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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1941, p. 5

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TRtJRSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1941 THj~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Weddings- Wrght-Yellowlees Gladioli, nhlox and Regal Lilies fonmed the back-ground at the home of the bride's parents, En- niskillen, on August 2nd for the marriage of Marguerite Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, to Frankc Osmond, I only son of Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright, Blackstock. Rev. Walter Rackham, Hampton, perfonxned' * the ceremony and Miss JesÈie à. Yellowlees, sister of the bride, ~~laYed the wedding music. Given ini manriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a Romance blue sheer. She car- ried a nosegay of pink carnations, pink roses and baby's bneath with a matching halo. Her only at- tendant was Miss Margaret Brack- enridge, Millbrook, gowned in a dusty Pink sheer and carried a nosegay of mauve asters and baby's breath, with matching halo. Mr. Neil Yellowlees, brother Of the bride, attended the groom. At the reception which- follow- ed, Misses Kathleen Baker, Helen Yellowlees and Mrs. George Grahams served, with the assist- ance of Miss Jessie Cation, Toron- to, aunt of the bride. Following the reception the bride changed to her travelling costume of red and white redingote with pîcture hat of white trimmed with red. Af ter the wedding trip the happy couple will reside in Bowmanville. Bowers-Petit A very pretty garden weddmng took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman, Hamp- ton, on Saturday, August 9th, at 3.*30 p.m., when Gertrude D. Petit, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. R. A. Petit, was married to Daniel Kenneth Bowers, son o! Mr. and the late Mrs. Bowers, Toronto. The bride took her place under an arch of evergreens in thc rosery, surrounded with garden flowers, gowned in powder blue and dusty rose crepe redingote style, with white accessories, and carrying white and pink gladioli. Miss Ceile Petit, gowned in white flowered chiffon and large white hat, acted as bridesmaid, and also carried gladioli. Mr. James You- delI, Toronto, was best man. The bride was given in marriage by Mn. Wm. Chapman, the ceremony being per!ormed by Rev. W. Rackham. Miss Norah Horn play- ed the wedding music. The house was nicely decorated with a profusion of flowerà, the bride's table being in pinlc and white. A buffet luncheon was B* hgSayifnz «M~on't ever eaU me Fatty again, you littIe shrlmp. 1 wouldn't give up cakes and pies fron tthe Carter Family Bakery if 1 could be as thln as a movie star!" Drop inte Carter's Tes, Eoom for a few minutes refreshment at any hour durlng the day or evenlng Have Mary and thse baby gone t. mother'. for a few week's this summer? Don't be a l'eau- opener husband." Make Car- ter's dinner headquarters. En- Loy meals in Uhe frlendlY at- mosphere of home. The Carter Family Dakers For Two Generationa Phone- 855 Delivery served by friends of tic bride, Mis. A. Barron, Mis. F. Muir, i&s. J. Reynolds, Miss Gladys Chap- man. Mrs. W. W. Horn and Miss L. Reynolds poured tea. Thc bride and groom left amid showers of confetti for a short honcymoon trip, after which they will make their home at 59 Shir- ley St., Toronto. Among those from a distance who attended the wedding were Misses Grace and Bernice Bowers and Glifford Bowers of Toronto, Mr. G. Gibbs and Mis, W. Gibbs, Oshawa. Varcoe-Brummefl Pink and white gladioli with mauve and white asters formed the background on the nuptial dais at St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanvîlle, August 7, for the marriage of Florence Gwendolyn Brummell, daughter of Scrgt. Ernest E. Brummell, V.G.C., and Mis. Brummell, St. George St., Bowmanville, to John Arthur Varcoe, son of Mi. and ~Mrs. Elston A. Varcoe, Darling- ton. Rev. Canon (Major) C. R. Spencer of St. John's performed the ceremony and Mis. J. A. Gunn played the wedding music. During the signing of Uic regîster, Miss Lillian Naylor sang "O Promise Me." They were married under an arch of hand-made fretwork deconated with a "V" made of mauve asters. The pews were decorated with corsages of white asters and evergneen, with pink and white streamers. Given in marriage by her fa- ther who was ini full uniform, the bride was resplendant in a gown of white triple sheer made~ with shirred coselette waistline and full bishop sîceves. She wone hen aunt's veil of silk tulle with a tiana of handmade lace, fashioned over a century ago, and held in place with orange blossoms. She carried a cascade bouquet o! sweetheart roses and blue corn- flowers with satin streamers caught with connflowers, and wore the groom's gîft o! a dia- mond cluster ring. The bride's attendants werc -Miss Louise Hobbs, cousin of thc bride, and Miss Nora Meredith, cousin of tic groom. Boti wore heaven-blue net with lace inser- tion made on Pnincess limes, and rosette hats made of white tulle. They carried bouquets of red roses and cornflowers. The groomsman was Mi. William Van- coe, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Mi. Norman Morles, Toronto, and Mn. Michael Vetzal, Cobourg. The groom's gif t to the best man and ushens were gold tie-holders. The bnide's gift to the bridesmaids, gold lockets. The neception was held at the home of thc bride's parents where oven 70 guests met to congratu- late parents and smiling newly- weds. The bride's mother, was gowned in pink triple sheer with blue pictune hat and corsage o! orchids. The gnoom's mother wore a gown o! pink French lace with tulle and navy hat and a corsage of roses amd cornflowers. Following the reception the bride reappeared in a travelling costume of heaven-blue sheer with white accessonies, and amidst showers o! confetti and good wish- es the joyous couple left for a two ,veeks' motor tour through the Muskoka district. Upon their return they wilI be at home at R.R.4, Oshawa. Out o! town guests included friends and rela- tives fromn Niagara Falls, Toronto, Wiitby, Peterboro, Coîborne, Co- bourg and New Toronto. Showers which preceded the manrage were given by her cou- sins, Misses Ruby and Louise Hobbs, and others by the groom's cousin, Miss Nora Meredith, and by Mis. W. Virtue and daughters, at alI of which the prospective bride received many beautiful gifts. Mewett--Hobbe An interesting wedding took place August 7th at St. Georke's Anglican Ciurch, Oshawa, when Patricia S. Hobbs, daugiter o! Mr. and Mis. O. S. Hlobbs, becamne Uic wife o! Mr. Charles H. Mewett, son o! Mn. and Mis. C. Mewett, Oshawa. The church was lovely with gladioli and palms, Rev. D. M. Rose performing Uic ceremony and Matthew Gouldburn assisting with the wedding music. The bride, given in manrage by her fatier, wore a stniking floor-length gown of white silk jersey with a finely pleated skirt and a quaint hood of thc same matenial. She carried a sica! o! pof t white gladioli and wore a Summer Stock is almost gone. But we want to clear every article. If you can't believe it, corne in and look around. Prices have been cut to an absolute minimum. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for. "Better-" Dresses $2,.9,5 Regularly t. $U5 Sunimer's pize-winning dresses at glve-away pnicesi Stun- nlng rayon, rayon jerseys . . . "buys" definitelyl In vlvld prints, darks, polka dots. Misses, womnen. But mot every style Il every size ... 50 hurryl SUMMEFR COATS NOW AT HALF PRICE Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Mt. Phone 836 BowmanVllle POPULAR DARLINGTON COUPLE MARRIE]) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf pictured after their wedding on July 26th. Mrs. Metcalf before her marriage was Miss Audrey Ayre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ayre, Hampton. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Noble I. Metcalf, Maple Grove. The cere- mony took place in Zion United Church with Rev. W. Rackham officiating. single strand o! pearîs, a gift from tic groom. Mis. Geoffrey Terrett, her sister, was matron o! honor in a ciarnung white organ- dy gown designed with a drop- shoulder necklinc and trimmed with red and blue. Hvr matciing, icart-siaped hat was crownless and sic carnied a noscgay tint bore out tic patriotlc theme in deep blue cornflowers with white and red gladioli. Miss Vera Lons- berry, Bowmanville, and Miss Ha- zel Penfound were bnidesmaids, tic former in a full-skirtcd white orgamdy with blue embroidery, and Uic latter in a similar bou- fant white organdy with red cm- broidery. Eaci wore white heant- siaped bat similar f0 tic matron o! honor's and carried matchimg rcd, white and blue nosegays. Mr. Ivan Hobbs, Bowmanville, brother o! tic bride, was grooms- man. Mr. George Mewett, bro- ther o! tic groom, and Mi. John Hobbs, Toronto, brother o! Uic bride, wcrc usiers. Following thc wedding a de- lightful reception was ield at tic Genosia Hotel, Mis. Hobbs ne- cciving tic guests in a iandsome black sheer floor-lcngth gown .with white accessories and a cor- sage o! red roses. Sic was assist- cd by Mis. Mewett, motier of tic goom, wio Wore a ici Amenican blue floor lczgt gown witi cgg- shell accessories and pink rose- buds in her corsage. For a wedding trip motoning through tic Muskoka district, Uic. bride changed to a white cyclet pique drcss, wearing a Dutci cap o! cyclet matenial and blue acces- sories. Upon their return tic couple will live in Oshawa. THE OL» STONE WELL Wiat joy f0 remember tic old stone curbed well, Outsidc by our back kitchen door, With its ca, cold, spring watcr, tiat camne !rom thc hills, A mile away, maybe 'twas more. My gra ndmothcr 'galed me, wien I was a lad, With iow fiat old wcll came to be, My geandfather dug it with labor. s0 hard, 'Way back in thc lasf century. He gathcred Uic stones from tic fields o! tic farm, And curbed Uic inside all around, Tien topped Uic old wcll witba a circled stone wall, That sat on tic curb at tic ground Tic watcr wc drew with a long ten-foot pole, With a twcnty-inci iook on its end, That prevcnted tic pail !rom c'en tumbling at ail, When into .tic well 'twould descend. Witi tic polc we would sink tiat old pail to Uic brim, And fill if witi water so full, Tic spifi about haîf o! if bumping thc sides, As tic load to Uic top we would pull. Tic old well sf111 serves wiUi its spring waterca, But gone aie Uic pole and Uic pail, An electrified system, witi higi pressure tank, Now serves tic wlsole place witiout fail. Still I'd love to go back f0 tint old stone curbed well, And iook that old pail-oi wiaf joy- On Uic pole. and pull up just one real, good cold drink, Like I used f0 wien I was a boy. RALPU GORDON, 628 Crawford Sf. Toronto, Nestieton Sympathy is extended to Mr. Wm. Beacock and family in their sad bereavement. Nestîcton W. 1. met at Mis. Agnes Shepard's on August 6Ui. Meeting was iri charge of Mis. D. Davidson's group. It was Grand- mothers' Day with 15 grand- mothers present. Contest was won by Mis. G. Johns. A good pro- gram was given and a dainty lunch was served. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mis. Shepard and ladies in charge for a plear- ant and profitable afternoon. Service next Sunday morning will be in charge of the cottagers. A number from Nestieton at- tended the Wight picnic at Hamp- ton on Wednesday. Service Sunday mornmng was taken by Mr. Merle Thompson. Visitors: Miss Jean Malcolm and Mr. Neil Malcolm visited fri- ends at Brooklin. Jean sang at the mornmng service. . . Mi. and Mis. Robt. Ewers and Miss Nora Por- teous, Oshawa, at Mi. C. H. Por- teous'. .. Mr. and Mis. Marshall Malcolm, Janetville, at Mi. L. Joblin's. . . Mr. Frank Joblin and Mi. Buddy Joblin, Janetville, with. friends here. .. Mis. Susan Johns, Mi. and Mis. Geo. Johns and Billy, at Madoc. .. Mi. and Mis. Wilford Jackson and famnily with frienda at Uxbridge. . . Mr. and Mis. Melville Tracey, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheeler and family, Port Perry, at Mr. R. M. Hoskin's. ..Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton, visited her mother, Mis. Peter Wright. The Statesman is now on sale ecd week at Thompson's Store,1 5c a copy. Couple Honour.d At Golden Wedding When Mr. and Mrs. William A. Walker, Toronto, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on August 4th, at the home o! their daughter, Mrs. D. G. Seaton, Sprucehill Ave., surprises were thc order oi the day. Chie! among these was the presentation o! a 50-year membership jewel to Mn. Walker by a delegation o! Odd Fel]ows rcpresenting Flor e nc et Nightingale Lodge, Bowmanville. Those attending from Bowman-1 ville branch o! the Odd Fellows were Noble Grand Orville Boe, J. E. Anderson, Sid Little, Howard1 Cowle, Wm. Yeo, as well as Past1 Noble Grand J. J. Mason who had1 the added pleasure o! being calledi upon to present the fifty-year pin to his brother-in-law, Mi. Walker.t Mns. Walker was the recipient o! a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Others attending fromn here were Mrs. N. S. B. James and Mn. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mason. The celebration was carried out in tic delightful garden setting o! the Seaton home. Mrs. Walker, who is 77, was born in Bowmanville and wasE married tiere. She was the for- mer Harriett Wright, daughter of1 the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen1 Wright. Mn. Walker, who is aiso 77, was born in Brooklin. A sheet1 metal worker for over a hall- century, hie refired some 10 years1 ago. While in Bowmanvrille he1 was tinsmiti with Rice & Co.i Upon going to Toronto he was fori many years in tic employ o! Douglas Brothers Ltd.c AThe couple had five childrcn. Ason, Alex, died in France while serving in tic great wai, and a second son, Horace, died ine ycars ago. Mis. Rae O'Brien, Brock Ave., a daugiter, was alsoi present at the party. A third daugiter, Mis. J. J. Scanlan, Los Angeles, Calif., was unable to at- tend. The Walkers have seven grand- cildren and one great-grand- ciild, three-year-old Bllly Knott. Mrs. C. W. Siemon Gives Topic At Trinity W.M.S. Trmnity Woman's Missionary Society met August 5th, witi Mis. G. F. Purdy's group in charge. Mrs. Purdy prcsided, and read tic theme o! the month, "Demonstrating tic C i r s t i a n Lif e", Mis. Howard Jeffrey read Uic scripture lesson, and Mrs. W. P. Rogers led in prayer. Mis. Aubrey Smith gave an interesting rcading from tic pen o! Dorothy Tiompson on "Love Tiy Neigi- bour." Mrs. C. W. Slemon gave a paper entitled "Thougits on tic Abun- dant Life." In if sic stresscd Uic inter-dependence o! Home and Country. We should view our lives in ticir relation to Uic corn- fliunity ini which we live. In tic Christian Social Order there sliould be: <1) Adequate housing for ail; (2) Sufficient clothing for health and comlort; (3) Sufficient wholcsomc food for ail nceds; this means control o! production and distribution; (4) Christian women should engage in ielping to meet the nccds o! their fcllow citizens. Mis. Puidy led in tic reading of "A Litany for those who la- bor," tic mnembers rcsponding in unison. The program for the day was brought f0 a close with a lovely solo given by Mis. E. G. Dewey. At tic business session presided over by Mis. M. J. Hutchinson, tic reports of secretanies o! de- partments wcrc read. Mrs. Rut- chinson was appointcd a delegate to tic School for Leaders to be hcld in Whitby Ladies' College thc last o! August. Mis. C. W. Slemon, Supply Sec- rctary for Oshawa Presbyterial, stated tiat during tuis ycar her dcpartment had shipped 850 lbs. o! clothing to Newfoundland; 155 lbs. to Kitamoaf; 250 lbs. to Mon- ley, Sas. Indian Reserve; 350 lbs. to England; 100 lbs. to Norfhern Ontario. AlI of tuis was in ex- cellent condition, and muci o! it absolutely ncw. RECALL LIFE 0F PIONEERS AT EXHIBITION The display o! a reproduction o! an original pioncer home o! tic type from whici so many Cana- dian families came will be a fea- turc o! tic Womcn's Building at thc C.N.E. tis year, announccd Mrs._ H. M. Ait en1 dreto o tic tribute by Rev. John Lindsay, o! Whitby, who preacied at both services on Sunday. "as an ex- ample o! filial pief y wiici cher- ishes Uic mnemory o! a noble father." - Cobourg Sentinel-Star. Mr. Allen was a brother o! Uic Mwses Allen, Beech Ave. Bow- manville. Salem Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pollard and Rosemary, Toronto, were guests with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. March and children, Wheatley, have been holidaying with Tyrone friends and renewing acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Cator and family, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and son, and Mr. A. E. Ca- tor, Toronto, have returned home from a pleasant holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs..F. Cator. The Cator fami4ies enjoyed a visit with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cator, at Cobourg in the form of a f amily picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Cain, Orono, accompan- led them. By a printer's error last week the names of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMurtry, St. Thomas, were omitted from a news item which should have read: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMurtry, St. Thomas, were on a motor trip East and called on Bowmanville friends and took tea with their niece, Mrs. H. Bar- rie. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry and Miss Thelma were also guests at the Barrie home. Miss F. Moody, Toronto, spent last week at the Gaud home while Mrs. H. Gaud spent the week in Toronto with her mother Mrs. Moody. Several Salem folk attended the lecture and picture slides given by Dr. Williams, Toronto, at Ty- rone on Friday evenîng. Proceeds were in aid of the parsonage fund. Salem Women's A.ssociation met at the home of Mrs. Luxton on August 8th. Mrs. L. Squair open- ed the meeting. Scripture reading by Mrs. W. Cann. President led in prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Richards had charge of this program: Read- ing, Mrs. Blackburn, violin sel- ection, Dorothy Winter. accom- panied by Mrs. Burrus; Reading, Mrs. L. Squair; music, Murray Cain. A social haif hour was then spent when Mrs. Richards and her group served lunch. No Sunday service last Sundayl as oun pastor is stili on vacation. FOR DELICIOUS DESSERTS . . . . COLaÀSET of Plduresofif 'Ius ICL~ARglmiq Paces udWuskWips warships of the British Navy and Brltaln's Flghtlng Planes. Pictures provide you wlth an historîcal record. Sec ad. on another page explalnlng how to obtai these and glvlng deliclous reelpes with Canada Corn Starch. Burford 20 oz. Uin Quaker Peas - l Oc Fleur Chicken Haddie 14c 98 lb. bag 14 oz. tUn $250 Llpton's V2- lb T«a - - - - :38c Wonder Soalp - 8 bars 25c FRE 5H FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FIEZ To usera of Can- ada Cors Starcis. Beautiful coloured, and mounted pic- turcs of fainous Crisco - - - lb. 23e 3 Ibo.-- - 65c Extract 8 oz. bottle Vanilla-- - 25e Red River Cereal - -*25C FRYS COCOA lb. tin Me1c/21b tin 2lc FRY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP . - 15c HARRY ALLIN THE CORNER GROCERY Phone 367-368 We Deliver If thc motives o! humnan affec- emduring and tion are ight, Uic affections are Baker Eddy. For each picture desired taire two box-tops from two packgesof anad Con Sarchon he ack o n oif them write your nasse and address plainly çwitote niasse of the picture you want. Send the box-tops to The Canada Starch Company Ltd. Dept. GF, 49 Wellington St. E., Toronsto. Your requeis wll be flled promptly. These wooderful Pictues are also obtainable for 2 box-tops frein packages of 13ENSOW'S CORN STARCH SULVER GL oS ANr Y TRH or 1 comnplute label from a du of CUOWN BRAND SYRUP * LIILY WNITC SYRUP 1 KCARO (for each piceure desired>. DELICIOUS DESSERT TUE EASY WA Y With CANADA CORN STARCH you can Sachieving.-Mary Temp. 3501. Irmse:45 minues. 2 ga 2 1up ,m,,,Iada 4 euwhite tusa, 34 espan a :& l Pb .a. canadà 34.eapoon 9 -ted aurc , nutnmg <ptional> 1/le teep.on sait METHO(D-.De es sgsdy' Uasi .ixetoebe,. ScAt in hot imili aud vaufil. Pont sxure iuto individuel cumard cus aprel uleaaed p= neover tihe top Olt all cs yaaa aii * L cosLI5 L aUkC Ibatwater ln G.Kinouneon. avAls manges and a great variety of delightftsl desserts. upeue ms4t L- m MURSDAY, AUGUST' 14th, 1941 PAGE Fi V THZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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