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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1941, p. 1

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A VOLUME 87 BOW,-M'ANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1941NMER4 O. LEES PETERDORO, Wl Playe In,,*"zeýs0FCARHATAT ROTARY FA!tio Plaed u Ctizu'sBau THATR FRNT eeat 01o Agriculture A Manly Act Huge CrowdEjySve DRAWSCOMMNT g We are indebted to the Globed no W e mu'" a Bon*a d ea. Kse Eiiior and Mail for the following letter ---f 1 UP- O -DAT whehthe prnte Tursay s aruival Sets Reor Heutoria iuoU . Was D m ISU-O-AE tQebc onemornng. They, in an ital' Rampton girl DrawsTce H41oiaMuseciu ases The glittrof backtrlie o tQucCetionhgl S men r alCt=tr __ Thateis telatest fideaw M.Hgrt sa iie David Morrison Wrote BELOVED OrIzEIf PASSES management has put ine practice i-i. H. Hannam Presents Lfilled every wartime agreemnent of highest character. He has FLEW TO ENGLAND Svny-Fv olr tooannunce o patons teoruaity EconoMie Position of for food stuffsato Great Britarn shown a lead that must be salient i aaePie t Hait Century - Was of the current attractIons. Agriculture -Lads ned nthuer ofrasecaset.nP At considerable expense Mrs. W e tract Keenth cntac. aoteComnpiseti-rvd p Doris Ross has modernized the ài)P Press of Cao- To date farm people have made ology it is gratifying that his at. lr Authorty On Lacairemodelled the en- ada. a magnificent war contribution titude ere s th sta ten to lllstry - as Buied tanct h oa etei __ and it has been done withOut by The Statesmanwhchabenar Yesterday. ~~~~~~~~~~~order to keep pace with the times It ls impossible to carry the fulpotbeeun.T rdc codalars aaa h _____and demands of mcereasing busi- address delivered by rsdn under great handicaps is a demon- letter follows as it appeared inAs edastsou f"Bno Eowmanville's grand old man ns.Hnaao h eeaiho g stration of loyalty of the first the Globe and Mail: is gone. David Morrison Sr., with Saturday evening the officiai riculture, at the Canadian Weekly ore.rfcrtcimofordaioa that youthful amile .on his lips opening la to be held. For the oc- Newspapers Association Conven- re.Icitisofu nina TENDERS 111S APOLOGIES eptfo that we knew so well, simply casion a double feature program tion at Quebec City Iast week war program is rather general tOMShA KZK'ex-Mayr Rn Srkecece slept away from this if e to- the with two very fine pictures is an- owing to space limitations. The ýmns theyare imopate necmasethe latSset of numbersEBigaBen next 'on Monday, August l8th, flouiiced in the Royal advertise- main points, however, apeis they hae impotyent been gîe To the editor of the Globe and n the ost ofcesruktwle 1941. He had suffered a stroke ment.this week. It is expected herewith and are worthy ai thechnefra ai-uefotnMil twa weeks aga and grgduaily his that wark wiil be complete by close study of ail of our readers, cmaximufoodanaprouctieo n aftrl osierbeonogtthe eepgoa ve.Ps strength ebbed away. Born in Stra n r.Rs ln abt ua n ra.maiu odpouto.Atrcnieal huhIPresident Go hs one Rosshire. Scotland, January 30, !audyadMs ospast ohrrladubn f prices of- farm products are have came to believe that, in a the platformtiefr h ia have the foyer specially decorated. Food is the great basic require- being held down by contract seil. spirit of misguided patriotism, I . c fageteeig 1849, lhe was thus in his 93rd year The work has been carried out ment of human beings. igo atm otos hî ,hv enldt iem nl- ~ ::atfera fwwrd fghnat an ad p ni aot i wesby the Consolidated Glass Co. ôf In thepresent world confiet chk i t h onthwhomr' ago ben onriutig istrialToronto with some being done by food la as vital as guns. Not onlycc spedo thfamrs neoanctatsunrtsh. everyanegneosysp sketches, in lus own handwri#mg, rismng costs of production, how is and not becoming ta good Can- pre h ta The Statesmai!. Heshwa weaandneyeratons by is it a most essential and idiS1' it possible for him ta pay much ainctznhp h lbsda ups daTeailyaf e é èvraia iiznhp maitani or Mr. Caecie ndmr knawn as 'Old ~ Morrison' be-local craftsrn:n. Interested by- Pensibe munition of war, but itý more for hired help, or to put I therefore take thîs apportunity lti uilHnmn aitn cause f hie erpetully yathfulwatched the men daubing cernentth moralecofiaaleople cows, saws, through the pages of your paper,tada th wnmgice.G autlook. To ail his wide cfrcle-i on the vitrolite while memary fthh mrae fdtpope.fueeur anefryfa toutet . Missenoeak nd hierfamooiest and 4 A friends he was simply Dav er rbal oe ak obyho i o ona o qsr_?rios avé,Mr- Wih fod thefounationof qute rturnsfor arm oeratdeslissedzathed lirnner ain da 1941 rison. No one was moreAilghly uays when they gat uliitd weil-being, land becomes the most it is humanly impossible for dairy ta ail other Ukrainians in Canada. eseee i tecomui& nPontiac Coh.H hedtct eoeoemcd inth cmni tÈ knd aidMrrsnpiasure out of paying with valuable asset ta word society. farmers prticuarly, and others as And if by my conduct I have N.89 naan cul ath lmfr çeri Dvd orisnsticky mud in the same fashion. It ioilows logically toa that the well. ta use their present stock injured in any way the citizens nteti folks wha till the sali are entitled and equipment ta full advantage of my own community and is expected h a ilb e nesai mernory ànd intellect'-' who pesscd eway ut* hie home The labby is newly* dccorated. ta be recagnized and treated as let ahane expand stock and equip- country, I heartiiy apalagize. hivered tao r e ody h hie Scottish «pioneer par- Manday eit the age of 9.ý His The ticket afiîce han been rcbuilt frtctzn.,mn o aiu rdcinj .HGRH eante young Dee a rsosfc te . Ad tt eî ai tnga e binthe Canadin t a e o t e sr e i c od If food, and sl, and the foks> Floors and Ceil mgs Hampton, Ont. Rt. Hou. W . L. M ackenzie King, The big p r d e u es c ln te 1 et2 bthr ee yea r f e , tt s a a e b it u n u - with m dern ustom . The wh lc wh a til the so ul, are realy fun. Nowad ys it la the popular C. M . G., P. . w e r As ot a th au i n e sinc 185 hasbeen asident ai ýusuel Volume oan local history. efect ai thc alteratians bas been damental-and we believe it- thing ta talk about a floor or a Cnda rm iitr fot eetebcbn ifi thsea disrict. With laile t y For over evead n y-igu ivn yeu s ia gvc Ryl aowd-rm re would it nt be more fitting for ceiling in prices, w ges, etc. Our W EEK LY ED ITO RS Following cosely alter the ffair and th n m s of he b t as a writ r li rel ted haf e w s e cedi g fi ure n mu icalor- spacieus and attractive appeai-- us ta estabhlih irst a standard of Cenadian G overnm ent hes beenO N E N T O N n oas e e tinp o hrchi l e n of a l b the R ti- ar t lied vcry littie schooling, but for genizations ai this tawn. ance. Ms.Rose la certany ta beort i or odm d ae ner OLDmntu meinCf hrcil fths aperTth rielit 50 years hie wes correspondent ____ivngfo_____________mremoeradorete-_looevlt__n he..h eaH t LDle for the Orono News and hie con- ogauae ntersl hl people,. and then cancern aur-, prising. They have put in an elcv- butions ta The Statesman have than â psing interest in affaire. the front street ai Bawmaniville selves about brlnging other groupa ator ta take the rewards for in- IN _QEBE CIing eitNwYrsusa anCmsoc, ccmemed by cMrx-iehro becn masterpieces af local histori- Uhie =ey wha leud the "goad lias been greatly improved by the ai aur citizens up ta that stand- dustry and labor up-contraed Nary30rrsnttes fafrybo efrEgadc-psintiteLosClTd callae. iefre jb, aeiiiflc od aso r.t arriesand wanth ane.ard? Crtainly this la fot the yes, but moving up and bth Canadin weekly newspapers eit- cording ta reliable infrmation. Chant. hardware trade. Next,. for 15 aice itetmsadte _________ pracedure whîch lias been folow- starting on a higher floor than tended the annuelcovnina His trip la seid ta be et the in- Folwn cos bhidwr yeai,s he was witli- MClung'e changes which science hec cd inaoui- èconomic warld. Quite agriculture. For aricl tuCrvttnconvenrtiio avef- memers i teLosCu ed Carrnage Sbop. For airother 15 wruh.TccifdvrecGrrd e eIthc contrary. whîch was in the gursio ae,- esanadan eekly Newspap- v ebr asepression base- crs Asso wasciation in Quebec City on ment and lic is cxpccted ta con- ed by colaron: hi bneaL yeare tac -Dominion' argan & a esaltewstattee a H.mor.d BySupply .Witliout Profit mn nUcfuo 99adle uut1,1 n 6 îhpr fer with Prime Minister Churchil. smartly attediwhtflneq Piano Campany claimed hlm as a lese observance ai Sunday and yThen enticamefal f thean bLions Bic cied16,wih er tunran li cmpete he c- lirey eope os mulitaecd C urh A soiaes The Canadien Federatian ai been there for ten years, not oniy hape hlai that number continuing yhncr tuner, ad hè cAgricultureac-declarcdpepet the be- dideedtacyrenot.prsoviae ganceleveatorreefterwherdebyidsteamert upothe an SafetyrClub.waThey stoaersufeatui-eCl tive working ycars after 17 yeai-s Fnrlsrie ecnut ginning ai Uic war, and ban re- but they actuaily took tac stairs Saguenay and return ta Montreal C O J'~ uu.u a maximumanvctadt- et flic Dur-ham and Goodycr ub d by bis, pastor, Rev. A. R. Cragg About 20 Marning Haur girls peeted and repeeted: "Canadin away TsdyThStemnware-LIJ.I fUAr genuîty thi cr n lcnn ber plante., Ne retired n 1929. i t.he usid n tedf Chirso , taivriiydhucihomeedette grcotrfsfrttak n pranWhlandl wrti ojetveprsntd tth cnenin y omecilcAsLte Crp1e, flic rsidene ai bs son8Devudome iHln dGwnHaemaunt duty is ta place its who1 ta trY ta prevent tac inflation cx- Mrs. Gea. W. James .andricilss C(iDL'ti' IpIayedPegat p R.wae music. Conces sionS., on Centre Street, Tueddy cveig, ïtrngth- and unite its resaurceS Periences ai the lest war, and to Ruthi James. SPONSORED BY ClilnscFotihaigto cm hiunuarldcatbion Wcdneday afternooin. ta banor their leader, MisGer- îram sea ta sea behidCanad's ty t s* ilze rics adcenesTe 1841tio, and 1941, dcsgne b and uscfial life and thi-ougli it Many beautiful floral tributes trude Dcweil. On beheli qi the war effort." And agriculture lias a seriaus mistake lias been made educationel, wes even marce 0 maEnH hie assaciatiwsaco h et ine i th eusial slecr tihi banked thc caket ebowing the girls Jaan Woolley presentcd lier 1ivcd up tait declaration. It can iu this connection in Canada. It this yeer, firet beceuse aiflic A. IlD MONDSTJ/ ONE II Thaugli spec osntalwma comnt. fws hi jay deeand htionseeain hahwihflicvn Carvett.eAhu "Chur- t wil omnt. twsbsjy de ead wshigl ecmt hil ll nAvnfle e. ua-b aid, and with Somie measure great historic intereet in flic mast by flc Brokal] ta hlc was hadcld.nsir o ous Paemn writtcn by Evelyn af pride, thet Canada lias ful- (Centinucd on page 4) a fCnde ica rdto hl' nwr tabcp ter ad i isprtion Palibearers werc Messrs. C. A. Harnden wan read and mucli en- ______________________________________ n an.~d In accard witl aiti suad cisAs wa ficinlunc wici roglfJolinston, Neil Yellowlees, A. M. joyed. Gertrude thanked flic girls secandly beca1use fli cocmmittee sacial practice Werdcn Ae d i~ea usrea meny a youtli ta an appreciation Hardy, Jas. Abcrnctliy, Gca. E. for flic lovely gift and lided cd m m u .. *of** * * = * a arrangements, publiehers af mondetone, Reeve af Bawman- Goodyerdipa fet-ng is aiflice velue ai music. He plaed Cliase and Gea. W. James. girl sign lier name fa flic paem. Quebec newspapers, lied lef more ville, le agein sponsoring an cx- Grace Hall s"isGaya, ina mnlaband the and orces -________ Games were played, aiter which IO M n il time for sighf-seeing by extend- cursian as a gesture ai good-will were twa i c bet trac s d was witli flic itize s'ae asfy lunch was erved. The _ ing flic convention fta flre days. ta flic peple of Durham and Orana a d, S ni r La is Band whicli plaed at flic cdc- Sir. PAU'S on il - n t e-L: e ]F eBn bratian aiflice birtli ai Confedere- girls ail regret Gcrtrude's depar- V I UA A IVE II BR Ail business sessions, except those Narthiumberland Counfies. 1 ur, utwih ie eer saissoftac hard-working directors sud Duc ta war restrictions, flic FieandDunBadBom - sioe great,,bande.Ta hae fes r Sf. Paul's W.M.S. met linflic in lier new cancer as elie takes up committees, wcre lield morninge usuel cruise fa Rocliester, N. Y., ville Band,an e aw and Mr-. Morrisoas an cfiveîy Sundey Scliaol room Auguef l9tli. lier dut les as nurse-in-fraîning ef *m m rm m* * M M M M M only. lias lied f0 be abandoned, but Cadets furilidUceppmu ldcntfifîd wstb fthc D. 0. & P. Ca. Mrs. W. H. Carrufliers presided Peterbora Hospit al. EAST SIDE BEACH Major Jolin H. Fox lias been esk- Walter Lcggc President genial Alex, not fa be outdone, sical portin a tc prde Band and tac 45fli Baffalion Band. and gave flic calj ta worship.. De-cdtcoineisdreen c WaerLgciGabyQu. plans a Moonliglit Excursion fram Clowns kepficadee ugi lie was bandmasfcr af tac Dur- vafionel pcriad wan taken by Mi-s. Miss Mabel 'Reed, Oshiawa, iled acntne.s drs o ieWa lecpr esde n, Qu e.,n oor nWdedaAge nwieta idc'prd liam Rubber Company Éand; alsa J. A. Cox, and àg[is. Harald Fergu- COMINO EVENTS guet ai Mies Doris Rogers. nEgld wrie. H. E. Rice ai Huntsville. Walter 27tli. If will be a four-hour lake e show i el.Tc eina played witb Oshiawa Citizens' son ofercd prayer. Mies Sex- Mi-. sud Mre. Keifli Wilsan are Tic Beach Association lield Ashuield ai Grexifeil, Sask.,wlio trip an anc ai Uic palatial "On- Frontîcremmei-cc.Ti c Band. In flic old days lic wan emita read tatercsfiug partions Reserve Sunday, Auguet 31sf, occupying Lai-ne McQuarrie's caf- their final meeting Auguet lTth wes funef vice preeldent, continues tail" steamers with dancing as awa unit is n iUcme aa- wifli 5ands whicli wan prizes at irom flic book "Camne Wind Came and Monday, Sept. 1sf, for Tyi-onc fage. with President H. Goddard itheUicn that office lu absentia, while lie the main attraction. fui and bestmrhn vrce variaus paitsteilaOntaria. Whcn Wale"b elp t~e RirHarveef Hame. Details in ncxf Mrc. J. Wilson and daugliter, carad2 ebr rsn.l natv evc.Tcpresi- Pi oe wiU btagtven, wli er f n fliuctan Bill Berry was given a liearty vote dency ai taeaasaociat ion likciy mi n an afi odra îogiu i aaetc", peet ciglity lic coached tac Bugle Mr. Ralpi Cerrutacre ai New weck's issue. 34-1 Mi-. and Mrs. M. Patter as n, ai thenke for bis splendid wark will gotfakMajorAshF.eldorrisnCa., sîgn egy. Band a e lcBay' Trining School York City gave e vcry instructive Oshawa, visited Mr-. and Mi-s.Bertas chaimantai Majod Dayflic lcy iktF are afaurlref ana su ld li ochste a t.Pel' ddrcss on "Modern Pbofoaphy Dance et SaUnaofrcield by Raghi-i.Bawmanville, bas danateda love- keynate aiflcsenidspa UntdSna col evc, xliigtemeans ai football garne, Hampton vs furn sincerely fliankcd hie com- sent Walter wis i hm luck. Sa feir ly Kenwaod blanket for flic pur- cntcred byflcRtiyCu.o- Un id Sun ay rSho ra er i ce," exlel n fic e o a e S t.A g s 3 d a Salin , M is. O rm iston, B obc eygeon, is m it tee. A s l n i e o t w n fi s o i to e e a i d a p s .b y r m fi l e u e V ie Orilnely PrebyeranMi-takag aailpicureai le,~ Se. Ague 23d.Tickets 25c, in- ependiug a wcek wita Mrs. Thos. given by Treesurer Luttrell, show- brigadier as president. The steamer leaves Cobourg Ranch, Osliwle herla-e Marri-son lafer ettendcd flic Dis- abject, and by ea datag taey are cludes di-ew far a McClary Elec- Hoar. ing liow came liedit-epanded <>ta eewsaral adatn pier eit 7 p.m. Standard Time. Thc plunging andsufn t els cipe Curli lt whcl il fe nabled ta store )arge amaunts aoftric Rangeffe. Geme starte 6 S.T. Mrs. F. Lewis, Silver St., spent hie appeal in bis weckly beach dan tfi uies .anl ie ai 75 cents for talc tic exhibitionac u nUcrne wifc was idcntlflcd. Leter be be- met erial inta làces. Mrs. Clerk'e Orchestra et dance. 34-1 ac ttebsns sinpesn aeti ileal came e member ai St. Peul's Gea. ,Misan exprcssed fhec eppre- an aiternoon wita Mr. and Mrs. paper. Hie repart dliowedcdon<- we lm o sesiones an ae n il nbe Thcjudgccwr edmsJ Psbtc-a su susuctyciation ai tac' sociefy in movmng a Meke mer-y et flie big dance in C. Davie, "Sunuy Naok." clusively that flic iew cottage- iwhcin p andm i dvrtsng, evroetg.O'ilC flic United Churcli. He wes fistvoteafeaithenke ta Mise Sexemifli Newcastle Cammunity Hall, Set- M-wneis .Tsck n weso li etBahaccrculaion neditoria.iCcotenterynota a.oNll,. A.BrltedE.. maried ta Eunlce Or- wlio dicd. and Mi-. Carrutaci-e. Tic meeting unday, Auguef 23rd. Dancing be- son, Owen Sound, anc bolidaying StUR carrying flic responcibility aif cc ieussed. C.V.FCliatDrTEa in 1884, te whom were bainfw loscd with Mrs. Gea. Cliase rcad- gins et 9 p.m. S.T., and continues wita Mi-. and Mrs. H. Wellcen. road expenees witi flic aid ai the Brampton, menaging directon aiofO OF I A E Co-operatinfollcAm children, K. R. -Mornieon, nawoaiîng flic litany, alter whicli Rcv. unf il 11.45. Admission 30c. Spon- Mme. C. Grant and daugliter Town Council's liclp. ît ia for tfisfisoitole nprda S P E B R1,1 a vdn il i iln Bimnhm lbmandWin- ~mn ay dulrT-Bapa M-. Cragg pranaunced flic bene- sared by tic BoardaiMaa e nMrs. W. E. Suffon, Mrs. W. reeson fiat flic folks on thc West fi-st-dlace tedlnicel pragramme. _____ound truckadlclifcs rdf-eofte MnaAno.gpeBA ncw icature wes discussians in enprs nire, atr n.A.Ô.Thmp ictian. men iofNewcastle Cammunity Bab sndud erHilda1, To cBach would apelta flicTown bcing p.eH.nt fa lendRthRir1,ssew- rono, re t "othndene. Cauncil toaesk if flue expense groupe ai speciai intereet tam c M. H.SrtasR. R. The Nur- tance. son, wlio ived.for yeans et.Guif- Hall. 34-1 r F reet"th ende.A."x r couid be covered tiraugli tac me- bers in veniaus circulation classes. hem Central igiulua Society Motf part, Miss. When Mi-. Morrieon's Mi-. Walten Tadgliem, Walker- Ms .Cxedfniy r.du itxto ota hsol iitra iac paer lishe nsuAgrcutur y second wife .dled e few years ega ville, wan la town lest week caîl- Newcastle Horticultural Socle- and fliat. flinereil, Ms.wiu oftabtin lic succese ai the paradenc i-estasbinededa threwil b lis deugliter Mu,. Thampsan cerne ing on aid iniends, whilc guet aif y's Summer Flawer Show wiil bc E. Strecc and Betty, Oshiawe, equelly eliare in flic upkeep ai thc The oufstanding speaker aiflice somefliing unique in flic way ai with Cliairmaimillist n hame ta become hie companion bis -nicce, Mi-s. Ted Large. Mr. ield in tac Community Hall on with Mi-. and Mi-e. A. Dardh. crassing. Mre. Elle Currie render- varlous functions was flic minis- Grandctand et tractions et fie witli willing sitnelecn and liausekeeper. Todgliem celebraf cd hie 84Ui Thursday, Auguet 28ta. Mr. BaSil Mr. and Mi-s. V. Petliick and ed e repart on Euchrcs. Tliese fer ai finance, Hon. J. L. Ilsley, Qi-anoaieu on tlie above dates. teînly made odriljba an, Mrs..F. Pethick and son, Mn. werc sa succeseful fli eli money wlio epoke et a complimentary If may taefi foi-mofai mrilitery thc show. A lcgansLn 'In 1888 M.Mr-enmr-e ifie uut6aedsU n ikcrBiltn iljdefi ~RelosM- n Mr. Ai thxough lic source pi-vided luncleo and FÛidey.gPvcnfby, drighton, icli le feJ.turîng 80 Elliott wae asMngr i Alice BouzWalU,. ier ai Rend- jays life ta flic full, hlivtg pent exhibifs and give an eddress. Tee sM.adMs ltruh ti orepoie unho nFia ie ipa hc sfauigs master E. R. Bouneail, sud fa tfllst fb-ce winters in Miami, will be served from 5.30 fa 7.30, tcwert and baby, Tai-ontoa, were prizes for Field Day. Mrs. Curnie Jolinctan, Everson. & Charles- many fairs tais feul. However, ground work i i rvast tliem wes bai-n David R wha la Florida, matoring there with bis et 25c a plate. Ail moncy prizcs guets ai Mr-. and Mrs. H. G. Pefi- lied fine ca-aiperation and lied no wortli. Mi-. Ilsley peid a greef tri- furthecr annauncement wiil be the fair guaafeif uce chef cierniief et thec doadycar son Herbert. On hie tripbei-e lie will bc paid la War Savinge Certi- îck, "May Fair Cottage". .froiblc obtaining prizes. She sin- bute ta flic weekly press ai Cen- made lanflic column ai Tihe admisrativ biicsu i cercly tlenked ail wio lied don- ada for tsacasitance in meaking Statesman. bsamns Tire & Rubbem Coeppany. came by adi-adlane firn Windsor ficefes. 'ifcd flim. Witli anc or twa met- flic recent Victory Loan flic great- Alredy there is evidence that fectiaus entlusam A fcw yeems ega M n. M o n-ison ta T aronta an d w lf h bis niece M rs. W S I E B A Ht r t a g e e u h s o i - e t s c e s o t i d i a a i n t i e r s f i i l b e k a l p e was .honored by flic Lions Club Frank Hastings, Oshawa, matared Thc annuel Wardcn's Excursion WS IEBAHters istiglined ouf fl i Assoce- est succes a isokid aanaen fvioscr s. feu-wi bravi e- ardePrse eit a banquet wberc lie wao pro- ta Manfi-cal and flice ncient clfy will flic year be e Maanliglit Ex- Mrs. H. Humpiries and Mrs. W. srtion e a. nfrrdwlip ea- lista i-y elsof e nwy vasrcre I o aen Cherecter GopBll lgi clelmcd Bowmanvillle's ottad- ai Quebee. If sa just 30 years cursion firn Cobaurg an Wed- H. Dcnsemn, Town, were Sundey srranx esn ~flceooi n iece ta M a r els And taoe aIl nd YBab SId RvaBae ing pitizea aiflic year. Reminlsc- since Mn. Todghem leit Bowman- nesdey, Auguet 27ta, tac Steamer. gueste et flic Lutti-cl cottage. . prtbeme ecng ic cnd frynat keepta flic dates. n md oea , b dYvnn lng, lie attrlbufed hie remankeble ville and for 30 yerDpreviaus ta Ontario No. 2 leving Cabourg et Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White and rbesfcnthcotyntkephedesimn adb memory ta tflic ec fat alweys fIef was emplaycd wltli fli Do- 7 a'ciock p.m. standard time. Or- deuglifer Gwea and Mns. A. 'WEBT SWAMPS EAST BEACH only la providing enaugli money, flicre. pagenti lie fied ta eke genuine 'rather1 minion Orgen & Pana Ca. lie-eý dliestra on board for round sud Wcmyss, Toronto, spent flic week- (By Bob Patte and D. Baker> men and meteriele for a growing<Ctludn square dancing. Tickets 75c. A end wita Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wesf Beach swemped flic East weflioprtibs t ai godn foritin. c a lJ>'at gp<em~m,> cenwood bienkef will be given Lut treli, X.T.C. cottage.i Beach on Sundey by e scare ai teMovihae ioftd or Plantain Upper S h o eu t sfra lucky ticket, donatd by F. If ws with sincere regret flit 21-2. Tic win pute the West up Mve fMtrPat Fariner eb ew A d eer ToYO-U Sh F. Marris Ca. Faur haurs an flie w berd aioflie passing ofai a ganciai tafd.fIt a GyEc nthe f~ i- ee amtne- For W /orking Students I 1.'~ 1 lake. 34-1 flic beecli'e aldeet residents, Mr. gems ta 2. Ifhewas Guy ech trOtngflic furet evcta mten- Fa m rCie .S ifJ i e tn eAlex Stewart. Oui- deepeet syrn- bis 5-lit performance. He bcld cd flic convention by flic Provin--___ ______________ _____________________ Di-. L. B. Williams, Toi-onto, lias patay goe ouf fa lis femily linflic East fa 3 lits and na ruas un- ciel gaverament. Tic speaker aif JosepliMh wu kindly consenfd ta came ta En- their soi-Iow. il tic fiffli wlin they pusled fIeevcing was Premier Godbout Upper Seool Resuits Nora MerclhMH.3 em Mcwn allngfan TN TA EM Nniskillen Cbui-cli,Fridey, Auguef Mr-. and Mrs. W. Weger and aros warus n walisanand minai f te cabinet me-mbers Here ai-e eddi.inanrn-s. aiQ3,Tmg-c, .A 3 femrlIigsut iSluws29a t8 ..sanadtrnt auîe Eicr Me Ta ieHrriIn awl.Ifsec fi ec rsn e a ha ale pe Sha tuet a o- Gan oft-L.c Ga.c 'I ___~tfruîrn With Whlch Are lncorporated The Bowmanvilie News, 'The Newcastle iliependent, And The Orono News OF CAR AT - ROTARY FAM

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