsehves accordingly. Town Hall, Fred Pattinsan, Juhy 31. 1941. Tex Coihector. Obituary Geordie MoMillau On July 26th. Geordie McMil- Ian, nated Canadien horsemen, died at his hame iPart Perry, in bis 84th ycar. Mr. McMilar was known irom. coast ta coest as an expert judge and lover of horses. He was in the business of buying these an- inials for slxty years. To ship saine carleads cf horses ta Mon- treal, Halifax or'Vencouver was an everydey matter i these .early days. Wondcrful animais they were, toc, and they brought big prices li lumber camps and fer day work. Even as late as 1920, shipments of 32 carloada were made frem Woodviile li Uic Spring o! that year. Because Mr. McMillan wes a gaad judge of harses, and be- cause hie loved them, he was a driver of rare skill, seldom, if ever, equalled among borsemen. It was a real pleasure ta sec, hini hendie the animais on the track .or i the showring. As everybody kriows, the trade heu suifered severely of late yeers; but while the volume cf sale la reduced there are still goad animais ta be had. Deceeued was knawn far and wide for goad judgment and fair deeling. He was highly 'esteemed amang horsemen throughout the country. Mr. McMilen wes barri et Hag-. eraville and spent hls bayhood and yaurig manhoad on the farin. But his intcrest was always with thc horses. On Nov. 20th, 1880, Georie Mc- Millan was married ta Agnes Watson, Unlonville. The cere- mony was performed by Dr. Carey cf the Anglican Church, Port Pcrry., Six clifidren wex'c barn cf this marriage -- Samuel, James, Isaac (wha died in 1934), George, af Toronto Telegraun, iarahi (Mrs. Earl Cook), Oshaw«; and Margar- et at haine. Mrs. XcMiilan la StiR living. Amenénienta ta The Ontario Farni Parducts Grades and Sales Act cavering fruit mxd vegetables have been prlnled in bulletin fori nmid cari Le ebtained from fruit inspectors'or by wrlting di- rect ta the Fruit Btanch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Perliament Buildings, Toronto. The amnxdments deal princip- ally with epples and tomatoca with a general tiglitening up aif ,grades in apples ta exclude sizesi that are riot papular an thc mar- ket. He advises fruit and veget- eLle grawers ta abtain copies cf Uic ameridments inmmediaey. Early epples, sucli as Astreclian and Yehhow Transparent must Le a minimum ai 21/ inclies in di- ameter for bath number 1 and Domestic grades. Ducleas must Le 2V indhes for number las and 2% inches for Dornestic, Lut earhy pickcd Duchess cen Le siipped as Domcstic et 2 318 inclica diain- eter if Uic package is rnarked "'cookers." The iellawirig dessert apples arc 21/ inclies for bath grades: Snow, Jonathan, Mclntosli, Scar- let Pippin, Golden Russett, Golden Deliclous, Grimes Golden. Dessert apples with 21/ inches minimum for number 1 qnd 2% inclies in diemeten for Domestie grades arc Deliciaus, Northern Spy, Winesap, Gravexistei, Mel- ba, Wealthy and Talman. Under the aId regulations, Uic minimum size for dessert apples, No. 1i*was 2 indhes, and 21/m4incs Domestic. Thie larger caaking apples su as Alexander, King Greening Stark, Wolf River, Blenheimi 2% inclica, bath grades. Many regrettable mistakes c be made threugh ncglect in re gard ta Uic humen elemerit' industry.' Even Uic question o weges la secoridary te the isist cnt demaxid that workers Le me cognized as mcxi, nat regarded machines.-Lord Lonidoniderry. 419 -1»-» AN URGENT APPEAL TO'ONTARIO FARMERS Keep your cows milking! Ontario cheese factory patrons did a good job li May and June. They increased cheese production by 2,574,772 pounds. Dont lot the drought boea tool for Hiler. Britain miut have 112,000,000 pounds of cheese this year. This requires effort on yaur part. Draught conditions oelfor heavier grain feeding iqxmediately. (1) Feed eny available grain or silage. (2) Buy Bran end Shorts at the pegged prices froin your nearest Feed Store et a seving of $3.00 per ton. Puices arc now et May levels. (3) Feed new grain et once. (4) Dont stint. Milk flow must be maintained. YOU WILL NÇFD GREEN FEID THIS FALL Work up a stubble field. After thse first rein, sow ane bushel Ryc or Feul Wheat and twoý bushels of Qats per acre. This mixture will aise provide early Spring pasture. Yau wilil e surprisedeand pleased et the quick ad steedy growth. ONTARIO 15 BRITAINS "FRONT LUNE' FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS, 50 KEEP YOUR COWS MILKINGU Feed the cows to feed Britczin ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HON. P. M. DIWAN, MJnisf.r 1 6050/50 IU.IE m:kiOIU Iil1UiUiiUTi et J il REMEMBER: Thse »Jouer you drive, thee mors youa $aval Gos bua.d up whilI. tanding .tuii total»c atugoslnggafllnage. Sa nover bave your cr -en for ca l.w miaules - wth he motor uaniag. t'i ljuin «*Ms o ni aswtch I il ceaad saya gollu.. Remember your 50/50 Pb.dgeu doat lot your matarI de.. 1 0 di 41d .5ý4aze, 9'ott'r V I C T 0 R Y rail à - - -/ - - -- - - -- - - -- . - ý - - - a n'a V»l a %0 m 1 4 An Important Message To Every HousehoIdCfl, We sincerely advise you to mnake arrangements naw ta get your next winter's fuel supply. There is plenty of coal available at the preserit tlme and prices -are definitely at their 10w. No aC can pre- dict what the situation will be next fait, but we- are certain prices cannot be lower than they are now and the possibility is they rnight be considerably higher. You have nothing ta lase and everythig ta gain, byV ordering at this time. You'Ul save money: you'U have your coal in your bin and you'il be safe li an emergency. It la alsa a decided advantage ta order "blue coal," Lbe- cause this trademarked anthracite assures you cf gettlng what you asked for-the world's flnest anthracite. These days, with so many fuel problems, substitution or znlxlng may of necessity be more prevalent than before and this means inferior heat and more coat ta yau. But wlth '"blue coal," the blue colour that you cari see at a glance, guarantees the qualty-and guarantees delivery of the coal you ordered. Why not get i touch wlth us by phone to-day-anmd we are sure you wiil thank us next fail for the suggestion we are making ta you now, because we slncerely Le- lieve that what we say is true: you'11 be better oit li many ways by getting "blue ceai" and ordering It rlght now. Shoppard & Gill Lumber Co. Limitod Phone 715 Dowuianville M l [1e eUIi1 RRK, Deputy AURW« 0 . F f >e7 F/ > . 'il -,, A

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